1912-03-21 Regular CC MinutesThe meet
convened with Council 2resident hUllock,Presiding.
The 'Roll WL.',8 called aria Councilmen ,:alker,Hammond,pence,.i-orc;enstorn and Mil-
loch,(5),were noted present and CouncilYnen Krumb,la' 2,ae,ials and 2robst,(4) absent.
The minutes ef tile, mooting of 7th 1912,were read and ordered approved.
Councilmen lao Lao and ?robst arrived duriuf; the read .; of the minutes we-Pe
noted present.
Claims aainst the General Fund amounting 527.00; list the olice Fund
amountinF to 40.45;arainst the P-Ire Fund amountiuf:; to ';*682.64;aainst the Street
Fund amountin
47-,,T,airQt the ?ark T :21-round Fund amountfns
against Local Im-Provement Fund 110.782,amounti1h s to :2212.25;against Local improvement
Fund ifo.705,amountinF; 5569.69 and aFainst Local improvement Lund lb .734 amounting
to 05.60 having been approved and fted by the proper official were read by the
Clerk as follows:
-.11y Argus
Banta, Chas
Columbia Carbon Co.
2lection Expense
Carbon ?aper for Clerk
II it Ti IT It u f„
:laor .00
Inter City ixoress Transcri)t 5.00
Election 0J'ficor 5.00
TT 11 TT 2. .Durton IT 5.00
TI IT TT i'-m.:alo,c Ti u 5.00
U Ti ft .L'.1Toos IT TT 5.00
I i I T TT L].1).2ue TI TT 5000
Ti IT TT J.1.T1-ur,lor IT TT 5.00
.14.__OJOI 5.00
,, TT TT
IT TT II IT U 5.00
it Ii TT J Sull avan- TT U 5.00
IT IT IT Wm. D. Lavery U ur 5.00
TI IT TT 3.0rr u TI 5.00
TT IT If F.J.Jar,,raves U IT 5.00
F.H.Kel]ou; TT TT 5.00
TT IT TT 0.S.ITurphy TT IT 5.00
TT IT IT H.A.Kent IT IT 5.00
TI TT II C.R.Bond IT IT 5.00
IT IT TT H.d.Kaufyan IT IT 5.00
TT TT TT _.J.RoFers IT IT 5.00
IT u IT Clara E.Remel IT TT 5.00
Judd,T.H. J..Bradford
Kollman, M.
Loviok, Geo, T.
Paulson, 1/m.
Plummer Mfg. 11.' A.
?urity Sprin7s Water Co.
Sclrneidor Henry
Subscription 3.00
ilection Offf3er 5.00
Bond election expense 155.00
hater 1.00
Election l]xpense 1.10
Stationery for ASsessor 3.20
IT TI Building Inspector .50
May 21st 9121.
Schneider, Hen. r, Stataonery for Mayor
Tappan, R. B.
Thomas, Charles
Underwood Typewriter CO.
U.S.Fidelity E3 Guaranty Co.
1T •
" Coty Attorney
Interpreter's Fees
Election Officer
Total -
Park Garage Auto supplies
Pacific Tel. a Tel. Co. Telephones
Schneider, Henry Stationery
Skelly, San Suppli
Unna, Herman Meals
Vosburgh, J.B. Supplies
Total -
Alameda Steam Laundry Association Towel Service
Fischer, C.F. Coal Oil
Irey, F.P. Repairs
Gorham Engineering Fire Apparatus . Supplies
Gott, A.O. Repairs
Jones, Z. L. Shoes
King, A.R. Shoeing
Loma, R.R. Shoeing
Park Garage Recharging
Hydrants and water
H y, etc.
Services Rendered
Total -
. Corrugated Culvert Co. Supplies
Alameda Hardware Co.
Baird J.V.
Mar hall-Newell Supply Co.
Morgan's Pharmacy
Pacific Gas Electric Co.
Pearson P.c Swanson
Peoples W-ter Co.
Resso & Co.
Rhoades, iillia A.
Rhodes-Jamieson a3 Co.
Schaefer, Victor L.
Scott-Magner & Miller
Steinmetz, Bruno
Sutherland s Pharmacy
Vesburgh J.B.
Clark.0; Sons, N.
Gay, A.T.
Park Garage
grOirirviThr_ T-Tprry
355 .50
1T 22.1
Blachsmithing 40.35
Repairs 9.00
Supplies 5.30
May 21st, .2.
U. S. Fidelity & Guarant;c,
Vlood Lumber Co. E. K.
Alameda Hardware Co.
Premium on Surety Bond_
Kellogg Express Teaming
Loewe & Wilkens Supplies
Plummer & Son, r o. E. Lumber
Taylor & Co. iiiunber
Pac c States Electric Co. Conduit
IT 17 IT
Total -
Crone Company Supplies
Hiller Lamp Co. The Alba Globes
Pacific States Electric Co. Conduit
Alameda Daily Argus
11 IT
Total -
Total -
-v 469.42
Mr.HamIllond moved that the Claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.alker and car-
ried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen ,ialker,Mac i
stern, Frobst ci Bullock,( 7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Krumb and. Ells,( 2).
A statement was received. from the Auditor showing the apportionment of the taxes
of 1911,to the various funds. Ordered_ filed.
A continuation certificate was received from the U.S.Pidelity & Guaranty Co.,
on the surety bond of Edward J.Simon,an employee of the Municipal Electric Light
Plant. Ordered filed.
iiay 4IS1 IV14.
the Council he appointed Oharle
ns as a member of the Board of Electricity to
fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of office of said Charles Adams
on April 26th 1012. Mr.alker moved that the appointment be confirmed,seconded
by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen ';Jalher,Eac Rae,
Hammond,Spence,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(7). roes:Kone. Absent:Council-
men Krumb and Ell 2).
A communication was received from the Iiayor in which subject to the approval
of the Council he re-appointed lim.Tappan Lim as a member of the Board of Education
to succeed himself his former term of office having expired on April 26th 1012.
L1r .Morgensterni moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Er .Hammond and
carried by the following vote. Aye :Councilmen Jalker,iiac Rae,Hammond,Spence,
Morgenstern,2rob u and. Bullock,( 7). 1J:oes:Eone. Absent:Councilmen Krumb and Ells, (2
A petitiol
received from Leon Ader,Deputy in the office of the Treasurer
requesting his animal vacation of two weeks,one week during the month of May and
the other during July. .';ialker moved that it be granted,seconded by Lr.Hammond
and carried.
A connunication was eceived from the Secretary of the San Leandro Cherry Fes-
tival inviting the Council to participate in the same on June 6th,7th and 8th 1012.
Iir.Hammond moved that the invitation be accepted and the Clerk be directed to notity
the said Committee of the action ended hr.Spence and carried.
A communication was received from the 3.2.Co,stating that the complaint against
the condition of the crossing of Lincoln Avenue and Park Street would receive in-
mediate attention. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the S. ?.Co.,relativo to the request that
flagman be stationed at the crossing of Lincoln Avenue and ,e,1 Street,stating
that the matter had been referred to Mr.:;.A.Jhitney,Superintendent who would give
it the necessary attention. Ordered filed.
h.J.Ta'bel presented a Petition requesting a gratuitous license to solicit or-
ders from house to house ak for brushes. The Chief of Police recommended that it
be granted and thereupon Mr.Spence moved that it be granted, o ded by -:[r.hammond
and carried.
A communication was received from the Oakland Traction Co. ,stating that the
complaint against the peculiar construction of the flooring of certain of its cars
was not a just complaint. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Oakland OhamLer of Commerce to which was
attached a blank form requesting information and data regarding the shipping by water
in the Estuary pertaining
the Alameda side. Mr .Hammond moved that it be re-
ferred to the City Statistician econded by :Ir.Spence and carried.
A communication was received from Mayor .iilson of 13erheley calling attention
to the convention of the League of California Ifimicipalities to be held in Berkeley
in September and inviting the City of Alameda to participate in the entertainment
of the delegates. 1.1.r.1-Tammond moved that the invitation be accepted and the matter
be referrea to the jayor,Council and the various improvement Clubs and the Chamber
of Commerce and that the Clerk be directed to notify those bodies of the Councils
action, seconded. by Mr.SPence and carried.
The Clerk reported that the different departments had presented their osth-
mates of the amounts necessary to carry on the business of their departments for the
may 21st J..Y1.
Affidavits were presented showing the publi ation. and posting of Notice of
Local Improvement No.784M1 the matter of the Resolution of the Intention to erect
electroliers which were ordered.. filed. Mr.Chevalier aiCtressed the Council in behalf
of his mother protecting against the erection of electroliers in Mactick Terrace
which was one of the streets within the district. The protest not being in proper
form and not a majority protest of the property owners of the district Mr.Hammond
moved that it be overruled,seconded. by liir.-alker and carried and thereupon Mr.al-
ker offered. the following resolution and moved its adoption:
W..FUEI\S,the City Council of the City of Alameda did,on the 16th day of April,
1912,pas,, its Resolution of Intention No.784 to order the following improvement to
be made in said city,namely:-
That iron pipe electric lamp posts each with a cast iron top and ground glass
globe and lamp and set up in a concrete bae.e,be erected and constructed on both sides
of the following describea streets and avenues of said city,between the limits there-
of hereinafter mentioned.; said. lamp posts to be placed at intervals of one hundred
and fifty feet along each side of said streets and avenues,and arranged so that the
lamp posts on one side of any such street, and avenue shall be alternate with those
on the other side thereof and that said. lamp posts shall be wired and connected by
means of underground conduits of iron pipe for operation by the Municipal Electric
Light Plant of
id city;that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the
following named streets and. avenues,to wit: Encinal Avenue from Sherman Street to
Park Street;Central Avenue from Sherman Street to Benton Street;Santa Clara Avenue
from 9th Street to Paru Street;Lincoln Avenue from 9th Street to Chestnut Street;
Pacific Avenue from 9th Street to Chestnut Street;Buen.a Vista Avenue from 9th Street
to Chestnut Street:Eagle Avenue from Wood Street to Sherman Street:Eagle Avenue from
Grand Street to Chestnut Street;Clement Avenue from Grand. Street to Chestnut Street;
Lafayette Street from Santa Clara Avenue to Clement Avenue:Schiller Street from San-
ta Clara Avenue to Clement Avenue;Union Street from Santa Clara Avenue to Clement
Avenue:Mint= Street from its southern end northerly to Clement Avenue:Grand Street
from Lincoln Avenue to Clement Avenue:Hibbard Street from Lincoln Avenue to Eagle
Avenue;Paru Street from Santa Clara Avenue to Eagle Avenue;Cottage Street:Stanton
Street;Powers Court;
reet;Arbor Street from Pacific Avenue to Buena Vista Ave-
nue:Benton Street from Central Avenue to Pacific Avenue:Morton Street from Central
Avenue to Pacific Avenue; Sherman Street from Central Avenue to Eagle Avenue;Bay
Street from Central Avenue to Eagle Avenue;St.Charles Street from Santa Clara Avenue
to Eagle Avenue;Verdi Street:Iflozart Street;Bastick Terrace;Chapin Street and 1iood
Street; and
);HEREAS,there were no protests presented against said improvement,or against
the assessment for said improvement:now therefore,it is hereby,
RESOLVED,that the proposed assessment for said improvement\be,and the same is
hereby confirmed;and be it further
RESOLVED,that the report of the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda
presented and filed. on the 16th day of April 1912,with the Clerk of said. Council be,
and the same is hereby adopted as a whole'
Mr.Mac Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol-
lowing vote.
Bullock,( 7).
Ayes:Councilmen 'Nalker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Merganstern,Prob t and
Absent:Councilmen Krumb and Ells 2).
'Lay. 21st 1912.
RESOLVED,that,whereas,the City Council of the City of Alameda,did,on the 16th
day of AJril,1012,Dass its Resolution of Intention No.784 to order the hereinafter des-
cribed work to be done and improvement to be made in said City of Alameda;and,where-
as,upon the filing of the report of the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda,
the City Council by resolution appointed a time and place for hearing protests in
relation to the proposed improvement,which time and place were fixed as follows,to
wit: Tuesday,the 21st day of Iia,1912,at the hour of Eight o'clock ?.L.,at the Coun-
cil Chamber of the City Council at the City Hall in the City of Alameda at the
Yorthwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street;and,whereas,notice of said hear-
ing was duly and regularly 'published as required by law and the resolution of said
Council,as appears from the affidavits of F.E.3rowning and John S.Daveler,now on
file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda;and,whereas,notices of
the passage of said Resolution of Intention No.764 and of the filing of said report
and of the hearing of the protest against said improvement,as afore id,headed,
"Notice of Local improvement," were duly and regularly posted along all streets,and
parts of streets,within the assessment district described in said Resolution of In-
tention,at not more than 300 feet in distance apart,in form and manner as required
by law,as appears from the affidavits of George U.Browning and 2.E.Browning,City
Clerk of said City of Idameda,who,upon the completion of the posting of said notic-
e ,forthwith filed said. affidavits in the office of said City Clerk;and,whereas,
there were no Protests presented to said Council against said improvement or the
essment for said improvement;and
i-HEREAS,said Council did then and there confirm the proposed assessment for
said i'mprovement,and did then and there adopt as a whole the said. report of the
Board of Electricity,therefore be it
liESOLVED,that the public interest and convenience require and the City Coun-
cil of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following improvement to be done and
made in said city,namely:-
That iron pipe electric lamp 'osts each with a cast iron top and ground glass
globe and lamp and set up in a concrete base be erected and constructed on both
sides of the following described streets and avenues in said city between the limits
thereof hereinafter mentioned; said lamp posts to be placed at intervals of 150 feet
alon each side of said streets and avenues and arranged so that the lamp posts s on
one side of any such street or avenue shall alternate with those on the other side
thereof;and that sad lamp posts shall be wired and connected, by means of under-
ground conduits of iron pipe for operation by the Eunicipal Electric Light Plant of
said City; that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the following named
streets and avenues,to wit: Encinal Avenue from Sherman Street to Park Street;Cen-
tral Avenue from Sherman Street to Benton Street;Santa Clara Avenue from 9th Street
to Paru Street;Lincoln Avenue from 9th Street to Chestnut Street;Pacific Avenue from
9th Street to Chestnut Street;Buena Vista Avenue from 9th Street to Chestnut Street;
Eagle Avenue from ',Iood Street to Sherman 3treet;Aale Avenue from Grand Street to
Chestnut Street;Clement Avenue from Grand Street to Chestnut Street;Iafayette Street
from Santa Clara Avenue to Clement Avenue;Schiller Street from Santa Clara Avenue
to Clement Avenue;Union Street from Santa Clara Avenue to Clement Avenue;Minturn
Street from its southern end tortherly to Clement Avenue;Grand Street from Lincoln
Avenue to Clement Avenue;Hibbard Street from Lincoln Avenue to Eagle Avenue ;Paru
Court; y Str t;Arbor Street from ?acific Avenue to Buena Vista .Avenue;Benton Street
from CerrtraJ. Avenue to Pacific Avenue;orton Street from Central Avenue to Pacific
Avenue;Sherman Street from Central Avenue to Eagle Avenue;3ay Street from Oentrai
Avenue to Eagle Avenue;St.Charles Street from Santa Clara Avenue to 2,agle 've e;
Verdi Street;h1ozart Street;Ylastich Terrace ;Chapin Street and. ',Sood Street.
That the following i a specification of the exterior boundaries of district
to be benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses
thereof,namely:-All that piece or parcel of land s1tuate,ly1n7 and being in the City
of Alameda,County of Alameda,Siate of California,and bounded and particularly des-
cribed as follows:-
Beginning at a point on the eastern line of Sherman Street distant thereon
twerty (20) feet southerly from the southern line o: i]ncinal Avenue;thence easterly
along a line twenty y (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the outhori line of
Encinal Avenue to intersection with the western line of Lafayette Street;thenco in a
right line to a point where the southerly :projection of the eastern line of Laiarettc
Street intercets the center lino of Encinal .Avonue;thenco easterly alonr; the center
lino of Encinal Avenue to intersection with the southerl:,/ projection of the westerly
line of Chestnut :-3treet;thence in a riFht lino to a -eoint in the eastern lino of Chest-
nut 3treet distant thereon twenty (20) feet sot from the southern line of 2,n-
cinal Avenue;thence easterly alon a line twenty (20) foot southerly aua wjth
the southern line of Encinal 1.venue to intersection with the western line of ?ark
treet;thenco northerly alon the viesterly li.ue of ?ark 3trect to a Point tliereon
twenty (20) feet northerly from the rorthern line of :]ncinal Averue;therce ,westerly
alo]v a line twenty ((30) feet northerly from and -oarallel with the northern line of
Encinal .iivenue to intersection with the Center tine of Central .::venue;thence easterly
aloe 2aiJ last named_ lice to intersection with tho southerly brolongation of the west-
erly line of Benton Street; thence in a ric;ht line to intersection with the northern
line of Central Avenue to a point distant thereon twenty (20) fe G easterly from the
eastern line of 3enton Stroot;thence northerly alonc a line twenty (20) feet easterly
from ara parallel with the eastern line of 3enton tre . to intersection with a line
twenty (20) feet southerly from and aralleI with the southern line of Santa Clara
Avenue; thence easterly along said last mentioned lire to intersection with a line t
twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Stanton Street;thence southerly
,long a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of
Stanton Street,to a point thereon distant three hundred seventy four and 37/100
374.37) feet southerly from the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence easterly
in a right lire to intersection with the western line of Stanton Street;thence in a
right line to intersection with the eastern line of Stanton Street at a point there-
on distant two hundred fifty-six and 100 (256.08) feet southerly from the south-
ern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence in a right line to intersection with a line dis-
tant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Stanton Street
at a point thereon two hundred fif,ty-six and 08 00 (256.08) feet southerly from the
southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence northerly along said last mentioned paral-
lel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and par-
allel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence easterly along said last
mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly
from and parallel with the western line of Cottage Street;thence southerly along said
1 aRt mr4ri:inror1 -,,,,)-057111p1 1 7n
iviay 2±st
thence earter1y along the northern line of Central Avenue to a point thereon distant
twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Cottage Street; thence northerly
along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of
Cottage Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and paral-
lel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence easterly along said last men-
tioned parallel lire to intersection with the western line of Pam u Street;thence in
a right line to intersection with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue at a point
thereon distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Palm Street; thence
northerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern
line of ?aru Street to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly
from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Zwenue;thence easterly along
said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet west-
erly from the western line of Minturn Street; thence southerly along a line twenty
(20) feet westerly from and Parallel with the western line of Minturn Street to a
point thereon distant two hundred and seventy-six (276) feet southerly from the south-
ern line of Lincoln Avenue;thence in a right line easterly to intersection with a
line twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Minturn Street at a Point
thereon distant two hundred and seventy-six (276) feet southerly from the southern
line of Lincoln Avenue;thence northerly along a lire twenty (20) feet easterly from
d parallel with the eastern line of Hinturn Street to intersection with a line ±
twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Lye-
flue; thence easterly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line
twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of Union Street;thence southerly a-
long a line twenty (20) feet westerly' from and parallel with the western line of Un-
ion Street to intersection with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence east-
erly along the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon distant im
ty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Union t eet;thence northerly along
a line distant twenty (20 feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of
Union Street to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from
an d parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly along said last
mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet Westerly from
and parallel with the western line of Schiller Street;thence southerly along said
last mentioned line to intersection with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue;
thence easterly along the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon
distant twenty (20) feet easterly from the eastern line of Schiller Street;thence
northerly along a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern
line of Schiller Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from
and parallel with the southern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence along said last mention-
ed line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with
the western line of Lafayette Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned par-
allel line to intersection with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue;thence along
the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet
easterly from the eastern line of Lafayette Street;thence northerly along a line ±
twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Lafayette Street
to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly frot and parallel with the
southern line of Lincoln Avenue ; thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel
line to intersection with the western line of Chestnut Street; thence northerly
along the western line of Cnestnut Streetto a point thereon distant twenty (20)
may 2lst JeJl2.
Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20 ) eet easterly from and Parallel with
the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned par-
allel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel
with the southern line of Pacific venue; thence easterly along said last mentioned
parallel line to intersection with the western line of Chestnut Street;thence north-
erly alons the western line of Chestnut Street to a -point thereon distant twenty (20)
feet northerly from the northern line of Pacific Avenue; thence westerly along a line
twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Pacific Avenue
to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the
eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel
line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with
the southern line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence easterly along sait last mentioned
parallel line to intersection with the western line of Chestnut Street;thence north-
erly along the western line of Chestnut Str etto a point thereon distant twenty (20)
feet northerly from the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence westerly along a
line twenty (20) Leet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of 'Buena
Vista Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) f- t easterly from and parallel
with the eastern line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned
parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and paral-
lel with the southern line of Eagle Avenne;thence easterly along said last mention-
ed line to intersection with the western line of Chestnut Stree-4thence northerly
along the western line o:[ Chestnut Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20)
feet northerly from the northern line of Eagle Avenue;thence westerly along a line
twentyt(20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Eagle Avenue
to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the east-
ern line of Lafayette Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned line to int-
ersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and -earallel with the southern
line of Clement Avenue;thence easterly a n.E; said last mentioned parallel line to in-
tersection with the western line of Chestnut Street; thence northerly along the western
line of Chestnut Street to a point thereon disant twenty ( 20) feet northerly from
the northern line of Clenent Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet m
northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Clement Avenue to intersection
with the eastern line of (-rand Street;thence in a right lino to a point on the south-
em n line of Clement Avenue distant thereon twenty (20) feet westerly from the west-
ern line of Grand. Stree ;thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from
and -arallel with the western line of (2,rand Street to intersection with a line twen-
ty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue;
thence westerly alon said last mentioned naraliel line to intersection with a line
twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Hibbard Street;
thence northerly along said last mentioned -oarallel line to intersection with the
southern line of .L]atie Avenue; thence westerly along the southern line of agle Avenue
to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the western limo of Hib-
bard Street; thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and, parallel
with the western limo of Hibbard Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet
no from and. narallel with the northern line of Buena Vista'ilvenne; thence
weeterly along saia last nen-oned aaLIeJ. line
to intersection with a line twenty
(20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Paru Street; thorce
norther ly o said last ro Ere lei cm c (1 P., 1 ; -hn rvr, 1,-n -4-
point thereon distant twenty (20) feet westerly from the v.estern line of Paru Street;
thence southerly along a line twenty (20) feet wester17;7 frail and parallel with the
westerly line of Paru Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly
from and parallel with the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence westerly
along a line twenty (20) feet northerly from an parallel with the northern line
of Buena Vista Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and
parallel with the eastern line of Jay Street; thence northerly along said last men-
tioned_ parallel line to intersection with the southern line of 1agle Avenue; thence
westerly along the southern line of Eagle Avenue to a point thereon distant twenty
(20) feet westerly from the western line of Jay Street; thence southerly along a
line twenty (20) feet wester:: from and parallel with the western line of Jay
STreet to intersection with a line twenty (20 feet northerly from and parallel with
the northern line of Buena Vista Aveme; thence westerly along said last mentioned
parallel line to intersection with the eastern line of Benton STreet; thence south-
erly along the eastern line. of Benton Street to a point thereon distant twenty (20)
feet southerly from the southern line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence easterly along
a line. twenty ( 20 ) feet southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Buena
Vista Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel
with the western line of Jay Street; thence southerly along said last mentioned
parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel
with the northern line of Pacific Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentioned
parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel
with the eastern line of Sherman Street ; thence northerly along said last mention d
parallel line to intersection with a line twenty ( 20 ) fee t southerly from and parallel
with the southern line of Buena, Vista Avenue; thence easterly along said last mention
ed parallel line to intersection with the western line of Benton Street; thence
northerly along the western line of Bent on Street to
point there on di stout twenty
(20) feet northerly from the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence westerly
along a line twenty ( 20) feet northerly from and parallel with the no rt }Brn line of
Buena Vista Ave nue to int er se cti on with a line twenty ( 20 ) fee t easterly from and_
parallel with the eastern line of Sherman Street; thence northerly along a line
twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Sherman Street
to intersection with the southern line of Eagle Avenue; thence in a'right line to
intersection with the western line of Sherman Street at a point twenty (20) feet
northerly from the northern line of Eagle Avenue; thence westerly along a line twenty
( 20 ) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Eagle AVdn-ae to inter-
section with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line
of Chapin Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line two hun-
dred and one and 42/100 (201.42) feet northerly from the northern line of
Avenue; thence in a right line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly
from and parallel with the western line of Chapin Street at a point two hundred and
five and 50/100 (205.58) foot northerly from the northern line of Eagle Avenue; thence
southerly along a line twenty ( 20 ) feet westerly from and parallel with h the western
line of Chapin Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from
and parallel with the northern line of E aF; le .e.venue; thence westerly along said
last mentioned. parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) f cot easterly
from and parallel with the eastern line of ':iood Street; thence northerly along said
o n I ooa
hlay 21st, 1912.
northerly from the northern line o: Ea10 Avenue ; thence in a right line to inter sec
tier. with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from the western line of ',,Tood. Street at
a point five hundred ninety-four and 10/100 ( 594.10 ) feat northerly from the nor 'morn
line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence southerly along a line twenty ( 20) feet westerly
from and parallel with the western line of Vlood Street to intersection with a line
twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Buena Vista
Avenue; thence westerly etlong the said last me-ntione parallel line to intersection
with the eastern line of 9th Street; thence southerly along the eastern line of 9th
Street to a point thereon twenty (20 ) feet southerly from the southern line of Buena
Vista Avenue ; thence a asit,e y along a line twenty ( 20 fee t sou:no:el y om and
parall el with the southern line of Buena Vista Avenue to intersection With c, line
twent y ( 20) feet westerly from and parallel 17,i-th the western line of Wood Street;
thence southerly along said last ment ion e1 parallel line to intersection with a line
twenty ( 20) feet northerly from and parall el with the ;northern line Of Pacific Avenue;
thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the
eastern line of 9th Street; thence southerly along the eastern line of 9th Street
to a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern line of
Pacific Avenue; thence easterly along a line twenty ( 20) feet 'sou. lerly from and
parallel with the southern 1 in e of Pacific Ave me to intersection with a line twenty
(20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line Of Wood Street.; thence
southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty
(20) fee-6 northerly from and parallel with the no ihern line Of Lincoln Avenue; thence
westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the eastern line
of 9th Street; thence southerly along the eastern line of 9th Street to a point there-
on distant twenty ( 20) feet souther ly from and parallel with the southern line of
Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly along
• d last mentioned parallel line: to intersec-
tion with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of
Mastick Terrace; thence southerly along said last mentioned pzia-allei line to a point
there on three-him:care d ( 300 ) feet so utherl from the southern line of Lincoln Avenue ;
thence in a right line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from
and parallel with the eastern line of Mastick Terrace at ei point three hundred (300)
feet southerly from the southern line of Lincoln Avenue; thence .northerly along said
last mentioned -0 a r a 1 e 1 line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly
from and parallel with the southern. line of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly along
said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet
17iesterly from and parallel with the western line of Mozart Street; thence southerly
along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty ( 20)
feet northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue;
thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the
eastern line of 9th Street; thence southerly along the eastern line of 9th Street
to a point thereon distant twenty ( 20) feet southerly from the southern line of S
Clara Avenue; thence easterly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and
parallel with the southern line of Sarita Clara Avenue to intersection with a line
twenty ( 20) feet westerly from and narallel with the western line of Bay Street;
thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the
northern line of Central Avenue; thence easterly along the northern line of Centre
Avenue to a point there on distant twenty ( 20 ) feet easterly from the eastern line
May 21st
eastern line of Bay Street to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly
from and parallel with the southern line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence easterly
along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20)
feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Sherman Street; thence
so ut he rlY
ong said last mentioned Parallel line to intersection with the northern
line of Central .:.venue; thence in a right line to the point of beginning,. saving,
excepting and excluding from the above mentioned and described district all public
streets, avenues, highways, lanes and alloys.
It is further resolved that thin resolution and proceedings hereunder are
taken under and by virtue of the provisions of an act entitled "An Act to provide
for the liOiting of public streets, lanes, alloys, roads and places in municipali-
ties, and for the assessment of the costs and expenses thereof upon the property
benefited thereby," adopted March 21, 1905.
ivir.I,iac Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Ia1ker,Lac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Morgenstern,Pro t
and Bullock,(7). Yoe :None. Absent:Councilmen Krumb and Ells,(2).
."alker moved that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for the work
of erecting electroliers in Lighting District ITo.7,under Resolution of Intention
No.784,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
Specifications were presented by the Police Fire Commission for Furnishing
and Installing a Gasoline Propelled. Tractor on Hook and Ladder No.1 of the
Alameda Fire Department. Mr.oalker moved that they be adopted by the Council
and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for same , seconded by Mr.Ham-
mond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen •alker,Mac Rae,Hammond,
Spence,Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,( 7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen
Krumb and Ells,(2).
Mr.alker offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption;-
RESOLVED,that the Engineer of the City of Alameda be ,and he is hereby order-
ed to prepare plans and specifications for the following work to be done and im-
provement to be made in said City,to wit: For the construction of a sewer in said and along the westerly side of Jebster Street,from a point 300 feet south-
erly from the center line of Tunnel Street to an outlet in Oakland Harbor.
Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol-
lowing vote. Aye :Councilmen ;Ialker,Mac Rae, Hammond,Spence,Morgenster ,Probst
and Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Krumb and Ell=' 2).
The City Engineer presented plans and specifications in compliance with the
directions of the foregoing resolution and thereupon Eir.alker offered the follow-
i];ip: Resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for the following work to be done
and improvement to be made in said city,to wit: For the construction of a sewer in
the City of Alameda,in and along the westerly side of Jebster Street,from a point
500 feet southerly from the center line of Tunnel Street to an outlet in Oakland
Harbor,as prepared by the Engineer of said City and submitted this 21st day of
May,112,be,and the sane are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specification-
for doing said work.
Mr.Mac .2ae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes : Council/Tien •alker Rae , Hammond , Spence ,Morgenstern , i'robst
-11,c, (9\
Mr .Walker offered the following resolution and moved its ption:
RESOLVED,that it is the i ntei1ion of the Council of the Qity of Alameda,to or-
der the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City,to wit:
That .a salt glazed,vitrified iron-stone sewer,12 inches in inside diameter ,with
four-ineh "Y" branches and without house connections,be constructed in the west side
of Webster Street,three and one-half (3-1/2) feet easterly from and parallel with
the westerly line of said street,from a point 300 feet southerly from the center
line of Tunnel street to an outlet in Oakland Harbor.
That four (4) new manholes shall be constructed along the line of said sewer
in the manner hereinafter described,as follows,to-wit: One at the southerly termina-
tion thereof; one at a point 300 feet northerly from said southerly point of termina-
tion;one at a point 665.77 feet northerly from said southerly point of termination;
and one at a point 1031.53 feet northerly from said southerly point of termination.
That said manholes to be constructed. hereunder shall be of brick masonry,with
cast iron tops and covers and eight-inch walls and bottoms,in accordance with uBlan
for Brick Manhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January
llth,1897,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said. City,which plan is
hereby referred to and made a part hereof.
All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted for doilc, said work and now on file in the office of the City
The Clerk shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the
Alameda Daily Argus a daily newspaper published and circulated in said. City and here-
by designated for that purpose by the said. Council.
The Street Superintendent shall,immediately cause to be conspicuously ed
along the line of said contemplated wotk and improvement and in front of all the
property liable to be assessed,notices of the passage of this Resolution of Inten-
tion, in the manner and form required by law.
All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the
lature of the State of California,designated the "Improvement Act of 1911" ap-
proved April 7,1911.
Mr.Tdac Rae seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and and. passed- by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen balker ,Mac Rae,Hamllond,Spenc :dorg
Bullock,(7). Noes:llone. Absent: Councilmen Krumb and Ells,(2).
hr .Hammond brought up the matter of the manner in which cars at the t
point of 9th Street and Santa Clara Avenue would start up without waiting when
bst and
car was approaching said point and- moved. that it be referred to the Public Util-
ies Committee,seconded by hr.Spence and carried.
Mr.alker brought TT the matter of the construction of sluice gates the
west end of the City to prevent the slicken vhich was being deposited on the marsh
between Webster Street roadway and the west shore of the city,from being carried out
into the bay and around on to the beaches of the city and moved that the City Attor-
ney be directed to again make demand that the said gates be constructed, seconded- by
111r.Hammond and carried,
. Mr.Walker moved that the Clerk be directed to addre
ommunication to the
Southern Pacific Co. ,and- request that the offer,made by Mr.Hooyer of the said. Com-
Pany to deed the right of way owned by said Company on Encinal Avenue east of Park
Street and to macadamize the roadway of said. street when the property was deeded to
Lay Jst
moved that the Clerk be directed to again aclitress a comi::ilnication
to the Harbor- Commission and reuest that action be taken to remove the old oilinF
formerly used to support the trestle bridge across the San Leandro bay,seconded by
Mr.Hammond and carriea.
Er.falker moved that the request made by the Chamber of Commerce to do away
with the business licenses in the city be referred to the License Committee of the
Council to report back to the Council,secended by Mr.2robst and carried.
Ylr.lJac Rae moved that the Clerk be directed to address ommunication to
IViiss.Harndon the owner of property on the west side of Broadway south of San Jose
Avenue and request her to have a tree ,whose roots were breaking up the sidewalk
and growing into the basement of an adjoining house,removed,seconded by Mr.Mor
stern and carried.
A Bill entitled A Bill for'OrdinanCe io, Determining and Declarin s that
the Special Municipal Election held in the city. oi Alameda,California,on the 30th
clay of Apri1,1912,pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance Ho.598 of said City,was
duly and Regularly Called,Held and. Conducted,that .Eotice thereof was duly given,tht
the Returns thereof have been duly Canv ('sed,and to Determine and. Declare the Result
of said Election and Canvass;Providing for the Incurring of a Bonded Indebtedne-s by
said City in the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty-eight Thousand (158,000.) Dollars,in
Lawful i!loney of the United States,payable in Forty (40) years,in equal Annual In-
stallments,with interest at Five per cent per annum,payable semi-annually to pro-
vide for the issuance of Bonds of said City,evidencing said indebtedness,and Pro-
viding for the 2ayment of said indebtedness",etc,intrOduced by Mr.Spence on the 7th
day of Llay,l012,came we for passage. Mr.',;alker moved that the passage of the same
be continued until the next regular meeting of the Council,seconded by Lr.Hammond
and carried.
Mr.Spence moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the
Peoples 'Jater Co. ,and reauest that the data asked for by the Council on March 5th
1912,be immediately supplied,c'econded by idr.liammond. and carried.
There beinp; no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the
next regular meetirig,Tuesday,June 4th 1912,at 7.7