ALAM12;DA,NOVEMBER 19th 1912.
The meeting convened with Council President Oullock,presiding.
The Roll was called and Councilmen Krumb,alker,Mac Rae,Spence,Ells,Probst
and Bullock,(7),were noted present and Councilmen Hammond and Morgenstern,(2),
The Minutes of the meeting o November 6th 1012,were read and ordered apPro-
Councilmen Hammond and. Morgenstern and. Mayor Noy arrived during the reading
of the minutes and were noted present,the mayor taking the chair as presiding of-
The minutes of the Special Meeting of November 15th 1912.,were read and or-
dered approved.
Mr.Bullock offered the followin resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED,thc't the sum of One Thousand (1,000) Dollars,be and the same is here-
by transferred from the Park and 2layground Fund to the General Fund,as re-payment
of loan made by transfer to the said Park and ?layground Fund from the General Fund
on the 6th day of August,1912,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed
to affect the said transfer upon their respective books.
Mr.Mac Rae seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,dalker,Mac Rae ,Hammond ope e,Ells,Morgen-
stern,Probst and 3ullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED,that the sum of One thousand (1,000) Dollars be,and the same is here-
by transferred from the General Fund to the Firemensi Pension Fund,which amount was
provided for in the Budget allowed by the Council,to be paid as a benefit to the
heirs of the estate of the late Fred 'JK.Krauth,Jr.,Chief of the Fire Department,and
the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon
their respective books.
Mr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes: Councilmen Xrumb,',ialker,Mac Rae ,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,
Probst and Bullock,(9). hoes:None. Absent:None.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to ;122.66;against the Electric
- Fund amounting to ;2539.76;against the Fire Fund amounting to 557 .03;against
the k and. Playground. Fund amounting to 471.00;again t the Police Fund amounting
to O. 1.70;against the Street Fund amounting to 2l38 the Library Fund
amounting to 02.12;against Local Improvement Fund. No .700 amounting to 00.00;against
Local Improvement Fund. No.762 amounting to 75.00;against Local Improvement Fund
No.783 amounting to 60.00;against Local Improvement Fund No.784 amounting to
0_50.00 and against Local Improvement Fund No.766 amounting to 046,having been
approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:
Alameda Steam Laundry Towel Service 8.00
Bay City Market Dog Meat 5.10
Ribbon 1.00
California Oil Burner Co. Oil for Heater 13.81
Cedar Sweep Co.,The Supplies 3.50
Burroughs Adding Machine Co
Inter City iixpress
Parcells Safe Co.
ity Springs ',later Co.
Schneider ,Henry
Simpson ,Edna
Underwood Typewriter Co.
U.S.2idelity Guaranty Co.
al ,0.P.
Do de,R.
Hunt ,Mirk 1 Co.
November 19th 1912.
Transcript 4; 7.00
Supplies for City Pound 35.40
Janitor's supplies 2.00
Rent of Safe 10.00
Viater 1.00
Stationery and Supplies 8.
FilizAg Pees 3.00
Ribbon Coupon Book 3.50
F?renium 12.50
Repairing Clock
Salary 0 75•00
Professional Services 231.30
inectrical Apparatus 2233.46
Total- :,;2539.76
Alameda Steam Laundry Linen Service 16.20
Baird,J.V. Horse-shoeinP: 2.50
IT IT IT IT 5.00
Barton,?. Supplies 6.75
Bechtle,Otto Repairs 2.00
Code,Jno.R. Salary 20.32
' .scher,C.P. Oil 5.00
Jorgenson, F. Horse-shoeing 15.75
King,A.R. TT TT 11.25
Koerber,A.H.. Feed 2.50
Kracke '', Brunje Acid Soda 12.74
Lomax,R.R. Horse-shoeing 12.50
Pacific Gas 7,3 Electric Co. Gas 21.40
Pacific Tel ,c'. Tel Co. Telephone Switch .10
Peoples a..tor Co. Kater 308.17
Resso '7. Co.,G. Haulinc. 7.40
Rickerson,Al. Suplies 3.00
Schneider,Henry Suonlies 2.76
;: ott,Manner ",: Miller Feed 21.78
TT TT TT Hay 50.92
Skelly,Sam Supplies 12.00
Steinmetz ,T. Mattress 9.00
Mead Cycle Co.
Consolidated Motor
Pacific Tel el Co
Bicycle tires
Tank Frame
Auto Chain
Vacation Special
yT% 7.00
Eovemoer 1VTA.
Unna,Herman Meals
Yawnan Erbe I/Lfg.Co. Cabinet
Antonio , Gatto Labor
c'oci ted Oil Co. Oil,etc
Baird,J.V. Repairs
Chapman,E.N. assisting City
Clark .73 Son N. Supplieo
iVazzini ,L.
ific Fuel Build.Material
Powell Bros Construction Co.
Peonies 'iater Co.
rl Garage
Rhodes-Jamieson Co.
Sunset Lumber Co.
Skelly, Sam
Rand,MclTally Co.
485 .29
Auto Insurance 22.00
plies 11.00
Material 199.80
Constructing Bulkhead 445.64
Material and Teaming
1 ?
Assisting City Engr 2.00
- '',
,- • •
Total- - - 9138 15 -
Frothien,V.M. Restoring ditches
Restoring Ditches ;•,': 75.00
Restoring ditches 60.00
Restoring ditches 1; 150.00
Alameda Daily Argus Advertising 3.018
Schneider ,Henry Supplies 4.00
U. 52.12
Mr.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Mac Rae and
carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,,ialker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,
lls,Morgenstern,2robst and 3ullock,(9).
Noes:None. Absent:None.
A report was received from the Auditor showing the apportionment to the various
funds of taxes collected to date. Ordered filed.
The Clerk reported that by direction of the Council he had sent a written invi-
tion to the Alameda Adornment League to be present at the meeting in the matter of
its request to have Santa Clara Avenue Bituminized between Webster and High Streets.
An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice to property owners on
Santa Clara Avenue between iebster and High Streets,inviting them to the meeting,
1,,,A .,,rAnza4,A 4-11.1,(1n
November 19th 1912.
ordered filed. In answer to the Notice the lobby was filled with property own-
ers and Councilman Hammond addressed them explaining that the proposition to Im-
prove the said street did not eminate from the Council but was taken up on the
request of the Alameda Adornment League and that before the Council gave heed to
the request that it desired to know what were the wishes of the property owners.
Mr.C.A.Borle,Secretary of the Alameda Adornment League addressed the meeting stat-
ing that while the request had come from the League the proposition had been
endorsed and brought to their attontioli by the Alameda Improvement Club, Mr.
Alexander Mackie stated that the Alameda Improvement Club had not had a quorum
present in the past six months and aafiressing the meeting in opposition to the
improvement. Mr.Frank Otis spoke at length on the matter voicing his oppo-
sition to the pro ject,his remarks meeting with applause. Mr.Morgenstern moved
that as it seemed to be the unanimous opinion of those present that the work be
not done that the Council disregard the request of the Adornment League and go
on record as not contemplating the improvement ,seconded. by Mr.Bullock and carried.
A communication was received from the North Side Improvement Club thanking
the Council for the use of the Council Chamber on the evening of October 24th to
discuss constitutional amendments. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Board of Electricity to which was at-
tached report of Professor ';im.F.Durand,of Stanford University,stating that on
the advice of the said report the said Board had awarded contracts for proposed
improvements and additions to the Municipal Electric Light Plant as follows:
Schedule "A". (Turbine Unit) Hunt-Mirk ,,..-, Co. 44,494.00
Schedule "B". (Regulators) General Electric Co. 6,785.00
Schedule "C". (Switchboard Equipment) General Electric Co.0 10,440.00
Schedule "D".(Boiler ) Chas.C.Moore Do.,
Schedule "".(Oil Tanks) Chas.C.Moore ,?c Co.,
0 25,715.00
Schedule "G" .(Power House Building) Kaufmann Edwardes 30,998.00
Schedule "F". All bids rejected and new bids will be asked for.
Mr.Hamrnond moved that the action of the Board of Electricity in making
award of contrqcts be confirmed by the Council seconded by h.Ir.Spence and carried
by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Krumb,4alker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,
Ells,Probst and Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent:None. Not Voting:Morgen-
The Clerk presented the petition submitted by the electors at the last meet-
, of the Council petitioning that certain questions be submitted to the electors
nt the next election relative to confining the use of poles and electric wires
used by electric railroa.s to the streets whereon such railways are operated and
also prohibiting the erection,maintenanve and use of overhead electric wires and
poles within a certain district in the City,stating that he had had the signatures
attached to same examined and that more that ten per cent of the number of electors
at the last general election had signed the same and that in compliance with the
provisions of the Charter he had attached his certificate to the petition certif:j-
ing the same.
Mr.alker moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to
the Board of Electricity and request that it furnish the Council with an esti-
mate of what the cost to the City would be to put its igicipal electric light
November 19th 1912.
An insurance policy No.A 1280 was received from the Royal Insurance Company
insuing the automobile used by the Street Department in the sum of j;800.00 for the
year ending October,13th 1913. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Lincoln School Mothers Club,complain-
ing of the garbage can placed in frontof the Lincoln School,and requesting its
removal. Mr.Probst moved that the Street Department be directed to remove the
can and that the Alameda Adornment League who had been instrumental in having it
so placed be informed of the request and the action of the Council,seconded by
Mr.alker and carried.
A communication was received from A.A.Boehri,claiming ownership to land on
the south side of Lincoln Avenue,distant thereon 85 feet westerly from the west-
ern line of Willow Street and thence along said line of Lincoln Avenue,stating
that at the request of the Alameda Adornment League he intended to move the fence
a few feet southerly so as to allow the planting of flowers but that he did not
dedicate the property or any portion thereof for public use. Mr.,ialker moved
that it be filed and that the Clerk tender the thanks of the Council to Mr.3oehn
for his action,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried.
A communication was received from Mrs.Wheeler complaining of a manure box
maintained next to her residence or on premises numbered 1625 'ebster 6treet.
Mr.Morgenstern moved that the matter be referred to the 3oard of Health with re-
quest that the said Board report back to the Council what disposition had been
made of the matter,seconded by ifir.liammond and carried.
communication was received from Mr.Herman Krusi acknowledging receipt of
letter from the Clerk relative to the matter which had been referred to the Har-
bor commission in relation to obtaining osession of the tide lands adjacent to
the City. Ordered. filed.
Idr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WhEREAS,on the 21st day of November,1911,E.3.Bullock,2resident of the Alame-
da City Council,introduced a resolution to petition the next regular session of
the State legislature to set apart to the use of the City of Alameda forever the
whole of its water front and tide lands,therefore be it
RESOLVED,th,t the City Engineer be,and lie is hereby instructed to furnish
the City Attorney with a proper description of the tide lands and water front of
the City of Alameda,and that the City Attorney be,and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a bill Providing for the setting apart to the City of Alameda of said
lands by the State of California. Said bill to be presented to the next Legisla-
ture of the State of California,and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Mayor appoint a special committee from the Council to co-
operate with the Harbor Commissioners and. City Attorney in this matter,and that
our representetives in the State Legislature be request d to use their utmost
endeavors to secure the passage of a asure giving to Alameda the use forever
of its water front and certain tide lands.
Mr.Spence seconded the resolution and it was adoted and passed by the fol-
winF vote. Ayes: Councilmen Krumbialker,Iiac Ilae,Hammond,3Dence,=s,Morgen-
stern,2robst and. Bullock,(C). 110es:14one. Absent:rone.
A report was received from the Public Utilities Committee to whom had been
referred the matter of utilizing-, the waste hot water from the Municipal Electric
rovember 19th 1912.
that the City .; igineor be instructed to Prepare a rough plan,together with esti-
mates and in so doing to co-oPerate with the Soard of Electricity,and report back
to the Council. lilr.ilammond moved that the report be adopted,soconded by Lr.Lor-
genstern and carried.
.k communication was received from the Southern ?acific Co.,acknowledging re-
ceipt of a communication from the Clerk requesting that a shelter station be erect-
ed at the stoiin g place in front og the United engineering orks ,and tating that
it • would investigate the matter and report later. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Co.,acknowledgin,, re-
cei-Pt of a communication from the Clerk reqnesting that a concrete walk be laid in
front of the station in Lincoln ?ark and also that the said station be re-Painted,
stating that it would have the matter inv 9tigated advise. Or-
dered filed.
On request of the Board of Electricity,V:r.Probst moved that the Clerk be di-
rected to advertise for bids for the necessary material to be used in the erection
of the electroliers in lighting district No.8,under Resolution of Intention No.786,
seconded by 1:ir.jalker and carried.
A communication was received from the Layer in which he stated that he had
made a trip over the road of the streetrailway on High Street and San Jose Avenue,
with Yir.J.?.2otter, assistant to the General 1,:lanat-,:or of the said railway and that
lb.-. ?otter had given great encouragement to the effect that the said roadbed would
be broadgauged and the equipment placed in as good a condition as any other part
of the system. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from Llr.J.2.2otter stating that the San Pran-
cisco Terminal Railways desired to have representatives meet with the Council to
discuss the Company's policy relative to re-constructing the San Jose Avenue and
High Street branch of their road. Ordered filed and thereupon IT,r.alker. moved
that representatives of the said Company be invited to attend the next Council
Committee meeting, seconded by Er -Probst and carried..
Affidavits were presented showing due posting and publication of Resolution
of Intention ro.2--New Series,which were ordered filed. Rr.alker stated that
the owner of the property in front of which the Resolution contemplated the con-
struction of a sidewalk,felt that it would be a hardship at this time to compel
him to pay for the work and offered the following resolution and moved its adoption;
RESOLVED,that further proceedings in the matter of Resolution of Intention
No .2 , New Seri es , and the work and improvement to
is hereby continued. to Tuesday, January 21st l9l5.
1,11-,Krumb seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes: Councilmen ,..'rumb Rae , Hammond , Spence ,ills gen-
done thereunder ,and the same
stern,Probst and 3-allock,(9). Noes:one.
A report was received from the Street Committee to whom had been referred
the request of the Street Superintendent for assistance to carry out the work of
the Street Department,reporting on the amount of work to be done by the said de-
partment in the near future,the number of miles of streets and sidewalks,and the
work of carrying out the provisions of 021dinances recently passed which had in-
creesed the work of the department two-fold and recommending that the request be
granted. Mr.Prob t moved that the recommendations of the report be adopted
November 19th 1912.
following vote. A.;.res:Councilmen Krumb,;ialker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells robst
and 3ullock,(8). Noes:Uouncilman Morgenstern,(1). Absent:None.
Councilman Fred L.Krumb,in a written communication Presented his resignation
as a member of the Council. Mr.Probst moved that it be accepted,seconded by Er.
Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen alker,Mac Rae,Hammond,
Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and. Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Excused from voting:
Councilman Krumb,(1).
Mr.Probst moved that Pred L.Krumb be appointed as assistant to the Street
Superintendent ' the Council,seconded by Er.alker and carried by the following
vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walker, Mac Rae,Hamond,Spence,Ells,Probst and Bullock.( 7).
Noes:Councilman Yorgenstern,(1).
Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED,that the Auditor be and he is hereby authorized to pay monthly sal-
aries to the Officials and Employees of the Street Department,in an amount not to
exceed the sum of One thousand eight hundred and five (1805) dollars.
Mr.Walker seconicled the resolution and it was adopted and passed. by the fol-
lowing vote. Awes:Councilmen Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,
Probst and 3ullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent:None.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. _ Declaring and. Determining the
Specifications for the Construction of Cement Sidewalks and Driveways in the City
of Alameda",etc,introduced by Mr.Krumb on the 6th day of November,1912,came up fur
passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Hammond moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.
Probst and adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walker,
Mac Rae,Nammond,Spence,Ells,Morgenstern,Probst and Dullock,(8). Noes:None.
Mr.Ells introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. The Munici-
laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
In compliance with the provisions of the resolution ,iously passed for the
Mayor to appoint a special committee from the Council to act with the Harbor Com-
mission and the City Attorney in on endeavor to have the tide lands bordering the
City set aside for the benefit of the City.the :;layor stated that he would appoint
Council President Mallock,and Councilmen ;:lorgenstern and Hammond. Mr.Hammond stat-
ed that both he and Mr.Morgenstern by virtue of being members of the Public Utili-
ties Committee were members of the Harbor Commission,after some informal discussion
and the resolution not specifying the number from the Council to comprise the com-
mittee the Mayor appointed Zir.Bullock as the Committee. Mr.Spence moved that the
appointment be confirmed,seconded by Mr.alker and carried.
Mr.liammorA reported that he had taken up with the railroad officials
ter complained of relative to the transfer of baggage and the time-tables of the
Southern ')acific Co.,in their train service between Alameda and San Jo e,and that
the said officials had the matter under advisement.
1,;:r.Spence moved that the City Attorney be requested to ascertain and report
back to the Council what jurisdiction the Council might have to locate the pound
outside of the City limits,seconded by ..:1r.Probst and carried.
1ovembor 19th ll
45.00 to and could not be ascertained until repairs were actually compen-
ced,and moved that the ''ark 7: Playground Committee be authorized to have the said
tank repaired alt a cost not to exceed 0.75.00,seconded by Mr.;ialkor and carried, by
the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen .1ker,D.lc Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,orgen-
ob t and. Bulleck,(8). Noes:nne.
Mr.Probst reported that the tank frame and tank in Lincoln Park had been
erected in Compliance with the contract with T,..Murdock and also that the well in
';;ashington 2ark had been placed in order and that both wells were now sum
a sufficient supply of water for ,dark purposes.
Alfred 3arateau offered to the City a number of curios to '
delivered as
soon as a suitable place could be prepared for their care and Mr.alker moved that
a vote of thanks be tendered him for his offer,seconded by :1/..-liammond and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the
next regular meeting Tuesday,i;ecember 3rd,1912,at 7.3C
City Clerk of .iilamed..