1911-09-19 Regular CC MinutesCULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY, =EMBER 19th 1911. The meeting with Mayor W.H.Noy,presiding. The Roll was called and Councilmen Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells, obst and Bullock, (6) were noted present and Councilmen Christensen,Walker and Morgenstern, (3) absent. The Minutes of the Meeting of September 5th 1911,were read and ordered approved. Councilmen Christensen and Morgenstern arrived during the reading of the minutes and were noted present. A communication was received from the Board of Electricity giving notice that the said Board had on hand sufficient funds and were ready to transfer 4000.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund to repay loan made April 4th 1911. Or- dered filed and thereupon Mr.Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: VThereas it anpears from the report of the Board of Electricity,that a sufficient amount of money is on hand to pay the indebtedness of the Electric Light Fund,created by transfer,April 4th 1911,hy resolution,to the General Fund,therefore be it Resolved,That the sum of Five Thousand (15000.00) Dollars,be an the same is ransferred from the Electric Light Fund, to the General Fund,and the Auditor and the Treasurer be and they are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. Nr.Spence seconded the Resolution and it was adopted. and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Walker, (1) . A communication was received from tl,e Auditor stating that there had been depos- ited in Local Improvement Fund No.760,sufficient funds to pay the indebtedness of said Fund to the General Fund. Ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Bulloch offered the follow- ing Resolution and moved, its adoption: Whereas it appears from the report of the Auditor that a sufficient sum of money has been deposited to the credit of Local Improvement Fund No.760 to pay the indebted- ness of said Fund to the General Fund,therefore be it Resolved,That the sum of Two Hundred and. Fifty (250.0o) Dollars be and the sane is hereby transferred from Local Improvement Fund No.760 to the General nd,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. Mr.Chri tensen seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Morgenstern,Ells, Probst and. Bullock, (8). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Walker, (1). Claims against the General Fund, amounting to $145.41;against the Police Fund amounting to ,241.55;against the Fire Fund amounting to .i669.48;against the Park and Playground Fund amounting to 19.80;Against Municipal Improvement Fund No.9 (School) amounting to :F2845.00;Against Local Improvement Fund. No.760 amounting to $5.88;against Local Improvement Fund. No.770 amounting to 0.1.75 and against Local Improvement Fund No.772 amounting to .29.37 having been approved and auaitaa •,y the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Daily Argus If TI TI GENERAL FUND. Printing Advertising 5.50 1.1„5 Alameda Steam Laundry Bay City Market Furey,F.P. Hauge, Olaf Hicks, Grant Kihn,Al. Koch Sales Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Peoples Water Co. Schneider, Henry TT ?I TT TT TT TT TI TT White Diamond Water Co. Consolidated Motor Car Co. Daly, Geo Davis,Walter F. Magagnos 7acific Tel & Tel Co Pries, WL!.G. Roberts,S.H. Schneider, Henry Unna,Herman Alameda Steam Laundry Assn Boulster,A.J. Code,John R. Firestone Fire & Rubber Co.,The Furey,P.P. Hay & Baird Jones & Forrest Jorgenson, P. King,A.R. TT TT Loewe & Wilkins Tomax,R.R. Morgan's Pharmacy Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Peoples Water Co. Resso & Co.,G. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Schlam,Bert D. Scott,Magner & Miller September 19th 1911. Towel Service Meat for Pound Plumbing Repairing Shades Money advanced Insurance premium Typewriter Supplips Switches Water Stationery TT ?/ TT TT Water Total- POI CE FUND Auto Repairs Services Auto supplies Photographs Switches &c Salary Camera Supplies StatUmery &c Meals Total- FIRE FUND Linen Service Repairs Sick leave Repairs Repairs Horse-shoeing IT TT TT TT Supplies Horse-shoeing Medicine Gas Switch Hydrants & Water Hauling Feed Services Rendered Feed 8.00 2.22 1.25 3.10 6.93 80.00 6.00 1.15 11.71 3.10 2.00 8.75 2.00 2.00 .50 145.41 16.75 87.10 1.50 4.30 9.65 90.00 5.30 7.20 19.75 .5 241.55 15.80 7.00 7.10 5.00 11.15 10.00 9.00 18.00 5.00 5.00 .20 5.00 .50 23.40 .15 309.88 7.40 3.10 7.5n 63.15 September 19th 1911. Steinmetz,Theo F. Supplies 2.50 Sutherland's Pharmacy Medicine 6.25 United Engineering Works Repairs 35.00 Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies 1.75 Wagner,O.P. Hauling 2.00 Westall,Chas Coal Oil 7.00 Total- _ - 3669.48 PARK & PLAYGOUND FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Advertising .10 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Rental 2.25 Mazzini.L. Plumbing .50 Futbman,E.O. Supplies 8.50 Schneider,Henry TI 1.45 Wagner Bros Teaming 7.00 19.80 MUNICIPAL ILTROVEITNT FUND No.9, (School) Maxwell Hardware Co. Hardware (Haight School) 01200.00 Morgan & Co .,W. On Contract (Washington School) 1645.00 Total- - - - - - ii2845.00 LOCAL IMPROVMENT FUND No .760. Alameda Daily Argus . Printing 5.68 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND No.770. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 11.75 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND No .772. $ Alameda Daily Argus Printing 29.37 Mr.Bullock moved that the claims be paid as read,seconded by Mr.Christensen and carried by the following vote. A yes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,hammond, Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Prol,st and Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Walker, (1) A report was received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of July,1911. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances on hand in the various funds on August 31st 1911. Ordered filed. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Calling and Providing for a ,e ial Election to he held in the City of Alameda,tate of California,on the day of ,1911,to submit to the qualified voters of said city the proposition of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the sums and for the purposes specified as fo1lows",introduced by Mr.Bullock,September 5th 1911,came up for passage. idr.Bul- lock moved that in view of the taxes being about due and the cost of erecting the electroliers also being an added expense to the people he believed that it would be in-advisable to proceed any further with the proceedings at this time and moved that all actions of the Council in the proposed bond election be rescinded,second- ed by Mr.Probst. Mr.Hanmond addressed the Council explaining that the proposed action was being taken on the advice and request of the Mayor and commended his ac- tion as being in the interests of the people and also seconded the motion which was duly carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Yrumb,Ham- mond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes :None. Absent: Councilman Walker,(1). The Finance,presented a report fixing the Tax Rate for the fiscal year 1911- her 19th 1911. ed,seconded by Mr.Ells. Mr.Morgenstern objected to taking action at that time as he thought that certain citizens desired to address the Council on the matter and who had not as yet arrived and thereupon Mr. Hammond moved that action be deferred until the last order of business,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. A communication was received from the Chamber of Commerce thanking the Council for its prompt action in installing the necessary light for the sign in front of their headquarters. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the League of California Municipalities an- nouncing the date of the 14th annual convention of the said League as October 23rd to 28th 1911 and asking that representatives be sent from Alameda. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Mayor,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. An affidavit of publication was received showing due publication of Notice to Creditors to present claims against the Parks and Playgrounds by September 15th 1911, Ordered filed. An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Local Improvement Act for the erection of electroliers as ordered by the Council on September 5th 1911. Ordered filed. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter of the condemnation proceedings against a building owned by L..McGlauflin and located on the north side of Webb Avenue about 100 feet east of Park Street,be put over until the next meeting of the Council,se- conded by Mr.Morgenstern and carried. A typewritten report of a meeting of certain officials of the Southern Pacific Company together with the Mayor and certain Councilmen was presented and Mr.Bullock moved that the same be filed but that that part of it referring to the two and one- half cent fares be not approved,seconded by Mr.Christensen nd carried. Mr.Morgenstern moved that the matter of the two and one-half fares as charged by the Railroad Company be referred to the Public Utilities Cornpany,that the said Committee be directed to arrange for a meeting with the Railroad officials and that the members of the Committee be notified of the said meeting,with the object in view of giving the matter further diecussion,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. A communication was received from John F.Knapp,bridge tender of the Bay Farm Island Bridge complaining that he was not being remunerated for is work of attend- ing to the lights maintained by the city on the said bridge and requesting that he be paid the sum of $10.00 per year for the work. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Board of Electricity,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried. A communication was received from W.S.Duyal,District Secretary of the Board of Fire Underwriters requesting that a representative of the said Board be given a chance to be heard regarding a request to change the limits of Fire District No.l. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Fire,Water & Police Committee, seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. A communication was received from Annie C.Teller,Curator of the Civic Section of the Adelphian Club advocating the employment of Miss Ramsay as matron of McKinley Park. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Board of Health requesting that the street and gutters on Park Street he flushed at least once a week. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. September 19th 1911. work of re-flooring the Fruitval Avenue Bridge is in progress that the same would be closed for traffic. Mr.Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Street Comrnittee,seconded by Mr.Yrunb and carried. A report was received from the Street Superintendent that the work of construct- ing the South Side Intercepting Sewer had been completed and that all bill d for the said construction had been paid out of Municipal Improvement Fund No.9. Ordered filed. A communication was received from R.T.Tappy,Engineer Stthurlah Lines of the Southern Pacific Company,requesting that permission be granted the Hutchinson Com- pany to grade,curb,macadamize and otherwise improve a certain portion of Pearl Street in the vicinity of Blanding Avenue in accordance with the lines set forth on a map which accompanied the request,where the said Company's tracks crossed said streets. Llr.Hammond moved that the request be granted,seconded by Mr.Krunb and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Hannond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Walker, (1). Affidavits were presented showing due publication and posting of Notices of Local Improvement fixing time for hearing for hearing protests against the work of erecting Electroliers under Resolution of Intention N6.772. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in reply to the said Notices he was in receipt of three protests,which he read at length. The City Attorney reported that they were not in due form and thereupon the same were ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Alameda did,on the 15th day of August, 1911,pass its Resolution of Intention No.772 to order the following improvement to be made in said city,namely:- That iron pipe electric lamp posts each with a cast iron top and ground glass globe and lamp and set up in a concrete base,be erected and constructed on both sides of the following described streets and avenues of said city,between the limits there- of hereinafter mentioned;said lamp posts to he placed at intervals of one hundred and fifty feet along each side of said streets and avenues,and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side of any such street and avenue shall he alternated with those on the other side thereof,and that said lamp posts shall be wired and connected by means of underground conduits of iron pipe for operation by the Municipal Electric Light Plant of said city:that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the following named streets and avenues,to wit: Paru Street from .)anta Clara Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco;Grand Street from Lincoln Avenue to the Bay of San Francis- co;Union Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco;Lafayette Street from Santa Clara Avenue tothe Bay of San Francisco;Chestnut Street from Lincoln Ave- nue to the Bay of San Francisco;Willow Street from Lincoln Avenue to Encinal Avenue; Walnut Street from Lincoln Avenue to Central Avenue;Santa Clara Avenue from Paru Street to Oak Street;Central Avenue from Chestnut Street to Park Street;Alaneda Avenue from Lafayette Street to Willow Street;San Antonio Avenue from Morton Street to Chestnut Street;Clinton Avenue from Sherman Street to Willow Street;San Jose Avenue from Morton Street to Chestnut Street;Dayton Avenue from Sherman Street east to the end; and THEREAS,before the time set for the hearing,to wit :Tuesday the 19th day of Sep- tember,1911,at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M.,written protests by S.Behrens,Sarah Jehu September 19th 1911 241 P.M.,said City Clerk presented to said. City Council said protests presented as afore- said against said improvement:and,whereas,said City Council did then and there pro- ceed to hear and Tass upon said protests and having duly considered the same,it is hereby RESOLVED,by the City Council of the City of Alameda that s:id written protests against said improvement be,and the same are hereby overruled;and be it further RESOLVED,that the proposed assessment for said improvement be,and the same is hereby confirmed:and he it further RFSOLVED,that the report of the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda pre- sented and filed on the 15th day of August,111,with the Clerk of said Council be, and the same is hereby adopted as a whole. Mr.Ohristensen seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Tzumb,Hammond,Spence,711s,Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilnan Walker, (1) Er.Nrumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 77SOLVET),that,rhereas,the City Council of the City of Alameda,did,on the 15th day of August,1911,pass its Besolution of Intention No.772 to order the hereinafter described work to be done and improvement to be made in said City of Alameda;and, whereas,npon the filing of the report of the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda,the City Council by resolution appointed a time and place for hearing pro- tests in relation to the proposed improvement,which time and place were fixed as follows,to wit: Tuesday,the 19th day of September,1911,at the hour of j]ight o'clock P.T.,at the Council Chamber of the City Council at the City Hall in the City of Al- ameda at the Northwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street;and,whereasenotice of said hearing was duly and regularly published as required by law and the resolu- tier of said Council,as appears from the affidavits of John S.Daveler and. F.E.Brown- ing,now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City ofl,Alameda;and,whereas, notices of the passage of said. Resolution of Intention No.772 and of the filing of said report and of the hearing of the protests against said improvernent,as aforesaid, headed,"Notice of Local Improvement," were duly and regularly posted along all streets,and parts of streets,within the assessment district described in said Reso- lution of Intention,at not more than 300 feet in distance apart,in form and manner as required by law,as appears from the affidavits of George N.Browning and F.E. Browning,City Clerk of the said. City of Alameda,who,upon the completion of the post- ing of said motices,forthwith filed said affidavits in the office of said City Clerk; and,whereas,on the said 19th day of September,1911,at the hour of Eight o'clock P.M. said City Clerk presented to said. Council the only protests presented against said improvement,to wit,the protests of 3.Behrens,Sarah Jehu and Lirs.ilae Walker Skinner; and,whereas,there were no protests against the assessment for said improvement;and, whereas,said City Council did then and there proceed to hear and pass upon said pro- tests of S.Behrens,.arah Jehu and IJirs.Mae Walker Skinner,and having duly considered the same,did then and there over-rule the same,and did then and there confirm the pro- posed assessment for said improvement,and did then and there adopt as a whole the said report of the Board of Electricity:therefore be it RESOIVED,that the public interest and convenience require and the City Council of the City f Alameda hereby orders the following improvement to be done and made in said city,namely:- September 19th 1911. globe and lamp and set up in a concrete base,be erected and constructed on both sides of the following described streets and avenues in said city between the limits thereof hereinafter mentioned:said lamp posts to be placed at intervals of 150 feet along each side of said streets and avenues,and arranged so that; the lamp posts on one side of any such street or avenue shall be alternate with those on the other side thereof; and that said lamp posts shall be wired and connected by means of underground conduits of iron pipe for operation by the municipal electric light plant of said city:that said improvement shall be made Rnd constructed on the following named streets and avenues,to wit: Pant Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Pay of San Francisco; Grand Street fron Lincoln Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco;Union Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Bay of an Francisco;Mafayette Street from Santa Clara Avenue to the Bay of San Francisco;Chestnut Street from Lincoln Avenue to the Bay of San Fran- cisco;Mlow Street from Lincoln Avenue to 7ncinal Avenue;Walnut Street from Lincoln Avenue to Central Avenue;Santa Clara Avenue from Paru Street to Oak Street;Central Avenue fron Chestnut Street to Park Street:Alameda Avenue from Lafayette Street to Willow Street:San Antonio Avenue from Morton Street to Chestnut Street;Clinton Avenue from Sherman Street to nillow Street:San Jose Avenue from Morton Street to Chestnut Street;Dayton Avenue from Sherman Street east to the end. That the following is a specification of the exterior boundaries of the district to be benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof,namely:- All that piece or parcel of land situate,lying and being in the City of Alame- da,County of Alameda,State of California,and bounded and particularly described as follows:- Commencing at a point on the eastern line of Paru Street,distant thereon twen- ty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the west- ern line of Grand Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Grand Street to the southern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence easterly along the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20), feet easterly from the eastern line of Grand Street;thence south- erly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with Grand Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue; hence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and paral- lel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Chestnut Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Chestnut Street to the southern Tine of Lincoln Avenue ;thence easterly along the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the east- ern line of Chestnut Street;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Chestnut Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence east- erly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Willow Street;thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet west- erly from and parallel with the western line of Willow Street,to the southern line nno+nrlir ri +11in nf TI rro1 Avarua to a noi nt September 19, 1911 6144- thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Willow Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence easterly along a line twenty ( 0) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western lihe of Walnut Street; thence northerly and along a line tTenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Walnut street to the southern lihe of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly along the southern line of Lincoln Avenue to a point twenty (20) feet east- erly from the eastern line of Walnut Street; thence southerly and parallel with the eastern line of Walnut Street to a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence easterly, along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue, to the western line of Oak Street; thence southerly along the western line of Oak Street to a point there- on distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Walhut Street; thence southerly, along a line twenty (20) feet eaFterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Wainut Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Central Avenue; thence easterly, along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Central Avenue, to the western line of Park Street; thence southerly along the western line of Park ;:$treet to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Central Avenue; thence westerly along said last named parallel line to a point thereon distant twenty (20) fret easterly from the eastern line of Willow Street; thence southerly, along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Willow Street, to the northern line of Encinal Avenue; thence westerly along the northern line of Encinai Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Willow Street; thence northerly, and along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Willow Street, to a point; thereon distant twenty ( 0) feet southerly from the southern line of Alameda Averue; thence westerly, along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Alameda Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Chestnut Street; thence southerly,alOng a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Chestnut Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Clinton Avenue; thence easterly, along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Clinton Avenue, to the western line of 7illow Street; thence south- erly along the western line of Willow Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with Clinton Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Chestnut Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Chestnut Street to a point thereon distant ninety-one and 50/100 (91.50) feet southerly from the southern line of Olinton Avenue; thence westerly and along a line parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to intersection .1 September 19th, 1911. 50/100 (91.50) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence in a right line to a point in the western line of Chestnut Street, distant thereon sixty- five (65) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence westerly along a line sixty-five (65) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Chestnut Street; thence in a right line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafayette Street at a point thereon distant sixty-three and 50/100 (63.50) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence easterly and along a line sixty-three and 50/100 (63.50) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Lafayette street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerh line of Lafayette Street to a point there- on distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence westerly allng a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (?0) feet easterly from the eastern line of Union Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Union Street to a point thereon distant two hundred twelve and 50/100,(212.50) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence westerly and along a line parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to intersection with a line trenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Union Street at a point thereon distant two hundred twelve and 50/100 (212.50) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence in a right line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Grand Street at a point thereon distant three hun- dred seventy-nine and 75/100 (379.75) feet southerly from the southern line of Dayton Avenue, thence westerly along a line parallel with the southern line of Dayton Avenue to intersection with the eastern Tine of Grana Street at a point thereon distant three hundred seventy-nine and 75/100 (379.75) feet southerly from the southern line of Dayton Avenue; thence in a right line to a point on the western line of Grand Street distant thereon three hundred fifty-four and 50/100 (354.50) feet southerly from the southern line of Dayton Avenue; thence westerly along a line parallel with the southern line of Dayton Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel -ith the western line of Grand Street to a point thereon distant three him dred fifty-four and 50/100 (354.50) feet southerly from the southern line of Dayton Avenue; thence in a right line to intersectionwith a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Paru Street, at a point di tant thereon three hundred twenty-five (325) feet southerly from the southern line of Dayton Avenue; thence westerly along a line parallel with the southern line of Dayton Avenue to intersection with the eastern line of Paru Street at a point distant there- on three hundred twenty-five (325) feet southerly from the southern line of Dayton Avenue; thence in a right line to a point on the western line of Paru Street distant thereon three hundred and twenty (320) feet southerly from the southern line of Dayton Avenue; thence westerly along a line parallel with the southern line of Dayton Avenue to intersection with a line twenty ( 0) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Paru Street at a point thereon distant, three hun- September 19, 1911. western line of Paru Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Dayton Avenne; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Dayton Avenue to inter- section rith the eastern line of Sherman Street; thence northerly along the eastern line of Sherman Street to intersection with the line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Dayton Avenue ; thence easterly along the line twenty (20) feet northerly from end parallel with the northern line of Dayton Avenue to a point thereon distant,twenty (2Q) feet westerly from the western line of Paru Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with Paru Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Clinton Avenue; thence westerly along a lino twenty (20) feet south- erly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to the eastern line of Sherman Street; thence northerly along the eastern line of Sherman Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from end parallel with the north- ern line of Clinton Avenue; thence wasterly along a line twenty ( 0) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Clinton Avenue to intersection v;ith a line Three hundred and thorty-fonr (334) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Paru Street; thence northerly elong the line Three hundred and thirty- four (354) feet wester7:e from anct parallel with the western line of Faru Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of San Jose __venue; thence westerly along a lire twenty (20) feet southerly from and perallel with the southern line of San Jose Avenue to the eastern line of Lorton Street, as said Morton Street exists south of San Jape Avenue, (eaid last named eastern line of Morton Street being commonly known as the East Fitch Line); thence northerly along the said eastern lire of Morton Street, or East Fitch Line, as the same exits south of San Jose Avenue, an t1i the proaection of the said Tine northerly to intersection with a lire twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Morton Street as said Morton Street exists north of San Jooe Avenue; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Morton Street to a point thereon distant (20) feet southerly from the southern ?ine of Antonio Avenne measured at right angles to San Antonio Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and raralle3 with the southern line of San Antonio Avenue to intersection with the eastern line of Morton Street; thence northerly along the eastern line of Morton Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of San Antonio Avenue; thence easterly along the line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of San Antonio Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet vesterly from the western line of Paru Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Peru Street, to the south- ern line of Central Avenue; thence easterly along the southern line of Central Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Tarn Street; thenee southerly along said last named parallel line, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) 'eet northerly from the northern line of San Antonio Avenue; thence easterly along a line twmnty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of an Antonio Avenue, to a point thereon dis- +e,+ +1Te1+17 (2n) fppt wentprlr from the western line of Grand Street; thence along a t ceptember 19th, 19T1. to the southern line of Central Avenue; thence easterly along the southern line of Central Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Grand Street; thence southerly along a line tmenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Grand Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of San Antonio Avenue; thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of San Antonio Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the weetern line of Union Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with Union Street tonthe southern line of Central Avenue; thence easterly along the southern line of Central Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Union Streetl thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Union Street, to a point thereon distant twenty ( 0) feet northerly from the northern line of San Antonio Avenue; thence easterly along a line twenty ( 0) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of San Antonio Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty ( 0) feet westerly from the western line of Lafayette reet; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Lafayette Street to the southern line of Encinal Avenue; thence easteriy along the southern line of Encinal Avenue, to a point thereon distant trenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence southerly along a line twenty ( 0) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafayette Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of an Antonio Avenue; th-nce easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of San Antonio Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty ( 0) feet westerly from the western line of Chestnut Street; thence northerly along a line twenty f20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Chestnut Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Alameda Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Alameda Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafayette Street to the northern line of Encinal Avenue; thence westerly along the northern line of Encinal Avenue, to a point there- on distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly along a line tv'enty (20) feet westerly from and rarallel rith the western line of Lafayette Street, to the southern line of Central Avenue; thence easterly along the southern line of Central Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet eanterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafayette reet, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet northerly from the northern line of Alameda Avenue; thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Alameda Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Chestnut Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Chest- nut Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly 3eptember, 19, 1911. distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Iafayetle Street to the northern line of Central Avenue; thence westerly along the northern line of Central Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of La±ayette Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly fror and parallel with the western line of Lafayette Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern Jine of Santa Clara Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Union Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Union Street to the northern line of Central Avenue; thence wester- ly along the northern line of Central Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty )20) feet westerly from the western line of Union Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Union Street, to a point thereon distant twenty ( 0) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue, to a point thereon r3istant trenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Grand Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Grand Street to the northern line of Central Avenue; thence westerly along the northern line of Central Avenue, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Grand Street; thence northerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western lino of Grand Street, to a point thereon distant twenty (20) fret southerly from the southern line of Sanata Clara Avenue; thence westerly 5,1ong a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Sanata Clara Avenue, to a point thereon dls- tant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Paru Street; thence souther- ly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Paru Street to the northern line of Central Avenue; thence westerly along the northern Tine of Central Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet west- erly from and parallel with the western line of Paru Street; thence northerly, along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Paru Street, to the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence easterly along the Southern line of Santa Clara Avenue to the eastern line of Paru Street; thence northerly along the eastern line of Paru Street to the place of beginning, saving, excepting and excluding from the above mentioned and described district all ublic streets, avenues, highways, lanes and alleys. It is further resolved that this resolution and proceedings hereunder are taken under and by virtue of the provisions of an vet entitled "An Act to provide for the lighting of public streets, lanes, alleys, roads and places in municipali- ties, and for the assessment of the costs and expenses thereof upon the property benefited thereby," Adopted March 21, 1905. Mr. Christensen seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, t„; ,) ) September 19th, 1911. Mr, Probst roved that the Tax Collector he authorized to employ an extra Clerk at a compensation of ',3.00 per day to attend to the extra work in his office in getting out the tax bills for the assessment as called for by Resolution ordering work under Resolution of Intention No. 772, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Walker, (1). Mr. Krumb moved that the Council reject all bids presented for the 7ork of improving Mound Street under Resolution of Intention No. 767 anc that the Clerk return the certified checks accompanying the said bids and also that he re-adver- tise for bids for the said work fixing October 3rd, 1911 at 8 o'clock P. M. for the presentation of sane, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Walker, (1). Mr. Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, that the City Engineer be and hereby is directed to make Plans and Specifications for the following Street worT7 to be done in said City, namely: That Fountyin Street from the southern line of San Jose Avenue to the northern line of Washington Street, and including the crossing of Adams Street with Fountain Street, be improved as follows:- That the entire width of said street between said limits, from property line to property line , be granded to the official grade; that combined concrete curbs and gutters, (curb to be eight (8) inches by fourteen (14) inches in cross section dimension and gutter to he three (3) feet in width) be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of said crossing between the said limits; that two (2) part-circle, corrugated iron culverts, one with and one without branches and handholes, shall be constructed, one on the eastern and one oh the western side of the crossing of Adams Street with Fountain Street; that the roadway of the said street between said limits and including said crossing, but excepting that portion of said roadway occupied by gutters be macada- mized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness. That said culverts to he constructed hereunder shall be of part-circle cor- rugated iton in accordanee with "Plan and Speicifications for Corrugated iron part- circle culverts" adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda May 3rd, 1910, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, as per Resolution of Intention No. 773 of this Council, August 15, 1911. And that the Clerk be instructed to notify the City Engineer of the adoption of this Resolution. Mr. Christensen seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the followin vote :- Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Krunb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Ansent:CounciWan Walker, (1). The City Engineer presented Plans and Specifications in compliance with the foregoing Resolution and thereupon Mr. Krunb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, That the Plans anC Specifications furnished by the City Engineer of the City of Alameda, to this Council for the following Street work to be done in 3ertember 19, 1911. That Fountain Street from the southern line of San Jose Avenue to the northern line of Washington Street, and including the crossing of Adams Street with Foun- tain Street, be improved as follows:- That the entire width of the said street between said limits from property line to property line, be graded to the official grade; that combined concrete curbs and gutters, (curb to be eight (8) inches by fourteen (14) inches in cross section dimension and gutter to be three (3) feet in width), be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of said crossing between the said limits; that two (2) part-circle, corrugated iron culverts, one with and one without branches and hanCholes, shall be constructed one on the eastern and one on the western side of the crossing of Adams Street with Fountain Street; that the roadway of the said street between said limits and including said crossing, but excepting that portion of said roadway occupied by gutters be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in thickness. That said culverts to be constructed hereunder sirll be of part circle cor- rugated iron in accordance with "Plan and Specifications for Corrugated iron part circle culverts" adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda May 3rd, 1910, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of eal(4, city, rhich plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under esolution of Intention No. 773, adopted by the Council of said City august 15th, 1911, be and the same are hereby adopted and approved. And the Oler is directed to file the same. Mr. Christensen seconded the esolution ana it was adopted and passed by the following vote :- Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Xrumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Tialker, (1). Mr. '..rluffb offered the following Resolution and moved it adoption:- UHEREAS, It appears to the satisfaction of this Council that ResOlution Of Intention No. 773 fer the work of grading, curbing, guttering, macadamizing and otherwise improving Fountain Street between San Jose Avenue and Washington Street in the Cit, of Alameda, adopted by this Council, August 15th, 1911, has been posted and published according to law, and that no legal objection to the doing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of said city. Resolved, That the -public interest rind convenience require and the.Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said city, according to the plans and specifications therefor, namely: That Fountain Street from the southern line of San Jose Avenue to the northern line of Washington Street, and including the crossing of Adams Street with Fountain Street, be improved as follows: That the entire width of said street between said limits, from property line to property line, be graded to the official grade; that coMbined concrete curbs and gutters, (curb to be eight (8) inches by fourteen (14) inches in cross section dimension and gutter to be three (3) feet in width) be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of said crossing between the said limits; that two (2) part circle, corrugated iron culverts, one with and one without branches and handholes, shall be constructed, one on the eastern and one on the western side of the crossing of Adams Street with Fountain Street; that the roadway of the said street between said limits and including said crossing, but excepting that portion of 24 September 19th, 1911. eight inches in thickness. That said cnlvea'ts to he constructed hereunder shall be of part-circle corru- gated iron in accordance with "Plan and Specifications for Corrugated iron part- circle culverts" adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda Lay 3rd, 1910, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Resolution for two days in the Alameda Daily Argns, a daily newspaper published and circulated in this City, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspicuously fro five days near the Chamber Door of the said Council notice of said work with specifications inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work order- ed, and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the specifications posted or on file, also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus, the newspaper hereby designated for that pur- rose. Both of the said notices shall require a certified check or a bond, either as prescribed by law and for an amount not Tess than ten per cent of the aggregate the proposal, and shall name Tuesday, the 3rd day of October, 1911, as the day hereby designated on which up to the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., the said proposals or bids shall be received. Mr. Christensen seconded the Ilesolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Courcilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hammon0., Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, '(8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Walker, (1). Mr. Krumb reported that errors had been made in the proceedings for the work of constructing a sewer in Fernside Boulevard under Resolution of Intention No. 771 and moved that all action in this matter be rescinded, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hammond Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Council- man Walker, (1). Mr. Krumb offered, the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to be done in sad city namely: That Fernside Boulevard from the present sewer in High Street to a point 1584.39 feet westerly therefrom be improved as follows: That a salt glazed, vitrified iron-stone sewer, six inches in.inside diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house connection, be constructed in Fernside Boulevard along a line three (3) feet northerly from and parallel with the southerly line of said Fernside Boulevard from the intersection thereof with the center line of High Street; thence in a line, as stated, to a point 1584.39 feet westerly there- from. That six (6) new manholes be constructed along the line of said sewer in the manner hereinafter described, as follows, to-wit: One at the eastern termination thereof; one at a point 374.13 feet westerly from said eastern point of termination; one at a point 748.26 feet westerly from said eastern point of termination; one at a point 1122.39 feet westerly from said eastern point of termination; one at the western termination thereof, and one at a point 231 feet easterly from said western 2E) ember 19. 1911. point of termination. That said manholes rnanhole3 to be constructed hereunder shall be of brick masonry, with cast iron tops and covers and eight-inch walls and bottoms, in accordance with "?lan for Brick Manhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January llth, 1897, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Alameda Daily Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper publish- ed and circulated in this City in which thie resolution, and the Street Superin- tendent! s Notice of the passage thereof, shall be published . The Clerk is hereby directed to publish this esolution by two success;ve insertions in said newspaper, and post the same for two days conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council. Mr. Christensen seconded the esolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:-, Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Walker, (1). Mr. Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to be done in said city, namely: That Grand Strect between the southern line of Dayton Avenue and the existing sea wall at the southern end of said street be improved as follows:- That the roadway thereof, from said southern line of Dayton Avenue to a right line parallel therewith and distant one hundred and seventy (170) feet right angle measurement southerly therefrom, but excepting that portion occupied by gutters, be re-graded and macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness; that a concrete retaining wall be constructed along the western property line of said Grand Street extending from the sea wall above mentioned northerly for .a distance of sixty-five (65) feet, the top of said retaining wall to be 4 inches above official cnrb grade; that the entire width of said street from property line to property line, between said r ght line parallel with and distant one hundred and seventy (170) feet right angular measurement.southerly from said southern line of Dayton Avenue, and said sea wall at the southern end of said Grand Street, be filled and graded to the official grade; that a combined concrete curb and gutter, (curb to be 8 inches by 14 inches in cross section dimension and gutter to be 4 feet in width and 6 inches thick), be constructed along the eastern curb line of Grand Street from said right line one hundred and seventy (170) feet southerly from and parallel with said southern Tine of Dayton Avenue, thence in a right line southerly to a point on said eastern curb line distant thereon 329.75 feet southerly from said southern line of Dayton Avenue, thence curving to the east with a radius of ten (10) feet for a length of fifteen and 71/100 (15.71) feet, thence Tangent for a distant of six (6) feet to the eastern line of Grand Street; that a conbined concrete curbe and gutter, 1 to be 8 inches by 14 inches in cross section ditension and gutter to be 4 feet in width and six inches thick) be constructed along the western curb line of Grand Street from said right line one hundred and seventy (170) feet southerly from and parallel with said southern line of Dayton Avenue, thence southerly to a point on said curb line dis- tant thereon five (5) feet northerly from the northern line of said sea wall at September 19th, 1911. to be 8 inches by 14 inches in cross section dimension and gutter to be 3 feet in width and six inches thick) be constructed with the northern edge of said curb dis- tant five (5) feet northerly from and parallel with the inside edge of said sea wpll at the southern end of Grand Street; and that said combined concrete curb and gutter shall extend from the western curb line of Grand Street easterly to the eastern property line thereof; that a catch basin of brick masonry, with cast iron top and cover be constructed in and under the gutter herein provided for, on the western curb line of said street at a distance thereon of six (6) feet northerly from said sea wall, and that an outlet from said catch basin be constructed of 18 inch vitrified iron stone sewer pipe in a right line therefrom southerly and parallel with said curb line to and through said sea wall; that a catch basin of brick masonry, with cast iron top and cover be constructed in and under the gutter herein provided for along the eastern curb line of said Grand Street at the curved corner herein above mentioned; and that an outlet from said catch basin be con- structed of 18 inch vitrified iron stone sewer pipe in a ri ght line therefrom and parallel with said last mentioned curb line southerly to and through said sea wall. The Alameda Daily Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper publish- ed and circulated in this City in which this Resolution, and the Street Superintend- ent's Notice of the passage thereof, shall bepublished. The Clerk is hereby direct- ed to publish this Resolution by two successive insertions in said newspaper, and post the same for two days conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Hammond,'Jpence,Ells,Morgen- stern,Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Walker,(1). Mr.Krumb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Establish- ing the Grade of Centennial Avenue",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. The matter of the report of the Finance Committee fixing the tax rate was then taken up and Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution in conunction therewith: RESOLVM,That the taxes for the City of Alameda,be and are hereby levied for the current fiscal year as follows:- On each 7J00.00 of the Assessed Valuation of all property both real and person- al,in the City of Alameda,and all property assessed on the Assessment roll of said City for the current fiscal year a tax of 41.28 which is hereby apportioned as follows;- - - General Fund- - .4151 Street Fund - - - .2215 - School General Fund .2046 and separately there shall be levied for the following purposes Library Fund .0611 Health Fund - - .0320 Electric Light Fund .0300 Park & Playground Fund .0897 Interest and Redem .2260 ption - - - Er..Probst moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Ells. Alexander Mackie address- ed the Council in oposition to its passage. Ir.Bullock answered Er.:,:ackie on behalf of the,Council whereupon,on a call for the question the Resolution was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Hammond,Spence, September 191Th 1911 Mr.Bullock moved that the Asses or be empowered to employ two additional clerks at a compensation of 03.00 per day each to assist him in making the extensions on the tax bills,seconded by Mr.Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and. Bullock, (8) Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Vialker,(1). Mr.Krumb moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare Rn Ordinance amend- ing the Ordinance providing for the issuance of gratuitous licenses so as to allow the Chief of Police to pass on sane before action by the Council,seconded by and carried. Mr.Probst moved that the matter of a complaint against a fence obstructing the roadway of Atlantic Avenue east of Chestnut Street be referred to the Street Committee, seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. Mr.Probst moved that the matter of a complaint against a tree growing in Mor- ton Street between Santa Clara Avenue and Central Avenue be referred to the Park and Playground Committee,seconded by Mr.liammond and carried. Mr.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to address P. communication to the Rai3road Company and request them to act more promptly in removing the oil car which delivers oil to the station maintained by the Municipal Electric Light 71ant on En- cinal and Park Avenues,when the said car has been empty,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried. Mr.Krumb requested two weeks further time in whi h to report on the matter of the bids for the construction of the East End Intercepting Sewer. Mr.Hammond moved that the request be granted,seconded by Mr.Christensen and carriea. Mr.Krumb moved that the City Engineer be directed to prepare a resolution of intention to construct a cement sidewalk on the south-west corner of Eagle and Chestnut streets,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. Mr.Probst moved that all action toward doing away with the bill-boards be pos- poned until the return of Mr.Varney of the Varney Advertising Sign 00.,which would be in about a month,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuesday,October 3rd 1911,0: 7.30 P.M.