1912-11-06 Regular CC Minutes549 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA,WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 6th 1912. The meeting convened with Mayor W.H.Noy,presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Krumb,Vualker,Hammond,Mac Rae,Spence,Ells, Morgenstern ,Probst and. Bullock,(9),were noted present and none absent: The minutes of the meeting of October 15th 1912,were read and ordered approved. Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED,That the Tax Collector having depos.ted his collections in Electra- lier District No.0 the sum of Two Thousand (2000) Dollars is hereby transferred from Local Improvement Fund No.786 to the General Fund in repayment of the loan made to said Improvement Fund,by resolution of the Council,September 17th 1912,and the Au- ditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to effect said transfer upon their res- pective books. Mr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Hammond,Mac Rae,Spence,Ells,Morgen- stern,2robst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 044,-.,42:against the Police Fund. amounting to 174.06:against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 04218.41:against the Street Fund amounting to ,2300.99:against the Library Fund amounting to 000.89: a, against the Park ,74 Playground Fund amounting to 015.30against Local Improvement Fund No.768 amounting to 081.00 • * L , having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Daily Argus Byrne,J.W. Fink P,3 Schindler Co,The Fitz,C.I. GENERAL FU1D. Printing Bonds Express charges Coin Trays Commissions 0 275.00 . 5 0.70 17.60 u u TI 19.61 / 4 //.....-4. Noy,VI.H. Mayor's allowance 600.00 Pacific Gas !3: Electric Co. Gas 1.26 Pacific Tel Tel Co. Switches 1.65 TT u u ” Rental F,: Tolls 2.30 Peoples Water Co. Water 16.05 Westphal,O.F. Conrad, John Plot7„H.C. ies,Wm G. Alameda Daily Argus Alameda Paper Co. 1 r yr TT Board of Electricity Boynton,C.C. Couchot,Maurice C. Repairs to clock 2.00 Total- - - 0-944-.42- POLICE FUND Incidental expenses 21.06 Salary 63.80 TY 90.00 Total- 174.86 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND Advertising 1.43 Paper 3.31 TT 1.10 Incidentals 12.20 Electroliers 70.00 Blue Prints 31.07 ) 0 November 6th 1912. Crocker Co.,H.S. Addressograph Supplies y ,!. 3.04 Dorward. Engineering Co . Supplies 2.50 Eccles ,7c Smith Co. TT 585 Erening Times Star,The Papers 1.10 TT TT Tr Advertising, 7.50 Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel Co. Fire Alarm Box 125.00 Garlock Packing Co. Supplies 85.14 Nolabird-Reynolds Co. It .28 Tr TT Tr TT 5.65 Hunt , Kirk ,g3 Co. 1r 5.50 Kahn,Vera K. Typewriting 61.50 King,A.R. Norse-shoeing 7.75 Koerber,A.N.;i. Feed 36.55 ‘Marshall Newell Supply Co. Suplios 5.88 TT TT IT TT Rags 5.77 Mason,F.E. Rent 30.00 Moore .7.1 Co.,Chas C. Supplies 46.90 Pacific States Electric Co. Lamps 62.08 TT Tr IT Supplies 19.01 IT IT TI Lamps 1.93 IT TT IT 29.30 VT IT TT Supplies 14.39 IT TT Tr Tr .46 IT IT TT Lamps 9.06 TT IT Supplies 3.46 Tr TT I? Irons 12.00 Tr Tr 1, Lamps 38.42 IT II IT 58.11 IT IT IT Tr 55.12 TT IT IT IT 8.08 IT TT TT Supplies 45.10 II TT TT Lamps 97.65 IT IT TT Shades .8 II TT TT Motor 13.03 IT TT IT Supplies 5.26 IT TT TT IT 130.88 TT TI TT Lamps 45.31 Tr TT TT Supplies 20. Tr IT IT Lamps 195.66 Pacific Tel !': Tel Co. Rental .',; Tolls 21.76 TT TI TT TT TT TT 24.05 Park Garage Labor L Material .05 Peoples r.,fater Co. Y/ater 11.99 Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Fire clay ,7,3c 30.00 . ire 199.90 Stationery 14.40 Standard Oil Co. Supplies 20.40 Roeblinp;s So Schneider ,Henry 1‘0.3VU111UW, Sunset Lumber Co. Cedar Poles 410.00 United. Iron 'Narks Supplies 12.50 Vosburgh Co.,J.B. ,, 21.54 IT IT IT 6.40 Weinstock-Nichols Co. ,,. 2.50 Westinghouse E.5'. M.Co. Meters 257.50 Vi' IT II 109.90 Whittier-Coburn Co. Supplies 17.33 Oil 40.37 Total- - -Q4216.41 STRET FUND Amorosa,V. Labor 57.50 Anderson,R. Teaming 83.75 Britt,W. • Teaming 94.50 Burgner F,; Martin Supplies 138.00 Chapman,E.N. Assisting City Engineer 7.00 Clark Sons,Ii. Supplies 15.13 TT 11 TT 1.75 Dearborn Drug Chemical Co. IT 17.53 Doyle,D. Labor 12.50 Fairbanks,Morse ,7c Co. Supplies 7.70 Goldstone,J. Ty 18.57 Ti' 11' If 16.80 TT Ti 11 26, Helmstein,J.H. TT 1.60 Jamison,J.L. Teaming 135.00 Johnson C. TT 87.50 TT 270.00 Pacific Tel ,?; Tel Co. Rental 2.55 IT Ti' TV II 3.20 Supplies 12.00 Coal 6.00 Teaming 135.00 epics Water Co. later 53.76 Plummer Son,Geo E. Lumber 6.37 Rhodes-Jamieson a: Co. Supplies 499.50 TT Ti' IT TF 229 .50 Rickerson Al. 1r .50 Roberts,S.H. Repairs 1.00 Samuels,W.J. Labor 67.50 Schneider,Henry Supplies 1.75 Serralunga,L. Labor 160.00 Sutton,J.E. Assisting City Engineer 6.00 Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies 30.80 Western Equipment Co. IT 49.08 Wood Lumber Co.,E.K. Lumber Ti' TT Jones,O.E. Pennock,M. IT Total LIBRARY FUND 45.30 Q2300.99 November 6th 1912. Clark Co.,Arthur H. Feldhammer,L. Library Bureau Olsen,M.S, Peoples Water Co. Schneider ,Henry Tripp Co.,J.B. Volber .C. Chapman,E.N. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Serralunga,L. Simpson ,Howard HuLuhirs Book Newspapers Supplies Story Teller Water Stationery & Supplies Books Rent 25.00 - Q 88.89 3.60 6.00 2.40 12.00 2.13 13.30 12.00 Total- - & PLAYGROUND FUND Assisting City Engr ,;i; 1.00 Rental Pc Switches 2. Lime Pc Cement 1.75 Hauling Rubbish Total - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND No.786 Clerical Services 81.00 10.00 15.30 Mr.Hammond moved that the Claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker Hammond,Mac Rae, Spence,Ells,Morgenstern -robst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances in the various Funds on October 31st 1912. Ordered filed. A report was received from the ?oundmaster for the month of October,1912. Ordered filed. The City Clerk reported that in compliance with the provisions of the Bid of N.W.Halsey & Co.,they had on Friday,November 1st 1912,paid for the 158,000.00 Municipal Improvement Bonds voted for on April 30,1912,the sum of 163,940.80,and that the money had been deposited with the City Treasurer. Mr.Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS,certain expenses were incurred,which were not provided for in the prior Budget,in carrying out the matters pertaining to the Bond Election held on April 30th 1912,and Whereas,in the sale of the Bonds so provided for,a premium was paid,therefore be it RESOLVED,that the said premium be credited to the General Fund,and the Audi- tor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to take notice. Mr.Mac Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,Walker,Hammond,Mac Rae,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock,(9) . Noes:None. Absent:None. A report was received from the Mayor,Auditor and City Clerk certifying that they had on November 1st 1912,count d the money in the hands of the Treasurer and had found the amount to be 05007.36,and that the said amount agreed with the balan- ces as shown by the Auditor's Books. Ordered filed. Mrs.A.Combatalade presented an application for a gratuitous license to soli- cit and take orders for a patent ironing board. The Chief of Police recommended the granting of same and thereupon Mr.Walker moved that it be granted,seconded by 1.4VVVILIW.d UOIL the frame building in Mc Kinley Park,for one year ending August 20th 191 in the sum of 0000.00. Ordered filed. A communication was received from Somers Co.,the unsuccessful bidders for feed for the horses of the Fire 1)epartment,nrotesting against the award of contract to the Scott,Magner :? Miller. Mr.alker moved that it be referred to the City At- torney,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried. A contract was received from the Scott,Magner and Miller Co.,for supplying feed for the horses of the Fire Department for the year ending October 18th 1913. Ordered filed. A petition containing the names of several hundred electors was presented re- questing that a measure be submitted to the electors of the City for the adoption of An Ordinance confining the use of poles and overhead wires by electric railways to the streets whereon such railways are operated and also to submit in the same man- ner A Ordinance prohibiting the erection,maintenance and use of overhead electric wires and poles within a certain district in the City of Alameda. Mr.liammond moved that it be referred to the City Attorney and that the Clerk be authorized to employ the necessary clerical help to check the names on the Great Register of the County,seconded by Mr.? obst and carried. A communication was received from the Street Superintendent requesting that the salaries of the street laborers be increased from G5.00 to 00.00 per month, and that the salary of the office deputy be increased from 05.00 to 80.00 per month. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Treasurer Tax Collector requesting that the salary of the Deputy Tax Collector be increased from y O5.00 to 0.00.00 per month. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Auditor and Assessor requesting that the salary of Deputy Auditor Mayrisch be increased from 0.15.00 to 0_25.00 per month. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Finance Committee reporting that the increase in:salaries as asked for had been provided for in the budget as allowed by the Council for the year 1912-1913. Ordered filed,and thereupon Mr.Bullock olfered the followinp. R^solution cind moved its adoption: :ihereas,provision was made in the T3u007ets for the year 1912-1913 for incre of salary for certain city employees,therefore be it RIOLVD,That the salary of Deputy Auditor :].ayrisch be increased from gliC .0C to 125.00 per month; that the ;,;,),1ary of Deputy Collecto,L.H.Ader be increased from 85.00 to 1.00.00 per month;that the salary of M.H.Dunn,Superintendent of Parks be increased from 0_00.00 to 0_10.00 nor month; that the salary of Mrs. J. .Lawten, Clerk in the office of the Street 1.)eartment be increased from 05.00 to 00.00 per month;and be it further n.E3OLV2D,that the nrovisiom of this Resolution take effect from and after this date. Mr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the :fol- lowing vote. Ayes: Councilmen Krumb,',alker Hammond,Mac Rae ,Spence ,Ells,Morgen- stern,Probst and 3ullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr.Eac Rae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: nereas,the duties of the Janitor of the City Hall have,during the past year, November 6th 1912. for said employee ,therefore be it RESOLVED,that the salary of the Janitor of the City Hall be increased, from the sum of Ninety (90) Dollars Per month,to One hundred (100) dollars per month, the same to take effect and be in force from and after the date of the passage of this Resolution. l'ir.iLarmona seconded. the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,,Ialker,Hammond,Lac Rae, stern,Brobst and. Bullock (9). Zoos:None. Absent: Hone. lce,Ell ,Liorgen- Mr.Hrumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: r:/HEREAS,request has been made by the Street Superintendent to increase the salaries of the street laborero therefore be it RESOLVED,That the re7alar laborers employed by the Street Department be granted an increase of salary from 65.00 to 00.00 permonth,and be it further RESOLVED,That the provisions o.f this Resolution take effect and be in force from and after this date. 1.,1r.alker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,alker,Hammond,Eac Rae,Spence,E11, idorgen- tern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes :None. Absent: Hone. A communication was received from l'.Lucchette claiming ownership to a certain piece or parcel of land adjoining the Municipal Electric Light 'lant and occupied by it stating that commencing December 1st 1912,the monthly rental would be 25.00. Hr.Hammond moved. that the matter be referred to the Board of Electricity seconaed by Mr.Bullock and carried. A communication was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce stating that the recommendation to solicit some steamship company to lease the city's water front property on the Oakland Harbor adjoining the United. Engineering Viorks had been referred to the Transportation Committee. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Railway stating that the complaint against the roadbed and equipment of the street rail- way on High Street from Santa Clara to San Jose Avenue and on San Jose Avenue from High to Park Street would be laid. before the Board. of Directors of the said. Com- pany at its next meeting. Ordered filed. communication was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce to which was attachea a copy of a Resolution adopted by the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce advocating the placing of signals at all dangerous crossings to protect moving vehicles at such crossing ,and that said, Resolution had been heartily endorsed by the Alameda Chamber. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee second.ed. by hr .Probst and carried. A communication was received from the Street Superintendent c.; that the work of his department had increased to such an extent that he desired an an assistant to properly attend to it. Mr.Probst moved that the request be referred to the Street Committee to investigate and report hack the Council at its -xt meeting,seconded by Mr.'aalher and carried. A communication was received, from Street Superintendent Frodden requesting a two-weeks vacation to commence November 11th. .Yir.Krumb moved that it be grant- ed,seconded by Er.Bulloch and carried. A communication was received from the Street Superintendent stating that he 13 rs (1 et '4^ 1 a, a^A g", 9.1, November 6th 1912. quested for 500 lineal feet of 10-inch Corrugated Iron Pipe,and 20 lineal feel, of 12 inch Corrugated Iron Pipe,also giving specifications for same. Mr.Krumb mov- ed that the recommendations be adopted and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids accordance therewith,seconclecl by Mr.Hammond and carried. Mr.Krumb offered, the following resolution and moved it adoption: RESOIVED,that the City Engineer of the City of Alameda be ,and he is hereby ordered to prepare lans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City,to wit: Per the construction of a cement sidewalk,six (6) feet in width,on the east side of Park Street,from the southern line of Harrison Avenue to the northern line of Blanding Avenue. Mr.Mac Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. A' :Councilmen Krumb,4alker,Hammond,Mac Rae Lence,Ells,Mor- genstern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noe :None. Abs ant: None. In compliance with the provisions of the foregoing resolution the City En- gineer presented plans and specifications for the said work which were ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED that the plans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City,to wit: The construction of a cement sidewalk,six (6) feet in width,on the east side of Park Street,from the south- ern line of Harrison Avenue to the northern line of Blanding Avenue,as prepared by the Engineer of said City and, submitted this 6th day of November,1912,be,and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work. Iiir.alker seconde the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,',Valker,Hammond,Mac Rae,Spence,Ells,Morgen- stern,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent: None. LIr.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED,that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda,to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said. City,to wit: at a cement sidowalk,six (6) feet in width,be constructed on the east side of 'eet,from the southern line of Harrison Avenue to the northern line of Blanding Avenue;said walk to be laid in line with the .walk now laid on the east side of Park Street between Blanding Avenue and Clement Avenue. All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and soecifica- tions heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The Clerk shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in The Evening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City and hereby designated for that purpose by the said. Coun- cil. The Street Superintendent shall,immediately,cause to be conspicuously post- ed along the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front of all the property liable to be assessed,notices of the passage of this Resolution of Intention,in the manner and form required by law. All of the herein proposed. work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the gislature of the State of California,designated the tImprovenient Act of 1911" November 6th 1912. Mr.Mac Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes: Councilmen Krumb,alker,Hammond,Mac Rae,Spence,Ell Morgen- stern robst a d Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice Inviting Propos- als for the construction of LamP Posts,conduits and wiring to be done on Certain Streets in the City of Alameda,as proviea fOr by proceedings under Resolution of Intention No.786. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that no bids had been received in rely to said Notice and thereupon Mr.Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: VIHEREAS the Council of the City of Alameda on the 4th day of September 9 adopted its Resolution of Intention No.786 declaring its intention to order that iron pipe electric lamp posts each with a cast iron top and.ground glass globe and lamp and set up in a concrete base,be erected and constructed on both sides of the fol- lowing streets and avenues in said. Citybetween the limits thereof hereinafter men- tioned;said lamp posts to be placed at intervals of 150 feet along each side of said streets and avenues,and arranged so that the lamp posts on one side of any such street or atenue shall alternate with those on the other side thereof;and that said lamp posts shall be wired and connected by means of underground conduits of iron pipe for operation by the Municipal Electric Light Plant of said city;that said improvement shall be made and constructed on the following named streets and aven- ues,to wit: the south half of Harrison Avenue from Park Street to a point three hundred fifty-eight and 23/100 (358.23) feet east of Pearl Street;Blanding Avenue from Park Street to 3roadway;Clement Avenue from Park Street to Broadway;Eagle Ave- nue from Park Street to Pearl Street;Buena Vista Avenue from Park Street to Ver- sailles Avenue;Lincoln Avenue from Park Street to High Street;Viebb Avenue;Johnson Avenue;Santa Clara Avenue from Park Street to High Street;Central Avenue from Park Street to Pernside Boulevard;Crist Street;Chester Street;Van Buren Street; Jackson Street;Briggs Avenne;Encinal Avenue from Park Street to Pease Avenue;Eneinal Ave- nue from Versailles Avenue to a point nine hundred fifty-five and 50/100 (955.50) feet east of Post Street;Madison Street from Peach Street to westerly termination; San Jose Avenue from Park Street to Peach Street;.a.shington Street from Broadway to Versailles Avenue;(;alhoun Street from Broadway to Versailles Avenuo;2ark Avenue from Santa Clara Avenue to Bay Island Avenue;Fol ,7 Street from :Buena Vista Avenue to Railroad. Avenue;Everett Street;Regent Street from Central Avenue to Bay Island Avenue;3roadway from Harrison Avenue to Bay Island Avenue; Gould Court;Pease Avenue; Pearl Street from Harrison Avenue to Bay Island Avenue;Versailles Avenue from Bue- na Vista Avenue to Calhoun treet;College Avenue;rove Street;ound Street from John Avenue to Calhoun Street;Court Street from Lincoln Avenue to 'f;ashington Street; Fountain Street from Lincoln Avenue to .:ashington 5treet;High Street from 'e.shing- ton Street to the High Street 3ridge;2ost Street from Elshington Street to Encinal Avenue;2.each Street from ,iashington Street to northerly ond;Perns de Boulevard from Pearl Street to Liberty Avenue;Pernside Boulevard from point one hundred and fifteen (115) feet south of Liberty Avenue to a point two hundred and three (203) feet south of Briggs Avenue;and JHEREAS,in accordance with the instructions contained in said Resolution of Intention No.786 adopted as aforesaid on the 4th day of September,1912,and in acc- ordance with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California :::ovember 6th 1912. thereof upon the Property benefited ereby" adopted March 21,1005, and. acts amend- atory thereof,the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda on the 4th day of '-3eptember 1( 12,filed with the Clerk of said City Council its eport in writing;and ;rHEREAS,after further proceedings regularly had as required by law,and it ap- pe aring to said Council that no person interested .objected to said improvement or to the extent of the assessment district,or to the proposed assessment provided for in section 2 of said Act,or filed a written Protest with the Cleric of the City Coun- cil at or before the time set for the hearing aid City Council of the City of Ala- meda did,on the 1st day of October,1912,by its resolution duly adopted and passed, confirm the proposed assessment for said improvement,and adopted as a whole the said report of the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda;and. HEREAS,said City Council dia,on said 1st day of October 2,adopt and its resolution ordering said improvement to be done and made and declaring its ac- tion upon said, report and as eSsment as aforesaid; nd Whereas pursuant to order of the said Council of the City of Alameda,the City Clerk of said City of Alameda advertised for bids for the construction of lamp posts,conduits and wiring on the south half of Harrison Avenue from Park Street to a point three hundred fifty-eight and 23/100 (358.23) feet east of Pearl Street; Blanding Avenue from Park Street to Broadway;Clement Avenue from Park Street to Broaclviay;Eagle Avenue from Park Street to Pearl Street;Buena Vista Avenue from Park Street to Versailles Ivenue;Lincoln Avenue from Park Street to High Street; ebb Avenue;Johnson Avenue;Santa Clara Avenue from Park Street to High Street;Cen- tral Avenue from Park Street to Fern ide Boulevard ;Crist Street;Chester Street;Van Buren Street;Jackson Street;Briggs Avenue;Encinal Avenue from Park Street to Pease Avenue;Ercinal Avenue from Versailles Avenue to a point ninehundred fifty-five and 50/100 (955.50) feet east of Post treet;Madison Street from Peach Street to west- erly termination;San Jose Avenue from Park Street to Peach Street; ngton Street from Broadway to Versailles Avenue;Calhoum Street from Broadway to Versailles Ave- nue;Park Avenue from Santa Clara Avenue to Bay Island. Avenue;Foley Street from Buena Vista Avenue to Railroad Avenue;Everett Street;Regent Street from Central Ave- nue to Bay Island Avenue;Broadway from Harrison Avenue to Bay Island Avenue;Gould Court; Pease Avenue;_Learl Street from Harrison Avenue to Bay Island Lvenue ; Versail- les Avenue from Buena Vista Avenue to Calhoun Street;College Avenue;Crove Street; bound Street from Johnson Avenue to Calhoun Street;Court Street from Lincoln Ave- nue to ':;ashington Street;Fountain Street from Lincoln Avenue to :iashington Street; High Street from •gton Sfreet to the High Street Bridge;Post Street from 'aash- ington Street to Encinal Avenue;Peach Street from 1shington Street to northerly end;bernside 13oUlevard from ?earl Street to Liberty Avenue;Pernside Boulevard from point one hundred and fifteen (115) feet south of Liberty Avenue to a Point two hun- dred and three (2O) feet south of Briggs Avenue,in accordance with the plans and soecific tions for the said work adopted by the City Council of the City of Alameda as aforesaid; said advertisement was nublisheci in the manner and for the time provid- ed by law;and HEREAS,it appear to said Council that the time when sealed bids for said work was advertised to be received,was,to wit,up to the hour of Eight o'clock ?.Y‘. of jednesday,the 6th day of lIovember,1912;and WHEREAS,it further appears to said Council that that time has arrived 557 )58 November 6th 1912. not made,and that the municipality itself execute the work embraced therein in accor- dance with the plans and specifications adopted for such work and employ the labor and provide the material,appliances,supplies and illuminating agent necessary there- for:and it is further RESOLVED,th,,t the cost and expenses of such work shall be paid out of the funds which have been collected therefor by the Tax Collector of said City of Ala- meda by virtue of the proceedings heretofore had under said Resolution of Intention No.706,and as .provided by law for said improvement. Mr.alker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes: Councilmen Krumb,alker,Hammond,Mac Rae Probst Bullock, (9 ) Noe :None. Absent:None. cc ,lls ,Liorgenstcrn Two communications were received from J.E.Breitwiser relative to the timetable of trains between Alameda and. San Jose and also relative to the method of transfer- ing ggage from the two points. Mr.alker moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee,seconded by Nr.S,Dence and carried. A communication was received from J.E.Breitwiser relative to Destructive insects and their control and also to the contagious diseases of fowls and cattle and advo- cating the passage of an ordinance which would compel owners to keep places where they are kept in a condition which would prevent the spread of such diseases. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Board of Health,seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. A communication was received from J.E.Breitwiser advocating the construction of public baths at the south end of Park Street and giving his views touching the same. Mr.alker moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Commi- ttee,seconded by idr.?robst and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No., To Amend Section 3. of Ordinance Number 574 of the City of Alameda,relating to the Construction,Erection,Alteration, Maintenance and. Conduct of Theaters,Opera Houses and Other Places of Amusement",etc, introduced by Mr.Mac Rae,October 15th 1912,came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Mac Rae moved its adoption,secOded by Mr.Prob t and carried by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes : Councilmen Krumb,alker,Hammond,Mac Rae,Spence,Ells,Morp:enstern, Probst and 3ullock,(9). Noes: None. Absent: None. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Amend. Section 5 of Ordinance No.536 as amended By Ordinance No.575 of the City of Alameda,Relating to Specifica- tions and. Regulations for Bill Boards and Advertising Sign Boards" ,etc,introduced by Mr.Spence,October 15th 1912,came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Spence moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,,;alker,Hammond,Eac Rae,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and. Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr.Krumb introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Declaring and. Determining the Specifications for the Construction.of Cement Sidewalks and. Drive- ways in the City of Alameda,"etc,which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. The Clerk reported that the management of the Pantages Theater in Oakland had through him extended an invitation to the Mayor and members of the Council to attend a performance at the said. Theater on Monday evening,November 11th at which perfor- mance Hiss Yell Schmidt who had, recently performed the feat of swimming across the Uovember 6th 191'2' A blue print of a patent collapsable tent to be used as a voting place was re- ceived from Chas R.Boatright of San francisco the price of which would be 075.00. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that the cost of reairs and maintenance of the Heater used for heating the City Hall during the winter of 1911-1912 was 080.00. Lr.Krumb moved that the request of the Alameda Adornment League to take steps to have Santa Clara Avenue bituminized between 4ester Street and High Street be taken up at the next meeting of the Council on Tuesday evening iovember 19th and that the Clerk be directed to notify the interested property owners by inserting a notice of the matter in the Evening times Star and Alameda Daily Argus,for a period of six times,seconded.by Mr.Hammond and carried. Mr.Bullock brought up the matter of the improvement of the south end of Grand Street and moved that the matter be referred to the Street Conimittee,seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr.Morgenstern brought up the matter of the needs of the patrons of the S.i?.Co., at the station adjacent to the United .Lngineering ,iorks near the ',vebster Street Roadway and moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the said Company and request that a shelter station be erected at the said place and also that the train passing the said point at 7.05 A.M.be caused to stop for the acconi- odation of natrons,seconded by :dr.Hammond and carried. Mr.Prob t reported that the Tank and Tank-frame had been erected in Lincoln Park and would be in working condition in a short time. 1r.2robst moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Railroad Company and request it to construct a cement walk in front of its station in Lincoln Park and to also re-paint the station,seconded by 1,,r.;ialker and carried. reeorted that the Office Sergeant in the police office needed a new chair and moved that the matter be referred to the Public Buildings Greunds Com- mittee with power to act, seconded. by lr.,;alker. and carried. Mr.?robst brought u:p the matter of the unequal division of the electors in the 24th and. 25th precincts as made by the Board of Supervisors and moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the said board and request that the said precincts be re-arranged by dividing the west of 6th Street by the center line of Haight Street instead of as now by the center line of Lincoln Avenue and the center line of ?acific Avenue,seconded by Mr.,ialker and carried. Mr.?robst brought up the matter of the City acquiring title to the tide land west of the City and south of the Alameda Mole and moved that the matter be referred to the Alameda harbor Co_ nission,seconded by i:Ir.iiammond and carried. Mr.Hammond brought up the matter of the City acquiring title to the tide lands bordering the City in San Leandro Bay and also the tide lands lying south of the City and moved that the matter be referred to the ,dameda harbor Commission,secend- ed by Mr.Morgenstern and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meet' ,; Tuesday,November 19th 1b12,at 7.30 P.M. -Y/ City Clerk.