1914-06-02 Regular CC MinutesREG ISSEETEM OP COUISICIL OF THE CITY Q r zlz,LEDa, '211ITZ7S EAILKIEG, jUEE 2 19l4 The meetin was c.J.11od to order by I:I,ayor aui, The roil was called and Counoiliaen Bartlett, Hammond, Lacae, horris, Probst and Loth,- were noted present. ;:cuorum preseut, Bulloct and orp:eustorn, arrived durin the reading of the lainutes and were noted present. Zosent:Counoilman :3tewart, (1). The minutes of the previous mcotin were read and arproved. Er. Sorenstern, introducoa the follawins 1:eso1ution and laoved its ado.jtic)n: Ii1I0'0,1ATED, by the cosncil of the C s! of 2:1ailleda that there be trans- ferred from the General 2un(7 to the Street Fund the sum of Dec 'Thousand, Two hundred. and '.-e.vnty and 48/100 (1270.48) Dollars, he toe for the second. sortion of the Tay le L to tvEonLe bulhhead. The hoOt ier an the Treasurer are herelv aulhoris,od to make saicIl transfer -ale-n their ress&ctive books. Mr, Liachae secodod the 1:lotion to a(s:)flt the ":,:esolution and it was adot and sassed by the followin!s vo,e:- es: Couoeilmeo Bartlett, SacI;;:ae,-Sciastern, rris, ?7,obst, and uoLli, (0). Lbsent:Oouncii,osv :wort , (1). tho aenesoal Fund acilonntin to :(3A .50; as:ainst the Electric uj»hl nd amouTitis: to 542:1051; c,),:7ainst the Street hunt amoulFting to Ij563,26; aainsi the ,icihJ:ary t a 539 a-i-ast the Fun as,ountin[!: to ::;,49,27; ap:ainst the I,eoreation Punc7) amount in to ,junicipal Ims,roveent Vol 10, (Police amountiilp; to :*3,000.00 aud asainst the eseclaD :;owcss _rut amou:t iu3 to I:::75.00 havinp; 7.ocrn a-wroved and au:Iited by the proper officials were read by the ClerI;T. as it Cal Ii '..0WD. Alam(la 5/coo .1,aun(7ry Lson. Towel service 5 8.00 flowen, F. B. 2,,ssistia City Z.ngineer 2,00 a II OhLn, :. IT 2,00 F:Ivs:ler, Iruth cervices 50.00 :asselbachel' c, _ .L4 .73rooms 15.00 Kollan, - Telehene directory 4.00 Kruulh, F. I, . combers 05.00 Otis, ::Sran]<:: Idlowance as Eayor 50.00 1acific Gas 1 Electric Do, Gas 1,08 I'acific Tel. In Tel. Co, Tolls 1509 IT II It IT II ]:orltal ,,,.03 Peoles Dater Co. 15/(,:r 17,49 aunt Seater Co. Heater 196..00 hoes Star Co. Advertising 11.36 IT It TT i'riatis ri and advertisin 31.23 June 21-1,J. 1914. TimeF> Co. ihlderwoo3. ::Tpei,iiteI 5j, :,ebtwor,j 4 Co., Boa-J.Ct of alootrici- C-fane Comny T:Tewritrs Office Cabinet 2=. I110i6entals 3ulmlies 1.75 98.50 54,00 '46.50 72.61 1"7 23.1A 8.22 IT IT TI 5.61 TV TI II 10.'09 II TI TV .35 DeItinr:: Co., L. 4. Belling 5.08 Dow .?urn: 4 73iesol Cil4ine Co. 2orp;ing .75 )T TI IT • u It IT :Iate7rial 118*80 Ti u 11 TI IT TI TV 21 75 TI 1 u u VI u TV 22.00 ( VI u u Tr 11 IT Ti G.16 'ftchel-, ,,,%, C. *Zt:e. 1.00 C:amewel] -lire -1!).v:11 ?c). Co. Cu noEi 4.30 'cu c-l'a ':lectrio Co. Oil 7.90 "facett, J. 3. ...ceolntiT.- ,'.,-..: _-,10;AIng 40.00 4o1al)L.2-]e4n0los Co. 0-applies 6.42 IT IT If IT 78,79 TI TT 11 IT 7'6.56 IT It 11 III 1 .65 TT It 11 1/ 50. 12 TI IT If II 1.62 Ti IT IT u 43.51 Ti TT IT II Ill .81 TT u II u 6.35 TT TT It u 72.03 1? IT I 1? 6. II IT IT It 0, TI IT IF IT 7.94 Hlitit FL-11.". COo, fo 'er 'Haat 243.28 Jr, IT u IT lieu 5•30 VT 1 '3,ello7-s .1,..reso Co. IT VI IT II 73loalonz Oystem. .,16veTti 1,,ro:cia11-7evTell uly Co. L:113i)lies TI TI If IV IV IT IV TI IV TI Zaci:Ac Iactric B Bino 1u iy Co. Paeifi Acttes 731ectric Co. IT It II 1.75 7.00 2(..) 10.07 19.66 23.19 59.00 21.76 I'a ci fie ',tat es ctric Co 0umiios IT II II IT Tr II 11 IT II It It IT IT II II IT IT II 11 II 17 „ „ Tol. co 11 It II Tl IT loie s Vi Co e TI 11 14 o14 , Geo „ 14 , TI I/ II IT 11 TT TT IT 11 IT If IT Lumber IT ::10 s, 0 oar.u.$ tr ti on Cc Co:ecreie IT TT IT IT IT TY II IT It IT Ritchie 14, TV IT IT L;ch-clei(Th.r, 'c2,s-all, e , Fd I C IT It 11 .3 to.11C.,..af'0- Oil Co. II it IT IT TT VT II TI 11 II IT IT If II II IT IT IT IflErOrLIROO II , John 14 e r e s 0tro 14icclrlcal Co. r,'2,t;eir Co, 13',..10erwooa r2ypewriter Co. 7.0014111-..p:7,2, L. W. II IT It Jesting Li . Cc, IT II TT IT If ACIams, John 2,,m,.7,rosa, V. '301 led Oil o .3. TTr-vro,,,,,,,,1 0 e8 IT June CuP 1914 . 24.06 ,50 35,22 127,9z, 16.02 13.40 . 00 11.17 63 . 26 2.(l 0 61.55 10.00 '7,20 10.00 10.00 11.05 4 05 34. II 5,4-0 Fuel On 938.69 TV TI Gasoline 10.15 TI 0.70 7.75 It 1,501 Liflypli es 0.40 1.17 an 65.18 Ty:ewriter 55.00 ,LLFocS;rare l'6.00 Lieteer s 70. '7 TV 22'3.50 Total - 4213.51 Lai o0 II e, am iii LouO 011 Teaming 2,ssicf, tin3 City Cnaincer IT If IT 62 f;0 56.70 5.50 201.61 100.00 4,00 9.50 c) An June 2ff , 1914. Jsmison, J. C. C. .Eartin, H. H. IT TI 1:orton, Coo, J. Labor Facific iiliel H Hid. haterial Co. Rock 37.80 1:-.iciTic 5e1. Tel. Co. Rental 2355 xetinoc, H. Tear ing 137.50 Lumber 1.75 IT IT II TT IT TT 10.40 Labor 137,50 0 11.00 132.00 -0 r PL,mmer E:2 Hon , Geo. E. 6s,n(lay, L3erralu11:::a, L. her.5(1, II, H. ..'3oules, LC- C. Co. , B. f.;,. Thurcto'n, c. E. Zilsme(qa 2.ree 1,iblv)ry Jllamecia Steam Laun:lry Ho on. Hoasiej, Thos, f It 62. 170.00 Tone lab: 137.50 Lubric;Aing oil 26.68 Rock 63.06 min 13.75 Total 1563.28 LIBR= Ii UJH, I'etty exl)enses Towel service Ho eke 10.21 1.00 3.75 _looter H 'uternick Co. inUn 123,30 CaylonT 3ros, .50 lohes Helen t jute 6.00 S_oniFsh-fer, L. Cu 21100 .50 Hurean, Inc. IT 2.110 -elaszini, L. IT 1.50 iTewhen, I. J, Books 325.z-4 Hater 1.62 617s)lies Daily newspa-oers VoliiorH;, U. C. Rent l'eomles •,ater Co. C. TUahmer, 0tcl,r Co. Cs,e,)entr, eseL7ic Tel. n CoT. co. Ti TI IT TT Ti JSm.LTU 11CIITH. h, R. fare Telephones TI Total - Hoc. Hoard of Health Office exense Ties ',,Eltar Co. Aavortisin an6 joy- Total - RECR:WIT= F52"). fAlseillu, A. G. Dru., for first ai(L ch-st Conrsa, Annie Ihi:tra Labor -Ptni-'k47111 3.50 17; 21.00 3.50 25.00 530.77 20.80 8.37 1.20 4.40 1'1.50 49.27 1.20 1.00 0.00 Franck, I:lax Gol(istein co; Lockett, Orrnh H. Kahns Expre Co. Krie Halton Arthur Pacific Gas 0 Electric Co. Pacific Tel, 0 Tel, Co. Peoles Mter Co. Plummer 0 (Jon, Gee. E. tl Piano rental and music Octal of costumes Plumbinc:: Goods for Lay Fete Drayao GooC;s for Hay Fete Teamin Gas .;ervice hat or L'iaber 71 IT IT 11 IT liichards, j:lred Fertili "Zosenthal 0 Co. , H. ran, 1:att 2ithletic Goods 6chleater 0 Co„ A. , Gain T.:,erchandise IT L,upplies A. 0, Iteffan, Heran Time 0t,-,r Co. Wilkens, J. H. Hca•din, G. 2. IT ReA,:,air of boat Goods Our -Lay -2-ete Total - i„)E:27zi 2=. June 2d, 1014. 5.45 5.50 05 1.00 19.50 •30 6.00 7 77 e.)900 5.02 .70 102.00 .70 5,25 3.45 7,00 A7.40 15.00 18.00 5.2" 505.36 purico EITine Y5.00 Lr Eeronstern moved that the c:La line as read be !maid, econded by L.1. BulAoch anC, caried by the.followin vote:- Pnytiott 2,r)J1oc1::, Hammond, Lac2,ao, Lorgeustern, Jorris, Point, and Roth, (o), roer: G0n e. „Lbent:Councilman 0 tewart, (1). GPo followin reuoi:ts were received: Frolr, the 011(1 her on the arportionment of taxes, Lay 2:1, 1914. Ordered filed. ,Groin the tiF;ht Plant for the month of ApviJ, 1054. - Ordered filed. Tete mater of the z),ppointrf;ent uf Brainard C. Brown as multbGr 00 the Board of Education came before the Council, Illoved that the ...pl)oi?Jtcflent be cOlifirMed, sec0110.0a By Or, inaohao arid corr:Li 4 by the Tollowin vote:- Lyes:Councilmen Bartlett, Liacli.ae, 1:jor!:2;entorn, 1::orris and Oath, (5). r!oes: Councilnten DullocL, Halcmond an:1 Probst, (',:)). Zhcent:Councilman (1). /2)_:om the &'(;:ceot '..,Iluerintendent on the m,2,tter of tbe one at the northwest corner oT Lincoln Avenue rind Aalow ;3treet, Mr. Probst moved that the reort June 2nd, 191/1. action ma..7 be arrived et, seconded " Bartlett and duly carried. v The Resolutions of the 1:orth 3ide Club aTainst the eotabliohment of tile -nound in the Coreration ''Jard were referred to the round Committee. vON H, Taylor,ainot the establishment of the iound in the and was aloe reTea:red to the reu40 Uemmittee. /The fficlavit o f t io° ef -B:eview on the cendemno of the 01(7 ho:T:ton house en jth treT,t ws,o roLLd, ijLereastern moved the o,,ctien be confirmed, seconded by iir, mon. n:ayor Otis thereuooa aonounced tho,t if taere waa anyone -2resent to protest ac.zainst the action, that now was ,the cnjdortunity to state such oojeculon. he one ae,-paring to fecotest the motion was and, carried tho :doilov' inc vote:- ilyes:Couneilmen Bartlett, Bu-iloch, Lamm -ad, .erlacae, 1.B.)rr:enotern, nonsis, r:cobst Noes:Bone. :.bee nt:CT)uncilmon 3tewart, (1). V "Zrom }Bro. Yf., J. D. Obaman, reouestin in thirty Cal: crstenoio7a of her leeve of absence nhich wom-Td re June lc', 10-1.. 's.r, Probst !dovea thot the requost be oreni cC, Feconaed by .r . :,:erea5tern and c:-Jrried yUl o 2..";Councilmen Bartlett, Haalmond, Mncliue, Lor:,.oenstorn, Trobet; and Hut b, (B), Nees: None. B.hcent:Councilmo,n ne=rt, (1). 2J:em Joan Conrad, jhle:: of 2olice, e LtSnc that a bulkhead eras be in built by the City of OaT.oud. to re vent any further over-flow of mud on tho beachos oifl this city. Ordered filed. :ZY0 fihe Toa'::Yr:, of Llectricit- o i tow that wood of lntinli Lain the cl. Con telohohe neej flan iih(; sy2teu had. been done sati-Fueterily and ilnd boon ace)tea by thot body. in, :Lolecm,etcohyg moved: that tne renort he YdolTted, seeouded by and carried by [;he vote: .17010 :Councilmee -Bartlett, BurilocL, nammend, norris,BlaCLae, rrel.nt, and riaTth, (3). 'Loos:Noce, Zboent:Councsilman 'Bteviart, (1). The claim die: ;he .oaymont of .:;6,0a)0.00 for insta.ilin the cast en: was then nresented. hir Lorenstern aoved that tTee claim be paid, ceconaed by L:O blorris and carried by the follow ix - vote:- 2,:;;(a::,:'..;ouacilmen Bartlett, tlammend, TincRae, ..orL;enstern, rrobot, no d ".1:;Cci.;11, rZeos:hene. Lboont:Coma()Ilmon *.-.,toviart, (1). V Prom ti )e Coimilittee ad trne Loterey Loyol Order of moose, iuvitin the .,;ouncil to -1)articiDate in their euteratinment on July 4t7,21. fin: invitotion was accepted. ' O " ;17, I ki C. Uif)' _L 01 'jJ:rown. as meifiber of the :Doard of Librury Trustees. in:. 1,-,er-funorn moved Li at the resi,n.ff:tlon. be read the Cloth , seconed by Er. :ay.:aloud and car•eied. The same was thea tea; a d movd that the roe I mt on be 0000 tool seeondeq by in, Burtiett carrion, by the fol- lowilcT vote:- L.yoo:,Jouncilmon Bartlett, Bialloc, Eammen0, Lac2.ae, P-Pehet and -2.0th, (L), :I 0os:one. ilbeqt:Counc-Ipal)an 3te'sia-f:t, (1) Ia, :orensti.:rn then ).zonentod the name o I jar. rd'. G. June 2nd, 1914. Taylor to fill the vacancy on the oard of 1,ibrar7 T.r.ustees ma(le by the re- A,T.nt.i.tion of C. -:3rwn. He moved that Y,r. Taylor be a'ocointed to the OHItI O1 secone0 by ijrn orris and carried by the followin vote:- Ayes: :3artlett, 3111-100, Hammond, IHIcI.e , i.forenstern, ProbSt and 'Hoth, None, Absent :Councilman Stewart, (1) Lir. -bairn of office will expire April 22nd, The report of the .itreet Committee on the matter of improving the streets was read and ordered filed. Lr. 3artlett presented a communica- tion on the same subject outlinina a plan of :)i0C0ii1C ., Ord ered filed. 3117.1oci: moved that a special mootin of the Comlnittee of the Mole be held. 2ri6_ay, JuIle 5th, for the ran)(me of disc-asin street improve7 meuts, seconded by Lr. aammond and. ,Inly carried. Lorp:enstorn moved tht copiec ho mado of both the tract Colinittai roport ajirIJ r. Tia:ct.lott's recolm-cieins and sent to each Colmcilman anj the D-.),7or, seconded by Lr. Hammond aH6 duly carried. the Police, :Tiro and ,cater Committee recom,,enin the accept- ance of the bia of 'i:Achael T.T,urohy for :::a5Y5.00, to Aretall a fire pro- tection .ripe line alon 'ester treef and honks -treet, Hr. :robst tioved thrt the re'pert as rend be adoted, secoded by 3artiett and carried. by the followin vote:- Da,rtlet, Ha.mmend, 1.,ac-Eae, Llorenstern, .1?robst, and '2.oth, (e). IToes:one. Abseut:Councilman :3tewart. (1). Fvom the 1",cretion Commission slHIesiic that the 13(T-17,?a of taectricity he ached `Co donate the nuc old .(1:les to the -ec'reation. Commif3sion,for the -purpose of usina the:.J as Ales in the erection of the 3ro-bosed boatinrc wharf of the cast end of Garfield_ Avene. Llso, that the City .i.ineer be requested to ;pre7are -plans and spocificatilus for the came. 1:iT, Probst moved that the report as read be adonte ff,ecended by 1:r. Hammond and carriod by the followin vote:- Councilmen Bartlett, Eulloch, Hammon,l, Dac-2,ao, lorf_enstern, horis Probst, and iToes:Uone, Absent:Councilman wart, (1). // The Oath of Office of Zifred Latham as member of the 0lice and Fire Commission was ordered filed. V. The report of the ',11pariiltent of 3 tC'O 0U0 tina that th e work of im,proving Pearl L;treet from the northerly inc of Buena Vi ota L;70113A0 to the ;.:;outhonly line of Harrison Avenue was Properly done, Ordered filed. V The continuation certificate on the bend of rd John wa es(nrLed Ordered filed, The J:cdue etc of n V, Hall for a :7.ratuitous licone to oI)orate an onto exress vehicle; ef Chas. H. 3aker, to pad dl toil(A cleaners; of Cha,s. H. Foster, to -Peddle fruit and vegetables and of Frank J. 2reitas, to -eeD -produce raied lyy himself, havinp; been a-,Dproved by John Conrad, Chief of ware in motion of HI Bartlett, second- Ju.ne 101/1, iToes:erne, :JAsent:Councilwfl -ic,ewart, (1), t/ r. Eaciae Intred,uced the followin *.i.eselution and ovea its aThtion: liESOLTZ:D, iio to 2oun5 of the City of 2,1o.inda, "oe, and_ the sae hereby is, tem.porarily located in tho framebuilding now stacii-n in tie Corl)oration Yard of said City ituatea at the northrly end of C,rand. H3tree, on. that )ortion Df the I1]stn7ry of ';3an Talown as Oakland Harbor, the said: build bein two hundred and fifty feet, 11-,ore or loss, in a nit line wester3y from the nearest :point in thc westerly line of salC, Crand I:ot2-1 seconded the motion to adept the ii.,,,solation, where- upon various bersons present engacd in a EiSCRSioll on the matter ilncinn the I-eru..0 in the :.;orporation Yara as recill.otc6 1.)-y the nesoluti on Iimona thoPo who articipatod in the CA.scli.ion were 2rewnt ..r.offHtan, Coo eh jtackler, E. Y. '.2aP.c.ro Y. L:Lorester.r.l. moved that action be doferred for two ':feek2, that the JooiPmaoteI he in:.,tructedi to Illake no arrests until the ne7s:t Couneil L'.111.d 1. that all do7s now iwoundca by :cc— leased, seconded by hr. hm000n and. drCly carried. r( K communication frol:i the 2acifie r)lelophone and Thloraoh Ucmny was received , in :1-11.ch they stated that they declined the -Irevious offer ninde by the Couno il for a frari.chie an(1 made '.:',-68;T:ostion of terms that ,Joilld be suitable to them. It was re- ferred to the Com:.attee of the Thole for j:111..(1, o d the Ole futructea to ce7e P a co.py of s ccm to each e-fl the Counciln on P to the .:7,.yor, an C; that the Oolvally be motifieCi. to Tmore a rereer,ttive ores eut at the net (Jcvanittoo of td 'Circle me I; inn COOl was the insaniL:.ry coMi.-no of the the !outh en(;'. of Part ..,1.renue and _roet. honors rem and other ntlio:tio to that fact. L:r, in f:lo7ed. tht the ccotter be referred to the attorney, 6treet Comittee anathe ]hoard of Joalth, seconded ir adldd duly carried. ;0i1:1 for C-,-C,inace fixt.o. the baton ho too for the enE;uilz year v!aL introduk:ef, hi hr :Lorr:enEtern and laid over under a brrioion of the Charter. Bill for Ordina-oce rouirinc coin.:)anies to (13C t state- ;lets of .)ersons move 'the city or from the city to the ion; Lictrodoceti by raid over uilder a pro- viion of the Chart or, hi robst cooKe on ti te insanitary e imP it Lon of a hT7.1t at the northzet corner of Lincoln ::,77011-ne C,LIC1 Itirh L;tro,t and move thLt the mtLer be referrm fi. to the .r2cn:rd of Health to abate ne nuisance if rJo2sible, ;ecoye.el,1 Lorris and duly carried. :a, l'aylor addressed the Council on the matter of the 11-)Tyi,nve T1 '1 L;q1.Pc!ot o-r hi Pr ;;test "nridn:e. juDe 20, J9140 he state that the Cohens would be willin to pay their share oT the. improvement, Drovided,the srade were altered, anC, revied it couid be done by private con- tract. He also tatecfi. that the ':::i,tersiae Terrace 'oo ole were ei..osed to a con- crete -navement. Ur, Jammona moved 1.Tht t3ie matter be referred to the .1:,reet Committee to take no mat or, Elecon(70 ana earried, Lr. Lorensterli brouht up the matter of the imrrovement of the lands at the east end of illameda and sucested that a bulkhead be construct- A-ii(71 that the City Z,-Agineer be instructed to rollort on the construction of the bulkhead as to it cot. Lr„ '2.)rtlett stated that thi matter was already unThr consUertion "Gy the ii-rbor Advisory Board- ho further action was taken. There being no further buInes to transact the Co':_ncil ajjourned until its not reEular meetin time, ie evening, June 16th, 1914 at 7:50 eh, I:es-oectfulDv subm u(, iue , City Clerk.