1914-03-03 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF TI COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 3RD 1914. The. meeting was called to order by Mayor Otis. 'The roll was called and Councilmen 3artlett, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Roth and Stewart, (6) were noted present. Oaorum present. Councilmen Bullock, Hammond and Probst, arrived later and were noted present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. After the reading of the minutes, Peter Hollings, on behalf of the Westa]nd Civic Club presented recall petitions which were later ordered filed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen 3artlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern,- Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart Er. 3ullock, introduced the following Resolution and moved. its adoption:- RASO VED, ,he Council of the city of Alameda, that there be transferred from the General Fund (Contingent) to the General Fund (Fire) the sum of Four hundred (400) Dollars, increasing the budget allowance of the Police and Fire Cemmission of Two thousand five hundred (2500) Dollars for hook and laUer tractor to the sum of Two thousand nine hundred (2900) Dollars. The Anditor is herebz' authorized to make said transfer upon his books. Mr. MacRae seconded the motion to adopt the 7.:e.lutfi.on and it was pass- ed and ado-pted IT the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, 3ulloek, Hammond, iacfle, Morgenstern, Morris Roth and Stewart . roe :rone. bsent:Councilman Probst, (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to 564.06; against the Police Tund arunt ng to 0.90: against lhe aaectric Light Fund amounting to 41.366.94; against the 3treet Fund amountin0; to 856.85; against the Library Fund amount ing to 599.84; ao-ainst the Health Fund amounting to ;i87.91; and against the Recreation Fund amounting to r;.1 6.54 having been approved and audited by the -nroner officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Alameda'3team Laundry Assobiation Towel service 8.00 Andersen llans Supplies 6.00 Bende'r-MoSs Co. Book 6.00 California Oil Burner Co. Fuel Oil 21.25 If 12.00 IT 1/ fl TT Insurance premium 11.00 Dodd, Vincent A. Dufour, a; Co., Wm. Coggin .('; Co., G. E. • It t 11.00 11.00 It TT If TT TV 11 11.00 Krumb, F. L. Salary 30.35 Goggin Valter v. Insurance premium 11.00 Mann Oscar A. Vacuum Cleaner 275.00 March 3rd, 1914. Osborn, Jessie M. Insurance 'remium 11.00 Pacific Gas aectric Co. Gs 6.12 Pacific Tel. ?: Tel Co. Phones 1.20 Peoples Titer Go, Water 8.79 Pollard & Son Insurance premium 11.00 Poorman Samuel Jr. Fees advanced 1.25 Otis, Frank Mayor's allowance 50.00 Times Star Go. Printing 17.50 TT IT 9 9.00 TT It f? Letierheads 14.00 Repairs anl. Supplies 8.00 Total 564.06 POLICE FUND. Conrad, John Incidentals ,;;. 9.90 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Baird, Mrs. I. N. Insurance $ 20.40 Banta, Chas. F. 13.60 Blair-Murdock Go., The Printing 13.60 Board of electricity Incidentals 15.65 Clark, Herbert D. Insurance 20.40 Crane Co. Supplies .47 .67 5.44 Tv 1.00 5.09 IT 19.28 4.26 4.32 Creedon, Room and attendance 21.00 Globes 313.84 Supplies 9.60 4.61 Shrubbery 22.95 Insurance 40.80 Supplies 2.06 TT 86.58 Hunt, Co. IT 1.40 IT 13.98 Insurance 47.60 Material 40.18 Supplies 1.05 TV 9 9 3.38 Kelloggs Express Co. Drayage 2.30 Koerber, A. H. W. Coal 1.40 Underwood Typewriter Co. TV If IP If Empire Foundry Co. Garlock Packing Co. Guage, Rally & Co. Holabird-Reynolds Co. IT Johns-Manville Co., H. W. Judd Thos. H. Judson, Mfg. Co. Justinian Cairo Co. March 3rd, 1913. Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Supplies v If TT IT If 7,58 TT TT If II ft 5.8b. McConnell, Rushton Insurance 13.75 McCraith P. Son, Thos. D. TV 54.40 Osborn, Jessie M. tt 54.40 Pacific Tank 31 Pipe Co. Supplies 1.68 Pacific States 1ectric Go. it 159.49 If If TI IV IP 12.56. II II IT VT IT 12.90 It II It 1/ II 12.10 II IT TT TT IT 50.27 IT TT IT IT !I 25.14 It if T/ If Tr. 49..02 IT IT IT IT TT 50.27 TT If Tr It IT 14.02 If TV IT IT IT 43.83 Phones 16.13 Labor .50 Water 2,00 Lumber 31.10 Powell Bros. Oonstruction Co. Concrete Mixture and cement 204.30 Paint 33.46 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Park Garage Peoples Water Co. Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Remolite Paint Co. Rhodes-Jamieson R: Co. Ritchie, L.3. Roeblirigs Sons Co., John A. TT IT IT Coal 2.00 Insurance 20.40 Copper wire 156.21 If TV TV TV 40.35 Serralunga, Manure 6.00 Shaw, 3. M. Insurance 20.40 Standard 011 Co. Zerelene 14.70 Fuel Oil 647.29 Gasoline 10.15 7.25 Fuel Oil 950.51 If T T 661.64 Gasoline 10.85 Staples Pfeiffer Supplies 1.50 Strom Electrical Company Switch .40 Times Star Co. Printing 3.25 Vsoburgh. I. W. Supplies 4.95 Westinghouse E. el M. Co. TV 3.59 Meter 9.41 Ziel, F. R. Insurance 108.80 Times Star Co. Printing 28.00 II II IT TI IT If TT TT If IT IT IV 11, 11 IT 111 TT TT If II IT IT TV March 3rd, 1914, Adams J. Amorosa, V. Britt W. Chapman, 3. N. Hammond, 0. J. Jslison J. S. Martin, 4. L. Norton, G. J. Pennock, M. Peoples WEIter Co. Plummer Fz Son, Geo. E. Sanday, V. Serralunga, L. Shedd, J. A. Yearning Stone Co., E. B. e: A. L. Rock Times Star Co. Printing Total STR= FUND. Labor 45.00 54.00 Teaming 84.00 Assisting City Engineer 1.00 Cement .60 Teaming 115.50. 4.15 52.50 121.00 32.14 5.35 13.55 Labor 45.00 170.00 8.25 97.31 7.50 6.85 It Labor Teaming Water Lumber Alameda Pree Library Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. American Library Assn. Ajpleton & Co., D. Bancroft Whitney Co. Blair-Murdock Co. Bradford, Cora L. California Library Assn. Cedar Sweep Co. Fisch r C. F. Foster Futernick Koerber, A. H. W. Jones, Helen Library 3ureau, Inc. National Americana Co. Newbegin, J. J. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Scribner's Sons, Chas. Slattery, Patrick Stahmer, P. A. Times Star Co. Volberg, C. C. Wheeler Publishing Co. Wi,htman, R. S. LIBRARY FUND. Petty expenses Towel service Dues Books Printing Book Dues Cedar sweep Plumbing Supplies 14.07 1.00 5.00 3.00 6.00 4.75 4.27 5.00 3.50 23.00 2.02 Fuel 101.50 Substitute 6.00 Supplies 2.40 Periodical 4.00 Books 313.37 Gas .36 Book 6.65 Books 6.20 Newspapers 5.25 Printing and cards 8.75 Rent 25.00 Books 48.00 Typewriter ribbon .75 Total - - $599.84 HEALTH': FUND. March 3rd., 1914. Park Garage Supplies y 11.70 Sec. Board of Health Transportation 20.60 9 IT IV It Office expense 3.25 Times Star Co. Printing and advertising 11.50 IT IT III Death cards 3•75 Total - - 87.S1 RECREATION FUND. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Towel service 2.15 Burgner Chas. A. Fence 17.30 Hara, T. Trees and shrubs 17.50 Morse :Fc Co., C. C. Lawn mixture 20.00 Peoples Water Co. Water 10.38 9 9 9 9 7.32 Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Lumber 5.94 Ryan, M. Supplies 6.00 Stackler, J. j. 9 4.25 Repairs and supplies 1.10 1.39 9 35.55 II IV 9 9 2.30 trom Electrical Co. Sunset lumber Co. Lumber Vosburgh, L. W. Supplies Total 25.36 - 3 156.54 Mr. Bartlett moved that the bills as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, 3u11ock, Hammond,. MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Prohst, oth and. Stewart, (9). Noes: None. Absent:None. `r The report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of January, 1914, was received and ordered filed. The Auditor's Balance sheet for the month ending February 28th, was received and ordered filed. / The report of the Poundmaster for the month of February, 1914 was received and ordered filed. The following communications were received: v/ From T. C. Stoddard, Chairman of the Alameda Mosse Hall Association, requesting permission to conduct a carnival in the City of Alameda from March 31st to April 4th, 1914, inclusive, and for a gratuitous license for conducting the same. Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, upon the condition that the same be supervi.sec hy the Street Superintendent and the Chief of Police, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, and Probst, (7). Noes:Councilman Stewart, (1). Excused from voting:Councilman Roth,( ) • A protest signed lot: thirteen citizens against the granting of the same was read and ordered filed. From the Deane Steam Pump Company in which they state that they have March 3rd, 1914. V/ From City Attorney, Samuel Poorman Jr., relative to the opening of San Antonio Avenue. Appended thereto were copies of letter from Messrs. Titus, Creed Dahl and. W. F. Chipman and_ i. C. Sharpstein. Upon motion of Mr. Roth, seconded b: Stewart and carried it was referred back to the City Attorney for further condideration. V From City Attorney Poorman relative to terms under which the City of Alameda may participate in the privileges granted by the Hetch Hetchy Act. Appended thereto was a letter from J. 3. Duningan, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco. Referred to the Public Utilities Committee. 1/ From R. H. Magill in the natter of the building situated at the corner of Lincoln .venue and Chestnut Street. Ordered file. k/ From the Police and Fire Commissioners recommending that the horse "Mike" be given into the care of the Societi for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Alameda County. The recomendation was approved. From L. W. Maslin, Secretary Board of Library Trustees questing the removal of old lamps and other accessories from the Library. Referred to the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee. From Catherine Dilla, Albert C. Meyer and L. G. Bacon requesting their names removea from a recall petition. Ordered filed. vi Prom Mrs. I. T. Chapman ppreciaUng the remembrance and kind sympathy of the City Council. Ordere6 filed. v/ From Councilman Roth, Chairman of the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee reporting thecompletion of the installment of a vacuum cleaner b: 0. A. Mann and recommending that the same be paid for, as per his agreement of 275.00. Mr. Probst moved that the recommendation be adopted, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried hy the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, ITacRae Morgenstern, Morris Probst Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. om G. E. Hotle, notifying the Council that the Alameda County Supervisors had entered into a contract to provide money for the Tourist Association. Ordered filed. V Prom the 3oerd of Health stating that the complaint of W. G. Tibbitts had been referred to the Police Department. Ordered fil //Prom the Board of Health requesting the Health Committee of the City Council to take steps to abate nuisance of discharge of sewerage in the Alaska Packers Association basin. Referred to the Health Commfttee. / From the Board of Health requesting an appropriation of ,:300.00 for the purpose of indexing the records of the Board of Health from 1887 to 1912. Referred t.) the Finance Committee. FRom the Boara of aaectricit,T relative to the insurance of its employees. Upon motion of Mr. Harnrnond, seconded. by Mr. Probst and carried the matter was left in the hands of the Board of laectricity. March 3rd, 1914. Referred to the Finance Committee. V From John T. Flynn, Harbor Engineer, of the California River and Harbor League, relative to the leasing of the tide lands on the west shore lyinc, south of the Alameda Mole. Referned to the Joint Committee on Waterfront and Tide lands. v/ From the Rotospeed Company recommending the sale of one of their machines. Ordered filed. A request of L. Swenson to make alterations at 1417 Park Street was referred to the Police Fire and Water committee and the Chief of the Fire Department. bonds v/ Continuation certificates of A. . Goldsworthy and H. P. Wichman were ordered filed. //The matter of the ronrchase of the tractor offered by Harry A. Weihe to the City for '900.00 came up. City Attorney Poorman explained that in as much as the advertisement for bids specified alimited $2500.00 and that the tractor purchased from Mr. Weihe, cost ;;'i2900.00, he would advise that the Clerk re-advertise for bids the same to be submitted at the next regular meeting of the Council March 17th, 1914. The bids to provide in addition to the tractor, for the placing of:new rubber tires on the back wheels of the hook and ladder truek to which the tractor is to be attached, no.mentien- of price:tO be'made.in advertising for .the'bia On notion of Mr. Bartlett;'seconded'k-Mr. HammonUand-Carried these changes in the specifications were adopted. Mr. Weihe made a few remarks to the Council stating the peculier position in which he was situated,. but that he was willing Jlat the Council use the Tractor in as much as it was already attached.to the hook and ladder. Mr. 3. J. Bevan of the Police and Fire Commission also made a few remarks expressing his approval of the tractor furnished by Mr. Weihe. Mr. Hammond moved_ that all previous action in the matter of advertising and calling for bids for a tractor t� be attached to Hook and Ladder Truck No.. 1 be rescinded, seconded by Mr. 13artlett ana carried:by the following vote:- Ayes:Coun- cilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, 9). Noes:None. Absent:None. / Mr. Bartlett moved that the Clerk be directed to re-advertise for bids and to incorporate therein the amended specifications, second- ed by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae. Morgenstern Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart (9). Noes:None. Ab ent:Yone. Upon motion of Mr. Probst, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried the Clerk was instructed to return the certified checks to the bidders on tractors. v/ The matter of registering automobiles owned by the City came be- fore the Council. Upon the reommendation of City Attorney Poorman, Mr. Morgenstern moved that the Olerk be instructed to notify the Board of Electricity that it should attend to the registration of its own March 3rd, 1914. seconded by Ir. Morris and carried by the following vote: Ayes:Counc men Bartlett, Bullock Hammond, MacRae Morgenstern Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. / A Bill for an Ordinance relative to the possession of lottery tickets or lottery implements was laid over unAer a provision of the Charter. t/r A Bill for an Ordinance granting privileges of establishing wires, cables, and other conductors necessary for the -transmission of intelligence by electricity was presented and laid over under a pro- vision of the Charter. /City Attorney Poorman presented a modified copy of the original ordinance and same was referred to the Public Utilities Committee and to the Mayor and City Attorney to report back as soon as possible. A BIll for an Ordinance calling for a Freeholders Election was reported still in the hands of the Judiciary Committee which will report soon thereon. 1/ A contract between the City of Alameda and the A. L o Young Machinery Company was presented and ordered filed. then /The Clerk read the Recall ?etitions. Upon motion of Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. MacRae they were ordered filed and the Clerk instructed to examine the signatures. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Mayor be empower- ed to employ whatever help is needed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by'the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hannond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and. Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absettrone. Mr. Bullock moved that the assistants be paid 03.00 per day, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None.' Mr. Poorman read. the following Resolution and. Mr-. Hat/mond meved'its-adoption:- WHEREAS, the Board of Police and. Fire Commissioners of the City of Alameda did on the 15th and 16th days.of November, A. D. 1913, publish in the Evening Times Star and Alame a Dail Argus, an advertisement whereby sealed proposals were invited for furnishing for the use of the Fire Department of said City, one thousand feet, more or loss, of rubber- tubed cotton fire hose, two and one-half (2-) inches internal diameter, in conformity with the speicifications set forth in said advertisement, and for furnishing certain other miscellaneous supplies and equipment in said advertisement set forth, which said advertisement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and. WHEREAS, under such invitation for bids, Bowers Rubber Works corporation, did on the 12th day of December, A. D. 1913, submit to said. Board its sealed proposal for furnishing such fire hose and also Gutta Perches Rubber Hose Company did on the 12th day of December A. D. 1913, submit its sealed proposal for furnishing such fire-hose, supplies and cj) furnishing such fire hose March 3rd, 1914. pplies and equipment and whereas in view of the fact that the figure at which said Bowers Rubber Works proposed to furnish such fire hose was one cent per foot less than the figure there- for named in the said proposal of the Gutta Percha Rubber Hose Company and of the further fact that the quality of said hose of Bowers Rubber Works was unknown to said Board and could not be determined by mere in- spection, the said. Board desired to secure certain of the said hose of Powers Rubber Works for trial as to such quality in order to guide it in future recommerdations respecting the purchase of fire hose; and, where- as, under the impression that the contracts for furnishing such fire-hose, supplies and equipment were properly to be let and awarded by said Board, the said Board purported to let and award said contracts to such bidders as follows to wit: to said Gutta Percha Rubber Hose Company for all of said miscellaneous supplies and equipment and for five hundred feet of its fire hose, and to said Bowers Rubber (forks for seven hundred and fifty feet of its fire hosel and, whereas, Section 10 of Article VII, of the Charter of the City of Alameda provides, with respect to the Police and Fire Deartments, that "All contracts let and work ordered for said departments, shall be let and ordered by the Council"; and, whereas, the said contracts could properly have been loet and awarded to said bidders as aforesaid, but should have been let and awarded by the Council instead of by said Board; and whereas, the said bidders have supnlied to the City of Alameda certain of said fire hose, supplies and equipment under such purported letting and awarding of the said contracts, Now therefere, be it R3SOLVED that this Council does hereby ratify, confirm and approve and in all respects adopt as its own action, the act of the said Board of Police and Fire Commissioners in awarding said contracts to said Bowers Rubber Works and to said. Gutta Percha Rubber Hose Company as aforesaid, and that this Council does hereby let and award the said contracts to said Bowers Rubber Works and to said Gutta Percha Rubber Hose Company in the same terms as the said Board purported to let and award the same and as of the date of the purported award thereof by said Board as aforesaid. Mr. Bartlett seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae. Morgenstern, Dorris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Ir. Morgenstern brought up the matter of the Council appointing a new Chairman of the Finance Committee, vice, F. H. Bartlett resigned. Hr. Roth placed in nominaion the name of Mr. Morgenstern who was elected to the position by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morrie Probst, Roth and. Stewart (5). Noes: None. excused from voting:Councilman Morgenstern, (1). Absent:None. v"Mr. Roth stated to the Council that complaints had been made of 3 6" March 3rd, 1914. was instructed to request the Southern Pacific Company to provide either a flagman or a signal at said place. / Mr. Roth also brought up the matter of the dangerous condition of the flag-pole in Jackson Park. Upon motion of Mr. Probst, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried it was referred to the Recreation Commission. / Mr. 2robst brought up the matter of transfer privileges on the cross town-line west on ncinal and Lincoln Avenues. Upon motion of Hr. Probst, seconded b-j- Mr. Morgenstern an carried, it was referred to the Public Utilities Committee. Mayor Otis reporte(1 on the conference held by the Mayors of the various cities of Alamea County and representatives appointed by them in which they discussed Alameda Oonntys contributJon to the Panama- cific International Exposition. The matter is still in the hands of the Mayor. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until its next regular meeting time, Tuesday evening, March 17th, 1914 at 7;30 o'clock. Respectfully subni tt e(3_, .„ Clerk.