1912-07-16 Regular CC MinutesC 00*-T7C 00°06 00°06 Z';9',762 00° g0"3-1: gq*T 00°T7 OD'T gT7*7 0°OTI 00'01 000T 00'0(.3I 00'2 900T (.3*Z!,°I 092, 00*G 00'T 00'T7 -T040,17: 0 C1:!7:- s.T.T1.3do7 ao.TT 11 11 11 11 T.TO'a Clr.102-1 c::roTouoy-dJ:1]qio 20LIJCI:(1*; '00 =JO g=17,7 )*.-E111.= -11 .11 t[0 4 91:3',Y,139 11 4=-07u_0 s=A9 0cL1r4u'auti.,:i3.7: 44 11 '00 ,70(21. SOIJOv-,LT -°09 ToLT: :*.*Jfi,00Tioo L2s1.3"cdT"oo TooTH ZO l'Aru 9 21;11,3.0:1. osItot,,7 “oTo,..00T -puo 2i1oTJ:.7:0 si-CooTioSE)00 IT137 a.r.T000r.7, I)r'')0(1,1L7 00 L09 To;Aojr, L!,:cpaul..2: =092 '040ET- 11 :.::IJT2ToA107 LJ9 £t9 (=J 11 1: 11 11 ou,Ty 13-poop., :oLoTTN: oo 9E09.0 :co6loac.. -poAo,ICC'o U00(1 ‘.:Jj.112\.1 74,1 0119 of), E0L0L, p;cq: ooT.-Toj c'Q4 La2 f1;a1J-4 (1.= " L)L -0:!1±..)T C h m an ,Jui'y Iota 1912. 3=2,T 2 Tin ,,,ssistin:b City .L.In-.0 ; - Clark Sons , J. Siz'pr,1 ies 11 ir Go:last ono Joirn Jor Eens on ,"1") 2aciic Fuel .7.; Buil. di n2: 'Jai; er ial 50 "Lat ennock,21. 'Poo-pies ',later Co. 21-k-giT:;lor ,`."; Son C, 0O . 3aTn Cohn,,--)i (ler , Henry ) t UL_ .1. er J West nt jo. Tctal 21,2,Y,S01)1ft) e o r Co t or 5e=ma,, I „ J",:em,cvfl Stachl r j". "3 la e th-i Dr, Total - - ",313.11ock, rlov ea -Chat the bills a r o -0 5 6, 15 .52 '5 .50 2074 . 12 . 75 67 .50 6 .00 105 . 07 5 .75 9050 5.00 14 16 260 119 .41 10 .00 1 .25 - 1:30.66 03011(1c :;":1; _"Lartinloncl an (1 carriol by the t'o 11 ay:inc.:: vo t e Aye s : Ooimciimon, Krumb Homond, cL,',.4.Le bot an( ock "'loos:hone. Absent:Councilmen .ialkor, 3nonco ana lilor,(7,en- stern ( ) A co yr,iinuni c ati on ias roce iv C. or The Ins ec tic id° 5ouroij (3 on Je r ,(2; it o s or - vi CO2 01' the 0 Xteri.i:,t, 1.1.011 ::,,]1tF.3 thr 0 17v110-0 1:1;0 ity. 'Ha:mond. -iriovc 6 thtDA the lnatt r or red to the Le al th or rril. itteo, 0000-n ("Loa by Lir. 2 r ob c(3 and c arr ie 6. A ren art v. as 0a l'om the 33 0-nil a 1..1:aster or t].?.e 11011(32 , 1912 Or dor 6 f 1 0 1Th( T :nLr-t2re 11111,] L'cpot ot" e, Soarl o S:Lue2ee0 0116 ol Ilo Lirar:i ,f,„T.ame (la 1,1r 00 Lib r ar or the zi ear en 6111e June 30t2 , was r 0001 vo 6 anCi order e o 1. The. 0011 1-011)11111 rerort 0 f ±iIo 2 ol c e, Tar tmor t Sor -'6."1.e six in on ths cn61n F June ".,; 0 th , 1912 was :coca]. c nuS or6erc a ile Tho annual ren 01-'0 o::„ the 2 e LJ0bi01't11011t the y0 :11di2Y:' 621110 30th , 1912 V00 roceived and ordrod Councilman MorEenstern arrived 0112 . was notea -oresent. 15 c cradun ic at ion VI a Ei re co ivea 0131 11. 2. Siol. Cal 1 0 tt 0 nt ion to the ex0ir a- tion 0± loLic 1(30, . 306517 in -:.;;-Le Li'vorpool an6 L on',1 on au6 Glo110 Insurane,e Uom:oany on. the Cit hall f ,000 011 103..r,712r3 t i.3to, 1012 LIr . Mao "":'.ae moveLl that (310 1.11.a1;t er 110 r of or r c a to the .(3uLLI.o 3ui1d 200012(L0 011201 tt 00 11 15I1 1101101' to act, sec on a- , by aua C arr 0 O... A 00(311 s t was rc cc ive 61 from 1510 al :Du c1.F oo aa , ,712aj, t '5111) 11115 or , tor a v c on of tly 0 weeks to or:me:flee [-".k?;tur day, jai st 3,r , 101 -h6t MOV 0 a that 1± be cLnto a, second° ("1, by . obst and ccTri. o6, 00111:,.inili Cat ion was 2.000 -i;hc 3 o I000 ]2.b030;/ t 0 05 s±atin r; that 111 0000 the Libra: haJ to -p,s,:cr -for the 1150 02 o 1 cc:J.; ri 0 eurront to 1.i,(2;11t the 48- July 16th, 1912. HRumb moved that it be referred. to the Finance Committee, soco2ci Hr. Hammond and cdrried. A communication was received from the Ilational One 'Cent letter Postape Lssocia- tion recluestir help to further a movement to reauce the letter postaFe from two cents to one cent. Mr. Morp:onstern moved. that it ' e 'u:LerroJ to the Judiciary Com- mittee, seoondod by Mr ilLmmond and carried. A communication was received. from the -2,oara of Electricity statin thatoit was prepared to transfer a sum of money from the Electric Liht 'ound to the C:oneral Fund sufficient to cover the Interest and Redemption for the ensuinr fiscal year on the present outstandinr; Bonds. Mr. Bullock moved hat it be reIorrct to The Finance Committee, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. co=unication was received from tho :omorican DrodinF: Company recluestin that a temporary permit be :ranted it to run a Powr line alorT7 the Estuary wooteriy JoLom tho i(pl:mtor Stroot Br e to furnish a,..irrent to operate the 'ode Yankee" KOW Ut work drodoini3 in the Oakland Harbor. Mr. Frobst move that it be referred to the 3oard. .oconded by Mr. Hammond and curried. Bansbach presented an aPplication for a nratuitous license to peddle fruit and veetables. The Chief of Police recommended that it be ranted, and there- upon YL7c. -oloved that the application be Franted, seconded. by Mr. Probst and carried. A co ifliunic L1llOi was re CO iVO d, iom ic Llayo::: call 17 'at 0 Ti r; aor O t]c:: extreme daner to the residents of Llameda, who have occassion to travel across or alonr EiFhth Street and recommended that the matter be referred to the "?ublic Utilities Committee with a further recommendation that it take immediate stens to confer with the railroad officials with the object in view of remliatinr the traffic on said street with -)articua= reference towards safe-Fmar2in7 the lives of the Peoples. 1,!r. -Probst move( that the com=nicatiofl b filed and that the recommendations be adootod, soconeed by Mr. .rum) and carried. T)otition was received from residents of the neihborhood of Eihth Street and Santa Clara Lvenue callin attention to the dan:: or to life i the cyperation by tho Southern l'acific Cony of its trains on _Eihth Street, between Lincoln and Central Lvenues and also to the condition. of the roadbed ana roadway of said street which by reason of not bein oiled or watered raises creat clounds of dust. Mr. Probst moved th,:,t the matter be referred to the Public Jtilities Committee and the Street Comm.ittee'to take up ic)(i.iay with the Railroad Company, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried. A communication was receive. from the la.177 in which he advocated the purchase by the City O an automobile for the use of' the Chief of the 'oire Department. Mr. Krumb moved that the communication be filed and I'0) o ;inr for the Fire, ,:if r and Police Commfttee stated, that at a meotin the Police aild Fire Commission al; whj.ch he haA beon present a motion had prevailed rocorKohdio i LGJ l pro- vide the sum of .1500,00 in the budcoet of the Fire Dona' to.ent for the purchase of an automobile for the Chief of the Fire ))ear tment and reco=ended that the Cann- eil aprove the same. Mr. 7Tammond movodthat the tat be aaate6., seconded y Mr. Probst and carried by the followin vote:- Lyos:Councilmen Krumb, Hamond, acRao, Ells, 2robst an2 Blalock, (7 ) • iToos:Eo]lo. 11i ont: o L;:r, $-90 nco , ( Illy 16th 10 -IT; the Council , a motion had -prevailed ace el 1i; the i a oT T_Tr. H. 2 , •ScJiel son of to fu:cni5:1h a ol :ho tr ao for :or Ho° k and Laddor Truck 1:o . 1 , the sac:10 to be 2nb - ject to Lc apnrova 1 o th c C OValc i 1 ir 11ond o ve a the Councd1 accent th s v.J. a bi a of ',800,00, seeonaeji by Ifir 1-2ro oarri ea by th o foll owin-,:t vote: 0-P..11 3 :amen "Zomm10, :iio1, , .T11 r °note rn, Probs t and 3'011 ° ck ( '7 ) 1.!00 I . 2,7o sent:0° 1-mon a1lY)71:` L d iCO , h.n all id ava t was 7,:r o o 1 -JJ oai n itno -ou0 licL411 .,m of Keti 30 t o at or Tank 'Builders as n,,-,. for bi as -; or 1so oi ot ion of a tan7c: frL'zie and 10,000 rx11 ion tz-,'qik in (51r, Fa7J:k, 23.101a, in ace 61' dance nith plan and s pc ci :Li c1onc do-etc:1 by the ouenci 1 and on fi le in thc 01 roT s off. f ':o, Or Jor e d lcd. The r en ort ed. that t hee co nide had boor T'ah) ocr te J Kr-crTh novel thst they bo roce iv od anJ coono3., C; J by Tfr o nj. an oar". do 1. There:: o on the 1 e2'.' jyr o cc: do ,a to o nen rozad the hi js as fell cwo : ler . Thcao Tao:er, accen!naniej a cer Jo a oho c7c 1 the ou-,ff: of ,:47 , for the 217.fl Of H4V1„, CO blirhoo,?:k., a 0 rinL:.,711.:1.0 (l; 1)7,f a co ril 4 :I o C-C.C; Ok ir `t.:1 :ii 0 j.* ; :00 . 00, bor th c cmc of 470 „ 00 „ i oh .nn d Icor lid , acc000nniod "oy a (rt,rt:: in tho rJ7.1-1'■ oi° , for the T CO . 0. rococo Of fiVe ?,1.:,:es was doo.Larea by ti-,e ilayor te ounsfder the 1)j:do anJ neon ro co ;oirr ofth thie savo coven -clenbers of the 0ouneil ;Jyrecent, Ejmyo.b that no bias be ro:L0.rr ()Ci lo t',". 0 2 s.c alld blarrronrd 4 o':oi lloo *L; n or t o10.o :e-z± the 4'ooro: 1., c con jaj 0:: 0 • Tb: oh st anh; viLtxt loo 0.0110 a,:eJ Orich, to o uas 110od a aa-jv-ht en oo ini on ots t-1 that- tho of cl0e, 000 in. DInicfnal o:oent re nnler auJ :410.c ent , af h. tho honjo oboo cola m be valfj and st.:ho ist-f-ny „nnfon:s ol the :ity of Cc 2-i 1 o 1. Of. lj 1 rf.: , !-\ tahro lanhn_d vet o h that :n -=c; ; o s,r.rcen so con e on Jere) ee n hL. ;Teo voct o4o nnen0-2:1:c: oJ hho ceJtn fothe of e.,,,onta Chura. y.ve-sou eacte-,21; ue) :ye 12::4 Le, „ The „cL: "en s e ede., -f.cath„ch:: .; 00 the eon e',:celte ti en of a h;olb..0 on th e conth je of bas; Isla J roe , o ast of farh Lee „ fcrl:n.h 48' 07 that; they he Ierf crsch to the Jtroo c too ce con Je ar • ills and. carried, lce„ *anJne Cro-s:cet no the neUecor of Ibo lb:-:°(,n-h„feen:sf of ..hentenrsiel CT. boo:: one ;ec.: ainne hnd e f ccc c o 1 :,1:on1io he „ ric...) c,116, 00;o00 012 t,7; o :::0.1, trce t haJ s tec,J)0 that the:: v,e ahont 0004; to have the 41.! rfyato con:tract sena cnoved that further act ion be co; nae 4 :1-Jtoid. the r: crfc 11: 0j th, 0 0 :D. 2 0 Or: 0 4 y hr. flaelm 0 11 1 U'2. 2,--te-23.-oy had :he,' onno d hfn t a at the coereclunf cat: enc Li T:2 ere ine pa;:c sertsaohers in ate:, eh they; sts d ehe.et: they haJ naid el cot:col:1 e ace cc snent2 -under rotco :no sta n J as they hocce bee:n C umb brouL-ht un the matter of tne rec.uost to 1,ho City Lttorney ot the last me et i t 011:11Cti1 O .mond the Ora than ce ro 7.1aolyi the he f, alth e E",', CO "IL la '1.) 0 t » ft er S0.1"le 012.2S 1 � ":,.;;.:t! 1.10 t(Drn may 0 the or be; i ';t; ia-rd 2 of t's"10 L),7110.. 01,11(10, C I:T.:11 t 0 , 0 0 Or, ea by ca,:r . r op or the u rn Pa cif i o Company were, at JOrk rOMOVil0;; the p1in:7 from. the or Leandro Bay , which they h.;.:A ar-1-1,01 y 'no 0 a as a o t.,ho (.."):1t1 nari C:1 ja,:"; 0 0111t u o h -man 1 if° at rail]: L.:, a tr ee t 0-2022i0'.12 0V. t'hat the -sat t be r o :ET cat° t he 1?-uhl -1 c tic s Comraittec tO -1,-I1' cad. o?.:-romay o di, at 0 I S (-2; a Oa 1 alo and ea-fried. 1,.:rrffe brot16 up the :coo uest T-,-,ade by the -proprietor a:." the livery Stable at the corner af 3trrc 1 nee:nue to -be au od to move Ili o stable to t ol eta:1)1,c o t-h.,„-) no rt'L s of bb -halo r,),bott t ono 11-2 n 0. a e t oot o Park- Street , and stat ed that 'L c' Ora inanhite 01',1 tho location of stables pre- vent ea the Coupc 11 iv i :1 oe . Hamra o na rnovoct b c ovor until ILO next meotinc,7 of the Council, soconaad hy hr. Lorenstorn and co.-2rica. nova c 21 ou i 1o1 11 C 0 0 e o oioi soion t, o havo oll 21:12-11: iT1 Li i 011-: .Car".1: at a 00 2 t o1 10 0:70 00 d :".-) 00 . CO, s e con a ea lllavnona ana carried bT tho follow:In.:2 vote:- f_yes:Councilmen laamnohd, , fais , .?re bet anaa. 31-0.1 (6) :Jo 00: Corola torn ( 1 ) J000LI 0 ounc i Jaen Lkoi : and Sp enc e TH:c t )::ov» uo t7,10 :,....R2...tter of tho oolloct ion. of .-7.a-on :ii co ioos oa that ho ha a been inform° d thc the poli Cu :0 onL,zim ont was a,bout to o,afir: once to collect s , 0 TI move a that the Lio once `Collector be r oc-L-Le etc d not, 1 o oo],1 cot wa,c; on licenses fro1,1 those who have alreaay 2ai a, business licenses, seconded by Ir Lals. • oc ov e CA, to aor6 b r of erred the not tor to filo :hi co no e Commit toe se conii by 2.1' 1 0r: 7 0' 1.1 t 0 rn L1t-or s o 2 oion 1:110V oiL as a sub st itut o tha. t tc matt er lo;; ovor nti.L th 0 next me et ion, o the Council ahi a. thLat ti 0 con o Collector be 1n structed not to 0011 e et v.raon ifs-Jenne until alt or (-2h nODI in c: , on con de a Jar:no:rid, al d. 0 co:Tie a LLr Krumb brouht u tho matter of trees F,..,rowin on the sidewalk -hear the southerly ond of Broadway, in front of pr o 'oerty owned 'Iv a 1.1iss Harndon ant yo.ove that the matter be referred to the Street Suoor intenden t and City ilttorney with the r °duo sI t1ot 1 Oo ■7f2 0 V i IL ono of the Or di ]ar:0 ro ntly -pass od ro Ex;n.lort iylo 1 e aostrilc- tion ot woo 6o and other -v,?-e,c:et able c;:c ov:th in s tr co t s anO. v octant 1 o1 be c a rr ied out with r of ere nce to the se trees, se con Clod by :,12 01) st and c, ar riCa. Er . "Bull oc 717 1novoJ that n„ 1]otir ijoarci 1e orcci. oa i.a t ar the en trance ot t he C.; oun c 11 Ch_amb 0 I' al" d that the 2--dit1 bo referred to tho D?ubl i, o Bui la-. inoo al-, 6. mina Con.i1 t e e v.hith :no.;;or to act, sec OIL Cie d by Lir. . :jam on and oarro d. Lir o no t ern. i)routLt u-o t he matt or of ILo dan,c; car to t he t av 1. inrimTh1ic by aut omob drivel's , who 0::7 iJvc at a hi rate of 00.2 0 0 past train 0 s top-pi:21F at st at ions ma a o treot car s s inc.; at str co t cross ion: 1 la no ve d that t 'Ile matter be rc:"orrol to the 2n1i,,o Uti liti oo it t oe , 0 00 OCT by La' ob s 1 and c arri e Lr lioiTenst n bre u;.-oht u 1 he matt or of de s ioi t e nat e of 016 boil ers lo ca te d on the, beach at the south ona oi eoont Street and -in oved that the natte r be referred to tho Street Comittee, second:Dia b ir Probst ana ccrried.