1912-02-20 Regular CC MinutesREULAR NEETIA.G OF THE COUNCIL 07 THE CITY OF ALAEDA, TUESDAY,F=UARY 20th 1912. The I'leeting convened with I4ayor V;.E.Noy,presiain. The Roll Was called and Councilmen Walker,Yrumb,Hammond,Spence,Tirobst and Bul- lock, 6) ,were noted present and. Councilmen Christensen,Ells and norgenstern,(5),absent. The 1,1inutes of the meeting of February 6th 1912,were read and ordered approved. Er .Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption ResolvedThat the sum of Seven hundred and. Fifty r1,750.0o) Dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to Local Improvement Fund No.782, as a Joan to be re-transferred back to the General Fund,wher sufficient money has been collected by the Tax Collector for the improvement,contemplated by Eesolution of Intention No.782,and turned over to the Treasurer and deposited in said Fund,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. lir..Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follbw- ino; vote. A.yes:Councilmen 1;jalker,7rumb,Nammona,pence,Probst and -Fmilock, (6) Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Christensen,Ells and. Eorgenstern,(3). Lr.Pullock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption; Resolved, That the sum of Four Hundred and eventy and 100 (0470.3 Dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to Local Improvement Fund No.780,on account of Delinquent Electrolier Assessments on 29 sales to theeCity„ of Alameda,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective books. Yr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker,Krum ,Hammond,Spence,7robst and Bulloch,(6). Noes :None Absent:CouncilMen Christensen,Ells and Iiiorgenstern,(a). Councilman Ells arrived and was noted present. Yr.BulTeck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Whereas the safe in the Treasurer a office is about to be repaired, Resolved that he be authorised to deposit temporarily in the bank any surplus funds that may be in his custody. :1r.',3pence seconded the resolution Ryld it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:(-10',IficiTnen Walkeryl,:rumb,Hammend,Spence,Ells,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Christensen and :Iorgenstern,(2). Claims against the General pima amounting to 1,04.26 :against the Street Fund amounting to 01.301.51 :against the Fire Fund amounting to 584.23;against the Police Fund amounting to l32.99 ;against the Park and Playground. Fund amounting to 14.60; against Local Improvement Fund No.760 amounting to 9O8.66 ;against Local. Improvement Fund No .770 amounting to 7.50 and against Local Improvement Fund ho .782 amounting to 0502.75 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk RS follows: GET1E2AT, FUND Alameda Daily Argus 71inding Alameda Olean Laundry Towel Service California Oil S Burner Co. Fuel Oil Christensen,Geo W. Fxpress charges Fischer,C.P. Labor S 1aterial Hicks,Grant Feed 7.50 8.00 15.51 .25 15.80 10.00 :2,ebruary 20tr_ 1312. League of ,ala.Thuniciralities Litsuyoshi,T. Purity 0prings Cater Co. T:uckor-Fuller Cesk Co. Cchneider, IT 1uon,,aes C. Underwood n-vnewriter Co . Alaeda Garage try 7 Assn Paird, .v. Code,John Coffi-:eddton Co. lncinal Coal Ice Co. Furey,7.1). Jorgenson,. Jane 1acific Cas & .77.1ectric Co. Fools Cater Co. Fire Col(L(Iiiioers 'Rosso Ca.,(. Miodes-Jilosm.1 Zchaefer,7ictor C. cott,Laner C killer IT Sullivan, therland' Pharnac Alame6a GoTleistone,,Johll qc.A.L1 a'acific 7e1 I, 701 Co. ;7.chnoier,T7eilry COT IS of :-:eorts '011r:riles rlu_r(bing interrreter's fees ater Chair for 'Clerk lies P,tays for Clerk Stationer7 Clerical 1ork .T(ihl-ons FIRF; FUND Cu.jnl les Linen ;:,ervioe T:orae-shoelni; Cepairs 7;ein7,7-traenent of salar Suprlies Coal Le.nairs Horse-shoe ing IT FT Gaa Hydrants (7; Cs ter Cash advanced ;Iurplies 3,1edicine Ha-r: Cervices :enderod Ce die ire o-1 0-1.1 TO= FTLI1M kick Cerefit Oil kick 1)enefit Criminal Photos Felephone .ire a:;sing. osta'e rU 5.00 .66 4.00 5.00 1.00 1P.00 1.7b 2.00 .50 2.00 -r C. 00 04 .f16 CZ 1,,717 IC. CO 10.0^. 10 .Ci 1.00 20.(M 16.00 1.50 24.00 .Cin C.CX 2.50 10.00 33.12 30C.02 .35 7.40 P„( 1.00 2.13 42.27 1.5n ". /0 6,:j;0 -7=7, C .75 1? .60 'P.60 3.40 30.00 3.00 4.25 7nna,Lerman r.7estern Cnion Tel Co. rLeals urniL eL Clock :-:ental r:ebruary 2,:th Total- 6.00 2,77R72f7 PWD. r1ach:s1::it1:ing on Chapman,2.. 2...ssistir City 7:r2r 1.00 C1ark Sons, 7;. 21.64 Goldstone,John 10.12 30.7)5 21.17 :ark 'Garage 6.25 Iluminer P,on, Oe o E. Lumber 16.76 louell .T05 Constructior, Co. Concrete work 250.00 445.0f: Co. 171.05 177.20 145.10 otal- P:17,1=-71:r FITM ElacksFthing 5.20 Bonne ,J. Towel Thrvice 1.60 lielloEg Express Co. Draya:;:e .50 rPlu.m.hirE 6.50 2.90 Total- - 14.00 LUiTICIPAL I=v: :MT FLT:1) No.760. Lunicinal Electric LigUt T'lant IrlstaTlinF.; :7-lectro-lins: 90C.66 T,OCAL Jr.:IlF==52 FTJah Doovan,D. IalAL I: i07kTCTT o 7012 ,Caameda Laiiy Ara-us Advertisin6 7.50 .46 Zrirtin6. 15.00 6eo 7, YoettilL Cervices rendered Total- Lr.?,ullock moved, that the cipAns as read te paij„secendej ty ::Ir.Thlker ?Ind car- ried ty the followir vote.. Ayes:0ouncilNen '.alher,."Trumb,liannord,;:pence,17.11s, Prohat and Bullock,(7). goes,:None. Absent:Councilmen :Christensen and :::orgenstern, An invitation to attend the dedication ceremonies of the 1::ashington 3chool on FebruarY 22nd 1912,was received from C.C.Dn, Four ,tie Lr.ammond moved that it be accepted by the Courci.l,ecorded by Er.V:a11.r.er and. carried. Irs.Lina Gilbert presented no apfnlication for a uratnitoup, license to practice clarivoyance . The 'Thief of kcl ic recommended that it be denied. iir.Probst mo17- ed that the recommendation be ado»tedeccrided 1)y 1:.r.ilamond carried. A compiunication was received from ,I.T.iardin,complainirg of the vyh-istles main- tained by the railroad comrary on its trains.. :,:irj:ammond moved that it he filed, seconded by 1-..r.j.'rohst and carried . communication was received from E.K.Ta;71or,criticising the vehiale or traf- ic oicianance. Yx.hammond moved that it he referred to the City AtTerney-,second- a y 20th, 1912. that permission he given to have the emergency repair station maintained b-L the S. P. Co many at the corner of Buena . Vista and Lincoln Avenues connected with the fire alarm signal system of the city and that the said crew be furnished fire badges, with the object in View of having then act with the Fire Department in case of fires. hr. Hammond moved, that the recommendations contained in the communication be adopted, seconded, by Y,.r. Probst and carried. A communication was received from the Police and Fire Commission recommending that fire clam. boXesbe installed near the Webster Street bridge and also at High atreet and qarfield Avenue. Ir. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Fire, Water and Police Committee of the Council, seconded by 1dr. Bullock and carried. -. A communication was received from the Puhlic Utilities Committee stating that a meeting had been held an February 1.2th, 1912 by representatives of the Alaska Packers Association, the Alameda Harbor Commission, the Iayor, City Engineer, City Attorney and the Public Utilities Committee, and that at said meeting a Resolution had been adopted, a copy of which was attached to the said communication, advocating the completion of the Channel betwe en the Webster Street Etidge and the Tidal Canal on the south side of the San Antonio Estuary, in accordance with the existing project at the earliest possible moment, also, that it was obvious that the existing project was inadeelUate to the needs of navigation and commerce and urging' that a new survey be provided for to investigate the necessity and advisability of enlarging the Channel on the south side of the said Estuary, from the 7;ebster Street Bridge to the Tidal Canal, to a -uniform Irldth of Five hundred feet and uniform depth of thirty feet. Said communication recommended that the said 7:esolution be endorsed by the Council and, that a certified copy of the same be forwarded to,the Hon.'Jos.-R. Knowland, in Viashington, and one to the United States Government Engineering Office. Mr.'Eammond moved that the resolution be endorsed and that the recommendations be adapted, seconded, by flr. Spence and carried, by the following vote:- Ayes :Council- men Walker, Krunb, liammond, Spence Ells, i'dergenstern, Probst and Bullock, (b). :does:I:Tone. Absent:Councilman Christensen, (1). A connunication. was received fron Col. 'Thos. H. Re s, CoaTs of Engineers United States Army, in answer to a communication sent by the Clerk in regard to the comrlaint against the damping of mattrial dredged from the Channel leading to the San Antonio Estuary, on the south side of the Alameda Idol°, westof Alaneda. 21r. Hammond moved that the communjcation be filed, seconded by 1,Rc Probst L,fla carried. A communication was received from the Public Utilities Committee stating that at a meeting held on February 19th, 1912, the harbor ,Commission, layor, City Engineer, City Attorre7 and the 27-0.101iC Utilities Committee a resolution had been adopted, a copy of which was attached to the said communication, advocating the continuance of the deposit of the material being dredged from the Channel leading to the San Antonio Estuary on the south side of the Alameda idole, west of Alameda, and said communication recommended that the Resolution be endorsed and a copy sent to the United. States Government Engineering Departnent.. iir. hammond addressed the Council on the matter elaining that the harbor Commission had carefully investi- gat material that was being so deposited and that the matter complained of by the people on the south shore of Alameda did not eninate from such a source and moved.. that the Resolution be endorsed by the Council and the recommendation adopted, Februar7 Oth,112. Krunb Hammond, SYence, Ells, rgenstern, :Probst and Bullock, (8)., Noes:one. Absent :Councilman Christensen? (1). Hr. Yrobst moved that the Clerk be directed to communication with tie American BrodL; w Company in the dredging referred to in Vlie preceeding natter and recmest that steps be taken to provide gates te retain the mad being pumped on to the Alqmeda marsh, west of bster Street, seconded by Hr. Hammond and crried. ir _Probst stated that a bod of fresh water had been formed on the marsh lard west of the ';ehster Street roadway, a short distance north of the old 1ov7er house, hy reason ofthe fact that the dredg, ng company in pumpi slick from the ,:ian Antonio Estuary had SD filled up the sloughs that the said water oould not escame ard that it was liable to be a menace to the public health and s breeding place for mosquitos and moved that the C-overnmont :'gineors be notified of the fact and request that steps be tal:7_en 4;,) -provide some means to let this water drain o- seconded iJ Hr. Hammond and carried. A communication was received from -R. Scott, Assistant aenoral hanager of the Southern Pacifie Company acknowledging receipt of the communication of the Clerk with rosyect to the natter of electricirs in the employ of the City riding on the electrio trains free uion oresentction of badges or documents showing official character, and statir that the matter would receive proinrt attention. Ordered filed. communication was received from the Board of Electricity p,resenting an estimate of the probable c o; of much needed improvonents and extensions for the Hunicipal 7:Tectric Light Plnt and requesting the Council to call a bond e7ection at the earliest possible date, for the purpose of rain, funds to cover the costs of said improvements and extensions, fixi. n the amount of sane at :,180,000. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to a special meeting of the Cooncil as a Committee of the whole, to he held Vednesday, Fehroary 3-ist, at 8 o'clock p. m. and that the members of the Board of 7lectricity and also the men,hers of the Police ad ?ire Commission be requested to attend, with the ob::ect in view of commencing proceedings to hold a bond election, seconded by Hr. 2ro1st and Carried . conmu.sication was received from the Board of Electricity advising the Council that the TO:r of installing the elactroliers in 'ii_etrict No. 1, under Reso- lution of Jntention No. 760 had been completed and stating that there was a balance of money unexpended in the fund collected and sugcsting that arrangements be made to return the same to the property owners. Hr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee and City Treasurer, seconded by Hr. anence and carried. A communication was received from the hoard of Electricity to which was attach- ed a schedule of rates for electric light servicel, also, rates for electric power, heating and service other than lihting, the same to take effect in Harch, and statirz that the said rates were a reduction in the rates now charged and recommefft ed tha the same be adopted. Hr. Hammond moved that the recommendations and rates be adopted, seconded by Hr. Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Ceuncilmen Vian: . , 17_rumb, Hammond , .Spence, Morgenstern , Probst and En flock, (8). Noes None. Absent:Couhcilman Christensen (1). A report was received from the 7rinting Committee stating that it had examined +Ion ArcvIc, r111‘14eloll February 20th, 1912. and found the same to be reasonable and by the power vested in them on February 6th, 1912, had awarded the contract for doing the said printing to the said Publishing Company. Mr. Ells moved that the report be approved, seconded by hr. Krunb and carried. A contract was presented between the Argus Pnblishing Company and the City of Alameda for doing the city JOT) printing for the year ending the 15th day of February 1913 according to the terms and specifications contained in their hid. Ordered filed. A contract was presented between the Argue. Publishing Company and the City of Alareda, for the work of doing all the advertising and publishing, including all street work advertising, that might be required, by the City, for the year commencing February 16th, 1912. Ordered filed. Mr. Ells offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- WHEREAS, the contracts for doing city printing and advertising have been award- ed. bynthe City of Alameda to the Argus Publishing Company, a corpOrati-n1 and whereas, said Argus Publishing Company publishes and prints a newspaper in said city known and designated by the name, to wit, Alameda Daily Argus; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Alameda Daily Argus be, and it is hereby designated as the official city paper. Mr. Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker, 1,!rumb, hammond, Spence, Ella, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, . Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Christensen, (1). A communication was received from je Tait, residing at 1310 hark Street, offering to present to the City, to be planted in one of the parks, a tree known as "The Balm of Gilead Tree". Mr. Spence moved that the offer be accepted with thanks, and that the matter be referred to the Park and Playground Committee, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. A rerort was received from the Street Committee stating that the work of repairing the west side of the Webster Street Roadway was now being done. Ordered filed A communication was received from the Street Committee stating that the construc- tion of the bulkheads and stairways at the south ends of Cedar and Lafayette Streets had been completed. Ordered filed— A report was received from the Street Committee stating that the matter of the claim of Mrs. Barbara Thompson to what is known as the south end of Sixth Street had been taken up for consideration on a prior occasion by the said. Committee with the then City Attorney, the late, M. W. Simpson, and at that time it appeared that said street had been an open street, dedicated to the public use for many years, The said report recommended that no further action be taken by the Council upon the objection of Mrs. Thompson. hr. Krumb moved that the recommendation be adopted and that hr. E. K. Taylor, the Attorney for Mrs. Thompson be notified of the said action9 seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. A report was received from the Street Committee regarding the matter of remov- ing the double deck bill boards from the city, stating that a meeting had been hold with Mr. T. K. B. Varney, owner of the bill, board plant in Ike city, and the City. Attorney and tbat said bill boards were being conducted in compliance with the Ordinances o±' the city and the State laws regarding such matters. Mr. Krunib moved that 4 Fehrnary 20th, 1912. P.Vk. seconded by Mr. 'a=!ker and carried. A petition was received from prorerty owners claiming ownership of 12,800 feet of property, reaueeting that in the matter of the proposed widening of E-pinal Avenue from Park Avenue to Fountain Street, that the whole city he assessed to pay the expenses that would be incurred. Er. Krumb moved that the petition he filed and that when the Council adjourned, it do so to meet on Friday, Februar7, 23rd, 1912 at 8 o'clock p. m. to form an assessment district tmd at that time the public be invited to attend the said meeting, seconded by Mr. Hammond. and carried. Mr. Morgenstern reported for the health Committee and stated that he had taken up the matter of the complaint of C. L. Colvin, the owner of property at the south- east corner of Oak Otreet and Alameda Avenue, against the stenches and smells of a stable adjoining—said prorerty and whose entrace was at 2307 Encinal Avenue, with the Sanitary Inspector who had reported that the stable was being conducted in com- pliance with the Ordinances and recommended that further investigation of the com- plaint be referred to the Foard of Health to report back to the Council, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried. hr.Lorgenetern reported that the 1,,at4-or of the complaint of Sa.'.:'_renel the .)f the ire-Forty at lCC 7ncinal .LV9',111.6) Lad heen tahen up with the ,anItari Irsl'ector and 1-,e cause of the com-1-1aiet reeoved eatiefactorily to the ea id clop17.araTIt. noved that a8 the trouble complained of in the 2torjine 11-1% of the sew- or in Tncinal ,r,venue between rlig'e ;';treet end tbe a o _T,eandro la y had been settled that proceedings to construct a sewer in said street be clrop?ed,eecened Pp hr . hsCoonJ and C arried. .,ir.:Probst announced tat Tark would, be dedicated to the plthlto on February- n;mo and invited the n54,-cv. Officials and rnblic to attend, Mr.riammond moved that tte ?layground Committee be granted authority to nnrohase a flag and flapele and have the latter erected in teehington ark, seconded by rgenstern and carried 7-)7F thc followine vote. Councilmen V:aner,rumb,Ham- mond,',-Thence.,=e,Morgenstern,.7)rehet and 7111ek., Neee:Nohe. .Absent:Conncil- man Cbristensen,(1). Mr.Lorgenetern brought up the matter of the report of the health Committee and moved that the board of health be directed to take steps to have an Ordinance passed requiriar dealers in certified milk comply with the recommendations of said retort to have an effective Hee-, which shall show the day and date of milking and which seFq will he destroyed by tbe act of opening the bottle,eeconded by Mr.5rence and carried. There beinr no fvrthef businees to trusact the Council ad ourned until Friday, February 23rd 191,, / j , City Clerk,