1913-07-01 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR METING OF TIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAME0A, TUESDAY EITNING, JULY 1ST, 1913. The meeting convened with Mayor Prank Otis presiaing. The Roll was called and Councilmen Burtlett Bullock, MacRae, Morgen- stern, Morris, Roth and Stewart, (7) were noted present, and Councilman Hammond and Probst, (2) absent. Councilman Hammond and Probst arrived later and were noted present. The Minutes of the regular meeting held. June 17th, 1913 were approved as read. The Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held June 27th, 1913 were approved as read. Claims against the General Fund amount to 089.42; against the Police Fund arnonnting to 610.80; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 63299.48; against the Street Fund amounting to 01198.13; against the Library Fund amount- 21$7 to 0284.10; against the Park and Playground Fund amounting to 6. 0; against Local Improvement Fund No. 786, Material amounting to ;1725.33; against Local Improvement Fund No. 766, Labor amounting to .063.75; against Municipal Improve- ment Fund No. 10, Electric amounting to 02391.29 having been approved and audit- ed by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Refund of License Supplies Deputy Assessor Printing Drayage Telephone Directory Supplies Box rent Framing Resolutions American Creamery Co. Cedar Sweep Company, The Decker, Elmer E. Gee, R. S. Kellogg Express Co. Kollmann, W. Konigshofers Lubbock, Oswald Ma Enos, C. P. Municipal Electric Light Plant 9 TT TT Pacific Gas 1; Electric Co. Otis, Frank s 9t4r IT Yawnan .117-be M Conrad, John ,dameda Vulcanizing Works Anti-Teredo Paint Company Arthur, P.C. Board of Electricity 5.50 3.50 85.00 24.00 .50 3.00 .35 .75 10.20 Incandescent lamps 6.40 Street Lighting 9.86 Gas 1.08 Allowan as Mayor 50.00 Advertising 693.33 Printing 57.25 Office 711-nitI7re TotZL - 989.42 POLIO 2UUD. Incidentl eypenses _a:CriiflC LIGHT 2Uni. Supplies • Paint Painting Incidentals 10.80 6.80 27„50 4.00 51.02 2.52 155 July 1st Crane Company Supplies 34.12 Dow Pump Sc Diesel Engine Co. Material furnished 3.00 Dunham, Carrigan 1 Hayden Co. Supplies 23.07 TT 11 11 If 7.49 Eccles Smith Co. Engine Lathe 472.00 11 IT Supplies 68.35 Labor 5.00 Packing 10.63 Supplies 253.94 Irons 16.38 Ink Ribbon Mf. . Co. Ribbons 4.00 Jorgenson, Blacksmithing 17.85 Expressage .75 8.10 Koerber A. H. N. Rent 60.00 Taxes 12.16 Marshall-rewell Supply Co. Supplies 6.87 If If I/ 77 T1 11.15 Moore Co., Chas. C. Tile for Boiler 10.00 IT 11 If 11 Oil Burner 30.00 Oliver, C. Adverti sing 5.00 Pacific Metal Works Solder 31.36 Pacific States Electric Co. Supplies 110.96 Fischer, C. F. Garlock Packing Company, The General Electric Company Holabird-Reynolds Co. Kelloggs ExpreSs Co. Lubbock, Oswald 9 9 9 9 . 7 9 9 77 9 9 21.85 9 9 9 9 9 1.11 9 9 9 Friction Tape 6.37 9 9 9 9 Mazda Lamps 31.90 9 9 9 1 9 9 31 9 9 9 9 9 36.27 9 TV TT 77 IT 9 72.03 9 9 71 71 9 9 28.03 Park Garage Supplies 33.55 Peoples Water Company Water 29.40 Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Lumber 5.65 9 9 9 9 9 9 1.00 9 9 9 9 9 Cross Arms 22.50 9 9 9 9 17 9 17.50 PoWell Bros. Construction Company Mixed concrete 3.85 9, 9 9 9 Building Concrete piers 65.00 9 9 9 9 Patfting sidewalk 4.00 9 9 9 Constructing concrete bases 97.50 Roebling's Sons Co., John A. Wire 71 9 9 9 3.57 Rucker-Fuller Desk Company Desk and Chair 67.25 Schneider. TIenry Stationery Ara RlynniiRp fs_r) Standard Oil Company Gasoline IT TT IT II It If II IT IT TT It If ong, Mrs . M. G. Times Star Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. TV TV Supplies TT IT Rent Printing Supplies ¥eters IT V IT TV TV Whittier Coburn Company Oil Total ist 157 ‘,P 8.25 6.25 20.40 736.60 8.25 10.00 5.85 5.30 320.76 30.3.p 13.36 3299.48 STRiM FUND. Amorosa, V. Labor 56.70 Anderson, R. Teaming 35.00 Britt, d. 64.00 Chapman, V. Assisting City Engineer 10.00 Geresente, L. Labor 60.00 Jamison, J. 3. Teaming 120.00 Jones, O. E. TV 155.00 Jorgenson, P. Repairs 54.68 TV IT IT ;2.15 Martin, A. L. Teii1ng 62.50 Pacific Fuel & Bldg. Mat. Co. Supplies 16.20 Pennock, M. Teaming 120.00 TV TT Supplies 15.50 Perata, A. Labor 60.00 Peterson, Andrew 9 55.00 Powell Bros. Construction Co. Gravel and cement 20.60 Serralunga, L. Labor 180.00 Sorenson, J. IT 42.50 Strom Electrical Co. Supplies 1.80 Sutton, J. E. Assisting Gity -Engineer 11 .50 nes Star Co. Printing 15.00 Total 98.13 LIBRARY FTJID. Petty expenses Barrieles T. Laundry Crocker Co., H.S. Book Crown Piano Polish Co. Polish Democrat Printing Co. Record Book Feldhamer, L. Newspapers Foster and Puternick Company Rebinding books Gaylord Bros. Supplies Heywood Bros. Co. Chairs Alameda Free Library 4 11.20 1.00 2.02 3.00 2.75 6.00 12.75 4.00 22.00 158 July 1st, 1913. Judge, W. Elliott Map $ 3.90 LeCoimt, Frank P. Supplies 21.07 Mazzini, L. 6.15 Book 4.28 Books 85.19 Gas .09 Water 2.24 Raphael, Weill & Co. Book 8.00 San Franc co News Company Subscriptions 4.30 Southwestern Historical Quarterly Publication 2.00 Times Star Company Printing and subscription 35.85 Volberg, C. C. Rent 25.00 Zaddart, Elsie Substitute 17.00 Total - 284.10 PARK AND PLAYGROUND FUND, Powell Bros. Construction Co. Supplies LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 786 MATERIAL. Empire Foundry Co. Box covers IT TV Boxes and covers 135.00 Frodden, V. M. Repairing streets 220.00 Kelloggs Express Co. Drayage 6.00 Pacific Refining and Roofing 00. Paint 85.80 Pacific States Electric Co. Sockets 6.05 Peoples Water Co. Water 3.60 Powell Bros. Construction Co. Constructing concrete bases 1238.25 Vosburgh, L. W. Paint and brushes 8.00 Wagner, J. R. Horsehire 19.50 Total - $ 1725.33 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 786. LABOR. Louis, H. Labor Mushroom Publishing Co. Newbegin J. J. Pacific Gas Electric Co. Peoples Water Company .90 3.13 Young, J. H. Total 30.00 33.75 63.75 MUNICIPAL IMPROVELNT FUND NO .0, ELECTRIC. Crane Company Supplies q 5.73 Dalziel Jr., Robert Fender piles 96.80 Judson Mfg. Co. Manhole frames and covers 42.50 1242.00 47.20 934.50 6.02 Kaufmann 5c 2dwardes Lilley & Thurston, Co. The Moore (Fc Co., Chas. C. ific States Electric Co. IT TT 11.80 TV IV 9 4.74 Total - 0 2391.29 Mr. Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen. Bartlett, Bullock, 6th Payment on contract Supplies Oil tanks Wire Supplies July 1st A communication under date of June 27th, 1913 from the Board. of Electri- city was read, in which the Board asked to be advised if it was the intention of the Council to approve the recommendation of the Police and. Fire Commission that the Gamewell Police Sina1 System be installed and if so, to instruct the Board of Electricity to enter into a contract with the Gamewell Fire Alarm and, Telegraph Company. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee, Police and Fire Commission and the Board of Electricity for joint action, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried. The Clerk was instructed to notify the several bodies concerned of the action tak- en by the Council. d A communication was read from the Board of Electricity uncler date of July 1st 1913, with reference to bills for electric current supplied the Alameda Chamber of Commerce and. Co. 0, National Guard headquarters at 1407-7s Park Street, amounting in all to ;11.22. The bills had been presented to the Finance Committee of the Council but were not honored on the grounds that they were not a proper charge against city lighting. Mr. Bartlett moved that hereafter the City furnish no more free light for the Alameda Chamber of Commerce and for Co. 0, seconded by Mr. Roth and carried. The Clerk was instructed to notify the Electricity Commission of the action taken by the Council. ation from the Board of Electricity under date of July 1st 1913 was read in which the Board said that it had instructed the Superintend- ent of the Electric Light Plant to investigate the charge of Francis - Iucchetti that local property owned by him had been damaged by employees of the Municipal Electric Light Department to the extent of 200,00, and to submit a written report of his findings to the City Attorney for an opinion in the matter. Ordered filed. An application from the Board of Electricity under date of July 1st 1913 for permission to run overhead wires to make service connections for electric service at the following places was granted.:- 731 Taylor Avenue. 810 Haight Avenue. 413 Haight Avenue. 1522 Paru Street. 1617 Bay Street 1025 Sherman Street 2157 San Jose Avenue 834 Portola Avenue 15272 Lincoln Avenue 821 Haight Avenue 3250 Fernside Boulevard 460 Taylor Avenue 446 Taylor Avenue 1343 Burbank Street 1335 Burbank Street. 805 Portola Avenue 1312 Burbank Street. 2430 Buena Vista Avenue. 1319 Burbank Street. 444 Taylor Avenue. 407 Haight avenue. 421 Haight Avenue. 1211 Santa Clqra Avenue. 3244 Fernside Boulevard 456 Taylor Avenue. 633 Central Avenue. 411 'Haight Avenue. 430 Taylor Avenue. 4 7n 160 July 1st 1913. 2011 Lincoln Avenue 1604 Fernside Boulevard. Powell Boulevard 507 Central Avenue. E318 Haight Avenue 1820 Wood Street 1634 San Antonio Avenue 1442 By Street. The Clerk read a letter under date of June 27th, 1913 received by him from the Railroad Commis ion of the State of California in reply to a communication of complaint that he had made to the Board upon direction of the Cty Council relative to the failure of the Southern Pacific Com- pany to institute a passenger service on its ii]ighth Street cross town line. Mr. Probst moved that the communication be referred to the Committee Of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried. 4A communication under date of June 24th, 1913, from the Chicago Bridge and. Iron Vk)rks relative to proposed tank at Washington Park was read. Mr. Hammond moved that it be reA:erred to the Park and Playground Committee, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. • 1.r1 application from _,,dna Simpson under date of July 1st for a two weeks leave of absence to begin July 1st and end July 15th, was read and grante6. The Poundrnastors report for the month of June, 1917,was received cx:ae,-ed filed. Affidavit vas presented showing the publictItion of DelincLuent Tax List for tho fiscal year 1912-1913. Ordered. filed. Hr. Lac17:ue introduced the following Resolution and moved. its adop- tion:- R.:;SOLViZ, that the City .1;; gineer of the City of Alameda be, and he is hereby ordered to epare plans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said C±ty, to wit: The construction of a salt-glazed, vitrified iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house connections in Brush Street from the existing manhole at the crossing of Brush Street with Thira Street, in a right line to the manhole to be constructed on said line of sewer Two Hundr ed and twenty- five (225) feet easterly from said existing manhole at Third Street. Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Ham- mond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes: None. Absent:None. In accordance with the foregoing Resolution the City Engineer pre- pared Plans and Specifications which were recieved and ordered filed. Thereupon Mr. adoption:- RESOLVED, cRae introduced the followin Resolution and moved_ its that the plans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said Sity, to wit: The eonstruction of a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches in ineide diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house connections, in Brush Street, from the existing manhole at July let, 1913, manhole to be constructed on said line of sewer Two Hundred and twenty-five ) feet easterly from said existing manhole at Third Street as prepared by the City Engineer of said City and submitted this 1st day of Jul 1913, be, and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifi- cations for doing said work. Mr. Hmmond seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the follow- ing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris Prebst, Roth an Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr. MacRae introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda, to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The construction of a salt-gla:;ed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch "YT branches and without house connections, in Brush Street, from the existing manhole at the cross- ing of Brush Street with Third. Street, in a right line to the manhole to be constructed on said line of sewer Two Hundred and twenty-five (225) feet easterly from said existing manhole at Third. Street. All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore adopted :for doing laid work and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The Clerk shall cause this Resolution to be published in the Evening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published and cir culated in said City and hereby d.esignatod. for that purpose by the said Council. The Street Superintendent shall immediately, cause to be conspicuous- ly posted along the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front of all the property liable to be assessed notices of the passage of this Resolution of Intention. in the manner and form required by law. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated the Improve- ment Act of 1911" approved April 7, 1911. Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and. Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent: None. A Map was submitted by G. W. Emmons o' "Trac t, in which was shown Palmera Court which Mr. Emmons planned to dedicate to public use and which he desires the Council to accept on behalf of the public. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee, seconded by Mr. Probst and carriea. 'N,MR. Morris introduced the following Resolution:, RESOLVED, That Samuel Toorman, Jr., be, and he hereby is, appointed. City Attorney of the City of Alameda, to succeed A. F. St. Sure, at the expiration of the latter's term of office; and be it further 162 July is first day of August, A. D. 1913, certifioate of appointment as such City Attorney. Mr. Morris moved the adoption of the Resolution as read, seconded by Mr. Roth. Debate on the Resolution was had, the participants being Council- men Hammond and Probst who opposed the Resolution and Councilman Roth who favored it. On roll call the Resolution was adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris Roth and Stewart, (5). Noes: Councilmen Bullofk, Hammond and Probst, (3). Excused from voting: Council- man Bartlett, (1). Absent:None. President Morgenstern of the Council made complaint of the dust caused by the Southern Pacific Trains in the narrow portion of Encinal Avenue near Versailles Avenue Station and moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee for action, seconded by Mr. Stewart-and carried. 4 Mr. Roth brought up the matter-of the poor condition of the roadways approaching the Webster Street, Park Street and High Street bridges. He said he believed that the thoroughfares should be asphalted for some distance from the bridges and moved that the matter be referred to the Street Superintend- ent and City Engineer to prepare estimates, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. Mr. Morgenstern complained of the one car service furnished on the local lines of the Southern Pacific Company. He moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee to take up immediately with the Southern Pacific-Company, ask for prompt relief and report back to the Council without delay, seconded by Mr. Roth and carried. _JO The Special Committee appointed May 6th, 3 by Mayor Frank Otis to investigate published report that the Municipal Electric Light management had overtaxed property owners in the assessment in installing electroliers submitted the following:- "Alameda, Cal. July 1 To Hon. Frank Otis, Mayor, the Honorable, the Council of the City of Alameda. Gentlemen:- On May 6th, 1913, Mayor Otis appointed the undersigned as a special committee to "investigate the published report that the Municipal Electrical Light Management had overtaxed property owners in the assessment in installing electroliers. " There has been delivered to the committee by the Board of Electricity a voluminous statement purporting to show in detail the expenditures made in the work of installing the new street light- ing system. This statement contains items for material labor and engineer's fees. It is impossible for your committee to verify the items in this statement or to present a report thereon without the aid of an experienced accountant, We beg to suggest that the city has no funds which should be used to employ an expert for this work, and we therefore ask that the investi- gation be abandoned and the committee discharged. Pne,nnn-f-PlI1177 July lst, 1913. Mr. Stewart moved that the investigation be abandoned and the Committee discharged, seconded by Mr. Bartlett. Mr. Hammond and Mr. Probst opposed the Resolution. Mr. Stewart spoke in favor of it.. President Morgenstern also expressed himself on the question. The roll was called and the motion was carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morris, Roth and Stewart (5). Noes:Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Morgenstern and Probst, 4). Absent:None. N( P. W. Knower addressed the Council urging that action be taken to widen Santa Clara Avenue, adjacent to and east of Webster Street to the regu- -lar alignment. Chairman Morris of the Police, Fire and Water Committee reported that he had taken.up with the Chief of Police the matter of the application of the Bay SHore Club to shoot clay pigeons off the south end of Ninth Street Sunday mornings. He said that the Chief and the Committee were opposed to granting the application and moved that it be denied, seconded by Mr. , Stewart and carried. Mr. Probst brought up the matter of the petition from residents of the West End that a Hook and Ladder Truck be provided for that section of the City. He said that he had heardthat the provision heretofore approved by the Council for an allowance in the budget for the purchase of such apparatus was to be elitihated from the bud t. Mr. Probst moved that it be the sense of the Council that it favored including an allowance in the budget for the purchase of the desired Hook and Ladder truck, second- ed by Mr. Hammond and carried. 'S. Mayor Frank Otis presented a communication under date of June 25th, from Congressman J. R. Knowland having to do with the matter of the Retch Hetchy water supply project and the interests of East Bay cities in sane. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Mayor and Public Utilities Committee with power to act, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting time, Tuesday, July 15th, 1913, at 7:30 p. m. Cit3r rk. le