1909-08-17 Regular CC Minutes:EGUTAT: id?FTIG OF THE COU3ICIL OF Th7: CITY OF ALAITDA,
TUES:;)AY,AUGUST 17th 1909.
The meetinL, was called to order by Layor .1i.1;oy.
The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,a ker,Krumb,Eammond,E ls,Prohst
and Fulloek, (r/ )were noted present and Councilmen Crosb:- and 7isher,(2) absent.
The minutes of the regular meetiru of August 3rd and of the special meeting of Au-
gust; 5th l'09 were read and ordered approved.
Councilman Fisher arrived and was noted present .
brouOlt up the matter of the opening of a new street on the north side
hordering the marsh as provided for under 1:esolution of Intentiom,sting that as the
committee had been unable to meet Ir.Shepard of the Pacific Improvement 0024any that
the matter go over until a later date. 'Citizens interested in the matter addressed
the Council and a ..eneral discussion was held after which ::_r.',Zalker moved, that when a
further hearing of the matter was to he held that the Clerk notify the rrotestants by
postal card., seconded by :::r.rumh and carried.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 171.30;aeainst the alice Fund amount-
ing 54.00--against the Fire Fund amounting to 0_138.19:against the Street Fund amount-
ing to 74'7 .15 and against the lazniciyal Improvement Fund 110.8,(Yark & Plapground) amount-
ing to i4311.47 havinF< approved hy the pro-per official and audited by the proper committ-
ees were read by the Clerk as follows:-
Alameda bail, Argus Advertising ;i';; 5.35
Alameda Steam laundry Towel Service 8.00
Evening Tines Star,The IririUna 5.00
Furey,F.P. Plumbing
hendrickson,W.J. Dog Feat for :round 10.95
Liverpool, London Globe Ins Co. Insurance Premium 11.00
'Iefund of taxes 3.90
:ussell,Eleanor TyrewritinF for City Atty 3.90
Cleaning Carpets 18.80
Fees advanced 12.90
Underwood Typewriti Co. Ty:ewriter Fihhon 1.40
Typewriter 50.00
Vesburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies 1.3b
Services as Janitor 36.00
Total 171.20
Sanitary Eenovating
Goldstone,John Gasoline 1.00
Oakland Gas TA.L. heat Co. Gas .20
Pacific Tel C Tel Co. Telephones 2.65
Pacific Tel •C Tel Co. If
Cc 2.00
P.oberts,S.1-1. Labor Fc! 12.90
Schneider,ITenry Stationery 16.25
Schoepf,T. Services rendered 2.90
Shively Eros Bicycle :Eepairs .65
Unna,Herman :‘ieals for prisoners 5.50
Thoier Bros Horse C 7:11_gy Hire 7.00
Total 54.00
Fire Fund.
Alameda :,team Laundry Laundry 15.80
73ahr,Otto Horse-shoeing 19.00
Burgner & Martin Sura'lies .60
Citizens Dank of Alameda assg H.Anderson Laor 244.50
Coustier & Sons Repairs 1.00
Crawford,,J.. Supplies 3.75
Crescent Supply House fT 5.65
Delanoy Manufacturing Co Bumpers 50.00
Furey,F.P. Repairs 12.40
Gorham Engr.Works Couplings- 4.45
Hay & Baird Shoes & Repairs 92.95
Jorgenson, F. Horseshoeing 1C .Q
Y-elloP...g Express Co Hauling .50
Koerber,A.H.V% Feed Ec 29.30
Lowe & Wilkins Supplies 1.00
Lomax,R.R. Horse-shoeing 15.00
Lunen Bros Feed 13.75
Oakland Co nd Gas- Lt.& Heat Gas 28.71
Pacific Tel & Tel Co Switching .30
Pasquale,B. Flag 5.60
:Peoples Dater Co. hydrants &: Water 273.89
Phoenix :Ailing Co. Supplies 9.02
Plummer & Son.,G mb
eo E. Luer 6 .25
Porter,eore H. Services 0
Schneider,lienry Supplies 4.45
Scott,.Magner & MiLler,Inc, hay 242.62
Sutherland's Dharmnci eciicine 1.75
Mauling 1uling 15.00
Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies 18.95
Westall,Chas 11 -.00
fT 11
Rose, Tony
Driving Sprinkler
Driving Sprinkler
Supplies .90
Total- 747.15
muricipAL I=OV=T FUHD 7To.8,(2ark & Playground
Hackett,Frank H. Labor & 1,:aterial 21.00
liammond,C.J. Cement 23.50
II Cement 62.90
Peoples Dater Co. Dater Jackson Park 4.50
!I 11 ry 103.57
Putzman & Hoffman Tennis Supplies 14400
Rose,F.. Material 195.47
aldinr,: & Bros., A.. Athletic Apparatus 386.53
Total 811.47
Er.Bullock moved that the claims as read he r'aid,seconded ly Ijr.Christensen and
carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,7rumb,Hamond,Ells,
Fisher,Pro, t and Bullock,(8). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Crosby, (1).
The Oath of Office of J.A.2.iley as a member of the hoard of Health and dated Au-
gust 10th 1909, was presented and on motion of Nir.Fisher,seconded by ordered
The Oath of Office and a bond in the sum of ';-,300C.00 of L.W.Simpson as City At-
torney and dated August 8th 1909, was presented and on motion of :fir.Frobst,seconded by
:r.Fisher ordered filed.
A communication was received from the .north side Improvement Club endorsi P the
action of the Council in acquiring without cost to the City the wharf at the north end
of Oak Street. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Eunicipal Electric r ant recommending that
an all night schedule of street lighting be adopted and requesting the approval of the
Council. 1;ir.alker moved that such action be approved , seconded by Lr.2robst and car-
A conemeicatioo r',9.8 received from the r)epartient of Electricity regarding their
position in the matter of supplying water to the Park and llaygrouns Commission for the
use at Jackson -Park. -r.-rumb move that it he filed, seconded by :x.hamona. and car-
A copy of a colTrunication sent by the Board of health to the Peoples 7iater Compa-
ny regarding the wells located on the said water company's property on High Street was
received and ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Park & Playground. Commission recommending
that an Air Pressure. Tank System, with motor, pump and automatic regulating attachments be
installed in Viashineton hark for the purpose of pumping water for use in said park,ac-
companying the same were specification for such a system. Idr.Probst moved that the
specifications he adopted and filed and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for lids
for doing the said work, seconded by Er.Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen,alker,Krumb,Hammond,Ells,Fisher,2robst and Eullock,(8). Noes:
None. Al sent Crosby,(1).
petition was received from the Young .1:_en's Law League requesting permission to
use the Police Court Poor on the first and third Fridays of each month for the puruose
of holding debates etc. F:Ir.Hammond moved that the request be granted seconded by lir
'Probst and carried.
An application was received from Peter Harlanh for a free license to do a junk bus-
iness. L:r.Krumb moved that the same be granted but to be subject to the wagon license,
seconded by hr. Christensen and carried.
An application was received from John Lauder for a free license conduct a notion
store at the corner of Van Puree and hound. Streets. moved that it be granted,
seconded by Ylr.:::robst and carried.-
Applications for free licenses were received from the hygienic :Health Food Co. ,to
solicit orders for hygienic craehers end from .jrs.:.Steele to solicit orders for picture
frames ir.Hrumh moved that they be denied, seconded by hr. Bullock and carried.
A petition was received from E.A.Kober to transfer the liquor license granted to
him to conduct a saloon al. the Southwest corner of Park Street and Lincoln Avenue to
73.Vere:es. Accompanying the -sane Was a petition and bond signed by i. Verges far a li-
quor license at said address which Was approved by the City. Attorney as to form.
Christensen moved that permission 10 given to make the said transfer, seconded by ICr
P robst and carried by the follorin vote. Ayes:Councilmen -ith stensen,-alker,b7runb,
E arl-ona,Ells,Fisher,Trobst and hullock,(8 ) . Hoes :Hone. 21.sert:Councilnan Crosby,(
A Bill, entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. An Ordinance accepting the abanaon-
rent and surrender to the City of Alameda by the Oakland Traction Company,a corporation,
of all its ribts and privilees to la, down,construct,maintain and orerate a street rail-
way or railways upon the following named portions of 7:ebster Street,St.Charles Street,
H igh Street and. Park jtreet,in said City of Alameda, to wit
On V:ebster Street from janta Clara Avenue to Central Avenue;
On St .Charles Jtreet from the middle line of Santa Clara Avenue to 'Zings Avenue;
On High Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Eortherly boundary of said City of
Alameda ;and
On Parl: Street from the Southern terminus of said "Park LAreet to Jan Jose Avenue
Declaring the abandonment of said rights and privileges and directing said corpor-
ation to remove its tracks from said iortions of said streets within thirty days from
the final passage of this Ordinance",introduced By i:ir.rumb on August 3rd 1M9,came up
for rassage and was read by the Clerk. moved its adoption seconded by .11r.
Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,T:ialker,Eam-
mond,rumb,Fisher and Dullock,(6). Noes:Councilmen 7112 and 'Probst,(2). Absent:
Councilman Orosby,(1).
:f,r.rumb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance ','ranting to the
orden T:eeker Company,a 'Ior-poration,and to its Succesors and Assis the Franchise and
Privilege for the term of Twenty-five Years to Ilaintain a certain 'harf in the City of
Alareda,and to Collect ';:harfae and Dockage Tolls therefor",which was laid over under
the provisions of the Charter.
A petition was received from Hutchinson CorTany for remission to grade,curb,g
ter,macadaniz.e and construct a sewer on the south side of Central Avenue between 3th
and 9th Streets under private contract. 1:.r .Hammond moved that the request be granted,
seconded hy :137.7rumb and carried hy the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,
'earker,rumb,ilfn-rimond,Ells,Fisher,'Probst and Bullock,M. Noes:Hone. Absent :Cou-
cilan Crosby,(1).
report was received from the Street SuLerintendent to t-e effect that the orh
of --.ading,curbin6,macadanizing and otherwise improving Fountain Street from the south-
erly line of J.T.ncinal. Avenue to the northerly line of San Jose Avenue,and adison treet
from the easterly line of Court direct to the westerly line of 'High direct had been done
hy Jowel2 Pros.Construction Company under private contract in compliance with the plans
and specifications and to his satisfaction. Ordered filed.
Contractor C.J.11ammond to whom had been awarded the contract for improving Stanton
Street between Pacific and Buena Vista Avenues presented a petition for an extertion of
thirty clays on his contract. Ordered filed and thereupon 1,r.v.117.er offered the follow-
1-er, resolution and moved its adoption:
I:hereas request has loon made ad good cause therefore appearing.
:esolved that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized, and direct-
ed to grant 30 days extention of time on contract for the performance of Street *a)rh to
0.0.hammond on his contract to grade,curb,macadamize & otherwise improve stanton 'Street
hetween Pacific and Buena ',A. ;a Avenues under Resolution of intention ho .7c6 provided
that in no event shall any liability accrue by reason thereof against said city or of-
-04 •
:11..7rumb seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes:
.1ren Christensen,Thlker,rumb,liammond,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bulloch,(0). Hoes:
None. Absent :Councilman Crosby(1)
:r.r.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
T:esolved,That the -ouhlic interest and convenience require and that it is the inten-
tion of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to be done
in said city, namely: That a salt-glazed, vitrified iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside
diameter, with four inch "Yn branches and without house connections, he constructed in Cal-
houn ;3treet in a right line from the existin man-hole at the crossing of Calhoun :Areet
and College Avenue to the existine manhole at the crossing of Y.ound ':-treet and Calhoun
The Alamo Ca Daily Argus is hereby des iCnated. as the daily newspaper published and
circulated in this City in which this resolution, and the Areet 2uperintendent's Totice
of the passac:e thereof, shall be published. The Clerk is hereby
directed to publish this
2esolntion by two successive insertions in said eews-eaper,and nost the same for two days
conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council.
1,:r.--;:alker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the follo7irg vote. Ayes:
Councilmen lhristeneen,alker,Yrumb,Eammond,E110,7isher,Probst and reulleck,(8). Toes
Tone. Ahsent:Councilman Crosby, (1)
:r.rohst moved that the Clerk be directed to publish the necessary not ice to Tax
-layers of the meeting of the hoard of -Equalization whose first meeting would n0 held on
Tuesday- the 7t1: day of -3eptember,1909,at 10 o'clock A.:::.,seconded by :r .Ells and carried.
The Clerk presented numerous cemmunications bearing on the matter of the opening
of a nele street alon the marsh land on the no±th side of the City as provided for under
Ile-solution of Intention ho .707. ::r.Krumb moved that they be filed and that the hearing
in the matter ao over until the next meetin of the Council, seconded by 1:17.1
and car-
Tile Clerk presented two communication from the -.acific improvement Company bearing .
on the improvement of the Fast side of the ';:eheler dtreet 1-oadway. :,:r.7reede moved that
they be filed,seconded by .ii..';n71.ker and carried.
The clerk presented a miscellaneous lot of communication bearing on the wharf and
street at the north end of Oak L;treet moved that they be filed,seconded by
lir.Hammond and carried.
A communication was received from the ::;eo.E.,Dow Pumping -Tngine Co.,submittime cer-
tain proposition with relation the difference between the Cit h of Alameda and the
said Company to the ownership of a strip of and sad wharf at the north end of Oak
:Lir.Christeneen moved that the matter he referred to the Ctreet Committee and
the City Attorney, seconded by 1,/..alker and carried.
A revised estimate of the funds needed hy the -Vark and Playground Commission far
the fiscal year from duly 1st 190'3 to July 1st 1910 was received from the said Commis-
sion and ordered filed.
A revised estimate of the amount of funds needed hy the hoard of ilducation to de-
fray the expenses of the ,Ahool Department for the fiscal year from July 1st iCOC to
June 00th l':)10,v:as received. from the said Board and ordered filed.
The City ::nguneer presented an estimate of the approximate cost of constructing
concrete Valle at the south end of 0th jtreet and 7,,urbank :itreet. 12.±.Probst moved that
the matter be referred to the Committee or 0treets,"Jewers and ';:harves in conjunction
with the City Attorney, seconded by :,:r.hannond and carried.
The City :',ngineer presented an estimate of the approximate cost of improvinp: the
west half of Prospect etreet,south of Central tivenue. :,:r.Hammord moved that the matter
be referred to the Committee on 2treets,0ewers and ITharves,seconded b]e Hr.Krumb and car-
A communication was received from the Fncinal Athletic Club for a Permit for one
year to cive monthly sparring exhibitions at the club's headquarters at the old car
burl on Webster Street. 1:.r .Hammond moved that the request he granted, seconded ey -r.
Trobst and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,
Hammond,Ells,Fisher,Frohst and. Bullock, (8).
hoes:Eone. Absent :Councilman Crosby, t1)
Er.Bullock moved that the Auditor Be authorized to add to his estimate of expen-
ses for the coming fiscal year the sum of 1.50.00 to pay for the printing of his next
annual statement ,seconded by ::r .Christensen and carried.
17.r.alker moved that the Clerk Be directed to call the attention of the Board of
health to the unsanitary condition of the buildings on the west side of lark Street,
between Pacific and Lincoln Avenues and to request them to have the same rut in proper
order, seconded by Er.ammond and carried.
1Jr.Walker moved that the Police B hire Commission be authorized to purchase a a
searchlight for the new Auto Engine at a cost not to exceed. :.50.00,seconded by
Erumb and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilnen Christensen, Balker,
liammond,Ells,-Fisher,Trobst and Bulloc,(C). hoes:11one. Absent :Councilman Croshy,(1).
Lir.'dalker addressed the Council on the matter of the bond of 1500.00 of :laurice
Chalen and which the Council had directed the City Attorney to commence proceedings to
collect, stating that the bondsmen had not fully understood the nature of the charge
which had been placed against said Chales and that they had offered to compromise hB
paying cash to the amount of :g50.oO,and moved that the Council accept the proposition
seconded by 1:r.hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christen-
sen,alker,Yrumb,hammond,':11s,isher,Probst and Bullock, (8)
Councilman Croshy,(14.
i':±.Probst moved that the
rk be directed
request the
hoes :iTone. Absent:
Board of Electricity
to put the lights on the tree located on the east side of . Ligh Street south of Central
Avenue and on the tree on the north side of Pacific Avenue east of hood. Street in or-
der and to notify the Police -Department to report to the said Board of Taectricity
when said lights are not lighted, seconded By Tr.Krumb and carried.
Pr. Lee one of the Bondsmen in the Chales matter addressed the Council and tender-
ed a certified check on the hank of lruitvale made payable to the City Attorney in the
amount of ;215C) .00 in settlement for the bond in said natter. I;:r.Bullock moved that
it be accepted, seconded by :::r.Krumb and carried By the following vote. Ayes :Coun-
cilmen Christensen,alker,rumb,Hanmond„Ells,Fisher,Trobst and Bullock, (8). hoes :None
Absent :Councilman Crosby, (u)
:r.Krumb moved that the Clerk Be directed to notify the Oakland Traction Company
of the improvement of the east side of the Tiebster Street F:.oadway in the near future
and. to request them to raise their tracks to the proper grade and to pave their road-
bed and the two feet on each side thereof in the same manner as the said east side is
to be improved,seconded Thy ::".Hammond and carried.
1Jr.:-7ranh moved that the Clerk Be directeAo addrees a communication to the Ban-
sone-Crummey Company that laboring men from Alameda be el!T oyed as far as possible in
the work: of inproveing the east side of the ":;ebster Street Eoadway,secondej by
mond and carried.
Th:-.Krumb Brought up the matter of someone carrying away the barricade erected
at the Alameda approach to the high Street Bridge Street Superintendent 7rodden
reported that the natter had been attended to and a new barricade erected.
lir.7rumb moved that the Clerk he directed to notify Lieut Col.Fiddie of the had
condition of the floorin of the Fruitvale Avenue Bridge with the request that the same
be repaired immediately, seconded by and carried.
I]r.Y_rumb moved that the board of Electricity he requested to place a light at the
Alameda approach to the Fruit le Avenue Bridge, seconded by ::x .Fisher and carried.
Yir.Walker moved that Ehcinal Avenue between liersailles Avenue and a point about
curb and that
140 feet west of Broadway be widened to a distance of 60 feet
the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary papers for that purpose ,seconded
by Ijir.Erumb and carried.
from curb -
Ijr.hammond moved that the Department);Cie authorized to add to there estimate of ex-
1Denses for the comimg fiscal year the sum of 1800.00 for the purchase of festoons of
lights to be hung on hark Jireet and on Santa•Clara Avenue from rark :Arcot to the west
end of the City Hall,seconded by : .Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Chr stensen,l;alker,Krumb,Hammond,?lls,Fisher,2robst and bullock, (U) . hoes
None. Absent :Councilman Croshy,(1).
hr .Hammond moved that the jayor be authorized to appoint a stenographer at a salary
.00 per month same to take effect i-pmediately,seconded by hr .Bullock and carried
1)y the following vote.
es:Councilmen Christensen,alker,rumb,Hammond,Ells,Fisher,
Probst and Eullock,(8). hoes :Hone
rnunication was received from the Liayor
position. Er,Bullock moved that the
son and carried by the fo llowin vote.
Ells,17isher and Bullock, (
Councilman Crosby, (1)
1;ir.'::alker moved that the gratuitous license granted to 30lomon. V.hector at the
meeting of August 3rd 1N9 ,be revoked on the ground that he was misrepresenting the
source from which he obtained the cloth that he w!asselling,seconded by :jr.hammond and
Ahsent:Courcilman Crosbz!-,(1).
in which he appointed ::is Hazel
appointment be approved,seconded
hoes :hone.
Thereupon a corn-
Dudgeon to the
lyy I]r.Ohristen-
Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krunb,Hammond,
hot Voting :Councilman Probst,(1). Absent:
'Zir.Krumb reported that; by virtue of the authority granted to the 6treet Committee
it had entered into an agreement to pay ;450.00 for the construction of a cement bulk-
head at the south end of Union ':;treet.
Walker reported that 1)y virtue of the authority granted to the Fire ,hater and
Police Committee he had c,rented A. 'Arum, permission to enclose a wooden shed in the rear
of his premises at 1334 Part Street with sheet metal.
There beinF no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next
regular meeting on Tuesday,ep ember 7th l)09 ,at 7.30 r.h,
Ci y Clerk.