1913-05-20 Regular CC Minutes4, ,
The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. '
The Roll Call showed Councilmen Bartlett 'Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern,
Morri Probst and Stewart, (7), present and Councilmen Hammond and Roth, (2)
Councilmen Hammond and Roth arrived later and were noted present.
The Minutes of the meetinrr. beld May 6th were approved as read.
A communication was received from the Finance Committee in which it was
recommended that 0245.86 be transferred from the General Furid to the Health
Fund. Ordered filed. Following the reading of the communication Mr. Bullock
introduced a moved the adoption of the following:-
RESOLVED, That the sum of Two Hundred and forty-five and 86/100 (245.86)
Dollars, be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the
Health Fund, being for unexpected expense incurred in caring for smallpox
case, which said expense was not provided for in the Health Fund,for the
fiscal year, 1912-1913, and that the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby
directed to make the said transfer upon their respective books.
Mr. Probst seconded the motion and the Resolution was adopted and passed
by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae,
Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart (9). Noes:None. Absent: None.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to p115.40; against the Police
Fund amounting to.0307,75; against the Fire Fund amounting to 0669.69; against
the Street Fund amounting to 1017.11 having been approved and audited by the
proper officials were read by'the Clerk as follows:-
Brewer, H. S. Supplies 8.50
Inter-City Express Transcript 3.00
Haselbacher, L. S. Brooms 12.00
Moeller Graeber Supplies 2.50
O'Brien, B. Painting Sign 1.50
Polk-Husted Directory Co. Directories 18.00
Rose, J. Leonard fees 3.00
Sohneid.er, Henry Stationery and sup;)lies 2.35
TV u II u u 2.00
” u u IT it 32
. 5
TV 9 ” 9 ” 8.55
” u ” u 9 13.25
Times-Star Co. Printing and. Advertising 37.50
Total - -4 115.40
Brewer, H. S. Repairs 1.25
3uchanan, .im. Disinfectant 12.50
Xonigshofers Blankets 16.00
Magagnos C. P. Photo supplies 37.60
May 2Oth, 1913.
Pacific Cycle & Arms Co. Bicycle 0 80.00
Pacific Tel. Pc Tel. Co. Telephone and, switches 3.65
Pries Wm. Services 15.00
Schneider, Henry Stationery and supplies 15.75
Taylor Lumber Co. Lumber 7.75
Times-Star Co. Printing 39.75
Unna, Herman - Meals 8.75
IT IT TV 10.00
Vosburgh, L. W. Copper rivets 2.75
Western Union Tel. Co. Clock 3.00
Total - - $ 307.75
Alameda Hardware Co.
Alameda Steam Laundry Association
Baird, J. V.
Fischer 0. F.
Gorham Engineering °.,c Fire Anp. Co.
Jorgenson P.
King, A. R.
Koerber, A. H. W.
Owens M. H.
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Peoples Water Co.
Rhodes-Jamieson °c Co.
Rickerson, AL
Risso & Co., G.
Schuman, Fred.
Scott, Magner Miller
Sko11y an
therland Pharmacy
Times-Star Co.
Towel Service
Horseshoe ing
Apparatus Repairs
Coal Oil
Horseshoe ing
8 14.00
Hay 11.00
Supplies 5.00
Gas 27.23
Water 308.08
Feed 3.50
Supplies 17.70
Hauling 7.40
Hay Cutter 2.50
Feed 147.50
8 7.40
8 20.03
Supplies 14.10
Medicine 1.00
Printing 15.00
Total ----------- A
0 669.69
Associated Oil Company Road Oil 266.79
Cal. Corrugated Iron Culvert Co. Supplies 382.90
Chipman, E. N. Assisting City Engineer 1.00
Fischer C. P. Supplies 3.88
Helmstein, J. H. .85
Pacific States Refineries 8 17.99
Park Garage 8 3.30
Reichard, Theo. TV 17.50
Rhodes-Jamieslor nn.
May 20th, 1913.
Sutton, James E. Assisting City Engineer
Times Star Co. Printing
Vosburgh L.W.
Young Machinery Co., A. L,
Total -
Mr. Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by M
Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett,
Hammond, MacRae Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9).
A communication was read from Mayor Frank Otis, in which he appointed E.
J. Bevan, as Police and Fire Commissioner, to succeed Frank J. Smith, term
expired May 20th, 1913. The appointment was confirmed by the following vote:
Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hamrnona, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst,
Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
A communication was read from the Alameda Improvement Club, in which the
Council was requested to provide in the Budget of 1913-1914, fund5wherewith to
improve the bulkhead and to erect public bath houses at Washington Park. Mr.
Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Park and Playground Committee,
seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried.
A communication from H. C. Gallagher was read, in which the writer re-
quested that the Council take action against the plan of the "Citizens Rate
Payers7 Protective Association" to bring about a special election for the
alleged purpose of securing a reduction in the rates of all Public utilities.
Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee
seconded by Mr. Morris and carried.
A communication was received from C. A. Borle, in which he requested that
the City assist him in making certain improvements to property in his possession,
located at the northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Chestnut Street, and in
which the writer said that he was ready to deed to the City, land necessary to
straighten the street line and also to lay sidewalk. Mr. Hammond moved that
the matter be referred to the Street Committee, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern
and carried.
A communication was received from G. H. Noble of 2220 Central Avenue,
asking that he be granted permission to connect two houses on Webb Avenue, near
the old 31anding Hall site, to the same sewer. Also, to connect two bungalows
on Park Street, near Clinton Avenue, to the sae sewer. Mr. Hammond moved
that the matter be referred to the Street Committee with power to act, seconded
by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from the Pacific Coast Borax Company, in
which permission was asked to bore a well in the street adjoining the Company's
Works at the West End. Mr. Hammond moved that the permission be granted, second-
ed by Mr. Probst. Discussion followed and when the vote was taken, it resulted
as follows:- Ayes:Councilmen Bullock, Hammond and Probst, (3). Noes:Council-
men Bartlett, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris,Roth and Stewart, (6). Absent:None.
Mr. Bartlett thereupon moved that the matter be referred to the Street
May 20th, 1913.
moved to arnend by giving the Street Committee power to act. The motion to
amend was seconded by Mr. Probst. On roll call the vote resulted as follows:-
Ayes:Councilmen Bullock Harninond and Probst 3) . Nees:Councilmen Bartlett
MacRae, Morgenstern Morris, Roth and Stewart (6), Absent:None. Mr.
Bartlett's original motion was then put and carried, no roll being called.
A communication was read from A. R. Derge of 2514 Etna Street Berkeley,
dealing with alleged unsanitary conditions of the water sheds supplying Lake
Chabot. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the communication be referred to the Board
of Health, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from the Board of Education relative to
Resolutions adopted by that Body, May 6th, 191, relative to the leave of absence
ranted Dr. Lum, ancl conmending his record as a School Director. A copy of the
Resolutionsaccompanied the communication. Mr. Hammond moved that they be filed,
seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication was received from Auditor and Assessor F. J. Croll, ask-
ing that the time for Computing his estimate of the probable expenditures and
receipts for the next ensuing year be extended from the let Monday in June,
time fixed in the Charter, until the 1st Monday in July. The request was
A communication, dated May 12). 1913, was received from F. H. Bartlett
Chairman of the Park and Playground Committee, asking for an extension of
thirty days time for the Committee to estimate what moneys would be needed for
the Park and Playground Department, for the fiscal year, 1913-1914. The re-
quest was granted.
A communication was received from F. H. Bartlett, Chairman of the Park and
Playground Committee, announcing the appointment by the Committee of Thornas
Reed, as a gardner, to take the place of Edward Bishop, resigned, at a salary
of e70.00 per month. Mr. Reed to begin work May 12th, 1913. Mr. Hammond moved
that the appointment be approved, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen, Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgen-
stern, Morris, Probst Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
A communication was read from I. W. Story of the Fire Underwriters In-
spection Bureau, relative to the erection of frame buildings in Fire Limits
No. 1. Ordered filed.
\ A communication was read from Fire Marshal Walter T. Steinme re-
commending that the request of C. S. Neal to construct a corrugated iron open
frame studded building on the premises in the rear of Park Street Street and
Post Office Court be denied. The recommendation was approved and the request
A communication was received from Herbert Scholtz, M. D. tendering his
resignation as a member of the Boqrd of Health. The resignation was accepted.
A communication was received from Councilman Mac Rae, dealing with the
use of motor driven fire apparatus. Mr. Bartlett moved that the matter be
referred to the Police, Fire and Water Committee of the Council, to investigate
and report back to the Council at an early data, seconded by Mr. Hammond and
May 2Oth, 1913.
• A communication signed by Eliza Kelly of 2629 Eagle Avenue and three
other proPerty uaners, in which request was made that a hydrant be install-
ed. at the corner of Eagle Avenue and Pearl Street, was read. Mr. Hammond
moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee, second-
ed by Mr. Pr'obst and carried.
• A joint communication from the City Attorney and the Street Committee,
relative to the request of F. W. Knower, that the City proceed to widen
Santa Clara Avenue, east Up and adjacent to Webster Street to the regular
alignment was read. Mr. Bartlett moved that the matter be re-referred
to the Street Committee with instructions to obtain estimates as to the
cost of the desired widening seconded by Councilmen Morgenstern and carried.
A communication was read from the Finance Committee dealing with cer-
tain offers of J. R, Christy to permit the City to connect water mains with
private system maintained by the United Engineering Works. The purpose of
Mr. Christy's offer was to assist the City in installing adequate system
for fire protection to the industrial district at the north end of Webster
Street. Councilman Probst and C. A. Borle of the North Side Improvement
Club addressed the Council setting forth the necessity for bettor fire pro-
tection of the district named. Mr. Morgenstern declared that the matter
was an important one to the commercial interests of the City, and moved
that it be referred to the Committee of the whole, seconded by Mr. Roth
and carried.
A communication was read from the Street Superintendent relative to
correspondence he had with the Executor of the Mil. H. Hamden Estate with
regard to the proposed opening of Calhoun Street, through the Hamden pro-
perty to Broadway. Mr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the
Street Committee, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
• A communication was received from the Street Superintendent addressed
to Councilman MacRae, Chairman of the Street Committee relative to negotia-
tions by the Street Superintendent with owners of property on Brush Street,
interested in the proposed construction of a seer in that thoroughfare.
Ordered filed.
Applications for Gratuitous licenses were made by the fol]owing:-
S. J. Herrick, to sell a Bible Pamphlet in the interest of the Adult Blind.
Geo. N. Miller, to operate a cleaning establishment.
Chas. Deane, to peddle brooms.
D. J. McQuarries, to peddle junk, also wagon license.
Alfred Nelson, to peddle notions.
B. H. Nilson, to peddle household goods.
F. Miller, to peddle fruit and vegetables.
August Bansbach, to peddle fruit and vegetables, also wagon. license.
C. E. Foster, to peddle fruit and vegetables.
L. Zunino, to peddle fruit and vegetables.
Mr. Stewart moved that they be granted seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and
carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond.
May 20th, 1913.
4 A Petition bearing the signatures of thirty-three residents in which
they signified their approval of the proposition that the Council create
the office of Commissioner of Revenue and Finance of the City of Alameda
was received. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the document be referred to the
Public Utilities Committee, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried.
\ An Affidavit was presented showing due public tion of Resolution of
Intention No. 12, New Series. Ordered filed.
An Affidavit was presented showing due Posting of Notice of Improvement
in connection with Resolution of Intention No. 12, New Series Ordered filed.
,1" A Certificate was received from the Street Superintendent certifying
that the work of grading, curbing macadamizing and otherwise improving Third.
Street, from the southerly line of Pacific Avenue to the northerly line of
Taylor Avenue, one by Hutchinson Company, under private contract had been
completed to his satisfaction. Ordered filed.
The Bond of V. M. Trodden as Street Superintendent was received and
ordered filed.
Oaths of Office from the following public officials were received and
ordered filed:-
V. M. Frodden, Street Superintendent.
,aynn Meredith, Member of the Board of Electricity.
I. Y. Chapman, City Engineer.
O. F. Crittenden, Member of the Board of Health.
Charles A. McQuesten, M. D. Member of the Board of Health.
Geo. H. MAstick, Library Trustee.
The Clerk gave notice that he had received the estimates from the heads
of the various Municipal Departments as to the funds they would require for
the fiscal year 1913-1914. Mr. Probst moved that the estimates be referred
to the Finance Committee, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
sMr. Stewart introduced the following:- "Bill for an Ordinance Amend-
ing Section 2 of Ordinance No. 523, concerning Office of Building Inspector".
Mr. Stewart moved that the Bill be referred to the Committee of the WHole
seconded by Mr. MacRae and carried.
When the matter of an Ordinance, introduced by Mr. Bartlett, May 6th,
1913, designed to creat a recreation commission was brought up by the Clerk,
Mr. Bartlett moved that it be laid over for two weeks, seconded by Mr.
Morris and carried.
Mayor Otis presented a Deed from the Alameda Investment Company to
the City of Alameda of Sewer, etc. Easement. The same was presented to the
City Attorney with instruction to have it recorded.
. An opinion from E. K. Taylor, on the status of the proceedings taken
by the City looking to the 7urchase of an automobile for the Fire Chief was
handed to the Clerk by Councilman Roth and ordered read. Following the
reading of the opinion, Mr. Bartlett introduced and moved the adoption of
a Resolution designed to rescind the Resolution adopted by the Council on
the 2lst day of February, 1913, roving specifications for an automobile
May 20th, 1913.
Commissioners. Mr. Bartlett's motion was seconded by Mr. Stewart. Debate
was then had on the question, participants being Mr. Hammond, Mr. Roth, Mr.
Stewart, Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Probst, Mr. Morgenstern and City Attorney St.
Sure. Following the discussion of the question Mr. Morgenstern moved to amend
Mr. Bartlett's motion to adopt the Resolution, by deferring action until the
next meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Probst. Bartlett accepted
the amendament. The vote on the motion as amended was then had with the
following result: Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond MacRae, Morgen-
stern and Probst, (6). Noes:Councilmen Morris, Roth and Stewart, (3). Absent:
Mr. Stewart introduced the following:- "I hereby move that the Police
and Fire Committee be requestec o ascertain the truthfulness of the statements
as made by Police and Fire Commissioner 1. H. L. Hynes pertaining to the con-
dition of the fire apparatus and that the Committee report back at the next
regular meeting". The motion was seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A Mr. Bartlett moved that Miss Hazel Dudgeon be appointed Council Steno-
grapher at a salary of 40.00 per month, the appointment to become effective
June lst, 1913, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried by the following vote:-
Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris,
Probst, Roth and Stewart (9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until
the next regular meeting time, Tuesday, June 3rd, 1913, t 7:30 p. m.
City Clerk.