1912-04-09 Regular CC MinutesThe meet'
convened with Mayor W.H.Noy,presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Krumb,V/alker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Morgen-
stern,Probst and Bullock were noted present and. Councilman Ells,absent.
Mr.Probst addressed the Council on the Ordinance introduced- by him at the meet-
, of April 2nd Amending Ordinance No.148 Section 4,relating to defining certain
misdemeanors and stated that in view of the objection on the part of certain persons
that he wished to withdraw the Ordinance. Mr.Hammond moved that the request be
granted seconded by Mr.Walker and after remarks by Mr.C.R.Smith the manager of the
Surf Beach Park,Mr.Breitwiser and others the question was put and carried.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to $164.10 having been audited and
approved by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:
Alameda Daily Argus Election Expense 60.00
Lubbock,Oswald--Tax Collector Electrolier Assessment 80.00
IT IT Election Expense 23.10
Total- 164.10
Mr.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Hammond and
carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,
Schneider ,Henry
Stamps for City Attorney
Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,
Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells,(1).
Councilman Ells arrived and was noted prose
A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances on hand in the
various funds on March 30th 1912. Ordered filed.
A report was received from the Poundma ter for the month of March,1912.
Ordered filed.
A communication was received from Alfred Barateau,Captain of the Chestnut In-
vicible Club relative to discussions held by citizens in the lobby on public ques-
tions. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Congregational Church containing a set
of resolutions objecting to the amending on the Ordinance designating the bathing
dress to be worn by bathers in public baths. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Oakland Traction Company in answer to
one sent by the Clerk by direction of the Council calling attention to the roadbed
of a portion of the said Company's tracks on Webster Street in which it stated that
the desired repairs would be made immediately. Mr.Krumb reported that the repairs
had been made and thereupon the communication was ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Auditor stating that the bonded_ indebted-
ness of the City of Alameda on April 8th 1912 was $577,325.00. Ordered filed.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Ho. Calling and Providing for a
Special Election to be Held in the City of Alameda,County of Alameda,State of Califor-
nia,on the 30th day of Apri1,1912,to Submit to the Qualified Voters of said City Cer-
tain Propositions for Incurring a Bonded Indebtedness in the Sums and for the Purpo-
ses Specified as follows: For the Acquisition,Construction and Completion of a Build-
ing to be used as a power house for the Municipal Electric Light Plant,the Acquisition
and Installation of Machinery and. Apparatus for the Municipal Electric Light Plant,
the Acquisition of Wire for the Municipal Electric Light Plant,to be used in increas-
April 9th 1912.
Thousand (150,000) Dollars;for the Acquisition,Construction and Completion of a Fire
Alarm and Police Telephone and Signal System,in the sum of Eight Thousand (8,000)
Dollars;and for the Acquisition of Automobile Fire Apparatus,including One Automo-
bile Fire Engine,One Automobile Hook and Ladder Truck,Six Automobile Chassis to be
used in Converting Horse-Power Fire Apparatus to Motor-driven Fire Apparatus,One
Automobile Tractor for Steam Fire Engine,One Automobile Tractor for Hook and. Ladder
Fire Truck,Ohe Automobile for the Use of the Chief of the Fire Department in Attend-
ing to his DUties as Chief of the Fire Department and Fire Marshal also the Acqui-
sition,Construction and Completion of Aater Pumping Stations,and Also the Construc-
tion and Completion of Repairs and Additions to the Jebster Street Fire House,known
and designated as Fire Station No.2,all in the sum of Forty-two Thousand (42,000)
Dollars;Providing for the Issue of Bonds for said. Purposes and for a Levy of a Tax
for the Payment of said. Bonds:Establishing Special Municipal Election Precincts for
said Election,Resignating the Polling Places,Appointing the Election Officers for
said Precincts and. Proclaiming and Giving Notice of said Election,"introduced April
2nd 1912 by Mr.Bullock came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Bullock
moved that the Ordinance be adopted and passed,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried
by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Mac Rae Hammond,Spence,Ells
Morgenstern,Probst and. Bullock,(9). roe :Norie. Absent:None.
Mr.Bullock introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance NO. Prohibit-
ing persons from having in their possession lottery tickets or any tools or imple-
ments used or intended to be used in making said tickets,". Mr.Hammond moved
that it be referred to the City Attorney,seconded by Mr.3ullock and carried.
Mr.KruMb addressed the Council on the obstruction to navigation in San Lean-
dro Bay in the nature of piling which had been formerly been used to support the
trestle bridge used by the old South Pacific Coast Railway and moved that the Clerk
be directed to address a communication to the Local Harbor Commission and request
it to take action towar
d having the said obstructions removed;seconded by Mr.-Probst
and carried.
The Mayor addressed the Council regarding the delay of the Railroad Company in
putting in operation its road leading to Oakland along and over Eighth Street and
thereupon MrProbst spoke on the matter of establishing better service on Lincoln
Avenue west Of Mastick Station and thereupon Mr.Morgenstern moved that the whole
matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee,seconded by Mr.Spence and
Ir.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the
Board. of Suprvisors and request them to change the lines of election precincts
24 and 25 so as to divide them by the center line of Haight Avenue between 6th and
3rd. Streets and the center line of Hazel Street between 3rd. Street and the western
ter line of the city,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried.
There ')eing no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the
next regular meeting,Tuesday,April 16th 1912,at 7.30 P.H.
City Clerk.