The meeting convened with Council President E. B. Bullock presiding.
The roll was called, and Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Spence, Probst, Stewart
and. Bullock, (6),. were noted present, and Councilmen Hammond, Ells, and Morgon-
stern (3) absent.
The Minutes of the meeting of January 21st, were read and ordered
Councilman Hammond arrived during the reading of the Minutes and was not-
ed present.
Claims against the General Fund iuounting to $594.19; against the Police
Fund amounting to $25.40; against the Street Fund amounting to $1867.38; against
the Library Fund amounting to $601.21; against the Electric Light Fund, amount-
ing to $4756.25; against the Health Fund.amounting to $ 00.05; against the
Park and Playground Fund amounting to $114.80; against ocal Improvement Fund.
NO. 783 amounting to $4.00; against Local Improvement Fund. No. 786 nounting to
$1503.39 ; and against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 10,(Electric) amounting
to $2819.21 having been approved aryl audited by the proper officials were read
by the Clerk as follows:-
Alameda Daily Argus
Bay City Market
Barstow, J. N.
California Oil & Burne r Co. v
Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co.
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Pacific Tel . & Tel. Co.
Peoples Water Co.
Purity Springs Water Co.
Conrad, John
Alameda Daily Argus
Amorosa, V.
Antonio, Gatto
Britt W.
Clark & Sons, N.
Hutchinson & Co.
Printing 4.00
II 12.50
Advertising 21.25
Meat for Pound 4.30
Clerical Work 105.00
Fuel Oil 12.75
yr yr 12.75
Adding Machine Paper 3.25
Gas 10.79
Switches 2.06
Water 7.48
TV 1.00
Total 594.19
Incidental expenses
Printing $ 10.00
Labor 59.40
Teaming 77.00
Supplies 6.79
Construction 197.60
$ 25.40
Jones, 0. E. Team ing
Pacific Tel. (24 Tel. Co. Rental
Park Garage Repairs,
Pennock, M. Supplies
People s Water Company Water
Powell Bros. Construction Co. Concrete rock, et c.
Serralunga , L. Labor
Standard Corrugated. Pipe Co. Supplies
Bunset Lumber Co. Lumber
Wood Lumber Co . , E. K. Supplies
Total -
Aetna Insurance Co. Fir e Insurance
Agricultural Ins. Co. Fir e Insurance
Alameda Daily Argus Pr inting
Alameda Free Library Petty expenses
American Library Association Dues
Anderson, Hans Repairing Chair
Atlas Assurance Co Ltd. Fir e Insurance
Continental Insurance Co. Fire Insurance
Evans, Chas. Book
Evening-Times-Star The Subscription
Fel dhamer L. Daily newspapers
Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. Fir e Insurance
Hartford Insurance Co. Fir e Insurance
Koerber, A. H. W. Fuel
London Assurance Corp oration Fire Insurance
MacKenzie, Geo. N. Book
Manchester Assurance Co. Fir e Insurance
Nelson ,9,) Son, maos Revision pages of Book
Newbegin , J. J. Books
Olsen, M. S. Story Teller
Peoples Water Co. Water
Queen Insurance Co. Fire Insurance
Schneider, Henry Stationery and Supplie a
Scribner ' s Sons , Chas. Book
Volb erg, C. C. Rent
Wheeler Publishing Co • Books
White ec Co., F. T. Books
Alameda Dai ly
If If
Alameda Paper Co.
Arthur, F. O.
Total -
Printing 27.00
Paper 3.60
Lettering Auto 4.00
February 4th, 1913.
0 197.50
0 13.00
26 „ 00
0 601.21
February 4th, 1913.
Cataract Refining Co, Supplies 16.15
Chapman, Edwin N. Assisting City Engineer 2.00
Clark, H. D. Insurance Premium 17.25
Couchot, Maurice C. Blue Printing 4.60
Crane Company Supplies 3.27
VY IT If .91
Crocker Co., H. S. Addressograph supplies 2.00
Began Belting Co. L. P. Repairs 4.72
Dow Pumping Engine Co., Geo. E. Repairs 14.75
Evening Times-Star, The Advertising 6.00
Supplies 5.51
IT IT IT IT 17.53
TT TT IT II Tires for Auto 51.11
Supplies 43.50
Transformers 259.07
IT TT It IT 259.06
VT IT IT II 440.33
Holabird-Reynolds Co. Irons 57.66
TT IT TT El Grillos 8.40
IT If IT El Tostos 5.24
IT IT Supplies 16.68
IT II IT IT 24.00
Hunt, Mirk & Co. IT 36.50
Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Inspection and supplies 4.00
Kahn, Vera K. Typewriting 4.05
Koerber, A. H. W. Feed 13.00
Kellogg Express Co. Drayage 1.75
Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Supplies 5.76
If II TT If IV 5.83
Mason, F. E. Rent 30.00
IT IT IT IT 30.00
Moise-Klinkner Co. ,Supplies .35
Pacific States Electric Co. Lamps 61.59
IT IT IT Radiators 31.42
TY IT It If Lamp 137,29
TT IT It TT It 29.30
IT TT If IT IT 29.30
IT 11 Ti II IT 4.31
TI It IT IT If 84.43
IT If IT IT Supplies 6.25
TT vr TT IT Radiator 10.48
TT TT IT Supplies 5.12
IT IT IT IT If 42.33
TT IT IT IT IT 39.90
If ft IT II Lamps 87 .42
Fisk Rubber Co., The
Garlock Packing Co.
General Electric Co.
February 4th, 1913.
Pacific States Electric Co. Wire 9.83
IT TT It TT Suppl i es 53.46
I! I, ??, in Radiators 29.33
II 1? " n Supplies 9.01
n IV IT IT Irons 5.88
II TV IT IT Supplies 32.78
IT TI n tt Su-npli es 2.40
Pacifi c Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephone service 21.26
Park Ggrage Labor 3.65
Peoples Water Co. Water 20.53
Plummer & Son, Geo . E. Cross Arms 22.50
Powell Bros. Construction Co. Repair s 1.80
Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Wire 291.49
1, U IT IT IT 106.12
Schnei der, Henry Stationery , 16.50
Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 13.13
IT n It n 8.75
TV TT It TT 17.50
TT Ti If ft 14.85
n IT in Fuel Oil 1741,91
IT It II Gasoline 6.60
Studebaker Bros . Co . Repairs 2.00
Sutton, James E. Assist ing City Engineer 2.00
Taylor & Co . Oak boxes 25.00
Vosburgh & Co., J. B. Supplies 8.55
Westin/:house E. & M. Co. Transformer s 18.46
IT TT TT IT II Globes 15.50
IT fl 1111 11 Irons 12.00
White Company, The Auto supplies 1.75
Whittier, Coburn Co. The Oil 13.13
Total - $ 4756.26
Alameda Daily Argus
Printing 4 15.75
Ti IT Advertising 12.00
Barstow, J. N. Services as Clerk 12.00
Board of Health Transportation Expenses 21.00
VT IV It Off ice Expense 1.35
Cranston, C. R. Ass isting Sanitary Inspector 2.50
Cutter-Laboratory, The Anti Toxin & Vacc ine 69.75
Nielson, Paul L. Night Watchman 24.00
Pacific Tel . & Tel . Co . Telephone 1.00
Pacific Cycle & Arms Co. Motor cyc le repairs 5.15
Park Garage Supplies 2.10
Schneider, Henry STATIONERY 9.45
Shult is Frank Services as WAtchman 24.00
February 4th
Alameda Hardware Co. Supplies 103.35
Johnson, C. . Teaming 5.00
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rental 2.45
Peoples Water Co. Water 4.00
Total 7 0 114.80
Powell Bros. Construction Co. Repairs 4.00
Crane Co. Pipe 01107.15
TV TY Supplies 152.49
United Iron Works Lamp Post tops 188.17
1, IT IT VI IT 55•58
Total $ 603.39
Kaufmann & Edwardes 1st Payment on Contract $2587.50
Pacific States Electric Co. Supplies .15
IT IT TT IT U 11.33
IT IT TI II II 33.57
IT It TI IT IV 32.22
IT TV 5.02
IT IT Conduit 6.66
IT IT TY Supplies 24.23
IT IT U IT 11.59
TV Conduit & Fittings 106.94,
Total -------- 2819.21
Mr. Hammond moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Spence
and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen dalker, MacRae, Hammond,
Spence, Probst, Stewart and Bullock, (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells
and Morgenstern, (2)
A communication was received from Council-president E. B. Bullock in
which he stated that on account of the resignation of Councilman Krumb and the
appointment of Geo. W. Stewart, to fill thevacancy, he would make changes in
the Council Committees by appointing Councilman MacRae as Chairman of the
Streets, Sewers and Wharves Committee and also a member of the Park and Play-
ground Committee, and Councilman Geo. W. Stewart as Chairman of the Buildings
and Grounds Committee, a member of the Police, Fire and Water Committee and
the Streets, Sewers and Wharves Committee, id License Committee. Mr. Probst
moved that the appointments be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances in the
various Funds on January 31st, 1913. Ordered filed.
The Poundmaster presented a report for the month of January ;;hich was order-
ed filed.
The: Peoples Water Company presented its Annual Report for the year 1912.
Mr. Probst moved thLA it be referred to the Finance Committee, seconded by Mr.
Walker and carried.
February 4th, 1913.
celebration at Moose Hall on Tuesday evening, February 11th, 1913. Mr. Hammond
moved that it be accepted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from Senator Geo. J. Hans, in which he conveyed
his appreciation for the letter of thanks in having the amendments to the Charter
of Alameda ratified by the Senate. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Board of Electricity in which they
stated that in their opinion the premium paid for the Municipal Bonds recently
voted for by the City, should have gone into the Bond Fund, instead of having
been diverted to the General Fund, and requesting a written opinion from the
City Attorney in the matter. Mr. Probst moved that the City Attorney be direct-
ed to present such an opinion as asked for, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
A petition was received from the Moose Hall Boosters' Committee requesting
permission to hold a street fair and carnival on April 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th
and 26th, to be granted free licenses for the said carnival and all concessions
operating thereunder and that they be granted the use of certain parts of Central
Aven e adjacent to Park Avenue. Mr. Walker moved that the petition be granted,
that free licenses be ordered issued and that all concessions operated thereunder
be under the supervision of the Chief of Police, seconded by Mr. Hammond and
A-communication was received from C. W. Woodworth referring to work done
relative to the mapping of the City of Alameda with the object in view of clean-
ing it of the ant pest. Mr. Walker moved that it be filed and that the Clerk
be directed to prepare the claim and send the claim to Mr. Woodworth for his
signature, and that when the same was presented it be.paid by the Council,
seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen
Walker, MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Probst, Ztewart and Bullock, (7). Noes:
None. Absent:Cauncilmen ills and Morgenstern, (2).
Councilman Ells arrived and, was noted present.
An Affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice to Dealers
in Electrolier p Globes. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in response to
the said advertisement seven bids had been presented. Mr.Hammond moved that they be
received and opened,seconded by Mr Walker and carried and thereupon the Clerk opened
and re4d the bids as follows.
From Roberts Manufacturing Co.,accompanied by a certified check for $110.00
1250 12 X 6 Corra Globes or equal for $1042.00
From L.A.Hufschmidt Mfg Co.,accompanied by a certified check for $125.00
1250 12 X 6 Cora Globes or equal for v11.45 per dozen= $1192.63
From Empire Foundry Co.,accompanied, by a certified check for $l15.00
1250 Cora Globes for $10.73 per dozen=$1117.63
From Leo. J. Meyberg,Co., accompanied by a certified check for $ 13O.00.
1250 12 x 6 Cora Globes or equal for 01.04 each . 4300.00
From Shermund & Krauss, accompanied by a certified check for $106.85
1250 12 x 6 Balls, equal to Cora Glass for $1068.50.
From Maxwell Hardware Co. accompanied by a certified check for $120.00
1250 12 x 6 Cora Globes at pll.00 a dozen $1145.76.
From Iskelheimer Bros. Co. with no certified check accompanying the bid.
1.0 Febru
4th, 1913.
Electric Light Plant, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried who after examination
rePorted that he was in doubt regarding the bids and thereupon Mr. HaMmond
moved that the same be referred to the Board of Electriitym seconded by Mr.
Ells and carried.
An Affidavit was presented showing due Notice to Contractors, request
ing 1pids for the work of making repairs to Fire Station No. 2, located on the
east side of Webster Street, between Lincoln and Pacific Avenues. Ordered
filed. The Clerk reported that in response to the said advertisement he was
in receipt of six bids. Mr. Hammond moved that they be received and opened,
seconded by Mr. Probst and carried, and thereupon the Clerk opened and read
the bids as follows:-
From Geo. A. Benseman, for $775.00.
From E. Young, for $668.00.
From Harden 83 Wright for 4j659.00.
From Theo. Victors for $708.00.
From E. H. Sundberg for $595.00.
From H. J. Horst for $1079.00.
Mr. Probst moved that the contract be awarded to E. H. Sundberg, he being
the lowest bidder, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:-
Ayes:Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Hammond, Spence Ells, r ob s t Stewart and
Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Morgenstern (1) .
An affidavit was presented showing due 'publication of Notice to Printers
requesting bids for the city printing in accordance with a Schedule of Printing
adopted by the Council on January 7th, 1913. Ordered filed. The Clerk report-
ed that in response to said advertisement two bids had been presented. Mr.
Ells moved that the bids be received and opened, seconded by Mr. Hammond and
carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened the bids which were from the Fox Press,
Inc. and accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $500.00, and from the
Times-Star Company accompanied by a Bond in the sum of $500,00. The Clerk
reported that the bids presented covered several hundred items and that it
would take considerable time to figure up the total amounts, and thereupon Mr.
Hammond moved that they be referred to the Printing Committee to report back
at the next meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried.
. An affidavit was presented showing due Notice to Publishers of Newspapers
requesting bids for doing the advertising and publishing, including street work
advertising, which may be required by the City for the ensuing year. Ordered
filed. The Clerk reported that in response to the said advertisement one bid
had been presented. Mr. Probst moved that it be received and opened, seconded
by Mr. MacRae and, carried. The Clerk thereupon opened the bid which was from
the Evening Times-Star and Alameda Daily Argus. Mr, Hammond moved that it be
referred to the Printing Committee, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from the Police and. Fire Commission submitt-
ing specifications for an automobile for the use of the Chief Engineer of the
Fire Department. Mr. Wal r moved that the y be adopted, -and that the Clerk
be directed to advertise for bids, seconded by Mr. Probst am& carried by the
following vot e , Ayes : Counc ilmen Walker, MacRae, Hammond., Spence , Ells, Probst
February 4th, 1913. 11
a copy of a Resolution passed by the said organization, advocating certain
action toward leasing the city's property fronting the Estuary, adjacent to the
United Engineering Works. Mr. Probst moved that it be referred to the Committee
having in charge the application of Mr. D. J. Hanlon for the leasing of the said
property, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried.
A communication was received from the Alameda Improvement Club thanking the
Council for its action looking toward the improving of Third Street. Ordered
A report was received from the Street Committee reporting that in its
opinion there was very little danger of the tree growing in Morton Street, be-
tween Santa Clara and Central Avenues,being blown dom by the wind, but thought
it would be wise to have it trimmed and recommended that tl-B Street Department
be directed so to do. Mr. Hammond moved that the report be adopted, seconded
by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from the Street Superintendent stating that by
reason of necessary work in reconstructing streets, it would be necessary to in-
vest in a Road Scarifier, and recommending that such an article be advertised
for . Also, that to carry out the work of the Street Department it should be
provided with a motor truck and recommending that bids be advertised for the
same. Accompanying the communication were specifications for the two articles
mentioned. Mr. Walker moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee
and the Street Committee, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A Notice to Dealers in Crushed Rock was presented, which would call for bids
for rock for the Street D
tment in various quantities to be delivered at various
sections of the City. Air. Ells moved that tip Clerk be directed to advertise for
bids for same, econded by Mr. Probst and carried.
An affidavit was presented showing Due publication of Resolution of Inten-
tion No. 4, New Series. Ordered. filed.
A protest and remonstrance against the work of constructing a sewer in Lin-
coln Avenue, between Versailles Avenue and the East Cohen line was received from
E. G. Cohen. Mr. Walker moved that it be referred to the City Attorney, second-
ed by Mr. Probst and carrie d.
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, That the City Engineer of the City of Alameda be, and he is here-
by ordered to prepare plans and specifications for the following work to be done
and improvement to be made in said City, to wit The improvement of the crossing
of Eagle Avenue and Sherman Street by grading to the official grade; by the con-
struction of concrete curbing on the four curved corners of said crossing; by
the construction of concrete gutters contiguous to said curved. earners; by the
construction of two (2) part-circle corrugated iron culverts one on the eastern
and one on the western side of said crossing; and by macadamizing the remaining
portion of the roadway of said crossing with a layer of broken trap rock, eight
inches in thickness.
Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the
following vote:-, Ayes : C ounc ilmen Walke r , MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Probst,
Stewart and Bullock, (8) . Noes:None . Absent:Councilman Morgenstern, (1).
February 4th, 1913.
Engineer presented Plans and Specification and thereupon Mr. MacRae offered
the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESQLVED, that the plans and specificati on for the following work to be
done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit : The improvement of the
crossing of Eagle Avenue and Sherman Street be grading to the official grade;
by the construction of concrete curbing on the four curved corners of said
crossing; by the 'construction of concrete gutters contiguous to said curved
corners; by the construction of two (2) part-circle corrugated iron culverts,
one on the eastern and one on the western side of said crossing; and by cadamiz-
ing the remaining portion of the roadway of said crossing with a layer of brok-
en trap rock, eight inches in thic ss, as prepared. by the Engineer: of said
City, and submittied this 4th day of Februtzy, 1913, be, and the same are hereby
adopted as and for the plans ani specificatians for doing said work.
Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Probst,
Stewart and Bullock, ( 8) . Noes; None. Absent.; Councilman Morgens tern, ( 1 ) .
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: -
RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda.,
to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City,
to wit; That the intersection or crossing of Sherman Street and Eagle Avenue
be graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing, 8 inches by 14 inches
in cross section dimension, be constructed with a radius of 12 feet, on the
four curved corners of said crossing; that concrete gutters be constructed on
the roadway side of and contiguous to said curved curbing, said gutters to be
3 feet wide and 6 inches thick, flush with the to of curb on the edges and
"dished" ti allow water to flow both ways from the center of the curve; that
two (2) part-circle culverts be constructed, one on the eastern and one on
the western side of said crossing; that the remaining portion of the roadway
of said crossing be macad zed with a layer of broken, trap rock, eight inches
in thickness.
That. said culverts to be constructed hereunder shall be of part-circle
corrugated iron, in accordance with "Plan for corrugated ironpart circle
culverts" adopted by the Council of the City of Alarmda May 3rd, 1910, and on
file in ,the office of the City Clerk of said city, which plan is hereby re-
ferred to and made a part hereof.
All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifi-
cations heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office
of the City -Clerk.
The Clerk shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice
in the Evening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argus a daily newspaper published
and circulated in said. City and hereby designated for that purpose by the said.
The Street Superintendent shall, immediately, cause to be conspicuously
posted alohg the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front
of all the property liable to be assessed, notices of the passage of this
Resolution of Intention, in the manner and form required by law.
February 4
of 1911" approved April 7, 1911.
Mr. Wal ker seconded the Re oluti on and it was adopted and paseed. by the
f oll owi ng v ot e - Aye s Counc ilmen aalker, Hamm ond , MacRae , Spence, Ell s, Prob st ,
Stewart aril Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Morgenstern, ( 1) .
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resoluti on and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, that the City Engineer of the City of Alamada be, and he is
hereby ordered to prepare plans and specifications for the following work to
be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The improvement of
Lincoln Avenue from the eastern line of Broadway to a line parallel with and
distant, right angle measurement, one thousand and ninety-five and five-tenths
(1095.5) feet westerly from the western line of High Street, and including the
crossing of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue, but excepting the crossing of
Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue, by grading the entire width of said
avenue between said limits; by constructing concrete curbing along the curb
lines of said avenue between said limits and on the curved corners of the
crossing of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue; by constructing concrete gutters
contiguous to said curbing; by construction two (2) part-circle, corrugated
iron culverts one on the eastern and one on the western side of the crossing
of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue; and by macadamizing the remaining portion
of the roadway of said avenue, between said, limits, and excepting the crossing
of Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue, with a layer of broken trap rock
e ht inches in thickness.
Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the
following vote : -Ayes:Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Hammond, Spence , Ells Probst
Stewart and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Morgenstern (1).
In compliance with the provisions of the foregoing Resolution, the
City Engineer presented. Plans and Specifications and thereupon Mr. MacRae
offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED that the plans and specifications for the following work to
be done and, imps ovement to be made in said City, to wit: The improvement
of Lincoln Avenue from the eastern line of Broadway to a line parallel with and
distant, right angle measurement, one thousand and ninety-five and five tenths
(1095.5) feet westerly from the western line of High Street, including the
crossing of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue, but excepting the crossing of
Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue, by grading the entire width of said
avenue, between said limits; by constructing concrete curbing along the curb
lines of said avenue, between said limits; by constructing concrete gutters
contiguous to said curbing; by constructing part-circle, corrugated iron cul-
verts one in the eastern and one in the western side of the crossing of Pearl
Street with Lincoln Avenue; and by macadamizing the remaining portion of the
roadway of said avenue, between said limits with a layer of broken trap rock,
eight inches in thickness, as prepared by the Engineer of said City and sub-
mitted this 4th day of February, 1913, be, and the same hre hereby adopted
as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work.
Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and, it was adopted and passed by the
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker, MAcRae, Hammond, Spence, Ells Probst,
Febr-uary 4th, 1913.
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of
Alameda, to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made
in said City, to wit:
That Lincoln Avenue from the eastern line of Broadway to a line paral-
lel with and distant, right
e measurement, one thousand and ninety-five
and five tenths (1095.5) feet westerly from the 'western line of High Street,
and including the crossing of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue, but except-
ing the crossing of Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue, be iniproved as
follows: -
That the entire width of said avenue, between said limits and except-
ing said.. crossing, be graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing,
eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension, be constructed
along the curb lines of said avenue, between said limits and on the curved
corners of the crossing of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue; that concrete
gutters, of the "flat" pattern, three feet in width and six inches thick,
be constructed along the roadway side of and -contiguous to said curbing and
curved corners; that two (2) part-circle culverts, one with and one without
branches and handholes, shall be constructed, one on the eastern and one
on the western side of the crossing of Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue;
that the remaining portion of the roadway, between said limits, and includ-
ing said last named. crossing and excepting the crossing of Versailles Ave-
nue with Lincoln Avenue, be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock,
eight inches in thicluiess.
That said culverts to be constructed hereunder shall be of part-circle
corrugated iron in accordance with "plan for Corrugated Iron Part Circle
Culverts" adopted. by the Council of the City of Alameda May 3rd, 1910, and
on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which plan is hereby
referred to and made a part hereof.
All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and speci-
fications heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the
office of the City Clerk.
The Clerk shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice
in the Evening Times-Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published
and circulated in said City and hereby d.sigrated for that purpose by the said
The Street Superintendent shall, immediately, cause to be conspicuously
posted along the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front
of all the property liable to be assessed, notices of the passage of this
Resolution of Intention, in the manner and form required by law.
All of the herein pn)posed wear k shall be done in pursuance of an Act
of the Legislature of the State of California, designated the "Improvement
Act of 1911" approved April 7, 1911.
Mr. Walker seconded. the Resolution and it was adopted andpa.ssed by the
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Helmond, Spence, Ells,
February 4th 1913.
Mr.Walker moved that further proceedings in connection with the construction of
a sidewalk on Park Street adjacent to Blanding Avenue as contemplated by the provisions
of Resolution of Intention No.2,New Series,be continued until the meeting of the Coun-
cil on Tuesday,March 4th 1913,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried.
Mr.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to prepare the necessary election
Proclamation to carry on the Municipal Election to be held by direction of Charter
Provisions on Monday,April 14th 1913,and that in carrying out the work necessary to
hold the election that he be empowered to employ all the necessary help and contract
for the necessary expenses,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried by the following vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Probst Stewart and. Bullock,(8).
Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Morgenstern,(1).
Mr.Probst moved that the pay of all election officers appointed to serve on
the day of Election,Monday,April 14th 1913,be fixed at Five Dollars each,seconded by
Mr.Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,
Spence,Ells,Probst,Stewart and Bullock,(8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Mor-
Mr.Bullock brought up the necessity of furnishing the Auditor and Assessor
with more room tg store the books of his office and moved that the Finance Committee
be authorized to purchase a safe for the said officials use at a cost not to exceed
One Hundred Dollars,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Walker,Mac Rae,Hammond,Spence,Ells,Probs Stewart and. Bullock,(8. Noes:
None, Absent:Councilman Morgenstern,(1).
Mr.Walker brought up the matter of the application, of Mr.D.J.Hanlon to lease
the City's property fronting the Bstuary,east of Webster Street and adjoining the
United Engineering Works and moved that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids
for the lease of the said property for a term of ten years seconded by Mr.Hammond.
Mr.Bullock relinquished the Chair as presiding Officer and. Mr.Spence assumed it
while Mr.Bullock spoke in opposition to the carrying of the motion, Mr.Hammond
spoke in favor of the same whereupon on Roll call the motion was lost by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walker,Hammond,Ells and. Probst (4). Noes:Council-
men Mac Rae,Spence,Stewart and Bullock,(4). Absent:Councilman Morgenstern,(1).
Mr.Probst addressed the Council on possible conditions that might arise by
reason of there be no quick means of propelling the Hook and Ladder to fires and
desiring information as to what the Police and Fire Commission was doing relative
to equiping the said piece of apparatus with a tractor as had, been provided for in
the budget moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the said.
Commission requesting the desired information,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the
next regular meeting Tuesday,February 18th 1913,at 7.30 P.M.
City Clerk