1912-01-16 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF TEE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ALAT7D,^„TTIF.SDAY, JANUARY 16th 1912.. The meeting convened with Council President Bullock,residing. The roll WAS called and Councilmen Christensen,alker,Yrumb,Hannon,2penco, E1ls,M0 enstern and Bullock,(8),were noted present and Councilman Probst, (1),abent. The minutes of the meeting of January End 1912,were read and ordered approved. The Mayor arrived and took his seat as presiding officer. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 3196.73:against the Police Fund amounting to 004.65:against the Fire Pund amounting to 31048.87;against the Street Fund amounting to 0.204.54:against the Park & Playground Fund amounting to 0_76.57; against Local Improvement Fund No.760 amounting to 310.00 and against Local Improve- ment Fund No.780 amounting to 315.nO having been audited and aprroved the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: GENERAL FUND Alameda Daily Argus Su 2.25 pplies Alameda Steam Laundry Assn Towel Service 8.00 Bancroft-Whitney Co. Law Books 12.30 Bay City Narket Dog Meat for Pound 2.66 Bender-Moss Co., Kerr's Codes 8.50 California Oil & Burner 00 Oil for Heater 25.50 • f f 25.50 Crescent 3upp1y House Supplies 25.00 Konigshofers 1.60 Lubbock,Oswald P.O.Box rental .75 Mazzini,L. Supplies 11.60 Owens,M.H. Repairs Pacific Tel & Tel Co Switches 1::7550 Peoples Water Co. Tater 17.41 Perata,,A. Removing Garbage 1.00 Plummer & Son,Geo E. Lumber 7.35 Purity Springs Water Co. Water 1.00 Strom Electrical Co. - Repairs 4.95 Tschich,J. Keys for City Hall 9.65 Viar De t.U.S.Army Rent N.End Oak Street 10.96 Westphal,O.F. Clock 6.50 Total- % 196.7Z POLICE FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Printing Davis,T.R. Auto Supplies Magagnos,C.P. Printing Pictures Pries,W.G.,Jr. Services Pacific Tel 8: Tel Co. Telephones e: Switches Roberts,S.H. Material & Labor Schneider,Henry Stationery Unna,Herman Meals for prisoners Total- 7.25 3.25 4.70 26.15 4.15 37.50 12.90 8.75 1C4.65 January 16th 1912. Alameda Haedware Co., Alameda Parer Co., Alameda Steam Laundry Ass'n. TT 11 IT FIRE FUND. Supplies 1,1 Towel Service 11 Tt Baird, J. V. Shoeing Bechtle, Otto Repairs Board Police ? Fire Commissioners Search Llghts Bunzel, Paul Horse Encinal Coal and Ice Co. Coal Furey, F. P. Roof repairs TI Repairs King, A. R. Shoeing Lomax, R. R. TV Metzger, C. L. Repairs Muller Bros. Medicine Oakland Soc. for P. C. A. Ambulance Service Oakland Woodenware Co, Supplies Owens, M. H. Repairs and supplies Pacific as & Electric co. Gas Peoples Water Co. Hydrants and water Resso & Co., G. Hauling Riley's Drug Store Medicine Rhodes-Jamieson & Co, Fuel Roberts, S. H. Labor & Material Scott, Magner & Miller Feed, etc. Skelly, Sam Stove, etc. Strom Electrical Co. Repairs Sutherland's Pharmacy Medicine Vosburgh Co., J. B. Supplies Westall, Chas. Coal Oil Total. STREET FUND. Britt, W. Teaming 're 6 82.25 Clark & Sons, N. Supplies 19.21 Jamison, J. S. Teaming 117.50 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rental & Switches 2.75 Pennock, M. Teaming 100.00 Peoples Water Company Water 36.50 Peters, T. L. Teaming 237.50 Rhodes-Jamison & Co, Material 198.40 ” 11 78.70 Tf VI 53.15 Sorralunga, L. Labor 160.00 Stackler, Joseph Repairs 24.40 Sunset 'Lumber Co. Lumber 52.50 VI V, 01 TV 41.68 28.35 6.00 15.80 15.80 7.50 3.00 9.60 225.00 13.00 89.66 5.25 5.00 12.50 .50 .55 5.00 10.80 12.35 27.54 307.79 7.40 6.00 23.70 66.50 85.53 .75 3.25 16.75 3.00 8.00 L048 January 16th, 1912. Q%f7J(.. PARK & PLAYG7OUND FUND. is, E.R. Furniture 75.00 Frodden, V. M. St. Supt. Oil for Parks 62.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service at McKinley Park 2.25 Peoples Water Company Water for parks 18.57 Riley's Drug Store First Aid Cabinets 18.00 Tschich, J. Keys •75 Total 176.57 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 760. Miller, F. J, Salary LOCAL IMPIZOV=NT FUNP NO. 780. Cordes, L. J. Services 10.00 15.00 Mr. Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Christensen and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, and Bullock, (8) . Noes :None. Absent:Couna Probst, (I). Councilman Probst arrived and was noted present. A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances on hand of the various funds on December 31st, 1911. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Pound Master for the month of December, 1911. Ordered. filed. An insurance policy was received from the Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool insurin g. the automobile'nsed by the Street Department in the sum of $1200.00. Ordered filed. A communication was received from W. R. Scott, of the Southern Pacific Company etating that he had asked the Superintendetn of the Western Division to arrange a meeting with the Park and Playground Committee to take up the matter of the complaint against the shelter shed recently erected in Lincoln-Park. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the County Clerk to which was attached a copy of opinion by the District Attorney respecting the matter of the closing of the Webster Street Bridge to navigation between the hours of 6 an 8 a. m. and 5 and 7 p. m, as requested by the Council, in which he stated that the control of the said bridge was in the hands of the Congress of the United States, but that the Secretary of War had authority to grant permission to close the said bridge to navigation for a limited time each day, and furthermore, that the Board of Survisors had, authority to make arplication to the said Secretary of War for permission to close the said bridge. Mr. Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Harbor Commission to report back to the Council, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. A communication addressed to the Mayor was received from Wm. S. Tevis of the Union Water Company, in which he gave the assurance that it 'Was the intention of the said Water Company to proceed with the work of putting in a distributing system in the City of Alameda and furnishing an ample supply of good potable water and that it proposed to proceed with this work at the earliest possible date. Ordered filed. Thereupon Mr. Probst moved that it be the sense of the Council that the City of Alameda do not enter into an agreement:for a water district as proposed, seconded. by Mr. Walker. General discussion was entered into respecting the matter and the Council was ri January 16th, 1912. and Alexander Mackie also addressed the meeting on the question. Thereupon Mr.Probst withdrew his original motion and moved that it be the sense of the Council that should a water district be proposed which provided for the condemnation of the present water system,the Mayor should ask for further time,and that should such request be denied that he be directed to vote no,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Xrumh,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:7one. Absent:7one. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the Council call a mass meeting to be held iz the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, January 23rd, for the purpose of discussing the water question and that speakers be invited to attend and address the said meeting, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. Two communications were received from the Engineering Office of the War Depart- ment to which were attached blue prints showing the present and proposed harbor line of the Alameda Water-front on Oakland Harbor. Mr. Walker moved that the matter be referred to the Harbor Commiesion in conjunction with the Olty mto investi- , gate an report back to the Counci A se 4 7 M _ 1 r. o and carried. * A contract and bond was received from Janes E. Openshaw for the sole concession for the term of one year to sell confectionery, soda water and like beverages, pop-corn, peanuts and refrechmants of a like nature in Lincoln Park. Ordered filed. Two docnnente were received from Dr. Riley, President of thr Board of Health pertaining to investigations of the milk supplied to consumers by certain dairies, also a communication was received from the Testern Dairy Company complaining of the action of the Board of Health pertaining to said investigation. Mr. Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Health Committee, seconded by Mr. Hammond. After some di sion the matter 179S temporarily laid over to be taken up later during the meeting. A communication was received from James C. Hanley M. D. tendering his resigna- tion has a member of the Board of Health. Mr. Probst moved that it be accepted, second- ed by Mr. Walker and carried. A report was received from the Street Committee and Superintendent of the Electric Light Plant recommending that contracts for furnishiag electric supplies, and iron pipe to be used in the erection of electroliers throughout the city be awarded to the Pacific States 7lectric Covirany and the Crane Company. Mr. Probst moved that the recommendations be adopted, that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary contracts and that the Clerk be directed to return to the unsuccessful bidders the certified checks which accompanied the same, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (9). floes :None. Absent:None. A report was received from the Street Committee stating that they had granted permission to Mrs. Scharr-Schmidt to place an oil tank to be sunk in the ground in Sixth Street, south of Central Avenue. Ordered filed. A communication was received from E. X. Tvlor, adoressed to the Street Super- intendent Wecting to the granting of permission to place an oil tank in the ground in Sixth Street, south of Central Avenue, claiming that the estate of David Thompson was the owner of the land cornering on Sixth Street and Central Avenue and was the owner of the fee of the land used for said street at the place where said tank is to 1-115'anp.r1_ Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney, :ranuary 16th, 1912. Qi A communication was received from the Street Superintendent recommending that a new six inch pipe, seTer, be constructed in Encinal Avenue east of High Street. Mr. Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee for investiga- tion, seconded br Er. Walker and cRrriea. A Petition of Remonstrance was received against the improvement of Post Street from the southerly line of Enciral Avenue to the northerly line of Washington Street under Resolution of Intention No. 781. Ordered filed. A Petition was received from Powell Bros. Construction Company to which was attached a copy of contract requesting rermieeion to grade, curb and macadamize Post Street from the southerly line of Encinal Avenue to the northerly line of Washington Street inder private contract. hr. Krumb moved that the request be granted on con dition that the said Construction Company ray the expenses already incurred for the said improvement under Resolution of Intention No, 7e1, seconded by Ir. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Spence, Anis, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent: None. Mr. Christensen, Chairman of the Public Buildings and Grounde Committee reiorted that arrangenent had been made whereby the heater used for heating the City Hall had been changed so as to heat the Police Station at night time, which would make a difference in the cost of same from $2.65 to .25 per night. Mr. Probst brought up the matter of the rumping by the Dredging Company of mud and slickens out of the Oakland Creek on to the south side of the Alameda Mole west of the city, stating that complaints were being made that the tide was carrying the said mud around to and depositing it upon the beaches upon the south side of the city and moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the United States Engines reqUesting that step be taken to build a restraining wall that would keep the said mud and slickens from being 80 carried by the tiaes seconded by Lr. Krumb and carried. Mr. Eruirib brought up the matter of the installing of water mains Taylor Avenue between Webster and Eighth Streets to accommodate certain houses now being erected on the said street and moved that the natter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee and the City Attorney to take up with the Water Company, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The natter of the controversy pertaining to the milk being eupplied to cer- tain consumererby milk dealers was then taken up. The Clerk,afte_ motion duly made and carried, read considerable portions of the documents received from Dr. Riley and after extended discussion regarding the matter from members of the Council and citizens in the lobby, Mr. Hammond moved, that the matter be referred tothe Health Committee to report to the Council at an adjourned meeting of same, to be held Friday evening, January 19th, 1912 at 7:30 p. ni., ana that the Clerk be directed to notify the Board of Health and to issue subpoenas to witnesses to be names by the Health Committee, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. There being no further business to transact the meeting adjournedto meet Friday evening, January 19th 1912, at 7:30 p. m. F. E. Browning, City Clerk