1912-12-03 Regular CC Minutes570 REGULAR MEETING 02 THE COUNCIL OF Tif CITY OF .ALAMEDA, TUESDAY,DECEEBER 3rd 1912 The meetng convened with Council sident Bulloch,prosiding. The roll was called and Councilmen 4alker,Eac Rae,Hammond,Ells,Yiorgenstern, Probst and Bullock,(7) ,were noted present and Councilman 3pence,(1),absent. The minutes of the meeting of November 19th, 1912 were read and approved. A communication was received from the Board of Electricity stating that they had authorized the transfer of 101:c;.50, troll-the Electric Light 2und to the General Fund, to cover the interest due on October 1-t, 1912 on outstanding Electric Light Bonds. Ordered -Mod. Er. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- Resolved that the sum of .1012.50 (One thousand and TWelve and 50'100 Dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from the Electric Light and to the Interest & Redemption Fund to cover the interest due October lot, 191e," on out- etandin Electric Light Plant Bonds, and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer unon their respective books. Mr. Hammond seconded, the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follo;cing vote:- AyesCouncilmen «alker, MacRae, Hammond, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock, (7) . Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Spence. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 0_29.46; against' the Police Fund mounting to i18.65; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 5931.42; Against the Street Fund amounting to 025.53; against the Library Fund amounting to '147. 8; against the Park and Playground Fund amounting to g1144.67; against Local Improvement Fund No. 780; agaiist local Improvement Fund. No. 782; against Local Improvement Fund. No. 784 and against Local Improvement Fund No. 766 amount- ing to 05.00 having been audited and a-oproved the proper officials were iead by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Alameda Dnlly Argus Advertising Brewer, H. S. Furniture Cedar Sweep Company Supplies Fischer, C. F. Material Pits, G. I. Calmissions or Pacific Gas Co. Gas 5.31 6.58 24.60 1.50 a6.65 Peoples ,fat-or Co. Stsckler, Jos. Tschich, J. rater 7.12 Casting .50 Meys 1.75. Total - 129.46 POLICE FUND. Conrod, John Incidentals ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Advertising Baird, J. V. Repairs BoL.rd of Electricity Incidentals CouchOt, Maurice C. Crane Co. Sup plies Degen Belting Co., J. P. Alameda Daily Arf-us Blue Prints Supplies 18.65 2.75 19.00 16.75 7.50 23.72 38.70 571 Fischer, C. P. Mate rial Risk Rubber Co. Supplies 87.68 Garlock Packing Co. Supplies 45.75 Renders on MIL' . Co. Extension Ladder 6.30 Holabird-Reynolds Co. • Supplies 25.58 102.68 Hunt, Mirk ? Co. - Supplies 50.14 Kellogg Express Co. 1)raya6e. 10.38 King , A . R . Horse shoeing 5.25 Hoer, be r, A. H. 17. Peed 68.10 . . R-07) air s ' 60.00 HOrSesho ei. n.P: 2.75 Marshall -NewIll Supply Co. Supplies , 5.93 Mason, i1. E. Rent 30.00 ifi c Slates Electric Co. Supplies 755.18 Phone Service 20.75 Peo.•)les yiater Co. - ,ater 33 • 01 Lumber 14.80 Powell Bros. Construction Co. Gravel 9.75 Ricker son AL. Sundries. 1.40 Schneider, Herr y , Stationery 6.00 Standard Oil Co. Fuel Oil 1470.42 Studebaker Bros. Co. Automobiles and supplies 2103.76 .0 s ti n Ethou.E.3e E. M. CO. upplie 832.94 ,7e• st-i Tic:house liachi no Co. Re-o a ir s 13.40 Vhite Co . The Automobile L icons e 2.00 ill_ it t ier- Cob-air! Co. Paint 9.00 :December 3rd, 1912 ijjs 2) 7, • c.) 11 fl. fl FT Krogh Mil; Co. Lomax, R. R. :Pacific Tel. ,F.1 Tel. Co. Plummer Son. Geo. E. Total - 31.4 STREET Amor osa V. • Label- Anderson F. Repairs Antonio, Gatto Labor Britt Teaming Chapman , E. E . Ass i sting City Engineer Clark ,(7,,c Sons, .p]. II. Supplies Jones, 0. E. Teaming Jam son, J. S. Teami ng P. Jorgenson Repairs Pacific Tel. 3 Tel. Co. Rental P011110 C1' M. Teoriing 117.50 S err al -Luisa , L. Labor 160.00 Stacklor, , J. Bla cksm it ng 8.65 Sutton, J. E. Assisting City Enincer 4.50 Taylor Co. Supplies .75 Total 825.53 1,IBRAL Y FUND. Abbott, K. Periodicals 10.65 56.00 30.00 27.50 84.00 3.00 13.58 200..00 115.00 2.50 2.135 372 DeCanber 3r1, 1912. Ziameda Free Library ix on Americana Society Publication C-,dryr Sweep Co. Suppli. cc Cunningham, Curtiss & Welch Book ilrening Times-St r Printing 'oeldhamer, L. Daily newspapers Johnson, n:M. M. Periodical Koerber, A. H. Fuel Henry Kunz Book Lubben, J. G. Fuel Mary Helen McLean Books LIazzini, L. Supplies Newbein, J. J, Books Olsen, Mary Schrock Story Teller Patrick f,3 Co. Supplies eop loop los WAter Co. Water Volberg, C 0. Rent iilson co. H. W.. Periodicals and Book Total - PARK MTB EgJAYG*ROUND PUND.' Burgnor Martin Loo: :ing Frodoen, Oiltrir; Tennis Courts Hara, T. Pulps Lynch, D. J. Well boring Mazzini, I. Oaklzlzid Eachine ,:orks Oakland Art Porttery Terra Cotta 'Works ciic Cycle & Arms Co. Pacific Tel. Tel. Co. IT IT 11 IT IT Peoples ':iater Co. If IT IT IT TT TI Powell Bros . Construction Co. TT IT TT Phode Jamieson & Co. Rosmarin, Geo. ochneider, Henry Stationery Taylor ": Co. Lumber Tschich, J. Heys Wilson, Thomas, Briak ,iork Total - - LOCAL In)LOV24M CWT UO. 780. Powell Bros. Construction Co. Patching sidewalks 31.67 4.00 3.50 2.46 14.00 6.00 6.00 109.70 45.00 13.00 5.40 1.25 05.04 12.00 1.05 2.66 25.00 51.00 447.00 10.00 302..90 55.50 40.60 SuP-nlies 34.10 - Plates for aparatu- 3.50 Plower Pots 46.00 Supplies .34.60 Rental 2.25 TI Water IT IT Sidewalk Team hire material lmts c....*n:1 seeds IT IT IT IT IT TotIl - IT LOCAL IMPRO-VEHLZT PULP NO. 762. 2.25 32.60 179.56 131.07 199.50 3.65 1.15 37.64 .75 19.65 1.50 .50 144.67 12.60 4.60 17.40 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 784. Powell Bros . Construction Co. Pat ching sidewalks IT IT IT IT IT IT It IT IT IT Simpson , How ar d IT Total LOCAL -MP R01,TE IL:11.1 FUND NO. 786 . Clerical Service IT 1)ecember 3rd, 1912. 2.70 26.20 0.50 36.40 75.00 ir.Eac Rae moved that the claims as road be paid,seconded by ill.-...2robst axic1 car- ried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen 'alker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Ells,Lorgen- stern,Probst and Bullock,(7). Noes; None. Absent:Councilman Spence,(1). A communication was received from. the Board of Electricity stating that at a meeting of same on November 14th 1912, it had employed Laurie° C.Couchot,as engineer to supervise the construction of the proposed. new Municipal Electric Light Power House at a compensation of *495.00. Mr.Hammond moved that the action of the said Board be ratified by the Council,seconded by 1.ir.L'rob t and carried. A communication was received from Geo E.?lummer requesting that his name be with- drawn from the petition for putting the Electric ,ires underground. Er.Hammond moved that it be referred to the City Attorney,seconded by Mr.Blls and carried. A lengthy report was received fron'the Board of Electricity to whom had been referred the petition to submit to the electors an Ordinance providing for the.plac- ing of all electrical wires underground,stating that in order to furnish reliable estimate of the cost of this work it would be necessary to make a survey of the City, determining the location of gas,water and sewer pipes,telephone ducts and other ob- structions,also,to prepare plans and pre and future requirements that the said Board was not equiped to do such work which was recognized as a special and ghly technical branch of electrical engineering,and that it would cost from 0000.00 to 5000.00 to have such a survey,etc,done. Er.Hammond moved that the report be fil- ed and that the Council do not sanction the employment of any one to do such work, coconded by Ifir.Probst and carried. Lir.Hammond moved that in order that the citizens might be fully informed of the matter that the Clerk be directed to publish the petition relative to the proposed ordinances relative to Electric -ires,in the daily piper together with the report of the Board of Electricity,seconded by '1;ir.Ells and carried. A detailed report was received from the Park and ?layground. Committee regard- ing the boring of the wels in Lincoln and ashin Parks and the erection of a tank frame and tank in Lincoln ?ark and the installation of an electrical pumping plant for same. Ijr.71ammond moved that it be filed,seconded by :!iir..)robst and car- ried. An affidavit was presented showing due Publication of Notice to Dealers in Corrugated Iron Pipe,to be us d. in the construction of a drain at the north end of •alnut Street,which was ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in response to the said advertisement two bids had been presented. idr.Ells moved that the Clerk open the same,seconded by Mr .Hammond and carried and the read the Bids as follows: From the Standard Corrugated. Pipe Co.- Prom the California Corrugated. Culvert Co. -M-y+ [TrIrrlynn-y,r1 - the Clerk opened and 5a .50 604.20 7 r i74 December 3rd 1:312. Ells and carried. Upon reconvening with the same members present,Er.alker of the Street Committee reported that the bid of the Standard Corrugated Pipe Co. ,was the lowest and moved that its bid be accepted,seconded by iiIr.Lorgenstern and carried by the following vote. d Bullock, (7). Ayes:Councilmen 'ialker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Ells,Eorgenstern,2rob t Noes:Uone. Absent: Councilman Spence,(1). A communication was received from the Board of Health acknowledging receipt of communication relative to complaint of J.E.Breitwiser concerning contagdlous diseases of fowls c. Ordered filed. communication was received from the Clerk in which he set out the promise made to the Council in Committee session by Idr.J.P.Potter,of the San Prancisco,Oak- land Terminal Railways o.,to improve that portion of its system in Alameda operated on San Jose Avenue from Park to High Street and on High Street from San Jose to San- ta Clara Avenues. Mr.?robst stated that the same was . accordance with the promise made and moved that the Counbil go on record as accepting the same,seconded by Er. Ells d carried. A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Co.,stating thatthe shel- ter station in Lincoln ?ark had been repainted and that orders had been given to construct a cement sidewalk 'in front of it. IiIr.?rob t moved that it be filed and the Clerk directed to tender the thanks of the Council for the prompt manner in whith the request of the Council to do this work had been complied with,seconded by Er. Hammond and carried. A petition was received from the residents of the neighborhood of Bay Street near Buena Vista Avenue requesting that permission be denied to move a house from the corner of filed. Charles and Lincoln Avenue to the said neighborhood. Ordered A communication was received from the Mayor calling attention to the unfinish- ed street work on Briggs and Central Avenues adjacent to Fernside Boulevard and re- commending that action be taken to have the work done,and also asking for informa- tion relative to the widening of Encinal Avenue,eact of Park Street. moved that the matter of the widening of Encinal Avenue be referred to the Street Committee and that the Cit , eer and. City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary papers for the improvement of Briggs Avenue and Central Avenue near Peru- side Boulevard,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. The Board of Electricity requested that bids be advertised for,for certain supplies necessary in the erection of electroliers in District No.0,under Resolu- tion No.706,and thereupon Mr.alker moved that the Clerk be directed to have the necessary advertisement published,seconded by YLr.Hammond and carried. A communication was received from •J.Kelly and two others stating -hat the ordinance prohibiting the dumping of garbage and rubbish on the beaches was being violated at the south ends of Regent Street and Park Avenue. Er .Morgenstern mov- ed that a copy of the same bee sent to the Police Department with request that the said Department'make .special effort to arrest the persons committing the nuisance complained of,seconded by Mr.Ells,and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. The Municipal Code of the City of Alameda ,AN ORDINANCE AMENDING,REVISING,CODIPYING AND ENACTING THE GENERAL ORDI- NANCES OP THE CITY OP ALAITEDA ALT RE ?EALING ALL GENERAL ORDINANCES AND,PARTS OP OR- DINANCES OF A GENERAL NATURE NOT HEREIN CONTAINED",etc,introduced by Er .Ells at iiecember 3rd 17th 1U12,seconded by Idr.Hammond and carried. The Clerk brought un the matter of the condition of the old documents filed in his office and Ilir.Hammond moved, that the matter be referred to the Finance Com- mittee and the City Clerk with authority to employ assistance to search the same and arranged so as to be easily found,seconded by hr.il1e and carried by the fol- lowing vote. 2Lyes:Councilmen jalher,Eac Rae,Hammond,=s, rc:enstern,2robst and Bullock,(7). Roes iOflO ilbsent:Councilman 3pence,(1). Z1. communication was received from tlle Board of Health-reporting on the coin- plaint against a manure box maintained at 1525 ;:obster Btreet,statinL ; that the o-,-n- or of the premises had been notified to maintain the same in accordance with the regulations of the Ordinance. hr .Hammond moved that it be filed and a copy of same sort to the con.)lainant,seconded by hr.iiorenstern and carried- Ihe Clerk brought up the matter of the blank petitions that had been distrib- uted among the various improvement oriyarizations to have signatures attached to pe- tition to have a proposition of a, :;Ietropolitan hunicipal at or fristrict submitted to the electors of a proposed didtrict, tating that they had not been returned with sufficient signatures. Lr.or-enstern moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee,. led by L.:ir.,;alker and. carriea. The Idayor ad- dressed the Council on the matter urging haste in having the petition filed with the Pro.)er authorities and thereupon ::Ir.Lorr;enstern moved that the Clerk be author- i2;ed to employ someone to solicit the required number of signatures, seconaed by 7robst and carried. bronuht n) to liattor of a Portion of the roadway of :Post Street which had not been Nacadanied by the Powell Bros Construction Co. ,by reason of one proPorty owner not having ci r.;riod the private contract for the won: and moved that the City Enineer and City .Lttorney prepare the necessary papers to have the work done by public work, seconded by Y,r.Lorenstern and carried. Lr.1:!ac Rae brought u the matter of the widenin;7 of _]ncinal :Lvenue stating that there Were some matters that could only be exnlaired by personal observation and moved that the Council moe, at the City Hall on iriday,l)ecember 13th 1U1:3,at 3 o'clock P.M. ,to go in a body to inspect the conditions,seconded by hr .Hammond and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next reo:ular meeting,Tuesday,diecember 17th 1912,at 7.3, 2.L. 7t