1912-06-18 Regular CC MinutesGus, , IL1.1;T= i 00111CIL OF CITY OF
ALAL,TI:i.laaiLY Juno 10th 1912.
The meeting convened with Eayo7'
The 11011 was calla, and CouncilTqon Krumb,I.Iac Rae,Hammond,2robst and 3ulloch,
were notd. Present and Councilmen Viallier,Spence,=ls and idorr-onsterr,(4),absent.
The [iinutes of the meetin7 of June 4-th l'.:12,were road and or erod aoProved.
Councilmen Ells and 1.1orgenstern arrived til0 reading of the minutes and
were otea presort,
013t against tho General Fund azIounting - 10 42.65;against the 2olice Fund
amounti.nr: to 60.05;against the Fire Fund. amountin7 Lo 1231.54;ac,ainst the Street
Fund anountins. to 666.49;ajainst the Park 2: Playrouna Fund amounting to 4107.42
and ap.;ainst Local Improvement Fund Ifo.784 amou1tin!,-7
02 havinff, been a-.oproved
and audited by the proper officials were road by the Clerk as f .lows:-
Towel Linen service
Alameda _Daily .i.rgus
Alameda Steam'Laundry Assn
Oit • Market
Do: neat
Cobbledick Glass
Konishofer, ,7.J.
2eo-oles ',-)ater Co.
Polk-Husted Director- Co.
,s-troa O. b1.
Glass for emergency hospital 23.00
rting 22.40
lator 6.35
IT 2.93
Director-loo for Treas. .7: Assessor 12.00
2epairin Clock 2.50
Total - 82.65
POIICE 'fJ1151:1D.
Brovin, C. :J. Lict.:L Poijoh
PaciZio States lefineries Gasoline
FaciCic Tel. ,8 Tel. Co. Teleones 8 switches
Far]: Garage 1-epairs
Polk-Husted Co. Directory
Roberts, S. TT., Splints
Schnoido2 Henry Stationery
iagon tags
U. S. Fi4o1ii; 8 Guaranty Co. Premium on bonds
Itc.-a'n. Union Tel, Co. Clock rental
Total -
0=, FUTD).
merican La 1Yrance Fire Enine Co. Valves
Alameda Daily Argus
Alameda Steam Laundry Ass'n. Linen service
Baird, J. orseshooing
Barton, P. Su-op li es
Black, J. J.
Bussenius, A.G.
Coustier 8 Sons
Jones, B.L.
•inr 312'S
H. or s 0 s hoe n g
Knouff , Harr y Sick Leave
Konisho±cr, J. J . Bunt et c
Lubbo ck , OSVTaift iecbroJ.ier Ass es sm en t
R .R Hor se shooTh g
Pa cif i c 8-as Ele ctri c Go. Gas
Park Gar aEe iepairs
Peoples Water Go. 1Zater
Po1k-iIrstea Drec t or y Go. Dir ectory
sso 5 Go, . Haul inE;
Rhodes -Junieson Go, Hay
11 er
Ste inmetz, Bruno ck Vacation
Strom, Carl :!oixtur o s and 1 abo
Total -
STIi1T .721.7TD
ustin 7o st or n Go. o w 59.75
Clark 5 Sons, 3. S-a 19.40 pp 1
Dearborn Drug 5 Chem, Go. Su•p1 ie s 13.13
Pis eller , 0 Suppl JO s .35
Col (1st one , John SuiTo 1 i es 15.95
IT IT Siipiios 29.33
Suirpli es 26.45
;Tor nson , P. 3117)1)1i es 1.75
Park Garase
Suppl o s 13.05
Poo-olos Vlater Co. iater 41 . '20
rune Gor • Goo Iumbe r
P oak -Hu st e )iroctory Co. 1.)ire et or y 5.00.
Bro s. C ono t ruc t ion Go, Rock 20.00
IT 77 IT San d, etc. 08.55
TT IT Rock, ot c. 68.60
IT IT IT iock etc. 47.60
Rhode s -jami e so r. 7; Co .
Supplie s 124.75
17 IT Tr IT i.3130-P1 :1 es 89.50
Stackler, J. 31 acksmi ;b. 39.10
Sunsot Iamb er Co. Limb o r 49.50
Sutton., Jame s 3. Inspector ea s 8.00
Unit ed. Iron o rk s Supplies 51.00
TT TT Tarrra fie s 51.00
Vos burcth Go, J. 3. Supplies 10.20
IT U IT Supp1ie 12.55
Total - 866.49
13.1Ja .74) 21TED
Bair O., J. V. Bla ohs mi thing 5 1.25
Poorios Jaor Go. at er To r pfa ks 85.37
Juno 10th, 1912.
1 ,
June 18th 1912 .
Alameda Daily Arpms
Delo:cm° G. V,
Adver tis in
Cleri ca 1 work
Total - -
Mr. . Hannom. move d that the claims as read e paid, seconded by Mr . 3.;
carr I b;,- the fell owl ng vo - Ayes:Councilmen Kurmb, Nag Ell MacRa
Morgenst er n Pr ob st an d J3ullock, (7) . ITOOS: ITone Absent ; onncil men Walk er and
Spence, ( 2 )
commun icat ion w as receive d. from the Audi tor r eque s t Tic that he be rsnieci
until the f irst JOn[ay in July in which to present liis es uin ate of the probable
expenditur es ancl reco ipt s for the net ensuing' year . :Ballo ck move d. that -the re-
quest be granted., seconded. by Tit.. Hammond and. carried..
The Oath of 0:L fice of Vim. Tappan Lum as a member o: the Board of Educat ion Was
presented and ordered file.d.
communication was received from Thos. R. Mur hy acknowl edging rece ipt of a
co mn-uni. cat ion from t he Clerk t en clerl lig the thanks of the °I-111cl 1 ior the e-pre s e nt a-
ti on made by the 1, ir e Department of San 1Pranci sco at he funeral of the late Chief
of the I' ir e Department , Frederick K. Kraut h, Jr., Or dere(' iiieci,
The following applications for gratuitous licenses wore -presented:- Elizabeth
Smith, to ne ddl e not ions, etc. am house to house L. 3miino, to p e Odle fruit and.
vegetables ; Geo . 21. Davis, to -peddle fruit and. -veetables. The said applications
wore all endorsed and r e c e nde d by the Chief 0± Pol ice , thereupon .Mr. Ell moved
that te sarno be Er anted., s e c on aed by 1Tir. . Hammon an d car rie .
A commun ca ti on was r cc e iv e from tie A la me da impr ov am e nt Club complaining
that oi 1 was beirij g dumped i-n the Bay and that it was beinz carried. to and d ep os it eel
along the sho roc of Alameda and spoiling the bathing. 'Crumb moved that the
Ole 1-9.t be directed_ to call the attent ion of the State Fish and Genie Commission
and al s o the ', ; ar ep art m ehat ±0 t he mat t er a nd recuest t hat stops b t raker'
to have the matter complained_ of stopea, seconded b;:- Mr. ilammoni an d c arr e
A petit ion was race ive d from Fritz Braemar to ere et and maintain a trough ±or
water ing horses 0)1 the south side of Lincoln Avenue west of the corner of Park
Street. . Hammond, rove I. that the matter be ro±erre d to the Street Commit tee with
y t.,41,44
(`. '
power , se con de 0, D Mr. Probst
.d carried,.
A Communication was received eec from the California Bestwall Company of San
2ranc is co 1'0(1110 St ing permission t 0 sink an oil tank and inE-',t all a 50 H . Ear y
turn Tubular Boiler at their Plant located, on Bland ; Avenue west of -Park Street,
which fo rioriy occupie d by the He, rc ule s Gas Engine 0 ompany. LIr. Krumb moved
that the rociuost be grant ed. sub le et to the prov isions of tile Ordinance re cf-olatin g
the storage of oil, etc. , secon9cd by lir. Ho-I-mond and c ie d
L. co ya-fran i ca.t ion was r e ce iveci ±i on the Oa]i±orriia B e twe,11. Corn1any recjue sting
that p ermissi on be F.,a-anted to the to e xtend, the spur t rack of the Soiithern Pacific
empz,-,-Lny in -front 0± th e Rho s- Jam eso n Company waren ohs e on 1-,he north side of
Blain: Ave nue , west of Park Street, a distant of one hundre d feet iuest thca: efrom.
Krur!b move a that the rea uest be f5;-..rant e d seconded by lir. 1.-)r bs t and carp: le d .
co nnun i c ati on was r ece ivcG :r1 om ,*1. . Scot t in answer to a communi cat ion
sent by the Clerk by air e et ion o i the Council , th e said. 0 ompany to dee ci
the ir J±irht oiVay and mac ada :ine the r adv,ra-y of En cd nal Avenue oast 0± n t
JuTle :L th 191.2 .
co prinan cation be f 1.1e d iCL t h t io ;:-.3tro o t C oriln it toe be iiro cte d 10 o1iit c p-or
at c what i c o sI lo widen ic inL .-o , os1 of Re cc nt Oti'oo t auJ to in-.
toiv1evi the off 1. ci al oI' tlio 30111; hoz n Pao c 0 ornpany and as ce 2:.ta in i:0 t he y voil a
pay al1L or Ecaly porti oji o1: J;'!.].0 co oils° , and 'cyort back to t he 0 °MK; il c on (led by
2'o 1)-t an d c arr ie
T]10 Clark repo): to d that ii a c oilf er en ce the City .iltt onn.e,y h :11 stated that, he
v.ra.s oopned to :0-1) o c oe in st rue t ion oJ 1 o F3 0 Id 1.0 )01 Of the 0oo.ic i3. of
c h. 10th, 1012 to or elhan t ho n co s a n;,,' Da:e s -.A) To vi do t or th e
Aaa o ..0ve 1O00.0 1) °twee :n Far 1: 0011 e rio _Lye :nu os hut b e o ro he c oul d. 0.0 so , it
1)0 -no 00 ss ar Zo the 0oici 1 to d t oly do 01. th :pi Stir et to be
ea for the pr o sc.ul improvoment TJo c1 ion vi C.2 -laken ln the Tru.,),..t to r.
1. C"; onr:unri icat ion was, :co o 1. V 0 a on t7i 1. 0 0o .1le, co sI) o s a ompany olel,t1,ve
0 iii 01 poo1 ol rioo, 10 I_ 1 ci vi as.
a 20-001' t 030 t"t le same, Comr v
1)) thc: tLor, to tho C oil 1-,")).e 01 ty of 3 an D le ti_r):1)
ti-O t 1;1; ho ref 0 L u ''111)11 1511.11 d n C crffErli ttoo, 803 on do Pro -bc all a
e r
0 v:ac o ice o 6. ) om 21) od -Jam. ', c».), 00 J; 0 m e S at 2410
I.1silo in 2. vf.:-) ho e s j.; imat ed. to 1,Q0O CO . 'Hiahno))6. : o ve th o: 11 ho r er -
t o 1 Jiro at, or a lid e t to o t :0 owe to ac t,
-or 0 ent )( OO 1. duo p-ubl c 1O) co to 31. dd.o-1" s
or of Li_ 000 1 arla :11.1'1 St Sal :Li ,r.,4a2011.1.1 no:po11o0 0e1 or on HO 0 k. od
d d. r)1:).-.i-Lo11-. . 1 o the el1'. o 'Dap 0.1'1 201 0 011 L.1.1) S 0 (71. 1111 (11,
'Zile r. 0. ne c .0 0. 11 Oo :jr, ix roc 01 )tii.; of 0)10 Iola 10 t ooi filat
Ii)10 . he o co e fl and 0-)-), o 1011: 6.0:6 b")," Idn OSlo Q.11 (1- 0 L101.111 111. 0 a 2110 10011.1111 OS th. S., aM
shich. froe,.i H. '2. :i:',102..sen„ and tho um of S:000 .00 „ tho sa-me
1 o0 .. c t0. 10u cum of 80 00. lir . d. vo (2) th
o II. id 1) o ctsi'o d. to the 10 at; or a :2011, c e 00-1 'In it too o the a etch c il d
12 11. CO OS t11. :1. re 00:i iss .io:. o tri om0c0. 1.)-y :o 1 0:04.(.; 0 a f 0
r 0 te v 0 .0 o1. 1 2:o 0'00 2.."i; :7 031102: S (1)', "Oaf 0 :0 :;":.71,' 0 "2'1
on (2..1n 00.) yn -I., 1,7.110e a u. 01 J2wo „ )ootoot t 0 5 0 CAT" 0 11 ;11.0
11I1 '5.11 11.01 t 11L1'2:1L 0 t STOG 7 , 10011S1.02.1' 01.0 20 .1111 JL: 0 n T 0'0Lt ,0o 784
31,41.1 too: ov e 1)e. IT o D J: toono, sec on Clod b" . Pro h t ao)
r ecfbc.) ,co: rL0 od j:r 0 In ■I't, jit Z., oi 0oi1,too, of "e. S)1, 0. 1 J o1ois lo
0).71.a..1 till en., a 11(1. .0a 011 2 C 2° t 02.'Y 2.10;7, :..)1)1.-1ve per miss ion o 6. a celobr
in A D. SSIO aa 0)1. the 2)11.0 0::d Ilti., 'Ls L s„10, o L (la
311111y )11,0 1118 11.11.E" :J.' Is 1.,:j
:911.10-0 0 SO .ne, C PEL C 220 111-.11 u21* Z...1.11. a. cast oO tho tor 0O 01 Z--; rd
on Por k 0 troot, b tv: se -n 3 an ta 0 2. ar o 0 1.; YS.0 ollC 0 0 ) C:o ti on
the same 1) ho:y re E:to the, 1 o0 ui. J; au 1 i c WOS he or d o o 0 oont ed Ooo vzar J.0 11`,3
1 tioO; 11 0 00 11, C000 :10 10 WO o t a 51 t ctlonod
t Ono
Th" the Ch() V" of 2olloo.
31..1...101'11 ana 1LO VOL a.,)?521. 1 11.011 1)0 ;7;rait :c1 and.
that to-i-LE,, ic ens es be 0 o0.0001 :t2 a -fit-, 0 a :I: 0 ,-.12 ''t; he concoc )-.1 2,1 a:3 110 (1110 St0a2
0000fl0.00. 1;),:/ La: Oooh ot a Ca022i0 tOo Oo] lovi i oot i : o':no lmon 121-'021170
11an1P10110. y , Eor 150110 to :oo, .Joo15 ot -010il0. Bull c ( 7) 110o s hIone .2-bs ont
001.12-ici Inen o.oi Oo , a Sp 0) 0 ( 2 )
• Hamm on a oovu 0 thLd: thc lo 0. to 10011D0 1 t he .Boo.
2;10 t 11' 13 1 tY to a sc ist the c 0I1 olxrot ion ::o pro ixamo 1.);‘,7 thc 0 itizoro (1; 0 2Thll itt c e 1150
June 18th, 1912.
an ET1 oi1L1venue, se c on de d by Lir, -2r ob s t- and c arr le .
The foil owing named, persons pr °sent° a appliccItionr.; and. bona- for liQu or license s
at the foil owi n r: aod. gnat° d places : -
Goor:e 0 tzen , at the northwest corner o-f-' ri ]1 Street an 6. Eno trial_ _Lydon e
H Nuo;hes , at the Crescent Hotel northeast corner of Enoinal Avenue and Park
lortsen ,c"-) 1,Iatt hi sen , at :t540 Park Street.
Fritz ]3raemer at 154 ,5 Earl,: Street.
Nicholas Idea-lecher at 1635 Park STreet.
iai 0. Kochenor±er at 1527 Park 3 tr ee t
ed J. Bo rint,-), Illa 00. at 15 25 ?ar k S tre e t
i. .,,!Ikess on ,'"3 Co. at 1429 Park Street.
1,(1. A. Post el, at 141 lark Street
Spies at 1315 2arm Sty eet
-Saw ar6_ 0 Li1i s at 21'70 Eric ina I. Ave nue
:Beckmann , Bormann Go. at 1017 Pac if nu e
Jaoo S. 3onor , at 1226 lin coin Avenue
Muller Bros . at 1445 Bay Stir eet
Kostor in amo e at 846 S anta Clara _Ivo nue .
J. G. Cro 11 , at the .L:;nci nal No tel , no rthe ast corner of 'llebstor Stree t and Contra
Cl-eore H Sue Se ebeck, at the nor teas-'6- corner of Santa (..;1±1 717 a 2VO nue and
',Jo st ea:
',I. Brandt at 1601 .111eb ster Stree t,
and A. J. Johnston at 1629 ',7eb star Street
r:12he 0 le rk re or te th. at the ap-p 1 ea t ions and bon cis affp e or ed. to be in e form
and. thereupon . Hammond move flat they be gr anted_ seem clod by Lir, ..1;11s and. carried_
by tilo f ev:ri ng vote:- Ayes Oouiicilmen mb , Harlin oi4 a e , 11 3 Mar E:ens torn,
Pr obi t and Bull oc k, ( 7) e ; Ko n-e • Zb3ent:Counc ilme n ',;alker and_ $ p onc e ( 2)
afy cLavit was presented showing clue publi cation of No t i ce Inviting 2ropo
-1-* or the cons tract ion of lamp Dosts, con dui t..p and wiring to be done on certain , tre
in the 0iti of ;Jame da, ng in Lighting D is tr jot Ho . 7, ii-or :::esolution of Int en-
ti on ITo . 704. Ordered filed.
The Clerk reported that no bide had been pr esente d and t ler eupon Kr. Krumb
of f ere a the f oil ow ilv; -Res on. and mo ve 6. its adopt ion: -
WI =El the Council elf.? the City of Alam o Cl f:, th e 1 6th day o± April 1912,
ado-) ted its Resolution of Intr.,,ntion No . 784 declaring its intention Go order that
iron pipe olectric lamp p o t s each wi th a cast iron top and ground glass ioo and
lamp and set up in a concrete base, be ere cte d and con St ru cte d on both sides of the
foil ing stroots and avenuos in said city bet7re en the limits thereof here in af te, r
men.tione 0.; said larn-p posts to be placed at intervals
150 feet al onp; each side of
said streets and aye-lazes and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side of any such
stroet or ave-nue ahafl alternate ith those on the other side thereof; _ and t1at said
lomp post s shall be wire a and comic et e d h meais of under-ground conduits of iron pipe
fo r op oration by the cip al 2,1e c-tric iuht Plan t city that said improve-
ment shall: be made aaad constructed on the following named street s and avenues, to wit:
ric ina D. Avenue fr om She :man Street to Street ; 0 en t2.-q.1 Avenue from Sherman Street
J110 19 , 1912 .
Buena Vista Ave a:1.c'. e from 9th St re e t to Chestnut Street; e Avenue from ',Yood
Street to She rmc.,..n Street; Sale Ave nue from Grand Street to Chestnut Street; Cle me nt Avenue from Grand Street to Chestnut Street ; Lafayette Street from Santa Clara
4:'=1,ro, nue to Clernent Avenue.; Schillcr Street fr am Santa Clara Avenue to Clement
Avenue ; Union Street om Santa Clara Avenue to Clement Avenue ; Minturn Street from
its southern end northerly to Clement .venue; @rend Street from Lincoln Avenue to
Clement Avenue ; HiThberd. Street from Lincoln. Avenue to 2aE:1 e Avenue; Paru. Street
from Santa Clara Avenue to ;a.2,;le Avenue ; Cottage Street; Stanton St re e ti Powers
Court; Jay Street ; Arbor Street from Bacitic Avenue to Buena Vista .:1Arenue, ; B nt on
Street from Central l Avenue to Pac i±i c Avenue ; Mor t on Street fr o 0 Central Avonue
to P. a cif c Ave Tine ; Sherman Street from C t.-L1 venue to e Avenue ; Bay Street.
from Central AV o nue t o le .Ly ue ; St, Cha r:te e Street fr om Santa Clara Avenue to
Salo 3:VO:IMO ; Verdi Street ; Liozart Street; ick Terrace; Chap in Street cxift Vi 0 0 a
Street, and
accordance with The instrectiori contained. in said Resolution of
Intention No. 784 adopted as afar e aid, on the 16th day of pri1, 1912, and in
a cc or danc e nit I! the provisions of an Act o f the Iie0islature of the Stato of C i-
ornia anti tl eel "An Act to provide for the LIEWG-i ng of pub lic streets, lane s , sileys,
as , and places in in iic±palitios, and for the assessment of The costs and e:9 ens e s
thereof up on to property benof±toJ ther eby" ado pte ch 21, 19 05, and acts en (.1-
at or y th ere o±, the Board of Ele ctri, ci ty of the 0 ity of ..'.1.13e; a on the 16th day o±
Apr j. 1 19 12, filed witk the 0 le rk of said City 0 ounc i 1 i tS report in ",,vr it ; a n
.TIiS. after 1' ur the 2: p r Oc e e d in Fs re E.:1171.a r 1 y ;la a prov i de d by law , saiCL
C ity . C ounc il of the 0 ,r 0± ianeda di a, on the 21 s t day of May, .1912, by resoluti.on
over-rule all protests aga inet sai a inprov ement and the ,.00 0 ssment for
i7Jr overilent , ed thereuon conf r me d the -prop° se d ass e ssment for said ehmat
and thereupon adopto d as a v:hole the oaid repor t of the Boar d o± P41e,ctrie ity of
tho C it y of Alameda ; and
so, id 0 ity 00-tut (=di di 0, on t e 21st day of May , 1912 , nase a re20117.
ti on or de said imp r o vemen t to be don o an a Ina ; and,
v;IIt:LLs r anan 0 or der of tl o s a id Cnmci 1 of tho City of _Alamo da, the
Ci.ty Olerk of said. Sit y of .Llameda sdvertisecl f or hi d.s f or the . c or F-3tr act t i on c±' lamp
Po , con dui is and in on Zaic, inza .:ve nue :1:1' en Shornia ri S r2 root to Park Street;
Con tral Y en u o ± on Sherman S tree t to Benton Street; S ant a. 0 lara Avenue from
9th Street o aru Street; in coin Avem • e om 9th 'Street to Ches tnut Street;
raoiiic evenuc ± o C. Oth Street to s -trt Street; Buono. V15 ta evenuo 02:11 9th
Str eot to Cho s taut t St rest; e 3vcnuo :Ur on 00 d Street Sh er man '3 tr
2.,:v en Tle fr on G:caliC,. Street to (M. ( t Stree t; Clam cnt Avenue fr om Crqnd
Street to 0-,;le stti.t Street ; Ia:0retto 3 tr ee t :0'om 3 ant a '0 lar !cvonue to (acme Dt
Ave n /To ; Sek 11 Elf Street fro-is 3ayrL u 0 lara S.verJJ e to Clement e; Union 3 tr
Cifn aft 01ara avo rsi -OD to rj 11-le t ; int:112: 11 S ti^ 0 0 t on it s sani3nr n en a
7110 2: 'I; t 0 01 ement evenn ; Orand treo t ron Line° 1 n_ Lvemie to Q.LODO2it 2^...-k7 0 nil
bbar d 0ii'et trom Li:eco 71211 tLecnre to 3a3Lo vem e; Paru Street Sant a OLeea
enue to iae3 re e ; t ; Stanto n 3 -Li! e)t.0 t; ow er s 011,:o ;
au, Street;
12'0 r Street .21; on aeitic aenne t 0 ;31.1 en a Vista ; .:3 3-'61'00 t 11.'2 o'in
(.71111,0 to SaciVi e ,,,seon ; 1,S0 1-to S to 0 e t 01:1 3entrai. evonno t 0 :120., C
rn-1 k0 0-12-pr,
Ea.7.1e Lver ue Ye r ai s tr o t, Mozart Street; 1,1st iek Turco;
S i; 2 in acco inc d e ui L1 1;h0 -plaits and. o cif icati 0112 -V
iJ) 31.i1'o0 t and oc a
r the said work alop te d
Lc iiL ;'7' i;1 1 0 e 0 y of Alamo Oa a.s a f e sai ; said a aye rt c2nent was
11 A0 in the mannD :0 and :r t he time prov i oJ by 1 and
it app ecr s to said C ounc i1 tha t t 1e t imo n oi ed
work was advertised lvoriiuocL to be ro ceived, VI:DB to ±o Lt
oJ Tuesday, the 10th day of June, 1910i and
, i t fur the r a-!yp ears to saii 0 ouncil tha that t ime hs
that no )j(1 s ilzsx
bi(ft'i'or sail
Eilt o'clock
p as se d and
bee 11. l'(-) CO (1; Y10'.7 t )10Or0, be i-t;
That it be, and it is her eby or der ed that said. -,:)-ropo se d contract
be not na6c, and that t he mlmicrpalJ ty ±±s exe cut e .01 e o embr ace. d. the r °in in
ace or clan ce 1±h the plans and_ ape cif -.lea d opt d_ Jor ILC al16. 0:111:21 0 y the
labor and pr o vi de the mat er al , p1i cars o , and
polies necessary therefor; and
it is fur VI le
R000IVD, that the costs an.d_ e.y.penses of such work shall b e paid. oat of
the funds which have been co lle 00., the re -for 1) the Tax Colloc±or of said Oity
da by virtue of the proc eed 's he re t of or e -had under caici 1Ze olu-ti on of
Intention ilo. 704, and_ as provi dee:I by law -f or said improvement
Lir. . MacRae se co n de d. the .27L es elution and. 1± nao ad Op -Le anU. pas by the
foil owinc vot e:- Lye s ounc ilmen rub, 1 am.i, end, LIacJae, 111s Mor genster n. db
and Bull ock , ( ) To es : ITo Tie . e -fit : Conxic _nano n ker a-nd. Spence , ( 0)
report VJaS :co ce v oa LrOI ±iiO 0tr013t 31.1»01' :1 Tat e -nth-) nt co ti ying that the work
of rraan, curbinFr, a-nd. macadanis ing Lir.coin vo-t-Lo from :::;'i:rth Stroe t to the westerly
t ermina t ion of Lino oln. Avenue, whl c h had b e en do no Hutchins° n Company, under
ivate c tra c t , vzao co m-pl et ed to his sat isfa c t ion and that the work (lone and. that
the wo d one a-ii materi al used ha d cornFlidcI with the plans and
and contract t he re f or , Or de ile d
reort wao recoivel f or] the Finance Joari±teo in whi c1.1
report f or ra±os ±or w at or fo -2 th e C ity of 1anocla
foll ows
:jotr 1?,Llt es
Hy dr ar, s
Idinimrun rat c
aTfrEil on d_
30c/ per M a1ions.
:1,00 -Per month
.00 per month
f or the year
spe clil c at ions
T submi. tted the ir
movci t 119, t the report :Lilod., s e con de d by Li. ldrop„.enste rn. and
11 Bill ent i "..L 13111 ±or Or a in e2..-1 ce 110, Dote rrr_inin.E; Viater Rates and
nr: the C ompens a on for water furni.she ±or pri vate anci public 1)Urp0000 f or the
City of Itlame (la durinc the ye ar c omm en c inu; July 1 1012 and en dfn Juno 30, 1913”
etc. intr0 (111C a by ock on June 4th 1910 camo un Yor pssac all 6. was read by
th 0 Clerk. Lir, Bullock moved its ado pt ion sec on dad by 1,1r. MacRae an. d carried by
the f vot e C oune linen la-arab , Hammond,
Probst and B-all o
cR.ae 011 1,tio rp;en.E...11; ern,
3:Toe s ilone Abs Oil Counci linen talker and Spence, ( 2) .
ens t eri.) moved tha± th e Olork address a co mmuni cation to the :Pe op1_ es
',7at er Ooinoeny ani requo st ouick a ot ion on 1 ay ing six inch ma ins on certain strcotsin
the east end of the City, and al so the install Mg of iIyo.rante who -re ne ce ssar y, as
pr o .mi se d by lir . Jilhelip, ninecr of 111 c salt sali ,Vat or Oompany at a conference which
110 had att end. e d at a mootin of the Council C °mt.?. it t e on Tuesday 0 VC:Ming June 11 th
s e c onded "oy Mr. Ell s ani carrici.
June 10th, 19 12.
were heartily in 3: avor o -"" the movement to clean the weeds , etc . from the S dew,.
of the City, robst moved. that they be i?i]ocl aaad that the „Council grant per -
miss ion for the citizens 10 hold. a masS -fleeting in th Council Chamber on- Wednes-
day evening June 1 9th, for the purpose of taking action toward having the city
beautified by c le an ins up the street s and 7,,a, cam 1OtS, Secofl(le(i by Mr. . Bullock anl
rum introduced a Bill entitled Bali -f or Ordinance No to Require
the owners of real Property to remove grass, weeds and. obstructions from sidewalks
in :front of their property, ana to require them to prune sidewalk trees and upon
eir neglect or r efus al to oause such work to be done the cost there of to be made
a lien upon said proper ty" etc whi ch was laid over under the provisions of the
Charter .
Bull ock int roiuce a a Bill entitled "L. Bill for Or di n an ce NO. Electing
.t� have an independent Assessment made by the City Assessor for the current year"
etc. which was laid. over under the provisions of the Charter.
Hr. Probst moved. that Nelson 0 . Hawks be re-appointed. by the Councii as a m em-
ber of the Board of Free Library riistees o succeed himself, seconded by Mr. Bullock
and C 0:21" ie d by t foil owing vot e - Ayes : Counci lm en Krurnb, Harm and, Mac Rae , Ells,
Morgenstern Probst Bull o ck, (7). Nees: None Absent C aim cil men Walker and
Spence ( 2 ) .
Mr . HEIM= d repo'r'ted that he had had. an interview with the Oakland_ Trac1ion
Company off ic ial nd that they had agree d to give orders to have the cars at
transfer points in .Alameda give better se rvi ce toward allowing people who de sir ed.
to transfer more chance to ma] m c mine c tion6 , by ha ding cars at said points when
ariothex' car was ,-,ppro a ohing.
Mr. . Hammond rep or te d that he ha had a confer e nc e w ith the Division Superin-
tendent of the Telephone Oompany re garding the complaint made that the telephone com-
pany were
„, n •
certain telephone r at es, in the C ity in connection with clubs and
churches and st,ted that the Telephone C ompany had agree to, for the tine being,
allow the old rat es to prevail, also that ±hcj would. send collectors to collect
monthly telephone bills upon red 110 St of patrons .
Mr. Haf1111 on CI_ moved that the Street Comm it tee be reueste to look into the
matt er of extending Central Avenue we st er sly from ]?ourth Street into Second Avenue
and report back to the Council seconded by Hr. Morgenstern and carried.
LlacRae moved. that the Public Buil dings and 0rounds Commit tee be empowered
to have cer tain. plumbing in the City Hall renaireci, se co nded, by Mr. Hammonci and car -
ie d by the foil owing vote:- Ayes: C ounc ilmen Kr-umb Farm ond MacRae 11s, sun-
s t ern , Prob st and Bull ock, ( 7 ) iTo es : None . .thsent:00unoi1Inofl V:ralkor and. Spence,
1,1r Probst 'or GI:LEt up the matter of the work that constantly had. to Be done
in the parks and playgrounds in the way af carpenter work, painting, etc. , and
moved_ that the Janitor who 110W works only a portion of each day Be :employed by the
month to do such odd vor]: aside :Prom his .j.ani tor work and that his salary be in-
creased 'XI' 01-11 :,50 .00 per month to 70 .00 per month, the same to ta:ip effect and
be in force on and of ter July 1st, 1912, seconded by Mr. 'Ham oria and carried by the
owi. ny vote:- Ayes : C ouncilmen unb , Haan on d, MacRae , Elis, Morgenste rn :Pr ob ^ t
and Bullock, ( 7 ) . No es :None. Absent: Councilmen 1,V1 nkr pre, S'nryn _ (
J1U C) 18th, 1012 .
a t ank rape ana 10 ,C00 call on ta ill,: in Lin 0111 'ark, 1ii. ch he et illiat ea vi oula cost
in the ne i,c,:hbo 1.1100(5, of 800 O0, an )7Y,' osentca plans aala E.1:7 Ci C OrlS f or the s ai
work- ana MO V 0 0. t 11 0 r a aoption , econce0 by Jh, amen'. . 15:0 1 o -on 3110V 0 (1 to
amend by ref erri ilp; the matter to the 0 min it tee of the Whole . There bei iv; no s e c on a
to Oho ;-.1i-nenarnen1 , the quo st ion was call ea for on t he o-ri i0 motion and c arr le a by
the f oviinp; Ar0 te - Ayes : Co lino ilmen Kruinb Hainmona, Iliac a , Ells , o)0 t an(i
ull ock
ITo e 5: Oouncilman .lorr--7enst e rn.(/ nt ilmen c.cf-la 3 J-2en co
TvIr ?robit mov e a that the Clerk 1) 0 dir OCtOci to t i se f or bias f or the er ec-
ti on of the t ank frame a-nd taylk in a cc o rdance t he -plans 0071(1 sDocications as
• ar, a ea )Y Mr . Hal= oTia and caiiie1 by the :o11 ovii nr_.: v0.'60 Co-an ci 1 -
rie nt ilfl b Ham on a, IJaohae, , Fro 1.3 t LL]ad oolz, ( 6) . IT° e s elm
:=St ern • Al) se nt 0onoi linen Vialk er and F31-)E.-mc ( 2 ) .
1,1-r i,iorers ter d that the 3 tree-1c Smoiinto n0.e nt be -re Quo s tea to inves -
r:at e anit art back to t he 0 o uric; il the in a.tt or of complaint s ins t the aebr is li tter
ir tho each at the s h anal of stree t s , p 'ticular 1 ulth :f of e runco to 2ark .2vc.Yrcue
an a 2.e ent :".-itr co t , 5000 fl ae D . ana car r i e
The re be no fur th er 1JUS1 nose to t r arts a,c t tho C ounuil aa j our ilea til the
est ey_lar moo inn, Tu.° s day, July ona, 191.2 at 7 .
City Clerk