1911-02-07 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALATA,TUE-')DAY,FEPRITARY 7th 1911. The meeting convened with Mayor W.H.Uoy,presiding. The Roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence,Probst and Bul- lock,(5) were noted present and Councilmen Walker,Hammond,Ells and Fisher absent. The minutes of the meeting of January 17th 1911,were read and ordered ap- proved. Councilman Fisher arrived and was noted present. The City Engineer presented a report certifying that F.H.Dahnke,Contractor for the South Side Sewer had completed enough work on his contract to entitle him to a payment of 3083.01. Mr.Krumb moved that it be filed,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. A conrriunioatton was received from the Park and Playground. Commission request- that the Claim of the Nevada Machinery and Supply Oo,of '850.00 for water pumping plant in Washington Park he compromised for 65O .00. Ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Spence offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED by the council of the City of Alameda that WHEREAS,the demand of the Nevada l'achinery and Supply Company presented to the Council on the 26th day of November:1,909 for the sum of Eight hundred and fifty (e50.00) Dollars for material and labor in installing pumping plant at lashington Park as per contract with the City of Alameda,has been approved by the Park and Play- ground Commission for the sum of Six hundred and fifty(650.00) Dollars and no more which sum is to he in full payment and. settlement of all claim and demand by said Nevada 7lachinery & Supply Company on account of said contract and WHEEEAS,said Nevada Machinery & Supply Company has by its Attorney and agent agreed to accept said sum in full settlement of said claim,therefore BE IT RESOLVED that the said claim be and the same is hereby allowed and appro- ved for Six hundred and fifty '(650.0C) Dollars,and the Auditor is hereby directed to draw his warrant upon Municipal Improvement Fund No.8,for said amount on account of said claim and to deliver said warrant upon presentation to him of the proper release and receipt in due form according to this Resolution. Mr.Christensen secnded the reSolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence,Fisher,Probst and Bul- lock, (6) . Noes :None . Absent :Councilmen Walker,Hammond and Ells,(). Umancilman Ells arrived and was noted present. Claims against the General Fund amounting to ;;296.54;agalnet the Street Fund amounting to 1608.99;against the Police Fund amounting to cp33.05;against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 0534.53;against the Library Fund amounting to 911.77;aFainst the Parlr S Playground Fund amounting to '1441.51;against Municipal Improvement Fund No.9,( (Sewer) amounting to 3146.01;against Municipal. Improvement Fund No.9, (School) amounting to 13857.00 and against Municipal. Improvement Fund No. 8, (School) amounting to 3281.13 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Daily Argus Alameda Land Co. Baird, TN. /1£471i751 GENERAL FUND Advertising 9 .35 Insurance Premium 11.00 11.00 rt U TI 11 rr Boeglo,F. Burgner & Martin Bussenins,A.G. California Oil 8.7 Burner Co TT TT VT Clark,ITerbert D. Cobbledick Mass Co.,L.W. Delanoy,F.N. Fekete,A.. Goggin & Co.,G.E. Goggin,W.W. Hally & Co. Hendrickson,W.J. VT Hierlihy,Bessie B. Inter-City Express, Johnson,Elmer E. Judd & 4ist Kihn,Al. Larkin, John Lewis F.: Shaw MehrtenP,H.Q. Peoples Water Company TT iFehruary 7th PJ11 Transcript Roofing,Police Garage 1.50 14.00 Medicine for Pound 1.50 H 30.00 TI TI VT 20.00 11.00 6.00 11.00 1.55 11.00 T TV 11,g0 TT II 11.00 Dog Ile t ,Pound. 2.25 TT IT TT 1.85 11.00 1.00 11.00 11.00 11.pO 15.75 11.00 11.00 1.20 " Cityhall 7.04 Oil for heater Insurance Premium Glass,Treasurer's door Insurance Premium Keys,City Hall Insurance Premium Insurance Premium Subscription Insurance Premium TT TV TT II Carpenter work Insurance Premium TV It Sater for round TI Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. Gas for City hall Insurance Premium Switches, &c Removing Garbage Insurance Premium .plies for Janitor Total- Oshorn,Jessie Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Perata,A. Pollard,U.H. Voshurgh Co.,J.B. Britt,W. Burgner STREET FUND. Teaming tpplies Empire Foundry Co TT liammond,C.J. Rock Jamison,J.2. Teaminp- May,J.J. Labor Hutchinson Company Street Work TV TT Rock TT VT Street Work Jo genson,P. Blacksmithing Peters,T.L. Teaming Peoples Water Co Water Powell Bros Construction Co Hacadam Plummer & Son, co E. Lumber IT IT TT Pacific Tel & Tel VT Rental 9.40 11.00 1.80 1.00 11.00 4.35 296.54 54.25 6.55 92.38 7.0n 63.75 20.00 _ 4.33 84.00 297.90 11.25 116.75 35.00 14.00 23.95 10.65 .25 February 7th 1911. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co Material 42.24 TT 60.00 Serralunga,L. Labor 145.00 Stachler,J. Blacksmithing 6.85 Thurston,C.E. Teaming 30.00 Traube,H. Bicycle Repairs 4.50 Vosburgh Co.,J.R. Hardware 14.35 Total U608.99 POLICE FUND. Conrad,John Incidental Expenses 33.05 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND American Tool Works Supplies 3 2.00 Associated Oil Co Fuel Oil 303.57 TI It 9 TV 71 303.57 TT TT TI IT TT 300.59 TI TT IT 9 TT 303.57 II TV IT TT II 303.33 II TT TI 9 IT 295.24 71 TT IT 'I II 302.33 TT 9 TI 9 TT 303.57 TI II TT TT 295. 4 TI TT IT TT If 295.24 TT TT TT TI 11 295.24 IT 9 TT TT TT 295.24 TV TT T U IT 293.93 T1 11 II TT TT 303.57 TT TT TI IT 295.24 TT TT TT TT TI 302.81 TI TT IT TT 303.86 TV T1 'I Tv 295.24 11 VT IT 9 ft 295.24 II 11 TT TT VI 303.57 Board of Electricity Incidental Exienses 48.00 Borneman & Co.,Geo E. Typewriter inspection 6.00 Coustier & Sons Repairs & Supplies 65.00 Crane Co. Supplies 7.89 Crocker Co.,H.S. Addressograph Supplies 4.10 Crosscup,I.O. Supplies 27.00 Degen Belting Co. Belting 1.61 Repairs F.: Supplies 37. Dow Pumping Engine Oo.,Geo E. ,T TT II U Repairing 55.00 Supplies 29.16 TT TT TT Fire Llarn R)x Locks 6.50 TI TI U Supplies 106.50 Garlock Lacking Co. Packing 70.00 Gaskill & Manion. Cylinder Grease 7.00 Gorham Revere Rubber Co. : echanical Rubber Goods 5.62 9 VI VT TT TI If 9 .00 Gamewell Fire Alarm and Tel Co. Tomax,R.R. Liarshall-rewall Supply Co February 7th 1911 Horseshoeing 5.00 '1 5.25 Rags 5.30 t1 TT Revolution Counter 9.00 :Thacific Stat trio Co. Supplies 9.32 '7 11 ¶7 Tv TT TT IT Tr TV 7T 77 , TV , , TT Ty TV TT IT TT 11 II TT VT 1T T7 , TT TT 11 It T1 TT 11 TT 7? ” 19.40 IT 75.00 IV 6.37 3.00 49.58 TT 67.07 42,60 Tv 3.00 72.96. 16.(T TT 2.81 71 3.56 95.34 2.05 127.36 TT 179.05 Pacific: Tel & Tel Co. Rental 11.85 reoples Water Co Water P.hodes-Janieson ,P Co. Fire Clay 3.00 7,oeblings ons Co. ,John Supplies 233.80 40.85 Lamp Cord 2.75 Supplies 260.10 TT 443.28 Copper Wire 190.22 Schneider, Henry Stationery Lc 5.00 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 8.00 Gargoyle Rubino Oil 11.27 Taber Bigelow Co. Surplies 35.93 Tucker & Co. ,71.1:'. 1T4etallic Packing 10.40 Weinstock-Nichols Co Auto Supplies 8.05 4.95 Westinghouse E.& E.Co. Supplies 301.35 39.55 77 " IT 205.90 vT TT VT 199.20 White Cross Drug Co. .50 rihittier-Coburn Co. Glass Lc 3.60 Woodin Little Pulleys 10.11 Worthington,Fenry F. vy 11 IT TV 17 TT TT II II TT TT TT Ty TT It TT TT IT 'T Supplies Total- PART: & PLAYGP,OUND FUND. Alameda Hardware Co. Supplies 1.25 ,q575A 57 .• 13.30 v February 7th 1911. Betten,h.L. Supplies ' ,n, 2.45 Burgner & Idartin TT 3.90 Delanoy Kanufacturing TT 8.50 Electric Chop,The Volt Radiator 17.50 Guage,Wm Plaints 20.00 Gay,A.T. Supplies 1.50 Hackett, Frank H. Plumbing 24.05 Hammond,C.J. Material & Labor 206.15 Kellogg Express Co. Drayage 4.90 TV TT TT IV 3.50 IT TT IT TT 5.00 TT IT IT 3.75 Kinney Co.,R.W. Tubing for Gymnasium 217.70 Metzger,C.L. Supplies 17.56 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Rental 2.25 TT IT IT IT IT Peoples Water Co. Water IT TT TT TT TT VT Plummer & Son,Geo E. Lumber TT IT IT Pratt,Geo TI IT IT Ty Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. TT Taylor & Co. Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Alameda Daily Argus Alameda Free Library TT I I TT Janitor Brick Lime pplies TI Total- 2.25 2. 173.68 158.96 128.96 56.30 1.65 10.15 40.65 10.00 9.55 2.50 1.50 23.85 41441.31' LIBRARY FUND. Subscription 4.80 Petty Expenses 24.08 TT " TT Eastern Claims 22.47 Books 35.00 Evening Times Star,The Printing 12.50 Fielding, Geo Daily Newspapers 6.00 Koerber,A.H.V). Fuel 25.00 Library Bureau, Inc. Supplies 1.62 Machen,R.J. Books 72.72 Eazzini,L. Plumbing (c'_ Sunplies 2.25 Newbegin,J.J. Books 291.58 Peoples Water Co. Water 1.45 Review of Reviews Books 18.00 Can Francisco -News Co. Periodicals 330.50 Schneider,Henry Stationery 12.20 Volherg,C.C. Rent of Test End Reading Room 25.00 Vosburgh,Co.,J.B. Supplies 1.10 Clausen, John H.N. February 7th 1)11. Wheeler Publishing Co. Books 13.50 Total- - 911.77 MUNICIPAL IEPROVEMENT FUND No.9, (Sewer ) Dahnke ,F .H. On Contract 0083.01 Sutton, James E. Sewer Inspector's fees 63.00 Total- - - - - -3146.01 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEI'ENT FUND No .9, (School) Damkroeger,D.A. Supt of Construction Powell Bros Construction Co. On Contract Total- - MUNICIPAL 112ROVEMENT FUND No.8,(Schoo Klenck Muller On Contract Mr.Bulloch moved that the claims as read be paid ,o ded by Mr.Christensen 70.00 3787.00 -p857.00 281.13 and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence, Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Hammond , ( 2 ) A report was received from the Auditor showing the amounts on hand in the various funds on January 31st 1911. Ordered filed. The Peoples Water Company's report for the past year was presented. Mr. Bullock moved that it be referred to the finance Committee,seconded by Mr .Ells and carried. A report was received fror the Board of Electricity of the Municipal Elec- tric Light Plant fro the month ending December 31st 1910. Ordered filed. A communication was received from Geo.E.Burlingame,Secretary of the North- brae Improvement Association of Berkeley accompnied by a report of the Committee on Water Supply to the conference Committee of Improvement Clubs of Berkeley the same being in answer to a communication recently sent by Mayor Noy,and calling particular attention to certain parts of the said report. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Board of Education stating that it had paosed a resolution changing the name of the Wilson School to Lincoln School. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Board of Education that the sum of 09.00 which had been charged by the Building Inspector for a building permit for the erection of the new Washington School:oe remitted and also that the issuance of building permits he without charge to the said Board in the future. el& Mr.Spence moved that the requests be granted, seconded by Er.ancep and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Yrumb,Spence,Ells,Fisher, Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes ;None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond. (2). A communication was received from the Park & Playground Conrisston requesting permission to appoint a Janitor for the buildings in Lincoln Park at a monthly salary of 1O .00. Mr.Krumb moved that the request be granted, seconded by Er. Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Ohristensen,Krumh,2pence, Ell Fisher,Probat and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Ahsent:Councilmen Walker and Hammond (2). A communication was received from the Park & Playground Commission arpoint- ing .orge Fratt,as Janitor of the buildings in Lincoln Park. Ordered filed A communication was received from the Park & Playground Commission request- ing permission to purchase lavatory fixtures for MoKinley Park at a cost of 'A56.80. Mr.Krumb moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr.Ells and carried by the February 7th 1911. A petition was received from James 0urcio,for a gratuitous license to do a junk business. Mr.Hrumb moved that as he was a resident of Oakland that the peti- tion he denied,seconded by Er.Christensen and carried. A communication was received from the Alameda Improvement Club, complaining that a bill-board recently erected on the east side of Wehater Street about 100 feet notth of Santa. Clara avenue waa a dangerous menace to life and limb and recom- mending that that the same be declared R nuisance and that an Ordinance be passed limiting the heighth of bill-boards. Mr.Probst moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to have such action taken, seconded by Hr.Ells and carried. A communication was received. from the Alameda Improvement Club expressing ap- preciation of the prompt action of the Council in the natter of the ordering the removal of the obstruction across the south side of Sixth Street at Central Avenue. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Alameda Improvement Club to which was attached a copy of a resolution of the said club requesting the Council to place upon the ballot at the forthcoming election of the municipality a referendum propo- sition to purchase and acquire the property known as the Hays Tract adjoining the Washington Park on the west either by a bond issue or a general tax levy. Hr. Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee and the City At- torney,seconded by Kr.Ells and carried. A communication was received from the Alameda Improvement Club advocating a commission form of government (A Eayor and four commissioners) and requesting ,hat the question be placed upon the ballot at the forth coning municipal election. Hr. Probst moved that the matter he referred to the City Attorney to place the same in proper form and that it be submitted as requested,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. Communications were received from Assemblyman Sumner Crosby,and former Council- man stating' that the bill providing for the lighting of streets had passed the As- sembly and that it would very likely pass the Senate. Also that he had conferred with the Railroad Commission and had been assured by it that the railroad could if it so desired grant permission to policemen to ride free within the limits of the city,without becoming involved. in any legal trouble. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Public Utilities Committee stating that it had been assured by the Oakland Traction Company that beginning the 1st week in :;iarch the said Company would operate its cars in Alameda under such headway as to remedy the complaints. Ordered filed. A communication was received from Assemblyman Sumner Crosby requesting that the Council pass a resolution favoring Assembly Bill'No.16 appropriating tie sun of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars for an armory for the National Guard to he buildt in Oakland. Ordered filed and thereupon Er.Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption. WHEREAS,the construction and equipment of a State Armory Building in the City of Oakland for the use of the various organizations of the National Guard of the State of California stationed at or near said city would he a wise and important public enterprise, RESOLVED that the council of the City of Alameda, does hereby endorse and ern- est y recommend the passage of Assembly Bill No.316 carrying an appropriation for the purpose above mentioned or the equivalent Senate Bill•flnd ,P 1-.),,4,11,4-4,,, ,yenruary run hly and to the Secretary of the Senate respectively. Mr-Probst seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Ohristensen,rumb,Spence,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Hammond,(2). The Clerk presented an Affidavit of Publication showing due publication of Notice to Printers,requesting proposals for printing the various blanks and books for the uses of the various departments of the City. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in answer to s Notice,two bids had been presented. Er.Prob t moved that the bids he received and opened,seconded by isr.Christensen and carried and thereupon the Clerk opened bids from the Argus Publishing Company and the Even- ing Times-Star,each hid heing accompanied by a bond in the sum of :500.00. Ells moved that they he and carried. The Clerk presented an Affidavit of Publication showing due publication of Notice to Publishers of Newspapers, requesting proposals for doing all the advertis- ing end publishing including Street 'i;ork Advertising for the year commencing at the expiration of the present contract. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in answer to said Notice,two bids had been presented. Kr.Yrobst moved that the bids be received and opened, seconded by LJr .Bullock and carried and thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows. The Evening Times:Otar,J.Sherman Y,c-flowell,,Publishet,accompanied by a bond in the sum of ;500.00. For the first insertion,per square of 240 ems,nonlareil measurement l.2 For the second iY:sertion- - _ _ _ .75 For the third insertion and for each subsequent insertion - .50 with power referred to the Printing Comnitteseconded by 1,Ir.Bullock The Argus Publishing Co.,by J.S.Daveler,nanager,accompanied by a bond in the sum of '500.00. The price per square of 240 ems,nonpareil measurement- - One (1) cent. For each subsequent insertion,per square - - - - - - One (1) cent. moved. that the bids be referred to the Frinting and Finance Committ- ees with power to act,seconded by :1r.Christensen, 1r.Irrumb stated that there was such a wide difference in the bids that he thougbt the award should he made then. With. the consent of his second,r.Ells withdrew his notion and thereupon 11,r.Bullod: roved that the contract be awarded to the Argus Publishing Co.,seconded by T:Ir. Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilren Christensen,Trumb, Spence,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, ( Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen rial- ker and Hammond, (2) A cop of a resolution was received from the Santa Fe Improvement Association favoring a county division. Ordered. filed. A communication was received from the North Side improvement Clah of Alameda, favoring the Boulevard Electrolier System for lighting the streets of the City. Ordered filed. A communication accompanied by a map and. drawings of proposed i.mprovements along the east shore of Gan Francisco Bay bordering Perkeley,Oahland and Alameda, by the United ':,tates Government, was received from .loel A.Ilayes of Oakland, and a connloation was receive from the 7orth ide improvement 7lub recommending that the Council in con,'!"Inction with other civic organiy.ations petition the ederal. Gov- ernment to dredge the channel or Oakland. Harbor on the Alameda side to a uniform depth of 50 feet and to also widen the same. Er.;;pence moved that both matters reeruary °run lel'. Tublic Utilities Committee of the Couneil,seconded by nr.Gbristeneen end carried and thereupon the 3Tayor appointed I:esors.J..Christy, Herman Krusi,C.J.Rhodin,Creorge E. Plummer and Ielr.Chapman as such Committee. A communication was received from the rforth Side Improvement Club recommend! that the Council ta:,e Fit:017S to construct a municipal wharf at the north end of Grand Street. ;,1,r.Krum1 oved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee,se- conded •by ::r.7,1ls and. oarried. A report Wa8 presented by the Street Committee that it had awarded the contree, for a automobile for the use of the Street Department to .11.Hig1y for a 7.egal Ao- tomobile,acconpanying the same was a contract and bond with said ':11.High.;7 for the same . Ordered filed. Alplications were received from J.II.Pyrne and Li. Christensen for the position of Janitor of the City Hall in case of n vacancy. Ordered filed. The Clerk brought up the matter of the necessity of passim-.: the annual Ordi- nance fixing the water rates,as provided for in the Charter. :Ir.Spencle moved that ratter he referred to the Finance Committee, seconded hy Lir.Fieher and carried. A communication was received from the Street Committee, regarding the matter of the pole line to be maintained or Tlncinal Avenue east of High Street to carry the wires of the new electric reilroad,steting that the matter had been adjusted to the satisfaction of all concerned. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Street Committee recommending the im- erovement of the southern portion of the roadway of Lincoln Avenue betveen Oak and Park Street, by grading,c-arbing,macadamiezinetc. ::r.frobst moved that the same be approved, seconded by -r .Christensen and carried. deeds were received for land for street purposes in College Avenue ,one from F.:1.Lund and rife and one from Andrew Christensen and wife. Lr.Krumb moved that they be feferred to the City Attorney with directions to have them recorded, so- corded by ::x.Probst and carried. Two communications were received from tbe South Shore Land Company stating that it had taken under advisement the matter of the request of the Council to open a // the Bay IS Traz-"42zed file street off of tl' 4 ji- r, /00' 7ESOIVED by the Council of the oe A eda that the public interest and convenience require the acquisition by the City of Alameda of the piece and parcel of land hereinafter mentioned and described, for the purposes of a public highway; and be it further 77,SOITn by said Council that it is necessary that said piece and parcel of land he taken and condemned for public use for the pal-poses above mentioned. Said piece and parcel of land is situate in the City of Alameda, County of Al- ameda and State of California bounded and particularly described as follows :- Beginning at a point Two hundred fifty one and seventeen hundredths (251.17) feet easterly at right angles fronthe eastern line of Oak S'treet,and distant One hue_dFqdthw hundred fifty two and seventy sevenf\(10c„..77) feet northerly at right angles from the northern line of Bank Street ;thence easterly on a curve to the left with a radius of Two thousand seven hundred sixty eight and forty one hundredths (2768.41) feet a distance of Twenty two and eight tenths(22.8) feet more or less to a point;thence, easterly on a curve to the left with a radius of One thousand six hundred seventeen one one hundredths (7617.01) feet;a distance of thirty two and eight tenths (32.8) feet more or less to a point distant Three hundred six and seventeed hundredths 'ebruary 7th 1911 distant One hundred sixtyand thirty seven hundredths (160.37) feet northerly at right angles from said northern line of Bank treet;thence northerly parallel to Oak Street Nine and nine tenths (9.9) feet more or less to the southern line of Lincoln Avenue:thence westerly along said southern line of Lincoln Avenue fifty- five (55) feet to a point distant Two hundred fifty one an seventeen hundredths (251.17) feeteasterly from said eastern line of Oak Street;thence southerly paral- lel to Oak Street seventeen and five tenths (17.5) feet more or less to the place of beginning,containing 750 square feet more or less. BE IT FURTIER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be and he 1s hereThy instructed and ci1recte d to commence an action in condemnation in the name of the City of Ala- meda in the Superior Court of the County of Alamed te of California for the purpose of the acquisition by said City of said piece of land for public highway purposes and to prosecute said action to final determination. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed hy the following vote. Ayes:Counailmen Ohristonsen,1:rumb,Spence,Ells,Fisher,Prob and Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Vialker and Hammond,(,,). Idr.Xrumb Offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RES)TVED,that the City Engineer he and hereby is directed to make Plans and 2recifications for the following Street work to be done in said City,namely: That Chestnut Street from the southern line of Clinton Avenue southerly to the southern end of said street at the line of the existing concrete bulkhead be improved as follows: That the entire width of said street between said lirnits,from property line to property line,excepting both sidewalks between the southern line of Clinton Ave- nue and a line 35 feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clin- ton Avenue,"be graded to the official grade ;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension,combined with concrete gutters,three feet wide by six inches thick,he constructed along both edges of the roadway of said street between said limits:and that the remaining portion of the roadway of said street between said limits he macadamized_ with a layer of broken trap rock six in- ches in thickness,as per Resolution of Intention No.7b8,adopted by this Council, January 3d 1911. And that the Clerk be instructed to notify the City Engineer of the adoption of this Resolution. Mr .Christensen seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (7) Noes :None, Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2) The City Engineer presented plans,specifications and quantity estimates in compliance with the foregoing Resolution and thereupon Mr.Yrumb offered the follow- ing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED,That the Plans and Specifications furnished by the City Engineer f the City of Alameda,to this Council,for the following Street work to be done in said City,namely: That Chestnut Street from the southern line of Clinton Avenue southerly to the southern end of said streetat the line of the existing concrete bulkhead be improved as follows: That the entire width of said street between said limits,from property line to property line,excepting both sidewalks between the southern line of Clinton Avenue and a line 35 feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue,be graded to the official Rrade:that concrete curbin p_eipht ineh February 7th 1911. feet wide by six inches thick,be constructed along both edges of the roadway of said street between said limits ;and that the remaining portion of the roadway of said street between said limits be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock, six inches in thickness,undor Resolution of Intention No.758,adopted by the Council of said City,January 3d 1911,be and the same are hereby adopted and approved. And the Clek is directed to file the same. Mr.Christensen seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,"pence,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2) . Mr.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 7It appears to the satisfaction of this Council,that Resolution of In- tention No.758 for the work of grading9curbing,macadamizing and otherwise improving Chestnut Street between the southern line of Clinton Avenue and a line 35 feet southerly from said southerly line of Clinton Avenue in the City of Alameda,adopted by this Council,january 3rd 1911,has been posted and published according to law,and that no legal objection to the doing of said work has een filed with the City Clef!: of said city. REOLVED,That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City of Alamedahereby orders the following described street work to he done in said city,according to the plans and srecifieations adopted therefor,namely: That Chestnut Street from the southern line of Clinton Avenue southerly to the southern end of said street at the line of the existing concrete bulkhead be im- proved as follows: That the entire width of said street between said limits,from property line to property line,excepting both sidewalks between the southern line of Clinton Ave- nue and a line 35 feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Olin- ton Avenue,be graded to the official grade;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension,conbined with concrete gutters,three feet wide by six inches thick,be constructed along both edges of the roadway of said street between said limits;and that the remaining portion of the roadway of said street between said limits be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock, six inches in thickness. The Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Resolution for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper published and circulated in this City,and which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspicuously for fire days near the Chamber Door of the said. Council,notice of said work with specifications inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered,and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for do- ing the work and referring to the specifications posted or on file,also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus,the newspaper hereby designated for that p pose. Both of the said notices shall require a certified check or a bond,either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten percent of the aggregate of the proposal,and shall name Tuesday,the 21st day of February,1911,as the day hereby designated on which m to the hour of C o'clockj.lia,the said proposals or bids shall be received. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Yrumb,Srence,Ells,Fisher, Probst and Bullock,(7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond,('). February 7th 1911. the remaining portion of the South Side Jutercepting Sewer easterly from Bay Street to Srand Street. Mr.Krumb moved that they be adopted and filed and that the Clerk advertise for bids for doing the work,seconded by 1-..Probst and carried by the following vote. and Bullock, (7). Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Yrumb,Spen0e,711s,Fisher,Probst Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2) The Street Superintendent presented a report that the work of grading,curbing, macadamizing and otherwise improvint, Taylor Avenue from a point 125 feet easterly from the easterly line of Webster Street easterly to the westerly line of Eighth Street,also the same improvenent,of Page Street from the southerly line of Santa Clara Avenue southerly to the northerly line of Central Avenue,had been done by Hutchinson Company under private contract to his satisfaction and that the work had been done in accordance with the Plans and specifications therefor. Ordered. filed. The Street Superintendent presented a report that the following street work had been done by Hutchinson Company under private contract under his direction and to his cntisfact on. The southerly one-half of Central Avenue between the westerly line of Eighth or Prospect Street and a point 110 feet easterly from the easterly line of Burbank Street,had been graded,curbed,guttered,mccadamized and, sewered. Eighth or Prospect Street from the southerly line of tral Avenue southerly to Fortola Avenue, had been graded,curbed,guttered,macadarized and sewered. Burbank Street from the southerly line of Central Avenne,southerly to r Avenue,hdd been graded,curbed,guttered,macadarized and sewered. Fortola Avenue from the westerly line of Eighth or prospect Street to a a point 120.3 feet easterly from the easterly line of Burbank Street,had been graded,curbed, ered,macadarized and the necessary catch-basins and conduit rifeS constructed. Report was ordered filed. The Clerk brought up the natter of the Municipal Election to be held on Mo the 10th day of April, 1911, n thereupon Mr-Probst moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary election Proclamation,that there be sixteen pre- cincts the boundaries to be the same as now fixed by the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County,that there be eight election officers for each precinct,that the pay of such officers be fixed at 5.00 per officer,that the Clerk he authorized to en- age polling places the rental to be fixed at c6.00 except where tents have to be to carry on the said election and that the pay of such clerks he fixed at 3.00 per erected and that the Clerk be authorized to employ the necessary clerical assistance day,seconded by ree_c-on:d 1st- hlr.Bullock and carried by the following vote. Councilmen Christensen,7rumb,Spence,711s,Fisher,Probs(, and Bullock, ). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Kammond,(2). Mr.Spence offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that the following proposal he and the same is hereby made for the amendment of the Charter of the City of Alameda. PROPOSAL Amend Article 7II,Charter II,Section 7 relatIng office of Auditor and Assessor so that the said Section shall read as follows:- Sec.'''. An Auditor shall be elected at the same time and in the same manner as the Mayor. Re shall be an elector of the City,and shall have been such for three preceeding his election. Re shall hold office for four years. He shall be years ex-officio assessor. His compensation for acting in both capacities shall be a sal- Pehriary 7th 1Sll. RESOLVED further that the City Clerk he and he is hereby directed to cause this Resolution containing the foregoing iroposal to be published in the Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper of general circulation in said city and which is the official newspaper thereof, for twenty days. L:r.Dullock seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent:Counci:_men Walker and hammond,(2). Yr.Frobst offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RTSOLIIED by the Council of the City of Alameda that the following o o he and the same is hereby made for the Amend Article X,Section 2 and amendment of the charter of the City of Alayeda. PROPOSAL. Section 3,relating to liquor licenses and per- mits, so that the said sections shall read as follows:- Sec.2. Subject to the provisions of this charter the council shall. have pow- er by ordinance to impose all licenSe taxes for,and to confine within the limits of time and place and otherwise regulate the selling and giving away of any spirituous, malted or fermented liquors or wines or an admixture thereof;provided,that the coun- ci:1 shall not have power to grant mere than 20 of the pay licenses nor more than 2 of the gratuitous permits specified in this Article ,to be in force at any one time. The pay licenses granted shall be numbered consecutively from 1 to 20 and not more than one of said licenses bearing any one number from 1 to 20 inclusive,shall he val- id at one time;and the gratuitous permits provided for in this Article shall he num- bered from 1 to 2 inclusive and not more than one of said permits hearing any one number from 1 to 2 inclusive shall be valid at one time. Sec.3. No license provided fer in this article shall_ he granted for a sum less than five hundred dollars her annum, payable quarterly in advance,e:‹cept that the council shall have power to is sic gratuitous permits not more than two of which to "be in force at one time to bona fide social clubs,duly incorporated under the laws of the State of California for the maintenance of a bar or buffet upon the premises owned solely by such club and for the sale ,barter and giving away by such club upon such premises to bona fide members of such club only, of any of said liquors. The gratuitous permits herein provided for shall be held subject to the pleasure of the council and may be revoked whenever the council may deem it epedient. RESOLVED further that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause this Resolution containing the foregoing opos 1 to he published in the Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper of general circulation in said city and which is the offi- cial newspaper thereof,for twenty days. :\r.Ells seconded the Resolution and it was lost by the following vote. Ayes: Noes :Councilmen Ch Councilmen Ells and. Probst, (2). ,ensen,Yrumb,Spence,Fisher E Bullock, ( Absent :Councilmen Walker and Hammond, ( Ifir.Trumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED by the council of the city of Alameda that the following proposal be and the same is hereby made for the amendment of the charter of the city of Alameda. PROPAL Ale said charter by adding thereto a new section to be known and designated as Section No.17;; of Chapter II,of Article II of said charler,aad which said new sec- tion shall read as follows:- Sec.17. It is hereby made the duty of the council to appropriate monthly the City of of such to make February 7th 1911. Alameda. Said monthly appropriation shall be paid to the commanding officer company or organization and it shall be the duty of such commanding officer a return and report in writing to the Auditor on or before the second Monday in May in each year,of all moneys recejved by such company or organization hereunder, for the preceeding year and of all moneys eypended,accompanied by vouchers,which re- turn and report shall he verified by the oath of such commanding officer. RESOLVED further that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause this Resolution containing the foregoing proposal to be published in the Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper of general circulation in said city and which is the official newspaper thereof, for twenty days. Mr.Probst seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence,E ls,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2). Alexander Mackie addressed the Council and invited the members thereof and the Mayor to attend the excercises of the laying of the corner-stone of the Wash- ington School of February 22nd 1911,under the auspices of the Alameda Improvement Oluh. b Er.Krum moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded by Mr.Ills and carried, dr.Probst offered the following s lution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED by the council of the city of Alameda that the following Proposal be and ame is hereby made for the amendment of the Charter of the city of Alameda. PROPOSAL Amend Article IX,Chapter ',Section 8,relating to the apportionment of moneys for use of the department of electricity, so that the said section shall read as fol- lows:- Sec.°. All moneys apportioned by the council for use of the department of el- ectricity,together with all moneys collected by the board of electricity,shall be set apart in a fund to be known as the electric fund,which fund shall be drawn on only by the board of electricity except as otherwise provided in this charter;pro- vided,that in making the apportionment for the expense of lighting the public streets and buildings of the city and for the cost of current for the fire alarm system and such other public use of electric current or supplies as may be required,the coun- cil shall apportion an amount adequate to meet such expende at the rates fixed there- for and the moneys so apportioned shall be paid into the general fund. Thereafter such moneys shall be subject only to transfer into the electric fund upon monthly demands to be presented by the board of electricity in the same manner as other de- mands and to be based upon services rendered or supplies furnished to the various departments of the city for the preceedin,, month. Also amend. Article IX,Chapter 1,Section 14,relating to contracts for electric supplies so that the said section shall read as follows:- Sec.14. All contracts for supplies,materials,machinery or construction work where the amount to he expended exceeds five hundred dollars shall be advertised and awarded to the lowest bidder,except that the board may determine to reject all bids. RESOLVED further that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause this Resolution containing the foregoing Proposal to he publi Daily Argus,a daily newspaper of general circulation official newspaper thereof,for twenty days. :dr.Ells seconded the rnslollitinr_ cd in the Alameda in said city and which is the can.,11,n+ February 7th 1911 . e action on the same until the Board_ of Electricity could be heard on the matter,and thereupon with the consent of his second Mr.Probst withdrew the resolution and moved that the Council when it adjourned do so until the following evening ';7ednesday,February 8th 1911,at 7.30 2.M.,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. Bill. entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Amend Section 24 of Ordina- nee No.516 Prescribing. Building Regulations," introduced January 17th 1911,10 Mr. Christensen came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Yr.Christensen moved its ad'aTtion,seconded by liir.Krumb and. adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, ( ). Noes: None. Absent:Councilnen Walker and Hammond, (2). A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Regulate the Construction, Erection,Alteration,idaintenance and Conduct of Theaters,Opera Houses and Other Places of Amusement",introduced January 17th 191T ,by Mr.Krumb,cane up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Krumb moved its adoption,seconded by :,,r.Probst and adapted and passed by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krumb, Spence,Ells,Fisher,Probet and Bullock,(7). Noee:None. Absent:Councilnen Wal- ker and hammond, ( ). A communication was received from Geo.M ackenzie against poundmaster Jojn J.1Jay. Mr. h istensen moved it be referred to 7)octor Cappenter,superintendent of the pound,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. Mr.Ells stated that the Police Department was in need of a new desk and mov- ed that the natter be referred to the Finance Gcbhmittee with power,seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilren 7hristeneen,7rumb, Spence,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilnen Wal- ker and Eammond,(2). v :1-.Tc7rum1) moved that the City Engineer be directed to prepare plans and speci- fications for the construction of an _East End Sevier, seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. Er.Xrumb moved that the President of the Council arpoint a special committee of three to act with the various organizations in endeavoring to have a tunnel con- structed underthe estuary at 7:ebsp,er Street, seconded. by Mr .Probst and carried, and thereuton T:r.Bullock appointed Councilmen Krumb,Hammond and Christensen. .rrobst moved that a complaint of the School 7.1oard that the charge of for connecting with thu mains of the Peoples Water Company as made by the said com- pany be referred to the City Attorney and City Clerk to invest' seconded by Mr. Ells and carried. :Jr .Probst moved that the Police & Fire Commission he requested to devise some means to afford fire protection to the occupants and owners of buildings at the north: end of Webster Street,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. Assemblyman Crosby addressed the Council on natters before the State Legisla- ture regarding annexation proposition billsand sought advice as to what the City of Alameda desired. e..Dullock moved that the matter be left entirely in the hands of Mr.Croeby,seconded by Mr.'Spence and carried. Mr.Krumb invited the Mayor and members of the Council to th e 977(7'7(,ipec to be held, at the 7jilson School when its name would be changed to that of Lincoln School on Tebruary 13th 1911. ::r._robst moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded Mr.Tiulloc1.7 and carried. Mr.Probst moved that the Council adjourn until the following evening:tednesday, 1n11 rr r7r) nn-v,,.;c1A