The meeting convened. with Mayor d. H. Noy presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Ells and Stewart
(5) were noted present , and Councilman Walker, Morgenstern, Probst and Bullock,
(4) absent.
The Minutes of the meeting of February 18th, 1913 were read and ordered
The Minutes of the adjourned meeting of February 21st, 3 were read and
ordered approved.
Councilman Proist arr ived during the reading of the Minutes and was noted
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 0407.24; against the Police
Fund, amounting to 018.40; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 03757.10;
against the Street Fund amounting to 0851.43; against the Library Fund amounting
to 0384.42; against the Park and Playground Fund amounting to 0155.19; against
the Health Fund amounting to 0238.11; against Local Improvement Fund. No. 786,
Mater ial amounting to 04348.02; against Lo cal Improvement Fund No. 786, Labor ;
amounting to $1360.00 and against Liunicipal Improv Ement Fund I, o . 10, Electric,
amounting to 05075.36 .having been approved and audited by the proper officials
were read by the C1-1 k as follows:-
Alameda Seam Laundry Towel Service 8.00
Alameda Daily 'Argus Advertising 3.20
IT 11 Printing for Auditor 13.00
Argus Publishing Co. Books for Assessor 140.50
If If If Printing 29 .00
California 011 & Burner Co. Fuel Oil 12.75
Citizens National Bank Stamped envelopes 92.48
Martin, Arthur L. Supplies 3.40
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas 9.09
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Tolls 2.99
Peoples Water Company Water 8.15
Quigley, Frank R. Servic es as Deputy Assessor 42 .5 0
Schneider, Henry Stationery 1.25
Times-Star Co. Printing 18.00
lini-tet4-,Stateff-4.4144,7-41,zararrtz-,--0e. Pr,em4um-011-BUPgflIar-iliali-ey
Total ----------$ 384.31
Conrad., John Incidental expo n se3
Oil 21.66
Argus Publishing Co. Print irg 9.00
Supplies for Roadster • 107.50
If TT IT 1— tinn.dRtFIr LLC) fl n
Alameda Daily Argus
American Oil & Paint Co.
Borie, Louis J.
March 4th, 1913.
Chapman, Edwin N. Assisting City Engineer e 1.00
Crane Company Supplies .44
Ti IT IT 1.63
Crocker Co., H. S. If 141.25
Dow Pump & Diesel Engine Co. TT 16.50
II 11 IT TT TI IT IT 9.75
TI IT Ti IT Ti TT Labor 7.00
Eccles & Smith Co. Supplies 3.10
IT Ti TI IT II 66.62
Fisk Rubber Company, The TT 1.71
IT iT Ti Ti IT 10.07
II IT Ti Ti TV 12.06
IT IT 11 TT TT 5.80
Garlock Packing Company IT 6.63
Holabird-Reynold_'s Company Reflectors 4.52
Kellogg Express Co. Drayage 4.50
Lucchetti, Francis Rent 228.00
Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Supplies 7.18
IT II 11 TT TT 6.83
Mason, F. E. Rent 30.00
McConnell, R. Insurance Premium 12.00
Moore & Co., Chas. C. Supplies 4.60
Oakland Paper Company Paper 1.20
Pacific States Electric Co. Lamps 32.78
TT II 11 II Supplies 11.17
IT IT IT IT LAmps 55.12
IT IT it IT Ti 32.78
IV IT 11 IT II 223.44
Ti Ti 11 TT IV 29.30
11 IT Ti IT Reflectors .69
Ti Ti If Ti Toaster 2.35
IT 11 Ti Ti Supplies 2.06
11 TI Ti Ti Lamps 84.43
IT TT IT IT Supplies 1.17
U TT TI Ti TT 38.53
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Company Rental and tolls 23.50
Park Garage Supplies 12.95
Peoples Water Company Water 13.24
IT IT TI IT 17.06
Rickerson, Al. Supplies and, repairs 1.50
Roeblings Sons Co" John A. Copper Wire 110.20
Standard Oil Company Gasoline 9.08
Ti TT IT Oil 18.58
IT IT IT Gasoline 12.38
IT IT TT Supplies 2.00
IT TT IT Gasoline 9 .90
March 4th, 1913.
Standard Oil Company Fuel Oil 1596.25
Printing 9.50
Supplies 10.15
Irons 6.00
Supplies 10.46
TT IT li TT IT Fuse Boxes 14.88
White-Wallace Company Supplies 29.40
Whittier-Coburn Co. TT 41.50
Total - -A 3757.10
Alameda Daily Argus Printing e 14.72
Amcrosa, V. Labor 54.00
Antonio, Gatto TT 25.00
Argus Publishing Company Printing 36.35
Britt, W. Teaming 80.50
Chapin' E. N. Assisting City Engineer 6.50
City Street Improvement Company Repairs 10.08
Clark & Sons, N. Supplies 10.73
Jamieson, J. S. Teaming 115.00
Jones, O. E. 122.50
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rental 2.55
Pennock, M. Teaming 100.00
Peoples Water Company Water 35.30
Powell Bras. Construction Co. Rock, sand, etc. 39.90
Serralunga, L. Labor 170.00
Sutton, J. E. Assisting City Engineer 8.00
Vosburgh Co., J. B. Supplies 18.30.,
Total ----------- 851.43
Alameda Free Library Petty Expense ,i) 27.62
Argus Publishing Co. Printing 10.25
Cunninpham, Curtis & Welch Supplies 1.30
Feldhamer, 1. Daily newspapers 6.00
Koerber, A. 11, W. Fuel 74.05
Library Bureau, Inc. Supplies 2.40
Mazzini, I. Plumbing and supplies 7.70
Newbegin, J. J. Books 162.60
Olsen, Mary S. Story Teller 12.00
Peoples Water Company Water 1.00
Rogers, Lily Substitute 8.50
Volberg, C. C. , Rent of West End. Reading Room 25.00
Westphal, O. P. Repairing Clock 2.00
Wheeler Publishing Company Books 44.00
Total - - - ',1 384.42
P4-PV Ann 71-.AvaPnrran 1i7T71)_
Times-Star Company
Vosburgh Co., J. B.
Westinghouse E. Pi M. Co.
March 4th, 1913.
Pacific Cycle Arms Co.
Pacific TEL. R4 Tel. Co.
Supplies 19.70
Rental 2.25
eoples Water Co. Jater 8.79
Plants 118.20
Rosmarin, Geo.
Wessel L. H.
Argus Publishing Company
Alameda Daily Argus
Coffin-Reddington Co.
Magagnos C. P.
Pacific Tel. :?c Tel. Co.
Secretary Board of Health
Total - 155.19
Printing S 24.60
Advertising 6.00
Supplies 144.00
Photos 1.50
Rental and tolls 3.16
Transportation 18.60
I' IT TT Office Expenses 2.50
Yawman Erbe Mfg. Co. Piling Cabinet 37.75
Total - 238,11
Paint S 56.65
Hardware 90.20
Supplies 13.18
ire 466.62
TT 330.30
TI IT 330.87
Electric Railway & Manufacturer's Supply Co. Supplies 77.60
Empire Foundry Co. Lamp post boxes 105.00
Gorham-Revere Rubber Co. Supplies 25.25
Holabird-Reynolds Co. TT 153.07
Pacific States Electric Co. IT 2109.00
TT IT IT TT IT 61.03
Roeblings Sons, Co. John A. 11.14
Standard Oil Co. U 2.00
United Iron Works Lamp post boxes 243.75
Tr IT IT I/ 243.75
Total $ 4348.02
Anti-Teredo Paint Co.
Burgner Chas. A.
Crane Company
Electric Agencies Company
Adams, J.
Bacon, L. G.
Beach, E.
Boettner, R.
Brink, H. S.
Bulman, E.
Canavan, E.
Labor j 35.00
TV 37.80
II 28.75
IT 36.25
IT 35.00
IT 31.25
Cro11, M.
Donovan, D.
Ensminge R. B.
Ewing, F.
Follrath, A. A.
Frost, W. B.
Gerber, C.
Gutter, M.
Hague, F.
Harbeck, F.
Heeb, L.
Henry, H. C.
Horn, W.
Jayne, C. E.
Keyes, O.
Larson, N.
Louis, H.
Ludovici, L. M.
McCarty, J.
John McGrath
Montague C.
Mullen, 2. B.
Pierson, J. K.
Sanday, Wm.
Smith, E. D.
Sorenson, J.
Stoll, G.
Stoner, F.
Stretch, E.
Thompson, Y.
Vaccarezza, J.
Wentroth J.
Young, J. H.
March 4th, 1913.
Judson, Mfg. Co.
Kaufman & Edwardes
Ludovici, L. M.
Plummer 3; Son, Geo.E.
Pacific. States Electric
Labor and material
2nd Payment on Contract
March 4th, 1913.
Councilman Morgenstern arrived, during the reading of the claims and was
noted present.
Mr. Hammond moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Ells
and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen MacRae, Hammond, Spence,
Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Stewart, (7) . Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen
Walker and Bullock, (2).
A communication was received from the Chief Engineer of the Fire Depart-
ment stating that E. H. Sundberg had completed the work of repairing the
Webster Street Fire House in accordance with the specifications and to his
satisfaction. Ordered filed.
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
WHEREAS the Council of the City of Alameda did on January 7th 1913,
adopt specifications for and direct the Clerk to advertise for bids for re-
pairs to the Webster Street Fire House, and
WHEREAS on February 4th, 1913, bids for the said work were presented
and a contract far. the same awarded to E. H. Sundberg, and
WHEREAS the said E. H. Sundberg has completed the work and that there
is no money in the Fire Fund with which to pay the contract price of 595.00
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, Taht the sum of Five Hundred and Nine y five (595) Dollars
be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the Fire Fund
for the purpose of making payment Of the claim when presented and the Audi-
tor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon
their respective books.
Mr. Spence seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by
the following vote:-Ayes: Councilmen MacRae, Hammond, Spence,Ells, Morgenstern
Probst and Stewart, (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Bullock,
A report was received from the Auditor showing the balances on hand in
the various 'Funds on February 26th, 1913. Ordered filed.
A report was received fr-om the Poundmaster for the month of February,
1913. Ordered filed.
A report was received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the
month of December, 1912. Ordered filed.
A commurication was received from the California League of Home Rule
in Taxation relative to certain Bills now before the Legislature. Mr. Walker
moved that it be referred to the Judiciary Committee, seconded by Mr. Probst
and carried.
Police and Fire Commissioner i. H. L. Hynes presented a request for a
leave of absence of sixty days to leave the State. Mr. Hammond moved that it
he granted, seconded by Mr. MacRae and carrieC.
The City Clerk presenteC, a request for a ten days leave of absence to
attend to private business out of the State. Mr. Hammond moved that it be
granted seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried.
A communication was received from the Auditor stating that records in
lvi crffickp wprpl fs.diro- n•.1 Pnncorpli7 nf ",711P Q1111 Dria c.ryrn
March 4th, 1913.
ferret to the Public Buildings and Grounds . e, seconded by Mr. Hammond
and carried.
A Contract and Bond was received from the Times tar Company for doing
the city job printing for the year ending the 15th day of February, 1914, in
accordance with the Sche(ule as adopted by the Council. Mr. Hammond moved
that they be appointed and filed, seconded b Mr. Ells and carried.
A Contract and Bond was received from the s-Star Company for doing
all of the City advertising for the year commencing February 16th, 1913. Mr
Ells moved that they be approved and filed, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
A set of Resolutions was presented by the Alameda Chamber of Commerce and
various Improvement Clubs recommending that action be taken to afford the Est
end of the City adequate fire protection by the immediate installation of water
mains and hydrants in the said section. Mr. Hammond moved that 1t be referred
to the Fire, Water and Police Committee in conjunction with the Finance Committee,
seconded by Mr. Spence and carried. ,
Mr. Morgenstern offered. the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he hereis instructed
to call upon the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to furnish this
Council with a comprehensive report of the business of said Company as far
as it relates to the City of Alameda. Said report to set forth fully the
investment, the cost of operation and the income of said Company and all facts
and data relative to its business, which may be of value to this Board in fix-
ing a fair charge for telephone service in Alameda.
Mr. Hammond seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and-passed by the
following vote;- Ayes:Councilmen MacRae, Hammond, Spence, lls Probst and
Stewart, (6). Not voting; Councilman Morgenstern. Noes:None. Absent:Counc.
men Walker'anLBullock, (2).
Affidavits were presented showing due Notice of publication and posting
of Notice of Improvement under Resolution of Intention No. 7, New Series.
Ordered filed.
Affidavits were presented showing due notice of publication and postin
of Notice of Improvement under Resolution of Intention No. 8, New Series.
Ordered filed.
Affidavits were presented showing due notice of publication and posting
of Notice of Improvement under Resolution of Intention No. 9, New Series.
Ordered filed.
A communication was received from J. C. Linderman and Martha A. Linder-
man making demand for the sum of ,40.00, claimed to be illegally collected
under Assessment No. 1762 and No. 1784 in Electrolier District No. 8, under
Resolution of Intention No. 786. The City Attorney reported that the street
on which the property assessed fronted was an open street, thereupon Mr.
Hammond moved that the demand be filed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
Hutchinson Company presented a petition requesting permission to grade,
curb, gutter and macadamize Third Street from the northerly line of Taylor
Avenue to the southerly line of Pacific Avenue, accompanyin the same was a
copy of the Contract signed by all the rrorerty owners. Mr; Hammond moved
March 4th, 1915.
tained to the same improvement seconded by Mr. Spence and carried.
An affidavit was presented showing due publication of Ngtice to Dealers
in crushed rock asking for bids. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in
response to said advertisement he was in receipt of three bids. Mr. Probst
moved. that they be received and opened, seconded by Mr. Spence and carried,
and thereupon the Clerk opened the bids of E. B. & A. I,. Stone Company, Powell
Bros. Construction Company and Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Mr. Hammond moved that
they be referred to the Street Committee, and. Street Superintendent to report
back at the next meeting, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
Mr. MacRae introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption;
REJOIVED,that whereas the Council of the City of Alameda did on the
6th day of November 1912, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 2, New Series,
to order the hereinafter described work to be done and improvement to be made
in said City, which Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published as
required by law, as appears from the affidavit of Frank Brown now on file
in the office of the city clerk of said city; and whereas, notices of the
passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 2, New Series, headed "Notice
of Improvement" were duly and legally posted along the line of said contem-
plated work and improvement and in front of all the property liableto be
assessed therefor, in form and manner as required by law, immediately after
the passage of said. Resolution of Intention, as appears from the affidavit
of V. M. Frodden, Street Superintendent of said city, who, upon the comple-
tion of the posting of said notices, forthwith filed said affidavit in the
office of the city clerk, making oath that he completed the filing of said
notices on the 12th day of November, 1913, and whereas, more than fifteen
days has expired since the day of the second publication of said Resolution
of Intention No. 2, New Series, and the completion of the posting of said.
"Notices if Improvement" therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience require the work
herein described, and the Council of the of the City of Alameda hereby
orders the, following work to be done in said city, to-wit:
That a cement sidewalk, six (6) feet in width, be constructed on the
east side of Park Street, from the southern line of Harrison Avenue to the
northern, line of Blanding Avenue; said walk to be laid in line with the Walk
now laid on the east side of Park Street, between Blanding Avenue and Clement
All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifi-
cations heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office
of the City Clerk.
The City Clerk is hereby directed to post a notice of said work, toget-
her with the plans and specifications therefor, conspicuously for five days
on or near the council chamber door, inviting sealed proposals or bids for
doing the work ordered. He is also directed to publish a notice inviting
such proposals, und referring to the specifications posted or on file, in
THE Evening Times Star and. Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published
and circulated in said city, and hereby designated for that purpose.
March 4t
Probst and Stewart, (7). Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Bullock, (2).
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and, moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, that whereas the Council of the City of Alameda did on the 4th
day of February, 1913 pass its Resolution of Intention No. 5, New Series, to
order the hereinafter described work to be done and improvement to be made in
said. City, which Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published as re-
quired by law, as appears from the affidavit of Frank Brown now on file in the
office of the city clerk of said city; and whereas, notices of the passage of
said. Resolution of Intention No. 5 New Series, headed "Notice of Improvement"
were duly and legally posted along the line of said contemplated.work and im-
provement and in front of all the property liable to be assessed therefor, in
form and manner as required by law, immediately after the passage of said Reso-
lUtien of Intention, as appears from the affidavit of V. M. Frodden, street
superintendent of said city, who, upon the completion of the posting of said notices,
forthwith filed said affidavit in the office of the city clerk, making oath that
he completed the filing of said notices on the 10th day of February, 1913; and
whereas, more than fifteen days has expired since the day of the second publi-
cation of said Resolution of Intention No. 5, New Series, and the completion
of the posting of said "notice of Improvement therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience require the work here-
in described, and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the follow-
ing work to be done in said city, to-wit:
That the intersection or crossing of Sherman Street and. Eagle Avenue be
graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing, U inches b 14 inches
in cross section dimension, be constructed with a radius of 12 feet, on the
four curved corners of said crossing; that concrete gutters be constructed on
the roadway side of and contiguous to said curved curbing, said gutters to be
3 feet wide and 6 inches thick, flush with the top of curb on the edges and
"dished" to allow water to flow both ways from the center of the curve; that
two (2) part-circle culverts be constructed, one on the eastern and one on the
western side of said crossing; that the remaining portion of the roadway of
said crossing be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in
That said culverts to be constructed hereunder shall be of part-circle
corrugated iron, in accordance with "plan for corrugated iron part circle cul-
verts," adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda, May 3rd, 1910, and on
file, in the office of the City Clerk of said. City, which plan is hereby re-
ferred to and made a part hereof.
The City Clerk is hereby directed to post a notice of said work, together
with the plans and specifications therefor, conspicuously for five days on or near
the council chamber door, inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work
ordered. He is also directed to publish notice inviting such proposals, and
referring to the specifications posted or on file, in The Evening Times Star
and. Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published and circulated. in said
city, and hereby designated for that purpose.
Mr. Stewart seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the
March 4th, 1913.
A Protest and Remonstrance was received from E. G. Cohen, L. P. Twichell
and D. A. Cohen against the work of improving Lincoln Avenue, between the
eastern line of Broadway and a line One thousand and ninety-five and five-
tenths (1095.5) feet westerly from the westernline of High Street, as propos-
ed by Resolution of Intention No. 6, New Series. Mr. MacRae moved that it be
filed, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
Councilman Walker arrived and was noted present.
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
WHEREAS, E. G. Cohen, L. P. Twichell and D. A. Cohen have presented
otest and remonstrance against the improvement of Lincoln Avenue, from
the eastern line of Broadway to a line parallel with and distant, right angle
measurement, One thousand and ninety-five and five tenths (1095.5) feet,
westerly from the western line of High Street, and including the crossing of
Pearl Street with Lincoln Avenue but excepting the crossing of Versailles
Avenue with Lincoln Avenue as set forth under Resolution of Intention No.
6, New Series, of the Council of the City of Alameda therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Tuesday, the 18th day of March, 1913, at 8 o'clock
P. M. be, and the same is hereby fixed as the time for hearing said. Pro-
test and Remonstrance and the Clerk is hereby directed to notify the said
protestants of the time set for said hearing.
Mr. Stewart seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by
the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Walker MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Ells,
Morgenstern, Probst and Stewart, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Cuuncilman Bullock,
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, that the City Engineer of the City of Alameda be, and he is
hereby ordered to prepare plans and specifications for the following work to
be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The construction
of a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside dia-
meter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house connections, in Buena
Vista Avenue from the manhole in the crossing of said avenue with Webster
Street westerly along the center line of Buena Vista Avenue distant thereon
2391.60 linear feet; and the construction of six (6) no manholes along the
line of said sewer, to wit: One at a point 375 feet westerly from the pre-
sent manhole at the crossing of Webster Street with Buena Vista Avenue; one
at the intersection of said center line of Buena Vista Avenue with the center
line of Sixth Street extended northerly; one at a point 287 feet and one at a
point 574 feet westerly from said last named point of intersection; one at
the western termination of said line of sewer, and one at a point 355.80 feet
easterly from said western point of termination.
Mr. Stewart seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by
the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Eli
Morgenstern, Probst and Stewart, 8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilrpan Bullock,
In compliance with the provisions of the foregoing Resolution the City
Engineer-)presented Plans and Specifications, and thereupon Mr. MacRae offer-
March 4th, 1913.
RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for the following work to be
done and improvement to be made in said City to wit:
The construction of a salt-glazed, vitrified, ironstone sewer, six (6)'
inches in inside diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house con-
nections, in Buena Vista Avenue from the manhole in the crossing of said acenue
with Webster Street westerly along the center line of Buena Vista Avenue dis-
tant thereon 2321.60 linear feet; and the construction of six (6) new manholes
along the line of said sewer, to wit: One at a point 375 feet westerly from
the present manhole at the crossing of Webster Street with Buena Vista Avenue;
one at the intersection of said center line of Buena Vista Avenue with the
center line of 6th Street extended northerly; one at a point 287 feet and one
at a point 574 feet westerly from said last named point of intersection; one
at the western termination of said line of sewer, and one at a point 355.80
feet easterly from said western point of termination as prepared. by the Engi-
neer of said City and submitted this 4th day of March, 1913, be, and the same
are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work.
Mr. Stewart seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by
the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Hammond, Spence, Ells,
Morgenstern, Probst and Stewart, (8).. Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Bullock,
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda,
to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City,
to wit:
That a salt-glazed,vitrified, iron stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside
diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house connection, be con-
structed in Buena Vista Avenue, from the present manhole at the crossing cif
said avenue with Webster Street westerly along the center line of Buena Vista
Avenue 2321.60 linear feet distant thereon.
That six (6) new manholes shall be constructed along the line of said
sewer in the manner hereinafter described, as follows i to wit: On at a point
375 feet westerly from the present manhole in the crossing of Webster Street
with Buena Vista Avenue; one at the intersection of said center line of
Buena Vista Avenue with the center line of 6th Street extended northerly;
one at a point 287 feet and one at a point 574 feet westerly from said last
named point of intersection; one at the western termination of said line of
sewer and one at a point 355.80 feet easterly from said western point of ter-
That said manholes to be constructed hereunder shall be of brick masonry,
with cast iron tops and covers and eight-inch walls and bottoms in accordance
with "Plan for Brick Manhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of
Alameda, January 11th, 1897, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of
said city, which plan is hereby referredto and made a part hereof.
All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifi-
tions heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office
March 4th, 1913.
twice iru The Evening Times
and. Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper pub-
lished and circulated in said City and hereby designated for that purpose by
the said Council..
The Street Superintendent shall, immecliate1, cause to be conspicuously
posted. along the line of said contemplated. work and improvement and in front of
all the property liable to be assessed., notices of the passage of this Resolu-
tion of Intention, in the manner and for required by law.
All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an Act of
the Legislature of the State of California, designated the "Improvement Act
of 1911" approved April 7, 1911.
Mr. Stewart seconded. the Resolution and it was gdopted. and passed. by the
following vote : - Ayes : Counc ilmen , Walker, MacRae, Hamn ond , Spence, Ells,
Morgenstern, Probst and Stewart, (6). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Bullock,
Mr. MacRae offered. the following Resolution and moved, its adoption:-
RESOLVED, that the City Engineer of the City of Alameda be, and he is
hereby ordered to pr epare plans and spe cif icati one for the following work to
be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit:
The construction of a salt-glazed., vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six
(6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house
connections, in San Jose Avenue, from the present manhole at the crossing of
High Street with said avenue, in a right line to the
crossing of Post Street with said avenue, and thence
present manhole at the crossing of Peach Street with
Mr. Stewart seconded the Resolution and it was
present manhole at the
in a right line to the
said avenue.
passed and adopted. by the
following vote : - Ayes Councilmen Ialker, MacRae, Harm ond , Sp en ce Ells
Ho rp:enstern, Probst and Stewqrt (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Bullock,
In compliance with the provisions of the foregoing Resolution the City
Engineer presented. Plans and Specifications, thereupon Mr. MacRae offered. the
following Resolution and moved its
RESOLVER, that the plans and
be done and improvement to be made
adopti on
spe cif i cati ens for the foil owing work to
in said. City, to wit: The
of a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside
diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house connections, in San
Jose Avenue, from the present manhole at the crossing of High Street with
said avenue, in a right line to the present manhole at the ores sing of Post
Street with said avenue, and thence in a right line to the manhole at the
crossing of Peach Street with said avenue, as prepared by the City Engineer
of said City and submitted this 4th day of March, 1913, be and the same are
hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work.
Mr. Stewart seconded the Resolut: ion and it was adopted and passed by
the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Harmond, Spence, Ell
Morgenstern, Pr ob st and Stewart
( 8) • Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Bullock,
Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution a-nd moved_ its adoption:-
March 4th 1913.
to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City,
to wit:
That a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside
diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches, and without house connections, be con-
structed in San Jose Avenue from the present manhole at the crossing of High
Street with said avenue, in a right line to the present manhole at the crossing
of Post Street with said avenue, and. thence in a right line to the present man-
hole at the erossin of Peach Street with said avenue.
All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted for doing said, work and now on file in the office of the City
The Clerk shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice
in The Evening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published
and circulated in said Oty and hereby designated for that purpose by the said
The Street Superintendent shall, immediately, cause to be conspicuously
posted. along the line of said contemplated work and improvement aid in front
of all the nroeerty liable to be assessed, notos. of the fassaF;e of this
Resolution of Intention, in the manner and fop required by law.
Al]. of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of
the Legislature of the State of California, designated the "Improvement Act of
1911"-approved April 7th, 1911.
Mr. Stewart seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the
folIowinc, vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker , MacRae, Hammond, Seance , als, Morgen-
stern, Probst and Stewart 0). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Bullock, (1).
A Petition was received. signed by several hundred residents requesting
that "An Ordinance creating a Recreation Commission in the City of Alameda
and placing under control and management of said. Commission all playgrounds
and recreation facilities now and hereafter acquired and owned by the City,
and providing for the mainteanarce of the same" be presented to the voters of
this City. Mr. Morgen tern moved that it be referred to the Committee of
the WHole, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Discussion was then entered
into relative to the matter, whereupon, on request for information, the City
Attorney stated thatnthe Petition has been filed too late to be submitted to
the Electors at the election to be held on April 14th, by reason of the fact
that a Charter provision states that such a Petition shall be presented at least
sixty days prior to the day of Election.
Mrs. Laugren reported that a certain moving picture theatre in the Japanese
quarters was showing immoral pictures, and thereupon Mr. Morgenstern moved that
the Clerk be directed to call the attention of the Chief of Police to the matter
in order to stop the same, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Amend Sections 127,130,
205 419 476,528,541 507 - 2 744, 783, 787, 788, 792, 793 and 794 and Chapters
VIII and X of Ordinance Ho. 1, New Series, known as the Municipal Code of the
City of Alameda, approved January 14th, 1913, by re-enacting said section s as
amended, and by adding certain new sections thereto, to be known as Sections
March 4th,
and was d by the Clerk. Mr. Ells moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Spence
and adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen, Walker, Mac-
Rae, Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Stewart, (8). Noes:None.
Absent:Councilman Bullock, 1).
Mr. Morgenstern presented and read a Resolution to propose an Amendment
to the Charter of the City of Alameda, to Amend Article VII relating to police
of Chief of Police, the same to be submitted to the electors at the
be held on April 14th, 1913, and moved that it be adopted, seconded
ae. After discussion by Councilman Morgenstern in favor of the
and Councilmen Hammond and. Probst against the same, and by persons
in the lobby, the Resolution was lost by the following vote:- Ayes:Council-
men MacRae, Sperice, Morgenstern and Stewart, (4) . Noes :Councilmen Walker,
Hammond, Ells and Probst, (4). Absent:Councilman Bullock, (1).
The City Attorney presented an opinion at length in which he stated that
he believed the Council had the right to regulate the fares of street railways
in the City of Alameda. Mr. Hammond moved that it be referred to the Committee
of the Whole, seconded 'by Mr. Walker and carried.
and powers
by Mr. Mac
Mr. Ells
moved that the 'nting Committee be authorized to have 14000
copies printed of the Sections of the new
the licenses and traffic of the City, for
seconded by Mr. Spence and carried by the
Walker MacRae, Hammond Spence, Ells
Noes ;None. Absent: Councilman Bullock,
Mr. Ells moved that the Printin
Municipal Code which pertained to
the use of the Police Department
following vote: - Ayes: Councilmen
tern, Probst and Stewart, 8).
ommittee be authorized to have 500
copies of the new MUnicipal Code put in book form, seconded by Mr. Hammond
and carried, by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Walker MacRae,
Hammond, Spence, Ells, Morgenstern, Probst and Stewart, (8). Noes:eNone.
Absent :Councilman Bullock, (1).
Mr. Probst brought up the matter of a certain Bill now before the
Legislature which would allow a proposition to be put on the ballot at the
next general State Election, the proposition of home rule in taxation, and
moved that it be the sense of the Council that the matter be so submitted
and that the Clerk be directed to communicate with the Senator and Assembly-
man representing the District in which the City of Alameda is loacted, urging
their support for this Bill, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned un-
til the next regular meeting, Tuesday, March. 18th, 1913.
City Clerk.