1912-01-19 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19TH, 1912. The meeting convened with Mayor W. H. Noy rresiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krunb, Srenoe, 2robst and Bullock, (6) were noted present, and Councilmen Harmond, Ells, and Morgenstern, (3) absent. A communication was received from flerman Krusi, President of the Harbor Commis- on and I. N. Charman, City Engineer, to Whom had been referred the communications and blue-prints regarding the Alameda Water front of the Oakland Harbor, in which they-stated that in their opinion the proper official to draft a reply to the United States Engineering Office MIS the City Attorney. Mr. Bullock moved that such a course be adopted find that theCit-L Attorney he directed to draft the necessary reply, seconded by Mr. Spence and carried. A communication was received from the United States Engineering Office of the War Department stating that a reasonable tine would be allowed the Council to for- ward their reeommendations pertaining to the harbor lines of Alameda in the Oakland Harbor. Ordered filed. ,Councilman Morgenstern arrived and was noted present. A communication was received from the United States Engineering Office of the War Departs in answer to a communication sent by the Clerk, by direction of the Council, complaining of the carrying of mud and slickens now being pumped from the Oakland Creek on to the siae of the Alnyeda Mole, west of Alameda, to the south shores of tie city, in which the said Engineering office repoted that the matter would be brought to the attenticn of LieUt.Col. Thomas H. Rees, immediately upon his return from the Panama Canal. Ordered filea, an thereupon Mr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the City Engineer., Street Superintenaent and the Street Committee to investigate and obtain dataregarding the said complaint to present to the said Engineering Office, seconded by Mr. Yrumb and carried. Councilman Elis arrive d and was noted present. A communication was received from T. A. Whitney, Superintendent of the Western Division of.the Southern Pacific Company stating that they had installed an emergency line repair crew at the corner of Buena Vista and Railroad Avenues and offering to have the said crew co-operate with the city Fire Department to the fullest extent in the event of fires occuring ad,iacent to the streets through which the said railroad was operated and requesting further, that in order to facilitate the movements that the said station be equipped with the necessary fire-alarm calls and that the men composing said crew be furnished with fire alarm badges. Yir. Itrunb moved that the matter be referred to the Fire Water and Police Committee of the Council in conjunc- tion with the Police and Fire Commission, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. A copy of a letter sent to Mr. John Reardon of 1537 Lincoln Avenue, b W. A. Vintney, Superintendent of the Vestern Division of the Southern Pacific! Company, was rresented to the Council, with reference to the request to have a station established on Lincoln Avenue at StantonStreet, stating that they had hesitated to nake the said stop as there werenot sure that by so doing they could make the necessary boat connections, but that it was willing to make the test of stopping trains January '19th, interfering with the train schedule it would be discontinued, this to be one provid- ed, it was agreeable to said Reardon and the members of the City Council. The Clerk reported. that he had had a verbal communication from Mr. Reardon and that he had promised to arpear before the Council in regard to the matter. T1 matter was temporarily laid over and upon being taken up later and Mr. Reardon not having appeared, Mr. Walker moved that the matter be laid over until the next regular meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Krutab and carried. A communication was received from S. F. Scott, residng at 3200 Encinal Avenue requesting that ninety days time be granted him in which to move hie hog ranch, lo- cated on Bay Farm Island , from the limits of the City. After some discussion Mr. Probst meved that the matter be referred to the Bo rd of Health requesting that Mr. Scott be granted ninety days time with which to remove his buildings but that permission to kill any hogs at said place be deniedq and that he be order- ed to immediately remove the sa1cl hogs from the city, seconded by Mr. Christensen and carried. The Clerk brought up the matter of the two documents received from Dr. Riley, esident of the Board of Health, at a meeting held Jarreary 16th, referring to the investigation of milk supplied nonsumers in Alameda by certain dairies, stat- in g that the same not being addressed to the Council or signed in any definite manner, were not in regular form to have been presented to the Council, and there- upon Mr. Krumb moved that the said documents be received as reports in the said matter from the Board of Health, and that the Clerk so file the sane , seconded by Mr. Spence and carried. The Mayor stated thet the meeting of the Mayors of the cities on the east side of the Bay to take ur the matter of the forming of a Water District had, been indefinitely postponed ana that he had been unable to present the stand of the Council b, ore saia Body. Mr. Morgenstern stated that a meeting had been called by the City of Berkeley to diocuss the water question and that the -ine for said meetinehad been set for Tuesday evening, January 23rd, and that the gentlemen Who had been invited to address the citizens mass meeting to be held in Alaneda on the same evening had already accepted invitations to arpear before the meeting in Berkeley, and would therefore be unable to attend the mass meeting in Alameda, and moved. that the said meeting in Alameda be postponed until Thursday evening, JerUary 25th, and that the Clerk be directed to re-issue invitations to the gentlemen invited to address the meeting of Tuesday evening, to appear before said postponed meeting, seconded by Mr.: Probst and carried. Mr. Walker brought up the natter of constant complaint being made by the local traveling ptthlic on the lack of sufficient cars to transport the said public to 'and from the Alameda Mole and stations throughout the City of Alameda, and moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Rkilroad Company demanding that not less than two cars compose a train, and that immediate attention to this reqnest be made by the said Railroad Company, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried. The Clerk presented a return of service of Subroena to various officers and ex-officials connected with the Health Department of the City in reference to the January 19th, 1912, certain milk dealors. Ordered filed. Mr. Morgenstern addressed the Council in this matter reporting that the Health Committee had had a lengthy meeting regarding the natter, but were not ready at tMs tine to make a full report, thereupon Mr. Probst moved that the said Committee be granted further time and that when ready with the report, if the said Committee so desired, the Mayor he directed to call a Special meeting to take up the matter, seconded by Mr. Christensen and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting, Tuesday, Pehruary 6th, 1912, at 7:30 r. m. City Clerk.