The meeting convened with Mayor W,H.Noy presiding.
The Roll was called and Councilmen Krumb,dalker,Hammond,Probst and Bullock,(5)
were noted present and. Councilmen Mac Rae,Spence,Ells and. Morgenstern,(4) absent.
The minutes of the meeting of September 4th 1912,were read and ordered approved.
Mr.Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED,That the sum of Seven Hundred and. Fifty (750.00) Dollars be and the
same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the Health Fund as a loan,and that
the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to effect the sid transfer upon
their respective books.
Mr.Probst seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow-
ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Wa1ker,Hammond,Probst and Bullock,( ). Noes:
None. Absent:Councilmen Mac Rae,Spence,Ells and. Morgenstern,(4).
Councilmen Spence and. Morgenstern arrived and were noted present.
Mr.Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED,That the sum of Two Thousand (2000) Dollars,be and the same is here-
by transferred from the General Fund to Local Improvement Fund No.786 as a loan,to
be re-transferred back to the General Fund when sufficient money has been collected
by the Tax Collector for the improvement contemplated by Resolution of Intention No.
786,and turned over to the Treasurer and deposited in said Fund,and the Auditor and
the Treasurer are hereby directed to effect the said transfer upon their respective
Mr.Probst seconded the Re solution and it was adopted and passed by the the
following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Hammond,Spence,Morgenstern, obst
and Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Ab ent:Councilmen Ells and Mac Rae,(2).
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 150.87:against the Electric Light
Fund amounting to $22.73:against the Street Fund amounting to 1755.80:against the
Park YPlayground Fund amounting to 54.71:against Local Improvement Fund No.786
amounting to p58.59:against the Police Fund amounting to 08.39 and against the Fire
Fund amounting to $684.10 having been approved and audited by the proper officials
were read by the Clerk as follows:
Alameda Daily Argus Printing 2.50
Alameda Steam Laundry Towel Service 8.00
Bay City Market Dog Meat 4.30
Brewer,H.S. Repairs 6.00
California Oil & Burner Co Fuel Oil 12.75
Fitz,G.L. Collections 17.77
Konigshofer, J. J. Mdse. 5.95
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rental & Tolls 2.55
Parcells Safe Co. Rent of SAfe 10.00
Schneider, Henry Stationery 5.70
11 2.65
TT If If 3.40
IT IF 1,
4 .A0
SEptember 17th, 1912.
Valvoline Oil Co, Motor Oil 3 22.73
Association Oil Co. Road. Oil 3 259.29
TT II TT IT 19.28
IT II TT IT TT 250.95
Blacksmithing 44.10
Assisting City Engr 2.00
Supplies 12.61
TT 10.42
IT IT TT 5.80
IT 36.58
Repairs 10.55
Water 79.74
Lumber 2.88
Teaming 41.25
TT TT IT Material 155.70
T11 TV TV TV 432.00
TT TT TT IT 275.40
Schneide lie y Supplies 6.50
Blacksmithing 4.50
Assisting City Engr 2.00
Lumber 2.15
Labor 12.00
Total ------31755.80
Ellery Arms Co. The Supplies 3 6 13.00
Hammond, C. J. Earth 1.00
Kelloggs Express Co. Drayage 3.75
Lynch, D.J. Boring Well 327.40
Schneider, Henry Stationery .75
Taylor & Co. Lumber 8.81
Total -
6 354.71
- 9
Alameda Daily Argus Printing 3 42.09
Hunt, H. B. Posting Notices 16.50
-T- 50.59
Total - -
Alameda DElily Argus Printing 3.00
IT IT 11 2.00
TT 11 IT IT 3.00
Consolidated Motor Car Co. Auto Repairs 21.00
Moris, Geo. T. Oil 1.25
Pacific States Refineries. Gasoline 20.09
Baird, J.V,
Clark & Sons,N.
Fisk Rubber Co.,The
H ond,C. J.
Moore & Co„Chas C.
Park Garage
Peoples Water Co.
Plummer & Son,Geo E.
Rhodes-Jamieson & Co.
Stackler, J.
Sutton, J.E.
Taylor & Co.,Lumber
Westddhl-Hennessey Co.
September 17th, 1912.
Park Garage Presto Light $ 1.50
Schnei der, Henry Stationery 9.15
Unna, Herman Meals 23.50
Total - 88.39
Alameda Steam Laundry Association Linen Service 15.80
Fischer C.F. Coal Oil 6.00
Kellogg Express Co. Expressage 1.00
King, A. R. Horseshoeing 5.00
Mazzini, L. Plumbing & Supplies 15.95
Morrison, E.A. Repairing bicycle 2.50
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas 24.25
Park Garage Supplies .50
IT IT Labor .75
Peoples Water Co. Water 309.13
Rhoades, U.S. Salary 18.00
Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Feed, etc. 6.00
Risso, F. Hauling Manure 7.40
Roberts, S. H. Labor & Material 5.00
Schneider, Henry Supplies .55
Scott, Magner & Miller Feed 28,09
T7 TV TT II IT 47.50
TT TT TV II if 91.90
TT TT Tr if TV 36.58
Steinmetz, B. Salary 53.35
Sutherland's Pharmacy Medicine 7.60
Taylor & Co. Lumber 1.25
Total -------- $684.10
Councilman Ells arrived during the reading of the claims and was noted pre-
Mr.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Spence and
carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Hammond,Spencells
Morgenstern,robst and Bullock,(8). Noes; None. Absent:Councilman Mac Rae,(1).
A communication was received from the Chief of Police relative to a claim
for 05.00 which was attached to the communication stating that the claimant A.A.
Antonio had paid a full years license tax to maintain a peanut stand at the cor-
ner of Park Street and Santa Clara Avenue and that he had been made to vacate
the said location and had therefore made application for a refund of part of the
license. Mr.Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the License Committee,
seconded by Er.Hammond and c rrioa.
A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances in the various
funds on August 31st 1'12. Ordered filed.
A report was received from the Poundmaster for the month of August,1912.
Ordered filed.
A.I.Jones presented an application for a gratgitous licehse.to peddle
poultry supplies. The Chief of Police recommended that it be denied and-there-
September 17th 1912.
A communication was received from the City Attorney in which he gave his ()piny
ion that the City had a legal right to lease its water front property for a term of
ten years. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Harbor Commission,
seconded by Mr.Probst and carried.
A search of Title was received of Stocker & Holland Abstract Company of the
property authorized to be purchased from Mrs Theresa Strong for the use of the Mun-
icipal Electric Light Plant and adjoining same by Ordinance No.603. Ordered filed.
Communications were received from Koerting Brothers,Ltd.,complaining that they
had not been accorded proper treatment relative to submitting bids for a Koerting
Diesel Engine power plant and claiming that the said engine would be of great econ-
omy to the Municipal Electric Light plant. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be
referred to the Board of Electricity,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried.
A communication was received from the Board of Electricity recommending that
the license fee now charges electrical contractors who are engaged in the business
of wiring,be removed and that in place of this license said contractors be required
to furnish a bond in the sum of 0250.00 to guarantee the faithful performance of
their work. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the License Committee,
seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried.
Councilman Mac Rae arrived and was noted present.
A communication was received from the Board of Electricity stating that an ap-
plication had been made to change the location of an electrolier on Liberty Avenue
to make room for a driveway and that probably more requests would follow where new
buildings would be erected and that in the opinion of the said. Board that the expense
of moving these electroliers would be considerable that it should be born by the
applicant. Mr.aalker moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee
and the City Attorney,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
A communication was received from the Police and Fire Commission reporting that
two of the relief horses in the Fire Department were useless and requesting permis-
sion to sell them at public auction and also reporting on the ages of four other
horses who were liable to become unfit for service at any time. Mr.Hammond moved
that the matter be referred to the Fire,Water & Police Committee of the Council,
seconded by Lr.Probst and carried.
A communication was received from the Police & Fire Commission recommending
that the proposal of H.P.Nielson to provide a tractor for the Hook & Ladder be rej-
ected and the certified check which accompanied the proposal be returned also that
new bids be advertised for,for a tractor for the said Hook and ladder.
Mr.Walker moved that the recommendation relative to rejecting the bid be adopt-
ed and the check returned,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried.
Mr.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to refer the recommendation to ad-
vertise for a new tractor back to the Police & Fire Commission with a request that
it furnish plans and specifications for what they desired,seconded by Mr.dalk r and
Mr.Walker moved that the Clerk be directed to request the Police and. Fire
Commission to set some other evening for tts meeting so as to have bills and documents
acted on by it presented in time so that the Council could consider them in Coilit-
tee session,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried.
A communication was received from the Alameda Adornment League commending the
oep-uemoer 1/fl v 0
Street Committee and the Street Superintendent to be present at a meeting of the
said League at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce. Ordered filed.
A report was received from the Park & Playground Committee to the affect
that they had had the well bored at Lincoln Park to a depth of 152 feet when
apparently a sufficient supply of water had been found that the cost of said
boring was 0327.00. Mr.Hammond moved that the report be filed seconded by
Mr.Probst and carried.
A communication was received from the Street Superintendent that it had be-
come necessary to provide better drainage for storm water at the north end of
Walnut Street and recommended that permission be obtained from the San Francis-
co Bridge Company to allow the putting in of a 20-inch corrugated Iron Pipe
through is land to the Harbor line. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be re
ferred to the Street Committee,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried.
Protests signed by some two hundred property owners were presented pro-
testing against the granting of any permission to run a power line using poles for
the purpose on Pacific Avenue west of Grand. Street. Mr.Walker moved that they
be filed,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
A communication was received from the Street Committeereporting that after
further investigation and in view of an agreement made by Mr.R.C.Hillen to replace
at his expense at any time any of the curbing or gutter that might be disturbed
by the roots of the trees growing along the edge of the sidewalks on Liberty Ave-
nue that the property owners along said street be granted permission to construct
cement curbing that would not necessitate the removal of the trees growing adjacent
to the edge of the sidewalks,and further that the City pay for the construction
of the gutters adjacent to the curbing. There being no agreement on file from
Mr.Hillen Mr.Hammond moved that the report be referred to the Committee of the
Whole,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried.
Mr.Probst offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED,that the Park & Playground Committee of the Council of the City of
Alameda,be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to employ,transfer or discharge
any person or persons whose services,work or labor are necessary for the mainte-
nance,management or improvement of the public parks or playgrounds of the City
of Alameda and to make,establish and enforce all necessary regulations for the
efficiency of such employees and the government of the parks and playgrounds.
Mr.Krumb seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker dac Rae,Hammond Spence,Ells,Morgen-
stern,Probst and. Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
The Clerk reported that the contract for supplying the horse feed for the
year 1911-1912 would expire on the 19th day of October,1912,and thereupon Mr.
Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for feed for the
horses of the Fire Department for the year beginning October 19th 1912 and end-
ing October 16th 1913,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice to Water Tank
Builders inviting proposals frr the construction of a tank frame and ten thousand
gallon tank in Lincoln Park which was ordered filed. The Clerk reported that
in answer to said advertisement he was in receipt of two bids. Mr.Probst moved
that the Clerk open the same,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried and thereupon
(11 17- 1-22-
September 17th 1912.
From L.W.Murdock,accompanied by a certified check for ,i;50.00,for :464.00
From Thos Tasker,acconpanied by a certified check for $50.00,for $489.00.
Mr.Krumb moved that a recess be declared for five minutes to consider the
bids,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
On reconvening with all members present Mr.Probst moved that the contract for
the erection of the said tank frame and tank be awarded to L.W.Murdoch he being the
lowest bidder therefor ,seconded. by Mr.Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Krumb,.Valker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells Morgenstern,Probst and Bullock,
(9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Amending Section 41 of Ordinance
No.516 of the City of Alameda,prescribing Building Regulations and relating to Gas
grates and Logs",etc introduced August 20th 1912,by Mr.Probst came up for passage
and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Probst moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Mac Rae
and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,
Spence,Ells,Worgenstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes.None. Absent:None.
Mr.Krumb introduced. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Establish-
ing the Grade of Lincoln Avenue from Versailles Avenue to the East Cohen Line",etc,
which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
Mr.Krumb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Fixing the
Salary of the Poundmaster",etc,which was laid over under the provisions of the
The Clerk reported that he had several bl petitions which should be circu-
lated in order to have the City of Alameda represented in the proposed water district
which would take in the cities bordering the east side of the San Francisco Bay and
thereupon Mr.Morgenstern moved that the Clerk be directed to send one to each of the
Improvement Clubs and the Chamber of Commerce with a request that they be circulated
seconded by Mr.Spence and carried.
construct and.
Mr.R.C.Hillen arriVed and presented a signed agreement toAkeep in repair the
cement curbing bordering the sidewalks of Liberty Avenue providing the City would
lay the gutters and not compel the removal of the trees growing along the edge of
of the sidewalks. Mr.Hammond moved to reconsider the motion to refer the report
of the Street Committee relative to this matter to the Committee of the Whole,se-
conded by Mr.Probst and carried. Thereupon Mr.Hammond moved that the report of the
Street Committee be adopted and ,the agreement placed on file,seconded by Mr.Probst
and carried.
An invitation was received from the Alameda County Fair Association inviting
the City Officials to attend the opening of the annual Agricultural Fair at Pleasan-
ton on October 23rd 1912. Mr.Hammond moved that the invitation be accepted and
the Clerk directed to acknowledge the same,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried.
Mr.Morgenstern brought up the matter of the storing of manure in the vegeta-
ble gardens with particular referrence to those located in the western end of the
City and moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to investigate and
report back to the Council at its next Committee meeting,seconded by Mr.Hammond
and carried.
Mr.Walker brought up the matter of the request of citizens to take steps to
open the streets in the western end of the City upon which are located the vegeta-
ble gardens and moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee,seconded
September 17th 1912.
Mr.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to notify the Street Railroad Com-
pany that the curved tracks maintained by it at the curved corner of Versailles
and San Jose Avenues had become so badly worn that the edges were cutting the au-
mobile tires which went over it,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried.
Mr,Krumb reported that he had had an interview with Sam Scott who controlled
the lease of land on Bay Farm Island which had been desired for Pound purposes and
that he wanted a monthly rental of $30.00 for the same and moved that the offer be
rejected and the Committee be granted further time in which to find a site for the
pound,seconded by Mr.?robst and carried.
Mr.Hammond moved that Mr.Xrumb be authorized to purchase certain minor supplies
need for the Pound,seconded by Mr.Spence and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Mac Rae,Spence,Hammond,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and. Bullock,
(9). Noes:1one. Absent:None,
Mr.Probst brought up the matter of complaints made of the manner in which the
Oakland Traction Co,issued transfers to patrons at certain points and also to the
lack of service at early hours of the morning and moved that the matter be refer-
red to the Public Utilities Committee,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried.
Mr.Probst brought up tlie matter which had been called to the attention of
the Council by Auditor Croll relative to the provisions of Ordinance No.218 which
provided for a percentage of the receipte,of the street car line operated on Santa
Clara Avenue from Park to High Street,from Santa Calara to San Jose Avenue on High
Street and on San Jose Avenue from High to Park Street,to be paid to the City on
application and moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee in con-
junction with the Auditor and the City Attorney,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
Mr.Probst brought up the matter of the small supply of water in the well at
Washington Park and moved that the Park & Playground Committee be authorized to
have the well bored to a greater depth at a cost not to exceed $250.00,seconded by
Mr.Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Mac
Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgetstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:
Mr.Probst brought up the necessity of a cement sidewalk across Linco1nPark
at Fernside Boulevard and moved that the. Park & Playground. Committee be authorized
to have the same laid,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote.
Ayes:Councilrnen Krumb,Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and
Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
Mr.Latham,President of the Police and Fire Commission addressed the Council
and requested that permission be granted to destroy the two horses known as Annie
and Sue instead of selling them as recommended in the communication presented to
the meeting earlier in the session. Er.dalker moved that the request be granted,
seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the
next regular meeting,Tuesday,October 1st 191 at 7.30 P.M.
City Clerk of Jaameda,