1914-05-19 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF ThE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIJAIEDAc TUESDAY LVENINC, MAY 19TH, 1914. The meeting was called to order by Eayor Franl: Otis. The roll was cfled and Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Roth and Stewart, (0, were noted present. Quorum present. Councilman Probe arrived during' the reading of the 1:inutes and was noted present. The minutes of the previous eeting were approved as read. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 2056.95; against the Police Furd amounting to :151.60; aainst the Fire Fund amounting to ;:p027.64 and against the Street Fund amountin 'to 4047.51 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL Furp. Municipal Electric It 0-ht 27_ant It It Noy, V:, 11, Panama Tea Company Poorman, Jr., Samuel rity S9ring5 ';;'ater Co. TT It Schneider, Henry ” II IT 11 Times ;2Aar Co. IT IT IT Alameda Steam Hickey, J. P. l'aci:flic Tel. a; Tel. Co. Pope Hartford Co. Schneider , Henry Smith, P. J. Soules, E. C. Times Star Co. Underwood Typewriter Co. Vosburgh, L. lestern Union. Tel. Co. IT If y Aetna Insurance Company It It IT It Alameda Steam Laundry Ass'n. Lamps s 12.00 Public lighting,. 1964.05 Supplies for Pound 1.00 Refund of License 2.50 Fees advanced 1.60 Water .50 1.00 Stationery 4.50 If It It City Attorney Tax receipts Total - POLICE FUND. Cleaning' blankets Salar Telephones Repairs Stationery and stomps Heals Gasoline Printirz Typewriter repairs Hardware Telegrams Total - FIRE FUND. 11111110 premium Linen service Baird, 3 . V. Horseshoeing 7.10 7.70 7.50 47.50 2056.95 3.05 51.60 4.15 1.00 6.00 13.50 18.60 255O 13.00 4.10 .85 35 22.50 7.50 16.20 5.00 May 19th, 1914. Coustier (': Son, Re)airc= %., 29.50 Coal Oil 6.00 CuLta Porcha ,r: Rub or L9g. Co. Leather helmets 69.00 Sup1ios 102.00 Janis, B. L. Horseshoeing 6.50 Kahn, Trod .Apparatus repairs 67.50 KeiDy, C. i . Salary, sick vacation 3.15 ,:l. R. Horseshoein 15.25 IF IT TT TT 7.50 i=eorber, A.. H. B. Hay 19.25 Lewis Grocery Co. Supplies 2.65 Lomax, R. a. ;forsesnoeing 15.25 _cacil'ic (.;-1.s B Electric Co. Gas 22.50 2acil-:ic Tel. B Tel. Co. Znones . Bark flarne Oil 3.25 reoples ';:ater Co. Vipter 307.81 Rhodes-Jamieson B Co. Feed 214.40 Risso, G. ilanuro Hauling 14.80 5011105, E. C. .L9-9pratus repairs 40.00 Strom Electrical Co. Supplies 1.25 .eir1tocic•ol Co. I? 25.00 Fischer, C, P. IT TT TV 11 TT IT estern Co. Bowen, Y. B. ]2'ischer, C. F. Ccoldstone, John Total - 1027.64 Supplies 21.ssistin City J.cl,cdnoer Supplies Gasoline B distillate 8.50 5.00 2.07 0') rn Kellog Express Co. liravae 1.00 _. Bacific Tel. B Tel. Co. Mental 2.96 2ark Gf_lvae Reairs 5.60 Teo-91es 'ater Co. Mater 54.65 Elutiper L Son, Geo. E. Lumber 8.40 Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Material l36 Ti TT IT II TT 254.60 2 0.35 2,ickerson, .111 Supplies .75 Schnei(er, Henry Stationery 6.75 Standard Corrugated ripe Co. Corrugated. culverts 314.78 Total - 1047.51 IT Vt IT IT IT - i'or;ester.:1 moved that thr claims as read be pairi, seconded by Ur. 1.orriF: and carried by the following vote:- l',yel:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond flac2n.e, TiorFjenstern, Lorrls, ryob:,t, Moth acld Stewart, (9). Yoes:Done. Abce,lt:Pone. The matter o:.' confirming the allpointment of B. C. Drown as member of r. rt -T 1 4 Irti MN, 4- 19th, 1914. following vote:- AYes:Councilmen Bullock, MacRae, Morris, Roth and Stewart, . Bees :Councilmen Bartlett, Hammond, leorgenstern, and Probet, (4). Abreat:None. 1/v- The Clerk then read the letter from Mayor Frank Otis in which he an ,ointed Alfred Latham, as member of the Police and Fire Commission to succeed himself, his term of office exeiring tIny 20th, 1914. Hammond moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Ur. Bartlett. 1,e2. Stewart then offered as an amendment the motion that the matter lay Over for two weeks, seconded by oil.. Roth and lost by the following vote: Lyes:Coancilmen JiacRue, Llorris, Roth and. stowart, :oes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, Morgenstern and 2robs1;, • Thereupon ler. Hammond moved that the appointment of Mr. Latham be not confirmed seconded by Pr. PrObst and lost by the followinF vote:- Ayes:Councilman (1). Roes:Ceencilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, i,orgen- stern, Morris, t2robst and otewart, (8). Absent:Bone. Mayor Otis there- upon announced that this action meant the approval of Ix. Latham as meilber of the Police and Fire Commission. The following communications were received:- From C. J. DuPour inviting the Council to investigate the needs of the High School. 11r. iR)renstern moved that the invitation be accept- ed and that the Public 13uildin7s and. Crounde Commitee in conjuuction vith the Mayor attend to the matter, seconded by 1:ir. Hammond and duly carried. From J. C. ;:lcEhorson on the matter of installing lihts in the waiting rooms and the erection of a waiting room at Fifth Street and Lincoln Avenue. Ordered filed. Mayor Otis asked to be excused whereupon President Merger. took the chair. Further communications:- From J. C. EloPherson to F. H. Bartlett, Chairman of the Public Utilities Committee, in which he stated that the .outhern Pacific Company would agree to pay 8,000 toward the widening of Encinal Avenue. Ordered filed. V The budget estimates for the ensuing fiscal. year were ordered referred to the Finance Committee. From the Pacifio Telephone and Telegraph Company on the matter of the telephone franchise. Ordered filed. The Ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco, having to do with moving done by expy:eee companies was re- ferred to the Judiciary Committee. v From C. J. DuPour, Secretary of the Board of Education request- ing that 4500.00 be placed in the budget to purchase the lot adjoining the Porter School. Referred to the Finance Committee. / From F. J. Croll requesting further time in which to prepare :ay 19th, 1914. farm at Lincoln Avenue and hood 6treet. Referred to the Board of Health. From Thos. H. Rees, on the matter of the dredging. Referred to the Harbor Advisory Board. Mr. Probst moved that the Chief of Folice be instrucuel to stop the dredging until a suitable way to retain the mud from going into the bay was provided, seconded by ldr. Bartlett and duly carried. From Thos. H. Rees acknowledging receipt of the letter requesting a further widening of the channel in Brooklyn basin. Ordered filed. From New York University inviting a deleation to attend their trip to Europe. Ordered filed. From Congressman Lnowland Oh the matter of widening the channel in Brooklyn basin. Ordered filed. V Contracts with John G. Lorward, for the installing of water supply systems in I:ashington and Jackson Parks; with Powell Brothers Construction Company for the laying of sidewalk at lAcKinley Hark and the construction of the sea wall along the southerly end of ':fashin.;7ton 1?,1 'lc and the first portion of the sea wall alon Bay IfJmxla Avenue. Ordered filed. The continuation certificate of Prank Newton 1:alton. Ordered. An affidavit was resented shovrna due publication of riotice to Contractors inviting bide for the completion of the Bay Island Avenue sea wall. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in response to said Notice he aims in receipt of one bid. Ueeen motion of T724 Brobat , second- ed by Hammond mrs duly carried, the .Clerk was instrueted to open the bids. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From the Powell 3rothers Construction Company offerinp: to construct the posts, including three inch pipe rail for :,(:).59 for each post. To construct the sea wall, inelu.',ing all ex- cavating fo:c the .:,';apie, for thirty cents per cubie foot. The bid. was accompanied by a certified che is: of ,o15.00. 1;:tr. HelliJaond le,oved that the -Bowell Brothers Corstructi am Company be award- ed the contract, seconded by :r. Lorris and carried by the following vote:- A:yes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammol,d, LacRae, Eorgenstern, Brebot, Roth and ',:tewe.rt, (N. ir:oes:ITone. Abeent:Yonee An Affidavit was eresented.showing due publiceetion of Notice to Contl-acto'os inviting bids for the lzeyinee of a fire protection pipe line 0.11011 Yheboter street and Mork s ::Aroet. Ordered filec!:. The Clerk re- ported that in response to said advertisement he was in receipt of five bids. Ur. ;:itewart moved, seconded by Lr. 12.robst and duly carried, that the hide be opened and read. Thereuoon the Clerk opened 31J.(7: read the bids as follows:- From the Contra Costa Construction Company, 11'.340.00. Accompanied by a. certified check. in the sum of a,'5.00 From A. J. Grier & Company, :148'6.00. Accompanied by a certified check in the cum of 4150.00. Brain the :Power Equipment Company, per C.P. Adams, 2.570.00. Accompanied by a certified chock in the sum of 4180.00. z.-pri -°, .,:;'.. I.,Tay 19th, 1914. a certified check in the sum of 200 2rom lAchael Lurphy, 0_395.00. Accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 0150.00. 1,1r. Hammond, moved that :the bidc, be 'e:'erre d to the "fire, hater and folice Committee of the Council to report back, seconded by Hr. 2tewart and duly carried. Ir. Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and. Loved. its :.'doption:- RILSOLVED: That the 1:ayor of the City of Biomeda be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint four citizens of the City of Alameda, who shall , with the members of the Street Committee of the City Council, constitute an Advisory City Planning Commission. The four appointed members shall, at the first meeting of the Commission, choose their terms of office by lot, one for one year, one for two years, one for three years and one for four years. Their successors shall hold Office for four years eaCh. They shall serve without c ompensati on. It shall be the duty of the Advisory City Planning Coy to study the develop- ment, growth and beautification of the City of Alameda, and to make reports and re- commendations with relation thereto to the City Council. Stewart seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was pa awl adopted by the followinF; vote : - Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett , Bullock, Hammond, fiacRae. Morr;enstern, iiiorr frobst, Roth and ;:.tewart, (9). Noos:None. Absent :None. The Harbor Advisory Board submitted it report on the disposition of the tide lands on the estuary westerly from the Webster Street bridge. Mr. Hammond moved. that the reeort as read be adopted, seconded by Er. Bartlett and carried, by the following vote:- Byes: Councilmen Bartlett , Bullock, Hammond, EacRae, Morgenstorn, ijorris, frobct, Roth and Stewart , (9). 17.oes:None. Absent :None. Ur. Bartlett thereupon, moved that the City Clerk and the City Attorney write to the firms owning property abutting the tide lands mentioned in the report, for the purpose of notifyin them of its contents, seconded by Hr. Bullock and, carried by the followin,R.: vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, LacRae, Lorr:enstern, Eorris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes :None. Absent:None. The Clerk then read the Resolution of the Board. of Health con- demninr;' the old Horton House at 1140 High Street, also, the Hotice of review by the City Council. Be no certificte stating that notice of review had been served on the parties cox was oresented to the Council, !,:action thereon was deferred upon motion of 1:12. Hammond, seconded by ]Sr Stewart .1.11d duty cavried, until the next regular meeting of the Council. Li'. IjacRae introduced the following Resolution and moved, its adoption:- Moreas, in the opinion of the City Council, the publ ic interest and convenience require that High Street in the City of Alameda, from a night line Eleven Hundred. (1100) feet Ifay 19th 1914. and parallel with the northerly line of Lincoln Avenue to the southerly line of the United States Tidal Canal, which is distant Seven hundred and eleven and eight-hundredths (711.08) feet northerly along the center line of High Street from the right line above mentioned, and excepting the crossing of High Street with Ferneide 3oulevard be improved as forlows: That the entire width of said portion of said street, from property line to proper- ty line, be p;raded, to the offical grade; that concrete curbing having a cross sec- tion dimension of eiht inches in width by fourteen inches in depth, be construct- ed on and, along the curb lines thereof between said limits; that concrete Futters, three feet in width and six inches in de-oth, be constructed in each site of the roadway of said street contiuous to said curbing, between said limits; that the remaining portion of the roadway of said portion of said street be raved 'with asphaltic con- crete, two (2) inches in thickness, on a concrete base, five (5) inches in thick- ness; and excepting -from the above de- scribed work all that portion. of the easterly side of High direct , between said limits, extend ins; southerly from the south- erly line of I'ernside 3oulevard, where e:rading, curbing, and guttering has al- ready been done i and that proceedings for said work and improvement be conducted in accordance with the terms of an act of the legislature of the state of California known as the "Local improvement Act of 1901"; THE=ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said proposed work is hereby referred to the City Engineer of the City of Alameda, who is hereby instructed to make to the City Council a' report in writing, containing his recommendations as to the best method of doing said work and of making said im- erovement, to which report he is instruct- ed to attach the following exhibits : - 1. A description of the work to be done; 2. A description of the exterior boundnries of the district which will be benefited by the prorosed improvement and should be specially assessed to pay the cost thereof; 5. Plane, profiles, cross-sections and specifications of the work- required in order to accomplish said impr irement; 4. An estimate of the expense of said im- provement, deducting therefrom the estimat- ed cost of so much, if any, of said improve- ment as may be by law reeuired to be doile by railroads having tracks upon the streets affected; 5. n. map showieg the district above referr- ed to, and also the subdivisions of the property within said district, as ascer- tainted by said Engineer, each of which subdivisions shall be given upon said map a separate number in red ink; 6. A list referring to the said. sub- divisions upon said map by the respective red ink numbers thereof, and showing the names of the owners, if known, otherwise designating them as.unknown, and the valuations of said respective subdivisions, as the same appear upon the last assess- ment roll of said municipality, if they so appear, otherwise as estimated by said Engineer, also the dimensions, areas, and his estimated of the benefits which the respective parcels will receive from said improvement; 1,7,;',:s7 1th, 1914. 7. An estimate of all incidental expenses likely to be incurred in connection with the work, such .2:.E1 clerical, engineering, inspection, printing and advertising. Er. Bartlett seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it vas passed and adopted by the following vote:- .iyes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, LIorgenstern, Morris, 2robst, Roth and Stewart, (9) . hoes:]Thne. Insent:Bone. The report of the City Engineer on the improvement of high Street was then read. idr. iiaehae thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas, the City Engineer of the City of Alameda did on the 19th day of Lay, A. D. 1914, pursuant to ResolvC6ion 1:o. 16, Pew Seriee,of this Council, file with the City Clerk his report in writing con- taining his recommendations as to the best methods of doing the work and mak- ing the improvement referred to in said resolution, and described in said report as follows, to wit:- That High Street, from a right line Eleven Hundred (1100) feat, right angular measure- ment, northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Lincoln Avenue to the southerly line of the United States Tidal Canal, which is distant Seven Hundred and eleven and eight-hundredths (711.08) feet northerly along the center line of High Street from the right lino above mention- ed, and excepting the .crossing of High Street with 2ernside Boulevard , be im- -proved as follows:- The the entire width of said portion of said street, from Property line to proper- ty line, be graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing, havim_-; a cross •section dimension of eight inches in width by fourteen. inches in depth, be con- structed on and alona the curb lines there- of between said limits; that concrete gutters, three feet in width and. 2ix inches in depth, be constructed ill each side of the roallay of 7.1aid street, between said limits contiguous to said curbing, that the remaining 'portion of the roadway of said portion of said street be Paved with asphaltic concrete, two (2) inches in thick- ness, on a concrete base five (5) inches in thickness; and excepting from the above mentioned and described work all that por- tion of the easterly side of High Street between said limits, extending' southerly from the southerly line of 2ernside Boule- vard, inhere grading, curbing and gutter- ing has already been done. That said work be done in all respects in accordance with the plans, profiles, cross— sections and specifications therefor pre- pared by the City Engineer of the City of Alameda, marked. Exhibit 3, and annexed to his report to the City Council as to the best method of doing said work and making said improvement; and also in -pursuance of an act of tho legislature of the state o± California known as the "Local Improve- ment Act o--1901;" and ',7hereas, the City Council has cons idered said report; NOV , THEREFOEE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said report as filed by said. City ".1,Incineer be, and the same is hereby adopted; and an assessment; is hereby levied upon the lands and subdivisions of land shown on the map of the district benefited 1),- saia improvement contained in Exhibit 5 attach- May 19th, 1914. of the benefits which each of said lots will 'receive from said improveent, which amounts are estimated and set forth in Exhibit 6 attached to said report, which estimates arc hereby adopted as and deter- Mined to be the amounts of benefits such lots will receive res-oectively from said ime)rovement, and which district is here- inafter described, but said assessment shall not constitute a lien upon the property until all persoes interested have had. an epportunity to be heard, as hereinafter provided. AnC., this Council hereby determines: 1. That the rate of intereet to be charg- ed upon 'deferred payments shall be seven per cent per annum, 2. That the time to be allowed upon de- ferred, payments shall be nine years, said payments, to he made in ten. yearly install- Inente, the first of which shall be paid at the time an agreement for such payments is filed , and the others annually there- after. 3. That the rote of interest to be allow- ed upon bonds issued to cover deferred eaymento shall be seven per cent per annum. 4. That the time for which bonds issued to cover deferred payments are to run shall be nine year from the date of issuance. 5. That the 7th day of July of 1914, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. h. , at the Council Chamber in the City Hall of the City of Alameda, at the :orthwet corner of Santa Clara 21V011110 and Oak Street in said City of illaeleda, be, and the same are hereby fixed as the time and place where ana when any and all persons may appear before this Coencil to show cause, if any they have why said improvement ,,rovided for in said report and In this resolution should_ not be carried out in accordance herewith: 6. That the following is a description of the exterior boundaries of the district hereby declared by the City Council to be benefited by the proposed improvement and to be assessed to pay the cots and ex- 'nenees thereof; All those certain parcels of land situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alaeleaa, state of California, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of High Street, distant thereon Eleven Hundred (1100) feet northerly from the northerly line of Lincoln ilvehlle, the bearing of which said westerly line of High Street is Perth 41 degrees 04 minutee East; thence '2orth 48 deeq;reee 56 minutes ':leet, One Hundred and twenty (120) feet; thence 11orth 41 degrees 04 minutes East and parallel with the said westerly line of ELigh -St-eeet, and at Seven Hundred and eighty-four and thirty-eight hundredths (784,36) feet intersect the southerly boundary line of the United States Tidal Canal; thence following the said southerly boundary line according to the courses and distances: South 25 degrees 11 minutes East twenty and twenty-hundredths (20.20) feet to angle; thence South 23 degrees 13 minutesEast One Hundred (100) feet to anle; thence South 21 degrees 15 minutes East One Hundred (100) feet to .angle; thence South 19 degrees 17 minutes East One Hundred (100) feet to angle; thence South 17 degrees 19 minutes Last eighteen and ei7hty-eight hundredth (16.88 feet to intersection with a line J 1.:::7 19th, 1914, degrees 04 minutes ':Jest along said line One Hundred and twenty (120) feet easterly from and parallel with the said easterly ine of T:Ligh L;treet O I L iund:cca and twenty-seven and three-hundredths (627.03) feet to angle; thence iZorth 40 degrees 55 minutes West One Hundred and eighty (100) feet to the place of beginning, saving, excepting and exclud- ing from the said district all public street and highways. 7. The City Clerk is hereby directed to post conspicuously in three of the most public Places within the City of Alameda, and also along the street frontages of all the real property within the district here- . in described, at not more than one hundred feet in distance apart, netices of the hear- ing herein provided for Oaid notices shall be headed "Notice of Local Dmproveinent," In letters of not less than one inch in length, and shall in legible characters state the fact of the paesae of this resolution, and briefly describe the work of improvement proposed, and refer to this resolution for further partieulars; said notice shall also state the date, hour and place for which the hearing herein provided for has been set, and shall notify all parties interested in any real estate within the limits of said district then. and there to show cause, if any they have, why Said, improvement proposed in this resolution shall not be cairied out in accordance herewith; said. notice shall also contain a description of the district covered, by this resolution by the exterior boundaries thereof, said description to be in bold-faced type; said notices shall be pocted at leaet twenty days before the time set for the hearing; and the said. City Clerk is further directed to publish said notice twice in "The Evening Times-3tar and, Alacrieda Daily Argus", a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of Alameda and hereby designated for the purpose, at least ten days before the date of hearing. ',',r. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the followin vote:-. Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, 3ullock, Hammond, 1.;lacRae, Lorgonstern, Lorris, Probst, Roth and '3towart, (0). TToes:None .bsent :None L Bill for an Ordinance having to de with driving vehicles near standin;7,7 street cars came. up for passage and was read by the Cleric. Lir. Bullock moved that 'bile Or''inaece be adopted as read, seconded by M-J:. l'rebet and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, hIasr;onci TJacRae, :(J.orgenstern and -2reb,et, (6). I:Toes:Councilmen 1:',erris, -1:oth and Jtewsrt , (3). Absent:Jione. e ,--' Lir robet moved that the bid elfbleitted for the construction of the :ennie Club House in. 'Lincoln Park be rejected and, that the certified check be returned to their owners, seconded by ::1±. .5'"iGewart and carried by the fellowin vote:- A:ees:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, i.,e,cae, blorgenstern, D)rris, ')2robct, :Loth. and ;itewart, ()). Noes:Nene. Abent:llone. lr. Both brought up the mat or of the fence erojecting out On the eidem7ak eet Lincoln Avon e :-Jaa 1111 oar i-i-,-ret and moved that the troot f,,aperintendent be inct,-,2(1 to reoueet the owner to eet it back to the .J.TLILAJyaJoo OC: 7I(31L omi± '21JTIToAo 'e n: Pi TE),:m oTT, "i?T:1-17a0c'1)7"; TTOUUOn 011[1 q.0=IIIT1 01 ,11-ollTuci, MTOCL t'oaoteQ171,7 .ouy:7::o:Deyd 4-a7,0f,',1077 4,ot7071 'ouottu 'Loo[ u TTOIATTDUIA00:7 Rq 4ou," :o EuT3.7w ,10.T 1)-)vT,:r.JoaJdv Go, 00.W w-,[1_ 1)0A01_,i 'T[ sdbin