1912-07-02 Regular CC Minutes46
The meeting convened with Mayor ';1.1e.Noy,presiding.
The Roll was cai1et and QounciJmen Krumi, 7aiker, Sience , 11s and Morge
(5) ,were note a T)resent and Councilmen Hammona,Mac Rae,?robst and 3ullock,(4),were
noted absent.
The minutes of the meeting of June 18th 1912,were read and ordered approved.
Councilman Mac Rae arrived, during the reading of the minutes and was noted -ore-
A communication was received, from the Auditor requesti@g that certain transfers
of funds e made. Ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Spence offered the following
resolution and moved its adoptio4:
Whereas request has been made therefor by the Auditor to make certain trans-
' of Puna therefore be it ,
Resolved,That the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy (270) Dollars be and the same
is hereby trq
ferred from the General Fund to the Police Pension Fund; that the sum
of Twelve Hundred and Fifty (1250) Dollars be ancl. the same is hereby transferred from
Local improvement Fund llo.764 to the General Fund to repay the loan made to said Im-
T-)rovement Mund on May 7th 1912;tha sum of One Hundred and Thirty Two (132) l-
iars be and the same is hereby transferred from the Police Pension Fund to the Gen-
eral Fund,the same being the balance in said Police Pension Fund at the end of the
Fiscal Year 1911-1912 and that the sum of Mine Hundred and Seventy-five (975) Dol-
s be and the same is hereby transferred from the Fire Pension Fund to the General
the same being the balance in said Fire Pension Fund at the end of the Fiscal
Year 1911-1912,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the
said transfers upon their respective books.
Mr.Mac Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted., and passed by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,alker,Mac Rae,Spence,E11- and Morgenstern,
(6) . roes:Done. Absent:Councilmen Hammond,Prob t and Bullock,(3).
Claims against the General Fund amounting
439.27;against the Police Fund
amounting to )15.30;against the Street Fund amounting to ;1139.62;against the Libra-
ry Fund amounting to ?,216.46;against the Park Playground Fund amounting to 214.62;
against the Electric Light Fund amounting
4645.39;against Local improvement Funci
110.762(Labor) amounting to )2.50;against Local Improvement Fund Ho.782,(Eaterial rc)
amounting to :,4:58.54;agc,, t Local Improvement Puna Uo.783,(Labor ) amounting to
557.35;against Local improvement Fund Ko.705,(Material 7;0) amounting to v974.14,;
against Local Improvement Fund lio.704,(Iabor) amounting to v423.30 and against Local
Improvement Puna To.764,(Material amountin to :5939.71 having
audited ' the proper officials were read y the Clerk as llows:
Alameda Daily. Argus Printing 3 61.00
TT IT IT : 6.09
been approved and
Bancroft-dhitney Co.
Lubbock, Oswald
Law Books
Typewriting,Auditor 8.75
Clerical Services,Assessor 85.00
Rent P.O.Box
July 2nd 1912
Pacific Tel Tel Co. Tolls .45
?arcells Safe Co. Rent of Safe 20.00
Purity Springs ,iater Co. ';;ater 1.00
ppan,.1 Costs advanced 6.00
Underwood Tye writer Co SuT)lies for Clerk 6.80
Total- 439.27
- - - -
201.TC)2] mUITD
Incidental .24xpenses 15.50
STIhT ?Ulf!)
Cavanauh, /m Labor
Chaman,E.11. Assistin EnE:incer 1.Lk)
lark 4 3ons,IT. Supplies 20.18
Fisk 'Runer Co. TT 54.01:
Hammond,C.J. Teamin 90.00
Rock 19.80
Hildebrand,F. Labor 38.75
Hutchinson Co. Rock 102.65
V:ater 7
Jamison, J.. Teaminp; 125.00
Jones,O.E. IT 125.00
2acific Tel 73 Tel Co Rental 2.40
Pennock,1.1. Teamini,
Fone11 Bros Construction Co. Rock etc 48.75
Cement an . Gravel 10.35
Teal:. Hive 5.00
haterial 58.70
Serralunr;a,L. Labor 160.00
Total- - - 1130,G2
1 : •
TT 11
TT 11
7),hodes-Jaffliesori !!: Co
2aameda Dai1 7 4r7c.s 2rintin
Llaie Ts)roo Library ?ett77 48enses
Bancroft-Ilitney Go. 3ooks
Clark Co.,A.H/ Doo
Cunninham,Ortiss folch
Dodd,oad 7: Co.'
Hicks-Judd Co
-Peoples ater
Folk-Husted Directcary Co
Stron. .Slectrical Co
Alameda ard-c,Tare Go.
2a-oer Co
:Directories L.00
Labor 4 "aterial 5.70
Rent 25.00
cost of dividinr: -Fence 102.00
July Grid
-2acifie Tel Tel Co. :Lental
FL:r'k 2laycl'ourd OO71tOe 31Un1-J2ie:3
2eoles i,':2.ter Co rvice Oonnections
13ror,,, Ccel2truction • Gravel
Taylo-e' :*'; Go Llutber
Y011. 0 Go. ,20 Zepairs to 7:1a:v articic
- - - -
Alahloj)a .i1aiiy 7c ,z0t ..LJ) u].ns 10,50
3oanl of .1ent21 cicr Trei0enta1:1 11.70
:,T;T'n710 01.00
CosOuD, 1.0 17m1ies 25,00
Dovl Go.,eo E. Lamo0ost To 0c 420.00
Junetior bo:Kor. 0 coverc 200.00
rr IT Su-plioc 1.26
l]ccieo .") 3li07o. co IT 6,06
Garnewell Jo. Coils 0.26
azioch Gac0ioo 0o. 40.00
020,'") Go, I1L0L (;oIeD 210.00
-2.eyil01as Co. Lo:io 30,06
3"Lzlies 1C..„45
io Oaire Go, 1..50
Lello Expreos 0o,
Horse-shoeiu 6.20
Lonna77,:'0:.0. Hor)no-shoeiy) r, 0n
liar s7nailUevinDi 1n.-001y Co. 31:0-o1.1es 21.2c3
Yoo-no Go, ,G7000 C. 0.04
T6a0;eE,; _Illoo.07,200 0o. 01c0a1 31)'.:01i0E) 7b,06
316.01000 126 .96
!T rr rr
Y:01 rilei 0o
00on100 0a0:c:! 0o,
211.-bi)y,e:c 0 0on.,Goo
1160:0.T6: O1tO
'3ros Oor,st-07.cie
It If
71 77
3o..os,O`o.,Jo"csil 'Joi:mc)r "iro
if 7T
StaTlara Oil 'jo.
Yiestill:.7hoT;se 2.
:c c'
;o. 3re,):Jjos
L:: i000 V-L
,hu1s:„.700 Labor 2.30
Y„atses :L:: o1 Jo.
'.;01.P0: 1.00f, 1.23
1;ucon, 17.00
17 .30
fflr00 20.00
11 2(000
0. TT 17.'50
IT 17?0
Jac1),2 11 18.75
• if 10 .75
L3co,2. 10.00
lo0cL,0.. IT
IT 17.0
IT :30.00
'3asOc-‘,. IT
,7'1-10 7l1 'T
juiw 2n4 1',,J12.
:4904=2.: 42.n1) 430700,(221:eal
ot:ic4L Co.
2owc1,1 3-cos Corst-K.uction Co.
00:1 cc e
li 17 11 IT
tt If 11 IT
1hLLo4 Ir-(Yn
TT fl
.0.1=J11/ ZO. 704. IL3M.
0-2.132 J0 'tbor
Bacon, L.G.
"13111«in., foo.
.120urton, J.
Jial11:3he, J.
2reese, M.
(.Trbo)..s, C.
H L. S.
Hoc:a-n, ,00A.
J.4/Y10, 0,2].
Hz:rank, 2.
Lojet, 4.20
Lowaoy, C.
Louio, 4.
Montaile, C.
Moritson, J.
:iToraen, H.
0i[i ci oy 2
Shannon, T.
3 0:14 0:0 0 Ork J,
July 2nd, 1012,
3toner, 2. -1;abo-i. ,. 12.1
Via,-ner, _o.J. IT 12.50
,a12.:up, 0C . IT 12.50
jhaloy, ,. IT 12.50
IT 15.00
Total - - - ,, A2b.30
Tut,;AL T _2:2u1,1.11 :jiff U.'.:1; 110. 704, 11.A.T1LI.....7.
Crane Company J.'i)o ; 551.59
It IT SupPj 10b.63
lt II IT 5(37.34
ITiile-0 Lmn Go. The Alba Globes 264.50
11 IT IT IT IT 483.00
Pacli ic 3ta4-es Electrio Co. Condu'it 4,1',..(55
IT IT 11 IT 17 440.65
11 ■T II 11 tf 440.65
TT 11 IT IT IT 4z,3.65
u IT IT IT IT Z: ii :_3, 65
17 11 'T IT 440. 65
It It III" re./.6b
IT It 17 It 7T A,,5 .65
Thhnelder, ilenry St -Lionery 2.45
urLitoa -iron ”Ofk2 1,221-1) ''oet Tops 02
IT IT IT 1 1! IT 140.00
1 IT IT YY TT IT 154.00
Totol - -:.;5,' .71
ur.S,)once moved tqat •lb.o Clai_ls as road be laid,secop6ed by ....x.--ao 2ao and earried
by the fol]owin vote. .n.yes:CourcilHon irumb,,alber,mac ._,,ae,3eence,,lis and -a-0-
'Joes:Uone. Absent:Councilmen Hamm02 ,2robst and 3ulloch,(6
A report was received_ from the Auditor showin the balances in the various
funds on June 29th 1912. Ordered filed.
A report was received from the 3oard of Electricity 0L the Daniel-pal 1._ec-
trio Iip:ht Tiant for the month of Apri1,1912. Ordered filed.
1. '3orld was received from the United 3;atc Jid.eiity 0 Guaranty Company in
which it bonded Root J. Smith in the sum of ;;1000 .00 as an employe 02 the iJunici-
pal Electric 11iht Olant as a collector. Ordered filed.
An affidavit was received from the Alameda Daily ArF:us showinp: due publica-
tion of the Delinquent Tax 11ic't. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from Company "G" 5th Infantry ment E.G.C.
requestinr; permission to hold a military night in its armory on the evening of
July 26th 1012 ,at which four rou:p. _ sparrinr; exfbitions would be given. Er .Ells
moved that the request be 77ranted -conded by .T.Ir.Jal'zer and carried.
The Oath of Office of II.C.Hawks as a member of the Boo.rS of P200 Librai7
Trustees was presented and ordered filed.
communication was received from the 4t11 of July Celebration Comn-iittee in-
vitirr: the members 02 tne
Council to participate in tie 5rana Decorated Automo-
_ .
grade on the morning o:5 Tao loucth suatinr: that automobiles would be Provid-
1 for the use of the Council. hir.Krumb moved that tho invitation be
July 1')1;11,.
The annual statement of the Auditor was received in whicb he estimated the
-orobable eoniiures .7,nd receipts of the various departments of the City Govern-
ment for the ensuing Toiscal Year. Y,r.Spence moved that it be filed and referred
to the Ilinance Oommittee,secondea by Ijr.alker and carried.
The following applications for ,c±ratuitous licenses were presented by
Joseph 'ieincr,to peddle Eoneral merchandise ;Alfred Ilelson,to peddle notions
and Yirs.I.Caroe,to sell picture- fro the doorway of 1340 ?ark Street. The a-
plicatione were all recommended by the Chief of Police and thereupon Mr.Spence
moved that they be granted,secondea by r.Ells and carried.
application was received frohl the Oakland 2.attan Co.,for a ,sratuitous li-
cense to solicit orders for rattan furniture manufactured by it in Alameda Co;.
The Chief 0 o1ice reco=ended that it be denied and thereupon 1.r. Spence moved
that it be denied, seconded by hr rum and carried.
communication to which were attached copies o:[ speeches was received fron
Ca:aiyi Committee of the Home 1=ule in Taxation Lean:ue re iestiin assic'tarce in
obtainili names to petitions to submit the cinestion on the ballot at the Uoveff.tber
election to th people. Idr.oruenstern moved that the natter be referred to
the Juaiciary Comittee ,,,econcle(t U 3-!-)ence and_ carri-d.
communication was received from tie Library Trustees askin,n; if it was nec-
essary to aavertise Tor bids :for the installino; wire glass windows in tLe Librar:7
in accordance wfth specifications previosly adopted and for which bids were at
the time advertised for and none received. no Clerk reported that the '1 /
2,ttorney had ruled that bids would have to be advertised Tor and thereupon Er.
Kruh)b moved that The Clerk be directed to 'eadvertise for bids for the said win-
dows :in accordance with the specifications adoPted for same on n): 7th 1912,socopd.-
ed bi Er.alher and carried.
comnicic-tion was received fro'In the olice Loire Commission requestinr: that
a sum of MOfley 21IffiC7i0T1t to purchaso an automobile for the Chi f oi the re-
partment,be set aside. Lr.:;alker roved that the -matter bo referred to the Fire,
ter and jolice Committee of the Council o: to 2olice a)id Fire ComEncond-
ed by 1.:_r.Ms :2.3'la carried.
A comunioation wac d'occive Z":20:1 .T.ernan Limci3Ohadiman of the ,Uaneaa aarboad
(;onniecion 'e.ritteL cid one fro Iieut.Col Thos ,::.hoes of the .znaL7inoer orns US.
Army, in viic Col.:a000 state0 that o June 17th 1 ':;12,the Southern Corinan.
b.ad been notified to reo--v-ed. all the al)andood trestle in San Leanaro 3a boDma.
tbe pierheaa ldne. :f.K-Joitetb novoa tat tUe rattor e re-lerred to the Street
Connittee to investiate and ascertain ''ehether the 3outhern 2aediic U01 1; haa
comlioa with the sad 0 notifieation,seconaod hy L' oroietorna0 carried-
d comtohioatton t'ao fro 3a, - 3 .A.0heney of the ildc;ineer Corpo U.3.
Arn.:77 in rely to eonn-ondeatdon. conpiaininr7 of the avuerdn o± on in the bay v:ators
which Fi bein gebositoa cm the bathin7 beaches of the cdty,In v7hich he stated
that the C,overniiont ]1a::ntafned a natrol boat to prevent -ay4n.ori.7,00 cLuiiyir; oz
oil and_ tUat ft was doil all it conld to 'ore-,Terit to "na:actioe. Ord.cre .
Cloh ranoTtea that A,L.Fai.rfdola had eallea on hin in answer to a Ca-
i:Iteeioation to the 3tat0 OiCO nd Gane Connfood.on cootd.-Ilin of the 6=)iO3
odl in the ba;-/ ath6 haa statea that the eaih .;on)nissdoli was
thir3 in 3 te .nower to sto-n 2110h 011::nT)JE,
July 2nd l'J12.
from the Ilarsh on the west shore of the ,in which he stated that his judc:or=t
was that the benefits that the city was derivin from the slicken which
6:Mn)e6. the dred!eing oeerations on the mlarsh land west of the ,ebster Ctreet, road-
way was of greater i.Portance than the siiht damage w:lich ao)
roort, wax roceivod frol, the [.-1ty htterne, coneerrin°: the status o-f ooh-
ershie of the -)ronert, CO tho sidewal]: of :,;annta Clara ,I.venue at the se-qtbe
east cornor of ..obste ir vilich he stated. that tho owners were 7darlo
Chesne and :.arry Chesne,Jr.,and,. that theio were entitled to remain where they
aro tenlese reoved th::or, h condemnation eroceedeins. eort had. been consid-
ered at a !oo1' of the Council in Comrrittee session on the eYa-giR of :.:riday,Junc
20th where a notior had -eroled for the Council not to co=onCe condemnation pro-
ceedings al:a this comial to the attention of ltr. —Anower who reeresents the owner
of the -Property adjoinin.g said corner on the oast,ho presented a counication
callin: attention to :1-esoliltion of Intention J,;o.55, the 3oard o: too oi uho
Town of ,:l:Lea at a session of samie on J'no llth 1C76,and also to Ordinance Eo.
21 passed by tho same .).oard at a session of same on Lugust 13th 1078 ,relative to
the contemPlated vi don of Santa Clara Avenue fro: the westerly lino of ',:ebstor
3trect to the easterly line of 2ino 3treet,and requested that no action be talfen to
carl-y out the action of the Council in Co:nnittec session,vinet to commence con-
demnation proceedin7s. Mr.,:alker moved that the matter oo referred bach to the
City Attorney and the Com,elittee of the „hole,secondod oi tern and cal.ried.
Com=nications wore received from property OWOrD in lihting district
In which they statel that they eaid under protest ele0t:7°11e1' assessments ara-]nst
their -property under protest. Itir."alker moved that they bo filed and referred
to the City Attorney with a recIuest that he preeare the necessary resolutions ii=--
tine for hearinp the -oretests that had been rresented,seconded by :::r.Krumb and,
-- A communication n received from :::r.E.J.Holt protestin,g aE7ainst the palident
of aoliylcment oloctrolier assossmot in Li F;htinE; 1)1,-Lric
1-5:21 sesoment Tax
w30,allerj_r;-; that he had not received proper notice of it bein7 due,TroE the Tax
Collector. zlccompanyini7 same was a check in the sum of 12.60 which was for the
amount of the asso- mont less the penalty of 4.69. Mr.ialker. moved that the
Clerk be airectea to return the check to ::ir.Holt with the explanation that the Coun-
cil had no jurisaiction in the matter it beinc-,; a cortraver47 between him and the
Tax Colloctor,secondea by ldr.Ells and carried.
report was received from the Street Superintendent relative to the matter
of the debris which was litterin7 ti-ke beaches on the sout sile of the cit y and
particularly to the beaches at the south encls o± Broadway and Re,Tent Streets and
made particular recommendation that Tjr.Schumacher,the owner of the PropertY which
was formerly used as a 0
.c,arbase dump and located ajacent to the beach between Broad--
way and l':eFent Stroet,be requested to construct some sort o a rotainilil wall to
im-pound the rubbish which was being carried aion7 the beaches by the waves and also
that the Oity provide means to construct a retainin wall o:L concrete along the
south si.le of lay Island Avenue from the 3ochmcr 2roPerty to the retainirc wall of
the Electric I,izht lir.Krumb moved that the report be filed and that the
recommendation that Idr.Schumacher be requested to construct a retaininn wall alon
his property 00 referred to the Street Committee and the City Attorney,seconded " hy
July 2na 1912.
A report was received from the Street Committee to which was att ached an es-
timate of the City Engineer estimaia the cos of the construction of a concrete
bulkhead from the Doehmer property to he M.E.L.P.basin at 2O94.00 in which the
Caunittee recommended that such a wall be constructed. h .Ells moved that the
report be filed and the recommendation adopted and that the City Engineer be di-
rected to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of such a bulkhead
econded by Mr.Spence and carried.
A communication was received from the Street Committee reporting that it was
not in favor of removing the brick lavatory in Yiashington Park, also recommending
that the City do not enter into any agreement with Mr. -Robinson, the owner of the
property adjoining Washington Park on the west, toward the making -of any improve-
ments in a proposed street that Mx. Robinson was contemplating running into his
property. Mr. Ells moved that the report be filed and the recoMmendations con-
tained therein be adapted, seconded by Er. Krumb and. carried.
.A communication was received from the Street Committee reporting that it did
not belieVe it was, at the present time, practicablo to extend the roadway of Cen-
tral Avenue from .Yourth Street to Main Street. Yr. Krumb moved that the report
be adopted, seconded by Mr. Spence and.. carried.
Three communications were received from Mothers' Clubs of the Lincoln, Everett
and WaShington Schools advocating the adoption of an Ordinance which would compel
owners of vacant lots to keep their premises clear of rubbish, weeds, tc. Ordered
A communication was received from the Alameda Adornment Leaguo wh±cii had been
org;anied. for the purpose of workinF for the betterment of conditions in the City,
relative to the cleaning of weeds and grass from the sidewalks and vacant lots and
inviting the Chairman of ±110 Park and. Playground Comittee and the Superintendent
of Street to become members of the said League. Er. :ialkor moved that it be referr-
ed to the Park and Playm:ound Committee, s 'ended by Mr. Morenstorn and carried.
Bill entitled Eill for Ordinance No.
r e Ina' YIE; and. Providing r the
removal or de truction in front of and Ofl property, lands or lots in the City of
Alcaeda.of weeds, grass , or any vegetaole growth, or garbage or .rubbish or broken
unlawful, danE;erous, dilapidated, or 11.215afe fences, buildins or structures, or any
other material, which may endanger or injure neihborin property, or the health
or welfare of tne residents Of the vicinity, and providing for the establishment
of liens far ±110 coots of such'ranoval or destruction and for the enforcement of
such Liens," etc., introduced at the meeting of June 10VA, 1912, .7 -k'aY. Krumb
came up for passae and was read by the Clork. Er. Krumb moved its adoitiong, second-
ca by Yr. 'alker and carried by the followinF vote:- A-Yes:Councilmen Krumb,
EabRae, Spence Slls, and. Mort e2 (6). Uoes:Uone. Absent: Councilmen liamond
Pro-bst and Bullock, (2).
Yr. Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to send copies of the Ordinance
reFulating the removal of wec4.41, etc., from sidewalks and vacant lots as printed,
to the various Mothers' Clubs ana other organisations which were or for the
advancementof the City, seconded by Er. 'faiker and carried.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for -Ordinazce Electing to have an inaeDena-
ent Assessment made by the City Assessor for the Current year" etc. introduced by
Er. IWalock on June 10120, 1912 came IT'D 'I:02 passage and w,as read by tne 0 lerk.
July 2na, 1912.
Iioes one . ea-it Oounci1mn Hammon d, C, -Probst and Bull o ck, ( 4 )
roiuced 2. Bill mit- it le d ".(1 Bill 2o 0 11, o.
the He i ghth of DiViS ion Fences" etc., whi ch was 1a d ov e r -aria or the pro visi ens 0i°
the Charter .
Bill anti, tie CI "A Bi.11 for Or d Thar Pro v 2 or the con tr o 1 an
er a,d i cat ion o: Rah -les" uTa,s e s e -.ate d by—the Clerk. 1r. Jalkor nove CA. that 2 be re-.
er-re CL t o -0he Heal tim Coinitee , eecortoi 1y iir . IL-numb a nd carrie2.
, Krum's, sr ouorted that he had r.reI 111r 3raemer per es on to 00 :OS -dot a
wate:ri na- oih adjacent; to his pr emise s oy L2 coin Aventle 2 'PTA e 22i at el y -ere s 1-; of Park.
S tar 0 e t
Mr. Seionco moved.. that the matter of the c all ct ion of a o 111 mol,oyt :Loa otrol i or
P o s a k ) s a onto; be r ef err ed to the ';bi,.,merlco Commit ee and City Attorney with power to act ,
s c on ciao b y ii Ie1 her an a cr2 ed by the f sal owi vol; o Ayes unc ;11 1nen 2rLmb,
1Tre-r, MacHe , Pen 00 , E11 e, and Morgenstern; , ( 6 ) Doe 0: Done . Absent 0011110 ilmer
0 -.0 fir; -t", and.. Bull 0 c
1.1.Or 1 sal:a) r re1oro12 that a de ;:.:_leiving woman had bee n pic king up the paPers a nd
c ell an 0 ere debris in Lin. co in. Park- Oo r 0 om 0 time pas t; and, ha, d bee
c tr 01-12 an a nor ed tha t she - onn. ()yea by the Park and P. 1 ay-go: 01111(1 Committee
at a sir y of ;:i",5.00 a month to commer.c.!0, July 52 12, 1912, oo condoft Sy lIr, 511 s an d
c ar ried o foll 0 cei. n 12 V Ot TO S; aline i lm n Krumb , Croak e , MacRae , Sp° n. cc ,
and M ;0;0:ns-tern ( 6) . Soo 0: 'Lon 0, . A se nt C o unci 111 011 Hamm ond. , 2root and :Bullock,
Ilo . K-rumb m -ye 12 tliat th e 0 it y attorllcy i 0 dire ct ea to c -11:11:1 Oa te th ngress -
me 11 ow-i a 10... wei 97(a.e oh je et dn vi ew of ha. vi rig hieM endeavor t o have, 912 r„.;.:o re riiment
o ontr ib e a sum 01112:2 ic dent to pay dor tho er 0, et ion of e le ctr ol 1 t
D S tr 8 al one; o n Or h sid..e of Harr i oon Ave Tin 0 , between Park .S troo t and
Fruitvale Avenue bridges, seCoildea Calikpr and carried
LIT . Kl'Uffb moved, that the City tneer be dire etod to prepare the necessary
pap ors look-111g to thc imp r ov emant o Lincoln . O1.-trenu. 0 b etween 131'0 a dway an 12 the easter
y 1 ine of tho Cohen property , se con de d ',a:: Yir 11ord:onstorr an 0_ carried.
MR . Krumb m010 a that the C it i ens Conn-nil tt oe be grant od p ern :I ssi. on to -LIB C.' Post
Off ic e C our t :0 ar: o vi de d arr g em en ts could be Cle oati sfact or y to 1,11- Lnd. el- oo n , who
o c :10 a 'ch. e pr ern ises on the 0011912 sdo Of said 0 ourt, , and al s o tlio o iv2ieoc 012
USJD7 ten feet of the roadway on the north side Cexitral Avenue , t,y eon ar k
Street and Park :..."1.-vesr(lie , 13e c 011 de d by . 01alke r and carri ea.
Mr I/Lrumb 0 d Ore 000.6_ he C o un oil relative to the he 1211911 0 1 troo s whi oh
1 1 Ordinance at nine f eet, stating that in many places the lower bramch es inte -
er co viith the oloctrolicrs an d mov o d that th e C ity At to rue y 11 0 directed to pr epar
an Orai. nanc e end. isg the e rtt Or di nan ce fi xi 1T:7 til o he igh th 90 which frees co ul
Be tr e 12 at twe ILvo 12e et, :has e a d of nine :200 17, se c on de d 1y 11r . Sp on ce an d carri 0 d
Krum) MO V cit th at, the Good Samar i t an Gm id be granted. a free lice ns e to
OorVo lunches in packages and to use a horse and wagon ±0 r the pur -Dos e from July 3rd
to 6th inclusive, second I "Gy Lr. Spence and carried.
Mr . Mor gen st ernmov d that tIio Street C omm ittee author iz e d to make u se of the
Street department automobile , r ith which to pay a visit to Mo. 3. 10. Scott resid
in th 0 vic-ini ty of San Jo oe 12vonue with e ob j cot in -view 012 e rid eavo g to make
0000110:0001190 90 lea se pr openty now con tr °led by him on Bay Farm I n12 fo:c P0112112
0:0Tc.) T
• (-1: : 6°E 6 21!1:712 Cqq.
`1:1°. ur.11 °I? 0 U,,T11.0 c 1) 13 IT) tnac. 0 0', r, TO 13 alf:C.724. o, ;:-'10 f-S° CL OLE '::CDC} :;°.