1912-10-15 Regular CC Minutes541
The meeting convened with Mayor W. H. Noy presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen MacRae, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern Probst
an Bullock, (6) were noted present and. Councilmen Walker Krumb and Hammond (3)
The Mintues of the meeting of October 1st 1912 were read and ordered approved.
Councilman Krumb arrived during the reading of the Minutes and was noted
A communication was received from the Police and Fire Commission relative to
three bills that had been refused payment by the Auditor, by reason of lack of funds
in the Police, General Fund, which was ordered filed. Thereupon Mr. Bullock offered
the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, that the sum of One hundred and thirty and 25/100 (130.25) Dollars
be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the Police Fund, and
the Auditor and Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their
respective books.
Mr. Spence seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow-
ing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Krumb, MacRae, Spence, Ells Morgenstern, and.
Bullock, ( 7) . No es : None . Absent: Counci lmen Walke r and. Harmond, ( 2)
A communication was received from the Police Pension Fund Commission requesting
, that a sufficient sum of money be set aside to meet the Police Pension demands for the
months of July, August and. September, 1912, which was ordere d file d, and thereupon
Mr. Bullock offered the foil ow ing Resolution and moved its adopt i an : -
RESOLVED , that the sum of Ninety-four (94) Dollars be and the same is hereby
transferred from the General Fund to the Police Pension liund and the Auditor and the
Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respective
Mr. MacRae seconded the Pesolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow-
vote:- Ayes:Councilipen Krurnb, MacRae, S-)ence Ells, Morgenstern, rob u
Bullock, ( 7) . Noes: None . Absent: Councilmen Walker and. Hammond, ( 2) .
Mr. Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, That the Personal Property Taxes in the sum of Four Thousand. Two hun-
dred and. ninety-seven and 92/100 Dollars (4,29 7.92) for the year 1912, collected
and deposited by the City Assessor be transferred from the account of F. J. Croll,
Assessor, to the several funds as follows:-
G neral Fund.
Park and Playground
Interest and Redemption
Apportionment 1791.69
Unapp 1 led 637.98
,2429 .67
69 3 .71
And the Auditor and. Treasurer are hereby directed to affect thesaid transfer upon
their respective books.
)42 October 15th, 1912.
Bullocks ( 7) . Noes :None. Absent: Councilmen Walker and Hammo-nd, ( ) .
Claims again st the General Fund amounting to 959.71; against the Police Fund_
amounting to 0304.65; against the Fire Fund amoluating to 0678.01; again st the Library
• Fund amounting to ,;',424.26; against Lo cal Improvement Fund no. 783 amount ing to i.
against Local Improvement Fund No. 784 amounting to 0.55 and against Local Improve-
ment Fund no . 786 amounting to :;;;1.70 having been approved and audited_ by the proper
officials were read by the Clerk as f ollows :
Alam eda Daily Argus Advertising
Alan eda Steam Laundry Ass° ciat ion Towel Servic e
Bay City 1.`iarket Dog Meat
Br own Fur ni tar e Rug
Croche r-Langly Dih:ectory Go. Direotorios
Lit G. L. Coll ect in De li nque nt Taxes
Hie k.s , CrLnt
Lubbock , Oswald.
Mayri sch E.
Parcells Safe Co.
Peoples Water Co .
Re co r d.er Printing Company
Schneider, Henry
DeT)t . U. 5. Army
Al arne da Daily Argus
Cr o cke r -Langly Go.
Durand, 1. E.
Pacific Cycle (94 Arms Co.
Pac if ic Tel . & Tel . Go.
Schne ide r, Henry
Studebaker Bros.
Understood Typ evrr ite r Co .
tT Tr
TT 19 .65
r‘ 2.12
Staid onery for Mayor 1.75
Rent of Viharf 1.37
Total - 959.71
Print ing ;"; 42.00
S. F. Directory 6.00
Repair s 22.85
Bicycle repairs 5.50
Rental 4.25
Stationery and postage 60.05
Klaxon Horn 35.00
Typewr iter 63.75
Duplicator 31.50
Stock Peed.
Electrolier Assessme
Rent of Safe
Stationery for City Clerk
Unna Herman Meals 30.75
Clock Rental 3.00
Total ----- 0 304.65
Alameda Daily Argus Advertising $ , ' ,% 1 . 26
Alameda Garage Oil 3.75
Alameda Hardware Go. Supplies 5.75
IT TT TT 11 3.00
Alameda Steam Laundry Ass oci ati on Linen Service 15.80
Baird, J. V. Horse shoeing 3.75
11 TI If 5 .00
Western Union Tel. Co .
Jones, B. 1.
Joergenson, P.
October 15th, 1912.
Horseshoeing 6.50
IT 23.00
Kellogg xpress Co. Drayage 3.00
Horseshoeing 17.50
Electrolier Assessment 48.76
Medicine 2.00
Gas 18.81
Repairs .75
WATER 307.71
Hauling 7.40
Feed 14.00
Feed 166.04
Supplies 4.53
Medicine 6.50
Supplies 9.20
Total 678.01
Alameda Free Library Petty Expenses 22.41
Alameda Daily Argus Subscription 4.80
American History Association Dues 3.00
Baldwin Publishing Co., H. I. Book 2.25
Crocker-Langley Directory Co. Directories 12.00
Eldredge Zoeth S. Books 12.85
Feldhamer, L. Daily newspapers 6.00
Gregory, Tom Book 14.00
Keyser, Mary Washington Book s 10.00
Lubben John G. Fuel 32.00
Mazzini, L. Supplies 5.30
Newbegin, J. J. Books 233.61
Olsen, Mary S. Story Teller 12.00
Pacific Gas 83 Electric Co. Gas .27
Peoples Water Co. Vatcr 2.42
Rogers, Lily substitute 15.00
Torch Press Book Shop Books 11.53
Volberg, C. C. Rent of lest End Reading Rom - 25.00
Total - 424.26
Schnejdor, Henry Stationery .55
Lomax, R. R.
Lubbock, Oswald
Morgan 's Pharmacy
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Park Garage
Peoples Water Co.
Rosso & Co., G.
Rhodes-Jamieson & Co.
Scott, Magner P. Miller
Steinmetz, T.
Sutherland Pharmacy
Vosburgh & Co., J. B.
Schneider, Henry
Schneider, Henry
Mr. Bullock, moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. TJacRae
and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Krumb, MacRae, Spence, Ells,
Morgenstern, Probst and Bullocic (7). Noes:Nme. Absent:Councilmen Walker
and Hammond, (2).
October 15, 1912.
A coimnunication was received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant relative
to a request of Mr. C. C. Boynton, to have the Board of Electricity take charge
of and maintain a lamp post and lamp at the corner of Grand Street and Lincoln
Avenue, which had been erected and paid for by Hr. Boynton before the electroliers
were erected in that district. Mr. Krumb moved that the Department of Electricity
be requested to take over the lamp as requested, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from the Board of Electricity relative to the
matter of the erection of a pole line, to be used jointly by the City and the
Southern Pacific Company, on Pacific Avenue between Grand Street and the Railroad
Company's Right of 'Way near Mastick Station, and stating that the opponents to the
said proposition would be given a hearing at a meeting in the near future. Ordered
A communication was received from the Koerting Bros. Ltd. setting forth their
side of the contention relative to the installation of a. Diesel Engine in the Muni-
cipal Light Plant. Mr. Krumb moved that in as much as the Charter provisions give
control and management of the Municipal Electric Light Plant to the Board of Electri-
city that the oommurication be filed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
Mr. MacRae introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, that in the erection of the Municipal Electric Power House, the
Building Inspector be, and he is hereby directed to issue permits for such work
and to charge such fees therefor as are provided in Ordinance Mo. 516 of the City
of Alameda.
Mr. Probst seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the
following vote: ' es:Councilmen Krumb, MacRae, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst
and Bullock, (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Hammond, (2).
An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice of Sale of
158,000 Municipal Improvement Bonds. Mr. Bullock that it be filed, seconded by
Mr. Spence and carried. The Clerk reported that in response to said publication
five bids had been presented. Mr, Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to open
and read the same, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried, and thereupon the Clerk open-
ed. and read the bids as follows:-
From the Harris Trust and Savings Bank, of Chicago, accompanied by a certi-
fied check for 4500.00, offering a premium of 4,005.00.
From E. H. Rollins & Sons, of San Francisco, accompanied by a certified
check for '3400.00 offering a premium of #3,776.20.
From Torrance, Marshall & Co. of San Francisco, accompanied by a certified
check for 4300.00 offering a premium of $5351.00.
Prom the Alameda Savings Bank of Alameda, accompanied by a certified check
for 03232.36, offering a premium of $3618.20.
From N. W. Halsey & Co. of San Francisco, accompanied by a certified check
for '::;,3300.00, offering a premium of $5940.80.
Mr. Ells moved that a recess of five mintues be declared to consider the
said bids, seconded Mr. Morgenstern and carried.
Upon reconvening, with the same members present, Mr. Bullock reported that
Y. W.Halsey & Co.. had Offered the highest premium, and moved that the sale of the
aforementioned Bonds be made to the said N. W. Halsey & Co., seconded by Mr.
October 15th1912, ,
men ',`,ralker & Harrmond, (2) .
Mr. Bullock moved, that the certified checks which accompanied_ the unsuccess-
ful bids be returned to the unsuccessful bidders, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and.
carri. ed.
An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice to Feedmen re-
questing bids for feed for the horses of the Alameda Fire Department, Ordered
The Clerk reported. that in reponse to said publication two bids had been
presented. Mr. Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to open and read the
same, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried, and thereupon the Clerk opened
and read the bids as follows:-
From Scott, Magrr & Miller, .accompanied by a certified check for 150.00
and also a sample of oats.
150 Bales, (more or less) of No. 1 Straw at 74 c/. per bale.
100 Tons, (more or less) of No. 1 Red Oat Hay at ;;122.49 per ton.
30,000 pounds, (more or less) of Oats, as .per sample, at ;!;1 .68 per hundred
15,000 pounds (more or less) of No. 1. Bran at ;;28.75 per ton.
From Somers & Co., accompanied by a certified check for ,:i150.00, and a
sample of oats.
100 Tons, (more or less) of best quality Red Oat Hay at 22.40 per ton.
30,000 lbs. more or less) ,i;=1 'hite Oats as per sample herewith, at 1.69
per et],
15,000 lbs. (more or less) best quality Bran at 28.40 per ton.
Mr. Krumb moved that a recess be taken to consider the bids, seconded by.
Mr. Probst and carried.
On reconvening, with the same merbers being present, . Krumb reported
that Somers & Company had not. complied with the requirements of th.e advertise-
ment, they not having bid for straw as called for in the said advertisement,
and the bid of Scott, Magner & Miller being reasonable, he moved that the con-
tract for supplying the said feed. be awarded to said Scott, Magner & Millcr
and. that the check which accompanied_ the unsuccessful bid of Somers L?c, Company
be returned, seconded by Mr. Spence and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:
Councilmen Krumb MacRae, Spence , lls, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, ( 7) .
Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Hammond, ( 2) .
Mr. Ells offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
Whereas, there is a possibility that extra elections may be held by the
City of Alameda, between this date and the making up of the Register in 1914,
therefor e be it
Resolved, by the Council of the City of Alamo da compliance with
the amendment to Section 1115 of the Political Code of the State of California,
the County Clerk of the County of Alameda, be requested to have printed and
furnish to the said. City of Alameda, twenty (20) additional copies of the indexes
to the Great Register of said County, so far as the same relates to the register-
ed. voters of said. City.
Mr. Probst seconded the Resolution and itJw.as adopted and passed by the.
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Krumb, MacRae, Spence, Ell s, Morgenstern, Probst
d Bullock, ( 7) . Noes :None. Absent : Councilmen alker & Hama end, ( 2) .
A comunication was received from the League of California Municipalities
October 15th, 1912.
Voter for in the November Election, by Resolution. Ordered filed, and thereupon
1.1.r. Ells offered the following Reso lution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Al oda commends to the voters
of said City, Constitutional Amendment (No. 8 on Ballot). granting to cities and
towns home rule in matters of taxation.
Mr. Probst seconded the Resolution and it was adcmted. and passed by the
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Krumb, MacRae, Spence , Ells, Ellorgenstern and
Probst ( 6) . Excused:Councilman. Bullock, (1) . Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen
Walker and Hammond, (2),
Mr. Probst moved that a copy of the. Resolution_ just passed be mailed to
ague of California Municipalities, seconded by•lVIr. .ills and carried.
A communication was received from the League of California Municipalities
stated there they were having the proceedings of the recent convention of .the •
said League in Berkeley printed, and desired to know whether the City of Alameda
desired copies of same, which would be in paper covered baclm for files, at
$1..00 a piece. Ordered filed. Thereupon Mr. Krumb moved, that the Clerk be direct-
ed to make request for three copies, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried.
The Clerk presented a copy of a set of Resolutions which he had forwarded,
at request of the Alameda Harbor Commission, to the War Department, relative to
the deepening and widening of the Channel of the Oakland Harbor on the Alameda
side. Mr. Krumb moved that the action of the Clerk be approved, seconded by
Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from Lieut. Col. Rees in answer to the Resolu-
tions sent by direction of the Harbor Commission, setting forth the condition
of the Fund for the ,ork now being done, which was ordered filed, and thereupon
Mr. Krumb moved that a copy of same be sent to MR. Krusi, Chairman of the Alameda
Harbor Commission, seconded by Mr. Spenee, and carried.
A communication was received from L. Taylor requesting permission to connect
a barge landing at the north end of High Street, near High Street Bridge, same
to be subject to the pleasure of the Council. The request was endorsed by former
Mayor, E. K. Taylor. Ordered filed, and thereupon Mr. Krumb moved that the re-
quest be granted, s.econded by Mr. Ells and carried.
A communication was received from G. A. Ziel, relative to the matter of the
payment of electrolier assessments on property in the neighborhood of Benton
Street and Encinal Avenue, Mr. KRumb moved that it be referred to the City
Attorney, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from the Alameda Adornment League advocating:-
1. That Santa Clara Avenue, from Webster Street to High Street,be bituminized.
2„ That all Railway Companies be compelled to put all crossings, in perfect
3. That all Railway Companies be compelled to put that portion of the street
which lies between the rails, in perfect condition.
Mr. Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Street, Committee, seconded
by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from E. K. Taylor, advocating the improvement
of the roadway of Chestnut Street, north of Clement Avenue, and leading to the
Boat House of the Alameda Boating Club. Mr. Krumb moved that the matter be
October' 15th, 1912.
A communication was received from Councilman Wm. Hammond Jr., requesting a
leave of absence for a period of thirty days. Mr. Krumb mOved that it be granted,
seconded by Mr. Spence and carried.
A communication was received from the City Clerk making application for a
vacation of two weeks beginning Thursday, October 17th. Mr. Krumb moved that it
be granted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A-communication was received froth the Board of Health • relative to a request
of the Master Painters Association of Alameda County, to enact an Ordinance to
regulate the repapering and re-calcimining of rooms to pr;event the spread of contagious
diseases, and stating that they had referred the said. Association.to the City Council
for consideration.
Mr. Spence introduced. A Bill entitled i Bill for Ordinance No. To Amend.
Section 5 of Ordinance No. 536 as Amended by Ordinance No, 575 of the City of
Alameda, Relating to Specifications and. Regulations for Bill Boards and Advertising
Sign Boards," which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
Mr. MacRae introduced .a Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. to Amend
Section 3 of Ordinance No. 574 of the City of Alameda, relating to the Construction,
Erecton, Alteration, Maintenance and Conduct of Theaters, Opera Houses and Other
Places of Amusement" which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
Mr. Krumb reported in the matter of the objection to remove the palm trees
bordering the sidewalk in the neighborhood of the High School, stating that the
members of the Adelphian Ladies' Club were oppo d to said removal and moved that
for the present the trees complained of be allowed to remain, seconded by Mr. Spence
and carried.
Mr. Morgenstern addressed the Council relative to the ant pest, stating that
Proffessor 'Aodworth of the State University had reported That the Argentine Ant
was infesting almost the entire city, and moved that the Clerk be directed to
address a communication to the Board of Health requesting it to call a special
meeting and to invite the Health Committee of the Council to be present, to take
up the matter of united effort toward ridding the City of the pest, seconded by
Mr. Probst and carried.
Mr. Krumb addressed the Council on the deplorable condition of the roadbed and
cars operated on same, of the Street Railway Company on High Street, from Santa Clara
Avenue to San Jose Avenue and. on SAn Jose Avenue from High Street to Park Street,
and moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the San Francisco,
Oakland Terminal Railway demanding that immediate action be talon toward broad-guaging
the said tracks and equipping the sane with proper cars, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern
and carried,
Mr. Probst addressed the Council on the matter of beautifying the east side
;Jeb ter Street Roadway, south of the iVebster Street Bridge. No action.
Mr. Morgenstern addressed the Council suggesting that the Park and Playground
Committee give consideration to the proposition of placing seats in Jackson Park
near the Railroad station.
The Mayor reported that certain persons, unknown, were violating the Ordinance
regulating the disposal of refuse b/ dumping garbage, etc. on the vacant spaces
adjacent to the 'ebster Street Roadway, and thereupon Mr. Krumb moved that the Clerk
said roadway, calling attention to the Ordinance, seconded by Mr. Bullock and
Mr. Morgenstern brought up the matter of the complaint of F. N. Delanoy
in the matter of electrolier assessments in his name, against property in which
he had no longer an interest, and moved that the matter be referred to the City
Attorney, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
Mr. Morgenstern brought up the matter of the reservoir maintained in Bay
Island Avenue by the Municipal Electric Light Plant and also the waste. of the
hot water from the said Plant, which was not be ing run into the 7,3q7 , and advocat-
ed that the said water be used for -public bath trig purlDoes , and nov ed that the
matter he referred. to the Public Utilities Committee to take up with the Board
of Electricity, seconded by Mr. Spence and carried.
The re being no further business to transact the Council journed until
the next regular meeting, which by reason of the fact that Tuesday, November
would be a legal holiday, being Election Day, would. be held on 'Iednosday, Novem
•e2.-• 6th, 1912 at 7:30 p. m.