1912-08-20 Regular CC Minutes49
O.2 OoW:JTO,
Zlo oo'llveos,o(O ,o,t1JO Otl'oEt
l33k,(0),,00:00 -:00,t0a o::oq
'Zoo 'olc;ot.:o:oo of .O:oo:o-oEt .sooLosi ori;ucl'O aoo7covoa.
al-0,21;00f -,00al.',o'cio: of tO.c .00t0a
t-oo Co.ionoro..:1,1 .::::0000ti:c,o to wD,O,:rfo.:o'f:ost
to .,o.:,2.,30;:Jooaist tOo .s_JooTtot:-J000 to
aoo-omtlo,v,' to 1 oO,o1.7 zaiTo.,:)t tOo I2T1.3r0. to
o71.0 boo 1 zoo0I° \-;ofe tho
a; .10 J6 0
Uiool ...ZitE
C; 0
0 70
011 1
Jco 10 Jolloo;tina:
;.;i110 10C
3o:lo '2y
-ooi,11'.1-n I,000Ta„ "..1_75.00
icc.Loo 2. 6.C:0
'Fasale, Co., 3 .R1a.5-?: ,. 5.60
2eoeleo jator Co. ,laer 309.68
Rosso ,.•. Co. G. Haulinn 7.40
3 Co. Vee0 10.00
Goo, 1,:iala.lc.r ''. Eiller Straw 7.90
T, If TT IT HaY 50.53
IT 1T ti Cate, bran and hay 12.61
.''')".kelly, 3am Sun-olies 6.76
3-uLt7le Y1. an f: 7 S .2'aarK10,C,7i- Gue-)lios .75
Y.etel - I.:82 .12
3T74T iT
.1ssocito, Oil Co. 3u-o7)lios 251.56
IT If u 251.97
3air6, 4, V. 16.06
c,Laled DohL, 2L14 1:10s 5.08
TT TT TT TT IT 19.z0
Gay, 3 Rers 7.50
Ho=ona, C. J. 311Tri11 es ;]1.00
2aci1ie Fuel 3 3107. 1.:aterial Go GinGLi. os .70
Par "Labor G 3ueelies
11 IT TT If 11 17.00
11 IT 11 212.90
Sunset -.Rier GO. 42.74
UPitod iron cir:s IT 19.00
Vootmrh Co., 0. 3, IT 16170
'Zeta' -
ilooa 212 11-1.
1. 21uokh 16.66
;TlaYA 311-!?lies La .o.7
Vo1uh Co„ J. 6, ,-Jdoe1le2 2.70
- 71.82
Councilmen .311s and Hamnond arrivea the clatlo xd
notea eresent.
nloved tha. the clais as 17ca0 le riajd,soconded b:y i1 .jlac Rae and
carrfted -1):7 the followinfs vote. Ryes: Councilmen 1ae,Hammon0,3-oonce,.311s,
1ore:enstern,2ro3st 311110ca,( o). 1000 1oio. Z.yeent:6 ouneilma]-1 firu1b,(1).
eports Won') received fron the i.lunici.pal Laoctric :for the months
of 11a1 and and ordered. :10 0. L continuation certificate was received from
the Fidelity -; osit Ooman',7,7 of la yland,on the 3on0 of 1rt1ur ]).Goldswoythy as
o:fi,00 Daraor and boo]:-Theeoor of 1io lectric
e-partnent. Ur (10100 -riled.
Petitions for ratuitous licenses wore received as -rollov:s:
Froy..1 2orcy illliu.o to distribute sales of shredded wheat and Richard 1.ClarT7
to )oddic cloth. Goth ay)elicatione were recommerded by the Chief 0± 2olice. Lr,
ialkor moved that they be rarted,soconded 3y 1Jr.Hammoald and carrioa.
H.V.Hull -oresonted an. ainliction for a rat7itous licence to do ar
'Mc 0 1±oG oY 201 co recoended that it 60 don.ied. Ir. laiker Aovod
AuTast 20th -2L1;
A co=rnication to which was attached a blue -j)rint sLO win[-; the borins lade
at the nol'th end of (.-rand :3troot in conten-e ation of the -vinL: of the -iectric
Tht 21ant 1:o said yloint,wasreceiVed from the :oard of :=Jlectricity,in which the
saia Thpard recwieacar that the ,elaKt be not noved to the said locality on accoultir
of the softners of the foundations discovered by said borinc›;.
that tho recoendations io a-ohroved and the ccmmunication a:ea blue -e7int 'r)1a2ed
on file,seconded b7( TPence and carried.
-fletiticin. for '7ernission to held,a o:Khil-)ition. at the v'i -rii t (Jen-
tral -,:.veTme and :alter ::;rot s vias r)reserted b7 the ,fda:'Proda Athletic ;Lsociation.
A protest was received frorr five of the ministers of the city i)rotosti arainst
the :Trantin:7 of a erit. I;e:.2robst moved that as the said. Athletic cia-
tion had no stanais in the cJit:7 that the rouLest be denied,secorded ,J12:311a
A co=nicatiron w r ' received Zron the idalloda -11.provament iii to which was
attached a clinpihns: froiq sorte na-ocr calif= attontion to the wa:/- that oo' was :ft-
to ' n- to abolish bill )Ol(O i an e::ho:cbitant tW 11 1011 them ila L.;,(ivon:,,-
tiTl that ,O.aTna ao Uhewise. noved that the natter be :seferised to
the Iiconso 0U 11. 0)10 .Ti1.22ob0t and carriei .
r; cont=ication fno):: tho 3ehinx. Cinb requerNsih that the said
club So allowed to lease a nalst of lincoin f2zrk b02q0ri]) the o hearh6lso Da
wbicb to build a eird:-honse or th„e use of its ,lorlbe:cs. -L:L..rjobot niover that
the yr:atter be -rofe:cre to - n CosIshittee,secondod itr.7ampond
and cannied-
n corun:ircation was neceived frotl ths 3tato riiord of Ilealth sAten-
tion to a cotIvention 0 jealth Fosthce:it-ies to be leld ir ..;0ztelo7 anrd advocatin
that Thlocates to said 1,onvent:100 ha,:o 1 hej7s ey-benses oved that
the m,tte.1.- be nefernod to the 3eand of ':alt h,sooed "b7/ 21seb1t asd ca=iod.
oar:lunication was :sece..hod fro the Crowle :Launch Sioat c:)oisceas
of ..;arr ad-elication fon a leoso fon a tohn of ten years,of the wL.,te:c
rr.ro irr co ovirr.od - of ,rrr1a'.1e0a, on the OahLan,O, .harbof adhjoiht the
United ou the eost,fc-n the 100 -1 of 1 i] :::Li 1 -
and reafeisine: latesc;les,bar.es,oter.r,and offeisin :sental of foss 'ne
f:hsst Tive yersess rana S„r60.00 fon -aroe uf tSe to-a of the lesse,and slso asnoe-
:Inh to hate all tho de:csaheht :seve:st to tle cit-s st tse csesi-sstos. of
tho lewso. r)sr nefen:sod. to the da:shon ohLhissfow,
to invossato the eowse-,11,secorded b ]-1,,realheh a:d cra:=;ord,r
na:e (.setitled a 'tae of r.) ,sate:ssiOe rfesswase,:dahieda,Sisa."bein a 1:ian of
land lylis ersctof he:sh r2.tLheet at its orf1 he:1:e end was ereseEted wjth a -zoeuest
that the of ,,.1t)oda irseeht tac.! stneets the''eV n na-ws-rrCr o teteth,on. e-s.S=s,-obet
oftsYsd ths followin :seeolutieh aud Trecer its doetion,r
-,,esol.voci;,by -t f ',S7. f -' '. -at te st/se he o o he t ae. , rh ote de as
Arnsehne,Heste os,renne,.,:;so hssehne anC thtsee 2aths as snow.h
nat ectniaf :jab entitled. ths satensie 'tiennse,sriaorJa,:,airS' sas iras
''cr-rr r
,1Jw],is beres: ss
sh d d r s ci e i to hh dessS s shfsh so i I r fseir of se c shietb
rri f
August 20th 1912.
A communication was received from Mrs Nellie and John Goldstone offering to
deed the necessary property to allow for the placing of a sidewalk on Lincoln Ave-
nue at the north east corner of Schiller Street provided the City would construct
the sidewalk. Mr.Hammond moved that the $tter be referred to the Street Com-
mittee with power to act,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,probst and. Bullock,
(8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Krumb,(1).
A co unication was received from the Board of Education to which was at-
tached a copy of a resolution of the said. Board in which it withdrew its estimate
of amount of money needed by the School Department and stating that under the pro-
visions of Section 1840 of the Political Code of the State of California it had
made application to the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County for the amount nec-
essary. Ordered filed.
The Clerk reported that he had not complied with direction of the Council t6
readvertise for bids for the erection of a tank in Lincoln Park on the request of
Councilman Mac Rae,who desired to present new plans and specifications and there-
upon new plans and specifidIM
sAfor the erection of a ten thousand gallon tank
and tank fr e in Lincoln Park. Mr.Hammond moved that they be adopted and that
the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for their erection,seconded by Mr.Wal-
ker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,
Spence,Ells Morgenstern,Probst and. Bullock,(8). Foes:None. Absent:Council-
man Krumb,(1).
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Providing for the purchase of
certain real estate For the Use and. Benefit of the Municipal Electric Light Plant"
etc 'ntroduced by Councilman Mac Rae,on August 6th 1912,came up for passage and
was read by the Clerk. Mr.Mac Rae moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Hammond and
carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,
Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and. Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Krumb,(1).
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Providing for the Control and
Eradication of Rabies",etc,introduced by Counci n Probst on August 6th 1912,came
up for passage $ d was read by the Clerk. Mr.-Probst moved its adoption,second-
ed by kraalker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walker,Mac
vrgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Ab-
sent Councilman Krumb,(1).
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Regulating the Heighth of Di-
vision Fences or PartitionWalls",etc,introduced on August 6th 1912,by Mr.Bullock
e up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Bullock moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr.Spence and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Mac Rae
H ond,Spence,Morgenstern,ssd Bullock,(5). Noes:Councilmen Walker ,Ells and
Probst,(3i. Absent:Councilman Krumb,(1).
Mr.Probst introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Amend-
ing Section 41,of Ordinance No.516,Regulating the Installation of Gas Grates,or
Gas Logs,'etcwhich was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
Mr.H ond reported that the Railroad. Company had agreed to place a flagman
at the railroad crossings of Eighth Street and. Santa Clara Avenue and also at the
corner of Webster Street and. Lincoln Avenue also that it would take up with the
Street Superintendent the matter of oiling its roadbed on Eighth Street to allay
the dust complained of.
August 20th 1912.
Mr.Ells reporting for the Printing Committee stated that the bonds recently
voted for could be lithographed under the supervision of the Alameda Argus which
had the contract for doing all of the City Printing for the sum of 475.00 and
moved that it be directed to have the same done,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried
by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen ,ialker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Mor-
genstern,Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:Vone. Absent:Councilman Krumb,(1).
Mr.Probst brought up the matter of the negligence of the Peoples Water Com-
pany in complying with a promise to install certai# water mains and moved that
provided it was legal that the City Attorney be directed to immediately commence
court proceedings to compel the said wader company to install the necessary water
mains and hydrants,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried.
Mr.Hammond moved that the Council take a five minutes recess seconded by
Mr.Morgenstern and carried.
Upon reconvening Mr.Hillen addressed the Council regarding a stipulation
relative to the maintenance by the railroad company of a station in Lincoln Park
and thereupon. Mr.Morgenstern moved that the matter be referred to the Public
Utilities Committee,seconded bv Mr.Hammond and carried.
Mr.Hammond introduce the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved,that this Council hereby expresses its deep appreciation of the
action of Congressman Joseph R.Knowland in securing adequate appropriations for the
construction of a magnificent Post Office building in Alameda and the improvement
of Oakland. Harbor and the Tidal Canal.
Mr.Morgenstern seconded the resolution qnd it was adopted and passed by the
following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgen-
stern,Probst and. Bullock,(8). Noes:None, Absent:Councilman Krumb,(1).
The Mayor addressed the Council advising that steps be taken looking to
the opening of a street across the marsh land leading to the city's property
on the Oakland. Harbor east of Webster Street. Mr.Hammond moved that the
matter be referred to the Street Committee,seconded by Mr.Morgenstern and
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until
Wednesday,September 4th 1912,at 7.30 P.M.as Tuesday September 3rd 1912 being
a holiday by reason of the State Primary Election.