1911-04-17 Regular CC Minutes777.7,ULAT E7717G 07 7117, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATAT7 Monday,Arril 17th 1911. The meeting was held inaccordance with the rrovisions of Article II,Chay Section 4,Subdivision Five of the Charter and was called to order by Council Bullock. The roll was called, and Councilmen Christensen,alker,Ells,Fisher and. Br (5) were noted present and Councilmen 17rumb,Hammond,4erce and Probst, (4) abse The minutes of the meeting of April 4th were read and ordered approved. Councilmen Krumb,llairimond and Spence arrived during the reading of tl-:e mi and were noted rresent. Claims against the C(eneral Fund amounting to :978.25;against the Police amounting to 9 .25;against the Fire Fund apiountin to 1.515.19;against the St Fund amounting; to cj1039.92 and against the Park and Playground Fund amounting 695.00 having been arrroved and audited by the rroper officials were read by RS follows Abt, Chas. Adams, Chas. Alameda Dali rgus Alameda. Improvement Club Alameda Land. Company Alameda Steam Laundry Association ell, 7. A. Arada, Eobert Arada, Seymour IT TT TT IT GEHERAL FUTTD. Election Officer Election Expense Printing Election Expense 71 TV Towel Service Election Officer 11 IT Assg. J. W. Byrne Election Expense TT Tr TT TT TT TT TT TT -iloving Desks Balbach, T. IV. Election Officer 4 14 i1 17th, 1911. ler, J. F. 7.;. A 1, 3ss, John R. :3rfield, W. A. ), J W . . Fornia Oil Burner 0o. Forward - Election Officer TT !I Election Expense Election Officer Oil for Heater pn, F. F. Assg. of A. HcHenanan Election Officer )Ti, F. F. ;tensen, Wm. P. Herbert D. 3s, L. J. IT 31l, F. L. Elmer 7. 3r, O. T. is, A. F. W. rme, G. V. -Teo. W. )n, W. P. , 7 • R J. N. Assg.B. F. Doyle IT T1 IT IT IT TT Luke A. Doyle TT TI TT IT TT TT 00 W. Heal TT TI TT TV IT Wm. Paulson IT TT IT Hugo L. Thunler VT TI TT T/ G. Trezevant IT TT TT .7 TV TV rT Election Expense Election Officer Election Expense Election Officer IT TT IT VT IT TI T1 TV Tr VT Election Expense Election Officer - ip 221.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Forwrd Hunt, H. B, Election Officer Hut+3n, Asa. Jackson, Janes, Horm-rd K. Johnson, E. B. Juda, T. H. Kaufman, H. 11. Ye]locg F. H. Y.ent, )(ober, H. _. _Lamborn, 0. L. Larkin, oohn Javery, Wm. U. [,eonard, 0. f. Icv7, NaT Locke, Wm. T. lovjek, Geo. T. Eacal7107, Ono. . 17--r4 -ir, D. T.7, EVrAhal_l, To B. nacters, G. R. Maz%ini, I. Kazzini, O. nesexole, G. fleserole, P. A. P. Korrison, 7rod 7. TT TT IT If TI IT TT TT T1 TV IT TT tir IT Ff PI tt tf t/ TT TV TT Ti tit TI TI IT IT IT IT TT IT IT IT TI TV TT IV Election Expense Election 0-P-ricer TI TT IT IT If TV IT TT Arril 1.7th 1911. iTt -V pril 17th, 1911. Forward - _ _ - 801.90 re, i. A. Election Officer 5.00 E. D. IT II 5.00 Otto IT TY 5.00 borough Co., The Cali-Porniri Surveys 6.85 eider, Henry Stationery, Election Expense 1.85 II If Stationery for 1,1ayor 1.75 TI Ti Stationery for Auditor 2.75 man, F. O. Election Officer 5.00 ly, T. A. Ti II 5.00 -TT , ' r Fed IV TV 5.00 V r, J. H. Ti II 5.00 man, 3. . It IT 5.00 "' vi. 7 ... . Ti Tt 5.00 c' G. T. TT II 5.00 a, A. J. TT 5.00 rir son, h W. Fees advanced 1.40 a, A. T. Election Officer 5.00 nmetz, 711. F. II IT 5.00 mber, J. F. TI II 5.00 IT 11 II IT Expense 6.00 peon, F. W. Election Officer 5.00 be, H. TV It 5.00 rwood Typewriter Co., Tlepairine 4.00 mar, W. G. Election Officer 5.00 Von, Ah. Horse L Buggy hire 2-00 nr, J. l'.. Election Officer 5.00 field, A C. IT TV 5.00 April 17th, 1911, Forward - Schneider, Henry Postage stamps E Stationery Shreve. harher Co., Leg Irons Tsehich, J. Keys, and repairs Unna, Hernan Eleals Western Union Tel, Co. Clock Rental Total - FIRE FUND. Alameda Hardware Coni,any Supplies Alameda Stean Laundry Association Linen E. Towel -service Barton, P. W. Fire Ladders Boesch Lamp Co. Supplies Coustier E Sons Painting TT TT TT Repairs IT II 11 Tiaintinf Apparatus Furey, F. P. Repairs Gardner, U. S. Repairs Gorhai Eng. E Fire Apparatus Co., Supplies Hay & Baird Horseshocing Jones & Forrest Horseshoeing Jorp;enson, P. Horseshoeing Kraeke Brune Suprlies Lomax, R. R. Shoes Oakland Gas Liht & Heat Co. Gas Patey E, Cocks Supplies Peoples Water Co. Hydrants & Water Lesso E Co., G. Hauling TPInnAnc. 8 - -v -V fs..pril 17th, 1911. Forwara - .... -q 92.07 el, Jr., Robt Supplies 14.00 'e Foundry Co., Castings 84.00 E. G. Labor 23.15 )sac P. II 18.75 )Tgren, A. IT 26.25 )nd,C. J. Rock 57.20 3tein, J. H. Supplies .50 Baird Blacksmithing 13.50 mson, P. IT 275 . T. Labor 24.40 "4, J. Iv 26.25 In, W. H. TV 12.50 -ec, W. II 215 Garage Supplies 1.15 ran t Hoffman iv .25 .9-Jamieson & Co., Laterial 96.80 iv PP II IT 167.40 iv iv iv 11, 114.90 iv IT IT II 96.10 Labor 25.65 F.Ins, A. . II 25.00 /I 25.65 Map 1.95 Supplies 2.75 nali, F. Labor 25.15 ed Engineering Works Sup lies 2.50 ,Co., J. B. hPrdwre 11.00 , G. A. 7, horonch Co., The 3icier, Henry Arril 17th, 1911. Mr. Christensen moved that the bills as read he paid, seconded by Mr.'S] and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christeneen, Walker, Kriu Harmona, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern and Bullock, (8). Noes :None. Absent : Col man Probst (1). The Clerk presented certain miscellaneous rapers relating to the munici) election of April 10th, 1911, being receipts for ballots delivered, communical from the County Clerk, copy of sample ballot, etc. On motion of Mr. Krumh the were ordered filed. Mr. Probst arrived and was noted present. Hr. Krumb moved that the Council proceed to canvass the returns of the E of Apri1,10th, 1911, seconded by Mr. Srence and carried and thereupon the Clel ceeded to open the official returns and the result was found to be as set fori table spread on the Minutes on the next rag, of this record. Fox 12,EC II:IC TS 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 80 54 67 95 50 106 103 61 71 44 60 48 50 71 .er 16 29 20 36 39 36 15 3 26 23 20 26 38 39 Yoy 45 75 82 115 71 120 102 91 101 92 120 123 114 132 71 'oil 65 133 11C 162 141 145 186 1'74 149 134 141 172 147 162 129 .rne 2344 406655 38 52 ,8 10 44 57 25 39 54 51 Thbook 56 130 119 174 144 143 10C 181 150 150 133 167 145 154 127 (.3e 31 47 34 58 50 42 57 22 11 44 43 29 33 57 50 !genstern 49 123 09 169 132 106 0 124 03 66. 127 105 70 67 95 170; 16 Tota 95 110; 9 45; 66 152: 227! 70 6'7' 224 68' 'ackler 24 37 49 30 29 50 6 20 29 76 95 46 59 97 81 itensen .ckett .ocl: rdon roldt own ., Jr. ssen )unliar igren chst 85( 13 21 16 30 36 29 32 23 2 22 19 10 21 37 28 42 39; 44 106 102 136 115 121 131 126 121 109 97 129 116 128 87 74 169' 42 65 47 07 77 56 96 63 33 59 68 53 61 70 76 86 106: 44 111 96 120 69 107 137 118 115 103 98, 145 106 116 58 58 162! 40 57 49 95 103 70 89 79 44 66 64 44 71 16 18 10 30 30 17 22 15 6 22 28 19 4 10 5 16 21 10 12 11 16 9 11 48 105 87 110 88 127 1391C7 19 42 40 60 58 32 bC 69 5 46 33 54 40 41 32 51, 72' 27 49 41 69 56 42 66 45 31 45 33 51 46 66 31 SE 73 ( 91 108 110 1:10 31 22 16 16 03 105, 101 111 120 100 30 25 19 20! 70 162! 15 26 39 80 74 109 104 103 102 109 97 88 104 102 105 104 116 99 154 ; Ye E3 46 80 70 116 104 9 118 123 119 101 66 112 113 100 100 70 156; ro 32 71 56 89 77 63 93 57 55 68 81 65 36 93 52 94 100; Ye 22 66 69 €33 91 75 95 07 64 46 94 82 71 55 53 114; To 57 97 71 129 99 87 13 12 52 27 13 16 19 17 14 17 15 51 33; 86 66 102 103 82 85 113 92 115 151( F: 1 9 5) 1 9 1 l';r7 191 17/1 nA ryn ie r, 119 11C1 .nr in f April 17th 1911 F.j.Croll- Auditor and Assessor Oswald Lubbock TreElzurer and Tax Collector Alfred L. 1,:orgenstern - Councilman at iarLo Peter Christensen - - Councilman from the Second Ward E. B. Bullock - - Councilman from the Fourth Ward Wm. Hammond, Jr. - -- Councilmen from the Fifth Ward E. J. Probst ----------- Councilman from the Seventh Ward Also that Proposal No. 1 to "Amend Article III, Charter II, Section 7 Charter of the City of Alameda, relating to the office of Auditor and Assess as to make the term of office four years and the compensation to he fixed b,-? council" havingaffirmatively received a majority of the votes cast on said r said Proposal is hereby declared to have been carried and adopted. Also that Proposal Ho. 2 to "Amend the Charter of the City of Alameda ing thereto a new section to he known and designated as Section No 171- of II, of Article II, providing for the payment by the City of Fifty Dollars pe for the use of the National Guard organization maintained in the City o Ala failed to receive a majority of the votes cast on said proposal, and the SR1-6 by declared to have failed of adoption. Also, that Proposal No. 3 to "Amend Article IX, Chapter I, Section a tion 14 of the Charter of the City of Alameda to permit the presentation 1-y partwent of Electricity of monthly demands against the City for Tight and en furnished thereto and to provide for the letting of contracts by said Depart: of Electricity to the lowest bidder" having affirmatively received a majorit the Trotes cast on Sai0, proposal, said Proposal is hereby declared to have he and adopted. Also, that Proposal Ho. 4 to "Amend Article X, Section 2 and Section Z Charter of the City of Alameda relating to liquor licenses and permits to re: issnarce of two gratuitous permits to socail clubs in addition to the liquor now provided for" failed to receive a majority of the votes cast on said Proi 4-1",n 4c, T,n-yor7 Fri]. 17th, 1911. Mayor-elect H. by prese:nteft a bond in the sum of 5,000. Auditor- elect Croll, presented a bond in the sum of '2,1500. Treasurer-elect Oswald Lubbock 'tea a bond in the sum of N0,000 in compliance with the Ordinance making the of such bonds necessary. The City Attorney reported that the said Bonds .n due and correct form and the sane were orderea filed. Thereupon the Clerk administered the Oath of Office to W. H. Noy, as Mayor, took his seat. Thereupon the Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Fred )11 as Auditor and. Assessor and to Oswald Lubbock as Treasurer and Tax Collect- Thereupon Councilmen-e1 cot Alfred L. Morgenstern, Peter Christensen, E. B. Vim. Hammond, Jr. and E. J. Probst took the Oath of Office and assumed their in the Council the outgoin Councilman, B. L. Fisher relinquishing his seat Lncilman Morgenstern. Yr. Spence nominated. E. B. Bullock as President of the Council, Yr. Krunh Led the nonination. Mr. Krumb moved that the nominations be closed, seconded Hammond and carried', and thereupon Mr. Bullock was duly elected by the follow- )te. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond Spence, Ells, Morgen- and Probst (8). Noes-:None. Excused :Councilman Bullock (1) . Absent :bone. Mr. Krunb moved that the following be appointed the Finance Committee of the A., E. B. Bullock, Chairman, Clark Spence and Peter Christensen, seconded by Aker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walker, Krumb, id, Ells, Morgenstern and Probst (6). Noes:No-4e. Excused:Councilmen Christ- , Spence and Bullock (3) . Absent :None: A communication was received from Council President Bullock in which he appoint- following Committees:- Police, Fire and Water. Walker (Cht,iran) Krumb and Streets, Sewers and Wharves, Yrumb (Chairman) Walker and Christensen: Utilities, Hammond, (Chairman) Walker and Morgenstern: liealth, Morgenstern man) Probst and Spence : Public Buildings and Grounds, Christensen (Chairman) ad and. Morgenstern: Printing and Advertising, Ells, (Chairman) Hammond and