1913-11-18 Regular CC MinutesREGUL„ METING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, rovRmam 18 qi 1913. The Council convened with Mayor Prank Otis presiding, The Roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, iorgen- ern and Morris, (5) answered present. Councilmen MacRae, Probst Roth and Stewart, (4) were noted absent. Councilmen Roth and Stewart arrived later and were noted present. The Minutes of the regular meeting of November 4th were approved as read. Claims against the General Fund amounting to "25 .68; against the lice nind amoiting to 47.29; against the Fire Fund amounting to 643.45; against the Electric ight Fund amounting to 1701.31; against the Street Fund, Labor, amounting o 67.71; against the Street Fund, Material, amount- ing to 10.90; against the Health Fund amounting to 57.37; and against Local Improvement Funds Nos. 780 and 782, amounting to 05.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FmTD, Alameda Steam Laundry Towel Service 8.00 Blackstone Ink Co. Ink . Electric Blue Print Co. Blue prints 22.80 Flynn, J. J. Plumbing 5.50 Gibson, W. -?,. Engrossing Resolutions 25.00 Inter-City Express Transcript 3.00 Larkin, John Repairs to building 19.50 Municipal Electric Light Plant Light and power .95 Lamps for Police Station 4.20 II 11 11 11 Parcells Safe Co. Rent of safe 20.00 Peoples Water Co, Water 15.12 Purity Springs Water Co. Water for City Clerk 1.00 Recorder Printing Publishing Co. Subscription 18.00 Russell Eleanor Notary work .50 Schneider, Henry Supplies for City Olerk 4.90 TV If If " Mayor 14.80 11 11 II " Building Inspector .90 If II I/ " Auditor 3.00 Advertising 75.21 11 11 Printing 27.00 r e Union Tel. Go, Telegram .95 Total 7 - 2535.68 POLICE FUND. Cleaning bedding 1.00 Alameda Viilcanizang Works Volt meter 2.00 Polish 1.60 Times Star Co. If Alameda STearn Laundry Garratt,Calahan Co. November 16th • 253 Park Garage Auto supplies Q 4.25 Schneider, Henry Stationery ,91 p 0 age stamps 6.40 Times Star Co. Printing 11.75 Unna, Herman Meals 11.25 Western Union Tel. Co. Clock 3.00 Total 47.29 Fla& FUED. Alameda Steam Laundry Ass'n. Linen service 17.40 Alameda Vulcanizing 'Works Repairs .50 Horseshoeing 8.75 Supplies 2.00 Horseshoeing 5.00 10.00 Lomax, R. Ti 15.00 Mazzin. , LA. Supplies 4.75 IT 11 11.85 IT 1.56 Gas 28.59 Pacific Tel. &• Tel. Co, Phone toll service .13 Datey ,,.: Cocks Supplies 2.00 Peoples Water Co. Water 310.27 Plummer 2: Son. Geo. E. Lumber .84 uuu 0 11 11 6.15 Police 7.; i'±ro Commi?,sioners Supplies 3.26 Rhos-Jaeon ,F0 Co. Feed 146.30 Risso, G. Manure Hauling 7.40 ott, Magner Miller Feed 38.15 Schaefer, V. L. Wedicine 1.85 4.95 Printing 16.75 Total - 643.45 1L.0TRI0 LIGHT FUND. Frodden, V. M. Constructing driveway 102.25 Koerher, A. H. W. Rent 30.00 Pacific States Mectric Co. Supplies 30.87 TV TV TT 11 IT 14.02 u TV TT TV 1 32.91 IV IV 9 TV IT 59.95 IV TV TV TV TT 17 TV TV IT 1 TV 6.07 IV If IT 1.12 TV 9 TV TV TV 27.17 TV TV If IT 57.04 If IT If IT TV 25.14 TV TV TV TT TT 25.14 Pacific Tel. 2: Tel. 00. Phones 19.39 3 ird, J. V. Hauch, H. Jones T: Collin King, A. R. Municipal Electric Light T'acific Co. SutherJand's Pharmacy Tines Star 00. November leth, 1913. Peoples Water Company Water 2.00 Plummer ,"c Son, Geo. E. Cross arms 25.00 Powell 3ros. Construction Co. Team hire 8.25 IT IT II IT Rock, screenings, etc. 166.70 Fire brick 20.00 Supplies 64.23 IT TT IT It It Plow steel rope 12.86 Supplies 9.30 Stron, Mrs. M. G. Rent 10.00 Printing 54.50 9 It IT Supplies 48.75 Vosburgh, L. W. 9 37.10 IT It IT IT 15.50 9 247.20 Total ------ e. ,,) 1701.31 STREET FUND. LABOR. Adams J. Labor w ,! 17.81 Brown, G. L. TT 25.31 Chapman, 2. N. Assistin: Qity 2nginoer 2.00 Corbeline, D. Labor 24.06 Donovan D. TT 22.81 Duarte, M. IT 22.81 Follrath, G. 9 10.31 Hammond, H. ii 22.81 -3n0, T. .. 13.75 Miller, Peter 0, It 24.06 Morgan, W. H. 9 22.81 Norton, G. J. 9 25.00 Sutton, J. E. Assisting 0ty Engineer 2.00 slilllvan, J. Labor 22.81 Sanday, W. 9 17681 Scrafford, E. IT 22.81 Shannon, T. 9 10.31 Stoner, F. 9 9.06 Vaccarazza, A. Z4.06 TT Vaccarazza, N. 25.31 Total 367,71 ,,. STRE2d FUND. MATERIAL. Associated Oil Co. Road oil 251.97 9 9 IT IT II 251.97 IT IT TT TT IT 251.97 Baird, J. V. Blacksmithing 7.35 Blackstone Ink Co. Ink .35 17 Rhodes-Jamieson 8. Co. Roeblings Sons Co., J. A. Standard Oil Company Times Star Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. November 18th, 1913. Helmstein, J. H. Hardware 4', 1.00 Pacific Fuel Building Mat. Co. Rock 178.20 Park Garage Supplies 2.30 Peoples Water Company WAter 34.80 Plummer .F.; Son, Geo. 2]. Lumber 39.58 n 9 n 11 16.50 IT n 9 IT IP IT 7.07 If IT If If IT 77 .98 Powell Bros. Construction Co. Cement 13.60 TT IT IT it Gravel 17.50 R .some-Crummey Co. Repairs 92.67 Rhodos-Jamieson Co. Material 243.25 IT IT 9 241. IT 9 235.30 11 9 .95 IT If 11 77 416.65 11 IT IT If 295.00 It If IV It 158.45 Skelly, Sam Hardware 5.70 Smith, A. J. Auto repairs 2.50 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 17.83 Stone, 1. B. A. 1. Co. Rock 51.75 II II IT IT 77 17 63 .56 71.01 3310.90 wood Lumber Co., 2. K. Lumber Total - PUND. Alhambra 'ater Depot Distilled water Burton Co., J. H. Motor cycle repairs Justinian Oaire 0o. Supplics Chemicals Pacifin Tel. & Tel. Co. Rental and tolls Park Garage Supplies Secretary Board of Transportation Schneidr, Henry Stationery Sutherland's Pharmacy Sup-,?lies Times Star Co. Advertising Tota]. LOCAL TMPROV=C,T F=S NOS. 780 782. Times Star Co. Printing 1.20 4.15 .50 1.95 1.60 20.80 7.35 5.50 - 57.37 15.00 Mr. Bartlett moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried by the following vote: - Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, TlaNnora, ;l'orTenstern, Lorris, ioth ar k' 3tewar1, (7). Toeone, ::)3erit:C!oun17inn. ;7nst1 e 3. 'I:cn a0dresse0 the 0 eurc,i1 relative to certain munjc711 or0.inances, the ler:ality of whi ch, he said, was be att acked in the courts. He mentioTed tbe ordinLncos relative to the storing of manure November 18th, 1913. Alameda by outsiders. The magistrate further declared that the local lottery ticket orainance was weak an insufficient and submitted a draft of an ordi- nance which he said wonJO bettor conditions. Justice Tappan also spoke or the matter of regulating the. dLpeTu of lfcnor fr local c1u and. si- 7o sni)mittol of an orainn?e, whic11,11e asserted, inon1J: nnovid9 the desired regulation. Mr. Morgenstern moved that tbe rzts for the proposed ordinances submitted by the jurist be received by the Council and referred to the City Attorney to ho re-reforrea to the Council, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. Two statouents were eiTOCL fror- the Auditor showing Apportio of Taxes November 7th 1915 oncl 7ovember 38th, 191:-,. Ordered filed. A communication was received from Jazel Dudgeon, Stenographer to the Mayor and Council, requesting that she be given permission to take her other week of vacation, beginning November 4th and ending December 1st . Mr. Morgenstern moved that the request be granted, seconded. by Mr. Bullock and. carried. A communication from J. C. McPherson, Superintendent of the Southern _Pacific ompanys Electric lines, giving notice that he and other officials of that Company would attend a regUlar meeting of the Committee of the Whole of the Council, loriaay evening, November 14th, 1913 was received and filed. i communication from the Alaska Packers Association thanking the Clerk for informirg the Association that city offioia1s had investiated and had under consideration- the conditions complained of at the Association s Plant on the Istuary, cuased by the discharge from a city sewer, was re- ceived and filed. 'A communication fra:il the Alameda Improvement Club asking that the Coun- cil insi st that the Southern 2tIcific Company provide a laaies retiring room in the wa:M;in room at Webster Street station was received and filed. A communication from Joel A. Hayes of Oakland protesting against Pro- posed subway under the Estuary at Webster Street was received and filed. A communication from the 2.;ast End Improvement Club requesting that the Council have tests made to ascertain if a water supply for municipal and general use. could not, be obtained from wells within the city limits was read ana referred to the City Engineer. communication. from L. W. McGlauflin, Agent, asking that, he be ner- mittea to have replaced the present roof of the frame building at the north- east corner of Park Street and Webb Avenue, said building being in Fire Limits No. 1, with a new shingle roof, was referred to the Police, Fire and. Water Committee and Fire Chief with power to act. A communication from Edward F. Bacon Co. requesting that all bias received -at the moatinr- of the Council, November 18th, 191, for tandem road roller be not opened and that bids for sucil. roller be re-advertised for, was received and filed- n Affidavit was presented showing due publication of No to November 12th, 1913. Dealers in .7■oad Rollers inviting bids for furnishing the Street Department with one tandem roller. Ordered filed. In response to the notice the Clerk announced that he was in receipt of one bid. Er. 3ullock moved that the bid be not opened, that it be returned to the sender and that the Clerk be authoriz- ed to re-advertise for bids for furnishing the 3treet Department with a tandem roller, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Counoilrnen 3artlett, J-3nliock, Hammond, Morgenstern Morris, Roth and Stewart, (__7). Noes:None. .Lbsent:Couneilmen MacRae and Probst, (2). A copy of Contract and Agreement between the County of Alameda and the City of Alameaawhereby the latter is to furnish electric power, free of charge, for five years from November 4th, 1913, for the purPose of the mechanical operation of the three draw-bridges across the Tidal Canal, controlled by the County,was received and hairing been found in Proper form, was ordered filet. An opinion from City Attorney 2oorman, asked for by the Council, and havinp' to do with the life of the protests filed by various persons in the natter of the nayment of o1ctro1ier assessments was received, read and filed.. A communication was received from the 3oard of 2olice and 2ire Commission- ers in which they reou ,sed that the Council advertise for bids for a tractor to be attached to Hook ara Tadder Truck No. 1, of the loire T)e-eartmor.t. Mr. 2,art1tt moved that the matter be referred to the Foli and Fire Commission and the Police, lire and 'dater Committee of the Council to prepare specifica- tions and advertisement, seconded by Er. Stewart and carried, 1 communication was received from the 3oard of Police and Fire Com- missioners in which request was naae that the Council provide housing in the rear of the City Hall for the automobile of the ?ire Chief, Hr. 3ullock moved that the matter be referred to the 7inance Corrittee and to the Police, Fire and .ater Committee of th e Counoil, seconded by Yr. Hammond and carried. A A communication was received from the 3oard of iaectricity advising the Council that the alactrie service conneetion to the three draw-briai,es across the Tidal. Carat had bee, _ads and that the meters would be installed as goon an the service is needed. Ordered filed, lullock moved that the City Clerk be authorized to aavertise for bias for supplyir.g the Health :Department with one motor-driven light roadster the same not to exceed in cost '75.00 seconded by Hr 3artlett ana carried by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen 3art1ett, 3ullock, Hammond, Moliren- stern Morris, Roth and 7:tewrt, (7). Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Mac:w.e, and .erobst, (2 An Affidavit was presented showing due publieation of Notiee inviti sealed proposals for doing street work Under Resolution of Intent:1, No. 15, New Series. Ordored filed. n Affidavit was presented showing due posting of otice inviting sealeft proposa1s for doing street work under Resolution of Intention Ho 10, Tew 'i,s. Ordered, filed. The Clerk announced that in response to the notice he vs in receipt of one bid. Er. ,:orL:enstern moved that the hid be opened soncyflriCd 1):; ;Trormnr)(1 !1lPr17 cynorlor9 1;111-7± November if3th, 19130 bid as follows:- From Hutchinson Company, accompanied by a Bond in the sum of '::60.00 For ::i.cavating-- 94- cents per square foot. For Filling-- ter Macadamizing-- S- cents per seuare foot. l'or Gutters of j cents per square foot. Tor Straight Curbinp: of Concrete-,-- 50 conts per linear foot. }or Curved Curbing of Concrete-- 10.50 per Curve. Mr. Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adontion:- WEA3, the Council of the City of Alameda aia, in open session, on the 18th day of November, 1913, publicly open, examine, and daelare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the followinc work in said city, to wit: That Briggs Avenue from a line 1095.50 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of High Street to the westerly line of Fernsiae Boulevard, be improved as follows: That the entire width of said avenue, from property line to prooer,j line, b tween said limits, he graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing, eiF7ht inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimen be 'constructed on the curb lines of said avenue, between said limits; that con- crete r,utters of the flat pattern, two and one-half (2 1-2) feet in width ana six (6) inches in thickness, be constructed along the roadway of said avenue, contimious to said eurbing, between said limits, that tile remaining portion of the roadway of saia avenue, between said limits., be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock, eibt inches in thiekness. U of said work shall be do in accordance with the plans .and specifi- castions heretofore doeted for doin 3. sad work and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. Ri3OLV21), that the said Council hereby rejects ail of said pronosals or bids except that next herein mentioned, and hereby awards the constract for doin said work and improvement to the lowest responsible bidder, to wit: Hutehirison Company, at the prices named in its bid. The city clerk is hereby directed to post notice of this award consPicusouly for five days, on or near the chamber door of the said Council and also publish said notice by two insertions in the - 2-ilt cents per square foot. on, vening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argils a daily newspaper published and cir- culated in said city, and hereby designated for that purpose by said. Council. Mr. Bartlett seconded the motion to adopt the esolution and it was adopted and Passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen 3artlett Bullock, Hamnond, Morgenstern, Morris, Roth andStewart, (7). Noes:None. Absent: Councilmen MacRae and Probst, ) • A communication from F. W. Knower relative to the proposed widening of Santa Clara. Avenue, east of arid adjacent to ebster Street, together with a copy of Ordinance No. 212 was received , read and filed. A communication from Hally ,°c Company, Agents, represnting Ella Hess, asking that the city vacate anci abandon a certain alley, sixteen feet in width, running between Pacific Avenue and Buena Vista Avenue in the block bounded by Paru Street and. Hibbard Street (known as 9loc.k 40) said alley being parallel to said last named street and its center line beinp: distant from the nearest line Fovember 18th, 1913. City Attorney with instructions to investigate and report upon the title stetus of 9Ria. alley. '1\ A petition signed by L. W. McGlauflin, as Agent for and by others, owners of property in the vicinity of Harrison Avenneasking that the City abandon Harrison Avenue as a public street and re-corvey it to the origina1 grantors, their successors or assigns, was received. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the petition be referred to a Special Committee consist:Inc, of Messrs. Bullock, Bartlett and Probst seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried. \-■A petition from the Powell Bros. Construction Company for permission to grade, curb and macadamize Pearl Street from the southerly line of Harrison Avenue to the northerly line of the Southern Pacific Company's Right of Way and from the southerly line of the Southern PaoiNc Company's Right of Way to the northerly line of Buena Vista Avenue, including Aagle Avenue termina- tion, by private contract, was received. The petition was accompanied by a copy of contract with the necessary signatures of property owners. Mr. Hammonci moved that the permission be granted seconded by Mr. Roth and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Conncilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammo I Morgen- stern, Morris, Roth and Stewart, (7) . Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen MacRae and Probst, (2). The Clerk announced that he was in receipt of an anonyms communica- tion signed "The Committee", addressed to the Mayor and City Council in which threat was made that°if the City Pound was not removed from its present lo- cation within fifteen days from November 13th, 1913, fifteen or twenty citizens and tax payers would take the law in their own hands and remove the Pound by force: Mr. Bullock moved that the communication be referred to the Ohief of Police with instructions to see that no such unlawful act, as set forth in the communication, be permitted, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried. '\ Three communications having to do with the billboard business and proposed local regulation of same, received at the meeting of the City Council, November 4th, and then filed without having been read, were upon motion of Mr. Stewart called up for reading and read by the Clerk. Communications were from Horwinski Company, the Francis Valentine Company and the Panama Lumber and Mill Company. 4 A communication from Thos. H. 3. Varney relative to billboard regulation and to the practice of "snining" and tacking" in Alameda was received. Mr. Bartlett moved that the communication be referred to the Chief of Police, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried. A copy of set of Resolutions adopted by the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to the Billboard Ordinance passed by the.Council October 14th, was received, read and ordered filed. A communication from the East End Improvement Club having to do with the sqme matter was received, read and ordered filed. 'I The Mayor's letter disapproving and vetoing the Billboard Ordinance assed by the Council October 14th, said letter being embodied in the Minutes U November 18th, 1913. Clerk. Following Followirtg the reading of the letter of veto an disapproval Mr. Stewart introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- WHEREAS, this Council aia on the 14t1-, aay of October, 1913, pass a certain bill l'or nY1 era titled, "To amend Section 744 of Article 8, Chapter IX of Ordinance No. 1, new series, known as the Muni- cipal Code of the City of Alameda, approved January 14th 1913, enacting said Section as amended" and number 17, new series, and. WHEREAS, thereafter, on the 24th day of October, 1913, the Mayor of this City cU.d dlca_rpro7e of nald hill ara did return the same, with his objections thereto in writing, to this Council; and WIFTZEAS, this Council did, at a regular 'meeting held on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1913, by a vote of more than two-thirds of this Council, declare that it would not sustain such the disapproval or veto by said Mayor of said hill; and WHEREAS, this Council did not, by such vote, intend to "reconsider and vote upon" said. bill within the meaning of such terms as used in Sec- tion 13 of Article 11 of the Charter of the City of Alameda, - Now there- fore, be it RESOLVED that this Council does hereby pass and adopt said bill over, and notvd.thstanding, such the disapproval and veto of said Mayor. Mr. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Hammond Morgenstern Morris, Roth and Stewart, (6). No2s:Councilman Bullock, (1). Absent:Councilmen MacRae and Probst, (2). The Street Committee submitted a report recommending recommening that the bid of the Austin-Western Road Machinery Company for sliTelying the Street Department with a Road Scarifier be accepted. Mr. Hammond moved that the report be adopted, that the bid of the Austin-estern Road Machinery Company he accepted and the contract awarded that firm, seconded by Mr. by re- Bartlett and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, Morgenstern, Morris, Roth and Stewart, (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen MacRae and Probst, ) • " A communication from J. E. i3ri.etwlser, 1130 Regent Street,complain- ing of local transportation service furnished by the Southern Pacific Company was read and ordered filed. NI City Attorney Poorman reported that the contract of the Waterous Engine Works Company of 3t. Daul,Minnesotalto furnish the city with a motor-driven fire engine had been signed by both parties to the contract. Mr. Bartlett thereupon moved that the Gity Clerk be instructed to return to the Waterous Angine Works Company its certified check,furnished as a guaranteethat the Company wor)a enter into a contract with the city, if awarded the bid for furrishirg the municipality with a motor-driven fire. engine, seconaea 'b Mr. Hanmond and carried. . Mr. Bullock moved that the matter of the unsanitary conditions in the basin near the Plant of the Alaska Packers Association on the Estuary, November 18th, 1913. by Mr. Bartlett and carried. Mr. Bullock moved that the Board of Electricity be requested to in- stall needed lights in the city parks at an expense not to exceed 000.00, the Board to be re-imbursed for such expenditure out of the next municipal budget seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried by the follov!ing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, Morgenstern, Morris, Roth and Stewart, (7) . Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen MacRae and Probst (2). A J. H. Bruns addressed the Council urging that the approach to the ebster Street draw-bridge be widened and that the San 2rancisco, Oakland Terminal Railways be requested to improve the method of switching its cars at the lower end of Broadway in Oakland. Er. Hammond moved that both natters be referred to the Public Utilities Committee seconded by Mx. Bartlett and carried. Marshal Harris, representin the American Dredging Oornpny,adIressed the Councii, recjiiesti. n that the Company be given permission to place a pipe under the Jebster Street roadway opposite the United 2,ngineering Works for the purpose of facilitating dredging operations by his Company. Mr. Bullock moved that the desired permission be given on Condition that no damage be done the roadway and that the American Dredging Company furnish a bond of 200.00 to guarantee that the roadway would be replaced in a condition satisfactory to the Street Superintendent seconded by Mr. Morris and carried. 1 E. A. Hartley of the Alameda Improvement Club addressed the Council giving notice that because of the attitude assumed by Mr. V.. W. Knower, the Club had decided to drop all its efforts toward raiRing a fund to re- imburse Mrs. Tj'elicite DeOhesne and son for a ten foot strip of their property at the southeast corner of Webster Street and Santa Clara Avenue, that it had been planned to purchase in order to widen said avenue at that location. Mr. Knower is the owner of -proper aajoining the DeChesne property on the east. At this stage of the meeting Mx. Hamilond was excused from further attendance. Followir marks of Mr. Hartley, Mr. Bullock moved that the City Council drop all its proceedings designed to widen Santa Clara Avenue east of ana adjacent to 'ebster Street, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried by the following vote:- Ay-es:Councilmen Bv,rtlett, Bullock, Morgenstern, Morris, Roth and. Stewart, ( . Noes:None. Absent:Hammond MacRae and. Probst 3). Mr. Roth of the Street Committee, to which was referred on 0/ember 4th, bi.as for furnishing the Street Department with an auto truck, report- ed that the Oomm±ttee still had the offers under consideration and would be prepared to make its recommendation at the next regular meeting of the Council. President Lorgonstern of the Oouneil referred to the death of V. Sumner Loop, the first President of the Council under the new Charter, which 2'1 >06 November 18th, 1913. stern delivered a brief eulogy to the memory of the deceased, as did Mayor Otis. Mr. Morgenstern moved that when the Council adjourn, it do so out of re- spect to the memory of the late Er. Loop an that the Clerk be directed to send a communication to the widow notifying hr of the action taken by the Council. There being no further business to transact the Council adiourned until its next regular meeting tine, Tuesday evening, December 2nd, 1913, at 7:30 olclock. City Clerk.