1912-07-29 Regular CC MinutesSPECIAL MEET TD 02 THE 00nCIL OF THE CITY' 02 ALAMEDA,
MOITDAY, ULY 29th 1912.
The meeting convenea with Mayor W.H.T. -7,presidfng.
he was called and Councilmen Krumb,alher,Mac Rae,Hammond,E
stern,?robst and 3ulloch,(0),were noted -present and Councilman Spence,(1),absent.
The Clerk read the Call of the Mayor callinE; the meeting under the provisions
of Article -11, Chapter 1, Section 4,'I=aragraPh 6 of the Charter ,which was ordered filed.
The Clerk reported that the members of the Council haa been )0 1011/ notifi-
ed of the meetin.
The Clerk read the communications addressed. to the Mayor in te na lro of com-
plaints as to the manner in which the saloon at the northwest corner of Lincoln Ave-
nue and ,.ebster Street was being conducted and making specific charges that women
had been served, drinks at the side door of the said saloon and that young girls had
also been invited to have drinks at the said llace. Ordered filed.
An affidavit was -presented showing due service of subpoenas on Mr.A.j.LIorris
Hill the complairant,Police Officer J.J.Bettencourt,:2olice Sergeant Albert Kam,
and Ilenry Brandt. Ordered -riled.
A communication dated July 22nd was received from the Mayor in which he recom-
mended that in view of the license for the sale of licluor at the -place complained
of haa not been naid that
be forfeited and that no license be granted at the
said place in to future there being already three other saloons on ',lobster Street.
Ordered :Li1oa.
The Clerk called f or Mr. Hill tife. complainant to appear before the Council
and make his statementbut Mr.Hill rot being present Mr.Probst moved that the charg-
es be dismissed seconded by Mr.'..ialker and carried.
A communication J110 received from the olice Department reporting that on
July 19th 1912,2olice Sergeant Albert Kamp had visited -'he saloon conducted by
Eaw.C.Mills at 2170 Encinal Avenue and had TouTla a separate entrance leading to
an adjoining room which room ha a door leadinF to the main bar-room where liquor
was being old. Ordered filed.
An.:affidavit:WaS presented-Showing due'serVice of suboenas J'n Edw C.Eills
and -i?olice 3oroant Kamp which was ordered filed.
Tio Clerk called for to appear he fore the Council. Mr.Mills not
answering Lr .Morgenstern moved that that Sergeant z.,-amp be called, seconded 1 Vr.
Probst and carried and thereupon Sergeant Kamp appeared and was duly sworn by the
Clerk. The City Attorney proceeded to examine the witness wnon Mr .Mills appear-
ed and was sworn.. - the Clerk.
Sergeant Kamp stated that he had found the arrangement of the saloon as re-
ported. Mr.Mills statod that the statement made by the Sergeant was correct
but that he had at one time a hed the City Attorney if the arranF,ement was in
conforMity with the law and had been informed that it was. City Attorney St Sure
was sworn and tato d that he had never had any conversation relative to the ar-
rangement of the premises. Mr .Mills was again sworn and stated that such a con-
tion had taken place.
Lir.Hammond moved that llr,LLi]ls be directed to.arragge the entrances to hi
co of business in conformity with the provisions
T rr D es 1,, — r
of the Ordinance,seconded by
July 29th 1912.
Councilman :Thence arrived durn ; the remars of 1::r.obinson and was iloted
I.r.Mor-,en tern ad.vo-ated posT)oTut of action and moved that further investi- '
E:ation I e referred to the 2ire,.:ater and .7olice Committee of the Council and for
the Committee to report be:: to the Council.
There beinp; no further 7ousiness to transact the Cour° rl duly' adjourned.