The meeting convened with Council President Bullock, presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen,Ohristensen, Waker, Krumb, Hammond, Spence,
Ells, Morgenstern, Frcbst and Bullock (9) were noted present. None. absent.
The minutes of the regular meeting of June 6th, 1911 were read and ordered
, The minutes of the adjourned meeting of June 9th, 1911 were read and ordered
A communication was received from the Auditor requesting authorization to go
to Sacramento for the purpose of obtaining information regarding the making of cer-
tain assessments in the interest of the city. Hr. Walker moved that permission be
granted and that the expenses of said trip be limited not to exceed 0.0.00, second-
ed by Mr. Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christen-
sen, Walker, Krumb, IThmmond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (9).
Noes :None. Absent :None,
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 50.20; against the Police Fund
amounting to ',::278.75: against the Fire Fund amounting to 983.74; against the
Street Fund amounting to l257.8; against the Library Fund amounting to ;,;;5.00;
against the Park and Playground Fund amounting to :52.50 and against Municipal Im-
ovement Fund. No. 9 (School) amountin to 4542.00 having been approved and audit-
by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:
Supplies v 1,00
Incidental expenses 7.50
Election Expense
Mackenzie, Geo. G. Carpenter Work at City Pound 4.00
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone
Perata, A. 7.emoving garbage
Putzman, E. O. Repairs 5.
Schneider, Henry Ink well
Suwp]ies for Building Inspector
Birder, F.
Cron, F. J.
Kellogg Express Co.
71 TV
" City Attorney
" Pound
Tschich, J. Eepnirs and keys
Underwood T7epewriter Co. Eerairs
Vosburgh Co., J. B. Supplies
White Diamond Water Co. Filtered Water 1.00
Total - -0
Alameda Daily Argus Stationery
TV TV T7 1.50
U TI TI TV 2.50
Alameda Dardware Co. Buckets 1.60
Consolidated Motor Car Co. Auto supplies 2.45
” o_nn
Brought worwa,.a. -
Denser, C. Salary
Lagagnos, 0. P. Photo supplies
Miller & Roberts Refund of license
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones
Schneider, Henry Postage stamps and stationery
Schoepf, Torn Services
Unna, Herman Meals
Alameda Steam Laundry Association Linen and towel service
Bechtle, Otto Repairs
Constier & Sons
June 20th, 1911.
VT 515,50
Crescent Supply House Surylies 11.50
Repairs .115
Rubber rolls 21.00
Horse shoeing 11,25
A. R. 5.00
Lomax, P. R. 10,00
Morgan's PharInac7 Medicine 1.75
Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. vas 31.59
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Switch .15
Peoples Water Co. Hydrants and water 303.57
Plot, H. C, Services rendered 5.00
Resso Co., G. Hauling 7.40
Rhodes-Jamieson .P.7 Co. Salt 2.40
Ric1,7erson, Al Repairs 1.15
Scott, Magner 87 Miller Feed 235.83
Sutherland's Pharmacy Medicine 2.90
Wagner, Oliver P. Hauling 5.00
Vicel, Louis H. Repairs .50
Total -
!dams, John Labor 32.50
Almeda Daily Argus Printing 8.50
Associated Oil. Co. Road. Oil 265.72
Bennett, Jas. Labor 32.50
Cavanaugh, W. lT 51,25
Clark & Sons Supplies 6.40 , N. Supplies
u VT 71 u 71.60
77 VT 77 TI 31.40
Costa, Jeo, Labor 32.50
Frier, T. G.
Goldstone, John Surrlies 21.41
Hasselgren, A. Labor
Furey, F. P.
Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co.
June 20th, 1911.
Helmstein, 3. H.
Kellogg Express Co.
Lane, Thomas
McKee, ,James
Mc ah, James
Morgan, Ross
organ, W. H.
Pennock, Flora, assg. M. Pennock
iintree, W. A.
Putzman, E. 0.
Rhodes-Jamieson &
11 11 VI
Schneider, Henry
Snow, G. A.
Stevens, A. F.
Sullivan, Nora, Ass g. J. Sa1va.1
2ofanelii, 2.
FraYssac, Ph.
Vacarazza, A.
Wooley, J. C.
Forward -
Assisting City Engineer
Totva -
Munson Supply Company Supplies
GOff, THomas Painting
Klenck & IU11e On contract
Mr. Hammond moved that the claims be paid as read, seconded by Mr. Christensen
and, carried by the following vote Ayes:Counclimen Christensen, Walker, T.rumb, Ham-
mond Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Prohet and Bullock, 9). Noes ;None. Absent:
A communication was received from the Roliee and Fire Commission requesting
that the sum of .1_77.49 be set aside to cover certain exnenses incurred toward the
improvement of certain fire apparatus. Walker moved that the request be grant-
ed, seconded by Mr. HamnoJ-LL, 6..da carried. by the following vote. Ayes;Councilmen
Christensen, wal,er, ",:rumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Buflock,
(9) . Noes :None. Absent: None.
A commnnication was received from the .1-olice an(' Commission requesting
permission to have the police auto patrol and ambulance insured against loss by fire
Mr. Erumb moved that the matter be referred to the Fire. and Police Committee
of the Council with rower to act, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
Jos. R. Helen rresented an application for insurance on the police automobile.
Ordered filed.
A communication was received from G. *;;. Christensen, Deputy City Clerk- and. Deputy
Assessor requastin a two weeks vacation commencing June 15th, 1911. Mr. ;Crumb
,7une 20th, 1911.
A communication was reaaived from Leon H. Ader, Deputy Collector requesting
a two weeks vacation commencing June 26th, 1 11. :Ir. Walker moved that it be granted
seconded by Mr. Krumb and arried.
,A communication was received from the Racing and qames Committee for coning
Fourth of July celebration asking penr.ission to use High Street, from the Tidal Canal
brida'e to Santa Clara Avenue, f!to a course to hold siz bicycle races on July 4th.
Mr. Krumb moved that it be granted, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried.
An affidavit was presented showing due publication of the delinquent tax list
of 1910-1911. Ordered filed.
The following names persons were granted liquor licenses at the following
GPO. ()ten, at the northwest corner of Encinal Avene and High Street : M. H. Hughes,
Crescent Hotel, northeast corner of Enaina:l. Avenue ancl Park Street: Henry F. Brink,
at the southeast corner of Linooln Avenue and Park Street: Fritz, Braemar,- at 1545
Park Street: Nicholas Rienoaker, at 1555 Park Street: Wm. O. Kochendorfer at 1527 Park
Street : Fred J. Bormann & Co. at 1525'Thrh Street: A. Ahesson & Co. at 1429 Park Street:
R. W. A. Postel at 11 :Park Street: m. 3- es at 1310 71ark Street : H. Joost & Co. at
21.70 Enainal Avenue: Beckmann,Bormann & Co. at 1917 ]lacific Avenue: Mrs. Jacob H.
Sommer, at 1226 Lincoln Avenue: Muller Bros. at 1445 Bay Street: Eostering & Campe at
046 Santa Clara Avenue : J. G. Croll, at Encinal Hotel, northeast corner of Vebster
Street and Central Avenue; Goo. H and Sue Seebeck at the northeast corner of Santa
Clara Avenue and Webster Street : F. W. :Brandt, at 1601 Webster Street ..17nd G. W. and
. W. Johnston at 1629 Webster Street.
Mr. Hammond moved that they be grented, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by
the follol-ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Yrumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells,
Morgenstern, Probst and Bul lock, (9) . Noes :None Absent :None.
The following made application for gratuitous licenses : John 5.. 0 J3rien, to
solicit orders for enlargement of photographs: W. J. McEldoweny, to distribute almanacs
H. O. Shepherdson to distribute patent food in samples, known as Yellogsgs Corn Flakes.
Dir. Walker moved that they be granted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
'A communication was received from Percy V. Long, City Attorney of an Francisco
requesting the City of Alameda to join with other bay 'cities in the interest of the
Hetah Hetehy valley water supply. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter he referred to
the Public Utilities Committee, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried.
A petition was received from Mrs. 0. MaKiernan accompanied by consent of some
of the property owners to move a one-story frame building from 611 Central Avenue to
the south side of Taylor Avenue about 195 feet east of Fifth Street. A petition of
remonstrance was received from other property owners on Taylor Avenue between Fifth
and Sixth Streets protesting against granting such permission. Mr. ristensen moved
the matter he referred to the Street Committee and. Street SuperintenYen, seconded by
Mr. Hammond and carried.
A communication Was received from the City Attorney in which he gave it as his
opinion that the Park and Playground Coinmision had no power to discharge an employee
in and about the parks and playground, and that such power lay only in the hands of
the City Council. Mr. Hammond moved that it be filed, seconded by Mr. Christensen and
June 20th, 1911.
a Board of Park and -Playground Commissioners and introduced a bill entitled "A
Bill for Ordinance 1.0. Repealing Ordinance No. 505 of the City of Alameda,
Establishing a Board of Park and Playground Commissioners and Prescribinp. the
Duties and Powers of said Board" which was laid over under the provisions of the
,Mr. I(rumb moved that all Troceedings of the Council for the improvement of
Mound Street, under Resolution of Intention No. 766 be rescinded, seconded by
Er. Hammond and carried.
,Er. Krumb introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the
intention of the Council. of the City of Alameda to order the following street work
to be done in said city, namely: That Mound Street from the southern line of San
Jose Avenue to the northern line of Calhoun Street, and including the crossings
of Adams Street, Vlashington Street end Fillmore Street with Mound Street, be im-
Proved as follows: That the entire width of the roadway, between said limits,
and including the roadway of said crossings, be re-graded to the official. grade;
that combined concrete curbs and gutters. ,(carb to he S inches by 14 inches in cross-
section dimension and gutter to be feet in width,) be constructed on the curb
lines of said street and on the curved corners of said crossings between the said
limits; that two (2) part circle, corrugated, iron culverts, one with and one with-
out branches and manholes, shall he constructed, one on the eastern and one on the
wes eni side of each of the crossings above mentioned.; that the roadway of said
street between said limits and including sai crossings, but excepting that por-
tion of said roadway occupied by gutters, be macadamized with a ayer of broken
trap rock eight inches in thickness.
That said culverts to be constructed hereunder shall he of part-circle
gated American Ingot iron in accordance with "Plan for Corrugated Iron Part-Circle
Culverts' adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda iday 3rd , 1910, and on file
in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which plan is hereby referred to
and made a part hereof.
The Alameda Daily Argu is hereby designated as the daily newspaper pub-
lished and circulated in this City in which this resolution, and the Street Super-
intendent's Notice of the passage thereof, shall be published. The Clerk is hereby
directed to publish this Resolution by two successive insertions in said newspaper,
and post the same for two days conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council.
The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Christensen and it was adopted and passed
by the foil owin rote. ,..yes :Councilmen Christensen, 'Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Spence,
Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent: None.
Mr. I'rumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, that the City Engineer be and hereby is directed to make Plans and
Specifications for the following street work to be done in said City, namely:
That a salt- lazed, vitrified iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter,
with 4-inch Y branches, and without house connections, be constructed in Grand
Street in a right line frem the existing manhole at the crossing of Grand Street
and Dayton Avenue along the center line of Grand Street to the existing manhole
at the easterly end of the South Side Intercepting Sewer as per Resolution of
Trii7arl+inri 7n_ 7A:7) rikan-ntpa hv this Council. May 16th, 1911, And that the Clerk
June 20th, 1911.
be instructed to notify the City Engineer of the adoption of this Resolution.
The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Walker and it was adopted and passed by the
following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christense, Walker, Xrumb Hammond, Spenee, Ell
Morgenstern, Probet an ullook, (9) . Noe :None Absent :None.
The City Engineer presented Plans and Specifications for the conetruotion of
a sewer in Grand Street, under Resolution of Intention No. 763, and thereupon Mr.
Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, That the .lans and Specification furnished by the City Engineer of the
City of Alameda, to this Council for the following street work to be done in said.
City, namely:
That a sa1tg1azed, vitrified, ironstone sewer, six inches in inside diameter,
tith 4-inch Y branches, and without house connections, be constructed in Grand Street
in a right line from the existing manhole at the crossing oe Grand Street and Day-
ton Avenue along the center line of Grand Street to the existing manhole at the
easterly end of the South Side Intercepting Sewer, under Resolution of Intention No
763, adopted by the Council of said City May 16, 1911, be and the same are hereby
adopted and approved. And the Clerk if directed to filed the same.
Mr. Christensen seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the
following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond,Spence, Ells,
Morgenstern,3?robst and Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent :None.
Mr. Krumb offered the foliweing Resoleltion and moved its adortion:
WHEREAS, It appears to the satisfaction of this Council that Resolution of Inten-
tion No. 763 for the work of constructing a sewer in Grand Street from the existing
manhole at the crossing of Grand Street, and Dayton Avenue to the existing manhole
at the easterly end of the South Side Intercepting Sewcr in the City of Alameda,
adopted by this Council, May 16th, 1911, has been posted and published according
to law, and that no legal objection to the doing of said work has been filed with
the City Clerk of seed City.
RESOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the
City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in
said. City, according to the plans and speoifications adopted therefor, namely:
Thet a salt-glazed, vitrified iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside diarneterf
with 4-inch Y branches, and without house connections, be constructed in Grand. Street
in a right line from the existing manhole at the crossing of Grand Street and Dayton
Avenue along the center line of Grand Street to the existing manhole at the easterly
end of the South Side Intercepting Sewer.
The Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Re olutien for two days
in the Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published and circulated in this City,
and which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post con-
spicuously for five days near the Chamber Door of the sad Council, notice of said
work with specifications inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered,
and to publiehnotice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the
work and referring to the specifications posted or on file, also for two days in
the said. Alameda Daily Argus, the newspaper hereby designated for that purpose. Both
of the said notices shall require a certified check or a bond, either as prescibed
Ira law and for an amount not less than teA per cent of the aggregate of the proposal,
and shall name Wednesday. the 5th day of July, 1911. as the day hereby designated
June 20th, 1911.
Mr. 1:ialiker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow-
ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, -11:rnimb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, 1:4orgen-
stern, Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None, Absent :None.
In accordance with the instruction contained in Resolution of Intention No, 760
the lepartment of Electricity presented a report concerning the proposed improvement,
accompanying the same were Plans and Specifications; estimate of the cost of same fix-
ine: the amount at ;;I:)2891.31; diagram, showint, the district referred to in said Resolu-
tion, the boundaries and dimensions of the respective subdivisions of the land within
said district and assessment roll of the total amount of the cost and expenses upon the
several subdivisions of land in said district in propoWtion to the estimated benefits
to be received by such subdivisions, which were ordered filed? and thereupon Mr.
Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
WHERIF1AS, in accordance with the instruction s contained in Resolution No. 760,
adopted April 16th, 1911, and in conformity with the provisions of an Act of the
L egislature of the et ate of California, entitled "An Act to Provide for the lihting
of public streets, lanes, alleys, courts and places in municipalities, and for the
assessment of the costs and expenses thereof upon the property benefitted thereby,"
approved March 21, 1905, and acts amendatory thereof, the Board of Electricity of the
City of Alameda, has filed with the Clerk of the City Council its report; therefore
be it
hat Tuesday, the leth
h- ef3entl-d.
of July, 7911, at the hoer of 5 o'clock
P . M. at the Council Chamber of the City Council, in the City Hall, o the City of
Alameda at the northwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue end Oak Street, be and the
same are hereby appointed as the time and place for hearing protests in relation
to the proposed improvements particularly descry desorii:'eU in said resolution and report.
RESOLVED, That the Clerk be and he is hereby directed to. sive notice of said
hearing es provided by said Act of the Legislature, and that the Alameda Daily Argus
be and it is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in
this municipality in which said notice eha..D be pnbtished, and that the Clerk be and
he is hereby directed to publish said notice for a period of two days in said daily
newspaper, and to post said notiee as required by law.
Mr. Christensen seconded the Resolution and it was adorted and passed by the
following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, 17n:l'ner, 7rumb, Henmond, Spenee, Ells,
Liork:enstern, Probet and Bullock, Noes:None. Absent ;one
Street Superintendent Frodden Treeented a report that the work of grading, curb-
ing, mecadRmiing and otherwise improving Chestnut Street from the southern line of
Clinton Avenue to the concrete bulkhead at the south end of Chestnut Street, done by
Powell Bros. Construction Company, under Resolution of Intention No. 758 had been
f aithfully finished and completed under hds direction and to his satisfaction. Order-
ed filed.
Street Superintendent Frodden presented a report that the york of grading, curb-
ing macedamilinc and otherwlse improving College Avenue from the southern line of
San Jose Avenue to the northern line of Calhoun Street, done by Powell Bros. Conetruc-
tion Company, contractors, under private contract had been faithfully finished and
June 2Cth, 1911
A bill. entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Electing to have an Independ-
ent Assessment made by the City Assessor for the Cm rent Year" introduced by Mr.
Bullock, Jnne 6th, 1911 came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.
Probst moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote.
Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern,
Probst and Bnilock, (9) . Noes:None. Absent :None
A bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Determining later Rates and
Fixing the Compeneetion for Water Furnished for Private and Public Purposes in the
City of Alameda Turing the Year commencing July 1, 1911 and Ending June :70, 1912"
introduced by Mr. Bullock, June 6th, 1911 came lan for final passage end was read
by the Clerk. Mr. Christensen moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. pence and cnrried
by the folloleing vote. Ayee :Counoil.men Cbrieteneen, Walker, Erma, Hammond, Spence,
and Bullock, (7). NoesCouncilmon Morgenstern and Probet, (2). Absent :None
Mr. Hemmond reported that he had made arrangements with the Southern Pacific
Company and the Alaska Packers Association by which the said Associetion would allOw
the said Company to place their poles to carry power wires across the said Aseocia-
tion'e property and edvised that the proposed Ordinance grentine: the said Compeny a
franchise for said poles and wires on Grand Street and Buena Vista Avenue be voted
down. Thereupon a bill, entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No
Granting to the Southern
Pacific Company, a Railroad Corporation, and to its Successors and Assign'', iihect
to Pevocation at the Pleasure of the Council of the City of Alameda, the Right, Pri-
vilege ind Franchise to Erect and Maintain a Line of ':,00den Poles Beginning at the
Crossing of Cleyent Avenue and Grand Street: thence nouthcrly along Grand Street
to Buns, Viste f.venne; thence resterly along Buena Virtu'. Avenue to its Intersection
with the Right of Tay of the Central Pacific nailwey Company; and to Attach to and
Maintain and Operate upon said Poles, 7:ires for the Transmission of Electric Power
and to Connect such Tires with Faoctric Power Tires of the said Southern Pecific
Company" introduced by Mr. Hammond Tune Gth, 1911 was presented to the Council for
finvl passage and read by the Clerk. Mr. Hammond moved that it be adopted, seconded
by Mr. Spence and lost by the following vote. Ayes None, Noes :Councilmen Chrieten-
sen, Welker, Krnmb, Hammond, Fpence, Elle, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (9).
Absent :None.
J bill, entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Establishing the Grade of Bishop
Street" was introduced by Mr. Krumb and laid. over under the provisions of the Charter.
A hill. entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Yo. For the Protection of Curbing"
was introduced by Mr. Krumb and laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
A Bill, entitled "A Bill for Ordinence No. Providing for the Cobveyence by
the City of Alameda of certain parcels of lend to T. Mizner and Gertrude M. Bradley
for the Purpose of Making College ;'venue, south of Sen Jose Avenue, of a uniform
width of 40 .et" which was introduced by Mr. Mrumb on June 6th, 1911 ceme up for
final passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Krumb moved, its adoption, seconded by
Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote.
Ayes:Couneilmen Christensen, \Ualker,
Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Fals, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent
The matter of the report concerning the informtion regaraing the emergency
hospital received from the Board of Health and laid over from the last meeting of
June 20th, 1911
Public EuilCings and Grounds Committee and the Board of Health, seconded by Mr.
Hammond and carried.
Judge P. B. Tappan addressed the Council protesting against any action that
might curtail the dimensions of the present court-room in the basement of the City
Hall by enlargement of the emergency hospital and earnestly requested the Council
to provide him with adequate quarters to carry on the business of his court.
Mfr. Probst moved that the City Attorney be requested to give an opinion ss
to whether two rates for water could be introduced, seconded by Kr. Walker and
carried. Thereupon the City Attorney, verbally, reported that it could not be
done, that in fact is such action should be taken by the Council it would be a
Mr. Hammond reported that he had had a conversation with railroad officials
regarding the complaints against the car seats on the new electric cars and stat-
ed that he had been informed that these seats had not been determined on by
railroad company as permanent seats, but that the said company was experimenting
on the same.
Mr. Hammond reported that certain matters pertaining to the welfare of the
Alameds side of the Oakland Harbor would be taken up by the Harbor Commission at
a meeting of same on Thursday evening ney:t, June 22na, 1911.
Mr. Krumb moved that the Clerk be direr:tee, to address a conrunicetion to the
water company notifying it not to lay any more water mains in the City of Alameda
lees than four inches in diameter.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until, the
next regular meeting 1,cednesday, July 5th, 1911,
7;30 p. m.
City Clerk.