1913-03-18 Regular CC Minutes43
The meeting was
e_ to order by the Clerk.
The roll was called and Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Hammond, Ells and
Stewart, ( ) were noted present and Councilmen Spence, MorCenstern, Probst
and Bullock, (4) absent
Mr. Ells moved that Mr. Har;tmond be elected presiding officer, seconded
by MacRae and carried.
The Minutes of the meeting of March 4th, 1913 were read and
Olj ed .
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 298.55; against the Po-
lice Fund amounting to 012.31; arrainst the Fire Fund amounting to 0_482.87;
against the Street Fund amountnr, to 055.94 and against the Park and Play-
ground Fund amounting to 0_82.80 having been audited and approved by the
pro-oer officials were read by the Clerk as follows;-
Election Expense 18.00
California Oil 1 Burner Co. Fuel Oil
Election Expense
Ascher, Augus
itiens National Bank
Fischer, C. F.
Hunt, I. B.
Schneider, Henry
Sc _man, F. O.
Taylor, Agnes
TiinesStar Co.
Holmes & Olsen
Election Expense
Stamps, etc.
Election Expense 18.00
Advertising 12.84
Horse and buggy hire 2.00
Total -
-0 298.55
Supplies .91
Oakland Tire Exchange Tires 104.70
Pacific Tel. TEl. Co. Telephones 5.20
Park Garage Auto supplies 1.00
Platz, H. C. Services 57.85
Schneider, Henry Stationery 4.40
IT IT License Tags 106.00
Swift, H. L. Dayton Inner tires 27.00
Vosburgh Co., J. B. Supplies .50
Unna, Herman, Meals 4.75
Total - 312.31
March 18th, 1913.
Alameda Steam Laundry Ass,vn. Linen Service 16.60
American Rubber Mfg. Co. Fire Hose 85.00
Baird, J. V. Horseshoeing 5.00
Bowers Rubber Works. Fire Hose 160.00
COok, Louis Sick vacation 3.00
Coustier F.; Sons, Repairs. .75
Fischer, C. F. Oil 6.00
Jones & Collins Hbrseshoeing 6.50
JorF:enson, P. I r 16.75
Kin, A. R. TT 12.50
Koerber, A. h. W. Hay 6.25
Kracke 3; Brunje Acid 6.54.
Lomax, R. R. Horseshoeing 12.50
Ma-sini L. Repairs and surplies 9. 25
Pacific Gas 3:: Electric Co. Gas 26.96
ark Garage Recharging
batteries .75
Peoples Water Co. Water 306.33
Rhodes-uamiepon & Co. Fuel 3.25
Richerson, Al. Supplies 2.00
Risso ,1 Co., G. Hauling 7.40
Scales, 'Wm. Heating 20.00
Schneider, Henry Stationery and supplies 19.25
Scott, Magner ,F2 Miller Straw 7.40
TT IT IT IT Hay 83.94
Standard Oil Company Gasoline 18.15
Strom 2.1. ctrical Co. Supplies ,3; repairs 8.40
Sutherlands Pharmacy Medicine 6.15
Sundberg, E. H. House repairs 595.00
Total -v--------- <4,
. 1482.07
E.N.Chapman. Assg. HWBilleter Supplies 2.00
Assisting Caty Engineer 2.00
Clark ,3; Sons, Supplies 13.58
TT TT TT IT 1.44
Empire Foundry Co. 1.05
TT 29.07
Hammond, C. J. IT 156.10
Hutchinson Co. IT 173.09
Park Garage IT 5.85
Ilummer 3; Son, eo.E. TT 10.63
Rhodes-Jalieso Material 263.00
Gollstone, John
Schneider, Henry
Sutton, J. E.
United. Engineering 'orks
Assisting City Engineer
March 18th 1913.
Piatt-Robinson Photo Supply Co. Photos .80
Richards, Fred Fertflizer for perks 182.00
Total - 182.80
Mr. ',';alker moved that the bills as read be paid, seconded by Mr. MacRae and
carried by t he following vot e : Ayes : Councilmen. ,Valker, , MacRae, Hammond Ells and
St ewar t . Noes :None . Absent : Councilmen Spence, Morgenstern, Probst and
Bullock, (4).
A communication was received from the Auditor in which he stated that he
had returned two bills in favor of Louis J. Bone, one for ;490.00 and one for
;1.07.50 to the ElectricLight Department at their request for cancellation. Order-
ed. filed.
9 A. Continuation certificate on the bond of ,1,5,000 of Leon H. was receiv-
ed from the American Surety Company. Ordered filed.
Aecommunication was received from the Board of Electricity requesting the
Council to give the matter of the premium secured for the sale of Municipal Bonds
issued under the provisions of the recent Bond Election, to raise Funds or the
benefit of the Municipal :Electric Light Plant attention, toward. having the said
premium diverted from the General Fund to the Electric- Light Fund. Mr. ,Vall.ker
moved that it be referred to the Finance Committee in conjunction with the City
Attorney, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried.
A communication was received from the General ContractorTs Association
asking for information as to the charges made by the 'iVater Company for water
supplied per barrel for cement used in the erection of buildings. Mr. Walker
moved, that it be referred, to the Finance Cornittee, seconded by Mr. Ells and
A communication was received from Robert I. Frier of 1520 Schiller Street
favoring the purchase of an automobile for the use of the Chief of the Fire De-
partment, win c h was ordered, filed..
A communication was received. from the California league for Home Rule in
at ion soli citing funds to carry on the work of said. Asso clot ion. Mr. Walker
moved that it be referred to the Judiciary Committee, seconded by Mr. Stewart
and carried.
Councilman Probst arrived, and was noted present.
A communication was received. from the Street Superintendent stating that
he had repeatedly notified the Southern Pacific Company to, repaireits roadbeds
and street cro ssinfe,s in the City, but that they had failed_ to do so and suggest-
ing that the Council take some action to force the Company to make the needed
repairs. Mr. MacRae moved. that the matter be referred. to the Street Committee,
seconded by Mr. ',Volker and carri e d.
A report was received. from the Street Committee recommending that all bids
for rock for the use of Street Department be rejected, on the grounds that they
were hi her than the rock could be nirchased for from private quarters. Mr.
:nls moved tht the report be adopted., seconded. by Mr. MacRae and carried.
Senate Concurrent Resolut ion :;o. 4, properly c,,ortifiea hr the State Officials
was receved. approving the _'1.merament s to the Charter of the City of. Alameda, which
March 13th, 1913.
ed and that the Clerk address a communication to Senator Hans thanking him for
his courtesy in this matter, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried.
A Petition to which was attached a Plan was received from the Western
Dairy Company requesting permission to install a 1500 gallon crude oil tank
to Use in connection with their business at their store on the east side of
?ark Street adjoining Post Office Court. Mr. Walker moved that the reouest be
granted, provided, it MA1th the sanction of the Tire Marshal and that it be
structed in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, seconded by Mr.
Ells and carried.
An Affidavit. was presented showing due mailing of Notice to Protestants
against the improvement of 'Lincoln Avenue as proposed by Resolution of Inten-
tion No. 6, N. S. Ordered filed. The Clerk read a communication from Mrs. I.
2. Twichell in support of the Protest. Ordered filed. No one appeared before
the Council in support of the Protest and Remonstrance, and thereupon Mr. Ells
moved that the hearing be continued until the next meeting of the Council on
Tuesday, April 1st, 1913, at 8 o'clock p. m., seconded by Mr. Walker and carried
by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Hammond, Ells, Probst
and Stewart, 6) . Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Spence, Morgenstern and Bullock ,
A Protest and Remonstrance was received from J. C. Linderman and Martha
A. Linderman against the work of improving Central Avenue as proposed by Reso-
lution of Inteion No. 7, N. S. Ordered filed. Thereupon Mr. MacRae offered
the following Resolution and moved its ado» n:-
iHEREAS, J. 0. Linderman and Martha A. Linderman have presented a Prat ,
and Remonstrance against the improvement of Central Avenue from a line On thousand
and ninety-five and 50/100 (1095.50) feet easterly from and parallel with the
easterly line of High Street to the westerly line of Fernside Boulevard, as
set forth under Resolution of Intention No. 7, Now Series, of the Council of
the City of Alameda, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Tuesday the 1st day of Aril, 1913, at 8 o'cloez-. p.m.
Council Chamber in the City Hall, at the northwest corner of Oak Street
and. Santa Clara Avenue in said City of Alameda, be and the some is hereby fix-
ed as the time and place for hearing said Protest arid Remonstrance and the
Clerk is hereby directed to notify the said protestants of the time set for
said hearing.
Mr. Stewart seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the
following vete:- Ayes:Councilmen 'ialker, MacRae, Hammond, Ells, Probst and
Stewart, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Cauncilmen Spence, Morgenstern and Bullock,()
A Protest and Remonstrance was received from M. G. Cohen against the work
of constructing a sewer in Lincoln Avenue as proposed by Resolution of Inten-
tion No. 8, N. S. Ordered filed. Thereupon Mr. MacRoe offered the follow-
ing Resolution and moved its adoption:-
WHEREAS, E. G. Cohen has presented a Protest and Remonstrance agai
the construction of a sewer in Lincoln Avenue in a right line easterly from
the existing manhole at the crossing of Versailles Avenue with Lincoln Avenue
to the existing manhole in Lincoln Avenue five (5) feet easterly from the
"East Cohen Line", as set forth under Resolution of Intention No. 0 L S.
March 18th, 1913.
RESOLVED, that Tuesday the 1st day of April 1913, at 6 o'clock p. m.
at the Council Chamber in the City Hall, at the northwest corner of Oak Street
and Santa Clara, Avenue in said City of Alameda, be, and the same is hereby
fixed as the time and place for hearing said Protest and Remonstrance, and the
Clerk is hereby directed to notify the said protestants of the time set for
said hearing.
Mr. Stewart seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed. by the
following vote:- AYes: Councilmen Walker, IvlaoRae, Hammond, Ells, Probst and
Stewart, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen _Spence, Morgenstern and.
Bullock, (3).
E. H. Sundberg presented a petition to construct under private, co
an artificial stone sidewalk in front of the property on the east side of
Park STreet, between Harrison Avenue and Blanding Avenue. Attahced to the
same was a, copy of the contract signed by the owner, MR. H. B. Blanding.
Mr. MacRae moved that the request be granted, provided all expenses which had
been accrued in this matter under Resolution of Intention No, 2, N. S. be paid
by the said. Sundberg, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried.
Affidavits were presented, showing due posting and publication of Notice
Inviting Sealed Proposals for the construction of a sidewalk as proposed by
Resolution of Intention No. 2, N. 3. Ordered filed.
Affidavits were presented showing due oSting and publication of Notice
Inviting Sealed Proposals for the improvement of the intersection or crossing
of Sherman Street and Eagle Avenue as proposed by Resolution of Intention No.
5, N. S. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in answer to the said.
Notice two bids had been presented. Mr. Probst moved that they be received
and opened, seconded by ]Jr. Ells and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and
read the bids as follows:-
From Hutchinson Company, accomeanied by a Bond in the sum of 0_00.00.
For excavating............................. aiv per square foot.
For • • • • 0 4! • • • • • • • • • • ,• • • • 0 • 21C/
For Gutters of concrete....................15
For Straight Curbing of Concrete...........50
For Curved Curbing of Concrete ..... „50
For Culverts 8” x 30" Corrugated
Linear Foot.
Linear Foot.
From Ernest H. Sundberg, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of
Grading One (1) cent per square foot.
Concrete Curb Forty (40) Center per lineal foot.
Macadam E ight (8) Cents per square foot.
Concrete Gutter Fifteen (15) cents per square foot.
Corrugated Iron Culverts (3.00) Three Dollars per lineal foot.
The Street Superintendent reported that the bid of E. H. Sud.berg was th ,
lowest and thereupon Mr. MacRae offered the following Resolution and moved its
WHEREAS4 the Council of the City of Alameda did, in open session, on the
March 18th 1915 .
That the intersection or crossing of Sherman t and Eagle Avenue
be graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing 8 inches by 14
inches in cross section dimension be constructed with a radius of 12 feet,
on the four curved corners of said crossing; that concrete gutters be con-
structed on the roadway side of contiguous to said c-urved curbing, said
tters to be 3 feet wide and 6 inches thick -lush with the top of curb
on the edges and"dished" to allow water to flow both ways from the center of
the curve; that wo ) nart-circle culverts be constructed, ono on the
eastern and one on the western side of said crossing; that the remaining,
portion of the roadway of said crossing be macadamized with a layer of
broke. n, trap rock, eight inches in thickness.
That 'said culverts to be constructed hereunder shall be of next-circle
corrugated iron in accordance with "plan for corrugated iron part circle
culverts adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda, May 3r,
and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, vii eh plan is
hereby referred to and made a part hereof.
All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and speci
ficati ons heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the
office of the City Clerk.
RESOLVED, that the said Council hereby rejects all of said proposals
or bids except that next herein mentioned , and hereby awards .the contract
for doing said work and improvement to the lowest responsible bidder, to
wit: Ernest H. Sandberg at the prices named in his bid.. The city clerk
is hereby directed to post notice of this award_ conspicuously for five daz,s,
on or near the chamber door of the said Council and also publish said no-
tice by one insertion in The Evening Tnes Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a
daily newspaper published and circulated in said eity, and hereby designat-
ed for that purpose by said council.
Mr. Stewart seconu1c. the Resolution and it was adoptecl and passed by
following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Hammond Ells Probst
and Stewart, (6). Noes:None. jibs : Councilmen Spence, Morgenstern and
"31:Clock, (3).
Affidavits were presented showing due, nublication and osting of
Notice of Improvement for the construction .1 a sewer in Buena Vista Avenue
west of ',Vebster Street, under Resolution of Intention No. 10, 1T. S.
Ordered filed.
Affidavit s were nreentecl showi ng due nublicati on and_ Po 3-1; ing of
Not ice of Improvement for tie con t7-71 (:46 on of a s ewer in San jo e Avern. e,
between High Street and Rost Street, under Resolution of Intention No. 11,
Ordered il ed.
communication was re ce ived from the Board of Health rec °inn-lending
the construction of a sewer in Brush Street, from a point about 200 feet eat
of Third Street to and into tile pnin Se7er on Third. Street. Mr. Walker
moved that it be referred to the Street Connittee, seconded b Mr. Probst
and carried .
A cormunicati or was received from the City Clerk which had been given
4 4
Mar eh. ]8th, 1913.
eligibility of women to serve as members of the Ccindll, in which he gave
it as his opinion that they were not Mr. Probst moved_ that it be filed
with the Council recorfts, seconded by TItr. MacRae and carried.
Ayi affidavit was pros nted showing due publication for twenty consecu-
tive insertions of the Resolution to -propose an Arne.nd_ment to the Charter of
the City 'of Alameda, relative to the Board. of H alt h. Ord.ered
Mr. Walker offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.:-
A general Municipal Election is hereby called aria proclaimed
in and for the City of Alameda County of Alameda, State of California
and will be held in accordance with the following Resolution adopted
by the Council on March 18th, 1913.
Calling, a General Muni cipal Election in and for the City of Alameda,
to be held therein on L'ioncit.-,-ty, the 14th day of A-ern 1913, for the purpose
of electing certain officers of said. city, and for submitting a certain pro-
posal to amcn d the Charter of said city, an also submitting a certain pro-
position to the electorate of said city, and also submitting proposed Ordi-
nances to the electorate of said city.
RESOLVED by the council of the City of Alamo da;
1. That a General Municipal Election in an for the Cit;i, of Ala-
meda is hereby c.4.113.ed. and will be held therein on Monday, the 14th day
April, 1913, for the election of the following named officers of said cty.
for the First Ward.
for the Third Ward.
for the Sixth Ward..
Also that at said election the following proposal for the. amendment of the
Charter of the City of Alameda, shall be and the se is hereby submitted
to the electors of said city, namely:
Amend Article VIII Health, Section 1, relating to the Board of Health,
so that said Section shall read as follows:
Sec. 1. There shall be a health department under the management of a
board of health. Said , board of health shall consist of five members who
shall be appointed by the council, and of whom t least one shall be a
physician, duly license under the laws of the State of California. One may,
be appointed from among the councilmen.
The members of the board as such shall serve without compensation.
They shall hold office for the term of five years and until their successors
are appointed and qualified; provided, that the members of the board first
March 1th 1913.
respectiv ely.
The foregoing proposal shall be placed upon the ballot to be used at
said Election in the following form;
Amend Article VIII llealtti, Section 1 of the
Charter of the City of Alamada, relating to YES
the Board of Health, so that said Board shall
consist of five members of whom at least one
shall be a physician duly licensed under the NO
laws of the State of California.
2. Also that at said election the following proposition shall be
same is hereby submitted to the electors of said city:
Do you favor a government of the City of
Alameda by salaried Commissioners few in
number and with direct management of the
municipal business instead of the pr esent
government with elective council and NO
pointive commissions without pay
5. Also for the purpose of submitting a propos.d ordinance to the electors
at said election, which Ordinance is in the words following, to wit:
Be it ordaired by tho people of the City of Alameda as follows:.-
Section 1. It shall be unlawful after thirty days have elapsed from
the time this ordinance takes effect for any corporation partnership or
individual owinE or operating an electric railway, to erect, maintain con-
tinue, use, operate or employ any pole or overhead wire, overhead cable or
device except such as are herein spacially exempted, over or upon the
streets or alleys in the City of Alameda, through, by, over or by means of
which electricity is, has or may be in any manner 'transmitted, conducted
or conveyed, or to keep, continue, maintain, use operate or employ any such
pole or any such overhead wire, cable, device or apparatus, except as erein
provided, and all such poles and all such overhead wires, cables, devices
and apparatus, as aforesaid, except such as are herein exempted from the
provisions of this order, shall at and after the time specified aforesaid
be deemed and become public nuisances.
Section 2. Each and every such poles, overhead wire, cable, device
and apparatus as aforesaid, within the said city, excepting such as are
herein exempted, owned, controlled operated., employed or use by any corpor-
ation, corpartnership or individual for the aforesaid purposes, shall be
taken down and removed before the time specified. aforesaid, by and at the
March 18th, 1913.
Sect i on 3. The Board of Electricity shall at the time specified afore-
said proceed to at once take down, remove and carry away any and all such poles,
overhead wires, devices and apparatus aforesaid, as may not havc been previous-
ly removed by the owners or operators thereof, and the said Board is hereby
iv en full power and authority to use and employ for that purpose as much force
as may be effectually carry out the provisions of this order.
Section 4. Any corporation, copartnership or individual who shall
erect or construct, place or keep2 rnaintain, continue employ, operate or
use in any manner whatever for any of the above mentioned. purposes, any
such pole or overhead wire, cable, device or apparatus aforesaid, except
such as are herein exempted, after the time specifi.ed aforesaid or who shall
neglect to take down and remove according to the provisi ons of this order,
and.y and. all overhead wires, devices or apparatus, as aforesaid, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be lined not
less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars for every day such poles,
cables, wires or appliances are left standing
Section 5. Such terminal poles, such wires and. cables not more than
200 feet in length and such other appliances as may be necessary for reaching
trolley wires at the terminals of underground wires shall be erected and
maintained under the supervi sion and to the satisfaction of the Board of
Electricity and are exempted from the provisions of this order.
SEC.I0IT 6. The poles and trolley and feed. wires used exclusively for
the transmission of electric power for railway purposes erected, maintained,
omerated and used upon the streets whereon such railways are located and
operated the guy wires necessary to support such trolley wires and necessary
protective wires at crossings are expressly exempted. from the provisions ,
of this order, but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to
authorie or permit the erection, maintenance operation or use of any poles
or wires upon. such streets without the consent of the Council of said City
first had and obtained.
The City Clerk is hereby directed to place upon the ballot the above
El (Mt oned measure in the fo 11 owing form:
An OrdinExce confining the use of poles and
overhead wires by electric railways to the
streets whereon such railwee;Ts are operated.
4. Also for the purpose of submitting a proposed. Ordinance to the
electors at said Election, -‘J-ii.ch Ordinance is in the words and figures
foil owl ng, to wit
Be it ordained by the people of the City of Alamda as follows:
March 18th 1913.
don 1. It shall be unlawful after thirty days have elapsed
from the time this ordinance takes 'effect for any electric light electric
power, telegraph, telephone or other ele ctric company, or any corporation,
Partnership individual or municipality to eroot, maintain, continue use,
operate or employ any pole or overheacl wire, overhead cable or device on
Doles over or upon the streets and alleys in that portion of the City of
.11.arne lying southerly of the center line of jilaE,le Avenue and of said
center line extended easterly and westerly to the limits of said City, ex-
cept such as are herein epecia,lly exempted, by, through, over or by means
of which electricity is or may be conducted or conveyed for the purpose of
electrc lit, heat, pow er, telegraph telephone or other electric service
or to keep, continue, maintain operate or employ any such pole or over-
head wires, cables, devices or apparatus, except as herein provided, and
all such poles, and all such overhead wires, cables, .devices and pparatus
shall at and after the tire specifi ed. be deemed and become a public nuisance.
Section 2. Each and. every such poles, overhead wire, cable, device and
apparatus, as aforesaid. , within the said City, excepting such as are herein
exempted, owned., controlled, operated, employed, . or use by any corporation,
copartnership or individual for the aZoresaid purposes, shall be taken down
and_ removed before the time specified aforesaid., by arid at the cost and
expense of the corporation, copartnership or individual so ownin g con-
onerating, employing or using the sane.
Section 3. The Board of .:lectricity shall at the time specified
aforesaid proceed at once to take down, remove, and carry away any and all
such poles, overhead wir es, devices and apparatus aforesaid, as may not
have been previously -removed 1); the owners or operators thereof, and the
said. Board. is he reby (7'4 ven fall power and author ty to use and. emplo y for
the purpose as much for ce as may be necessary to effectuealy carry out the
provisions of this order.
Section 4. Any corporation, co partnership or individual who shall
erect or contru.ct, place, or keep, maintain continue, employ, operate or
use in any marry whatever, for any of the above mentioned_ purposes, any
such pole or overhead ;r e, cable device or apparatus aforesaid, except
such as are herein exempted, after the time epecif ed afonesaid or who shall
neglect to take down and remove according to the provi sions, of thi: s order,
andy and all overhead wires device or apparatns , as aforesaid, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall he fined. not
less than fifty nore more than two irendred dollars for every day such poles,
cables, wires or appliances are left standing.
'Section 5. lectric railways are hereby expressly Kempted, from the
provisions of thi.s ordinance in so far as it affects the poles and wires
ne;ed exclusively for the trunsrnssion of electric power for railway purposes,
erected and maintained by permission of the Council of the Oity of Alameda
upon , over and above the street s whereupon sal d eleotric rat lways are main-
tain° d and operated,
e cti on 6. All poles, wires and applianceserected and maintained
March 18th, 1913.
which may become necessary in replacement or renewal thereof and. such new wires
and appliances, other than the feed wires and other wires of electric railways,
as may, with the consent of the Council of said. City, be placed upon or attach-
ed to such poles are exempted from the provisions of Cnis order.
The City Clerk is hereby reote 1 to place upon the ballot the above men-
tioned measure in the following form:
An Ordinance prohibiting the erection, maintenance and use of
overhead electric wires and. poles in that portion of the city
of Alameda lying Southerly of the center line of Eagle Avenue,
and the said. line extended easterly and westerly to the City
Limite, exceptinF such poles and wires as were erected and
maintained prior to Setornber 1st 1912 necessary renewals
and replacements thereof; such new wires as the City Council'
may permit to be attached to such poles, and the poles and
wires of electric railways erected and maintained on the
streets whereon such railways re operated.
5. The saicl. Election is called and will be held and conducted pursuant
to the Charter of the City of Alameda and the laws of the State
applicable to municipal elections. The polls will be opened at
of the morning of the day of election and be closed at six o'ci
afternoon of said day.
6. For the purpose of holding said election the City of
divided into twenty-five municipal election precinct, heretofor
the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, for the purp
in and holding the last General State ilection in said City,va
which together with the location of the polling places and the
ed to conduct said election are as follows:
No. 1.
Description: Consisting of all of said city east
of California
six o'clock
ock in the
Alameda is hereby
o established by
ose of conduct-
description of
officers designat-
of the center line of
High Street and south of Encinal Avenue and east of the center line of Court
Street snd north of Encinal Avenue and also all that portion of Bay Farm
Island lying within the charter limits of the City of Alameda.
Location of Polling Place: TEnt on the southwest corner of Jackson and
High Streets.
Inspectors: Mrs. B. M. Ells and Seymour Arada.
Judges: Margaret H. Platt s and F. C. Clark.
Clerks: C. M. Johnson and Bertha Hall.
Descripb o : Consisting of all of said city north of the,center line of
Encinal Avenue and lying between the center lines of Peari and Court Streets.
Location of Polling Place: Tert on tie northeast corner of Centra
and Versailles Avenues.
March leth, 1913.
Judges: C. E. Risley and James Hammond.
Clerks: G. Ford and Mrs. W. P. Soules.
Description: Consisting of all of said caty south of the center line
of Encinal Avenue and lying between the center line of Iiigli and Pearl Streets.
Location of Polling Place: Tent on the southeast corner of Versailles
and Encinal Avenues.
Inspectors: L. T. Ward and H. O. Henry.
Judges: Sam T..Clark and Wm. Kunkel.
Clerks: Bruno W. Roebke and S. H. Williams.
NO. 4.
Description: Consisting of all of said city south of the center line
of Encinal Avenue and lying between the center lines of Peari and Park
Location of Poll n„ Place: Tent on the southwest corner of Park
Avenue and Encinal Avenue.
Inspectors: G. M. Sutherland and D. W. Martin.
Judges: Geo. V. MacRae and J. Larkin.
Clerks: Adelaide Murdock and H. Hunicka.
Description: Consisting of all of said city lying between the center
line of Pearl and Park Streets and Encinal and Lincoln Avenues.
Location of Polling Place: Tent on the northeast, corner of Central
Avenue and Everett Street.
Inspectors: A. Henderson and H. P. Decker.
Judges: G. C. Munro and Jas. S. Sherman.
lerks: E. Christensen and Berton Marshall.
No. 6.
Description: Consisting of all of said city north of the center
line of Lincoln Avenue and lying between the center lines of Pearl and
Park Streets.
Location of Polling Place: Tent on the northwest corner of Buena
Vista Avenue and Everett Street.
Inspectors: Jules B. Didier and. Ea Mait.
Judges: Mrs. 2. A. Whistler and W. E. Varcoe.
.dlerks: Mrs. Minnie Deams and. Ray M. Krauth.
No. 7.
Description: Consisting of all of said city north of the center line
of Lincoln Avenue and lying between the center lines of Park and Walnut
March leth, 1913.
Avenue and Oak Street.
Inspectors: Mrs. Agnes Brewer and Wm. Acton.
Judges: Mrs. Mary A. B. Mayrisch and Henrietta J. Harvey.
Clerks: Hattie H. Chapman and Mrs. Blanche Walton.
No. S.
Desc- on: Consisting of all of said city lying between the center
lines of Park and. Walnut Streets and Lincoln and Encinal Avenues.
Location of Polling Place: 1517 Park Street.
Inspectors: F. O. Schuman and Dennis Godfrey.
Judges: Jas. Homer Skinner and O. F. Huntington.
No. 9.
Description: Consisting of all of said city south of the center line
of Encinal Avenue and lying between the center lines of Park and Walnut
St eats.
Location of Polling Place: 2310 Encinal Avenue.
Inspectors: C. A. Brown and Rushton MCConnell.
judges: Fred Thompson and John M. Robertson.
Clerks MRs. Mabel Powell and Mrs. Maud Moore.
No. 10.
Description: Consisting of all of said city south of the center
line of Encinal Avenue and lying between the center lines of Walnut
and ChestnuL, Streets.
Location of Polling Place: Tent on the northwest corner of
San Antonio Avenue and Willow Street.
Insectors: Richard Wells and. J. M. rstow.
Judges: J. D. Rhoades and R. E. Parr.
Clerks: Jas. 2. Moran and Mrs. Carrie C. Lapham.
No. 11.
Description: Consisting of all of said city lying between the
center lines of Walnut and. Chestnut Streets and Encinal and Lincoln,
Location of Polling Place: Tent on the southeast corner of Oen-
tral Avenue and Willow Street.
Herbert Bruntsch and A. F. W. Delius.
Judges: Mrs. Eliza C. Covell and Mrs. Ida A. Deming.
Clerks: W. G. Taylor and P. Perrine.
No. 12.
Description: Consisting of all, of said city north of the center
line of Lincoln Avenue and lying beteen the center lines of Walnut and
Chestnut Streets.
Location of Poll in, P1 sr ini ■---„^
March 18th., 1913
Clerks; Mrs. C. L. Beatty and. T. Locke.
NO. 13.
De scripti on: Consisting of all said city north o± the cente
line of Lincoln Avenue and lying between the cent er lines of Chestnut and
Peru Streets.
,Loaation of Boll ing Place; Tent on the northwest corner of Lincoln
OYM e and Minturn Street .
Inspe ator s: Jos . J. Stackier and Jos . P. Bradfor d.
Judges : John Matthe±s and J. H. Sharp.
Callerks : Hugo Kaufmann and A. 2i.. Bar t eau .
No. 14.
Description: Consisti ng of all of said city lying between the center
lines of Lincoln and Encinal Avenues and. Chestnut and Paru Streets.
Location of 'Poll inp: Place: 182 Enci na.1 Avenue.
Inspectprs: E. D. Rue and W. P. Dillon.
Judges : m. 2. Ilockir s a TO. II. 3 iTunt
Clerks: 'Helen J. Gornell and J. W. .0-il es .
. 15.
Description: Consisting of all of said city south of the center line
of Encinal veniie and lying b etween the center llnes of Chestnut ana.
t2 .
Loc at on of P oil ine: Place Tent on the southwest of Encinal
Irene and Lafayette Street.
I nsp e c to r s D. C lark and. L. H . Jac obi .
;TU. dg es: S L. 11. 3112110 cl,c and A . L Mulvany.
Clerks: T. :P. Gay and Mrs. Abb ie Jane Fortes.
No. 15.
De9.crix)ti on: C,`onsist-l-nz, of all of said city south of the center line
of Central Avenue anti lying between the center lines of Para and St. Charle
Location of Poll ing Place : Tent on the nor thwest corner 0±' Encinal
Av enu e and Morton Street.
Inspectors: 2. V. Barton and 0. VL. Macloon.
Judges: Mary J. Dongan and '11-n. 1. ieihrriann .
Clerks : Mrs. Virginia A. 'faymire and John C . Riley.
No .* 17.
Descripti on: Cons ibting of all 'of said lyi. ng between the c entez.
lines of Pc3.ru and St. Charles Streets and Central and Lincoln Avenues,
Location of Polling Place': 1304 Lincoln Avenue.
Insp ector s : Jacob Ho eck and Geo . Lovegrove .
Judges : Caroline J. Swvnev and 'am . Warci
Mar ch lSth, 1913.
No. 18.
Description: Consisting of all of said city north of the center line
of Lincoln .i;.venue and. lying between the center lines of
_ and St. Charles
Location of Polling Place: Store on the northwest co -r of Ba y Street
and Lincoln Avenue.
Inspectors: J. F. Stromber „ and J. H. Bromberger.
Judges: Mrs. Mary Wi son and Mrs. Liiinnie P. Kihn.
Clerks: R. A. Birmingham and Mrs. Anna M. Bonstin.
:y1131.;I I3?AL =CT ON P11CTQT
No. 19.
Description: Consisting of all of said city north of the center line
Lncoln Avenue and lyinF, between the center, lines of St. Charles and
Uhth Streets.
Locati on of Polling Place : 903IJincolrL Avenue.
Inspectors': J. J. Atkins, Sr. and C. F. Banta.
Judzes: Mrs. Augusta Ascher and 1.qrs. Josephine Anderson.
Clerks: Mrs, D. Breckwoldt and H. D. Dodd.
Jo. 20.
Description: Consisting of all of said city lying between the center
lines of St. Charles and Eighth Streets nd Lincoln and. Central Avenues.
Location of Polling Place: Tent on the northwest corner of Santa
Clara Avenue and Ninth Street.
I nsp e °tors : Fred G. VI1-ieeler and A. H. Peterson.
Jud ges : Mrs . D. W. C chins and. 0. . Neal.
Clerks: Mary J. Dunleavy ,and Mrs . J. D. Van Schoen.
No. 21..
Description: Consisting of all of said city south of. the center line
of Central Avenue and lying between the center lines of St. Charles and
Eighth Streets.
Location of Po1linp Place: Tent on the southwest corner of Weber
Street and Central Averiue.
Inspectors: Jos. I. Speddy and Jeremiah Sullivan.
Judges: 'dm. Paulson and Ellen S. 'drie;ht.
Clerks: Sidney I. Eschen and. Clara K. nemmel.
No. 22.
Description: Consisting of all of said city south of the center
line. of Haight Avenue and lying between the center lines of Eighth and
Sixth Streets.
Location of Polling e: Tent on the northwest corner of Webster
Street and Taylor Avenue.
Inspectors: T. B. Marshal and L. 6. Probst.
March 18th, 1913,
No. 23.
Description: Consisting of all of said city north of the center
line of Hai ght Avenue and lying between the center lines of Eighth and
Sixth Streets.
Location of Polling Place: 1541, Webster Street.
Inspectors,: H. Traube and Wm. E. Scully.
Jud_ges: Mrs. Ethel E. Stein and E. J. Dowdell.
Clerks: N. Chapman and W. J. Russell.
No. 24•
Description: Consisting of all of said_ city west of the center line
of Sixth Street and lying north of the center line of Lincoln Avenue be-
tween said center line of Sixth Street and Fifth Street; north of the center
line of the Southern Paotfic Company's rieht of way between Fifth and Fourth
Streets and. north of the cent er line of Pa.cifi c Avenue between Fourth Street
and the western charter line of said. city.'
Location of Polling Place: Tent on the northwest corner of Fifth
Street and Pacific Avenue.
Inspectors: Samuel Orr and Edward Houston, Sr.
Judges: Mrs. Cora Y. DeG. Orr and Vsrm. H. Hopps.
Clerks: F. J. Wieland and. E. B. Lovejoy.
No. 25.
Description: Consisting of all of said city west of the center line
of Sixth Street and lying south of the center line of Lincoln Avenue be-
tween said center line of Sixth Street and. Fifth Street; south of the center
line of the Southern Pacifi_ c Company's right of way between Fifth and Fourth
Streets and. south of the center line of Pacific Avernze between Fourth Street
and the western charter line of said city.
Location of Polling, Place: 500 Central Avenue.
Ins» e cto rs : Chas. R. Bond and Geo • H. Masters .
Judges: Wm. McE. Wilbur and Mary F. 'inters.
Clerks: Asa L. Hutton and Anna J. Wood.
5. All persons shall be enti tied to vote at said election who come
within the terms or comply with the requirements of thi s section. Every per-
son who was a qualified elector at the general State election i nTlediately pre-
ceding the holding of said election and who was registered as required_ by law
as a qualified elector of any one of the above described precincts and who con-
tinues to reside wi-thin the exterior boundaries of such election precinct un-
til the time of the holding of said election, shall be entitled. to -vote at
said ele ction, without other or additional registration. All other persons
in order to be entitled to vote at said election must be registered. in the
manner required by sections 1094,1096 and 1097 of the Political Code of
the State of California as an elector of and within the election precinct
March leth, 1913.
said Political Code, provided that such registration shall be in progress at
all times except cturinR the thirty days immediately preceding said election.
6. The returns of said election shall be forwarded immediately
upon the completion of the count in each nrecinct to the City Clerk, Room
12, second floor of the City Hall.
The publication of the proclamation for said election containing
the measures to be submitted to the electors of said city shall take the
place of the printing and mailing of said measures as provided in the Charter
of said City.
This Resolution shall constitute the notice of such election and
the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the sane to be published in the
official newspaper of said city in accordance with law and the ordinance
providing for notice of elections and to cause the same to be posted at least
ten days before said. election at each of the above mentioned voting places.
Mr. Ells seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Walker, MacRae, Hammond, Ells, Probst
and Stewart, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Spence, Morgenstern and
Bullock, (3).
Mr. MacRae introduced an Ordinande entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No.
New Series, fixing the compensation of the Auditor and ]ibc-officio assess-
or," which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
An Application and Bond to conduct a saloon at 1601 Webster Street was
presented by George Hebert. E. K. Taylor addressed the Council on behalf
o] the Petitioner and stated that Mrs. Brandt who now owned the license to
conduct a saloon on the said premises desired to have the same transferred
to the said Hebert. Mr. Walker moved that it be referred to the License
Committee and City Attorney with power to act, seconded by Mr. Probst and
Mr. Walker brought up the matter of the two and one-half cent fare
for school children on the street cars, and moved that the matter be referred
to the Public Utilities Committee in conjunction with the City Attorney to
report at the next meeting of the Council in Committee session on Friday
evening, March 2Oth, 1913, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried.
A report was received from the Park and. Playground Committee on the
attendance in the various parks and of the various gones played therein
for the month of February, 1913. Ordered filed. Mr. Probst made a report
relative to certain improvements to be made in the parks and moved that
the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the concession to sell
refreshments in Lincoln Park for one year, seconded by Mr. Walker and
Mr. Stewart presented a Resolution and moved its adoption, complaining
of the lack of operation by the Southern Pacific Company of its cross-town
service between Alameda and Oakland, and authorizing the Clerk to complain
to the Railroad Commission of the State of California, with the object in
view of compelling the said Company to inaugurate such a service immediate-
ly. Mr. MacRae seconded the Resolution. Mr. Probst moved to amend_ and
March 18th, 1913.
Southern Pacific Company and report at the next meeting of the Council
seconded by Mr. Walker and carried.
There beinc no furtbor business to transact the Council adjourned
until the next rermlar meeting, Tuesday evenir7, April 1st, 1913.
City Clerk.