1909-11-02 Regular CC MinutesTUESDAY,NOVEMBER 2nd 1909. The meeting convened with Mayor W.H.Noy presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen, Walker ,Krumb,Aammond,Crosby,Ells and Bullock were noted present and Councilmen Fisher and Probst absent. The minutes of the meeting of October 19th 1909 were read and ordered approved. Mr.Krumb moved that the hearing of the protest against the opening of a new street on the north side of the City,west from Grand Street as proposed by Resolution of Inten- tion No.737,be posponed until the next regular meeting,seconded by Mr.Christensen and carried. A certificate was presented by the City Engineer certifying as to the amount of work done by the Ransome - Crummey Co.,on the east side of the Webster Street Roadway. Ordered filed. Claims against the General Fund amounting to $36.46;against the Police Fund amount- ing to $23.55;against the Street Fund amounting to $2720.70;against the Electric Light Fund amounting to p4648.08;against the Library Fund amounting to $150.91;against the Special Webster Street Road Fund amounting to s2616.76;a6ainst Municipal Improvement Fund No.8 (Webster Street) amounting to $15,624.12;against the Park & Playground Fund amounting to :38.55 and against Municipal Improvement Fund No.8 (Park & Playground) amounting to $1418.77 having been approved and audited by the proper officers were read by the Clerk as follows: General Fund Beckman,J.N. Refund of Taxes 4.38 Boegle,F. Transcript for October 3.00 California Oil & Burner Co., Oil for Heater 20.00 Fischer Plumbing & Hdwe Co. Supplies 1.75 Oakland Gas Light &; Heat Co. Gas 1.30 Pacific Tel & Tel Co L.D.Switehes .95 Peoples Water Co. Water for Pound 1.33 IT tt TV IT " City Hall Total 3.75 36.46 POLICE FUND. Conrad, dohn Money Advanced $ 23.55 STREET FUND. Road Oil $ 262.50 TT Tt 310.00 IT IT 311.25 Hardware 13.00 Britt,W. Teaming 84.00 Chapman,E.N. Assisting City Engr 2.00 Goldstone,John Fuel 63.87 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Rental 2.00 Jorgenson,P. Blacksmithing 34.50 Peoples Water Co. Water 265.90 it " 333.10 Peters,T.L. Teaming 264.00 Plummer & Son,Geo E. Lumber 28.15 TT TT IT '► 5.00 Rhodes - Jamieson & Co. Material 156.10 Associated Oil Co. It TT it IT Burgner & Martin " Tr TI Screenings 135.25 Total 02270.62 -- -- - ,,,,,,,y." w .. 1Y1L7 ,er1al 102.00 Serralunga,S. Labor 100.00 Sunset Lumber Co. Lumber 144.55 Taylor & Co. TT 80.33 II Tt IT TT 13.65 Vosburgh & Co. Hardware ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Argus Publishing Co. Printing Associated Oil Co. Oil TT IT TT Tt Binder, F. Medicine Board of Electricity. Incidentals Crane Co. Supplies IT ft TI TT TT IT II TI addressograph Supplies Fischer, C. F. Plumb. & Hdwe. Co. Mdse. Packings Crocker, H. S. Co. Total Garlock Packing Company. Hunt, Mirk & Co., Packing Joost, M. & Sons Gasoline Kellogg Express Co. Expressage King, A. R. Horseshoeing Koerber, A. H. W. Feed Lomax, R. R. Horseshoeing Marshall - Newell Supply Co. Supplies Repairs Eccentric Pacific States Electric Co. Supplies Ohmen Engine Co., Ohmen Engine Works. IT VT IT II TI T1 Tt It TI 11 IT IT It II It TT Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rentals Bolts Supplies Water Paynee Bolt Works 11 IT TI Peoples Water Co. TI' TV TI Peterson, J. A. Tt Repairs Plummer, Geo. E. & Son. Lumber Powell Bros., Construction Co. Teaming Roebl,ings, J. A. & Sons. Supplies II I/ II TI T/ Copper Wire Forward 9.55 4132720.70 $ 28.00 327.86 327.86 270.00 327.86 318.86 327.86 319.81 2.00 49.20 6.82 21.13 6.83 7.25 4.30 85.45 7.50 2.00 2.00 3.00 32.25 4.00 8.28 9.50 7.50 7.78 22.28 152.54 63.71 6.64 12.90 43.36 16.59 1.00 1.00 2.80 3.50 12.00 343.65 219.40 $3416.27 Amount forward $3416.27 Schneider, Henry Stationery 3.20 Sterling Pharmacy. Drugs 2.85 United Iron Works. Repairs 43.00 Vosburgh, J. B. & Co. Supplies 7.50 Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Sad Irons 41.70 " TT " TT TT Watt Meters 346.44 " TT TT TT TT Supplies 238.50 TT TT TT TT It TT 281.70 " n " " It Watt meters 180.60 IT It TT " 11 Supplies 86.32 Total $4648.08 LIBRARY FU1V'D. Alameda Public Library Petty Expenses $ 26.33 Argus Publishing Company. Printing 17.25 Globe Sanitary Supply Co. Supplies 9.00 Lenehan, J. P. Books 34.00 Library Bureau, Inc. Supplies 11.10 Lubben Bros., Fuel 11.00 Peoples Water Co. Water 1.78 Schneider, Henry Stationery & newspapers 15.45 Volberg, C. C. Rent of West End Reading Room 25.00 Total $ 150.91 SPECIAL WEBSTER STREET ROAD FUND. Ransome- Crummey Co. Contract E. side Webster Street $2616.76 MUNICIPAL IMPROVJMENT FUND NO. 8 (Webster Street) Ransome- Crummey Co. Contract E. side Webster St. $15624.12 PARK & PLAYGROUND FUND. Park & Playground Com. Petty Expenses $ 38.55 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 8 (Park & Playground) BEtten, H. L. Supplies $ 14.10 Delanoy Manufacturing Co. " 60.75 Donovan, Jerry Wages for Oct. 09. 65.00 Dunleavy, R. R. " Tr " 11 58.40 Dunn, M. H. Salary for Oct. 09. 90.00 Fischer, C. F. Plumb. & Hdwe Co. Sewer in Lincoln Park 50.40 Fletcher, J. D. Wages for Oct. 09 65.00 Gutleben, John S. " It " 11 65.00 Hammond, C. J. Tennis Court Washington Park 207.30 Kelsey & Md§voy, Motor for Power Plant, McKinleyPark 157.00 Nicolson, Peter, Wages for Oct. o9 65.00 O'Keefe, M. Tr T► 9 TT 65.00 Peoples Water Co. Water for Parks 32.00 Rosmarin, Geo. Seeds & Shrubs McKinley Park 27.42 Schneider, Henry Stationery 5.20 Spaulding, A. G. & Bros., Supplies for Washington Park 374.35 Vosburgh, J. B. &. Co. Hardware for Parks 16.85 Total $1418.77 Mr. Bullock moved that the bills be paid as read, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Walker, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, and Bullock, (7). Noes; None. Absent: Councilmen Fisher and Probst, (2). Councilman Fisher arrived. and was noted present. A communication was received from the Auditor rejecting a claim of the Alameda Floral Company on the Fire Fund for $5.00, state that the same is an illegal claim. Mr. Walker moved that the same be filed and the Clerk notify the Police and Fire Commission of the action of the Auditor, seconded by Mr. Krumb and carried. A communication was received from J. M. Boyd the Contractor, who built the new fire- house on Webb Avenue, regarding a claim of $65.00, extra work in making the sump and floor of the said fire-house water-tight. Mr. Walker moved that the Clerk be directed to ans- wer the sane, seconded by ]Ir. Krumb and carried. A continuation certificate was received from the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company on the bond of Henry F. Wichman, Jr., an employee of the Municipal electric Light Plant. Ordered filed. A contract was presented. from 2cott, nagner & Miller for the delivery 07 feed for the horses or the Yire nepartment for the ensuing year. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce notifying the Coun- cil that it had decided to vacate the offices occupied by them in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Oakland. Traction Company stating that it would immediately proceed to make the necessary repairs. to the track and street surface on San Jose Avenue, east of Park Street and on High Street, also to place the surface of the roadway on Webster Street in good condition. Ordered filed. A communication was received from J. H. Young, General Superintendent of the Southern Pacific Company regarding the alarm bell maintained by the said Company at Lincoln Avenue and Willow Street. Ordered filed. A communication was received from City Justice, R. B. Tappan regarding the Chickeh Ordinance. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Crosby and, carried. Two communications were received requesting that action be taken to muzzle all dogs running at large. Mr. Walker moved that they be filed, seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried. Alvin H. Low made application for a Gratuitous License to peddle a book written by himself. Mr. Crosby moved that it be granted, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried. Mr. Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the salary of John Xuhlke, employed in the Street Department of the City, be raised from $65.00 per month to $75.00 per month, same to take effect from and after this date. Mr. Walker seconded, and resolution and it was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen, Christensen, Walker, Krurnb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher and. Bullock, (8). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Probst, (1). A copy of a contract was received, of the Southern Pacific Company with Hutchinson Company for the macadamizing, etc., of the new boulevard, to follow the roadbed of the said Company from Clement Avenue and Pearl Street easterly, and southerly, to the east end of Encinal Avenue. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Street Superintendent certifying that the work of grading, curbing, macadamizing and otherwise improving Encinal Avenue, from the western line of Park Street to the eastern line of Willow Street, done by Powell Bros. Construc- tion Company under private contract had been faithfully finished and completed to his satisfaction. Ordered filed. A communication was received from E. Schumacher asking for sixty days time on his contract for the improvement of Dayton Avenue under Resolution of Intention 729, there- upon Mr. Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas request had been made and good cause therefore appearing, Resolved that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and direct- ed to grant 60 days extension of time on contract for the performance of Street Work to E. Schumacher on his contract to improve Dayton Avenue under resolution of Intention No. 729 provided that in no event shall any liability accrue by reason thereof against said city or officials. Mr. Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher and Bullock, (8). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Probst, (1). Mr. Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas, under Resolution ordering work No. 731 adopted by this City Council, three commissioners were appointed to assess benefits and damages and have general charge of the proposed work and improvement, mentioned in said Resolution in compliance with law. Whereas, said commissioners have filed their affidavits and bonds and qualified as such. Resolved, that this Council determines that as compensation for the services rend- ered by said commissioners up to the time of filing their Report and Assessment in said matter each commissioner shall be entitled to receive the sum of $115.00. Said compensation shall be added to and chargeable as part of the expenses of said improvement and not chargeable against the City of Alameda. Mr. Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen, Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher and Bullock, (8) . Noes: None. Absent, Councilman Probst, (1) . In the matter of the reuest of F. L. Button presented at the last meeting, request- ing that action be taken for the improvement of Madison Street between High and Peach Streets, Mr. Krumb moved that the City Engineer and City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary Resolution of Intention to make the improvement, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried. Mr.Walker introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Amend Ordi- nance No.516 of the City of Alameda Prescribing Building Regulations by Defining the Ad- ditional Fire Limits and Regulations therefor ",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr.Krumb,intr.oduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Regulating the Keeping and Storage of Manure ",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr.Krumb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Prohibiting the Use of Sidewalk Trees for Hitching Purposes ",which was laid over under the provi- sions of the Charter. Mr.Walker moved that the request of the Police €: Fire Comm.sion for permission to purchase 1500 feet of Hose,presented at the meeting of October 5th 1909 be granted,se- conded by ee coaled- -by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker., Krumb ,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(8). Noes :None. Ab- sent Councilman Probst,(1). Mr.Christensen moved that the Clerk be directedto advertise for bids for 1500 feet Christensen withdrew the motion and thereupon Mr.Walker moved, that the motion granting the Police & Fire Commission permission to purchase 1500 feet of fire hose be reconsid- ered,seconded by Mr.Krumb and Fire Commission be authorized by Mr.Hammond and carried. A communication was received from Mayor Hodghead of Berkeley requesting that the Council join with Berkeley and. Oakland in the endeavor to have an ordinance passed which would cause the Oakland Traction Company place fenders on their cars. Mr.Hammond mov- ed that the matter be left to the Ltayor,seconded by Mr.Crosby and carried. Mr.hammond moved that the matter of repairing the floor of the Sherman Street Fire carried,and thereupon M-1(...Wa G;Imove that the Police & to advertise for bids for 1500 feet of fire hose,seconded. House be referred to the Fire,Water and Police Committee with power,seconded by Mr.Cros- by and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Han- mond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and. Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Probst,(1). Mr.Krumb brought up the matter of the Railroad trains stopping at the crossings of First and Broadway and at 23rd Avenue stations where they just crossed the tracks of the Oakland Traction Company's tracks so as to block street car traffic and moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the said Railroad Company request- ing it to make arrangements to stop the said trains so as not to blockade the street cars,seconded by Mr.Crosby and carried. Mr.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to request the Oakland Traction Company to remove the switch maintained by it on San Jose Avenue between Pearl and Versailles, seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried. Mr.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to notify the owner of the property lo- cated at the North-east corner of High Street and Central Avenue to take steps to imme- diately place the cement sidewalk in fron of said property at the proper grade and in good condition,seconded by 1:1r.Hammond and carried. Mr.Fossing addressed the Council requesting permission to repair a by him and located at the corner of Pacific Avenue and Park Street,which limits could not be repaired as he desired without special permission. building owned being in the fire Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Building Inspector in conjunction with the Fire, Water and Police Committee and the Fire Marshalkseconded by Mr.Walker and carried. Mr.lr-rumb brought up the matter of the bad condition of the gutters in front of the City Hall and recommended that action be taken to repair the same. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee to report to the Council at its next mecting,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried. City Attorney Simpson reported that should a claim be presented for the payment of 1000.00 against the Fire Pension Fund from the heirs of the late J.E.Hayden deceased Fireman,that it would be a legal claim. Mr.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to notify T.H.Von Ah of the Alameda Sta- bles to remove the wooden awning in front of the said stables on Encinal Avenue between Oak and. Park Streets,as same was in a dangerous condition,seconded by Mr.Fisher and carried. Mr.Krumb moved that the Building Inspector be directed to notify all property own- a/tP/,L(rvrtrt76-4,2A2, co7 ors in front of whose property and located over the sidewalksAto immedirtely remove them, seconded by Mr.Crosby and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuesday,November 16th 1909,at 7.30 P.M. ity Clerk.