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1909-09-21 Regular CC Minutes
1 L10.1 J L4f11. 1111.J1J .1. 114 lT V 1' 1111) V Vt./ 14 V 11/ V 1 £ j TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st 1909. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Noy. THe roll was called and Councilmen Christensen, Walker, b, Hammond, Ells, sher, Probst, and Bullock (8) were noted present and Councilman Crosby (1) absent. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 7th, 1909 and the minutes of the Special meeting of September 17th were read and approved. / r c-y_' t=om. Mr. Krumb moved that the`mat tr ,of the opening of a new street on the north side of the city under resolution of intention No. 737 be continued until the next meeting of the Council. Seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. Mr. Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED; that the sum of '$158.14 be transferred from Municipal Improvement Fund No.8, (Library) to the General Fund; that the sum of $2500.00 be transferred from the General Fund to the Street Fund and that the sum of $500.00 be transferred from the General Fund to the Library Fund. Mr. Hammond seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock (8). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Crosby. (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to $126.35; against the Fire Fund, amount- ing to $625.79; against the Police Fund amount to $39.35 and against the Street Fund amounting to $532.00 having been approved by the proper officials and auditing committees were read by the Clerk as follows: GENE RAL FUND. Cunningham, A. A. Report on Water $ 100.00 Hay & Baird. Supplies for Janitor 2.00 Perata,A. Removing Garbage. 1.00 Schneider, Henry Supplies for City Clerk. 7.50 If It If If If II If If II " Mayor. 6.00 " City Attorney. 1.20 " Treasurer. 2.65 Wong Ying Interpreter's Fees. Total Alameda Daily Argus. Alameda Rug Works. Alameda Steam Laundry. Bahr, 0 tto. Boesch Lamp Company Brown & Adams Co . ,Inc . Burgner & Martin. Clark. R. P. Furey, F. P. Grinnel, Clarence Hay & Baird, Joost, M. &Sons. Joergenson, P. Loewe & Wilkins, Lomax, P. 6.00 126.35 FIRE FUND. Printing .; 1.00 Rugs. 41.00 Laundry 15.80 Horseshoeing. 6.25 Repairs. 2.75 Supplies 6.84 /f 2.25 Repairs. 17.60 Supplies 4.70 Sick Leave Driving 9.00 Horseshoeing. 12.70 Supplies 4.20 Horseshoeing. 10.00 Supplies 2.95 Horseshoeing 8.00 Amount Forward - - - - y 145.04 Amount Forward 145.04 Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co., Gas. 26.64 Penn Oil Delivery Gasoline 12.50 Peoples Water Company. Water 276.76 Phoenix Milling Co. Feed. 86.25 Plummer,Geo.E.& Sons. Repairs. 12.35 Plummer,Geo.E.& Sons. Supplies 2.05 n IT TV TI Lumber 19.65 Resso.G & Co. Hauling 8.45 T 7.70 Rhodes-Jamieson &Co. Supplies 16.05 Sutherland's Pharmacy. Medicine. 4.85 Wagner Bros., Hauling 1.50 Westall, Chas. Supplies 6.00 Total 625.79 POLICE FUND. Alameda Daily Argus. Printing 1.00 Green, Geo. P. Hauling Prisoners. 1.50 Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. Gas. .20 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Telephones. 4.45 Peterson, J. A. Bicycle Repairs. 10.45 Schneider, Henry Stationery 10.00 Unna, Herman, Prisoner's Meals. 10.25 Wagner Bros., Expressing. 1.50 Total 59.56- STREET FUND. Britt, W. Teaming, 91.00 Jamison, J. S. Driving Sprinkler. 82.50 Peters, T. L. Teaming. 156.00 Rose, Tony S. Driving Sprinkler. 130.00 Thurston, C. E. Teaming. Total 72.50 532.00 Mr.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Lir.Christensen and car- ried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Lrumb,Hammond,vals, Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Crosby, (1). A report was received from the Yllyor,Auditor and City Clerk certifying that they had counted the money in the hands of the City Treasurer on September 14th 1909,and had found the sum of 4101,846.80. Ordered filed. A communication was received from Auditor F.7.Croll requesting permission to employ two extra clerks for a period of ten days to extend and compute the Tax Rolls. Mr.Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power,seconded by 1r. Walker and carried. A communication was received from Wm.Marsoun of 2110 Lincoln Avenue and several others complaining of the continuous ringing of the Railroad alarm bell located at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Willow Street. Mr.Marsoun and Gustave Cohen addressed the Council in support of the complaint and thereupon they were directed to present a request to the Council to have the bell removed and that the Council would then take action. A communication was received from Auditor F.J.Croll requesting that he be furnish- ed with a complete record showing the budgets allowed the different departments. Mr. Hammond moved that thr, request be complied with,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried. A request for leave of absence from the State for thirty days was received from School Director J. B. Lanktree. Mr. Krumb moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr. Krumb moved that School Director D. L. Randolph be granted a leave of absence for thirty days from the State/ ,u.-c071- (a4/14:e. A petition approved by five (5) members of the Council for permission to use Buena Vista Avenue for bicycle races on September 12th was ordered filed. An affidavit showing due publication of notice to feedmen, asking for proposals for furnishing feed supplies for the Fire Department for the ensuing year was presented and ordered filed. Thereupon the Clerk reported that three bids has been received. Mr. Christensen moved that they be opened and read, seconded by Mr. Krumb and carried, and thereupon bids from the following were read: Scott, Wagner & Miller, accompanied by coin in the sum of ''150.00. A. H. W. Koerber, accompanied by a bond in the sum of $150.00. Rhodes-Jamieson Company, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $150.00. Mr. Christensen moved that the bids be referred to the Committee on Fire, Water and Police in conjunction with the Police and Fire Commission with power to award contract, seconded by Mr. Krumb and carried by the following vote. Ayes. Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells Fisher, Probst and Bullock. (8) Noes. None. Absent, Coun- cilman Crosby. (1) A report was received from the Park and Playground Commission and the Public Utilities Committee recommending that a contract be entered into with the Nevada Machinery and Supply Company for the construction of an air-pressure water system in Washington Park. Mr. Hammond moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into such contract on behalf of the City with said Company and that the certified checks accompanying the unsuccessful bids be returned, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes. Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock. (8). Noes. None. Absent. Councilman Crosby. (1) The California Oil and Burner Company presented an agreement to furnish labor and material and install complete, their air system for burning fuel oil in the heaters in the basement of the City Hall, for the sum of 4325.00. Ordered filed. Requests were presented from Auditor and Assessor F. J. Cr011 for a change of location of his office from where now situated, to the old Council Chamber on the upper floor of the City Hall, and from the Park and. Playground Commission for the office that the Auditor and Assessor desires to abandon. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Building Committee with power, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried. A petition was received from the Police and Fire Commission requesting permission to purchase 1500 feet of hose for the use of the fire department. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Fire, Water and Police Committee, seconded by Mr. Krumb and carried. A petition was received from the Police and Fire Commission requesting permission to have the shower bath, at present in the gymnasium in the upper floor 6f the City Hall, removed to the Police Department in the basement. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Building Committee with power, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried. A communication was received from the Police and Fire Commission recommending that the Police Department be increased by appointing four additional patrolmen and two detectives. Mr. Hammond moved that the same be referred to the Committee on Fire, Water and Police, seconded by Mr. Probst and "carried. A communication was received from the Board of Education accompanied by two resolu- tions requesting that the City Council call a special bond election, for the purpose of erecting, equiping and improving the school buildings of the city. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. An affidavit of publication of Notice of street work inviting proposals therefor in the matter of the construction of a sewer in Santa Clara Avenue, between Walnut Street and Willow Street as set forth under Resolution of Intention No. 738 was presented and ordered filed. Thereupon the Clerk reported that two (2) bids had been presented. Mr. Christensen moved that the same be received and opened by the Clerk, seconded by Mr. Krumb and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the following bids: From Eli Schumacher, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $350, as follows: For six -inch pipe 790 per linear foot. For six -inch Y branches 50V each extra. For man -holes complete 4340 per man -hole. From Hutchinson Company, accompanied by a bond in the sum of $300, as follows: For six -inch pipe 48V per linear foot. For six -inch Y branches 20V each extra. For M .n -holes complete $33.50 per manhole. The City Engineer reported that the bid of the Hutchineon Company was the lowest and there- upon Mr. Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Council of the City of Alameda, having in open session on the 21st day of September, 1909. opened, examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals and bids for the following street work in said city to wit: That Santa Clara Avenue from Walnut Street westerly to a point 200 feet right angular measurement easterly from the eastern line of Willow Street be improved as follows: That a salt glazed vitrified iron -stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter, with four - inch"Y" branches and without house connections, be constructed in Santa Clara Avenue along a right line 10 feet south from and parallel with the center line of said avenue, from the intersection thereof with the center line of Walnut Street, thence westerly to a point 200 feet right angular measurement easterly from the eastern line of Willow Street. That three manholes be constructed along the line of said sewer in the manner hereinafter described, one at the eastern termination thereof, one at the western ter- mination thereof and one at a point 300 feet right angular measurement westerly from the eastern termination of said sewer. That said manholes to be constructed hereunder shall be of brick masonrywith cast iron tops and covers and eight -inch walls and bottoms in accordance with "Plan of Brick Manhole ", adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, Januaryllth, 1897, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, hereby rejects all of said bids except that next herein mention- ed and hereby awards the contract for said work to Hutchinson Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders therefor, at the prices specified in their bid 'therefor, on file to wit: For Six -inch Pipe 48¢ per Linear Foot. For. Six -inch Y Branches 20 V Each Extra. For Manholes, complete 033.50 Per Manhole. The City Clerk is hereby directed to post Notice of this Award conspicuously for five days near the Chamber door of this Council and to publish said notice for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus, newspaper. Mr. I:rumb seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb,Hammond,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:none. Absent:Councilman Crosby,(1). A contract and bond was received from the Ransome- Crurnmey Company for the improve- ment of the East aide of the Webster Street roadway. Ordered filed. The matter of the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Willow Street southerly from the corner of Willow Street as petitioned for by Mr.J.F.Neal1 came up as the owner of the property fronting the said sidewalk had not complied with the notice from the ^ouncil to construct the sane. i:'r.Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee in conjunction with the City Attorney,seconded by I4r.Christen- sen and carried. A communication_ was received from J.T.Flynn of Oakland,Cala.,stating that if the City of Alameda would acquire through bond issue and petition to the Legislature certain marsh and tide lands adjacent to the City and leasett© ii'mefor a of fifty years � City � period o_ that he would spend in the neighborhood of 2,500,000.00 in the improvement of the same by the construction of concrete seawall,esta'hlish a freight and ferry passenger service with other parts of an Francisco Bay etc,etc,for which he would make certain payments to the City and at the end of said lease forfeit all of said improvements and equipment in a perfect state of repair to the city. Mr.Krurnb moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee in conjunction with the City Attorney,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried. A communication addressed to Street Superintendent Frodden from the Oakland Traction Company was presented, requesting that they be granted until next Spring before they be compelled to improve that portion of the Webster Street roadway occupied by their tracks. Mr. Krumb moved that the matter be referrer' to the Street Committee with power to act, seconded by IWr. Hammond and carried. A communication was received from Street Superintendent Frodden stating that there was a possibility that Versailles Avenue, north3from Buena Vista Avenue to the Tidal Canal was a dedicated street and recommend -ing the opening of said Avenue. Mr. Ells moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee, Street Superintendent, City Engineer and City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried. Street Superintendent Frodden reported that the work of grading, curbing and macadamizing Stanton Street from the northern line of Pacific Avenue to the southern line of Buena Vista Avenue, done by C. J. Hammond, Contractor, under Resolution of Intention No. 736, had been faithfully finished and completed, and in accordance with the Plane and Specifications and contract therefor. Ordered filed. Mr. Krumb offered the following Resolution: RESOLVED; That the City Engineer be:and hereby is directed to make -Plans and Specifications for the following Street work to be done in said City, namely: That a salt - glazed, vitrified iron -stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter, with four -inch "Y" branches and without house connections, be constructed in Calhoun Street in a right line from the existing man- holejat the crossing of Calhoun Street and College Avenue to the existing manhole at the crossing of Mound Street and Calhoun Street, as per Resolution of Intention No. 739, adopted by this Council, August 17, 1909. And that the Clerk be instructed to notify the City Engineer of the adoption of this Resolution. Seconded. by Mr. Hammond and adopted by the following vote. Ayes. Councilmen Walker, Christensen, Krumb, Hammon0, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock. (8.) Noes, None. Absent, Councilman Crosby. (1) Thereupon the City Engineer presented, Plans and Specifications for the said work and thereupon Mr. Krumb offered the following Resolution: RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications furnished by the City Engineer of the City of Alameda, to this Council, for the following Street work to be done in said City, namely: That a salt - glazed, vitrified iron - stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter, with four -inch "Y" branches and without house connections, be constructed in Calhoun Street in a right line from the existing manhole at the crossing of Calhoun Street and College Avenue to the existing man -hole at the crossing of Mound Street and Calhoun Street, under Resolution of Intention No. 739, adopted by the Council of said City, August 17th, 1909, be and the same are hereby adopted and approved. And the Clerk is directed to file the same. Seconded by Mr. Probst and adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock. (8) Noes. None. Absent, Councilman Crosby, (1) Mr. Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, It appears to the satisfaction of this Council that Resolution of Intention No. 739 for the work of constructing a sewer in Calhoun Street between College Avenue and Mound Street in the City of Alameda, adopted by this Council, August 17, 1909, has been posted and published according to law, and that no legal objection to the doing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of said City. RESOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said City, according to the plans and specifications adopted therefor, namely: That a salt - glazed, vitrified iron -stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter, with four -inch "Y" branches and without house connections, be constructed in Calhoun Street in a right line from the existing man -hole at the crossing of Calhoun Street and College Avenue to the existing man -hole at the Crossing of Mound Street and Calhoun Street. The Clerk of this City if hereby directed to publish this Resolution for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published and circulated in this City, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post con- spicuously for five days near the Chamber Door of the said Council, notice /of said work with specifications inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered, and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the specifications posted or on file, also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus, the newspaper hereby designated for that purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a certified check or bond, either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, and shall name Tuesday, the 5th day of October, 1909, as the day hereby designated on which up to the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., the said proposals or bids shall be received. Seconded by Mr. Walker and adopted by the following vote. Ayes, Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock, (8) Noes, None. Absent, Councilman Crosby. (1). The Street Committee to whom had been referred the construction of certain bulk -heads at the south side of the City, presented a report recommending that Mr. Emmons be allowed $450.00 toward the construction of a concrete bulk -head and other improvements including a concrete stair -way at the end of Union Street; that he be allowed $499 for the construction of a concrete bulk -head at the end of Dayton Avenue and the sum of $499.00 for the construction of a concrete bulk -head and stair -way at the end of Grand Street. The filling and other improvements to be paid for by the property owners fronting on said. Streets. Mr. Probst moved that the report be re- ceived and the action of the Committee be endorsed, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes. Councilmen ChristenseWalker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock, (81 Noes None. Absent, Councilman Crosby, (1). A communication was received from Lieut. Col. John Biddle regarding the application of the City for a lease from the Government to the property bordering the Tidal Canal at the north end of Oak Street requesting that a map be submitted showing the property desired to be leased. The City Engineer presented a map of the same and thereupon Mr. Krumb moved that the City Clerk be requested to forward a copy of same, to become a part of the application. Mr. Krurnb reported that the Supervisors had promised to take action with reference to the more prompt opening and closing of the Webster. Street Bridge. A report was received from A. A. Cunningham of the analysis of the water supplied the City by the People's Water Company. Ordered filed. Mr. Fisher brought up the matter of the refusal of the Building Inspector to al- low A. Akerson to store hay where he had been storing some. Mr. Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Fire, Water and Police Committee, Chief of the Fire Depart- ment and Building Inspector with power to act, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr. Probst moved that the Council take a recess to consider the tax rate, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried, and thereupon the Councilmen retired to the Committee room. On re-convening the meeting was called to order by the Mayor, the roll was called. Present, Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krum i��, Hammond, Ells, Fisher, Probst, and Bullock, (8). Absent, Councilman Crosby, (1). Thereupon the Clerk read a report of the Finance Committee to which was attached the following schedule. GENERAL FUND. Asked Allowed Fire. 45843 39536 Auditor and. Assessor. 5161 5161 Treasurer & Tax Collector 2909 2909 City Clerk. 1930 1930 Janitor. 2180 2180 City Attorney, 2168 2168 Pound . 1675 1675 Park & Playground. 13060 11000 Fire Alarm 1405 1405 City Hall repairs. 2000 2000 Mayor's Office. 1150 1150 Contingent. 3000 3000 Council Express. 2200 2200 Elections. 3000. 3000 87681 79314 TOTAL BUDGET. Asked Allowed Rate. General Fund 87681 79314 .45.065 Street " 58132 50000 .28.409 Electric TT 57900 10560 06 Health " 6791 4000 .02.273 Library t1 13225 8000 .04.545 School " 35378 31000 .17.614 Interest & Redemption Fund 37126 37126 .21.094 296233 220000 1.25 ALLOWED ON REVENUE. Police Department 25349 City Justice. 2100 Building Inspector. 1500 28949 Mr. Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, That the taxes for the City of Alameda, be and are hereby levied for the current fiscal year as follows. On each $100.00 of the Assessed Valuation of all property both real and personal, in the City of Alameda, and all property assessed on the assessment roll of said City for the current fiscal year a tax of $1.25 which be apportioned as follows: General Fund .45065 Street Fund .28409 School General Fund .17614 and separately there shall levied for the following purposes Library Fund .04545 Health Fund .02273 Electric Light Fund .06 Interest and Redemption .21094 Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells and Bullock, (6). Noes: Councilmen Fisher and Probst, (2). Absent: Councilman Crosby, (1). Mr. Hammond moved that the Council adjourn until Friday evening, September 24th, 1909, at 8 o'clock, p. m. ert_la-2/ City Clerk.