1913-08-05 Regular CC Minutes174
The meeting convened with Major Frank Otis presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morris, Roth and
Stewart, I answered present. Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Iiorgentern and
Probst,, (4) were noted absent. Councilmen Bullock, Hammond and Probst arrived
during the reading of the Minutes and were noted present.
The Minutes of the regular meeting held. July 15th, 1913 were approved
as read.
Claims against the General Fund amountinF to 421.41; against the Police
Fund amounting to ;17.40; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 5824.20:
aF7ainst the Street Fund anountinc, to 1270.85; against the Library Fund amount-
ing to 037.69; against the Park and Playground Pun amountir to '336.32;
against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 10, Alectric amounting to 2696.73 and
against ,aterside Terrace Fund amounting to 1150.00 having been approved and
audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:-
Bancroft-hitney Company Law books 16.30
Crocker-Langley Directory Go. S. F. Directories 12.00
Decker E. E. Deputy Assessor 85.00
If Incidentals 1.50
Gee ,2c Son, R. S. Printing 12.00
Manuel, A. Repairs to furniture .50
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas .81
Pacific Tel. Tel. do. Rental and switches 1.60
11 17 If If 11 17 If 1.70
Rent of Safe 40.00
iater 22.50
Stationery 1.50
IT 17 5.75
Tarcly, Henry G. .Compiling Index for Mun. Code 150.00
Printing 54.00
Total 421.41
Incidental expenses
Alameda Vulcanizing ',/orks Supplies
Board of Electricity Incidentals
Crane Company Supplies
Parcelis Safe Co.
Peoples 4ator Co.
Schneider, Henry
Times-Star Co.
'estern Union Co.
Conrad, John
If It It
IT II 17
II 17 IT
August 5
Crane Company Supplies
Degen Belting Co., L. P. aire belt lace
Eccles Smith Co. Supplies
Fisk Rubber Co. The Supplies
Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Co. Repairs
Garlock Packing Co. Gaskets
General Electric Co. Supplies
3 0.90
9 9 9 9 186.39
Guisso Co., E. Manure 2.50
Holabird-Reynolds Co. Supplies . 3.82
it 9 9 9 27.67
Kellog,s Express Co. Drayage 16.40
Konigshofer, L. Cotton batting .45
Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Rags 10.93
Ohmen Engine Works Pi ton rod and nut 13.90
Pacific Cycle :2,c Arms Co. Bicycle repairs 1.50
Pacific States Electric ,0o. Supplies 9.19
9 9 q
17 I? 78.30
9 9 9 9 9 25.13
IT IT 9 9 9 1.40
9 9 9 9 9 14.99
9 9 9 9 9 7.05
9 9 9 7 ur 437.50
9 9 9 9 9 3.69
9 9 9 9 9 35.28
9 9 9 9 9 7.96
9 9 9 9 9 .64
9 9 9 9 9 32.34
9 9 9 9 9 17.93
Pacific Tel. ,9c Tel. Company Phones 18.70
Parcells Co., C. E. Safe 106.00
Park Garage Labor and supplies 8.50
Peoples Water Co. eater 2.00
u 7 " u 2.00
Plummer Ilifg C • a. A. Flag 10.14
Stationery and supplies 12.45
Gasoline 6.20
9 9 9 Supplies 9.50
9 9 9 9 79.45
9 9 9 Gasoline 8.25
9 9 9 Fuel 011 728.89
9 9 9 Gasoline 7.75
9 9
Supplies 4.95
9 9 9 ?uel Oil 735.
Studebaker Bros. Go, Pad 1.00
Schne Henry
andard Oil Co.
August 5th, 1913.
Iestinghouse E. &I M. Co. Meters 359.40
ihittier-Ooburn Co. Oil 40.37
Total - - -0 3824.20
Amorosa, V. Labor 62.10
Britt, W. Teaming 107.00
Chapman, E. 11. ssisting City Engineer 3.00
Fischer C. P. Plumbing supplies 6.52
If If Labor 36.
.9 9 Pluirihin0 supplies 5.46
Garaventa, Luigi Labor 67.50
Gay, A. T. Repairs 11.75
Jamison, J. S. Teaming 143.48
Jones, O. E. IT 141.13
Martin, Arthur L. I1 120.50
Pacific Cycle Arms Co. Reoairs 6.00
Pacific Tel. Tol. Co:. Rental and switches
Vf TY 11 It 11 If 2.61
Park Garage Repairs .90
Pennock M. Teaming 147.50
Perata, Andrea Labor 62.50
Peterson, Andrew IT 55.00
Schneider Henry Stationery 1.50
Serralunga, L. Labor 170.00
Sorenson, J. 67.50
StackleJ. J. Repairs 8.40
If If 11 0.50
Sutton, James 2. ssistn, City Engineer 3.00
Thurston, C. E. Teaming 30.20
Total 1270.85
Alameda Free Library _Petty expenses
Alameda Steam Laundry Towel service 1.00
Appleton Co. Robert Encyclopedia 5.00
Bobbs-Merrill Co. The Hook 6.00
Brown Furn - iture Co. Rep , chair 1.00
Caya, Earl Cutting lawn .1.50
Crocker-Langley Directory Co. Books 12.00
Feldhamer, L. DAily newspapers 6..00
Poster Puternich Co. Binding 45.85
Goldthwajte G. C. ixtra services 4.50
Harvard University Press Book and Dostage 3.60
II TV 11 11 If II
IT if Ti 11 11 IT
If IT II 11 IV If
Koerber, A. H. W.
Larsen, C.
Nathan, Samuel C.
Newbegin, J. J.
Paci (as Electric Co.
People Water Company
n Francisco News Co.
Schneider, Henry
Times-Star Co.
Volberg, C. C.
Winks, Elsie M.
Pacific Tol. S Tel. Co.
3. F. Bulletin
Extra services
Stationery, etc.
Printing and advertis
Extra services
Total -
Peoples Water Company Water
Plummer Son, Geo. E. Lumber
Serralunga, L. Hauling
Burgner, Chas, A.
Dalziel, Jr., Robert
IT IT Extra work
Dorward Pump Go, Valve
Friedman Bros. Painting
Kaufman ,°1 _dwardes 7th Payment on building
Johnson, C. Loads of soil
Pacif.ic 3tates _ilectric Co. Supplies
9 9 9 9
,2 3 Son Geo. *
9 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 9 9
9 IT IT 9 9
9 9 IT 9 9
IT 9 9 9 9
9 IT IT IT 9
Western Pipe and Steel Co. Ladder
Alameda Investment Co.
Total - -
Return o± deposit
August 5th, 1913.
127. 6
August bth 1913.
Mr. Bartlett moved that the Bills as read be paid, seconded by Mr. MacRae
and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock,
Hammo a MacRae, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (5). Noes :None. Absent:
Councilman Morgenstern, (1).
LThe Auditor s balance sheet for the month ending July 31st 1915 was
received and filed.
The Auditor's statement showing final apportionment of taxes for 1912
was received and ordered filed.
The Assessor's statement owing total of the several assessment rolls
for the year 1913 was received and referred to the Pinance Committee.
communication under date of August 4th, 1S15 from Mayor Prank Otis
was read, in which he submitted his aysointment of Herman Krusi, I. U. Chapman
Carl J. Rhodin, Geo. E. Plummer and G. Tibbitts as members of a Siescial
Advisory Committee of citizens to act in conjunction with the Public Utilities
Committee of the Council in relation to all harbor matters. Er. Probst moved
that the appointments be approved, seconded by Er. Bullock and carried.
`i A communication under date of July 23rd, 1913 from Levi Boswell and
J. 3. Chandler of the Richmond Municipal ,later District, Richmond California,
addressed to Mayor Prank Otis having to do with water district matters was read,
together with the Mayor's rep . ly to the communication. Mr. Bartlett moved that
both letters he filed seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
Oity Attorney, Samuel Poorman, Jr. reported that after having received
authority from the City Council July 24th 1913, he had joined with other
attorneys representing cities about San Francisco Bay in signing a brief
which was sent on to Congress urging favorable action on the Bill designed
to give San Francisco certain water rights in the Aetch Hetchy Valley. Y
Bullock moved that the action of the City Attorney in signing the brief
sent to Congress urging the passage of the 3111 granting to San Francisco
certain rights looking to the acquisition of a water supply from the Hetch
Hetchy Valley be approved, seconded by Hr. Hammond and carried.
-Mayor Prank Otis reported that he had discussed with the representa-
tives of other Say cities certain wording in the 31.11,pending before Con-
Eress, desirned to give San Francisco water rights in the Hatch botchy
Valley, also, that he had sent a telegram to Hon. Oscar Underwood, under
date of July 29th, urging immediate and favorable action on the 3111
by Congress. The Mayor's report was approved.
'A comnunication, under date of Aueu t 5th, 1915, from the Chamber of
Commerce, inviting members of the Council to attend a meeting of the Chamber
Thursday evening, Angnst 7th, at which water district matters were to be
disousse8. was read and the invitation was accepted.
A revised list of Council Committe was received from Council-Presi-
dent Alfred Morgenstern and filed. The list as revised is as follows:-
Police, .ire and Cater Committee - Morris, Chairman; Bartlett and
Streets, Severs and jlarves Committee - InacRae, Chairman; Roth and
August 5t4 1913.
Printing and Advertising Committee - Hammond; Chairman Morris and Probst.
Judiciary Committee - Probst, Ohairmar; Hammond and Bullock.
License Committee - Stewart, Chairman; Morris and MacRae.
ark and PlayFround Committee - Morgenstern; Chairman, ,t?ronst and MacRae.
-\ The Oaths of Office of the following were received and ordered filed:-
f. O. Jacoby as Deputy Building Inspector.
Samuel Poorman, Jr. as City Attorney.
Vi. H. Carp nter as Assistant Veterinary and 2ood Inspector.
The Bond of Samuel Poorman, Jr.: as City Attorney, in the sum of ;3,0O0
was received and ordered referred to the 2inance Committee.
'The Poundmaster s report for July 1013 was received and ordered. filed.
An application from 11. C. Maillot, Sanitary Inspector and ex-officio
Building InsPe tor, under date of August 1st, 1913, for a vacation of one
week beginning August 2ncl. and ending Atusust 10th, was read and granted.
A communication under date of August 1st 1913 from City Hall Janitor,
J. W. 'Byrne, was read, in which he recommended that the carpet in the Mayor's
office and in the Council Committee room be given a thorough cleaning and
referred to the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee with power to act.
protest from residents in the vicinity of eagle Avenue and Chapin
Street against plan to cut dyke in that neighborhood to allow slickens from
high marsh land to flow on to low lots south of the dyke was read. Mr.
Bartlett moved that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the San 2rancisco
Bridge Company which was doing the dredging, and the Pacific Improvement
Company, owner of land in the vicinit:, of Eagle Avenue and Chapin Street, not
to out or -permit the cutting o the dyke, or to allow any slickens to escape
south of the levee,seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried.
Embodied in the protest was a request that a larger culvert be install
ed at Lagle venue and Chapin Street. Er. Probst moved that the request be
referred to the Street Committee and Superintendent of Streets with power to
act, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:
Councilmen :Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morris Probst Roth and
Stewart, (8). hoes:None. Absent:Councilman Morgenstern 1).
A communication from the San Prancisco Bridge Company under date of July
30th, 1913, notifying the City Olerk that they would have a representative
present at the meeting of the Committee of the ,hole of the Council Friday
evening, August 1st, at which time the matter of the protest against plan to
cut marsh dyke was to be discussed was received and filed.
A communication was read from the Associated Oil Company 'under date of
August 1st, 1913, in which permission was asked to erect at Alameda Point,
eight tanks for the storage of refined oil products of petroleum. The
communication was accompanied by specifications and drawings. Er. Morris
moved that permission be granted, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried by the
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen ihrtlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morris
Probst, Roth and Stewart (3). Noeo:None. Absent:Oouncilmn. Morgenstern, (1).
A communication under date of August 5th 1913 from the Board of
August 5th, 1913.
communication was ordered. filed.
An application was received from the Board of .Uectricity under date of
Au7,ust 5th, 1913 for permission to run overhead wires to make electric service
connections to fifty-one places. Mr. Hammond moved that permission be grant-
o, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried.
A communication under date of Auo:ust 4th, 1913 from
member of the 3oard of .,;ducation, was read in which he requested 'that he be
granted a twenty days leave of absence to begin August 8th, 1913. Mr.
Hammond moved that the re,]uest be granted, seconded by Mr. Prob st and carried
by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen 3artlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae,
Morris, Probst, Roth and 3tewart, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Morgan
stern (1).
4 The semi-annual report of J. S. Gutioben, Supervisor of Play,was receiv-
ed and referred to the Park and Playground Committee.
Applications for positions in the parks and playgrounds were received
from the following and referred to the Park and Playground Committee:-
IC. Louis Thiele, 1018 Oak Street, Alameda.
Miss Annie Page Cooper, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Edna K. Curtis, 322'2 Central Avenue Alameda.
Gladys Anderson Careenter, 2265 East 19th Street, Oakland.
A communication from the Chicago Bridge and Irons 'iorks under date
of August let, 1913, relative to proposed tank in 'ashington Park, was received
and referred to the Park and Playground Committee.
communication from the Central California Construction Company, under
date of July 25th, 1913, relative to proposed tank in 'iashington Park was
received and referred to the 2ark and Playground Committee.
A communication from the American Association of Park Superintendents
under date of July 1st, 1913 inviting local park authorities to attend a
convention to be held in Denver, Golorado, beginning August 5th, 1913 was
received and referred to the Park and Playground Committee.
`iA communication under date of August 1st 915 was rec. from D. C.
Stevenson of the Accident and Liability Department of the Aetna Life Insurance
Company, in which he solicited insurance on the police auto patrol mbulance
and on other autos owned and used by the City. Mr. Morris moved that the
communication be referred to the police fire and water committee, to be
taken up with the Police and Pire Commission, seconded by I. Stewart and
'-21 communication from Leo S. Robinson, Controller of the Panama-Pacific
International Expo ition Commission of the State of California, addressed to
Mayor ?rank Otis, under date of July 22nd 1913, in which the writer appealed
to the people of Alameda to contribute trees and shrubs to be used in beautify-
ing the grounds of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition was read and
referred to the Park and Playground Committee. Mayor Otis reported that
Mrs. L. H. Bissell of 1439 Morton Street had told him that she had a palm
tree that she was willing to contribute for the purpose of beautifying the
Exposition grounds. The Gity Clerk was instructed to notify M. H. Du
August 5th, 1913.
vitation from the Last nd. Improvement Club, under date of July
22nd, to the Mayor and members of the Council to attend a meeting
of the Clab,'Monday evening,August 4th, 1913, at which time water district
matters were to be discussed, was received and ordered filed. ,
A communication f:om the East 1;21.d Improvement Club under date of July
22nd, 1913 having to do with the enforcement of the two and one-half cent
fare Ordinance was read and ordered filed.
-\A communication was read from the Alameda Improvement Club under date
of July 28th, 1913, in whieh it was set forth that one of the Club's members
would expert free of char e, the city's books having to do with the assess-
nents and expenses in connection with the installation of the municipal
electrolier system. Mr. Bartlett moved that the City Clerk be directed to
notify the Club that the books of the City are at all times accessible to
the Club's expert, or to any other interested person or persons desiring
to inspect same, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried.
%1•1 communication was read from the North Side Improvement Club, under
date of August 3rd, 1913, in which complaint was made of the ruining of
street trees. Er. Bullock moved that the matter be referred to the Street
Superintendent and that money be provided by the Finance Committee in the
Budget to cover the expense of trimming street trees, seconded 1)-7 Mr.
Bartlett and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen :Bartlett,
Bulloci:, Hammond, MacRae, Morris, Probst and Stewart, (7). Noes:None.
Absent:Councilman Morgenstern, (1) . Temporarily absent from the Council
Chamber, Councilman Roth, (1)
An estimate and plan of tank for propose( 1 municipal hot salt water
baths at the south end of Park Street was received from Gity ingineer, I.N.
Chapman. Addresses favoring the project were made by Councilmen Stewart,
Henry Rosenthal President of the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, and J. G.
Kearney of the 2,ast And Improvement Club. Mr. Stewart moved that th0
patter be referred to a Special Committee named by Council-Pesident
Morgenstern, August let, 1913 consisting of Councilman Bartlett, Bullock,
and Roth seconded by Mr. Morris and carried.
The following report was received from the Public Utilities
Committee and ordered filed:-
"To the Honorable,the Council
of the Oity of Alameda.
Your Committee on Public *lities to whom was referred the
matter of the installation of a Police Signal system, recommends that the
Gamewell Alarm System be installed in the City of Alameda, in accordance
with specifications on hand and the bids submitted therefor, at a cost of
Very respectful y yours,
J. H. Bartlett Chairman.
B. Bullock.
August Sth, 1913.
In connection with the foref7oing report Mr. Bartlett introduced the
followin g 2e olution and moved its adoption:-
' R2SOLVED, That the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda be,
and hereby is, authorized by the City Council to enter into a contract with
The Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company for the installation of a police
signal and telephone and flash light system, the contract price to be
Eight Thousand (8,000) and 00/100 Dollars, and in accordance with an offer
submitted by said company under date of March 27th 1913, which said offer
is on file in the office of said :Board of Electricity.
Mr. Bullock seconded the motion to adopt the Re solution and it was
passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen 3artett,
Bullock, Hammond, Mac2ae, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (8). Noes:None.
Abse t:Oouncilman Lorgenstern, (1).
A oommunication under date of July 16th; 1913 was road from J. P.
Mahoney of 577 Central Avenue in which he sugge ; 1 that the curbs in Central
Avenue from Fourth to Ninth Street he improved. Mr. 3artlett moved that
the communication be referred to the Street Committee, seconded by Mr.
Stewart and carried,
jA report was .received from the Street Superintendent certifying that
the work of constructing a sewer in Buena Vista Avenue, from a manhole in
',lobster Street, three hundred and seventy-five feet westerly, done by J. F.
O'Brien, under Resolution of Intention No. 12, New Series, had been faithful
finished and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent.
Ordered filea.
Affidavit was presented showin due publication of Notice Inviting
Sealed eroposals for sewer work to be done under .esolution of Intention To.
13, New Series. Ordered filed.
An Affidavit was presented showing clue Postinff of rotice Inviting eal-
ea Proposals for sewer work to be done under :.esolution ,of Intention n.
1:ew Series. Ordered filed.
The 0 erk announced that in response to Notice inviting sealed pro-
posals for sewer work to be done under ':osolution of Intention No. 13, New
Series, he was in receipt of two sealed bids. Henry Collins addressed
the Council croposing the proposed werhand asking that the Council permit
it to be done 1):: private contract. Superintendent of Streets, V. M. Trodden
said that the propserty owners had made no protest during the proceedincs,
when the protest should have been made, and advised that the project be curried
out. Councilman G. '.i. Stewart also favored proceedin with the work.
Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be o9ened and read, seconded by Mr. 3artlett
and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bias as'follows:-
From Hutchinson Company, accompanied by a Bond in the sum of ;100.00
I'or six-inch pipe--- 60 cents per linear foot.
per four-inch Y branches-
c-nts each extra.
PrDM C. P. Zischer, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 25.00.
For six-inch pipe------------- 74 cents per linear foot.
4 0 ■-• ■•.., 4 - cA
LUc;USt 5th, 1913.
The bids were then referred to the Street Superintenden who, after an
examination, roported that the hid of Hutchinson Company was the lowest and recommend-
ed that it be aecepted. Er. Hammond thereupon introduced the following Resolu-
tion and moved its adoption:-
aHAREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda did, in open session on the
5th clay of August, 1913, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed proposals
or bids Tor doing the following work in said city, to wit:
That a salt-glazed , vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six (6) inches, in insido
diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches, and without house connections be con-
structed in San Jose Avenue from the present manhole at the crossing of Post
Street with said avenue, in a right line to the present manhole at the croesi.
of Peach Street with said avenue.
All of said work shall be one in accordance with the plans and specifica-
tions heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office of
the city clerk.
R2,SOLVED, that the said Council hereby rejects all of said proposals, or
bids except that next herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for doing
said work and improvement to the lowest responsible bidder, to wit: Hutchinson
Company at the prices named in their bia. The city clerk is hereby directed
to post notice of this award conspicuously for five days, on or near the chamber
door of the said Council and also publish said notice by two insertions in
the 10rening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published and
circulated in said city, and hereby desinated for that purpose by said Council.
Er. Bullock seconded the motion and the Resolution was adopted and passed
by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen 3artlett, Bullock, Hammond MacRae,
Morris, Probst Roth and Stewart, (8)• No :None. Absent:Councilman Morgenstern,
Mr. MacRae introduced the following Resolution and moved its ado)tion:-
RSOLVED, That whereas the Council of the City of Alameda did on the 1st day
of July, 1913, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 14, Now Series, to order
the hereinafter described work to be done and improvement to he made in saia
'City, which Resolution of Intention was duly and legaily published as required
by law, as appears from the affidavit of Frank Brown now on file in the office
of the City Clerk of said city; and whereas, notices of the passage of said
Resolution of Intention No. 14, New Series, headed "Notice of Improvement"
were duly and legally 2osted along the line of said contemplated work and
improvement and in front of all the property liable to be assessed therefor, in
form and manner as required by law, immediately after the passage of said Reso-
lution of Intention, as appears from the affidavit of V. M. Frodden, Street
Superintendent of said city, who, npon the completion of the posting of said
notices on the 7th day. of July 191' and whereas, more than fifteen days has
expired since the clay of the second pnblication of said Resolution of Intention
No. 14, New Series, and the completion of the posting of said Notices of
Improvement" therefore be it
RESOI,Vi]D, that the public interest and convenience require the work
August 5th, 1913.
The construction of a slat-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six (6)
inches ir inside diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house
connections, in 3rush Street from the existing manhole at the crossing of
Brush Street with Thrd i Street, in a rinht line to the manhole to be con-
structed on said. line of sewer Two Hunared and twenty-five ('25) feet easter-
ly from said existing manhole at Third Street.
All of said work shall be one in accordance with the plans and specifi-
cations heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office
of the city clerk.
The City Clerk is hero 7i directed to post tice of said work, together
with the plans and specifica ions therefor, conspicuously for five days on or
near the council chamber door, invitin seta proposals or bids for doing the
work ordered. He is also directed to publish a notice invitini,, such proposals,
and referrin to the specification- posted or on file, in the' 'ivening Times
Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaner published and circulated in
said city, and hereby designated for that Purpose.
Er. Hammond conded the motion aria the Resolution vas adoeted and
passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen 3artlett, Bullock, Hammond,
MacRae, Morris, .?robst, Roth and Stewart, (8). iloes:ilone. Absent:Councilman
MoiTenstern, (1).
d-'-A communication from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce under date of
,-say ;2flth., 1913 commendinF, the Layor and Council for their attitude towards
the proposed municipal baths at .shinFton Far k and at the south end of Park
Street was read and ordered filed.
A communication, under date of July .2nd, 1913, addressed to A1 Latham,
President of the Board of Police and 21re Commissioners wqs read from the
Waterons Engine Viorks Company, St. .'2aul, Minnesota, in which that concern
offered to sel) to the City an automobile fire engine for ,,4,000, f. o. b.
Alameda. Er. 3ulloc':;.. moved that the communication be referred to the Folic
Fire and Vlater Committee of the Council to be taken up in conjunction with the
Police and ?ire Commission, seconder', by Mr. Bartlett and carried.
A written reeuest under date of July 30th, 1913 was read, from City
Attorney, Samuel Poorman, Jr., in which he asked that his office he supplied
viith an unabridged dictionary, also with an eyelet press. The recluest was
granted and the City Attorney was authori zed to procure the supplies needed.
An opinion was read from the City Attorney relative to ques;ions arising
out of certain aym,nts made under protest of special assessments levied for
the installation of the electric street lighting system. Mr. Bartlett moved
that the opinion be referred to the Finance Committee seconded by Mr. Hammond
Mr. 3artlett browht up the matter of refunding surplus moneys derived
from assessments in electrolier districts 4 and 5, from which no protests
been received. He said that it was possible at this time to rebate said moneys
and 'advise q that action be taken. Er. Bartlett moved_ that the excess mganeys
he ,funded pro-rata; that the :inance Committee be empowered to employ clerical
AuFnst 6th
ing, the expense for said help and printing not to exceed ;;50.00 for each
district, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:
Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morris, Probst Roth and
Stewart, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Morgenstern, (1).
A communication, under date of Aup7ust 5th, 1913, was read from the
City Attorney, in which he suggested th-'.t the excess moneys realized from
assessments over and. a'nove the sum required for the .installation of electr-
lier systems in Districts No. 4 and 5, from which no protests had been
received, be refunded pro-rata to the parties who paid the same. Ordered
4 An opinion from the City Attorney on the constitutionality of Ordi-
nance No. 6, New Series, havinc to do with the two and one-half cent rates
of are for the transportation of pupils was received and ordered filed.
4 A communication fyom the Board of Health under date of July 14th,
1913 announcin the appointment of i. H. Carpenter as Assistant Veterinary
and Food Inspector, e Melville flerspring was received and ordered filed.
sA communication from the Board of Health under date of July 16th 1913
g1vflg notice that additional wells were being bored in the Fitchburf7 field,
vas read and ordered filed.
Five 'rtificates of Title to lands on the south side of Lincoln Avenue
between Park and Oak Streets, purts of which had been purchased by the
Southern Pacific Company and used in widening Lincoln Avenue in that locali-
ty and for whichcityl not as yet obtained Deeds were referred to the
Ci.ty Attorney to be taken up with the Southern Pacific Company.
A communication under date of July 31st, 1913 from the Southern Pacific
Company offering to sell to the City and :]nd hand lawn mower was rec,,ived
and filed.
,1 A communication from the Southern Pacific Company under date of July
26th, 1913, askinc7 that the City Clerk certify to copies of franchises annex-
ed to com-Ii!uniczAion ana whAch were owned by the corport:ion in Alameda, was
received. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Clerk certify to the correctness
of said copies of franchises, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried.
J. joint communication under date of August 1st, 1913 was read. from
Nelson G. Welburn John H. Mellish and 2]. J. 3ehre in which, on behalf of
the Loyal Order of Moose, of Alameda, application was made for a license
to conduct a scientific boxing exhibition under the auspices of the Order.
The proceeds of said exhibition to go to the Buildirp; 2und of the Moose
Loage. J. H. hellish representinr. the Moose, addressed the Council assuring
them that the boxing exhibition would be conducted in a respectful: and order-
r and that the Lodge would see that there was no cause for complaint.
Mr. Bullock moved that the application be referred to the license Committee
with power to act, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the folowing vote:-
Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morris, robsi,Jloth
and Stewart,.(0). Koes:lOne. Abse t:Councilman Morp:enstern, (1).
4 A Petifien nn-der date of July 19th, 191 bearing the names of twelve
August 5th, 1913.
asking that the Council cuse to be removed a large s±n board in that
locality, was received. Mr. Bartlett and Hr. Stewart reported that they
had been assured by a re-oresentative of T. H. B. Yarney,owner of the
in board complained of that it would be removed without delay. On this
showing no further action was taken.
Two 3111s for Ordinances introduced by Mr. Stewart, June 27th, 1913,
havinc• to do with the regulation of bill boards, were called up by the
Clerk. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Bills be referred to a 3pocial
Comnitt e an that action on same be laid over for two weeks seconded by
Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr. 3ullock, Mr. Bartlett and Mr. Stewart were
named as members of the pecial Committee they Navin~ been selected at
the meeting of the Committee of the ehole of the Council, riday eveni
Aupllst 1st, 1913.
Er. Bartlett brought up the matter of completing the Recreation
Commission created by Ordinance No. 11, New Series, and nominated Mrs.
'eileen Allen as member of the Commission to serve for four years. Mr.
Morris seconded the nomination and Mrs. Allen was elected by the follow-
ing vote: - Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morris,
Prob t, Roth and -tewart (8). iloes:None. Absent:Councilman Morgen-
tern, (1).
11r. Bartlett brought up the mutter of distribution of copies of the
Municipal Code. He moved that the Mayor be empowered to di tribute copies
of the Municipal Code free of charge as he saw fit and to authorieze the
City Clerk to distribute copies ,of the Municipal Code fr o:[ charge, as
the Mayor saw fit, the charce for copies of tho Code otherwise to be,
1.00 each for cloth bound and fif ty cents each for paper bound, seconded
by Er. Hammond and carried by the followinp. vote:-
Bartlett, Bullock Hammond, MacRae, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart,
Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Morenstern (1).
Probst reported that complaints ad been made to him of the
action of the Southern Pacific Comeany in abolishing its station at Third
Street and Pacific Avenue. He also said that; there was a demand from
residents that waiting rooms be I.aced at the stations at vlebster Street
and Lincoln Avenue and ?ifth Street and Lincoln Avenue and that there was
need for a :nes man at ,iebster Street and Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Probst moved
that the railroad matters be referred to the Public Utilities Committee
to take up with the Southern Pacific Company, seconded by Er. Hammond_ and
VEr. Probst complained of the practice of fe11s 2argo and Company of
charp:ing twenty-five cents extra for the delivery of Alameda consigned
packages addressed to places west of Sixth Street. Mr. Probst moved that
the matter be referred to the public Utilities Committee to take up with
the Express Company seconded by Er. Hammond and carried.
eHr. Probst brought up the natter of the desired improvement of
the east ends of -Rric,Ps and Central Avenues to connect with 2ernside
to investigate and ascertain if there were not some Proceedings under
which the work of improvement could be prosecuted, seconded by Mr. Hammond
and carried.
At this stage of the meeting Mr. Hammond was excused from further
- Mr. Probst report d that there was need for a cement sidewalk for
a portion of the 'ialnut Street frontage of JcKi.n1ey irk and for the
Clement Avenue frontaa, same park. He moved that the matter be re-
ferred to the JI'inance Committee with instructions to provide sufficient
money in the budget to defray the expense of the desired improvement
seconded by 1.1r. Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Council-
men BLirt1e•tt Bullock MacRae, Morris, Probst, Roth, and Stewart (7).
Noes:None. Ab3ent : Coiinci1me n Hammond and M.orcenstern (2).
Mayor Frank Otis called the attention of the'Council to a strip of
land on the west side of McKinley Park, title to which is vague. Mr.
Bartlett moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to in-
vestirate, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carri
,Walter Murp „ addressed the Council complaining of the abolishing
by the Southern Pacific Company of its station at Third Street and
Pacific Avenue. Mr. Murphy also asked that the 3outhern Pacific Company
be requested to SSRO transfer from its local ferry lines to its ijhth
Street or cross town service. Mr. Bullock moved that the matters be re-
ferred to the Public Utilities Committee. , seconded by Mr. Probst and
cs Mr. MacRae brought. up the matter of the need of an adequate pump-
ing plant,tank and frame for Washington Park. Er. Bartlett moved that
the matter be referred to the Par14, and Playr:round Committee to prepare
an estimate and submit sane to the Council seconded by Mr. Bullock and
City Attorney Poorman reported that complaint had .been rriLtde to him
the the Peoples ';;ater ComPany is exacting 10.00 for meter connections,
despite the fact that the existing Ordinance does not permit of the
collection of such fee. Er. Probst moved that the City Attorney be r
quested to take lzr the matter with the teop1e ater ConPany, seconded
by Mr. Stewart and carried.
Er. Morris brought Ivo the matter of the salary of Police Sergeant
Jacoby, as Deputy Building Inspector, :which—had been fixed at 15.00
a month, beginning August 1st. Mr. Morris recommended that the payment
of the 0.5.00 per month be continued to be made out of the Building
Inspection Department Fund until the completion of the Police Budget
and the receipt of taxe s in November, aftor which time, it was under-
stood, the 0_5.00 'per month is to be paid from the Police Puna..
'-eLeo 8. Robinson addressed the Council and asked that the City
Attorney be requested to investigate the report that tho Southern
Pacific Company was not accepting the two and one-half cent fare
tickets on its eroRn torn nr i iih AtrRnt 1 irp_ ,1 :hW1': nifIT
August 5th, 1913.
the Railroad Commission of the State of California or the City of Alameda
has the ric7ht and authority to regulate passenger traffic rates within the
Mr. Probst moved that the matters be referred to the City Attorney
with direction to act upon in accordance with the requests made by Mr.
Robinson, seconded by la.. Morris and carried.
There beinr7 no further business to transact the Council adjourned
until the next regular meeting time, Tuesday, August 19th, 1913, at
7:30 p.m.
City Clerk.