1912-01-30 Regular CC MinutesSBECIAI =TING op 7.17.. COUNCIL OF nE CITY OF ALAITI7A,
TUESDAY, JANUARY 7)0th 1912.
The meeting convened with hayor W.H.Noy,presiding.
The roll WaS called and Councilmen Christensen,runb,Ells,Morgenstern,Yrobst
and Bullock,(E),an 9oci1men ';';alher,Hammond and Spence, (3) absent.
The Clerk read the Call for the meeting which haa been made ty President Bullock
and was for t,'-e purpose of considering a proposition to move the City Pound to a loca-
tion on Bay Farn Island. Ordered filed.
The Olerk read a communication from the Chief of Police certifying ;hat he tad,
served a notice of the call for the meeting on . the Mayor and all of the Councilmen.
Ordered filed.
Councilman Krumb to whom haa been referred the matter of moving the pound from
its present location in Ylound Street ,addressed the meet14, stating that arrangements
could, be made whereby a location on Bay Farm islan06 'establish the City Bound and
that it would. cost about ;1900.00 to pi-Lchaae:the buildings now occupying the site and
to place the property in condition to be Used for such a purpose, General discussion
Was entered into in which it developed, ti-tat there were at rresent no funds available
for the purpose and thereupon Mr.Krumb movea that the proposition be dropped and:the
Pound remain in its present location until sufficient funds he provided for its remov-
al,seconded hy Er.Probst and carried.
Councilman Spence arrived during the discussion and was noted present.
I,r.Probsu moved that the Finance Committee be instructed to place in the next
budget sufficient funds to provide for the purchase of a piece of land and the establish
the pound ir some other location,seconaed by Y.r.Krumb and carried ty the following vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Spence,=2,Lorgenstern, zobst and Bullock, (7). Noes:
None. Absent :Councilmen Walker arid Eammond,(2).
There being no further business to transact the Council duly adlourned.