1913-09-16 Regular CC MinutesO6
The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding.
The Roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morgenstern,
Morris, Roth and Stewart, (6 )were present and Councilmen Bullock, Hammond and
Probst, (3) were noted absent. The last three named arrived during the read-
ing of the Minutes and were noted present.
The Minutes of the regular meeting held September 2nd, 913 were approv-
ed as read.
The following report from the Finance Committee was received.and read
and upon motion of Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Mr. MacRae ordered filed:-
"Alameda California. September 16th, 1913.
Your Committee to whom the estimate of the various departments
of the City government for exoenses for the fiscal year of 1913-1914
referred, beg leave to submit the following report:-
1 9 1 3
Auditor and Assessor.......
Building Inspector.....,,,,
City Attorney...
City Justice.........
COuncil Expenditures.
Fire Alarm.. 060404049
Fire.... .............
000 • 00*
Mayor...000•0000004 90
Pound... .01.04 4 0 9 4 04
O 9*
O 40
O 00
O 90
O 49
O 00
O 90
* 0* 660 • 0.09040
O 0•006000 9000 •
O 00900000 00000
O 060 00•4•4 6 046
• 964 00.900 90•60
• 490066000 40**
* 0606 60.460 4**
60 •••••4660000
O 00.4000449 0060
• 004,0040 09090
o 4 0604+000 400 90
Treasurer and Tax Collector.... ....................,
Estimated Revenue...........
Net General Fund.. settot$0,10,0
0 6147.00
Geheral Fund ..... 04044004004046000000
Health F . . . . . . . . .und. 04400600000404066
Library Pund...... 00106.06 4)**600490469
Interest & Redemption Fund.... .04 40000
Probst called
39 180.62
Respectfully submitted,
F. H. Bartlett, Chairman.
Conrad. Roth.
Chas. W. MacRae.
Finance Committee."
up the natter of a Petition submitted by residents
of the West End asking that a hook and ladder truck be provided for that
section of the City. Mr. Probst moved that 0,000 be included in the budget
for the purchase of the desired apparatus
seconded by ]r. Hammond and lost
September 16th, 1913.
Noes:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morgenetern, Morris, Roth ancl. Stewar (6).
Absent:None. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Petition be filed, seconded
by Mr. Probst and carried.
Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution:-
4HAREAS, the electors of the City of Alameda at the last Municipal
Election, voted favorably for a Commission form of government in this City
WHEREAS, it is the sense of this Oouncil that they favor the Com
mission form of government now therefore be it
RESOLVED That the sum of Seventy-five Hundred (7500) Dollars of the
Contingent Fund be put aside by the Auditor of the City of Alameda for the
purpose of holding a Freeholders and Charter Election as soon as possible.
After a discussion of the Resolution, Mr. Probst moved that the
matter lay over until the next meeting and that in the meantime the City
Attorney prepare an opinion as to the powers of the Council in the premises
and as to the effect such Charter election would have, if successful on
certain rights of the City, seconded by Er. Bartlett and carried.
Mr. Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, That the taxes for the City of Alameda, be and are here-
by levied for the current fiscal year as follows:-
On each 100.00 of the Assessed. Valuation of all property both real
and personal, in the City of Alameda and all property assessed on the
Assessment roll of said City for the current fiscal year a tax of 01.03
which is hereby apportioned as follows:-
General Fund................ 0004)460e.,04,4*4000000000W
and separately there shall be levied for the following
Health Pund. **00400Seem*.es.000O0000000ef#0*000000000.0 .0325
Library Fund... .00o0.0***0.000000000.0e4.000iO000e8.0 .0583
Interest and Redemption......................... ....... .1892
Recreation Fund..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••....... .0846
Mr. Stewart seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was
passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett,
Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and. Stewart,
(9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 47.66; against the
Police Fund amounting to 088.95; against the Electric Light Fund amount-
ing to 0154.40; against the Street Fund amounting to 02015.60; against
the Health Fund amounting to 0121.27; against Local Improvement Fund
Nos. 780-782 amounting to 085.00 and against Municipal Improvement Fund
No. 10 (Electric) amounting to .:183.00 having been approved and audited
by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:-
California Oil &c Burner Co. Fuel Oil 0 12.75
September 16th, 1913.
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rental and switches $ 2.33
Peoples aater Company Water 21.08
.-3 37.66
Conrad, John
Swanson, A. B.
Moore ? Co., Chas. C.
TV VP TT It 111
Westinghouse Machine Co.
Total -
Incidental expenses
Vacation special
$ 13.55
• 88
-v 9 •
Supplies 29.62
Total ------------154.40
Inspecting Turbine
Associated Oil Co. Road Oil 258.03
Clark & Sons, N. Supplies 54.96
Dearborn Chemical Co. TV 21.75
Empire Foundry Co. TT 102.00
Hammond, C. J. Gravel and cement 43.90
Pacific States Refineries Gasoline 8.23
Peoples Water Company Water 31.12
Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Material 358.15
TV IT TV IV TV 341.05
9 9 9 9 9 196.30
Standard Corrugated Pipe Co. Culverts 212.50
IT TV TV 11 11 273.12
Stone & Co., E. B. & A. L. Rock 44.02
Sunset Lumber & Mill Co. Lumber 49.22
Vocburgh, L. W. Hardware 9.25
Wood Lumber Co., E. K. Lumber 6.00
9 9 It 9 9 11 6.00
Total - - - .-. 2015.60
Cranston, A. R. Services as Sanitary Inspector .,P
6 28.80
Godfrey, Matilda Labor 10.25
Konigshofer, L. A. Cheese cloth 2.95
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Tolls and rental 1.42
Parisian Laundry Laundry 9.55
Rienecker, N. Assg. F. Allen Services 6.00
Schultis, Frank Labor 9,00
Secretary Board of Health Transportation 20.80
Times Star Co. Printing 24.00
II IV TV TV 8.50
Total - - - 121.27
DeLorme, G. V. Clerical aork 85.00
September 16th, 1913.
Mr. Bartlett moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr.
MacRae and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock,
Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morri.sProbst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:
None. Absent:None.
The Poundmaster report for the month of August, 1913 was received
and ordered filed.
The Auditor's Balance Sheet for the month ending August 31st
was received and ordered filed.
Oaths of Office were received from the following and ordered
filed: -
J. 1. Sedgley, as member of the Board of Health.
'Alen E. Langren, as member of the Recreation Commission.
''Geo. d. Christensen, as Deputy City Clerk.
A communication from Allen E. Langren thanking the City Council for
appointing her a member of the Recreation Commission was received and filed.
The application of John Sath for a position in the parks and pia
grounds in the City was received and referred to the Recreation Commission.
A communication from the City Auditor under date of September 5th,
1913,notifying the Council that the correct rate for the Bond interest and
redemption to be used in the coming tax levy is .1892 was received, read
and filed.
\ ° A communication from the City officials of Venice relative to the
Convention to be held there by the League of California Municipalities and
the State Board of Health from October 6th to llth was received and the
Clerk instructed to answer same.
.A communication from the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners re-
commending that two policies covering insurance on automobiles in the
service of the police and fire departmentswhich policies were annexed to
the communication, be accepted was read and referred to the Finance
A communication from 3. C. Mills requesting that the Council approve
his plan to transfer his liquor license from 2170 Encinal Avenue to Bay
Station was referred to the License Committee.
An application from E. C. Mills for a license to sell liquors at
1205 Lincoln Avenue was received and referred to the License Committee.
A communication from Charles Adams, together with a protest against
the plan of E. C. Mills to transfer his liquor license to Bay Station was
received and referred to the License Committee.
AA communication from A. E. Craig of 2215 Encinal Avenue, relative to
a liquor store at Walnut Street Station was received and referred to the
License Committee.
A communication from the Women's Christian Temperance Union of
Alameda asking that the Council investigate an alleged outrage perpetrated
at the boat house at the foot of Ninth Street was received and referred
to the Chief of Police.
September 16th, 1913.
the Board of Health in which that Body requested the re-enactment of the
dog muzzling Ordinance. Mr. Bullock moved that the City Attorney be in-
structed to prepare a Bill for such Ordinance, seconded by Mr. Probst
and carrie(t.
''An opinion from the City Attorney, prepared at the request of the
Mayor, defining a Commission under the Charter and a Commis ion as
created by Ordinance was received and ordered filed.
E' A communication from John Sorenson of 4041 Pacific Avenue, address-
ed. to the City Clerk, having to do with plan of mutual fire insurance
for the City)was received and ordered filed.
A communication from the Alameda Improvement Club under date of
September llth, 1913 urging that the Council include in the Budgetlmoney
necessary for the election of Freeholders was received and filed.
An application from Henry R. Fowler of 1345 Weber Street for a
Gratuitous License to sell a patent clothes drier was granted, same
having been endorsed and :recommended by the Chief of Police.
A communication under date of September 16th, 1913, was received
from the City Attorney in which he gave notice that he had at the request
of the Board of Electricity,prepared a Resolution that would delegate to
the Board authority to sell at public auction personal property of the
Department of Electricity deemed unfit for further use by the City. A
copy of the Resolution accompanied the communication.
Mr. Morgenstern introduced the Resolution as follows and moved its
RESOLVF,D that the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda be,
and it hereby is, authorized and empowered to sell at public auction,
after advertising for five days, any personal property acquired for the
Department of Electricity that may be unfit or unnecessary for the use
of the City.
Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt tILe Resolution and it
was -oassed and adonted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett
Bullock, Hammond, fiacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, ?rot, Roth and Stewart,
(9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
A communication was received from the City Attorney.relative to
the proposed widening of Santa Clara venue at Webster Street, together .
with a Resolution of Intention and alternative plats of proposed Assess-
ment Districts prepared by the Oity Engineer. All were on motion of
Mr. Probst, seconded by Mr. Roth referred to the Street Committee to take
up with the owners of the property required for the proposed widening
with a view to ascertain if some other form of settlement other than
condemnation proceedings could not be had. The Street Committee was
instructed to act in the matter without delay and to be prepared to
report at the next rneot:ing of the Committee of the Whole of the Coun
October 3rd, 1913.
communication from F. . Knower under date of September 16th,
4-11c1 17/4AnInlinn.
was received and filed.
Upori written request permission was granted.
SeTterther 16
p -intendent
V. M. Frodden to take a vacation of two weeks, same to commence Monday
September 22nd, 1913 and extend to October 6th, 1913.
0A report was received from the Street Superintendent certifying
that the work of constructing a sewer in Brush Street from the existing
manhole in Third. Street to a point 225 feet easterly therefrom, done by
C. F. Fischer under Resolution of Intention No. 14, New Series had been
completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent. Ordered
A report was received and filed from the Street Superintendent
certifying that the work of putting a 2-inch asphaltic concrete top on
the Hassan) pavement on the Webster Street roadway, and constructing a
redwood curbing on the west side of the roadway, done by Ransom) rummey
Company, under private contract had been completed to the satisfaction of
the Street Superintendent.
The following report from the Street Committee wasreceived and read:-
"Alameda, Cal., September 12, 1912.
In the matter of opening San Antonio Avenue through to Burbank
Street, which was referred to your Street Committee, we find upon examina-
tion, that the opening is a public necessity.
When the South Shore Land Company was given the right by the
Council to close up the west end of San Antonio Avenue that company promised
in return to open a street along the bay shore from 8th Street to 9th Street.
This agreement the company has not been able to keep, therefore, your
Street Committee recommends that the Council direct the City Clerk to write
a letter to the South Shore Land Company asking them to re-open San Antonio
Avenue into Burbank Street.
Respectfully submitted.
Chas. W. MacRae,
Conrad Roth,
G. W. Stewart.
Street Committee."
Mr. Probst moved that the report be adopted and that the City Clerk be di-
rected to write the South Shore Land Company requesting the re-opening of
San Antonio Avenue into Burbank Street, seconded by Mr. Bullock and
carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock,
Hammond, MacRae Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and. Stewart, (9).
Noes:None. Absent:None.
A communication under date of September 10th was read from the
Street Superintendent in which he suggested that new proceedings be
started for the improvement of Pearl Street from the northerly line of
Buena Vista Avenue to the southerly line of Harrison Avenue and including
the crossing of Lincoln Avenue with Pearl Street. Mr. Bartlett moved
that the communication be referred to the Street Committee seconded by
September 16th, 1913.
The City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids for supplying
feed for the horses of the Fire Department.
-A protest against the proposed re-macadamizing of Alameda Avenue
at the expense of the property owners, bearing the names of eighty-five
persons was received and ordered filed.
ee A protest against the propose e re-paving of Central Avenue, at the
expense of the property owners, bearing the names of fortynine persons
was received and ordered filed.
-, A Bill having to do with the regulation of the construction of bill-
boards entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. New Series, to Amend. Section
744 of Article 8, Chapter IX of Ordinance No. 1, New Series, known as the
Municipal Code of the City of Alameda approved January 14th, 1913, by
Re-enacting said Section as Amended," introduced by Mr. Stewart, June
27th, 1913 was called up for final passage and read by the Clerk. Mr.
Stewart moved that the Bill be adopted, seconded*by Mr. Bartlett and carried
by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, Mac-
Rae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:
. Roth brought up the matter of the condition of the floors of the
Park Street, Fruitvale Avenue and High Street bridges across the Tidal
Canal. He said that they were badly in need of repair and dangerous to
horses. Mr. Roth moved that the City Clerk communicate with the County
Board of Supervisors and request that Body, if it had authoritY, to order
that the floors of the bridges be repaired, seconded by Mr. Hammond and
Chairman Bartlett of the Finance Committee reported that additional
money would be required to defer the expense of refunding surplus assess-.
nts in electrolier Districts Nos. 4 and 5. Mr. Hammond moved that the
Committee be thorized to expend such additional money as was necessary,
seconded by Mr. Morris and carried.
\Mr. Stewart, Chairman of the License Committee reeorted on the matter
of the application of Company G, Fifth Infantry N. G. C. for permission
to conduct a boxing exhibition in the Guardsmen's Armory. He said that he
favored granting the permit on the same conditions that attached to the
permit granted the Loyal Order of Moose of Alameda on September 4nd, 1913.
Mr. Probst, Mr. Hammond and. Captain Rushton McConnell also spoke on the
matter. Mr. Probst moved that Company G be granted a gratuitous license
to conduct a boxing exhibition, seconded by Yr. Hammond and lost by the
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Morgenstern and Probst,
(4). Noes:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morris, Roth and Stewart (5).
Thereupon Mr. Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Probst:-
WHER■S, Company G, Fifth Regiment, National Guard of California
has made application to this Council for authorization and license to
conduct an exhibition or entertainment of sparring or boxing at the
be it
September 16th 1913.
day of for the purpose of raising funds; now therefore
RESOLVED that permission be, and the same is hereby granted to said
Company G to conduct such an exhibition or entertainment of sparring or
boxing at said Armory on the day of 1913, between the hours of
eight o'clock P. M. and twelve o'clock midnight of said day; and be it
R3SOLVED, that said Company G be, and it hereby is granted permission
to charge an admission fee for all persons desiring to witness or attend
said exhibition or entertainment; and be it further
R3SOLVED, that the permission hereby granted shall be operative only
after the payment of a license tax in conformity with the provisions of
Section 536 of the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda.
Mr. Stewart moved to amend the Resolution so that Company G be not
permitted to advertise said exhibition by placards or sign-boards or by
any other method except by rovate, oral or written announcement,or by
ordinary news items in the local press. Mr. Morris seconded the motion to
amend and it was lost by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen MacRae,Morris,Roth
and Stewart, (4). Noes:Councilmen Bartlett, i3ullock, Hammond, Morgenstern,
and Probst, (5). The vote on the original motion to adopt the Resolution
resulted as follows:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae,
Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (8). Noes:Councilman Stewart, 1).
Absent: None.
N\Mr. Probst brought up the matter of the condition of the east end
of Briggs Avenue at Fernisde Boulevard and moved that the City Attorney
and City Engineer be instructed to draw up a Resolution of Intention to
improve said Avenue seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
Mr. Bartlett, Chairman of the Jinance Committee moved that Auditor
and Assessor F. J. Croll be authorized to employ such extra help as he
deemed necessary to make the extensions on the Assessment Rolls seconded
by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen
Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth
and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
Mr. Probst of the Recreation Commission gave notice that the
Commission had been presented with two Russian Eagles.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned
until the next regular meeting time Tuesday evening, October 7th, 1913
at 7:30 o'clock.
City Clerk.