1913-10-07 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF mHE COUNCIL THA C ITY 01? TTISDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7TH, 1913. The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. The Roll was called and Councilmen Birt1ott, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenste Morris and Probst, (6) answered present. Councilmen Hammond, Roth and Stewart (' were noted a)sent. They arri-vea 1r ard were noted orent. Mr. Bartlett introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda, that there be transferred, as requeStedbthe Board of Elec rfcity, from the 3iectric Licht Fund to the Interest and Redemption Furd the sun of Nine Hundred and Eichty Four and 46 (984.40) Dailars to pay the semi-annual int, rest due sober 1, 1913, on outstanding bonds of the Municipal Electric Light ?1ant, authorized and issued in theyear 1.06, and the Auditor and Treasurer are hereby authorized to make sad transfer upon their respective books. Mr. Probst seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote;- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and 3tewart(6). Noes: none. Absent: Councilman Hammond. (1). Mr. Bartlett introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that the Personal ?roperty Taxes for the fiscal year 1913-1914 in the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred . and Thirty Four and 40/100 (4234.40 ) Dollars, collected by the City Assessor, are hereby transferred from the account of 1?. J. Croll, City Assessor, and apportioned to the several funds as follows: To the General Fund ;1762.12 ied 233.12 Street d 0_995.24 6 .79 Health 126.25 library " 226.48 328.6.5 " Recreation" " Interest and Redemption 734.99 and the Auditor and Treasurer are hereby authorized to rnake said transfer upon their respective books. Er. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote: Az'es: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, MorFenstern Morris, ?robst Roth and ewart (6). froes: none. Absent: Councilman Hammond. Mr. Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that the following funds, as -provided for in the budget for the fiscal year 1913-1914, be transferred to pay accruinp- claims; From the Police Fund (3ubdivision of the General Fund) to the Police -'ension Fund, the sun of One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy ($1470.00) Dollars; from the Fire Fund (Subdivision of the General Fund)to the Firemen'sPension Fund, the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty (,480.00) Dollars, and the Auditor and Tre-surer are hereby October 7th, 1913. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen 3artlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Steuart (8). Noes: none, absent: Counci]ma Hammond. (1) Mr. Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: = RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda, that there be transferred, as requested by the Board of Electricity, from the Electric Iirtht Funcl to the Lighting Fund (subdivision of the General Fund) the sum of Po ur Thousand iight Hundred and Sixty 31x and 98/100 (4866.98) Dollars, said sum being an amount equal to the amount of the city lighting bil] for the three months endinF, June 30, 1913, and the Auditor and Treasurer are hereby authorized to make said transfer upon their respective books. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the followinr. vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Norri Probst, Roth and Stewart (8). Noes: none. Absent: Councilman Hammond (1) Er. Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, the sun of Five Hundred (500.00) Dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the Recreation Fund, as a loan, to be repaid upon apportionment of the taxes, and the Auditor and Treasurer are hereby directed and authorized to make said transfer upon their respective books. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Jlornis, Probst, Roth and Stewart (8). Noes: none. Absent: Councilman Hammond (1). Brt1ett introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that the excess funds in Electrolier District numbers four and five, created under Resolutions 780 and 782 of the City Council are hereby ordered to he returned to the property owners as assessed and paid by them to the Tax Collector of the City of Alameda, according to the original assessment lists on file in his office, and it is hereby further resolved that the amount of excess in District number four being One Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-nine and 25/100 W1749.25)Dollars, the rate of rebate is hereby fixed at .0470 per linear foot. In District number five the amount of excess being One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-five and )./100 (1965.95) Dollars, the rate of rebate is fixed at .040C per linear foot, and the Auditor is nerob y author- ized*to issue to the owners of property as they apPear upon the oriinal assessment list demands upon the Treasury of the City of Alameda, and the asurer i hereby authoried to pay the same. JLV October 7th, 1913 1r. Stewart seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart (8). Noes: none. Absent: Councilman Hammond (1). The demands having been approved by the Finance Committee, were pres- ented for riayment. To 625 property owners in Electrolier Assessment District number four the sum of One Thousand 3even Hundred Forty-nine and 25/100 (0_749.25) Dollars. To 753 property owners in Electrolier Assessment District number five, the sun of One Thousand Nine Hundred 3ixty-fivo and 95/100 (1965.9 Dollars. Mr. Bartlett moved that the demands as read be paid. Seconded by Kr. Morenstern ana carried by the following vote: Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, LiacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart (8). Noes: none. Absent: Councilman Hammond (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to V4452.25; against the Police Fund umourling to V235.35; against th.e 1ectric Lir,ht Fund amount- ing to w2818.86,; against the Fire Fund amounting to 009.45; against the Street Fund amounting to V1315.48; against the Library Fund amounting to 487.43; against the Recrealion Fund amounting to .81; against Municipal Improvement Fund Jo. 10, (Electric) amonnting to ,A807.60; ap-hin t Local Improvement Fund Bo. 780 amounting to v20.65 and against Local Improvement Fund No. 782 amounting to ,,;20.65 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: GEN2.RAI FUND Law books 13urrourrhs Adding Much. Co Repairs istensen rania Drawing Insts. Clerical work Bancroft o'hitney Co De Lorne G. V. Citizen National Bunk Ells Geneva Lubbock Oswald Mazzini 1 Moeller ,?f., Graber M. E. L. Plant II If III IT II 17 IT II ff It If II 15.05 1.50 5.00 30.00 Assg oest i.j So 17.50 00.00 75 13.60 3.75 1618.49 1574.98 Lumps (Janitor) 21.60 (Treas.) 1.60 Noy o. H. Pound supplies 4.80 Otis Frank Mayor 's allowance 150.00 oac. Tel. Tel.Co. Rent 71 Tolls 1.71 Pac. G. P3 E. Co. Gas 99 Safe Co. Rent of safe 1)0.00 Peoples Water Co 17ater 23.80 Poorman Samuel, Jr. Fees advanced 10.00 Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Barrel lime 1.75 Clerical 'ork Rent 2 0 30x Plumbing 7,3 supplies Supplies E'ound City Lighting Tf Times-Star Co. l?rintinc i1dg Ins Vosburgh L. V. Westphal O. F. Citizens National Bank 17 71 Adv Ord ,14 " Notice to feedmen " Ord d13 11 Proposals Fire En Supplies (Janitor) Repairing clock (Treas) Total POLICE FUND Assr, H. C. Plotz labor 11 Purolene Dis Co disin. Coffman H. 0. Services Conrad John Pao. Tel. &I Tel. Co. Rent switches Park Garage Recharging tank Standard Oil Co Gasoline Schneider Henry Stationery Unna Herman Meals Westphal 0.P. Clock repairs iiestern Union Tel Go Telegrams IT IT Rental of clock Total 235.35 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND Alameda Vulcanizing 'orks Supplies Incide t ls October 7th, 1913. 9.00 4.25 16.81 17.94 15.56 45.32 3.30 1.00 4) 547.25 87.00 17.50 66.70 12.40 4.55 1.50 18.60 8.00 12.50 2.00 1.80 3.00 I1 4.00 Repairs 14.25 Dortrd of 10Pctrieity Incidentals 14.30 Bussinius A. G. Drugs 15.25 Crane Co Supplies 11.48 TV 15.45 21.50 12.49 34 dman Bros Tainting 160.00 Supplies 56.84 If ,.44 77 77 TT 1.71 Henderson Manufacturing Co Ladders 16.00 Holabird-Roynolds Co Supplies 8.64 Hunt-Mirk Co Thermometer 7.00 Hydrometer Sringe 3.00 shall-Newell Supply Co Rags 11.27 Garlock 'acking Co General Electric Co 11 Ma it TT Pacific States Elec Co II 11 II IV 9 11 11 IT 11 If If 71 IT 11 11 II IT IT IT Balls 36.36 Cord 2.77 Irons 14.99 Lamps 14.59 8.03 57.04 21 October 7th, 1913. Pacific States 3lec Co Supplies 4.70 IT 11 IT TT IT 11.63 11 II il 11 IT 3.60 It TT TY 0 IT 50.2.7 IT IT 11 91 IT 6.14 TT TT IT IT IT 12.98 II IT IT IT IT 21.34 0 11 TT IT 10.40 u IT _ IT u 1.64 11 IT 0 IT 159.48 IT II IT TV IT 3.42 II IT 11 1 fi .15 IT II IT TT 10.76 11 1 II TT 25.14 IT 19 IT If 11 7.36 TT It IT IT 25.14 IT IT IT 0 62.17 11 IT IT 91 11 112.25 PacTel. "I Tel. Co Tel. Service 26.83 Park Garage Supplies 4.45 2ear7, .'i. J. Fainting 12.00 Peoples uater Co fiater 2.00 IT 0 0 0 20.32 Geo. Plummer '',; Son Lumber 10.19 u IT IT IT .61 IT 0 0 IT 11 56.25 111 IT 01 IT 12.60 If TT IT 0 11.36 IT 0 0 0 0 .71 Powell 3ros. Construction Co Screenings 38.50 Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Supplies 16.65 Standard Oil Co. Supplies 7.75 u TT 11 Gasoline 7.75 11 TV 0 Supplies 6.20 it 0 IT 11 1.86 u u u 724.14 Standard Urdergrourd Cable Co uire 130.00 Ste.nelurft Oil Go 3upUes 9.50 Times-3tar Co Printing 44.25 Vosburh L. 1. Supplies 9.13 estanFhouse ]lec ' Mfg Co IT 247.20 it u IT u 247.20 uhittier, Coburn Co Oil 26.57 Lellerbach Paper Co Supplies 5.36 Total - - ,2,618.66 October 7th 1915. FIRE FUE) Alameda Steam Laundry 17.40 3aird J. V. 1Iorseshoein 6.75 Coustier M &.; Son Rep irs 5.55 Furey F. P. Supplies 1.85 Gorham 1-3-1 ,,: 2ire App Go IT 10.00 6.50 IT IV IT II r e 5 King A. R. Iv 10.00 :Loerber A. H. 4. Feed 11.00 Lomax R. 7. Horseshoeing 7.50 'ter Auto Co Tire Cover 2.50 ?otter G. H. Keys .70 Peoples 4atetr Co l'a.ter 309.45 Park Garage Oil Labor 4.25 rac. Gas Jlec. Go 25.55 Risso G. Hauling 7.40 Scott, Magner ,2c Miller Straw 7.40 11 IT IT IT Feed 99.22 IT 11 IT IT IT 32.02 Hay 101.20 IT IT 11 1/ Strom 3lectrical Go Supplies 4. Standard Oil Co Gasoline 19.38 Sutherland Pharmacy Medicine 7.75 Vosburgh F. 5. 3uH1ies 2.60 ,, essel Louis H. 1.80 Jones 2: Collins Horseshoeing Total - 709.45 cqm-D;m -111)TT) - ,'..dams John Labor V 42.50 Amorosa Vincent IT 5').40 3aird J. V. 31acksmithing 5.65 Britt . Teaminf- 95.00 Chapman . N. Asst City .:ng 7.00 Clark °:,, Sons Supplies 29.30 Gay A. 2. Repairs 25.50 Jamison J. 3. Teaming 132.00 Johnson C. 1, 41.25 Jones O. i. 134.75 Jorgenson P. Repairs 5.55 Martin H. L. Teaming 152.00 D)rton Geo. 3 Labor 60.00 Pennock M Teaming 12.00 Peoples ater Co eater 35.66 Perata Andrea Labor 60.00 Schneider 0 Supplies 7.50 Stackier J. J. Repairs 17.50 Serralunr-a L Labor 170.00 LA) ur i a - A Thurston 0. Temn jg ,.■) 6 33.00 Underwood Typewriter Co Repairs 4.50 You' Mach Co H. L. Supplies 2.12 Tjme-Stt,r Co Printing 18.00 Total - - - - y1,315.48 LI3RARY 2UND Ala Pree Library Petty :,;xbenses y 8.99 ,11 Steam Laundry Towel Service 1.00 Daily 2apers I'eldhamer L. Galord Bros. Globe Consft Supply Co Harper Bros Supplies 1.50 0.50 Books 48.60 TI Huch Grocory Supplies .85 .75 Korigshofer 1. Kurtz-Abbott Co Books Larsen 0 Daily papers IricAvoy Thos u Newbegin J. J. Books Pac G E Co Gas Peoples ter Go iter Richardson 93 Richardson Books Strom Electrical ,do Times-Star Co 'rinting Volberg C. C. 7 E. Room Vosburgh L. wv. Supplies uest rn Architect Subscription ,inks Elsie M. Substitute Tot-1 FECP,ATION TUIID Alameda Hdw Co Supplies u u 9.95 Alameda Steam Laundry Service 3.35 Anderson's Shoe Store Boots 17.50 Baird J. U. Repairs 1.50 Prodder V. M. (St. Surt.) Oil 41.25 P 2.25 Retal Pac Tel '3 Tel Co n IT u TV IT u 2.25 IT u 2.25 Peonies eater Co ater 164.02 u TV 127.36 TV 11 154.2 Plummer Geo & Son Lumber 7.91 TV TV u IT IT 27.64 Shur? Bayard Services 56.00 ilkens J. H. Mdse 6.50 olummer. A. Mfg Co Tent Rental 20.00 37.00 1.20 .60 320.64 .27 1.33, 5.00 .55 25.00 1.15 5.00 5.50 1 87.112 Total 642.61 October 7th 1913 MUNICIPAL IIPROVEIZT FUND FO. 10._1;LECTRIC Couchot Maurice Co Services y? 300.00 Durand Steel Locker Co Lockers 67.50 Kaufman Edwards Bal on contract 905.00 Pac States Electric Oo Supplies 6.61 TT IT IT TT 16.76 Powell Bros Const Co Tearning& Labor 17.00 TT TT Supplies 14.50 11 11 PPlieS 14.50. LabOr 26. 3,439.48 v4,807.60 Standard Underground Cable' Co 'dtiire Total - L-CAL IMPROVEMEET FUND #760 Dowdle Bray Printing Co Printing Times Star IT Total LOCAL IMPROVEENT PUND 082 Dovidle Bray PrintinP: Do Printing Times-Star Co Total - 10.25 10.40 20.65 10.25 10.40 20.65 Mr. Bartlett moved that the claims as read be paid seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Maci:ae Morgenstern, Morris Probst Roth and Stewart (8) . Noes: none. Absent: Councilman Harmflond (1). Mr. Bullock made complaint of nuisance caused on the south side beach by crude oil that had floated in from the bay. On motion of Mr. Bullock, seconded by ILT. Morgenstern; the City Attorney and Joseph Sedgel,ey, a member of the Board of Health and also of the State Fish and Came Commission, were directed to file a formal complaint relative to thp nuiance with the oish and Came Commission. Mr. Bullock bronc7ht np the matter of the delay of the Alameda ' County Board of r isors in takinc, over the maintenance and operation of the three drawbridpses across the tidal canal. On motion of Er. Hammend, seconded by Er. Probst, the matter was referred to the Pub- lic! Utilities Committee to take up with the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. The Auditor's balance sheet for September, 1913 was received and filed. 'Mayor Frank Otis submitted a nessaE7e dealing with public schools, municipal natatorium, public streets and tide land improvements. The message was read by the Clerk and upon motion of Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Y[r. Morenstern, it ws decided to take up the consider- ation of the same at a special meeting of the Uommittee of the hole of the City Council to be held October 24th, 1913. Morgenstern introduced the foliowing Resolution and moved. its adoption: RiSOLVau. that the City ilttorney he. and he hereby is. reonested 221 222 October 7th, 1913. constructed and maintained, with a view to the securing, if possible, such revenue to the City from the use thereof by aid Companyfas may be reasonable; and that said City Attorney rePort the result of such investigation to this Council. Mr. Roth secoided the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris Probst, Roth and Stewart (9). roes: none. Absent: none. * The Poundmaster's report for September, 1913 was received and filed. e renorts of the Municipal electric Light Plant for Anril, 1913, May, 1913, Jure, 1913 and for the year ending June 30th 1913 were re- ceived and filed. * The balance sheet of the Municinal :2;lectric Light P1nt for the year ending June 30th, 1913 was received and filed. An application from the Municipal 2,1ectric Light 21ant for permission to run overhead wires to make service connections to 26 places was granted. \° A communication from the Board of alectricity recommending .that the claim of Francis Inchetti against the City in the sum of Two Hundred (200.00) Dollars for alleged damages one property owned by him, by Municipal Mectrin Light ?lant employes be denied, was read. On motion of Mr. Probst, seconded by ir. Hammond the recommendation was approved and the laim denied. A communication from the Board of ilectricity authorizing the transfer of rine Hundred ighty Four and 48/100 7'984.48) Dollars from the electric Light fund to the Interest and Redemption 2und to pay interest due October 1st, 1913 on outstanding Electric Liht Bonds, authorized in 1908, was read and filed, the transfer, havinF7 been made by Resolution. A communication from the Board of ;_lectricity authorizinp: the transfer of Four Thousand .ight Hundred Sixty-six and 98/100 (486(,.98) Dollars from the electric Light Fund to the General Fund, sa ne being in amount equal to the City liphting bill for the three months ending June 30th, 1913, was received and filea, the transfer havine- been made by .Tesolntion. ' A communication was received from the Board of Alectricity with a catalogue attache 6; i,L3king that the merits oj.: the "automatic flagman'' sirlo be investigated. Referred to the Public Utilities Committeo . communication vas received from the Bureau of the Hygienic Laboratory of the Calirornia Btate Board of Health, Berkeley, urging that the Council nerd the City Health Officer as a delegate to the firth annual conference of state, county and municinal officials to be held at Venice, California from October 6th to llth, 1913. Referred to the 3oard of Health. o communication was received from 4. Trafton, Mayor of iatsonviilo, inviting the Mayor and City Council to attend the Apple 3how to he given in that city, October 6th to 12th, 1913. The invitation was accepted and the City Clerk was directed to eN, 4-knPn,.m A : vi- fe him 1:11c4 th;_47117- if October 7th, 191:3. Finarr...? Committee submitted a report on the investiEation it had made of the 'sufficiency and solvency- of the sureties on bonds of City officials. The 2inance Committee reported that in its opinion, all were satisfactory. On motion of Mr. Hammond, seconded by Mt. Morgenstern, the report was received and filed. A ° An application from the American Heat and Power Company for permission to install a 1500 gallon crude oil tank under the side- walk at the premises occupied by the Alameda Eational Bank, Central Avenue and Park Street/was receive. and 'referred to the Policr=r, Fire and iater Committee of the Council and to the Fire Marshal , with full power to act. An application from J. I. Byrne, City. Hall Janitor for per- mission to take his annual vacation of two weeks, beinning October 13th 1913, ,was read and granted. A, Mr. Hammond, Chairman of the Special Committee appointed to pre- pare Resolutions of Appreciation to Colonel Bullock for his services for six years as Chairman of the 2inance Committee of the City Council, introduced the following Resolutions and moved their adoption: l":,REA3, Colonel iJ;. 3. Bullock, member of this Council, has served for six years as Chairman of the 2inance Committee; an, whereas, Colonel Bullock in the year 1907, when the 7reeholders' charter became operative, devoted six months of his time and skill as an accountant to systematizing the various departments o1 the city government preparing for each department the necessary forms of account, receipts and fee books;and whereas, during all of said period of six years he kept ir close touch with the affairs of the city, so arranging its finances that during his entire term as said Chairman the city Was able to and did pay all claims as presented each Month without unnecessary delay and without discount or loss to the claimants; and, whereas, all of said services were rendered by Colonel Bu11oc without cost or expense to the City of Alameda; therefore be it R2,301,Vi]l), That the Council of the City of Alameda, in regular meeting assemblea hereby tenders to Colonel B. Bullock a vote of thanks for the valuable, faithful and unselfish service he has rendered, the City as Chairman of the Finance Committee of this Council; and be it further R3OLV3D That these resolutions be spread in full upon the minutes of this Council, and that a copy of said resolutions be suitably engrossed and presented to Colonel Bullock, Wm. Hammond, Jr. E. J. Probst. Chas. MacRae. Comm-,:ttee. 22 October 7th, 1913. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolutions and they were adopted and passed by the following vote: ilyes: Councilmen Bartlett, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, rrobst, Roth and Stewart (8). roes: none. 4.ibsent: none. :Tot voting: Councilman Bullock (1). Mr. MacRae introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoPtion: RESOLV' that the :.:;ngineer of the City of illameda be, and he is hereby ordered to prepare plans an specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The improvement of Briggs Avenue from a line 1095.50 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street to the westerly line of 2ernside Boulevard, by grading the entire width of said avenue, from property line to property line, between. said limits, to the official grade; by constructing concrete curbing, eigh inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension, on the curb lines of said avenue, between said limits; by con- structing concrete gutters of the flat pattern, t;() and one-half (:*) feet in width and six (6) inches in thickness, along the roadway of said avenue, contiguous to said curbing, between said limits; by macadamizing the remaining portion of the roadway of said avenue, between said limits, with a layer of broken trap rock, eightinches in thickness, Kr. Morgenstern seconded the notion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond MacRae, Morgenstern, Probst and Roth (7). Noes: Councilmen Morris and Stowart(2). Absent: none. In accordance with the foregoing Resolution, the City Engineer presented Plans and sPecific-tions and thereupon Mr. MacRae introduced the following Resolution and move(, its adoption: Ri0IVED, that the plans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The improvement of Brigi:sAvenue from a line 1095.50 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street to the westerly line of Pernside Boulevard, by grading the entire width of said avenue from property line to property line, between said linits, to the official F7rade; hy constructing concrete curbing, eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension, on the curb lines of Said avenue, between said limits, by constructing concrete gutters of the flat pattern, two,an one-half (2-7J-) feet in width and six (6) inches in thickness, along the roadway of said avenue, contiguous to said curbing, between said limits; and by macadamizing the remaining portion of; the roadway of said avenue, between said li-dts, with a layer of broken trap rock, eightinches in thickness, as repared by the engineer of said City and submitted this 7th day of October, 191'6, be, and the 3,,re are hefAby adopted us and for the plans and specificutions for doinr said work. October 7th, 1913. Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morc;enstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and 'Stewart (9). Noes: none. Absent: none. Mr. 'MacRae introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: MI3OLVi;D, that it s the inteilLion (Ci-* Council of the City of lamed, to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said CjtT, to wit: That Briggs Avenue from a line 1095.50 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High 3treet to the westerly line of Ilernside Boulevard, be improved as follows: That the entire width of said avenue, from property line to property line, between said limits, be p.-.-adet, to the official rade; that concrete curbing, eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimens]on, be constructed on the curb lines of said avenue, between said limits; that concrete gutters of the flat pattern, two and one-half (2-7,-) feet in width und six 6) inches in thickness, be constructed along the roadway of said avenue, contiguous to si,id curbinE, between suia limits; that the renaininc portion of thP roudwa;: of said avenue, between se,id limits,be macadarlied with a :Layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in thickness. Jr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, Macue, Morgenstern, Probst and. Roth (7). Noes: Councilmen Morris and Stewart (2). Absent: none. ' A comnunication was received from Hutchinson Co., Inc., in which they asked ror permission to grade curb, gutter -nd macadamiv,e and Street from the existing concrete bulkhead to a Point 190 feet plus or minus northerly therefrom; also for permission to 71-ade curb, putter and macadamize Palmera Court from the easterl?; line of Grand Street to the center line of Layton Avenue; all o± said work to be done according to the plans and specifications of the City .i1;ngineer, and to the satisfaction and acceptance of the Superintendent of 3treets. Mr. Hammond moved that permission be granted in both instances, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. by the followin vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, EacRae,Worgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart (9). Noes: none. Absent: none. r A report was received from the Street Committee in which re- commendation was made that stens be taken lookirr toward the widening and improving of .L:ncinal Avenue from Park Avenue eastward; through condemnation proceedings. Mr. ,Irobst moved that the City Attorney and City .irigineer be directed to draw up plans for an assessment district to carry out the Proposed improvement. Seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. communication was received and read from the Street Qortdttee relative to the proposed widening of Santa Clara Avenue east of and adjacent to aebster Street, throupt condemnation proceedings. On motion of Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Dir. Probst, the report was fil In connection with the report, the Street Committee submitted a plat of a proposed assessment aiRtriat tn clrri7 m t1 1t=45-1,,Prl imnrnirin- r3 October 7th, 1 out for the proposed assessment. A communication from Frank R. Neville representing himself and other property owners in the proposed district, was read, ir which request was made that further action toward the formation of an assessment district be not taken, until the matter had been given further consideration. The connunication was ordered NiO(. On motion of Mr. Eorgenstern, seconded by Er. Bullock, all matters in connection with the proposed widening were laid over, to be taken up at a meeting of the Committee of the .(hole of the City Council, 2riday Evening October 17, 1913. . The Clerk was directed to inform Mr. Neville and others interested, to be Present at the Committee meeting. 4 A communication under date of September 30th 1913 from the South Shore Land Comany was read, in which the Company through it s president C. A. Hooper,made known that it declined to accede to the req -,st that it reopor. San Antonio Avenue from 9th Street to Burbank Street. The request was made Sentember 18th, 1913 by the City Clerk, upon instructions From the City Council, whieh had approved and adopted the report from St. Committee, in which it set forth that the opening of San Antonio Avenue from 9th Street to Burbank Street was a oubli.c necessity. Mr. Hammond moved that the communication be referred to the City Attorney. Seconded by Er. Bartlett and carried. Pour separate documents protesting against the proposed. repaving of Central Avenue at the expense of the Property owners were received and filed. ° A communication from the J3oard of Health nrging the passage of an ordinance reeuiring the muzzling of dogs, and the passage of an ordinance relative to the protection of foodstuffs from flies was received and filed. -A 'A communication from the Board of Health recommending that the City Council take action toward abuting the nuisance caused by an old cipen reservoir east of High Street was rad and referred to the City Attorney, to take up with the owners of the reservoir. 'IA communication was read from POlice_ana Fire Commissioner, H. L. Hynes, in which he gave notice that the Southern Pacific Company had made an offer to the :Board of )olice and Pire Commissioners to nay Five Hundred (;500.00) Dollars toward the cost of repairing the automobile fire engine of the Fire Department damaged in a collision with the Southern Pacific train, Juno 14th, 1913. The communication was accompanied by a release voucher from the Southern Pacific Company in the sun of live Hundred (500.00) Dollars. In connection with the offer, Mr. Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: '\CR3OLVIO, by the Council oT the City of 2elameda, that it accept on behalf of the city, the offer of the Southern Pacific Company to pay to the city the sun of Pive Hundred (500.00) Dollars, ir full satisfaction for damage done an auto fire engine owned by the city, in collision with Southern Pacific Company electric train No. 222 at 1 A 1 c,1 r7, •••• •rn +1, c. October 7th, 1913 sign release voucher from the Southern Pacific Company in favor of the City of Alameda for Five Hundred (;A00.00) Dollars in settlement in full for the city's claim against the said company, and that the same be attested by the City Clerk, T. C. Conghlin. Mr. Bartlett seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and. Passed by the followtng vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammona, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth an Stewart (9). Noes: none. Absent: none. ' A communication from the Board of .Police and Fire Commissioners in which recommendation was made that Five Hundred ( j500.00) Dollars be paid Fred Kahn, as part payment on his contract to repair an auto fire en , No. 1 of the Fire Department. City Attorney Poorman advised against making any payment on the contract until the work was completed according to contract. He stated that he had heard that the Citizens Bank was ready to allow Kahn money on the contract. Therenpon the communication was ordered filed. °J1 communication from the Ahrens-Pox Fire ,]nuine Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, relative to an advertisement for auto fire engine bids, was received and filed. kAn affidavit was Presented, showing due notice of publication of notice inviting proposal for auto fire engine bids, was received and filed. The Clerl announced that in response to the notice inViting . prol)osals for auto fire engine, he was in receipt of one bid the same being from the 4aterous Engine vk)rks ComPany, St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the bid be opened, seconded by Lfr. Probst and carried. Following the opening of the bia, Mr. Hammond moved that the same be referred to the o1ice, Fire and 6ater Committee of the City Connell, together with the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners. Seconded by Mr. Morgenstern anti carried. An affidavit was presented showing tie due eublication of notice to feed men, inviting proposals to supply the Fire Department with forage a straw for the year beginning October 19th, 1913 and ending October 19th, 1914. The Clerk announced that in response to the notice, he was in receipt of two bid . Mr. Hammond moved that the bids he opened, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried. One bid was from ;7,hodes-Jamieson and Co., Inc., of Alameda and the other from 3cott, Mapmer and Miller of :an lorancisco. On motion of Mr. Hammond, seconded by Er. Bullock, the bids were referred to the Board of Police and .ire Commissioners, to report back to the City Council. N Two policies from the Feaeral Insurance Company covering insurance on motor driven apparatus under the control of the Board of ?olice and Fire Commissioners, were receiVed.On motion of Kr. Bartlett, seconded by Mr. Morris, they were accepted. 22' 22 October 7' 1913. communicatior WP..9 read from C. Mil] s relative to his application for a 1j.c.elle to conduct a liquor business at By Station. Ordered filed. A document bearing 152 signatures approving of the desired establishment by i. C. Mills, of a liquor store at 120b Lincoln Avenue Station, was received and filed. Mr. Bullock introdueed a bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. New series, rroviding.for the control and eradication of rabies." Laid over under provisions of the Charter. Mr. Bullock introduced a Bill entitled "A 3111 for Ordinance No. New series, to.establish and enforce compliance with sanitary regulations in all places in the City of Alameda where food for human beings is manufactured, kept, prepared or sold; to'provide penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Ordinance." Laid over under a provision of the Charter. Mr. Morris introduced a 3111 entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. New series,"Providing for the destruction of all alcoholic or intoxicating liquors seized as evidence of any violation of the provisions of Article X of the Charter of the City of i1ametia, or of Ohapter VII of the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda for- bidding the selling, bartering or giving away of any such littors without having permission and license therefor." Laid over under provisions of the Charter. Mr. MacRae moved that the Citz, Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids l'or a road scaririer for the Street Deartment; also to advertise for bids for a rotor driven truck for the Street Department. Seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried. ----A In connection with the application o C, Mills for a license to conduct a liolor •sins at 120 Lincoln Avenue, Bay Station, the License Committee submitted the following report: Alameda, Cal., October 7th, 1913. To the Honorable, the Council of the City of Alameda. Gentlemen:- Your License Committee, to which has been referred the matter of the application of .1;. C. Mills. for the granting of a liquor license at .No. 1205 Lincoln Avenue (Bay Station) in this City, has to report thereon as follows:- Your Qornrnittee, individually and co11ectve1y, considers that the applicant has in the past shown himself to be a person utterly unfit to conduct a saloon, and is therefore of opinion that no liquor license whatever should be granted to him. Accordingly, the report of your Committee would, on principle, be adverse to the granting of the application. Your Committee however, feels that under the conditional nctober 7th, 1913. question whether or not the place for which the license is desired, is a proper place at which to conduct a saloon. In view of its impression in this regard your recommendation the matter referred to it. If the application of Hr. Mills were a matter of first impression with your Committee, it would report as strongly as possible against the granting to him of any liquor license. ,;hile your Committee is confident that on final action respecting this .cpplication none of the members of the Council is in any way obligated by its prior action to vote otherwise than as his individual convictions dictate, your Committee feels, on the one hand, that it is not at liberty to recommend a refusal of the license because of the expectation held out to the applicant that a license would be granted him, provided he found a proper location for his saloon, and, on the other hand, that your Committee would stultify itself by reporting that any place in Alameda was a suitable loc-tion for a. saloon conducted ) the applicant. A o reports back to the Council without Respectfully submitted G. . Stewart. Chairman George T. Morris. Chas. . HacRae. License Committee General discussion followed the reading of the report, those par- ticiPating including Hr. Stewart, C. L. Jackson, Auust J. loromn, Hrs. Hall'or Hanoi', J. H. Jelmstein, z4. H. Iosee, ITichols, John Math, Lrs. •0. C. Sharnslein, and others. \I A communication from the shington School Eothers Club against the proposed establishment of a li(juor store at .:iay Station, was received and filed. \ A protest bearins7 155 signatures, against the proposed granting of a license for selling liquor at .3ay Station, was received and filed. A document bearing the names of a number of property owners at Bay Station, purporting to show the extent of their business interests and value of their property, was presented by C. I. Jackson, represent- . C. M,11s. Jackson stated that the property owners enumerated in the list favored the granting of the a-oplioG.tion of Lills for liquor license. \A communication was read from H. L. Betten , 121 Lincoln Avenue, favoring the application of is,. C. Mills for a license to conduct liquor business at Bay 3tation. Ordered filed. No action Was taken on the re-Port of the License Committee or on the application of Hills. qr. Probst brought up the mItter of the neea for a waiting, room at ,,ebster 3treet and :incoln _,,venue, a station and wajtinr room at d 3treet and 'acifjo 1,venue, a v,aitinc: room at 5th 3treet an6 ,pacific ,.venue and a wailing room at Stanton 3treet and Lincoln 2Lvenue. He 229 October 7th, 191. and carried. Mayor Frank Otis reported that he had appointed Herman Krusi, 6. G. Tibbitts and 3. EacT.ean as members of the 2ublic trickConriee. re,Presertinc7 the City of iaameda. ''3V1r- Stewart ir-L‘odnced a 3i11 entitlo 3i11 fer Ordinnce o. .Uew 3eries, to amend sction 744 of ,rticle, 8, Chapter -La of Ordinance Ko. 1, n:w series, known as the l'funicial Code of the City of .clameda, approved Janliary 141h, bw re-enacting said section amended." Laicl over under a provision of the Charter. Mr. 2rohst moved that the meeting adjourn until Tuesday vening October 14th, 1Y13 at 7:30 P. m. 3e00nded by Jr. Hammond and carried. City