1911-02-21 Regular CC Minutes64
FEBRUARY 21ST, 1911.
The meeting convened with Eayo W. H. Noy presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Spence,
Ells and Bullock (7) were noted present and Councilmen Fisher and l'robst ) absent.
The minutes of the meeting of February 7th were read by the Clerk. Er. Xrumb
moved tht the said minutes be corrected by adding thereto the following:
"Mr. Krumb offered the following F .esoition and moved its adoption: WHEREAS,
in accordance wit) Resolution No. 757 of the Council of the City of Alameda, adopted
January 3_a, 1911 the City Engineer did on the 17th day of January 1911 file with the
Clerk of the City of Alameda, a report in writing containing his recommendations as to
the best method of doing the work and making the improvements described in said resolu-
tion to which report is attached the exhibits required by law; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Aleeeeda has fully considered said report;
NOW THEld]F0:-.E, it is resolved by the Council of the City of Alameda that said
report as filed by the City Engineer, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted
except as herein modified, and the assessment therein provided for is hereby levied,
subject to tl.e provisions of the Statute in such case made and provided; and
It is farther resolved:
1st. That the rate of interest; to be charged upon de .e' paynents in accordance
leith such Statute, shall be seven (7;L) per cent per annum;
2nd. That the time to be allowed upon deferred payments shall be Ten (10) years;
Zrd. That the rate of interest to be allowed upon bonds issued to cover deferred
payments shall be seven (7%) per cent per annum;
4th. That Vie time for which bonds issued to cover deferred payments are to run
shall be ton (10) years;
5th. That Tueoday, the ram.; day of March, 1911, at the hour o f 8 o'clock p. m.
at the Council Chamber of said Council in said City of Alameda, be and the same are
hereby fixed as the day, hour end place, respectively when and There any and all per-
sons may appear before said Council and ehow cause, if any they have, why said improve-
ments provided for in this 7.esolution and in said Resolution No. 757, should not be
carried out in accordance therewith.
5th. That the following is a description of the exterior boundaries of the district
which is hereby declared by said Council to be benefited by the proposed improvement
and assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof; namely: All that piece and parcel
of land situate, lying and being in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of
California and bounded and particularly described as follows :-
Beginning at a point in the western line of High Street distant thereon eleven
hundred (1100) feet northerly from the northern line of Lincoln Avenue, the bearing
of which said western line of High Street is North 41'04' East; thence North 46'56'
West two hundred ( 00) feet; thence North 4104' East parallel with the said western
line of High Street, at eight hundred and nineteen and three-tenths (819.3) feet inter-
secting southern boundary line of United States Tidal Canal; thence following the said
southern boundary line according to the following courses and distances ; South 27 09'
Easi, seven and fifty hundredths (7.50) feet to angle; thence South 25' 11' East one
February 21st, 1911.
thence South 21 rr ast one hundred (' 0) feet to angle; thence South 19° 17' East one
hundred (100) feet to angle; thence South 17°19' East one hundred (100) feet to angle;
thence Solth 15°21 East thirteen and eleven hundredths (13.11) feet to intersection
with a line two hundred (200) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of
Hi Street; thence South 41°04' West along the said line two hundred (200) feet east-
erly from and parallel with the said eastern line of High Street five hundred and
seventy-seven and three-tenths (577.3) feet to angle; thence forth 46°56' West two hun-
dred and sixty (260) feet to the place of beginning, saving, excepting and creluding
fro the said district all put streets and highways.
Lir. Christensen seconded the 14)solution and it was adopted and passed by the
following vole. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, T:rumh, Spence, Ells, Fisher Prol:st and.
Builee (Y). Loee:-.aene ;.bsent:Councilmen Waiher and. Hammond (2)."
seconded the motion and it was July carried.
. Hammond
Mr. Spence moved that the minutes as corrected 1)e approved, seconded b7-
KruT21) and ortrried .
The r7inutes o±' the ad4ourned egulor hooting of February 0th were read and order-
ed approved.
fl,lnims against the deneral Fund amounting to 7_33.95; against the Fire Fund
amounting to '002.46; agaieet the Police 'Fund amounting to N1.10; againet the Street
Fund amounting to 3507.93; against Yunicipal Improvement Fund No. 9 Sewer amounting
to 41.90 and againet Muneipal InTreveent Fund No. C School, amountIng to i2506 .00
having been approved. and_ audited by the proper officials were reaa hy the Clerk as
Alameda Daily Argus
Alameda Steam T,aundry Association
California Oil e; Burner Co.
Evening Times-Star, The
Hanley & Co., J. S.
Landsburg, G. M.
Schneider, Henry
Towel Service, City Hall
Oil, for Heater
Insurance Premium
Stationery for Tax Collector
TT City Clerk 6.00
Lajol 2.20
TT Anditore .85
Simpson, M. W. Fees Advanced 4.80
'White Diamond Water Co. Water for Auditor's office 1.00
Total - 133.95
FLfl FUfD.
Alameda hardware Co. Supplies zi'? 12.85
Boesch Lamp Co. f 7 2.50
Crandley hubber & Supply Co. Fire hats 69.00
IT T7 T TT 11 host etc. 210.00
Furey, F. P. Repairs 17.40
hay & Baird Horseshoeing 5.00
Jon, R. .00
February 21st, 1911.
Brought forward - 521.75
Joergenson, i'. Horsosboeing 16.50
Kellogg Express Company Expressage .50
Lomax, R. R. Horsoshoeing 5.00
L:organ Ts Pharmacy Kedicino 1.50
Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. 5-as
, 54.11
Peoples Water Co. Hydrants & Water 301.85
Ilummer & Son, (leo. B. Lumber 1.35
Resso & Co. ■i. Hauling 7.40
Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. 0. C, Leal 1.45
Liminent 1.00
Rickerson, Al Supplies 6.20
Schneider, Henry 71 1.75
Scott, Lagner L Lliller Feed, etc. 110.51
Scoot, Liagner & Biller Feed 2%94
Strunz, Jr., A. Coal 22.
Sutherland's Pharmacy ldedicine 4.35
Wectall, C. Coal Oil 7.00
Vosbargh Co., J. B. Supplies 7.65
Total ------------
Alameda Daily Argus 25 copies of paper
Consolidated Lotor Car Co. Grease and Oil
Evening Times-Star The Printing
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones
I It
Schneider, Henry Stat ionery & Stamps
Unna, Herman Beals
Vosburgh Co., 5. B. Supplies 3.
Total - 51.10
Emmons, Seal wall 499.00
Rickerson, Al Supplies 1.25
Schneider, Henry .40
Taylor & Co. IT 1.60
United Engineering' Works 5.68
Total - 46. 507.93
Burkhard, P. E. Blue Prints
Insrector's fees 41.90
Total - 41.90
Sutton, James E.
Powell Bros. Construction Co.
On Contract 2586 .00
Kr. Bullock moved t1;at the claims as read be paid, seconded by Lir. Christensen
and carried by the follovins' vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walk,r, Krumb Hammond
ope Ells and Bullock, (7) ':oes:None. Absent :Councilmen Fisher and Probst (2).
ebruery Slat, IC11
Light Plant for the month of January 1911. Ordered filed.
An invitation was received from the Alameda Improvement Club inviting the Mayor
and Council to attend the ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the new Washington
'72ch1lol on Waebinton's Eirthday. Mr. Ells moved it be accepted, seconded by Mr.
Krumb and carred.
A communicetion was received, from Assemblyman Crosby thanking the Conneil for
their prompt and courteous action in adopting a Resolution favoring the construction
of an Armory for the 1Tationa1 Guard in Oakland. Ordered filed.
A contract was received fro N the Argus Publiehing Company for doing the city
job printing of the varioue departments of the City of Alameda for the year ending
the 16th day of February 1912. Ordered filed.
A contract was received from the Argus Publishing Company for doing the public
advertising, including street work advertieing, of the various departments of the
city for the year ending the 16th day of February 1912. Ordered filed.
Auguet 11. rreeented a petition for a Gratuitous License to peddle fruit
and vegetabThe in a one horse wagon for the pureose. Mr. Ells moved that it be
grented, seconded by Mr. :pence and carred.
A communication was rece ived from the Marine Concrete Construction Company
calling attention to its re-inferced concrete piling used in the building of
etc. Ordered filed.
AlbertRowe of 1605 Oak Street presented a petition for the position of Janitor
at the City Hall. Ordered filed.
A comruncetion wee received from Mrs. L. I. Gillog y, Regent of the Daughters
of the American Revolution requesting remission to use the auditorium of the City
hell, ror the purpoee of giving a lecture to -hick twenty-five cents admission would
be eharged fl': the purpose of raising funds to erect a memorial in Lincoln Park to
the early Indian Settlers, hr. Bullock moved that the request he granted, seconded
by Mr. Walker and carried.
A communication was received from D. F. Callinan protesting against the charge
of 1..00 of the Peoples Water Company made for water. Ordered filed.
A col municetion was received from the Carpenter 'e Union complaining of certain
actions of the Building Inepector.12r. Krumb moved that inasmuch as the said complaint
did not make any specific charges that it ho filed and that the Clerk he directed to
caution the Building Inspector to pay attention only in his official capacity to
the Building Ordinances, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried.
A complaint was received from Elizabeth Gilmore againt the Planing Mill conduct-
ed by Foster Son on the west side of Oak Street, between Santa Clara and Central
Avenues. Mr. Walker moved that the same be referred to the City Attorney, seconded
by hr. Ms and carried.
A communication was received from the South Shore Land Company requesting the
Council to pay the .911r1 of 473.45 towards the work of repairing and re-inforcing
the concrete wall at the south end of the Bay lark Tract. Hr. Christensen moved that
the request he denied and that the City
k answer the said communication to the
effect that, the City was not responsible for the damage that had been incurredeeX',/
Dr. Carpenter, Superintendent of .t..".±-e Pound presented a report of his investiga-
tion of the charges of Geo. McKenzie against the Pound Master for alleged neglect of
February 21st, 1911.
sl tantinte the charges made. Mr. Krumb moved that the saia report be filed and that it
be the sense of the Council that should another complaint be made and substantiated that the
Poundmaster be requested to 'es in, and that the LiCellE0 Committee in conjunction with
the City Attorney and Dr. Oarntcr prepare and present to the Council a set of Rules
and Regulations to govern the said rol7.fla, hy Mx. Waner and carried.
A conmunication was received from the Oakland S. E. C. A. of Alameda County re-
questin that it be allowed to name the Poundman of the Cit: and to supervise and con-
trol his work. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Mayor inviting the attention of the Couneil
to a public question of considerable moment at this time, the project of consolidation
with San Franeisco, and recommendin that the said question be submitted to the reople
at the forthcoming municipal election as an advisory proposition as to whether or not
they desired such consolidation. Mr. 2pence moved that the recommendation be adopted
and that the matter he referred to the City Attorney to put the question on the ballot
in proper form, seconded by idr. Hammond and carried.
Miller and Foberts presented an application for insurance on automobiles owned
by the City. Ordered filed.
Street Superintendent Frodaen presented a report that Er. J. C. Linderman had
fenced u2 the easterly end of Central Avenue, east of Fernside Boulevard an ttating
that it was absointely necessary that the oast ends of Encinal, Briggs, Central, Li-
berty and Garfield Avenues should be open to allow the necessary sewer and storm
water outlets. Er. Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Street 5uperintend-
ent and City Attorney, seconded by Er. Christensen and carried.
Street Superintendent Frodden reported that Harrison Avenue was in such a de-
plorable condition that it Was impassable either for autos or teams and he had
therefor ordered five car loads of rock, at an approximate cost of '200.00
and had had Osem delivered on the said Avenue; that Powell Bros. Constluction Company
had also, at their own exnense had about three car loads of rock delivered and would
deliver another car load o screenings in the near future. The said action was approv-
ed by the Street Committee. Mr. Walker moved that the action of the street Superin-
tendent be approved and that Fov:ell Bros. be tendered a vote of thanks from the Coun-
cil for its action, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
The Clerk presented affidavits showing due publication and posting of Notice
of Street Viork inviting proposals therefor, for don the said street work under
Resolution No, 750. Ordered filed. He reported that in answer to said. notice he was
in receipt of one hid. Mr. Krumb roved, that the bid be received, opened and examined
seconded by Kr. Spence and carried and thorenpon the bid was opened and read by the
Clerk as follows:-
From aowell Bros. Construction Company, accompanied by a certified check for
For Excavating
For 1acadamizin6--
For clItters------
For straight curbing---------
The Street Superintendent re-eorted favorably on the bid and thereupon Mr. TI-rum offer-
ed the following 7.esolntion and moved its adoption:-
- 1-2 cents per square foot.
aunts per sqnare foot.
cents rer sqnare foot.
0 cents 1-)or linear foot.
"71"lebruary 21st,
1st day of 7ebruary 1911, opened, examined and u1:licly declared all sealed proposals
and lids for the following street \ark in said city, to wit
That Chestnut ;treet from the southern line of Clinton Avenue southerly to
the southern end of said street at the line of the existing concrete hul:!:beed he im-
proved as follows; That the entire width of said street between said limits, from
property line to property line, e:zee.Ftinc both sidewalks between the southern line
of Olinto--.1 Avenue and a lino 35 feet southerly from and parallel with the southern
line of Clinton Avenue, be graded to the official rade; that concrete curbing,
eight inches hy fourteen inches in c:'oee seet-,ion dimension, combined with concrete
gutters, three feet wide by six inches thick, be constructed along both edges of
the roadway of said street between said limits; and that the rr-maining portion
of the roadway of said street between said limits be macadani7,ed with a layer of
broken trap rock, six inches in thickness, hereby rejects all of said bids expect
that next herein mentioned and hereby awarded the contract for said work to Towel].
73ros, Construction Company, it being the lowest rosponeible bidder ter:for, at the
rrices specified in its bid therefore on file to wit;
Tor excavating--
For macadamazing
7or gutters
For straight curbing--
lil- cents per square foot.
6 cents reT. fct.
-- 16 cents per square foot.
40 cents per linear feet.
The City Clerk is hercb7 directed to post ":.otice of this ".ward conspicuously
for five days near the Chamber -Door of this Couneil, and to publish said 7otiee for
two da-ys in. the Alameda Jlaily Argus , newspaper. Er. Christensen seconded. the
Resolution and it was adopted and lassed by the following vote. Ayes:OounclIclen
Christensen, Walker, Yrunb, Hammond, Spence, :11s end. Bullock, (7). Noes:Tione.
Absent:Councilmen Fisher and .ftobst (2).
.A OommunicatIon was reeeiveci from 2. T;. Taylor , Attorney for the Thompson
estate, claiming that the saiU estate held title to the land on Sixth Street,
sou-th of Centra1 Avenue and that the Alameda Savings Daril,: held a mortgage and
Deed of Trust on the same. Idlc. Lrunb roved that the matter be referred to the City
Attorney, seconded by hr. hammond 1.1d. carried.
A communication was received from R. B. Tappan, Justice of the Peace of the
City of Alameda recereendin;-:7 thPt the Ordinance providing a penalty for the viola-
tion of the Liquor Ordina:nee he ameded, rate in the maximum fin to the 2111p Of 50c).
1:13-. Hammond moved, it be filed, seconded by M-. Krumb and carried.
A communication was received, from Wm. C. Crittenden requesting information as
to whether the City would be willing to adopt a universal form of Ordieance regulat-
ing the use of motor vehicles on the streets of the bay cities. Er. Christensen
moved that the Cley-k. 1)e Ineriueted to ":51j for a copy of the Ordinance such as they
had proposed, seconded by Mr. hamnond and carried.
Mr. Christensen introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance ho
To Amend Section 5 of Ordinance No. 536 of the City of Alameda Relating to Specifi-
cations for Bill Boards and Advertising Sign Boards", which wes laid over under the
nrovieions of the Charter.
Mr. Spence introduced A. Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Ile. to Amend
Section 15 of Ordinance ]c). 167 of the City of Alameda Regulating Liquor Traffic",
e11uary 21st 1911.
Yir. Hammond moved that, the Board of :Tilectrieity be inptrroted to ber )7ork at once
to construct the necessary power lines to furnish the bridges across the Tidal Canal
with the necessary electric power to o-poate tho same, seconded. by 1-1r. Walker and
carried by the folioing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, a1ker, D:unh Hann.iond,
Senoe, 11 n 7sullock (7). Noes:Kone. Absent:Couneilren 7isher ancl Probst, (2).
Jr Bullock reported that the matter O an option on the Hayes prc ,er- the purchase
wkich had been FI.E,:kej t,D be -feforred to the people af. the comin hunicipal Election
on the ballot had been obtained and that the City Attorney would have the question in
-proper form in due time.
ET. HaEmond reported that tho Spoial Committee which had Leen appointed to
look into the matter of the VRTiOW,1 harbor improvents on the sl,ores of 2,..lamo9a
had held a meeting and had eleetee; 1,7r. D-rnan 1Trusi, Fresident and that inasmuch as
reports had been made that the 1.1aska Packers :Association ringht -;_cobh_Ly 107.0 from
for 1ao] of factlitles to handle their shipping, that they had sent a tele-
gram to flon. J. • Knol!)land, Congressman, requesting him to urge action towards the
anpropriation for dredging Oakland Earbor to bo s-ent east of ohster freet. 1,1r
Walker mo-Jed that tke said telegram as follows be spread upon, the minutes:-
"Created Alameda Harkor C ommi esi on , _Appg.int00, 'J.,e,27J1EnKrusi, Geo. 121ummer, I .
N. Chapman, j. T. Christy and C. Iniodin,who reconre_nd 7aJcda very desirous that
appropriation for dredging Oakland Harbor be spent cast of Vvehster Street in accord-
ance with existing project as far as and to serve Alaska Packers. Vital importance
as Packers will move entire business here including receiving and shirring their
entire pack from here. Eeans three nillion increased assessment to us. Leans
railroad on north side and large increase in property values and population. Can you
help us? W. H. Noy iayor .", seconded b- hr. Ells and carried,
1.1r. Krumh re-eo7'ted that complaints had been made Of the dumping of rubbish, etc.
on :ay I land laenue, east of Park Street and moved thf,t the City Clerk be directed
to notify the Board ofllealth to abate the nuisance at once, seconded by hr. Christen-
sen and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the
next regular meeting Tuesday, Larch 7th, 1911 at 7:30 p. m.