1909-08-03 Regular CC MinutesTUESDAY,AUGUS,T 3RD 1909.
The Lieeting was called to order by layor W.E.roy.
The Roll was called. and Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond and Bullock, (5)
were noted present and Councilman Crosiy,Ells,Fisher and Probst,(4),absent.
The minutes of the meeting of July 20th 1909,were read and ordered. approved.
ilr.Bulloch moved that the minutes of the meeting of July 6th 1909,1e corrected
spreading upon the minutes of the meeting of this date,that certain Resolution passed at
the meeting of July 6th 1909,in relation to Street improvements by the South Shore Land
Company in the Oak Shade Tract and that said resolution be so entered upon the minutes of
this Council as of said 6th day of July,1909. The purpose of said motion being to ob-
tain the record of said Re olution,seconded by Ylr.Krumb,seconded by Iiir.Krumb and carried
IT the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker , Xrumb , Hammond., and Bullock, (5).
Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Crosby,E 1 ,Fisher and Probst, (4).
Th e _solution referred is as follows:
Whereas the South Shore Land Company,a corporation, is preparing to plat those certain
premises in the City of Alameda bounded on the north by Central Avenue ;on the east by a line
running from the southerley line of Central Avenue from a roint 192 feet westerly from the
westerly line of ninth Street to a point on the Bay of an Francisco where the easterly.
line of Lot 14 in Block 20 of Oak Shade Tract,if extended southerly,would intersect said
,:on the sonth by aid. 1 y;and on the west by Pro rect Street,to be known as Bay Park
Tract,on which plat there will be shown streot sixty feet in width extending along the
line of ordinary high tide as established by the Board of State Tide Land Commissioners
from the easterly line of l'rospect Street and southeasterly along the entire front of said
premises to be known as Portola Avenue ;also a street sixty feet in width extending from
Central Avenue to the Bay of an Francisco to be known. as Burbank Street;and
Whereas it is the intention of said South Shore Land Company to grade,nacadanize,
curb,sidewalk and gutter said streets and to lay therein sewers,gas and water mains and
electric light conduits in accordance with the Ordinance of the City of Alameda,and to
construct along said line of ordinary hih tide in front of said premises a concrete wall
eight feet in height above the base and to fill behind the sarne,and as soon as said work
shall have been done to dedicate said streets to the public. ow, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that as soon as a plat of said
remises shall have been filed by said South Shore Land Company dedicating said streets to
the public,and said premises shall have been improved as contemplated in the preamble ,the
City of Alameda will do and perform the following acts,to wit
First. It will pay to said South Shore Land Company the actual cost of that part of
the concrete wall in front of and to the width of Burbank Street and of the fill behind
the same.
Second. It will,at its own expense as soon as said wall is completed or while the
same is in course of construction,extend a wall along said line of ordinary high tide in
front of Prospect Street and fill in behind the same and connect said Prospect Street with
Portala Avenue so that vehicles can readily pass from portala Avenue to Prospect Street.
Third. It will,at its own expense as soon as the property owners of property front-
ing on the Bay between the property owned by the South Chore Land. Company and Ninth Street
shall construct a concrete wall along said line of ordinary high tide to connect with the
wall of said South Shore Land Company,and. extend Portala Avenue to Ninth Street,extend said
wall along said line of ordinary h15h tide in front of Ninth Street and fill in behind the
sane and connect said Portala Avenue with Ninth Street so that vehicles can readily pass
from Pertain Avenue to Ninth Street.
.17 U UT ova_klu
improve Prospect Street between Central Avenue and said concrete wall by grading,nacad-
amizing,sewering guttering,curbing and sidewalking the same.
Fifth. It will,at its own expense , remove the tank and windmill at the foot of
Prospect Street.
Sixth. It will devote a strip of land 14.20 feet in width on the north side of
Washington Park for use as part of Central-Avenue.
Seventh. It will at its own expense,erect on the southwest corner of Central Ave-
nue and Prospect Street a column of brick or stone surmounted by an ornanental electric
light fixture similar in design to those erected by said South Shore Land Company on
Central Avenue on each side of the entrance to Burbank 3treet,and on the southeast corner
of Prospect Street and Central Avenue.
Eighth. It will,at its own expense,erect on the concrete wall at the footof Pros-
pect Street and at the foot og Burbank Street ornamental electric light fixtures similar
in design to one or more fixtures said South Shore Land Company shall erect on said wall
in front of its premises.
Ninth. It will pay said South Shore Hand Company the actual cost of the section
of the south side intercepting sewer to be laid in Portala Avenue,to be constructed ac-
cording to plans and specifications furnished by the City Engineer and under his super-
intendence as soon as the City of Alameda shall have constructed the balance of said in-
tercepting sewer along the south shore of Alameda and connected the same with the section
constructed by said South Shore Land Company.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 391.80;against the Police Fund amount-
inn to 30.30;against the Street Fund amounting to 0.12.40;against the Electric Light Fund
amounting to 2881.26;against the Library Fund amounting to 1.40.36;against Municipal
Improvement Fund No.8,(Park Playground) amounting to 785.33 and c_ainst Municipal Im-
provement Fund No.8,(Webster Street Roadway) amounting to :23.40 having been approved and
audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:
Services 75.00
Argus Publishing Co. Printing 61.40
Rally, Frank H.
Peoples Water Co.
It If
Pacific Tel E; Tel Co
To e,A.C.
Conrad, John
Advertising 18.00
Premiums 91.50
Hater for Pound 1.78
" City Hall 10.82
Supplies for Clerk 9.25
" Janitor 1.50
Treasurer 10.70
" Auditor 14.10
Building Inspector 2.65
Plumbing 3.25
Painting 5.00
Services 62.50
Total 391.80
Channan,7.7.,assg Shively Bros Bicycle Repairs
La flant,A. Labor
Pacific Tel J'7 Tel Co. Phone Rental
Serralunga,S. Labor
Alameda Daily Argus Printing
Associated Oil Co. Oil 315.
U U u
U TV TI 327.66
Board of Electricity Incidentals 7.95
Crane Co. Supplies 123.43
Deane Steam rump Co.
Degan,L.P. Belting 1.10
Dixon,Fish F: Co. Srder holder 1.50
Dudgeon,liazel Typewriting 10.85
Enterprise Elect.orks Arc Lamps 16.00
Carlock Packing Co. Packing 64.60
Gorham Rubber Co. Supplies 6.38
Kellogg Express Co. Drayage 0 5
Expressage 1.25
Horse-shoeing 3.00
Feed . 69.15
horse-shoeing 3.75
'loop Lugs 4.50
Rags 5.00
Rubber Stamp 1.25
Repairs 12.50
Solder 20.80
Telephones 12.20
Rentals 13.10
Baynes Bolt Works Supplies 7.33
Water 9.00
Lumber 41.25
Repairs Pc 4.65
Copper 'ire 44.85
Stationery Pc 5.10
Repairs 2.60
Supplies 12.51
TI 9.30
TT U 67.11
Westinghouse E.&.L.Co. Transformers 121.24
IdeRae,0has W.
Larshall,Newell Supply Co.
Moise-Klin-kner Co.
Loore P 0o.,C.C.
Pacific Beta]. ':forks
Pacific Tel P Tel
It It
Peoples Hater Co.
Plummer Son, Geo E.
Roeblings Sons 00.,J.IL.
Schneider, Eery
Shively Bros
Sterling Elect
Forward ;;:,2471.55
V:estinghouse E.L.M.Co Barrel]. 4.50
IT I 'deters 160.60
Transformers 100.61
Whittier-Coburn Co. Supplies 76.62
Oil 28.86
Woodin & Little Pulley 3.50
7:orthington,Fienry B. Rubber Valves
Alameda Daily Argus Printing &c 28.05
Alameda Public Library Petty Expense, 16.24
Arthur,F.C. Board. Sign 3.50
Cunningham,Curtiss & Welch Books 15.02
Fielding,G. Daily Newspapers 12.00
Lubben Bros Fuel 11.90
Book 4.50
Peoples Water Co Water 1.80
Robertson,A.E. Book 3.60
Schneider,Henry Stationery F:c 18.75
Volberg,".C. Rent 25.00
Total 140.36
ITLUNICIPAI LjPROVE=T FUND No.6,(Park & Playground)
Cummings,R.L. Labor 12.10
Donovan,Jerry IT 65.00
Dunleavy,R.E. u 65.00
Dunn,M.H. Salary 90.00
Fletcher,I.D. Labor 65.00
Gutleben,John K. U 65.00
&c 188.23
Teaming 105.00
nuuIcirAI =ROVELENT FUND No.8,(Webster St .Road)
Alameda Daily Arf:;us Advertising
Elect Blue Print Co. Blue Prints
1:1r.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,„econded by Yx.Christensen and
carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christersen,Walker,Krumb,Fammond and
Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Probst, (4).
A report was received from the ::,unicipal Electric Light Plant for the year endQ
ing June 30th 1909. Ordered filed.
A report was received, from the Street Department for the year ending June 30th
1909. Ordered filed.
The Clerk presented an affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Paving
Contractors in the matter of the improvement of the East side of the Webster Street
Roadway. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that he was in receipt of only one
bid and thereupon. LA-.Christensen moved that the same be received and opened, seconded
by 1]r.alker and carried and thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bid as follows:
From Ransome,Crummey Co ,the some being accompanied by a bond in the sun of ::;2500.00
Asphalt 7avenent- -
..7edwood Curbing - - -
Drain Pipe- - - - - -
Catch Basins Complete
Lumber in place - - -
One nala cent)
(seventeen cents)
(fourteen' cents)
(sixty-seven cents)
(Thirty Dollars)
(Thirty-five Dollars)
per square
per Square
per linear
per linear
Councilman Ells arrived and was noted present.
Er.Rammond moved that the bid be referred to the Co, mittee on Streets, ewers and
iTharves,seconded by 1,:r.Erumb and carried.
hr. Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption
Resolved that it is the sense of this Council that the purposes of the wap:on license
ordinance are proper and that the City Attorney be and he
ed to take such steps as may
is hereby authorized and direct-
e possible to have said ordinance reviewed by the upreme
Court of this state so that it may be finally determined what the powers of this Council
are in that regard.
:1-.1-iammond seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,hammond,Ells and
Councilmen Crosb
,Fisher and Probst, (3).
Bullock, (6)
Voes:hone. Absent
r.1,a.umb moved that J.\.F.iley,:_.D.he appointed a member of the Board of i-lealthin the
T'lace of W.T.LairaY..1%wl:o had not qualified by taking the Oath of Office,seconded by 1:r.
hillock and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Chriatensen,alker,:runi,
Kammond,711a and Bullock,(6). Nees:Ilone.
Ahsent:Councilmen Crosby,Fisher and Probst, (2)
A communication was received from A.B.Shepard:jeneral ::,anag,er of the :Pacific In-
proveaent Coigpany- stating that he would meet with a Committee from the Council to discuss
the matter of the opening of a new street proposed under iesolution ho .737. Er.hammond
moved that the matter be referred to the Jtreet Committee and that the hearing of the
various protests against the opering be laid over for two weeks, seconded by 'Er .Ells and
Applications for gratuitous licenses were received from Solomon ',::.hector to peddle
cloth and from hr s.;:,alsan 7rew to peddle notions. idr.Vialker moved that the same be gr,n
ed, seconded by hr .Ells and carried.
lir...rumb moved that the action of the Council in granting a transfer of the liquor
license of 7..A.Kober at the S.U.corner of hark dtreet and Lincoln Avenue to Frank J.Eur-
phy at the last meeting of the Council he rescinded on the ground that said Frank J.Talur-
phy bad no application for a liquor license,at said address,on file,seconded by ::.r.ham-
mond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,}:rumb,Ham-
mond,Ells and Bullock, (6).
Noes:Uone. Absent :Councilmen Crosby,Fisher and Probst, (3).
Councilman Crosby arrived and was noted present.
Mr.Walker moved that the applications of Frank J.Murphy for a liquor license at1329
park Street and of F..B.ott for a liquor license at 1418 hark street be denied, seconded
by Er.hammond and carried.
An insurance policy No .096517 of the Liverpool & London & Olobe Insurance Company
for :4000.00 on the it-L hall faid contents to run for three years and expire August 13th
112,was presented and ordered filed.
A communication was received from F,.L.ard,Janitor of the City Hall requesting a w-
cation of two weeks from Au,coust 4th 1900. Y.r.Christensen moved it he granted, seconded
Ir.Eammond and carried.
A communication was received from the southern Pacific Company regarding the delay
in prosecuting the work of electrifying their local, system and promising more diligence
in the future. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from Cotton Bros & Co.,Contractors asking what precau-
tion the City had taken to protect property along the north side of the City in the neigh-
borhood of Webster from fire. Yir.Hammond moved that the matter he rererrea to tne
Water and Police Committee,seconded by r.Bullock and carried.
A communication was received from the Oakland Traction Company stating that the
matter of complaints of the way transfers and switching of cars were made in the City
had been referred to their legal department. Ordered filed and thereupon on motion of
Mr.Walker seconded by :r.11anmond the matter was referred to a special Committee consist-
ing of Councilmen ':,.alker,liammond and Krumb.
A communication was received from the Park Playground Committee stating that the
wells complained of by the :East 'End Improvement Club were not located on the grounds of
Lincoln Park but on land adjoining and that they had no jurisdiction in the natter. Or-
dered filed. Mr.liammond moved that the natter be referred to the Board of ilealth,se-
conded by flr.Flls and carried.
A communication was received from A.Strunz,requesting permission to enclose a shed
in the rear of his rremises at 134 Park Street with sheet metal. .TaInmond moved that
the matter he referred to the Fire,Water and Police Committee with power to act,seconded
hy :r.Waler and carried.
A communication was received from Lieut.Col.John ':3iddle stating that he was in re-
ceirt of various communications protesting against the granting of wharf privileges on
the canal. Yir.Walker moved that the Clerk be dirrected to address a communication in
rep 1;i to the effect that the Council held the sane views as previously expressed,seconded
by Yx.hammond and carried.
1:1r.alker moved that the matter of the widening of Encinal Avenue in the neighbor-
hood of Broadway he referred to the Street Committee,Citr Attorney and Street Superinten-
dent to investigate and report back to the Comacil the apla.eximate cost of widening to
60,65,70,7E and 80 feet,seconded lir lir.:-Iammond and carried.
A communication was received from the Park (7. Playgroun4 Commission claiming that
certain money had been paid out of the Park c7 Playground and which should have heen
drawn from the Street Fund. Lr.Krumh moved that it be the sense of the Council to
raise the amount asked for in the budget of the Park (72 Playground Commission ,g,060.00,
seconded by :dr.Rammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,
Valker,T':rurth,hannond,Crosby,Ells and Bullock,(7). hoes :Jone. Absent :Councilmen 7ish-
er and Yrobst,(2).
A communication was received from the Park Playground ComLission regarding the
water taken from the well located on the Jackson Park by the Y.uniciral :lectric Light
Plant and requesting that the said p lant he directed to suiTly the lark ommission with
enough water to irrigate the said park. idr.alker moved that the Clerk he directed to
address a communication to the Board of Electricity requesting them to make arrangements
with the Park (7,2 Playground Commission so as to allow the necessary amount of water,se-
conded by hr .Hammond and carried.
An agreement was presented in blank, 3y the Southern Pacific Company for the plac-
ing,maintaining and operating a feed wire along Pearl Street from the tracks of the
R.E:.Co.,to the tracks of the South Pac.Coast Pp. L'ir.Krumb moved that the layor and
City Clerk be authorized to sign the said atreement on behalf of the City, seconded by
Mr.Hammond and carried.
A map was presented showing a widening of the roadway at the curve at Central and
Sherman Street so as to lessen the danger from accidents at the said corner. Lir.Walker
moved that the matter he referred to the Street Committee and the Ci
by Mr.hammond and carried.
The Clerk presented the Bonds and Oaths of Office of Chas 7.1j'anta,Elmer E.Decker
T Attorney,seconded
and Chas Abt,the Commissioners appointed in the natter of the opening of a new street
off of Webster Street near its northerly end,as provided for under Resolution of Inten-
tion No.731. Ordered filed.
A petition was received from Arthur Gore,as Guardian of Elsie R.Gore,a minor,re-
questing that steps be taken to quiet title to an alleyway shown on certain maps leading
of of Pacific Avenue between Hibbard and Pan' Streets. . Lr.Krumb moved that the mat-
ter bereferred to the City Attorney to prepare the necessary resolution and quit claim
deed to comp. with the request,aeconded by Er.11ammond and carried.
A petition was received fro J.F.Neall,et al,requesting that action be taken to
have a sidewalk constructed on the vest side of 'illow Street between .7.agle and Buena
Via a Avenues also a retition T,:as received from Lrs.Eliza-Kelly,et al to have a side-
wak constructed on the north side of Hale Avenue between Broadway and learl Street.
Lr.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to address communications to the oisners in
front of whose property the sidewalks were requested to bo laid,reqUesting them to lay
cement .sidewalks within thi t dayo or that the Council would take immediate steps to
have the work done by puhlic contract, seconded by Lr.Christensen and carried.
A communication was received from the Board of Health recommending that a sewer
be constructed in Calhoun Street between Lound L:treet :,11c1 College Avenue. 3r.Krumb rov-
ed that the City 7ngineer and City Attorney be direct el to prepare the necessary reao-
lution to have the said work done,seconded by :/..hammond and carried.
The matter of the petition of the Oakland Traction Company for periJission to aban-
don certain 'arts of their franchises care ur for action and thereupon ]1....Y.rumb intro-
duced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. An Ordinance accertium the abandon-
ment and surrender to the City of Alareda by the Oakland Traction Company,a corporation,
of all its rights and privileges to lay down,Oonstruct,maintain and operate a street rail-
way or railways upon the following named rortions of Webster Street,St.Charles Street,High
Street and ?ark Street,in said City of Alameda,to wit:
On Webster Street from Santa Clara Avenue to Central Avenue
On St .Charles Street from the middle line of Santa Clara Avenue to Kings Avenue
On High Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the northerly boundary of said City of
On Park Street from the Southern terminous of said Fark Street to Can Jose Avenue;
Declaring the abandonment of said rights and privileges and directing said corpor-
ation to remove its tracks from said portions of said streets within thirty days from
the final passage of this Ordinanc0,which was laid over under the provisions of the
A petition was received from A.G.Eurns and others requesting the Council to pass
an Ordinance prohibiting the erection or maintenance of any hay barns,stables,or storage
within fifteen feet of any dwelling house in the residence section of the City.
Hammond moved that the sane be filed,seconded by Lr.Crosby and carried.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Establishing the Roadway of Ver-
sailles Avenue between Buena Vista Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, "introduced by 1:1r.Krumb on
July 20th 1909 cane up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Lr.rumb moved its adop-
tion,seconded by Lr.11ammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Chris-
tensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond, rosby,Ells and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent:Coun-
cilmen Fisher and Probst, (2) .
The natter of the Bill entitled "A Dill for Ordinance No. Regulating Loving
avel and Traffic Upon the Streets and Other Public 71ace3 of the City of Alareda, and
Providing a Punishment for any violation thereof ", introduced ::s.,rch 15th 19CW by Council-
man Brown,cane up for action. Mr.Christensen moved that it be laid on the table,se-
conded by .Mr.Krumb and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,
Walker,T;rumb,Eammond,Crosby,Ells and. Dullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen
7isher and Trobst,(2).
Mr.Krumb offered the followirn; resolution and moved its adoption:
7,esolved,That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the int-
ention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to be done
in said bity,nanely:
That Santa Clara Avenue from Walnut Street westerly to a point 200
feet right angular measurement easterly from the eastern line of Vfillow Street be improved
as follows: That a salt glazed vitrified iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter,
with four-inch "Y" branches and without house connections,he constructed in Santa Clara
Avenue along a right line 10 feet south from and. parallel with the center line of said
avenue, from the intersection thereof with the center line of Thlnut Street ;thence west-
erly to a point 200 feet right angular measurement easterly from the eastern line of
\iillow Street.
That three manholes be constructed along the line of said sewer in the manner
hereinafter described ,one at the eastern termination thereof, one at the testern termina-
tion thereof and one at a point 300 feet right angular measurement westerly from the ra
eastern termination of said sewer.
That said manholes/be constructed hereunder shall be of brick masonry with cast
iron tops and covers and eight-inch walls and bottoms in accordance with "Plan of Erick
Manhole," adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of idameda,Jannary 11th 1897,and
on file in tine office of the City Clerk of said city,which plan is hereby referred to
and made a part hereof.
The Alameda Daily Arus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and
circulated in this City in which this resolntion,and the Street Superintendent's _Notice
of the passage thereof, shall be published. The Clerk is hereb,7 directed to publish
ths ::esolution by two successive insertions in said newspaper, and post the same for
two days conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council.
Mr.Thlker seconded the re olution and, it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krnmb,Eammond,Crosby,Ells and Bu11ock,(7), :7:oes:None.
Absent :Councilmen 7isher and Probst, (2).
Mr.Eullock brought uT the matter of the necessity of more room for public offices
and moved that the 'olice & Fire Commission be requested to remove the hand-ball court
from the old Council Chamber,seconded by Ifx.Hammond and carried,
Mr.mplons addressed the Council requesting that the Council take steps to con-
struct a cement bulkhead at the south end of Union Street,after discussion of the natter
mr.7rumb moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee with power to act,
seconded by hr .Christensen and carried by the following : vote. A:ves:Conncilmen Chris-
tensen, Palker, Urumb , hammond, Crosby, Pus and Bullock, ( ), Uoes:None. Absent:Coun-
cilmen Fisher and :Probst, (2).
President 'Oelanoy of the hark (° Playfround Commission reported that the Commission
had been offered the sum of :::250.00 by ::.r.F.';:.Van Sicklen to be used in the purchase of
trees to be planted zilond: the sidewalks of the streets of the City. Mr.Walher moved
that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to hr .Van Sicklen thanking him for
his generous offer, seconded by Mr.rumb and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen,Thlker,7rumb,Hammond,Crosby,711s and Eullock,(7). .does :None.
Absent:Councilmen Wisher and Probst,(2).
City Attorney Simpson reported that he was ready to commence proceedin. s to re-
cover on the bond furnished by LIaurice Chales charged, with battery and who evaded trial
by dissapearing. 'ristensen moved that the City Attorney be directed to proceed
by suit to collect from bondsnen,seconded by Er.Hammond and carried.
Mr.Christensen moved that :1..Sii.upson be re-appointed Citr Attorney his tern of of-
fice to be from and after August bth 1909,seconded by i-r.Bullock and carried by the follow-
ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Thr
Yrunb,hammond,Crosby,Ells and Bullack,(7).
Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Fisher and Probst, (P,).
Er.Walker moved that the Police and Fire Commission he authorized to purchase 14
rugs at a cost not to exceed each,for the use of the firemen stationed at *Engine
House Ho .1 located on 1:.rebb Avenue ,seconded by 1,dr.Krumb and carried by the followin vote.
Ayes:Councilnen Christensen,Thlker,Krumb,ilammond,Crosby,71
None. Absent :Councilmen Fisher and Probst, (2).
lir.Xramb moved that the Street Superintendennt he directed., to furnish the Clerk
with a list of the places where sidewalks were in need of and that on receipt of
such list the Clerk be directed to notify the owners of t he property in front of whose
property such sidewalks are located to repair sane within thirty days or that the City
would have the work done at public contract, seconded by Mr.alker and carried.
1..Crosby introduced a resolution relating to the transfers of liquor licenses,
there being no second the some was not considered.
The Ellayor called the attention of the Council to certain trees which were obstructing
the sidewalk on Lincoln Avenue between 'alnut and Willow Street. Y.r.Krumb moved that
the matter he referred to the Park & Playground Commission with request; tat matter be
attended to at once,seconded by 1,:r.7;alker and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next
regular meeting Tuesday,August 17th 1909,o 7.30
d Bullock,(7). Noes:
City Clerk.
ALA::EDA,AUUST 5th 1909.
The meeting was called to order by the l'.a.yor.
The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,rumh,Hammond,Ells and Bullock, (L
were noted present and Councilmen Walker,Crosby,Fisher, and 2robst,(4),were noted ahsent.
The Clerk read the call for the meeting which was from the LI yor and the purpose
of which was to consider the hid presented at the meeting of August 3rd 19C9,for the im-
provement of the Webster 3treet-:oadway.
1,:r.ilammond moved that the bid of the F.ansone-Crumney Company for the said improve-
cont be accepted and that the 1,:ayor and City Clerk Be authorized to sign a contract with
the said Company, or Behalf of the City.
The± being no further business to transact the Council adjourned.
City Clerk.