The meeting convened with President Alfred Morgenstern of the Council
The Roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morp.enstern, Morris,
Roth an C Stewart (6) answered present. Councilmeri Bullock, Hammond and Probst
(3) were noted absent. Councilmen Bullock and Probst arrived during the read-
ing of the Einutes an were noted present.
The Minutes of the Regular meeting held. August 5th were approved as
At this stage of the meeting Mayor Frank Otis arrived and, assumed the
4/Mr. Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
,7ESOLVED, That all moneys now credited to the Park and Playground Fund
oe, nd the same are hereby transferred to the Recreation Fund ari. that the
Park and Playground Fund is hereby abolished.
Mr. Morgenstern seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was
passed and adopted by the following vote:- Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock
MacRae, Morris, Morgenstern, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (8). Noes:None.
Absent:Councilman Hammond, (1).
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 04920.56; aga±nst the Police
Fund amounting to 401.12; against the Fire Fund amounting to 0840.76; against
the Street Fund amounting to 60.60; and: gainst the,dealth Fund—ameunting to
178.69 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by
the Clerk as follows:-
Aetna Accident ,74 Liability Co. Bond Premium 7.50
Alameda Steam Laundry Association Towel service 8.00
Flynn, J. J. Repairs and supplies 4.00
Inter-city Express Transcript 3.00
Municipal Electric Light Plant Lamps for police department 4.
If IT , If If City Lighting 1750.89
“ If t? 1? II IT 1634.72
IT 11 11 If tr If 1461.37
Pnrity Springs dater Oo, Viater for ssessors office 1.50
Railroad. Com. State of California Subscription 7.50
Schneider, Henry Supplies 4.40
IT If IT 4.40
lir ir IT
IT 1T If
11 11 lf
Underwood Typewriter Co.
Ribbon coupon book
-0 4920.58
U August 19th, 1915.
Crocker-L P....ey Directory Co. Directory
Photo supp ea
ific Tel. Is Tel. Co. Telephones
Vacation special
C. P.
Plotz, H. C.
Swanson, Ed B.
Tim es-Sta
Unna1 Herman
Alameda Steam Laun
Vacatio.n special
Total -
Ass'n. Linen service
Alameda Vulcanizing Works
Tire and tube
Lxth, Isidor Knee boot
Baird, J. V. Horseshoeing
Burgner, Chas. A. Sash cord.
Bussenius, A. G. Medicine
Constier Sons, M. Repairs
Fischer, C. F. Oil
Furey, F. P. Repairs
Gorham Engineering 3:7 Fire App. Co. Supplies
Industrial Home for Adult Blind. Brooms
Kin, A. R. Horseshoeing
Koerber, A. H. W. Hay
Lomax, R. R. Horseshoeing
Pacilic Gas & Electric Co. Gas
Pacific Tel. ,&,; Tel. Co. Phone
Recharging Battery
Peoples Water Cg. Water
Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Lumber
Manure hauling
Scott, Magner & Miller Feed
Park Garage
n, Al.
Riley's Drug Store
Ris so & Co., G.
Sam Skelly
Sutherlands Pharmacy
Times Star Co.
Bay Station Cyclery
apman, E.N.
Garaventa, L.
Hauch, H.
Helmstein J. H.
Park Garage
Perata. Andrea
^v. ^
Medicine 5.40
Printing 2.75
7, 7.50
? 40.76
Washing soda
August 19th
Westall, Chas. Oil drum
Total -
Brink, H. 3. Labor 9.00
Laboratory supplies 2.06
Kellogg Express CO. Supplies delivered .40
Lawler, W. F. Labor 3.00
National Ice Storage Co. Water 2.55
Supplies 2.95
Rental an oils 2,49
Services rendered 36.00
Supplies 20.75
Transportation 21.00
Expense 2.09
Shultis, Prank Services 48.00,
therland, Geo. M. Corks .65
Times-Star Co. Printing 18.00
Advertising 9.75
Total ----------- 178.69
Mr. Bartlett moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Morris and
carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae
Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Council-
man Hammond, (1).
A communication, under date of uut 6th, 1913, was received from Auditor
I. J. Croll in which he gave notice of return of six demands on the former Park
and Playground Fund passed for payment by the Council at its regular meeting
August 5th. The Auditor asked that the claims be approved by the Recreation.
Commission created by Ordinance N'o. 11, New Series adopted June 27th, 1913.
It was stated in the communication that the demands when approved by the Com-
sion be re-passed by the Council for payment. The demands were as follows:-
'Justinian Cair
Pacific Cycle & rms Co.
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Potts, H. 3. Assg. John Restuch
Riley's Drug Store
Secretary Board of Health
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 2.25; Pacific
lephone and Tele-
graph Company, 2.25; Peoples Water Company, 127.36; Peoples Water Company,
;164.82; Geo. E. Plummer and Son, 27.64 and L. Serralunga, 0_2.00. Hr.
Probst moved that the communication and demands be referred to the Recreation
Commission, seconded by Yr. Morris and carried.
An application from Alys Loftus for the position of matron at Lincoln
Park was read. Mr. Morgenstern moved that it be-referred to the Recreation
Commission, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
--, Two communications from Mrs. Eileen Allen, a member of the Recreation
Commission, one addressed to the Mayor and members of the Oouncil and the
other to the City Clerk, both having to do with her appointment, to the
Cornmission August 5th, 1913, were read and ordered filed.
The Bond of Samuel Poorman, Jr., as City Attorney in the sum of Three
Thousand Dollars, bearing the signatures of approval of the Finance Committee
was received, approved and filed.
,11•1i.nr riAtR Of AURUSt
August 19th, 1913.
Avenue and the east end of Central Avenue, as far as 2ernsi.de Boulevard, might
be improved. Mr. Probst moved that the communication be referred to the Street
Committee, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried.
A communication under date of August 18th, 1913 from the Street Superin-
tendent was read in which he recommended that the Council request the Bay Park
Tract owners to open San Antonio Avenue through to Burbank Street, Mr. Bartlett
moved that the communication be referred to the Street Committee seconded by
Mr. Stewart and carried.
A communication under date of August 19th, 1913 E. C. Hillen of 1505
FernsfIe Boulevard was read in which the writer offered to donate to the city
the -east, ends of Liberty and Garfield Avenues running from the eastern line of
Fernside 3oulevard to the shore line of San Leandro Bay. He said he would also
grade, macadamize, gutter and curb both avenues provided, the City in turn
would erect bulkheads and guards at the Bay end of each Avenue. Er. Bullock
moved that the communication be referred to the 3treet Committee, seconded by
T. Bartlett and carried.
A report was received from the Street Superintendent certifying that the
constructing of a sewer in Palmera Court and sixty-throe and one-half feet
in the south end of Grand Street, done under private contract by Chas. P.
Fischer, had been completed to the Street Superintendent's satisfaction.
Ordered filed.'
An Affidavit was presented showing due publication of Notice of Award
ontract, in connection with sewer work to be done under Resolution of In-
tention No. 13, New Series. Ordered filed.
u An affidavit was presented showing due posting of Notice of Award of
Contract for sewer work to be done under Resolution of Intention No. 13, New
Series. Ordered filed.
An Affidavit was presented showing due Publication of Notice Inv.ting
Sealed Proposals for sewer work to be done under Resolution of Intention No.
14, New Series. Ordered filed.
An Affidavit was presented showing due posting of Notice Inviting Seal-
ed Proposals for sewer work to be done under Resolution of Intention No. 14,
New Series. Ordered filed.
The Clerk ammounced that in response to Notice Invittn g Sealed Proposals
for sewer work to be done under Resolution of Intention No. 14, New Series, he
was in receipt of one sealed bid. Er. Bartlett moved that the Clerk open and
read the bid, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried. Thereupon the Clerk
opened and read the bid as follows:-
From C. P. Fischer, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 30.00.
For six inch 60 cents per linear foot.
For Pour-InchY branches................. 45 cents each extra.
For Manholes complete.................... '40.00 per manhole.
The Street Superintendent in answer to question said that the bid was a
reasonable one. Mr. MacRae thereupon introduced the following Resolution and
moved its adoption:-
August l9th, 1913.
or bids for doing the following work in said city, to wit:
The construction of a salt-glaze, vitrifi ' iron-stone sewer six
(6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch "Y" Branches and without house
connections, in 3rush Street from the existinc, manhole at the crossing of
Brush Street with Third. Street, in a riElat line te-the manhole to be con-
structe d on said line of sewer Two Hundred and twenty-five (225) -feet east-
erly from said existing manhole at Third Street.
Al1 of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and speci-
fications heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office
of the City Clerk.
RESOLVED, that the said Council hereby rejects all of Said proposals
or bids except that next herein mentioned, and hereby awards the contract
for doing said work and improvement to the lowest responsible bidder, to
wit: C. F. Fischer at the -erices named_ in his bid. The City Clerk is
hereby directed to post notice of this award conspicuously for five days
on or near the chamber door of the said. Council and also publish said no-
tice by two insertions in the Evening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argus,
a daily newspaper published and circulated in said city, and hereby designat-
ed for that purpose by said Council.
Mr. Bartlett seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution it was
passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen,Bartlett, Bullock,
MacRae, Morgenstern }orris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (8) roes:None.
Absent:Councilman Hammond.
communication under date of August 15th, 113 was read from the
;Police and Fire Commission in which that body recommended that an agreement
be entered into with the Waterous Engine Werks Company of 3t. Paul
Minneapolis, for the purchase of an auto fire engine for 4,000. Mr.
Bartlett moved that the communication be filed, seconded by Er. Morris
and carried.
A comeemnication under d
of Au rust ' 1913 was received from
the Police and Fire Commission in which was shown the comparative expense
of maintaining Engine T,o. 1, horse-drawn and ,rigine ;To. 2, motor-driven,
of the ,oire Department, for the twelve months ending May 31st 1913.
Ordered filed.
A communication under date of August 13th, 1913 from the Board
of Health was read, in which was contained a recommendation that no change
be made in the local Ordinance prohibiting the sale of skim milk from the
same wagens fecom Which whole milk is delivered. Mr. Bullock moved that the
recommendation be approved, seconded 1):' Mr. Probst and carried by the follow-
ing vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, horgenstern, Norris,
Probst, Roth and Stewart, (8). iloes:Nono. Absent:Councilman Hammond, (1).
A communication under deete of August 13th, 1913 fromtheBoard of
Health was read, in which recommendation was made that a Bill for a so called.
Ily Ordinance, transmitted to the Council through the City Attorney be Passed.
A copy, of the proposed Ordinance accompanied the communication. Mr. Probst
kill he referred to the Health Committee
1Y1 August 19
Pacific Comp naer date of August 12th, 1913, having to do with desirea
permit of the Cornpany. to erect wooden trolley poles for spur tracks in
Alameda was received and filed.
The Public Utilites Committee submitted the following report under
date of August 19th, 1913:-
Your Committee on Public Utilities to whom was referred various
matters to take up with the Southern Pacific Company with respect to better-
ment of service in Alameda has to report as follows:-
That a conference was held between said Committee and the Southern
Pacific Company, August 18th, 1913, at which conference the offici.als of the
Southern Pacific Company agreed to locate a station at Stanton Street on
its north side line;
Agreed to lay sidewalks at Eighth Street and Central Avenue;
Agreed to provide two exits when a single car is used so that ladies
entering the single car train may t have to walk through the smoking
The matter of granting .sf from the surburban lines to the cross
town line running to Oakland was taken up with the officials present at
this conference, but hut they declared that they had no jurisdiction' in the
matter and referred your Committee to Mr. Chas. Pee of the Company with
whom this question will be taken up in the near,future.
The same dispostion will be made of the matter of the two and one-
half cent fare on all local Alameda city lines.
Regarding the betterment of service for persons coming into Alameda
from main line points, the officials of the Company declared that they woula
soon be taken care of by a fifteen minute cross town service .which would
run both ways on the loop. The Company promised consideration of the
questions of providing waiting rooms at Webster Street and. Lincoln Avenue
and at Lincoln Avenue and Fifth Street, and to take under consideration also,
the matter of giving some warning of the approach of trains at Webster Street
and Lincoln Avenue.
Your Committee is in favor of granting to the Southern Pacific Company
permission to erect wooden poles, instead of iron poles at a siding in the
vicinity of the Borax Works in West Alameda and so recommends.
Respectfully submitted,
F. H. Bartlett, Chairman.
3. Bullock.
Geo. W. Stewart.
Public Utilities Committee."
Mr. Probst moved that the report be adopted, seconded bg L[r. Stewart and
hr. Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
N RESOLVED, That the Southern Pacific Company be and the same is hereby
granted permission to erect and use wooden poles with side-arm construction in
accordance with a request made by said corporation to the city council iday
Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt th
August 19th, 1913. 1 Oe..P
lon and it was
passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett
Bullock, MacRae, Morgenst
Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, 8). Noes:
None.. Absent:Councilman Hammond, (1).
\,(A communication was read from Councilman Wm, Hammond, Jr., having
to do with proposed municipal baths. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the
communication be referred to the Special Speca1 Corninittee on municipal baths,
seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
A communication from LIacondray and Company, represented by Mr. D. C.
Stevenson, having to do with insurance policies was received and ordered
A communication from the Imperial Film Company 'ofe Aurora, Illinois,
was received and ordered referred to the Chamber of Oomnerce.
,f An invitation from the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce to the Mayor
and Council to attend a celebration in Berkeley on August 16th, 1913 at
3 o'clock, in connection with the new Southern Pacific passenger depot
in that city was received and filed. Mayor Otis reported that he and
Councilman Bartlett had attended the exercises.
A communication under date of August 19th 1913 from the &nployers
and Businessmen's League of California, requesting the enactment of an
Ordinance prohibiting picketing, displaying of banners, etc. was received,
together with a copy of the desired Ordinance. Er. Stewart moved that
the communication and desired Ordinance be referred to the Committee of
the Whole, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
--,\A communication under date of August llth, 1913 was read from
Mrs. I.I. Theresa epeday, member of the Board of Education, in which she
applied for a second extension of thirty days of her leave of absence.
Yr, Morgenstern moved that the extension be granted seconded by Mt.
Stewart and carried the extension to date from August 20th, 1913.
A communication was read from Mayor Frank Otis under date of August
19th, 1913, in which he called the attention of the Council to the necessity
of improving the condition of Alameda. a thoroughfares, particularly Alameda
and Central ;.venues. The communioation was accompanied by a report to the
Mayor by Street Superintendent V. M. Frodden under date of August 5th, by
an estimate, from the City Engineer, I. N. Ohapman under date of August
5th, 1913, addressed to the Mayorlana by a communication from Gity Attorney
Samuel Poorman, Jr., under date of August 15th, 1913, addressed to the
having to do with proposed street improvements. Mr. Bartlett
moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Oomrnittee, seconded by
Mr. Probst and carried,
Mr. Harry G. Willisiris, representing the 0ornrnttee having in charge
the arrangements for- the Admission Day celebration in Oakland, addressed
the Council requesting that the City be represented by an illuminated
electric car float in the night parade to be held durinc, the carnival.
Following a general discussion of the request by Councilmen Bartlett, Probst
August 19th 1910.
to act, and that the Oornrnittee be permitted to expend not more than Two
Hundred Dollars toward preparing the float, if, after taking the matter ILD
with the City Attorneylthe Committee was advised that it -could legally expend
any money for such purpose from the municipal funds, seconded by Mr. Morgen-
stern and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartle
Bullock, MacRae:, Mors.enstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (8). Noes:
None. Absent: Councilman Hammond, (1).
In connection with the proposed electric car float matter Mr. Morgen-
stern moved that the City Clerk be directed to write the Alectricity
Commission requesting that body to kindly co-operate with the Printims and
Advertisi g Committee in preparing the float, seconded by Mr. Probst and
Mr. Bullock introduced a 3111 entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. ,
New Series, to amend Section 548, Chapter 8, Article 3 of Ordinance No, 1,
New Series, known as The Municipal Code of the City of Alameda, approved
January 14th, 1913 by re-enacting said Section as amended", the same having
to do with regulating the license tax on bill-boards. The Bill was laid
over under a provision of the Oharter.
Mr. Probst t reported that there was need for a flagman at the crossing
of Webster Street arid Lincoln Avenue. He also said that residents desired
the re-establishment of a station at Third Street and Pacific Avenue. Both
matters having previously been referred to the Public Utilities Committee
Mr. Probst sUggested that the Committee take up the matter with the proper
Southern Pacific Cori2any officials and obtain action as soon as possible.
Howard K. James addressed the Council urging that the business license
of Undertakers and Real-estate operators be reduced. James Fowler also
addressed the Council asking that the Undertakers license be reduced. Mr.
Morgenstern moved that tie matter be referred to the License Committee,
seconded by Tir. Probst and carried.
--\City Attorney Poorman addressed the Council relative to the matter of
the City advertising for bids in cases where the amount of a contract was
in excess of 50.0.00. He advised the Council that the requirement of calling
for bias be more strictly adhered to in the future and gave notice that
h ,-oafter he would be particular in Passing upon the legality of all claims
against the, City where the amount vas in excess of 500.00.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until
the next regular meeting time, Tuesay, September 2nd, 1913 at 7:30 p.m.
City Qlerk.