1909-10-19 Regular CC MinutesALAT,IEDA,OCTOBER 19th 1909.
The meeting convened with Mayor W.H.Noy presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen ,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells and
Bullock,(6) were noted present and Councilmen Walker,Fisher and Probst,(3) absent.
The minutes of the meeting of October 5th 1909,were read and ordered approved.
Mr.Krumb moved that the hearing of the protest against the opening of the proposed
new street on the north side of the city west from Grand Street as proposed by Reso-
lution No.737,be posponed until the next meeting of the Council,seconded by Mr.Hammond
and carried.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to $263.30;against the Police Fund amount-
ing to y29.75;against the Fire Fund amounting to $1134.69;against the Street Fund amount-
ing to $127.75 and against Municipal Improvement Fund No.8,(Park & Playground) amounting
to ;422.35 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk
as follows.
Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Towel Service $ 8.00
Argus Publishing Co. Advertising 39.65
Citizens Bank of Alameda,assg L.H.Ader Clerical Help 24.00
Evening Times Star,The Printing 7.75
Furey,F.P. Plumbing City Hall 19.75
Larkin,John Carpenter work City Hall 139.50
Mazzini,L. Election Expense .75
Floor Oil 3,00
If It Supplies for Pound 11.20
Perata,A. Removing Garbage City Hall 3.00
Riekereon,Al. Supplies for Pound 2.75
Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies
Durand,I.J. Bicycle Repairs
Goldstone,J. Gasoline
Oakland Gas Lt.& Heat Co Gas
Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone Switches
Putzman & Hoffman Bicycle Repairs
Schneider,Henry Stationery
Unna,Herman Meals for Prisoners
Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Hardware
Alameda Floral Co., Wreath
Alameda Steam Laundry Assn Towel service
American -La France Fire Engine Co Repairs
Binder,F. Medicine
Burgner & Martin Supplies
Durand,I.J. Repairs
Furey,F.P. Repairs
Gorham Engineering Co. 11
Hay & Baird Horse- shoeing
Higby,im Repairs & Supplies
Amount forward
$ 263.30
u16uy,tirm Repairs(Searchlight) 49.95
Jorgenson,P. Horse - shoeing 11.50
King,A.R. " 5.00
Koerber,A.H. . Supplies 6.80
Lomax,R.P. Horse- shoeing 7.50
Miller & Co'.. r.A. Hay 166.85
Gas 10.35
Switches .15
Hydrants and Water 277.40
Oats 61.33
Lumber 2.42
Feed &c 16.25
Supplies 1.50
Medicine 2.85
Hauling 14.00
Supplies 12.60
Hauling 2.50
T1 i1 ►T
Oakland Gas Lt.& Heat Co
Pacific Tel & Tel Co
Peoples Water Co.
Phoenix Milling Co
Plummer & Son,G.E.
Rhodes - Jamieson & Co.
Strom,Carl E.
Sutherland's Pharmacy
Vosburgh Co.,J.B.
Westall,Chas Supplies
Argus Publishing Co. Printing
Rose,Toney S. Driving Sprinkler
Underwood Typewriter Co. Ribbon
MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND No .8 , (Park & Playground)
Alameda National Bk.,assg Kelsey & acEvoy Pumping Plant Washington Park
Pacific Tel & Tel Co Telephone Rental
IT It TT 71 ►► IT
$ 22.00
§ 127.75
4; 419.00
riir.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Christensen and
carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen ,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells
and Bullock,(6).
Noes :None . Absent :Councilmen Walker,Fisher and Probst, (3) .
A quit -claim deed to a certain piece of land shown on certain maps as a street
running nort aru and Hibbard Streets,to Elsie E.Gore,was presented. r.Krumb
moved that the deed be given to the s ^id Elsie ELGore,seconded by Mr.Crosby and carried.
A map was presented showing the land to be taken to allow of the widening of Encinal
Avenue at the southwest corner of Sherman Street for railroad purposes. Ordered filed.
Articles of Agreement with specifications attached were presented for the construc-
tion of an air pressure water pumping plant in Washington ark,by the Nevada Machinery
and Supply Company. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Board of Education requesting that the leave
of absence tendered School Director D.L.Randolph be extended to sixty days. Mr.Hammond
moved that the request be granted,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried.
A communication was received from the Board of Health stating that it was their de-
sire to surrender the keeping or obtain permission to sell the City Ambulances. Mr.Bul-
lock moved that they be turned over to the Police and Fire Commission,seconded by Mr.
Christensen and carried,thereupon Mr.Bullock moved that the Police and Fire Commission be
authorized to advertise for the sale of same the proceeds to go towards the purchase of
a combination Police Patrol and Ambulance iaagon,seconded by Mr.Christensen and carried.
The matter of the application of the Board of Electricity for permission to move
its office from there present quarters just inside the door to the Council Chamber to 1;
that part of the Council Chamber now occupied by the Chamber of Commerce was taken up
whereupon Mr.Hammond moved that the request be granted,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried.
A petition was received from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.,requesting
permission to open Oak Street between San Jose Avenue and Central Avenue for the pur-
pose of laying 1415 feet of 4-duct tile subway and the construction of four manholes,as
follows; One at San Jose Avenue;one at San Antonio Avenue;one at Encinal Avenue and one
at Alameda Avenue where said streets cross said Oak Street. Mr.Krumb moved that the
request be granted,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
A communication was received from Henry Mohns requesting hat steps be taken to
have the Railroad Company remove the discarded rails and sleepers from along the road-
way where work is being done to electrify the said road. Mr.Yrumb reported that the
said Company was doing the work already and moved that the Communication be filed,so
A communication was received from F.L.Button of Oakland requesting that action be
taken to improve Madison Street between High and Peach Streets. Street Superintendent
Frodden reported that he thought that said work Would be done by private contract as he
understood that contracts had been nearly all signed up. Mr.Krumb moved that action
be posponed for two weeks,so ordered.
Two petitions for the removal of buildings were presented by Scott and Judd as
agents for the Estate of Freeborn J.Fletter.deceased,one from 1424 or 1428 Oak Street
to the south side of Santa Clara Avenue between Walnut and Willow Streets and the other
from either 1424 or 1428 Oak Street to the north side of Central Avenue between Willow
and Walnut Streets. The Petitions were accompanied by a bond in the sun of 200.00 and
the consent of the necessary property owners on the north side of Central Avenue but was
lacking the necessary consent of the property owners on Santa Clara Avenue thereupon
Mr.Banmond moved that on the presentation of the necessary consent that the Street Com-
mittee be authorized to order the issuance of the necessary permit,seconded by r.Crosby
and carried.
A petition was received. from Hutchinson Company requesting permission to grade,
curb,gutter and macadamize Fountain Street between the southerly line of Van Buran Street
and the northerly line of Encinal Avenue,under private contract,accompanying the same
was c copy of contract with the property owners owning property on the said street. Mr.
Hammond moved that the request be granted provided that the said Hutchinson Co.,would
assume all indebtedness so far incurred by proceedings under Resolution of Intention No.
740,seconded by Mr.Christensen and carried.
A communication was received fren the Park And Playground Commission recommending
that a cement sidewalk be constructed. on Central Avenue fronting Washington Park and that
the same be set back to comply with the line as established east of said Ilroperty. Mr.
Krumb moved. that the matter be referred to the Street Committee and Street Superintendent
seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
Councilman Fisher arrived and was noted present.
The Street Committee presented a report that the work of constructing a sidewalk
on Willow Street south of Eagle Avenue in front of property owned by J.R.Sloan would be
commenced on Monday,October 18th and that the City would pay for the crossing off said
street and Eagle Avenue. Ordered filed.
A report was presented by the Street Committee regarding the improvement of the
west side of Prospect Street south of Central Avenue and fronting Washington Park at-
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pany fixing the amount at 91607.42,and recommending that the City Attorney be directed
to prepare a contract so as to allow the work to be done and paid for as completed in
sections. Mr. }Iammond moved that the report be filed and adopted and that the City
Attorney be directed to prepare a progress contract for the proposed work and that the
Mayor and. Clerk be authorized to sign such contract with Hutchinson Company,on behalf of
the City,Beconded by NLr.Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen
Christensen, Krumb ,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Pisher and Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:
Councilman Walker and Probst,(2).
A report was rresented by the Committee on Streets,Sewers and Wharves in the matter
of the alarmbell maintained by the Railroad Company at the corner of Willow and Lincoln
Avenue and recommended that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the said
company requesting it to remove it. Mr.Hammond moved that the recommendation be adopt-
ed, seconded by Pffr.Krumb and carried.
A report was presented by the Committee on Streets,Sewers and Ih'harves in the matter
of the improvement of the south end of Cedat Street,recomrnending that the Street Superin-
tendent be instructed to construct a temporary drain or gutter to carry off the surplus
rain water and that the construction of a permanent improvement be poeponed until after
April 1st 1910. Mr.Hammond moved that the recommendation be adopted,seconded by Mr.Bul-
lock and carried.
Iffr.Krumr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved,That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the inten-
tion of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to be done
in said city,namely: That Post Street from the southern line of Encinal Avenue to the
h.orthern line of Washington Street,including all crossing between said limits,be improv-
ed as follows:
That the entire width of said street between said limits be graded to the official
grade;that concrete curbing,eight in ches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension,
be constructed on the curb line of said street and on the curved corners of the crossings
between said limits;that cement grouted rock gutters,three feet in width and of the flat
pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said street,between said limits,contiguous
to said curbing and to said curved eorners;that two gutter bridges each five feet in width
and of pine lumber,be constructed in each of the four corners of the crossings of Post
Street with Adams Street,Jefferson Street and Madison Street;that two cast iron culverts
imbedded in concrete be constructed in each of said last mentioned crossings along the
line of Post Street,one on the eastern and one on the western side of said street at
each of said crossings;that the roadway of said street between said limits and includ-
ing said crossings,but excepting that portion of said roadway occupied by gutters,be
macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness.
The Alameda Daily Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and
circulated in this city in which this resolution and the Street Superintendents Notice
of the passage thereof,shall be published. The Clerk is hereby directed to publish this
Resolution by two successive insertions in said newspaper,and post the same for two days
conspicuously near the chamber door of this Council.
Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was passed and adopted by the follow-
ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Krumb ,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(7.)
Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Probst,(2).
Mr.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved,That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the in-
tention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to be
done in said City,namely: That Peach Street from the southern line of Madison Street to
the northern line of V:asnington tree ana ineiuuing ine crossings oz .iezieron nnreeu
and Adams Street with Peach Street be improved as follows:
That the entire width of said street between said limits be graded to the official
grade;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension,
be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of the cross-
ings between said limite;that cement grouted rook gutters,three feet in width and of t
the flat patterx,►,be constructed along the roadway of said street,between said limits
contiguous to said curbing and to said curved eorners;that two gutter bridges,five feet
in width and of pine lumber,be constructed in each of the four corners of the crossings
of Peach Street with Adams Street and Jefferson Street;that two cast -iron culverts,im-
bedded in concrete,be constructed in each of said last mentioned crossings along the line
of Peach Street,one on the eastern and one on the western side of said street at each
of said crossings;that the roadway of said street between said limits and including said
crossings,but excepting that crossing of said roadway occupied by gutters,be macadamiz-
ed with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness.
That the Alameda Daily Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper publish-
ed and circulated in this City,in which this resolution,and the Street Superintendents
Notice of the passage thereof,shall be published. The Clerk is hereby directed to p
publish this resolution by two successive insertions in said newspaper,and post the same
for two days conspicuously near the chamber door of this Council
Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Krumb ,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(7). Noes:
None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Probst,(2).
Mr.Christensen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved,That City Officers and employees whose services are not specially requir-
ed in the judgment of Chiefs of Departments,are hereby excused from duty,on Thursday,
October 21st 1909.
Mr.Bullock seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Krumb ,Hammnond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(7). Noes:
None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Probst,(2).
The Clerk reported that he had,in compliance with the direction of the Council,
called the attention,in a written communication,of the Oakland' Traction Company to the
delapidated condition of that part of its system on San Jose Avenue from Park to High
Street and on High Street from San Jose to Santa Clara Avenue,but had received no reply.
Mr.Bullock moved that the Mayor be requested to telephone the said Company and endeavor
to obtain some definite reply,seconded by Mr.Christensen and carried.
School Superintendent Will C.Wood addressed the Council requesting that action be
taken toward calling a school bond election as requested in a communication presented at
the meeting of September 21st 1909. Mr.Bullock moved that the City Attorney be direct-
ed to prepare the necessary papers to call a special bond election for the purpose of
issuing bonds for school purposes to the amount of 200,000.00,for the purpose of issu-
ing bonds for the construction of a south side sewer to the amount of $30,000.00 and
for the purpose of issuing bonds for the construction of a salt water pipe line in Oak
Street to the amount of 10,000.00,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried by the following
vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Krumb ,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(7).
Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Probst,(2).
Mr.Krumb addressed the Council calling attention to the matter of the dumping of
garbage and rubbish on Bay Island Avenue between Park Avenue and Regent Street and mov-
ed that the Clerk be directed to call the attention of the Board of Health to the mat-
arrest and prosecute any offendersfseconded by Mr.Christensen and carried.
Mr.Krumb moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare ordinances regulating
the storage of manure and also prohibiting the tying of horses to trees bordering the
sidewalks,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried.
Mr.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to notify the Chief of Police to post
notices at the end of streets calling attention to the ordinances prohibiting the dump-
ing of trees and garbage at such places,seconded by Ir.Bullock and carried.
Mr.Krurnb moved that the Street Superintendent be granted authority to dispose of
the tank and tower located at the south end of Park Avenue,seconded by Mr.Christensen and
Mr.Yrumb moved that W.M.Bowers,Chas.Abt and W.F.Schulte be appointed as commission-
ers to investigate and report back to the Council the amount that will be necessary to
pay for property to be taken for the purpose of the widening of Encinal Avenue to 60
feet from Versailles Avenue westerly to a point about 140 feet west of Broadway,seconded
by Mr.Bulloch and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,
Hammond, Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker
and Probst,(2).
Mr.A.W.Morgenstern addressed the Council thanking it for the action taken towards
abating the dumping of garbage on Bay Island Avenue.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next
regular meeting,Tuesday,November 2nd 1909,at 7.30 P.M.
City Clerk.