1912-10-01 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA BA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1ST, 1912. The meeting convened with Mayor W. H. Noy presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Krumb, Walker MacRae, Harnrnond, Spence and Probst, (6) were noted present, and Councilman Ells Morgenstern and Bullock, (3) absent. The Minutes of the meeting of September l7th, 1912 were and ordered approved. Mr. MacRae introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED That the sum of Two hundred and Fifty (250) Dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund (Contingent) to the Fire Fund and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said tranfer upon their respective books. Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Krumb, Walker, MacRae, H=ond, Spence and. Probst, (6). Noes:None. ABsent:Councilmen Ells, Morgenstern and. Bullock, (3). A communication was received from the License Committee recommending that the claim of A. Antonio for a refund on his license of 010.00 to conduct a peanut stand at the corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Park Street be approved and allowed. Mr. Spence moved that the recommendation be adopted, seconded by Mr. MacRae and carried. Claims against the General Fund, amounting to $114.90; against the Police Fund amounting to '201.70; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 04,188.90; against the Street Fund amounting to $1,535.48; against Local Improvenent Fund. No. 784 amount- ing to 07.20; against Local Improvement Fund No. 786 amounting to $1,692.70 and against Park and Playground Fund amounting to 047.55 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Advertising 0 .76 IT TT Printing . 16.50 Bancroft- WM n y Co. Law Books 46.60 Brown & Power Stationery Co. Janitor's supplies 10.17 Citizens Bank of Ala. Assg. E.J.Rogers Services in Auditor's office 30.00 ELls Geneva TT TT IT 30.00 Lubbock, Oswald. Rent P. O. Box .75 Manuel, A. Carpenter Work 6.90 Purity Springs Water Co. Wqter 1.00 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas. .72 Underwood. Typewriter Co. Repairs 1.50 144.90 Antonio, A. A. Conrad John Plotz, H. C. Pries, W.G. Total POLICE FUND. Refund of License Incidental expenses Vacation Special TT IT Total - 1,-IT m -D-rn T7rTTTM cTrri 5.00 16.70 90.00 90.00 201.70 October ist, 1912. Alameda Daily Argus Advertising .62 IT IT IT Printing 40.00 Boar ft of Electricity Incidentals 56.72 Bussenius, A.G. Drgus 3.50 Couchot, M. C. Plans and specifications 450.00 Crocker H. O. Co. Supplies .66 Deane Steam Pump Co. The Supplies 2.60 Eccles & Smith Co. Mdse. 8.80 General Electric Co. Supplies 1.47 Ho1abiri-Reyno1ds Co. Supplies 81.22 TT 11 TV IT .15 Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Inspection & Sup1ies 4.00 Kahn, Vera K. Typewriting 17.25 Kellogg Express Co. Drayage 6.85 IT 11 TV 9.70 King, A. R. Horseshoeing 5.00 Lomax, R. R. 2.75 Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Supplies 13.58 TT IT TV IT IT 2.52 11 11 TV 11 7.23 Mason, F. E. Rental 30.00 Maxwell }awe. Co. Supplies 4.84 IT TT TT TT 3.75 Moore & Co. Chas. C. TT 5.81 Pacific Cycle & Arms Co. Bicycle Repairs 3.50 Pacific States Electric Co. Lamps 36.26 TT TT 11 TV Supplies 1.72 11 It 11 Lamps 28.81 11 IT Irons 17.64 11 TY If 11 Lamps 27.56 TV 11 17 11 TV 27.56 11 TT 11 IT Supplies 2.55 TT TT TY IT Lamps 28.82 TT IT TT 11 5.85 TV TV I/ Supplies 10.03 TT TT 11 Fuses .90 Ti IT 11 Supplies 8.14 TV TT T1 If Lamps 165. 37 TT TV IT VT 60.32 Park Garage Labor .50 Peoples Water Co. Water 10.05 Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Lumber 6.00 Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Feed 58.05 Schneider Henry Stationery 8.05 TV IT I/ 22.60 Standard Oil Co. Fuel Oil 1362.07 October 1st, 1912. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Meters 305.90 344.60 Barrels 10.00 Supplies 1.56 Meter 23.17 34.50 Transformer 323.43 IT 308.43 Worthington, Henry R. Supplies 19.00 Total - 44168.90 STREET FUND. Amorosa, V. Labor 45.00 Anderson, R. Teaming 105.00 Britt, W. IT 77.00 Clark & Sons, N. Supplies 13.58 IT 11 11 IT l 11.64 Fisk Rubber Co. The Supplies 15.00 Jamison, J. S. Teaming 102.50 Johnson, C. TT 102.50 Jones, O. E. 11 212.50 Langley, C.J. Labor 55.00 O'Keefe, M. TT 55.00 Pennock, H. Teaming 107.50 Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Lumber 7.80 Powell Bros. Construction Co. Gravel 8.25 TT If IT IT Cement Work 361.76 Samuels, W. Labor 55.00 Serralunga L. IT 160.00 Yawman, Erbe Mfg. Co. Supplies 40.45 Total --------- 1535.48 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 784, O'Brien, Mrs. M. R. Viater .70 Wagner, J. R. Horse & wagon hire 14.00 Powell Bros. Construction Co. Bases 82.50 Total - 97.20 LOCAL IMPROYEVENT FUND NO. 786. Alameda Daily Argus Postals TT 11 IT Printing T1 IT TT II 11 . IT IV IT III 11 IT Il 17 TT 11 11 IT IT 17 IT IT IT. II IT 11 11 IT TT 1T IV TT IT 11 IT IT IT Chapman, I. N. Koerber, A. H. W. Vosburgh Co., J.B. Simpson, Howard If Engineering Fees Laths .50 Supplies .65 Clerical Work 69.00 . Total --------- 4 1692.70 9 3.50 13.50 31.50 1574.05 PARK AND ?LAYG ROUND F UND. Magill, R. H. Insurance Manuel, Lumber Supplies Total - Mr.Spence moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Mac Rae and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond, Powell Bros. Construction Co. October 1st 1912. 21.00 7.80 18.75 47.55 Spence and Probst,(6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Morgenstern,Ells and Bul- lock,(3). A communication was received from Council President E.B.Bullock addressed to the Mayor stating that he had been unexpectedly called to Tacoma and requesting that he be granted a leave of absence for fifteen days. Mr.Walker moved that the request be granted,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried. A communication was received from Col.Thos H.Rees,referring to the payment of a claim of 010.96 for rent from the U.S.Government of the water front property at the north end of Oak Street stating that the lease for the said property would ex- pire on December 31st 1912,and that only 01.37 was due,and requesting that a claim for that tbat arnourit be allowed. LIr.Probst moved that the claim allowed on September 17th in favor of the •iar Department for 10.96 be cancell d,soconded by Lir.aammond and carried. 11r..:ialker moved that ;he matter of securing a new lease from the Governmert to the land at the north end of Oak Street be referred to the Alameda Harbor Com- mission,seconded by idr.Hammond and carried. A communication was received from Mrs.L.Weinmann to which was attached a pam- phlet describing the method used in Berkeley and. Oakland to destroy the Argentine Ant. 41-.Probst moved that the rnatter be referred to the Health Committee ,second.- by idr.Hammond and carried. A communication was received from the Alameda Harbor Corrnnission recommending that the request of the Crowley Launch e Towboat Co.,to lease the City's water front property on the Oakland. Harbor adjoining the United Engineering Works on the east be denied and that the matter be referred to the Chamber of Commerce with a recommendation that it communicate with the various steamship companies seeking a terminal at this port and place the matter before them and further that the City should offer inducements to some company to locate on this land. Er.Walker moved that the recommendations be adopted,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried. Mr.Morgen tern arrived and was noted present. A communication was received from the City Attorney stating that he had com- plied with the request of the Council and had-made demand on the Peoples Water Com- pany to make extentions,repairs and improvements on certain streets (designating same) in various parts of the City and had further notified the said. Company that he had been instructed by the Council in the event that it failed to comply with the demand that he would commence legal proceedings to compel the Company to do so. MX. Hammond moved that the communication be filed,seconded by IJr.Probst and carried. A communication was received from the Chamber of Commerce to which was at- tached one frem the Breunner Company calling attention to the inadequate fire fight- ing facilities at the north end of the Webster Street Roadway. Mr.Hammond moved. 3O October 1st 1912. A communication was received from the Board of Electricity relative to the complaints that had been made that the Koerting Bros.,Ltd.had not been accorded a proper opportunity to submit their engine for purchase for the Municipal electric Light Plant in thich the Board set out at length its side of the matter. Mr.Ham- mond moved that the same be filed and that in view of the publication of statements by the agent of the said engine that the report of the Board of Electricity be published in full in the local paper,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. A communication was received from the License Committee recommending that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an Ordinance providing that no bill boards or advertising signs,other than those advertising a business conducted on the pre- mises,shall be erected or maintained within a distance of twenty-five feet from any dwelling or building used for business purposes or from the property line front- ing upon a street. Mr.Spence moved that the recommendation be adopted,second- ed by Mr.Probst and carried. A report was received from the poundmaster for the month of September which on request of Mr.Krumb was read by the Clerk in full. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the S.F.-Oakland Terminal Railways,ack- nowledging receipt of communication complaining of the tracks at the curved corner of Versailles and. San Jose Avenues and stating that the matter had been referred to the official of the said Company who had such matters in charge. Ordered filed. A contract and bond was received from the Rulofson Metal Window iorks for the installing of the wired glass windows in the Alameda Free Public Library. Ordered filed. A contract was received from I.W.Murdock for the erection of a tank frame and tank in Lincoln Park. Ordered filed. A deed properly recorded was received from Theresa Strong and M.G.Strong husband for a certain piece of property adjoining the Municipal Electric Light Plant. Ordered filed. Affidavits were presented showing due publication and posting of Notices of Local Improvement providing for the erection of electroliers etc.in Lighting Dis- trict No.8,under Resolution of Intention No.786,and fixing time for hearing pro- tests as 8 o'clock P.M.Tuesaay,October 1st 1912. Ordered filed. The Clerk re- ported that no protests had been presented and thereupon Mr.Krumb offered the fol- lowing Resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Alameda did,on the 4th day of Sept- ember,1912,pass its Resolution of Intention Yo.786 to order the following improve- ment to be made in said city namely:- That iron pipe electric lamp posts each with a cast iron top and ground glass globe and Dip and set up in a concrete base,be erected and constructed on both sides of the following described streets and avenues of said city,between the.lim- its thereof hereinafter mentioned;said lamp posts to be placed at intervals of one hundred and fifty feet along each side of said streets and avenues,and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side of any such street and avenue shall be alter- nate with those on the other side thereof,and that said lamp posts shall be wired and connected by means .of Underground conduits of iron pipe for operation by the Municipal Electric light Plant of said city;that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the following named streets and avenues,to wit: the south half +in , 4-1-1-k.nn October 1st 1912. 531 Broadway;Clement Avenue from Park Street to Broadway;Eagle Avenue from Park Street to Pearl Street;Buena Vista Avenue from Park Streetto Versailles Avenue;Lincoln Avenue from Park Street to High Street;debb Avenue;Johnson Avenue;Santa Clara Avenue from Park Street to High Street;Central Avenue from Park Street to Fernside Boulevard; Crist Street;Chester Street;Van Buren Streetackson Street;Briggs Avenue;Encinal Avenue from Park Street to Pease Avenue;Encinal Avenue from Versailles Avenueto a point nine hundred fifty-five and 50/100 (955.50) feet east of Post Street;Madison Street from Peach Street to westerly termination;San Jose Avenue from Park Street to Peach Street;Washington Street from Broadway to Versailles Avenue;Calhoun Street from Broadway to Versailles Avenue;Park Avenue from Santa Clara Avenue to Bay Island Avenue; Foley Street from Buena Vista Avenue to Railroad Avenue;Everett Street;Regent Street from Central Avenue to Bay Island Avenue;Broadway from Har idon Avenue to Bay Island Avenue;Gould Court;Pease Avenue;Pearl Street from Harrison Avenue to Bay Island Avenue; Versailles Avenue from Buena Vista Avenue to Calhoun Street;College Avenue;Grove Street; Mound. Street from Johnson Avenue to Calhoun Street;Court Street from Lincoln Avenue to Washington Street;Fountain Street from Lincoln Avenue to Washington Street;High Street from Washington Street to the High Street bridge;Post Street from Washington Street to Encinal Avenue;Peach Street from Washington Street to northerly end;Fernside Boulevard from Pearl Street to Liberty Avenue;Fernside Boulevard from point one hundred and fif- teen (115) feet south of Liberty Avenue to a point two hundred and three (203) feet south of Briggs Avenue;and WHEREAS,there were no protests presented againet said. improvement,or againet the assessment for said improvement;now therefore,it is hereby RESOLVED,that the proposed assessment for said improvement be,and the same is hereby confirmed;and be it further RESOLVED,that the report of the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda pre- sented and filed on the 4th day of September,1912,with the Clerk of said Council be, and the same is hereby adopted as a whole. Mr.Mac Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayee:Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Morgenstern and Probst, (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Bullock,(2). Mr.Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOIVED,that,whereas,the City Council of the City of Alameda,did,on the 4th day of September,1912,pass its Resolution of Intention No.786 to order the hereinafter described work to be done and improvement to be made in said City of Alameda;and, whereas upon the filing of the report of the Board of Electricity of the City of Ala- meda,the City Council by resolution appointed a time and place for hearing protests in relation to the proposed improvement,which time and place were fixed as follows, to wit; Tuesday,the first day of October,1912,at the hour of Eight o'clock P.M.,at the Qouncil Chamber of the City Council at the City Hall in the City of Alameda at the Northwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street;and,wheroas,notice of said hear- ing was duly and regularly published as required by lawand the resolution of said Council,as appears from the affidavits of F.E.Browning and John S.Daveler,now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda;and,whereas,notices of the pas- sage of said Resolution of Intention No.786 and of the filing of said report and of the hearing of the protests against said improvement,a0 aforesaid;heeded,"Notice of Local Improvement," were duly and regularly posted along all.streets,and parts of streets October 1st 1912. than 300 fe6t in distance apart,in form and manner as required by law,as appears from the affidavits of H.B.Hunt and .E.Browning,Ci.ty Clerk of the said City of Alameda,who,upon the completion of the posting of said notices,forthwith filed said affidavits in the office of said. City Clerk;and,whereas,there were no protests pre- sented to said Council against said improvement or the assessment for said improve- ment;and WHEREAS,said Council did then and there confirm the proposed assessment for sa3d improvement,and did then and there adopt as a whole the said report of the Board of Electricity,therefore be it RESOLV2D,that the public interest and convenience require and the City Council of the City of Alameda hereby oraers the following improvement to be one and made in said city,namely:- That iron pipe electric larnp posts each with a cast iron top and ground glass globe and lamp and set up in a concrete base,be erected and constructed on both sides (except as hereinafter specifically described),of the following described streets and avenues in said city between the limits thereof hereinafter mentioned;said lamp posts to be placed at intervals of 150 feet along each side of said streets an ave- nues,and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side of any such street or avenue shall be alternate with those on the other side thereof;and that said lamp posts shall be wired and connected by means of underground conduits of iron pipe for oper- ation by the Municipal Electric Light Plant of said city;that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the following named streets and avenues,to wit: the south half of Harrison Avenue from Park Street to a point three hundred fifty-eight and 23/100 (358.23) feet east of Pearl Strect;Blanding Avenue from Park Street to Broad- way;Eagle Avenue from Park Street to Pearl Street;Buena Vista Avenue from Park Street to Versailles Avenue;Lincoln Avenue from Park Street to High Street;Webb Avenue;John- son Avenue;Santa Clara Avenue from Park Street to High Street;Central Avenue from Park Street to Fernside Boulevard;Crist Street;Chester Street;Van Buren Street;Jack- son Street;Briggs Avenue;Encinal Avenue from Park Street to Pease Avenue;Encinal Ave- nue from Versailles Avenue to a point nine hundred fifty-five and 50/100 (955.50) feet east of Post Street;Madison Street from Peach Street to westerly termination; San Jose Avenue from Park Street to Peach Street;Uashington Street from Broadway to Versailles Avenue;Calhoun Street from Broadway to Versailles Avenue;Park Avenue from Santa Clara Avenue to Bay Island Avenue;Foley Street from Buena Vista Avenue to Rail- road Avenue;Everett Street;Regent Street from Central Avenue to Bay Island Avenue; Broadway from Harrison Avenue to Bay Island. Avenue;Gould Court;Pease Avenue;Pearl Street from Harrison Avenue to Bay Island Avenue;Versailles Avenue from Buena Vista Avenue to Calhoun Street;College Avenue;Grove Street;Mound Street from Johnson Ave- nue to Calhoun Street;Court Street from Lincoln Avenue to aashington Street;Foun- tain Street from Lincoln Avenue to Washington Street;High Street from Washington Street to the High Street Bridge;Post Street from Washington Street to Encinal Avenue; Peach Street from Sashington Street to northerly end;Fernside Boulevard from Pearl Street to Liberty Avenue;Fernside Boulevard from point one hundred and fifteen (115) feet south of Liberty Avenue to a point two hundred and three (203) feet south of Briggs Avenue. That the following is a specification of the exterior boundaries of the dis- trict to be benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof.namelv:- All that piece of Darnel of lard sitmatR.lvinD- nrirl hpi/Icr October 1st 1912. ticularly described as follows,to wit:- Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of Harrison Avenue with the eastern line of Park Street and running thence easterly along the center line of Harrison Avenue to a point thereon distant three hundred fifty-eight and 23/100 (358.23) feet from the eastern line of Pearl Street;thence in a right line to a point in a line twenty (20) feet southerly from the southern lie of Harrison Avenue distant three hun- dred fifty-eight and 23/100 (358.23) feet easterly from the eastern line of Pearl Street; thence westerly along a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the south- ern line of Harrison Avenue to an intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Pearl Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Fernside Boulevard;thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of High Street;thence northerly along said last men- tioned parallel line to a point thereon distant three hundred eleven and 20/100 (311.20) feet northerly from the northerly line of Fernside Boulevard;thence in a right line to a point on a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street and distant thereon two hundred ninety and 24/100 (290.24) feet northerly from the northerly line of Fernside Boulevard;thence southerly along said last mention- ed parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and paral- lel with the easterly line of Fernside Boulevard;thence southerly along said last men- tioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Liberty Avenue; thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with the center line of Fernside Boulevard; thence northerly along said center line to intersection with the northerly line of Garfield Avenue; thence westerly along the northerly line of Garfield. Avenue to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the west- erly line of Fernside Boulevard; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street; thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the north- erly line of Centr,a Avenue; thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the western line of Fernside Boulevard; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to a point thereon distant three hundred ten and 64/100 (310.641 feet from the northerly line of Central Avenue;thence at right angles easterly to intersection with a line dis- tant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Fernside Boulevard;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to a point thereon distant two hundred and three (203) feet southerly from the southerly line of Briggs Avenue extended easterly;thence at right angles westerly to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Fernside Boulevard;thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Briggs Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to inter- section with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the east- erly line of High Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Encinal Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel 1 int; to A nnilit 1-31prpnr aiptnrit -F.wplvp hrmarpa fi _f-ir mR ;n/inn (19r, r;n) -Pcln+ October 1st 1912. tersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Encinal Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Post Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned par- allel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Madison Street;thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Peach Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to a point thereon distant one hundred twenty-four and 33/100 (124.33) feet northerly from the northerly line of Madison Street;thence at • right angles easterly to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Peach Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Washington Street;thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Peach Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line dis- tant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Post Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Washington Street;thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Post Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned par- allel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and arallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easter- ly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Wash- ington Street;thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of High Street;thence northerly along said last named line to intersection with a line dis- tant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Fountain Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel, line to inter- section with the northerly line of Washington Street;thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and par- allel with the westerly line of Fountain Street;thence northerly along said last men- tioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Court Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Washington Street;thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Court Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue:thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to October 1st 1912. 535 the easterly line of Mound Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned paral- lel line to intersection with the northerly line of Calhoun Street;thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Mound Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue;t thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Col- lege Avenue;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Calhoun Street;thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty k20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of College Avenue;thence northerly along said last mentioned par- allel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to Intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easter- ly from and parallel with the easterly line of Versailles Avenue;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Calhoun Street;thence in a right line to intersection with the westerly line of Ver- sailles Avenue at a point thereon distant twenty (20) feet southerly from the south- erly line of Calhoun Street;thence westerly along a line distant tlyenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Calhoun Street to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Pearl Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to in- tersection with the northerly line of Bay Island Avenue;thence along said last nam- ed line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and par- allel with the westerly line of Pearl Street;thence northerly along said last mention- ed parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Calhoun Street;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line didtant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Broadway;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Bay Island. Avenne;thence along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Broadway; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty 20 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Regent Street;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Bay Island. Avenue;thence along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Regent Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet south- erly from and parallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Park Avenue,thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the norther- ly line of Bay Island Avenue;thence westerly on said last named line to intersection 536 October 1st 1912. tersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the easterly line of Park Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Park Avenue;thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty k ( 20 ) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Encinal Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned -parallel line to intersection with the easterly line of Park Street;thence northerly along said last named line to intersection with a line twenty (20) 'feet northerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Encinal Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned. parallel line to intersection with the easterly line of Pease Avenue;thence southerly along said last named line to a point thereon distant two hundred sixty-four and 08/100 (264.08) feet northerly from the southerly termination of Pease Avenue;thence at right angles easterly to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Pease Avenue;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line two hundred sixty-four and 08/100 (264.08) feet;thence at right angles westerly to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Pease Avenue;thence northerly along said last mentioted parallel line to intersec- tion with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the south- erly line of Encinal Avenue;thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Broadway;thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of San Jose Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned. paral- lel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and paral- lel with the westerly line of Pearl Street;thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the southerly line of the Southern 'Pacific Right of Way;thence easterly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Pearl Street;± thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty ( 20) feet northerly from. a.nd parallel' with the northerly line of 'San Jose Avenue;thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) ft eet westerly from and parallel 'with the westerly line of Versailles Avenue;thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to inter- section with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Central Avenue; •thence westerly along said last mentiened parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the eastern line of Pearl Street; thence southerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the northern line of the Southern. Pacific Right of Vay i thence westerly along said last named. line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and 'Parallel with the vresterly line of Pearl Street; thence northerly along stlicl last mentioned parallel ‘line to intersection with a line d:stant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Central • Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with 5 1 -n P (11 qr1 twn-n-1777 7.() -I' Pp+. P sl-. rA-r. 1 17 -r nn 5:1-n -nprpl1p1 1:11 -171-1 p rz+! 1-.E.-r1 17 1 -I p n -P October 1st 1912, the northerly line of the Southern Pacific Right of thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty ( 20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Broadway; thence northerly along said last mentioned. parallel line to intersection with a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly lino of Chester Street; thence westerly along sa.icl last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of Regent Street; thence southerIT along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty ( 0) feet northerly from and paral 1 with the northerly line of Encinal Avenue; thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to a point thereon distant two hundred_ sixty-three and 90/100 (263.00) feet easterly from the easterly line of Regent Street; thence at ripht angles southerly to intersection with a line dis- tant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Encinal Avenue; thecen westerly along said last mentioned. parallel line to intersection with the easterly line of Park Street; thence northerly along said last named line to in- tersection With a line distant -twenty (20) feet northerly from and parailel with the northerly line of Encinal Avenuel thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with 'a line twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Park Avenue; thence northerly along said last mentio-ned parallel line to intersection viith a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of CEntral Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the easterly line of Park Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of Park Street to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Central Avenue; thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line one hundred eighteen and 36/100 (118.36) feet; thence at right angles southerly to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Central Avenue; thence along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection Ivith the center line of Park Avenue; thence northerly along said last named line to inter- section with the northerly line. of Post Office Alley extended easterly; thence west- erly along said last named line to intersectioh with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the Westerly line of Park Avenue; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a. line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of ,Santa Clara Avenue; thence westerly along said last mention parallel line to a point thereon distant one hundred fifty-six and 03/100 (156.03) feet westerly from the westerly line of ParklAVenue; ,;hence in a right line northerly to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Santa Clara Avenue at a point distant one hundred (100) feet easterly from the easterly line of Park Street; thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Everett Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant, twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Webb Avenue; thence Westerly along said. last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the. easterly line of Park Street; thence northerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet, northerly 537 3 t. October lst, 1912e westerly from and parailel with the westerly line of Everett Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned 'Parallel line to intersection with a line .distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Lincoln Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the easterly line of Park Street;, thence northerly along said last named line to inter- section with the center line of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly along said center line to intersection with the eastern line of Foley Street extended southerly; thence northerly along said last named line ot intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Lincoln Avenue; thence easterly along said last mentioned. parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Everett Street; thence northerly al ong said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to inter- section with a line distant twenty (20) feet easterly from and parallel with the east- erly line of Foley Street; thence southerly along said lastmentioned parallel line to intersection with the northerly line of Railroad .Avenue; thence westerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Foley Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned_ parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line Of Buena Vista Avenue; thence along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the easterly line of Park Street; thence northerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Buena Vista Avenue; thence easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to inter- section With a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Everett Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Eagle Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the easterly line of Park 'treet; thence northerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet north- erly from and parallel with the northerly line of Eagle Avenue; thence easterly along said last mentioned. parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet westerly from and parallel with the. westerly line of Everett Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Clement Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with the eastern line of Park Street; thence northerly along said last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty (20) feet northerly from and par allel with the northerly line of Clement Avenue; thence easterly along said last named parallel line to intersection with a line distant twenty ( 20) feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Everett Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to inter- section with a line distant twenty (20) feet southerly' from and parallel with the southerly line of Blanding Avenue; thence weste-rly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with. the easterly line of Park Street; thence northerly along sari d last named line to intersection with a line distant twenty ( 20) feet northerly October lot, 1912, foot westerly from and parallel with tho westerly lino of Everett Street; thence northerly along said last mentioned parallel line to intersection with a lino dis- tant twenty (20 Teat southerly f2om and parallel with the southerly line of Harrison. Avenue; thence westerly along said last mentionea parallel line to intei2- section with the easterly line of Park Street; thence northerly along said last named line to the point of beginning saving, excepting and excluding from the above mentioned and described district all public streets, avenues, highways, lanes and alleys. It is further resolved that this resolution and proceedings hereunder are taken under and by virtue of the provisions of an Ace entitled "An Act to provide for the lighting of publia streets, lanes, alleys, courts and places in municipalities, and for the assessment of the costs and expenses thereof upon the property benefited thereby," adopted March 21, 1905, and acts amendatory thereof. Mr.,lalker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Aye :Councilmen Krumb,dalker,Mac Rae,Hammond Spence,Morgenstern and. Probst,(7) . Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Bullock,(2). Mr.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for the erec- tion of the.electroliers as provided for in the foregoingresolutions same to be pre- sented on or before 8 o'clock P.M.'dednesdalT,November 6th 1912,seconded by Mr.Hammond d carried. A communication was received from the Street Superintendent reporting that he had taken action under the provisions of Ordinance No. 601 providing for the destruc- tion and removal of weeds, etc. from sidewalks and vacant lots, and hadnotified a great many owners where he could locate them, and that in most cases the said owners has complied with his request to clean up their properties but where he had been unable to find the owners that he would commence proceedings to clean the various places up under the provisions of the Ordinance. Ordered filed. The Street Superintendent presented a report certifying that the work of constructing a concrete bulkhead at the south end of Park Street, from the westerly line of Park Street, across Park Street eiglity feet, thence along the southerly line of Bay Island Avenue for fifty-nine feet, to the condensing basin of the M.E.L.P. had b een done by Powell Bros. Construction Company, Contractors, under his direction and to his satisfaction, and that the work done and material used complied with the plans and specifications and contract therefor, Ordered filed. The Street Superintendent presented a report certifying that the work of con- structing a sewer in Central Avenue, between Page and. Eighth Streets had been done by Hutchinson Company, Contractors, under private contract, and that the work had beeon faithfully finished and completed under his direction and to his satisfaction, and that the work cone and material used complied with the plans and specifications and contract therefor. Ordered filed. A Bill entitled "A. Bill for Ordinance No. establishing the grade of Lincoln Avenue to the East Cohne line,"introduced September 17th 1912 by Mr. Krumb came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Krumb moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. MacRae, and adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Krumb, Walker MacRae, Hammond., Spence, Morgenstern and Probst, (7). Noes:None. Absent: Councilmen Ells and Bullock, (2). i40 October 1st, 1912. A Bill entitled, "A Bill for Ordinance No. fixing the salary of the Pound- master", introduced September 17th, 1912 by Mr Krumb came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Krumb moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Walker and it was adopted and passed by the following vote;- Ayes:Councilmen Krumb, S.Alker MacRae, Hammond Spence, Morgenstern aria PrObst 7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and. Bullock, (2). Mr. Krumb reported that the Street Department had purchased twenty-five cans to be placed at various localities throughout the City for the deposit of rubbish. Mr. Hammond addressed the Council regarding the communication which had been re- ceived at the meeting af September 17th, from the Alameda Adornment League tender- ing its appreciation to the Council of the action taken by same regarding the sav- ing of trees along the edges of the sidewalks and also the purchase of cans as receptacles for rubbish, and moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communi- cation to the said League in appreciation of the thankstendered the Council second- ed hy Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Hammond reported that the complaint of Mr. Holden relative to a deposit demanded by the Telephone Company for the installation of a telephone in his resi- dence had been amicably adjusted. Mr. Brownlee, on behalf of the Telephone Company addressed the Council stating that it was a rul of his Company to, in certain cases where they doubted the responsibility of the applicant, to make demand for a deposit of 05.00 for which they paid interest, before they would install telephones. Mr. HAmmond moved that the Clerk be directed to address Mr. Holdbn a communication informing him of the action of the Council, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried. Mr. Walker addressed the Council relative to the necessity of purchasing a tractor for the hook and ladder Truck, and moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Police and Fire Commission urging hastein the matter, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Walker moved that further consideration of the Tractor be referred to the Committee of the Whole and that the Police and Fire Commission be requested to attend the same, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr. Krumb moved that the matter of the removal of the palm trees. in the neigh- borhood of the Alameda High School be referred to the Street Committee, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr. Morgenstern called the attention of the Council to a complaint that had been made against the sidewalk in front of 744 Haight Avenue and elsewhere, and moved that the STreet Superintendent be directed to notify various property owners to repair sidewalks in front of their property where in a delapitated condition, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to address a comLiunication to the Campaign Committee of the Home Rule in Taxation requesting it to forward litera- ture bearing on the matter to the members of the Council, seconded by Mr. Morgen- stern and carried, There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting Tuesday, October 15th, 1912 at 7:30 p. m. 74. CH ÷.17 rl 1 PY. _ '