1998-07-01 ARRA PacketAGENDA Regular Meeting of the Governing Alameda Reuse and Redevelopmen * * * * * * ** Alameda City Hall Council Chamber, Room 390 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 PATTI VAN MARK ARRA SECRETARY Wednesday, July 1, 1998 Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. City Hall will open at 5:15 p.m. IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE AUTHORITY: (1) Please file a speaker's slip with the secretary, and upon recognition by the Chair, approach the rostrum and state your name. Speakers are limited to three minutes per item. (2) Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally. (3) Applause or demonstrations are prohibited during ARRA meetings. 1. ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 3, 1998. 2 -B. Report recommending authorization to finalize negotiations and execute interim leases through the term of the Master Lease with Resources for Community Development and University Avenue Housing for West Housing units. 2 -C. Recommendation to adopt plans and specifications and authorize call for bids for upgrades to Building 90. 2 -D. Recommendation to adopt a resolution authorizing the Executive Director to represent the ARRA to apply to the California Trade and Commerce Agency for two California Defense AdjustmentPMatching Grants. 3. ACTION ITEMS 3 -A. Authorization to amend the West Housing property management contract with Gallagher and Lindsey to include the management of the 18 townhouse units. 3 -B.1. Authorization and delegation to Community Improvement Commission of the planning, development, and selection of developer for the East Housing property (requires 5 votes, of which at least 3 must be Alameda City Councilmembers). 3 -B.2. Authorization to Executive Director to negotiate and execute a land sale agreement for the East Housing property with the Community Improvement Commission (requires 5 votes, of which at least 3 must be Alameda City Councilmembers). ARRA Agenda - July 1, 1998 Page 2 4. ORAL REPORTS 4 -A. Presentation of golf course feasibility study by Kyle Phillips Golf Course Design. [The study will be sent under separate cover prior to the meeting.] 4 -B. Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARRA on current activities. 4 -C. Written report from the Executive Director updating the ARRA on: 1. Manex Entertainment/Mass Illusions 2. Building 5 sublease 3. Letter to Union Pacific regarding railroad right -of -way 4 -D. Oral report from the Executive Director (non- discussion items). 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction, or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda.) 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 7. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION TO CONSIDER: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov. Code Sec. 54956.8) Property: Alameda Naval Air Station . Negotiating parties: ARRA and U.S. Government Department of Defense (Navy) Under negotiation: Price and terms This meeting will be simultaneously broadcast on cable channel 22. The next regular ARRA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 5, 1998. Notes: • Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact Patti Van Mark, ARRA Secretary, at 864 -3400 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. • Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. • Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print. • Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request. APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, June 3, 1998 The meeting convened at 5:30 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda (arrived at 5:45 p.m.) James Sweeney, alternate to Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda Roberta Brooks, alternate to Sandre Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional District Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3 Kathleen Ornelas, alternate to Ellen Corbett, Mayor, City of San Leandro (arrived at 5:40 p.m.) Absent: Henry Chang, Jr., alternate to Elihu Harris, Mayor, City of Oakland Ex- officio: Diane Lichtenstein, Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School District . CONSENT CALENDAR 3 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 6, 1998. 2 -B. Authorize additional allocation of funds in the amount of $85,042 for Building 530 upgrades. 2 -C. Authorize the Executive Director to award a contract for consultant design services in the amount of $267,000 to VBN Architects for renovation of Building 16. Speakers: None. Alternate Friedman moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Member DeWitt and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: 0. Absent: 3. (Alternate Ornelas arrived at 5:40 p.m. and Member Daysog arrived at 5:45 p.m.) recycled paper 1 H:\MENSLEY\ARRA \MINUTES \I 998 \6- 3- 98.MIN ACTION ITEMS 3 -A. Authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a five-year lease with a five -year option to renew for Building 90 with Forty Plus of Northern California. Speakers: None. There was no discussion. Alternate Friedman motioned that the ARRA authorize the Executive Director to finalize and execute a five -year lease with a five -year option to renew for Building 90 with Forty Plus of Northern California. The motion was seconded by Alternate Sweeney and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: 0. Absent: 3. (Alternate Ornelas arrived at 5:40 p.m. and Member Daysog arrived at 5:45 p.m.) . ORAL REPORTS 4 -A. Navy presentation regarding lead -based paint abatement. Commander Scott Smith provided an overview of the laws and regulations governing the abatement of the lead -based paint hazards in the Big Whites and CPO units in the west housing area. He stated that the abatement requirements are more strict for federally -owned housing which is being transferred as residential property (rather than for some other use). The guidelines state that the paint must be "eliminated, enclosed or encapsulated" and that the corrective action must have a "minimum effective life of 20 years ". The Navy had numerous meetings to determine the best method of abating the hazard, and in October 1997, a decision was made and a scope of work and budget determined. However, the bids received were for double the budgeted amount of $2 million, and the scope of work had to be revised. The Navy has now determined the revised method of abatement, a contract is being negotiated, and work is scheduled to begin on the Big Whites on July 1, with completion by October 1, and on the CPO units on October 1, with completion by December 1. Each unit will be turned over to the ARRA as it is completed, so that it may be immediately placed on the market for lease by Gallagher & Lindsey. Commander Smith emphasized that once the Navy has abated the property and turned it over to the ARRA, it will be the responsibility of the new occupants to maintain the abated condition. Member Kerr inquired if the CPO units are to be rented or turned over to the homeless collaborative, and Executive Director Kay Miller stated they will be going to the homeless. Member Kerr suggested that it may be more cost - effective to replace the windows entirely rather than abate the paint hazard, and Commander Smith indicated they are exploring both options. Chair Appezzato thanked the Navy for their responsiveness in finding a resolution. He pointed out that two weeks ago, Admiral Nash met with ARRA and City staff and inspected the property and promised a solution within two weeks. Member DeWitt stated that the County lead prevention program is very competent and has valuable information about contractors, and he hoped the Navy would be in contact with them. recycled paper 2 H:\MENSLEY\ARRA\MINUTES \1998 \6- 3- 98.MIN Commander Smith indicated that Dale Hagen from the County has provided helpful information. Mr. Hagen then spoke briefly about his review of the Navy's abatement plan and stated that what they are planning to do will address all the lead hazards and enable the housing to be safely occupied. 4 -B. Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARRA on current activities. BRAG Co -chair Diane Lichtenstein spoke on behalf of Chair Lee Perez, who was out of town. She stated that Commander Smith had also given a presentation to the BRAG and that she was glad that a solution has been found. She said that another question the BRAG is concerned about is the Navy's remedial investigation report, a draft of which was presented to the RAB in February. They would like the report to be more thorough and consistent in defining the contaminated sites which need to be remediated. 4 -C. Written report from the Executive Director updating the ARRA on: 1. Touro University 2. Antiques by the Bay event 3. EIR/EIS delays 4. Building 5 remediation 5. Alameda Unified School District land needs 6. Golf course feasibility study 7. Refuge size and management plan 8. Access to Northwest Territory and status of the 0' Club Member DeWitt requested additional information about the EIR/EIS delay. Executive Director Miller indicated that when the City reviewed the draft document, they found it to be deficient. Therefore, a decision was made jointly with the Navy to take corrective action now rather than later. This will probably result in a delay of three months for the Record of Decision. Member Kerr inquired as to when the Northwest Territory may be open to the public. Executive Director Miller stated that the Cooperative Services Manager is working with the City's Risk Manager to determine what needs to be done to protect the City from liability. Chair Appezzato added that there are not the financial or personnel resources within the City to open it to unlimited access; perhaps it will be open on specific days soon. Member DeWitt asked whit the policy is for general access by the public to Alameda Point. Ms. Miller deferred to Commander Smith, since it is the Navy which has'set this policy. Commander Smith said that the policy is that access is only for official business, not recreation or touring. However, in approximately one month, the picnic area and tennis courts should be available for public use through the Parks and Recreation Department. Alternate Sweeney expressed his concern that the Board had not been informed of the Antiques by the Bay event until it was brought before the Planning Board and felt they should have had advance notice that this may be a sensitive issue. Ms. Miller pointed out that it had been listed for awhile as a pending lease on the leasing status report, and Chair Appezzato said he had known about it for awhile, but agreed that there is a need to integrate the various City groups. recycled paper 3 H: \MENSLEY\ARRA\MINUTES \1998 \6- 3- 98.MIN 4 -D. Oral report from the Executive Director (non - discussion items). None. ORAL COMMUNISATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) None. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Va-,& 14UL Patti Van Mark ARRA Secretary erecycled paper 4 H: \MENSLEY\ARRA \MINUTES \1998 \6- 3- 98.MIN Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum DATE: June 19, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJECT: Report recommending authorization to finalize negotiations and execute interim leases through the term of the Master Lease with Resources for Community Development and University Avenue Housing for West Housing Units Background: This action is similar to the action the ARRA Board took in August and October 1997 for two other non - profit organizations who have been assigned units at Alameda Point as part of ARRA's homeless accommodation. Resources for Community Development (RCD) and University Avenue Housing (UA) have received Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds to begin rehabilitation of their properties (see attached map of the units allocated). In order to receive the federal funds, the organizations have to demonstrate "site control" which HUD has said could be achieved through a lease for the term of the Master Lease with the ARRA. As required by the federal Base Closure and Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994, the ARRA worked with Alameda County Housing and Community Development and a group of homeless services providers, identified as the Alameda County Homeless Providers Base Conversion collaborative ( "Homeless Collaborative ") to determine a fair share of housing at NAS Alameda to accommodate the homeless. This accommodation of the homeless was reflected in the Community Reuse Plan which was unanimously approved by the ARRA Board in January 1996. The Community Reuse Plan was then approved by HUD (as required by federal law). The homeless service providers were expected to take possession of their housing units from the ARRA at the time of the Record of Decision by signing a legally - binding agreement of the terms of their possession. RCD will provide transitional housing to women and their children who are homeless survivors of domestic violence. There are three domestic violence shelters in Alameda County, but only one transitional housing program. There is desperate need for longer -term housing and supportive services for this homeless population. This program will provide low -cost housing with supportive services for a period up to nine months. Each resident will maintain their own living space while participating in the program activities and adhering to the program guidelines. The purpose of the program is to provide a semi - structured environment which will assist residents in developing economic and emotional autonomy and lead them to self - sufficiency. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 19, 1998 Page 2 UA Housing will provide permanent housing to homeless families, particularly women with children. UA intends to give priority to serving families in the City of Alameda who might be homeless, in shelters or in transitional housing. UA is the developer for the project, and Berkeley- Oakland Support Services (BOSS) will provide the needed support services. BOSS has 24 years of experience working with homeless people. They deliver comprehensive services and have developed a model continuum of care that has been replicated nationally. The HUD funding awarded to the County of Alameda for these agencies specifies that all grant recipients must demonstrate site control no later. than one year from the date of grant award. The grants were awarded on January 26, 1998 (UA Housing) and February 26, 1998 (RCD). Since the Record of Decision is not completed, HUD has agreed to accept an interim lease for the remainder of the term of the Master Lease as site control. If site control, in the form of an interim lease, is not provided to HUD by January 26, 1999 (UA Housing) and February 26, 1999 (RCD), the award will be canceled and the funds lost, thereby denying these agencies the opportunity to obtain their allocated share of homeless housing units at the former NAS Alameda. Discussion: This action is similar to the action taken by the ARRA at its August and October 1997 meetings on behalf of the United Indian Nation and the San Leandro Shelter for Women and Children. RCD and UA Housing each seek a lease for the remainder of the term of the Master Lease. An interim lease would allow the agencies to acquire site control of the property and would trigger release of monies from several funding sources to be put toward rehabilitation of the property to meet life safety and building code requirements and allow for occupancy. It had been the Homeless Collaborative's original expectation that a Record of Decision by the Navy would be published by now. Because the ROD is now due to be issued sometime next year, the Collaborative is concerned about any future deterioration of the housing stock. As such, it is seeking these interim leases in order to release funds that it has been awarded to begin rehabilitating property to be assigned to it under the Community Reuse Plan. As part of their leases, these agencies will pay the common services fees associated with an interim lease. Failure to obtain site control and occupancy through an interim lease at this time would result in the loss of funds now awarded to these programs'from HUD. Each provider will be required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Alameda before occupying the property. Fiscal Impact: Resources for Community Development and UA Housing will provide protection and maintenance of their units as base rent. They will also pay the common services charge of 2.4 cents per month per square foot of building space and 0.027 cents per month per square foot of land area. There will be no fiscal impact to the ARRA. Having these programs lease the property shifts the burden from Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 19, 1998 Page 3 the City of Alameda cooperative services agreement budget to these agencies for the maintenance of the property. Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA Governing Body authorize the Executive Director to finalize negotiations and execute the proposed leases with Resources for Community Development and UA Housing. i Respectfully submitted, Kay Miller Executive Director Attachment: Map of allocated units PKL PLAY GROUND Homeless Lollaborative Housing 84 R84,V1 Resources for Community Develo} ® University Ave. Housing z/ TODD SHIPYAR 0 2 2 a PENSACOLA R D z U) 0 C -4 m z i W. MIDWAY AVE. STARDUST PL. STARDUST Pl_L.. 0 SUNRISE CT TOWER AVE. Q 11 I Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum June 24, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJ: Recommendation to adopt plans and specifications and authorize call for bids for upgrades to Building 90 (No. P.W. 05- 98 -13) Background: Building 90 is scheduled to be leased by the ARRA to 40 Plus, a cooperative nonprofit organization, to assist working adults re- entering the workforce. The term of the lease is five years with an option for a five -year renewal. Prior to the execution of this lease, life safety, code upgrades and tenant improvements will be constructed. Discussion: The improvements to Building 90 include ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) upgrades, fire alarm installation, upgrades to the lighting, electrical service and heating system, and limited tenant improvements. Architectural plans and specifications are available for review at the City Engineer's office during normal business hours. The Planning Board determined the project is categorically exempt from CEQA and approved a use permit on November 24, 1997, Resolution No. 97 -97. It is proposed to advertise a Request for Bids on July 11, 1998, to open bids on August 10, 1998 and to recommend award of contract on August 18, 1998. Fiscal Impact: These improvements are required to comply with life safety code requirements and to allow the building to be leased. An existing Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant will cover 75% of costs. The required local match will be paid from lease revenues and a grant from the California Trade and Commerce Agency. Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA Governing Body, by motion, adopt.plans and specifications and authorize a call for bids for upgrades to Building 90. This matter will go to the City Council on July 7, 1998. Respectfully submitted, Kay Miller Executive Director Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum June 19, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJ: Recommendation to adopt a resolution authorizing the Executive Director to represent the ARRA to apply to the California Trade and Commerce Agency for two California Defense Adjustment Matching Grants Background: The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) has applied to the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) for new grant funding for FY 1998 and to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) for more building upgrade funds. OEA has a 50 percent local match requirement for grant funding, and EDA has a 25 percent requirement. The California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program operated by the California Trade and Commerce Agency has limited funds available to provide a portion of the matching grant funds required of local communities seeking federal funding for defense- related economic adjustment strategies and programs. The attached resolution authorizes the ARRA's Executive Director to represent the ARRA and apply for the state matching grant money. Discussion: For FY 1998/99, the California Trade and Commerce Agency received $3 million for the California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program. All 1991, 1993 and 1995 California BRAC closure facilities may compete for this funding. The funding is being made available through two competitive rounds of $1,500,000 each. The maximum amount any community may apply for is $300,000. The state selection guidelines favor recent base closures versus older reuse authorities; therefore, approval of the ARRA's grant application is not a certainty. In 1993/94, when the ARRA received its funding from OEA through the East Bay Conversion and Reinvestment Commission, the ARRA did receive a matching grant;from the California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program. In 1994/95, the California State Legislature did not provide funding -for the California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program, but fortunately the program was•funded again in the 1995/96 California state budget. The ARRA received California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program funds for both 1996/97 and 1997/98 OEA awards and our 1997 EDA building upgrade grant. Fiscal Impact: To receive OEA funds, OEA requires the ARRA to provide a 50 percent local match; however, the 25 percent match is based on the total project cost. For FY 1998/99, the ARRA is receiving $325,000 of OEA funds. The ARRA's required match is $340,494. We are requesting $170,247 from the California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program. We have been invited to apply for $1,650,000 from EDA for building upgrades. The required match is $550,000. A potential tenant will supply the majority of the local match requirement; therefore, we are requesting $100,000 from the California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 19, 1998 Page 2 Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA adopt the attached resolution authorizing the ARRA Executive Director to represent the ARRA and apply for the 1998/99 round of the California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program. Respectfully submitted, Kay Mille ' Executive Director Attachment: Resolution LYA H:\MENSLEY\ARRA \STAFFREP\ 1998\MATCHGRA.NT ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 23 AUTHORIZING THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO REPRESENT THE ARRA TO APPLY FOR THE CALIFORNIA DEFENSE ADJUSTMENT MATCHING GRANT WHEREAS, California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program operated by the California Trade and Commerce Agency is designed to provide a portion of the matching grant funds required of communities seeking federal funding for defense - related economic adjustment strategies and programs; and WHEREAS, the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority is eligible to compete against the other California 1991, .1993 and 1995 BRAC closure bases for up to $300,000 of the available $3 million in the 1998/99 round of the California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the California Trade and Commerce Agency requires the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority to authorize application to the California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the California Trade and Commerce Agency requires the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority to authorize its Executive Director to represent the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority concerning the California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program application and the grant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Alameda Reuse and Redevelop- ment Authority that the ARRA Executive Director is hereby authorized and empowered to apply, approve, sign and execute in the name of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority any documents necessary for applying to receive funding under the California Trade and Commerce Agency's California Defense Adjustment Matching Grant Program. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority in its regular meeting assembled on the , st day of July, 1998, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: Patti Van Mark, Secretary Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Date: Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum June 19, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJ: Authorization to amend the West Housing property management contract with Gallagher and Lindsay to include the management of the 18 townhouse units Background: In September 1997, the ARRA Board unanimously agreed to enter into a property management agreement with Gallagher & Lindsey. Originally the Board considered leasing the 31 ranch houses, 18 Big Whites, and 6 townhouse units adjacent to the former Officers' Housing. After extensive discussion, the ARRA Board decided to remove the townhouses from consideration until there was more information on the marketability of this housing stock. In March 1998, the ARRA Board amended the scope of work for Gallagher & Lindsey to include the Admiral's House. Discussion: The original residential leasing plan envisioned starting with the 18 Big Whites, followed by leasing the 31 ranch houses. In late September 1997, the ARRA was notified by the Navy that they could not transfer the Big Whites to the ARRA until they abated the lead -based paint in those units. Due to this delay, Gallagher & Lindsey revised their work plan and projections to begin leasing with the ranch houses. The ranch houses went on the market in late February 1998. As previously reported, after the first open house in March, ten houses were leased. To date, 23 of the 31 units are leased. These houses would be completely leased, except that there are some units needing comprehensive repairs or which have an illegal garage conversion that needs to be brought to code. The residential leasing program is significantly ahead of schedule. The ranch units were planned to be leased in groups of five, but the demand was so great, soon all of the units will be leased. The experience with the ranch houses demonstrates there is a market for leasing single family homes at Alameda Point. • In response to the Board's request, staff is bringing the townhouse units back for leasing consideration. However, rather than just bringing the six units located on Lemoore Road (duplexes), 12 additional units (fourplexes) are being added for a total of 18 townhouse units (see attached map). Staff is requesting all 18 units be considered for leasing because of the length of time it takes to get a lease with the Navy and a use permit (it is better to do the applications as one large parcel, rather than in fragments). Fiscal Impact: Revenue of approximately $1,200 per month per unit or $172,800 annually. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 19, 1998 Page 2 Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA Governing Body authorize the Executive Director to begin the leasing process for the 18 townhouse units and expand the scope of work for Gallagher & Lindsey to include management of these properties. Respectfully submitted, Kay Miller Executive Director Attachment: Map of townhouse units H: \MEN SLEY\ARRA\ STAFFREP\ 1998 \TO W NHOU S. ES PKL PLAY GROUND, Town House Units TODD SHIPYAR C7 3 z 3 0 0 0000' 0 000000 `CORPUS CHRISTI' r 00000 V) 0 -4 m Z ll� UNRISE CT n D Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum July 1, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority 3 -AI FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJ: Authorization to amend the West Housing property management contract with Gallagher and Lindsay to include the management of the 18 townhouse units Background: In September 1997, the ARRA Board unanimously agreed to enter into a property management agreement with Gallagher & Lindsey. Originally the Board considered leasing the 31 ranch houses, 18 Big Whites, and 6 townhouse units adjacent to the former Officers' Housing. After extensive discussion, the ARRA Board decided to remove the townhouses from consideration until there was more information on the marketability of this housing stock. In March 1998, the ARRA Board amended the scope of work for Gallagher & Lindsey to include the Admiral's House. Discussion: The original residential leasing plan envisioned starting with the 18 Big Whites, followed by leasing the 31 ranch houses. In late September 1997, the ARRA was notified by the Navy that they could not transfer the Big Whites to the ARRA until they abated the lead -based paint in those units. Due to this delay, Gallagher & Lindsey revised their work plan and projections to begin leasing with the ranch houses. The ranch houses went on the market in late February 1998. As previously reported, after the first open house in March, ten houses were leased. To date, 23 of the 31 units are leased. These houses would be completely leased, except that there are some units needing comprehensive repairs or which have an illegal garage conversion that needs to be brought to code. The residential leasing program is significantly ahead of schedule. The ranch units were planned to be leased in groups of five, but the demand was so great, soon all of the units will be leased. The experience with the ranch houses demonstrates there is a market for leasing single family homes at Alameda Point. In response to the Board's request, staff is bringing the townhouse units back for leasing consideration. However, rather than just bringing the six units located on Lemoore Road (duplexes), 12 additional units (fourplexes) are being added for a total of 18 townhouse units (see attached map). Staff is requesting all 18 units be considered for leasing because of the length of time it takes to get a lease with the Navy and a use permit (it is better to do the applications as one large parcel, rather than in fragments). Fiscal Impact: Revenue of approximately $1,200 per month per unit or $172,800 annually. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 19, 1998 Page 2 Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA Governing Body authorize the Executive Director to begin the leasing process for the 18 townhouse units and expand the scope of work for Gallagher & Lindsey to include management of these properties. Respectfully submitted, Kay Miller Executive Director Attachment: Map of townhouse units G: \COMDEV \BASE REUSE& REDEVP\ARRA\STAFFREP\I998 \TOWNHOUS.ES Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum June 24, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJ: Authorization and delegation to Community Improvement Commission of the planning, development, and selection of developer for the East Housing property, and Authorization to Executive Director to negotiate and execute a land sale agreement for the East Housing property with the Community Improvement Commission Background: On May 7, 1997, the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) voted to authorize proceeding with the disposition of East Housing through an RFP process, prepare an RFP that would be sent to all qualified developers, contract with the Community Improvement Commission (CIC) to manage the RFP and developer selection process, enlist input from the Planning Board in developer selection criteria, and transfer $75,000 of ARRA lease revenues to the CIC in order to cover selection process expenses. The ARRA staff report cited reasons why the CIC should act as its "agent ": (1) use of an existing agency of the City in assisting in the disposition of Alameda Point moves in the direction of involving existing City agencies and public boards; and (2) the CIC staff has experience and existing staff to issue an RFP and negotiate a developer agreement. At the November 5, 1997 ARRA meeting, the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) recommended to the ARRA that there be integrated planning of the East Housing and the FISC property. The ARRA agreed that these two pieces of adjacent property should be master planned. The CIC met on September 2, 1997 to respond to the ARRA request to handle the selection process for East Housing. At that meeting, the CIC acted to table the discussion of an East Housing selection process (i.e., whether or not to accept the May 7 ARRA offer) until a developer for the FISC property was selected. The CIC has completed the'PISC developer selection, and it is anticipated that planning of the FISC property will begin soon. Accordingly, the ARRA Board may wish to'modify its May 7, 1997 offer to the CIC and proceed to implement master planning of the East Housing property with the adjacent FISC property. To accomplish this, the ARRA Board could authorize and delegate to the CIC the planning, development and developer selection for the East Housing property and authorize the negotiation and execution of a land sale agreement for the East Housing property to implement concurrent planning with the FISC property. Discussion: It now appears timely to proceed with the planning and selection of a developer to redevelop the East Housing site because: (1) it is logical that the two adjacent properties -- FISC and East Housing -- be jointly master planned; and (2) since the FISC developer selection is completed, the planning process needs to commence immediately. Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 24, 1998 Page 2 In order for the CIC to move forward on the selection of a developer for East Housing and enter into an exclusive negotiating agreement with a selected developer, the parties could enter into a land sale contract which would commit the transfer of the property from the ARRA to the CIC once the ARRA acquires it through the Economic Development Conveyance (EDC) process. This land sale agreement would be similar to a contract entered into between the City of Alameda and the CIC committing the transfer of the FISC property from the City to the CIC once the City acquires it under the special transfer legislation. Finally, in its May 7, 1997 action, the ARRA agreed to transfer $75,000 of lease revenues to the CIC to conduct the developer selection process. The $75,000 remains in the ARRA budget, and we presume still would be transferred to the CIC and used for this purpose. Fiscal Impact: Up to $75,000 is lease revenues was previously committed for developer selection, has already been budgeted and no additional funds are required. Authorizing and delegating the CIC to plan, develop and select a developer for East Housing could have positive economic benefits to the ARRA. The CIC staff has expertise and experience in developer selection and negotiation of developer agreements, enhanced by their recent experience with the FISC developer selection process. Authorizing and delegating this responsibility to the CIC could result in ultimate cost savings to the ARRA. Recommendation: It is recommended that the ARRA Board: 3 -B.1 Authorize and delegate to the CIC the planning, development, and selection of the developer for the East Housing property. This action should be taken by motion and requires 5 votes, of which at least 3 must be Alameda City Councilmembers. 3 -B.2. In order to implement the above action, authorize the Executive Director to negotiate and execute a land sale agreement for the East Housing property with the CIC. This action requires 5 votes, of which at least 3 must be Alameda City Councilmembers. Respectfully submitted, Kay Miller Executive Director Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum June 24, 1998 TO: Honorable Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Kay Miller, Executive Director SUBJ: Written status report on ARRA activities 1. Manex Entertainment/Mass Illusions. Negotiations are being finalized with Manex Entertainment for sublease of Buildings 11, 12, 13, 400, 400A, 19 and 24 for creation of a film and digital media production complex. Manex is currently leasing space. in Buildings 11 and 24, where they are working on films starring Robin Williams and Clint Eastwood. They have submitted strong financial statements and an impressive business plan describing how they intend to develop their business at Alameda Point. We anticipate that at the August 5 ARRA meeting, we will be asking for authorization to finalize negotiations and execute a lease with Manex. 2. Building 5 sublease. Negotiations and due diligence review have been finalized in connection with sublease of Building 5 to Orton Development Company. The sublease will be signed following issuance of a City use permit for the project and a master lease addendum by the Navy. 3. Letter to Union Pacific regarding railroad right -of -way. Union Pacific Railroad has asked for a letter from the ARRA indicating that it does not expect rail service at Alameda Point which would utilize the existing rail lines. In fact, the Navy has previously terminated its trackage agreement with the railroad to operate on the former Naval Air Station. This letter from the ARRA was needed in order for the City of Alameda to purchase the right -of -way along Main Street for the Main Street Improvement Project, which includes a linear park in the railroad right -of -way. Please see the attached letter from me to Union Pacific. Respectfully submitted, Kay Miller Executive Director Correspondence .c. ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Interim Leasing Status Report Signed Leases Ise6- 98.xls Page 1 Tenant Term of Occupancy Building # Occupied Bldg. (Sq. Ft.) 1 ACET (Environmental Tech. Incubator) long term 7 15,550 2 Aircraft Carrier Hornet Foundation (Pier 3) long term - 3 Alameda Point Storage (1200 Mini - storage Units) long term near Bldg. 530 - 4 Alameda Unified School District (Child Care Ctr.) long term 258 12,430 5 Altair Marine (former Haviside) (Ship Repair) long term 43 10,500 6 Bay Ship & Yacht (Ship Repair) long term 292 2,700 7 Bureau of Electricity (Storage Yard) long term at FISC - 8 CALSTART (Electric Vehicle Consortium) long term 20 66,000 9 City Garage Carstar (Vehicle Painting) long term 24, 25 26,927 10 City of Alameda (Dog Run Park) long term - 185,000 11 City of Alameda (Ferry Terminal Parking) long term - 38,976 12 City of Alameda (Gym and Pool) long term 76 & 134 58,450 13 City of Alameda (Officers' Club) long term 60 29,550 14 City of Alameda (Records Storage) long term 397 17,000 15 City of Alameda (Tennis Courts) long term 35,100 16 City of Alameda (Soccer Field) long term Adjacent to Bldg. 360 - 17 Delphi Productions (Exhibit Displays) long term 39 110,000 18 Forem Metal Mfg. (Sheet Metal Contractor) long term 114 20,000 19 Home Auto Repair long term 459 11,500 20 Housing Units (31 units in West Housing) long term - 47,177 21 Interscope Communications (Film Co.) 5 months portion of 11 50,000 22 IWA Engineers (Fabrication of Steel Structures) long term 113 13,115 23 Love Center Ministries 6 months portion of 12 8,000 24 Manex Entertainment (Film Co.) 6 months 24 40,850 25 MARAD (Ready Reserve Fleet) long term . Piers 1, 2,3 26 MARAD long term 168 117,419 27 Mass Illusions (Film Co.) 5 months portion of 11 10,000 28 Navigator Systems (Furniture Mfgr.) long term 14 40,000 29 Nelson's Marine (Boat Repair) long term 167 & finger piers 55,450 30 Piedmont Baseball Foundation 1 year 200,688 sq. ft. field - 31 Piedmont Soccer Club 1 year 280,000 sq. ft. field - 32 Polyethylene Products (Plastics Recycling) long term 398 10,000 33 Puglia Engineering (Ship Repair) ,; long term 67 14,000 34 Quality Assured Products (Valve Mfgr.) long term 21 66,000 35 Richard Miller Photography (Photography) long term 621 5,770 36 Simmba Systems (Records Storage) long term 9 92,817 37 Tower Aviation (Avionics) long term 530 82,250 38 Trident 3M Services (Port Mgmt./Maint.) long term 15 16,603 39 Woodmasters (aka Delaco) (Cabinetry) long term 44 5,100 Number of Properties Currently Occupied: 39 Buildings (sq. ft.) Currently Occupied: 1,314,234 Current Employment in Leased Buildings: 627 Projected Future Employment in Leased Buildings: 1,151 Ise6- 98.xls Page 1 ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Interim Leasing Status Report Pending Leases and Licenses Tenant Building Number Area (Sq. Ft.) 1 ACET (Environmental Tech. Incubator) 64 986 Interim Use Permits Approved 2 ACET (Environmental Tech. Incubator) 112 33,650 3 Alameda Naval Air Museum 77 21,136 X 4 Altamont Technologies (Trans. Equipment Mfg.) 25 18,000 5 6 Antiques by the Bay (Swap Meet) Cellular One (Antenna Site) portion of taxiway H 60' x 20' X 7 City of Alameda (Building 1) 1 49,000 Door Christian Fellowship Church 564 8,600 X 9 10 11 Dynamic Marine Boatworks (Boat Production) 12 166 55,000 X Emergency Services Network (Homeless Collaborative) Forty Plus (Career Counseling) 613 4,600 90, 4,500 X General Svcs. Admin. (Govt. Agency) 169, 117 193,210 13 Harbor Bay Maritime (Storage) Pier 1 North 200' 14 15 16 Integrated Technology Group (Computer Rebuild) Manex Entertainment (Film Co.) 66 30,900 13 34,540 Manex Entertainment (Film Co.) 19 23,700 17 Marine Sanitation 611 1,000 18 Orbit Development Inc. (Property Mgmt.) 5 270,000 19 San Francisco Drydock 612 4,000 20 San Leandro Womens' Shelter (Homeless Collaborative) 531, 532, 533 28,050 21 22 23 Sigi, Inc. (Crepe Mfg.) Solo Energy Corp. (Prototype Testing) 42 12 & 22 3,000 176,108 X United Indian Nations (Homeless Collaborative) CPO Units 2,400 24 United States Customs Service 29 19,480 25 Zebra Motors, Inc. (Electric Vehicles) 23 65,500 23 Rosebud Touring Co. ( Rehearsa pace 24 Rysher Entertainment (Film Co.) 24 Ise6 -98xis Page 2 vv Tenant Bldg. No./Space 1 Acad. of Model Aeronautics (Model Planes) portion of Runway 25 . 2 Alameda Recycling Co. (Storage) Bay 2/Bldg. 24 3 Area 51 Productions (TV Show) portion of taxiway 4 Area 51 Productions (Custom Car Show) portion of taxiway 5 Area 51 Productons (Auto Mfg. Marketing Survey) 5A 6 Area 51 Productions (Rehearsal studio) 12 7 Area 51 Productions (Auto Survey) portion of taxiway H 8 Boy Scouts of America Spike & Pitch Park 9 Chamber of Commerce /BOE (Inter. Trade Expo) 22 10 CINCPAC (Fleet Week '97) /' Pier 3 South 23 11 City of Alameda/Bureau of Electricity (EV Expo) 12 Clubhouse Pictures (Film Co.) 25 13 Disney Studios (Film Co.) 24 14 Great Benefit Productions (Film Co.) Portions of 24 & 25 15 Industrial Light and Magic (Film Co.) 400A 16 Industrial Light and Magic (Film Co.) portion of taxiway 17 Interscope Communications (Film Co.) 11,12,400A 18 Interscope Communications (Film Co.) 2 19 Interscope Communications (Film Co.) pool 20 Microsoft (Software Co.) 400A 21 Nadel Productions (Film Co.) portion of taxiway 22 Off Duty Productions (Film Co.) portion of roadway 23 Rosebud Touring Co. ( Rehearsa pace 24 Rysher Entertainment (Film Co.) 24 Ise6 -98xis Page 2 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY ENGINEERING FIELD ACTIVITY, WEST NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND 900 COMMODORE DRIVE SAN BRUNO, CALIFORNIA 94088 -5006 Ms. Kay Miller, Executive Director Alameda Reuse & Redevelopment Authority 950 West Mall Square — Building 1 Alameda, CA 94501 -5012 Dear Ms. Miller: IN REPLY REFER TO: 61/614 June 9, 1998 Since the announced closure of the Naval Air Station, Alameda in April 1997, significant progress has been made in the transition of the Station from an active military installation to an incubator of new business opportunities for the City of Alameda. The transition envisioned and articulated in the President's Five -Point Plan, announced in July 1993, has started to take shape with the adoption of a community-based Reuse Plan; the implementation of an Interim Leasing Program and the establishment of tenant businesses; the signing of a Cooperative Agreement; retrocession of legislative jurisdiction, and the submission of an application for an Economic Development Conveyance. The Offices of the Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Navy, recognize that there is much left to do in furthering the transition of closing bases, and to that end directed certain changes in the Interim Leasing Program. These changes, which were formalized in December 1997 through amendments to the Base Reuse Implementation Manual, resulted in the following: (1) They granted local Navy authority to approve leases in a standard - form up to a term of 15 years (versus the current five year term) unless the lease involves the use or storage of hazardous materials, and (2) they authorized the Local Reuse Authorities to sublease property included in a master lease without obtaining Navy approval of the sublease, provided the sublease incorporates the terms of the master lease and does not include any terms that are inconsistent with the master lease. While these changes are important in the over -all transition process, their impact on the Interim Leasing Program at Alameda Point is relatively minimal for two reasons: (1) The ARRA and this Command had already obtained 15 -year leasing authority through approval and execution of the Large Parcel Lease (LPL) in March 1997, and (2) since the LPL is more an option to lease than a true master lease, the ARRA must still go through the current Addendum process to take beneficial occupancy of property at Alameda Point prior to subleasing it. Nonetheless, we can modify Article 5 (Subletting) of the LPL to eliminate the step requiring prior written Navy consent of the sublease itself, and we will prepare and forward a lease modification for your signature for that purpose. If you have questions with respect to the above, please call me at (650) 244 -3815. Sincerely, WILLIJICM R. CARSILLO Real Estate Leader BRAC Team East Alameda Meuse and Redevelopment Authority Alameda Point/NAS Alameda 950 W. Mali Square - Building 1 Alameda, CA 94501 -5012 Governing Body Ralph Appezzato Chair Mayor, City of Alameda Sandrrt R. Swanson Vice -Chair District Director for 9th Congressional District Wilma Chan Supervisor, District 3 Alameda County Board of Supervisors Henry Chang, Jr. Oakland Councilmember serving for Elihu Harris Mayor, City of Oakland Ellen M. Corbett Mayor City of San Leandro Tony Daysog Councilmember City of Alameda Albert H. DeWitt Councilmember City of Alameda Barbara Kerr Councilmember City of Alameda Karin Lucas Councilmember City of Alameda Kay Miller Executive Director ®Recycled paper June 10, 1998 U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer 112 Hart Senate Office Building ' Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Boxer: (510) 864-3400 Fax: (510) 521 -3764 I would like to officially request that you pursue the possibility of adding a $650,000 budget item for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in this year's appropriation bill. As you are aware, the Service has requested a very large wildlife refuge at the former Alameda Naval Air Station. However, they have not asked for funding for capital and operating costs for the refuge until FY 1999/2000. The City of Alameda, the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and the U.S. Navy are all anxious that the Service take over responsibility for the management of this property as soon as possible. The Service projects that $650,000 would allow them to make the necessary capital expenditures -- primarily the installation of a perimeter fence around the refuge -- and provide the necessary funds for one year of operation of the refuge, including the cost of predator management. I recognize that this request comes late in the budgeting process. However, we would appreciate any assistance you can give us, and we stand by to help in any way we can in providing you the necessary information or justification for this request. Thank you in advance for your efforts on our behalf. Sincerely, Kay Miller Executive Director cc: ARRA Board Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Attn: Robert Brooks William J. Cassidy, Jr., Deputy Asst. Secretary of the Navy Margaret Kolar, Director, San Francisco Bay Refuge Wayne White, Field Supervisor, USFWS Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Alameda Point/NAS Alameda (510) 864 -3400 950 W. Mall Square - Building 1 Fax: (510) 521 -3764 Alameda, CA 94501 -5012 Governing Body Ralph Appezzato Chair Mayor, City of Alameda Sandre R. Swanson Vice -Chair District Director for Barbara Lee 9th Congressional District Wilma Chan Supervisor, District 3 Alameda County Board of Supervisors Henry Chang, Jr. Oakland Councilmember serving for Elihu Harris Mayor, City of Oakland Ellen M. Corbett Mayor City of San Leandro Tony Daysog Couneilmember City of Alameda Albert H. DeWitt Councilmember City of Alameda Barbara Kerr Councilmember City of Alameda Karin Lucas Councilmember City of Alameda Kay Miller Executive Director $Recycled paper June 23, 1998 Sandre Swanson, District Director Congresswoman Barbara Lee's Office 1301 Clay Street, Suite 100N Oakland, CA 94612 _ Dear Sandre: I am writing to get your assistance in a challenge facing the base reuse process for Alameda Point and bases all around the country. At the recent Economic Development Administration (EDA) conference in Las Vegas, the Director Phillip Singerman gave a speech. In his speech he highlighted startling information about the future of Title IX funding for defense conversion. During the question and answer period following his speech, Mr. Singerman said that the Office of Management and Budget was recommending the elimination of Defense Conversion Title IX funds within the next two years. He was responding to a question from a California base who asked him why bases were not included in his discussion about the future for the agency. I'm sure there are other bases that feel as we do that the funding provided by EDA should be increasing over the next couple of years, not decreasing. As you know, Alameda Point is faced with millions of dollars of infrastructure improvements, not to mention building upgrade needs and developing marketing materials. EDA funds have been extremely helpful to this community in financing projects other agencies would not fund. I would hope that Congresswoman Lee would investigate this information provided at the conference and work with the Administration in finding support for closed military installations. I would be willing to assist you in these efforts to seek support from other Deal reuse authority directors through the Bay Area Defense Conversion Action Teiin. Thank you for your continued assistance and support. Sincerely, Kay Miller Executive Director cc: ARRA Governing Body Jim Flint, City Manager KM:nb 90(010' 4"/ DON LINDSEY R E AL T O R S President/Broker June 15, 1998 Ms. Kay Miller A.R.R.A. Executive Director 950 W. Mall Square Bldg 1 Alameda, CA. 94501 -5012 Dear Ms. Miller: We want to thank you for including us in your busy schedule and coming to our opening event at The Pointe, Alameda Point on June 11, 1998. I am enclosing a copy of our handouts for your files. We are establishing a solid neighborhood and will continue to hold community meetings and events for the residents at The Pointe. We really enjoy living here and will continue to do so, as will our Senior Property Manager, Lisa Fowler and her family. ,_) Don and Suzanne Lindsey Gallagher and Lindsey Realtors, ,lllic., Property Management and Rentals 2424 CENTRAL AVENUE • ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA 94501 • Bus. (510) 521 -8181 • Fax (510) 523 -1570 1406 WEBSTER STREET • ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA 94501 • Bus. (510) 523 -1010 • Fax (510) 521 -7272 R E A L T O R S DON LINDSEY President/Broker June 11, 1998 Welcome to the opening event of `The Pointe', the first phase of rental housing at Alameda Point. We have rented 23 of the 31 ranch style homes to date, with rents ranging from $1,400.00 to $1,800.00 per month. We have six homes open tonight, and they are highlighted on the map. "Open House" signs have been placed in front. We encourage you to walk through the neighborhood so you can get a feel for it. You may notice that several residents have improved their yards with flowers (a couple have even planted back lawns). Three of the homes you will see are finished (250 West Essex, 350 West Essex and 555 West Essex). One (2780 Pearl Harbor) is partially done. Two (2901 Barbers Point and 2841 Barbers Point) have had no improvements. We hope the contrast will give you a better idea of the project. Thanks for coming! r � ` Lisa Fowler Senior Property Manager 2424 CENTRAL AVENUE • ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA 94501 • Bus. (510) 521 -8181 • Fax (510) 523 -1570 1406 WEBSTER STREET* ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA 94501 • Bus. (510) 523 -1010 • Fax (510) 521 -7272 Newsletter for Pointe Residenis Gallagher and Lindsey Inc. Property Management and Rentals Spring/Summer 1998 Issue 2 LetsGetTo The Pointe Pi,.kertoa Security qt the fro wt gc to 4/D" -DsSZ Lets use the green waste to enhance our soil and yards! Most of the organics generated at home can easily be recycled by composting. whether you live in a house,' apartment or tent, there are simple easy and fun ways you can compost your yard trimmings and kitchen scraps. ♦ Set up a compost bin to compost yard trimmings. ♦ Viet a worm box. Then you can recycle your kitchen scraps into a rich, valuable plant food. Compost Bins We will have bins available for you at 250 West Essex Drive. The bins are $38.00 each. These are Smith and Hawken bins which retail for over 3x that amount. Please drop by and pick up your bin any evening or on the weekend. Dog lovers must be gardeners! It's so nice to see the animal lovers here at The Pointe! Equally heartening is watching the yards and homes come to life. The interest we are all showing in our homes shows the `old yankee Missed our community meeting ?. See Afterwards! Rubicon Landscapers are maintaining the front yards, and common areas at The Pointe.' It would make their job easier if they can hook up their hoses to the hose bibs in the front of each home. So if you see someone using your hose bib, it's OK! Rubicon is also selling: Firewood $65.00 a cord (cheap!) Call: Tim Barton 912 -91 1 1 La Nina is coming, cool and dry weather spirit' is alive and well. As the first civilian residents of Alameda Point, we can be proud of what we are doing. Laughed about our Pioneer Struggles and then: Discussed Neighborhood Watch Program. The APD had an officer there and we will implement a program where one resident calls another in case of emergency. If you do not want your phone # published in our directory, please call 748 -1789. A Newsletter for Residents of 'The Pointe' 'at Alameda Point, Alameda, California Names s Numbers Gallagher 8 Lindsey Property Manager: Lisa Fowler: 510- 748 -1799 Assistant Property Manager: Tamara Ehlers 510. 748 -1787 Gallagher a Lindsey Office 510 -522 -3322 Don Lindsey, 510 -748 -1198 Suzanne Lindsey 510 -748 -1789 ARRA Office 510- 864 -3400 Recycling Garbage Compost Cans & Bins Residents of The Pointe are each responsible for Calling Waste Management at 613 - 8710 (Garbage) & Alameda Recycle 483 -1400 for service. Please do not dump your waste in the Navy Cans!!!! You should not have any problems with service if you mention you are on the old Naval Base. Hide the cans! Check the Rot Line 635 -6275 for compost bins for your green waste. NO PARKING ON THE STREET! We must all comply with the City of Alameda and Alameda Fire Department regulations. The Pointe is an area with the feel of the country & with it's narrow streets The Pointe's parking regulations are in place Meet the People As a Pioneer of The Pointe at Alameda Point, we want to provide you with some basic information. First of all; this property, formerly known as 'Officer Country' is leased from the Navy by the City of Alameda. The A.R.R.A. Board and its with the City Of Alameda and ARRA to manage the rentals at The Pointe. GALLAGHER & LINDSEY INC. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND RENTALS IS YOUR CONTACT POINT. Don and Suzanne Lindsey live onsite at 250 W. Essex Drive. We Live at Historic 'The Pointe', Alameda CA employees work for the City of Alameda. Gallagher and Lindsey Inc. Realtors Property Management and Rental Division has a contract for your protection. All residents of the `Ranches' have one covered parking space and one or two off - street parking spaces. "Big Whites' have a garage and a small driveway. If your car fits in the drive way you may park there. Phone 522 -2255. If you have any urgent property questions after hours, please call or drop by. We will be having a community meeting soon! Guest parking and third car parking is assigned by the City Of Alameda and ARRA who are our landlords. Available guestparking is : your driveway, Lemoore empty spaces, or the lot across from the the O Club, Or Ask Us! 1 Newsletter tor roint e Residents Gallagher and Lindsey Inc. Property Management and Rentals Spring /Summer 1998 Issue 2 GetTo The Pointe Piskertos Security qt the frost ggte 9/0-0852 Lets use the green waste to enhance our soil and yards! Most of the organics generated at home can easily be recycled by composting. whether you live in a house, apartment or tent, there are simple easy and fun ways you can compost your yard trimmings and kitchen scraps. ♦ Set up a compost bin to compost yard trimmings. ♦ Get worm box. Thgn you can recycle your kitchen scraps into a rich, valuable plant food. Compost Bins We will have bins available for you at 250 West Essex Drive. The bins are $38.00 each. These are Smith and Hawken bins which retail for over 3x that amount. Please drop by and pick up your bin any evening or on the weekend. Dog lovers must be gardeners! It's so nice to see the animal lovers here at The Pointe! Equally heartening is watching the yards and homes come to life. The interest we are all showing in our homes shows the `old yankee Missed our community meeting? See. Afterwards! Rubicon Landscapers are maintaining the front yards, and common areas at The Pointe.' It would make their job easier if they can hook up their hoses to the hose bibs in the front of each home. So if you see someone using your hose bib, it's OK! Rubicon is also selling: Firewood $65.00 a cord (cheap!) Call: Tim Barton 912-9111 La Nina is coming, cool and dry weather spirit' is alive and well. As the first civilian residents of Alameda Point, we can be proud of what we are doing. Laughed about our Pioneer Struggles and then: Discussed Neighborhood Watch Program. The APD had an officer there and we will implement a program where one resident calls another in case of emergency. If you do not want your phone # published in our directory, please call 748 -1789.