1914-06-16 Regular CC Minutes2EGULA2 THE COT c rCIL OP THE CITY OF IIEHLEM TUE.EDAY E"VE=, JUZE 16TH, 1914. The meetin7 waF call to order by i5ayor Oti2. The roll was called and Councilmen -5artlett, Hacflae, Ioth a]-10, 6tewart, 6 wore noted Dresent. .:01.orum present. CeuncilmaH '13ullock and 2-ft-2t arrived later and were noted present. bsent:Couneilan Hammond, (1). The minutes of the 'previH:,us mcetip were re a. an0 approved. O aain!2,t the 6,eneral Pund qmoutin to 3464.75; aainst the Police Pud(7 amountin7 to 450.50; ar:ainst the Pire fund amountin7 to 492.37; aaint the Electric Liht Pund amountini7 to .,iy312 .64; ar,,.inot the Ctreet Tud aulountin to ,,101.21 iid a*-ainst the to ecial Uewer Eund awo'J.ntin to 232.30 havinr: bean ap2roved CO0 audited 7)7 the pro.oer officials were roL-,J 1,)y the Cler as follows:- GEZPLHL PU151), 'itcr, Clifor-,rr i Oil Durner Co, 21•11 Oil loroCer„ V t , Trimmin trees iimilton,„ H. H. '61,1H,)lies. 14:Ata.P0012., 0. T. .et.'71'-rrClit;,;:,1' ,-, ' -1 4 • i ' 4ettIot woff-17, at round E,,,,,,,,-,,,,, 4,—,,,t, 0 /-'1,7z-Ini, L. ',.,;tlioc :lom4 13 .75 Lonarch Oil 2.ofinin Company Ploor '''':L 3,43 Hun,icipi Eloetric Lit 21ant I'ublic -1.071ti 1701.36 ?olk-117Jte0. Iirectory Co, Directorios 10.00 1?eorT:it, Cmuel Jr. ouoy i.-:,-7anced 4.00 ;.(-Hp,neit-lor, Henry 6u,j_dlies 2,45 Iv ,t T! 25.75 TI TI 11 .75 ff TT If 5.::k It It IT .50 /tar:,(',7,:,: l'enco Co . ±lene-e TGe,00 ',Vill,:en, Cm 'plies for Janitor 1.20 '-ee3r---4iaTtl:-r C,.'o, E. 1 him3).-er- 101 Yawmall, 4 Erbt-, 1:1:::s. Co. 0rfjce furniture 107.30 Coal ;, 2945004 IOLICE 211fD. Burton, Co. , I. 4, Hi-rearms '%i; 196.40 Oo'lrad, John IT,cMental e.7,:.ponse2 11.40 Gott, :''.,,. 0. 'Eeirin office °loch 1,00 'Honishefer, 14, Hato :3-,)plies . 511-clicipa1 Electric Ljaht lant Lan .!,o, 7.80 Labor 98,09 15,70 12.00 901.50 3.00 ±44 40 TY U 11 Smith, F. „ Meals Soules, E. C, 011 Auto supplies Times Star Co. Printing VT IT IT IT IT 11 Taylor & Company Western Union Tel. Co. Aetna Insurance Company IT Lumber June 16th, 1914, 4.00 3.57 96,00 6.00 1.90 6.00 Telegrams .90 Total 450.39 -L0 FUND. Premium Alameda Steau Laundry Association Linen service Baird, J. W. Uorseshoeing Fischer, C, Y. Coal Oil Furey, P. P. Repairs Gutta Percha Rubber Life Net Jones, B. L. Horseshoeing "e:oerber, A. Y. H. Peed Krace & Drunje Supplies Lomax, R. R. Herseshoeinp: ()son & Hunter Auto Co. Apparatus repairs 2acific as E: Electric Co. Gas Pacific Tel. & Tel, Co. Phone tolls l'eoples al,ter Co. Water Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Heed. Richerson, Al, Harness supplies 12, Risso, C. Manure Hauling rSchneler, Henry Stationery Standard Oil Co. Gasoline Sut-cierland's Pharmacy Times star Co. 7.50 .20 5.00 4.00 1.75 125.00 2.50 11.50 16.67 6.75 1.10 23.08 .40 306.05 99.60 7.40 .50 19.38 9.10 1 rilating 1.90 VosburP;h, L. W. Supplies 2.94 Young, E. House repairs 10.90 Total - 4 692.37 ELECTRIC LIGHT 'FUND. California Artistic hietal & Wire Co. Supplies Garlock Packing Co. Garratt & Co. W. T. General Electric Co. RoeblinRs Sons Co. , John A. Whittier, Coburn Co. TT IT IT IT IT fawn-tan Erbe Mfg. Ca, If TT 84.00 3.38 11.25 Relay coils 2.49 Copper wire 169.65 Glass 11.02 Supplies 8.67 10.83 Supplies 342.64 TT Total - 387 Jnne 16th, 1014. Cil:-. ..: eone, N. 3ewer ll'i„)e 26.30 olJtee John j1-.L1 33002 fielmtein, J. IT.. HarJware 3.09 12enneeT:, 1.-.. ]:ael 24.00 ..eeepleo rr,tor Jo. Viate-r' 42.05 3taciler, ,, . ,m, illackithin.-...: 11.40 ty .1 IT 7 t 00 VoF,;bur7,11., 'J.,. ',', FarC..wae or, ,...,.q./ r.! Unit,fi Ivi ri2cd;al L;.ber anC; mata.rial 701.21 2;32.'60 Couc:11men Jrtiett ihcmilred abo.nt tbe followill bills:- 'Cial-les :u:rFaer, .13Y0wa.i*e, ,;2.E..75-; 0. 'L. Hardell, OLI.eezitel. work, hoc La 2:1iLt, Ue!:10nb Wend, y06).40; L. h.c.zzini, Hare.wt2,re,:„.1640; SLan&end l'ece Company, 2euce, 4100.00 .-ad d, umber Comtny, ,„'169.41, and mbved the .t they be etricT,ren OPt, '::;eC0:10ea y J.r,v2rotot ariS carrie I by the follo,J]y VO'6e;* Lyos:Councilmen .Drtlett, Loanter]l, 7:orris, ana ';Aewart, Tdoes:rJone, lbeeht:Coac,cil=n Hammon, hr. r.orenstern moved tlytt the :cemoTh bI11 2 be Lorrie f2,A.d c,,rried by the 10110 b4 vote:- seconded .4..ye:Counci1men Lenti 1er7enetern, r.orro, lrol et • loth an:: Stewart, Neeo:Zene, .L'oeent:Corrieilman 7d.amen.(1, /The /.1.116itorre 1;::.lance endin Lay 30t14 1914 was ordered filed, v '21.1e -,?ennilmaoter'e reL)ert for ii:Lay 1914 was orclered She cemun-Icationie were received: In cm L e ;'-.)treet Committee recemmearliTi, that no ch:juge 'he made in the official ,racle of Hi:7:h L=.treet. 'move6 that the re;:,ort be adedts , Eeco-ned by 2f.c, a.rtlett anC carried by the foliewin vote;- Councilmen LaclZLe, Ireren.stor.:, Erobet "Eoth nab tewart, (9). hees;:e. 2,1.)ent:Ceunc.illeay., Hemmond, (1). jrom Z.. C. Laillot requestinP; a two weee vction leaiei'ei,'ee July 31;+: 1914 In, C7 (.1 I 7z7 ci , c ow1 4 0L, l.a Eart1ett bnd c.rried„. V lrout 14 L. doe regacetin •7:), ton aye jr,-110 22110 1014 hr lath movab that It be srairLed, eecen,aedi by 2'r4 ir'Jrtlett Icon 1("1 Inc. 0, 6 lea :)retestin'.7 as.ainst 11..rovei.lent of Lincoln :,venne. 0-cere6 filed. 5ro the denied of dealt 1: demanflincj the re-esti,,,bment 06 uhe Orjered filed. ,eineer flc;tii, the co.,-,;t of the contrilctien ad b-o.17:::head and at the oil:, of 0-fieltl :),yenuo and '.;he Iffiffdica the aol ef Libertiy Orde-red .:Them the Pollee onib :ire t])jt the Pine teot the fire hyilrwits on Earh ':;el)eter L'Areet ono° weely. 0-e-reft filed, June 13th, 1014. 3artlett moved that the reqwst be 7oa-Lted, oeconaed ov hr. frobst and duly'carried. tho C1 :o Cotton hills offeri 011 motorial to the -pro-Dosed municii)al natatorium . Ordered file. e _Lirom Geo. L., of Gilroy, inviting the 1±y r and Council to attend. a paeant of 1?-ros.ress to be held in that cit :Tune 27th, 1914. r, 3rtlett l'cloveJ that the invitation be acce9ted, secondea by hr. Thly carriea. Prom E, Maslin requestin a chl.ne in hls certificte of office. 7:h,y)1; motiosn of :2.'„rtlott, seconded by 3r. Probat and duly caried,, the Cle'rk was inst:fuctea to make the corroction, 2-Pi ys, L, L, y, on behalf of the Dauhters of the American 2.eveo1ution, invitin the and Council to :-.tted the exereios unvoilin tLe h,oni)melit in Lincoln J3z, On :.aotion ct hr. t, secon(:lea'by ir 2artlott ::ead july crried the invitation was aceoDted. btrem J. 3. .2,reitweiser, against the systc);11 of booTh- hee-!-)inj,: in the 2mditor's office anJ in the office of the 'Board. of Orerea filed, 2rolt the 2inosice Committee r eco;en Inc the construction of the bul,:choaas :1.13 the end of Liberty and Garfiel tveno iLorgonetorn move t1'6 the re!„)ort be adoeted, seconded by Yr. =_:,tewart and corned by the followivi vote:- 21yes:Coun.ciLlIon I5artlstt, ...orf,onstern, 2robt, Rotb. ccc .3te,:iart, (8), Thees:=Sone. Lbeent:Councilm,an T.Imond, (1). Vrom the t:f:.e.ot Committee no oft ent i:g lint tbe same be construct- ed, -,,rovided, deeds to the street ends be given to the City, Fa.: "12-20tt itiaTTOCI tat the ror,ort be adopted seco-nded by ii ,LU:!:1. oct LL'LC carried by the felloin vote:- L,yes:Connclimen ett, hozeristern, 2rob'z.;t, Roth and 'L;towart, i8 1Y0(2.0flec .Absent: Councion Hammond, (11. Contract with roe CcYToany for the com- Tqation of the Bay Island 2.,.vonue bulkhead, wo,s oraere The re-eo'ot of the City 1nineor cud the ;_:trect '';31137erinteac,:nt cc onovi,rid the worl: jone 1-,y the 3owell Tros. Constructio'n. Company on tbe firt iNrtion of 'the Icy IsJ,nnd Lvonue buiThhead was read. 1::2. .erobst moved that the report be to] abed, 0 econdea 1.)y- 1;:r. horo:enstern carried by the follow-11'w: vote:- 24'es:Counclimen Bartlett, Bulloch, hacRae, Tjorenstern, hor,cic, ihrobst, Roth cue ',3tewart, (8). iToes:"Tone. Absent:Councilman Hammond, (1). ::.;;22715.30 for the wolt was then l'.)reentod, moved tht the clalm be ollowecl L-nd, -aid, iecondea by :,Er. Pro itch ond c:arried by the CounciDmen 73ulloc:ft, haeRs•e, horenstern, ',aorris,, Probst 389 June 16ti-:, 1914. reT)ort wao receive(1. fl'ori the 3 (2'aCI6 6u7)o1intenent Cil; La 'neer a-p-oro7inp; the construction of the ec o:3 otio of tlae ;,:,zeune bulhhea5., ',-(toved tht tho ref,ort be y eco.i.ted by !2n3 (crried by the followin vote:-, Covioi1eei 3c,rtiett, Luilooh, IOChOe, LO': en 2oth and tewrt, (6). 2oes:I;on:,;. .ilbent:Councilman Hammona, of 0o-ittTu_ctien Comp:my ted. j12.(00 WCi then P20— Lorentern novea that the claim be allowed and r,aid, 000nde6 by bi.r. 1:orrfL afft carrioa by t]le follo7:!in vote:- 37t-, 1-(VICLO, hoth ' .1.mNon6 , (1). be :IL Tod. :livor vone°,als -Tele l',0?erred to The Co 1;c1ttee. Lo,:nrb moved that 731.0d the ,Jounell ad hurn, they '.*eurr, to C oIn actin-, Cnidn, huoo 26th, to tc,L:e 1 the matter of L-rc,cti3 the rehe,n:1,1'1, ''ecoll('1,e6 by Zr . (2::rrLe,' "')y the followinT: A;yes:Councilmen 1,1acl:ae, TTo:roDD,teri 2robt, hoth and .';i,e'o'art, (0). jThec:",Tene„ ht it : CounciLutu Y/ rotectin a7ainst ,..1.1F)rovee-,-Lt of Ceflral ,iveme were 9resenteC, and oraered fUed, 1/ cohtract of Lariou 0:_mvobell Tor the ass in u-nc am 1,7E.:Ls 0rorlente0, and or.cerod filed. The ,o7,:ettt aain;:3t the (.-it-1,blicb,1117nt of the 1Z naL in the 'don Li'i Ltc,Y.oc rea, Tr. :!robt move(1 thot it ho r':ier2aC, to the Com- faittee hcwint in olhe the, 22ol1na mc.ttori ceeerled by Bartlett. r. ac].7,ae amentled, to r(:T,.$2. ';ho mttor to the .nct ,,ilamittee of the met1 ? of the Council, seconded by Tjr„ ,tcwrt ijuly cay°ried, L' Sr!rotost2:: anainot the Lfifroveinerit of Lin.(1.171 _flvenue were receiv- ed illO o:cThrea filed. (// The o:Ithc of °M CC of 7,rainrd C, of the ,0eo,r(71 of ;fuetion, Taylor nc 1,1ellber of the Board, of lib=;' r.i?riltees were orerod file, The 3111 Tor Orinalice flume: the water ra'es for the yenr n, for ':csa7o and wn.c read by the Clerk. 3artlett Lloved, th7t the Ordin:.1noe be ,214qe-,..,tea, aecoMO by mL c:fvrried_ by the followidar,; vote:- Lyeo:Councilmen 3artlett, 3allock, T,ac2c "1Loth ana Ltearant, (8). 72eoc:ono, Hamonif,, (1). The dill ton no Ordinc'.'hoe i„)ercene ovinjn!7 or o.per.ating vr:?,ns, etc. -A6. file with the Chief of 2olice weekly state- the records of removals mode by them, aame 1.13 for fini ::11713. 'one read by the L'robst moved that the Ordinaoe be (.10.Dt,:)a, eac ancloa by .:Jr. horn is and carried by the followin ,:ote:- :,voc:Conncilmon Lartlett. Bu'lock. 11)vo'ot ,TM10, 16th, 191a. hot :311d. ''2;teWart, (L) 1700:170ile. TJ);ent:Ceuncilman hammenci, (1). -// r, 2rebt called. attention aiain to the fact that the water on the E,outh eh 010 vae in a mu!i(7,y condition. on 1 requ-stod that Oakland be 03mpelled to eton 'ino: until ..'.tisfactory wall or k,,Tke were nut in tn l'etaih the 1Jr. Bartlett -red that the Chi:[ of etop oil until nre'per wall wLs conatrnctia and that he neti-,iy the OL-hland '.17,:thorkties of the cane. ccciii ci hy ito T'rehst and duly carried. V Ir_LTt also brouht UT tho mfitter of a freeholao'sc.sT election a2:1 moved th:',,t the City httorey and Clerh predare the noce-:.'y ors for the ocali-,1 of the name, seconded by 1,:r. Bullock, LT. 'ite'lf7rt amenkio0, thirt the matter ley over until the next Committee of -'cThe Fhoi ,e,conded by rnr. -Roth and cannel by the vote:- h'ye:Councilmen hachna b.loraenetonni, :10=12, Roth an::: ,terra-iet, (C). iTeeo:Conncillae "Bcrtiett, Builon1- 2,_beht:Oounoilman .2mmten7 V" 2.;,yor Ft La titi be had celeeted three ma,boro of tot City itinomli 0o,mision ap::1 when the l'ourth L,electinn ionic made he woold anuounce the sme to tbe Council. Oil 5treet imnnorelmr,:htL3 then took niece n number of tbo hn;:ichce t:.,lhed on no nub : et ho oct i_on, however, waz tcen by- the (.ennoil . h'reht coiled .).ttentioh to neeri of on the north of Taylor 2_,venue, eaot of .':ebtor &treet, and on the fi,,euth 1 do of Taylor .Lvenue, wet; of itTi;,:hth ctreet 11.;-1 moved that. the -,:;Lreet 7hVGh the ow's.lors to have the _ secenr'ed by hr. nOl .OT tern hy the f Cuonclien Baxtiott, But hace, Morentern, IT' oat, 'T;oth arni 6tevh',rt, (i). II ,-jeo:-Zfene. 21.1n:t:Co-uncilm!ia jjauliend, (1). There bein no fri'rther buk'inez a to trcnsact, the Council a'ajou:cned te meet titnior, June 2Gth, 1914 at 7:',50 10, n4 sublaitted, City Clo:ck..