1914-06-16 Regular CC Minutes2EGULA2 THE COT c rCIL OP THE CITY OF IIEHLEM
TUE.EDAY E"VE=, JUZE 16TH, 1914.
The meetin7 waF call to order by i5ayor Oti2.
The roll was called and Councilmen -5artlett, Hacflae,
Ioth a]-10, 6tewart, 6 wore noted Dresent. .:01.orum present.
CeuncilmaH '13ullock and 2-ft-2t arrived later and were noted present.
bsent:Couneilan Hammond, (1).
The minutes of the 'previH:,us mcetip were re a. an0 approved.
O aain!2,t the 6,eneral Pund qmoutin to 3464.75; aainst the
Police Pud(7 amountin7 to 450.50; ar:ainst the Pire fund amountin7 to 492.37;
aaint the Electric Liht Pund amountini7 to .,iy312 .64; ar,,.inot the Ctreet
Tud aulountin to ,,101.21 iid a*-ainst the to ecial Uewer Eund awo'J.ntin
to 232.30 havinr: bean ap2roved CO0 audited 7)7 the pro.oer officials were
roL-,J 1,)y the Cler as follows:-
Clifor-,rr i Oil Durner Co, 21•11 Oil
loroCer„ V t , Trimmin trees
iimilton,„ H. H. '61,1H,)lies.
14:Ata.P0012., 0. T. .et.'71'-rrClit;,;:,1'
,-, ' -1 4 • i ' 4ettIot woff-17, at round
E,,,,,,,,-,,,,, 4,—,,,t, 0
/-'1,7z-Ini, L. ',.,;tlioc :lom4 13 .75
Lonarch Oil 2.ofinin Company Ploor '''':L 3,43
Hun,icipi Eloetric Lit 21ant I'ublic -1.071ti 1701.36
?olk-117Jte0. Iirectory Co, Directorios 10.00
1?eorT:it, Cmuel Jr. ouoy i.-:,-7anced 4.00
;.(-Hp,neit-lor, Henry 6u,j_dlies 2,45
Iv ,t T! 25.75
TI TI 11 .75
ff TT If 5.::k
It It IT .50
/tar:,(',7,:,: l'enco Co . ±lene-e TGe,00
',Vill,:en, Cm 'plies for Janitor 1.20
'-ee3r---4iaTtl:-r C,.'o, E. 1 him3).-er- 101
Yawmall, 4 Erbt-, 1:1:::s. Co. 0rfjce furniture 107.30
Coal ;, 2945004
Burton, Co. , I. 4, Hi-rearms '%i; 196.40
Oo'lrad, John IT,cMental e.7,:.ponse2 11.40
Gott, :''.,,. 0. 'Eeirin office °loch 1,00
'Honishefer, 14, Hato :3-,)plies .
511-clicipa1 Electric Ljaht lant Lan .!,o, 7.80
Labor 98,09
±44 40
TY U 11
Smith, F. „
Soules, E. C, 011
Auto supplies
Times Star Co. Printing
IT 11
Taylor & Company
Western Union Tel. Co.
Aetna Insurance Company
June 16th, 1914,
Telegrams .90
Total 450.39
Alameda Steau Laundry Association Linen service
Baird, J. W. Uorseshoeing
Fischer, C, Y. Coal Oil
Furey, P. P. Repairs
Gutta Percha Rubber Life Net
Jones, B. L. Horseshoeing
"e:oerber, A. Y. H. Peed
Krace & Drunje Supplies
Lomax, R. R. Herseshoeinp:
()son & Hunter Auto Co. Apparatus repairs
2acific as E: Electric Co. Gas
Pacific Tel. & Tel, Co. Phone tolls
l'eoples al,ter Co. Water
Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Heed.
Richerson, Al, Harness supplies 12,
Risso, C. Manure Hauling
rSchneler, Henry Stationery
Standard Oil Co. Gasoline
Sut-cierland's Pharmacy
Times star Co.
1 rilating 1.90
VosburP;h, L. W. Supplies 2.94
Young, E. House repairs 10.90
Total - 4 692.37
California Artistic hietal & Wire Co. Supplies
Garlock Packing Co.
Garratt & Co. W. T.
General Electric Co.
RoeblinRs Sons Co. , John A.
Whittier, Coburn Co.
fawn-tan Erbe Mfg. Ca,
Relay coils 2.49
Copper wire 169.65
Glass 11.02
Supplies 8.67
Total -
Jnne 16th, 1014.
Cil:-. ..: eone, N. 3ewer ll'i„)e 26.30
olJtee John j1-.L1 33002
fielmtein, J. IT.. HarJware 3.09
12enneeT:, 1.-.. ]:ael 24.00
..eeepleo rr,tor Jo. Viate-r' 42.05
3taciler, ,, . ,m, illackithin.-...: 11.40
ty .1 IT 7 t 00
VoF,;bur7,11., 'J.,. ',', FarC..wae or,
,...,.q./ r.!
Unit,fi Ivi
L;.ber anC; mata.rial
Couc:11men Jrtiett ihcmilred abo.nt tbe followill bills:- 'Cial-les
:u:rFaer, .13Y0wa.i*e, ,;2.E..75-; 0. 'L. Hardell, OLI.eezitel. work, hoc La 2:1iLt,
Ue!:10nb Wend, y06).40; L. h.c.zzini, Hare.wt2,re,:„.1640; SLan&end l'ece
2euce, 4100.00 .-ad d, umber Comtny, ,„'169.41, and mbved the .t
they be etricT,ren OPt, '::;eC0:10ea y J.r,v2rotot ariS carrie I by the follo,J]y
Lyos:Councilmen .Drtlett, Loanter]l, 7:orris,
ana ';Aewart,
Tdoes:rJone, lbeeht:Coac,cil=n Hammon,
hr. r.orenstern moved tlytt the :cemoTh bI11 2 be
Lorrie f2,A.d c,,rried by the 10110 b4 vote:-
.4..ye:Counci1men Lenti
1er7enetern, r.orro, lrol et • loth an:: Stewart,
Neeo:Zene, .L'oeent:Corrieilman 7d.amen.(1,
/The /.1.116itorre 1;::.lance endin Lay 30t14 1914 was ordered filed,
v '21.1e -,?ennilmaoter'e reL)ert for ii:Lay 1914 was orclered
She cemun-Icationie were received:
In cm L e ;'-.)treet Committee recemmearliTi, that no ch:juge 'he made in
the official ,racle of Hi:7:h L=.treet. 'move6 that the re;:,ort be
adedts , Eeco-ned by 2f.c, a.rtlett anC carried by the foliewin vote;-
Councilmen LaclZLe, Ireren.stor.:, Erobet
"Eoth nab tewart, (9). hees;:e. 2,1.)ent:Ceunc.illeay., Hemmond, (1).
jrom Z.. C. Laillot requestinP; a two weee vction leaiei'ei,'ee July
31;+: 1914 In, C7 (.1 I 7z7 ci , c ow1 4 0L, l.a
Eart1ett bnd c.rried„.
V lrout 14 L. doe regacetin
ton aye jr,-110
22110 1014 hr lath movab that It be srairLed, eecen,aedi by 2'r4 ir'Jrtlett
Icon 1("1
Inc. 0, 6 lea :)retestin'.7 as.ainst 11..rovei.lent of Lincoln
:,venne. 0-cere6 filed.
5ro the denied of dealt 1: demanflincj the re-esti,,,bment 06 uhe
Orjered filed.
,eineer flc;tii, the co.,-,;t of the contrilctien ad
b-o.17:::head and at the oil:, of 0-fieltl :),yenuo and '.;he Iffiffdica the
aol ef Libertiy Orde-red
.:Them the Pollee onib :ire t])jt the Pine
teot the fire hyilrwits on Earh ':;el)eter L'Areet ono° weely.
0-e-reft filed,
June 13th, 1014.
3artlett moved that the reqwst be 7oa-Lted, oeconaed ov hr. frobst
and duly'carried.
tho C1 :o Cotton hills offeri 011 motorial to the
-pro-Dosed municii)al natatorium . Ordered file.
_Lirom Geo. L.,
of Gilroy, inviting the 1±y r and Council
to attend. a paeant of 1?-ros.ress to be held in that cit :Tune 27th, 1914.
r, 3rtlett l'cloveJ that the invitation be acce9ted, secondea by hr.
Thly carriea.
Prom E, Maslin requestin a chl.ne in hls certificte of office.
7:h,y)1; motiosn of :2.'„rtlott, seconded by 3r. Probat and duly caried,,
the Cle'rk was inst:fuctea to make the corroction,
2-Pi ys, L, L, y, on behalf of the Dauhters of the
American 2.eveo1ution, invitin the and Council to :-.tted the
exereios unvoilin tLe h,oni)melit in Lincoln J3z, On :.aotion ct
hr. t, secon(:lea'by ir 2artlott ::ead july crried the invitation
was aceoDted.
btrem J. 3. .2,reitweiser, against the systc);11 of booTh-
hee-!-)inj,: in the 2mditor's office anJ in the office of the 'Board. of
Orerea filed,
2rolt the 2inosice Committee r eco;en Inc the construction of the
bul,:choaas :1.13 the end of Liberty and Garfiel tveno iLorgonetorn
move t1'6 the re!„)ort be adoeted, seconded by Yr. =_:,tewart and corned
by the followivi vote:- 21yes:Coun.ciLlIon I5artlstt,
...orf,onstern, 2robt, Rotb. ccc .3te,:iart, (8), Thees:=Sone.
Lbeent:Councilm,an T.Imond, (1).
Vrom the t:f:.e.ot Committee no oft ent i:g lint tbe same be construct-
ed, -,,rovided, deeds to the street ends be given to the City, Fa.: "12-20tt
itiaTTOCI tat the ror,ort be adopted seco-nded by ii ,LU:!:1. oct LL'LC carried
by the felloin vote:- L,yes:Connclimen ett,
hozeristern, 2rob'z.;t, Roth and 'L;towart, i8 1Y0(2.0flec .Absent:
Councion Hammond, (11.
Contract with roe CcYToany for the com-
Tqation of the Bay Island 2.,.vonue bulkhead, wo,s oraere
The re-eo'ot of the City 1nineor cud the ;_:trect '';31137erinteac,:nt
cc onovi,rid the worl: jone 1-,y the 3owell Tros. Constructio'n. Company on
tbe firt iNrtion of 'the Icy IsJ,nnd Lvonue buiThhead was read. 1::2.
.erobst moved that the report be to] abed, 0 econdea 1.)y- 1;:r. horo:enstern
carried by the follow-11'w: vote:- 24'es:Counclimen Bartlett, Bulloch,
hacRae, Tjorenstern, hor,cic, ihrobst, Roth cue ',3tewart, (8). iToes:"Tone.
Absent:Councilman Hammond, (1). ::.;;22715.30 for the wolt
was then l'.)reentod, moved tht the clalm be ollowecl
L-nd, -aid, iecondea by :,Er. Pro itch ond c:arried by the
CounciDmen 73ulloc:ft, haeRs•e, horenstern, ',aorris,, Probst
June 16ti-:, 1914.
reT)ort wao receive(1. fl'ori the 3 (2'aCI6 6u7)o1intenent
Cil; La 'neer a-p-oro7inp; the construction of the ec o:3 otio of tlae
;,:,zeune bulhhea5., ',-(toved tht tho ref,ort be y
eco.i.ted by !2n3 (crried by the followin vote:-,
Covioi1eei 3c,rtiett, Luilooh, IOChOe, LO': en
2oth and tewrt, (6). 2oes:I;on:,;. .ilbent:Councilman Hammona,
of 0o-ittTu_ctien Comp:my
j12.(00 WCi then P20—
Lorentern novea that the claim be allowed and r,aid,
000nde6 by bi.r. 1:orrfL afft carrioa by t]le follo7:!in vote:-
37t-, 1-(VICLO,
hoth ' .1.mNon6 , (1).
be :IL Tod. :livor vone°,als -Tele
l',0?erred to The Co 1;c1ttee.
Lo,:nrb moved that 731.0d the ,Jounell ad hurn, they '.*eurr,
to C oIn actin-, Cnidn, huoo 26th, to tc,L:e 1 the matter of L-rc,cti3
the rehe,n:1,1'1, ''ecoll('1,e6 by Zr . (2::rrLe,' "')y the followinT:
A;yes:Councilmen 1,1acl:ae, TTo:roDD,teri
2robt, hoth and .';i,e'o'art, (0). jThec:",Tene„ ht it : CounciLutu
Y/ rotectin a7ainst ,..1.1F)rovee-,-Lt of Ceflral ,iveme
were 9resenteC, and oraered fUed,
cohtract of Lariou 0:_mvobell Tor the ass in u-nc am
1,7E.:Ls 0rorlente0, and or.cerod filed.
The ,o7,:ettt aain;:3t the (.-it-1,blicb,1117nt of the 1Z naL in the 'don Li'i
Ltc,Y.oc rea, Tr. :!robt move(1 thot it ho r':ier2aC, to the Com-
faittee hcwint in olhe the, 22ol1na mc.ttori ceeerled by Bartlett.
r. ac].7,ae amentled, to r(:T,.$2. ';ho mttor to the .nct ,,ilamittee of the
met1 ? of the Council, seconded by Tjr„ ,tcwrt ijuly cay°ried,
L' Sr!rotost2:: anainot the Lfifroveinerit of Lin.(1.171 _flvenue were receiv-
ed illO o:cThrea filed.
(// The o:Ithc of °M CC of 7,rainrd C, of the
,0eo,r(71 of ;fuetion, Taylor nc 1,1ellber of the Board, of
lib=;' r.i?riltees were orerod file,
The 3111 Tor Orinalice flume: the water ra'es for the
yenr n, for ':csa7o and wn.c read by the Clerk. 3artlett
Lloved, th7t the Ordin:.1noe be ,214qe-,..,tea, aecoMO by
mL c:fvrried_ by the followidar,; vote:- Lyeo:Councilmen 3artlett,
3allock, T,ac2c "1Loth ana Ltearant, (8).
72eoc:ono, Hamonif,, (1).
The dill ton no Ordinc'.'hoe i„)ercene ovinjn!7 or o.per.ating
vr:?,ns, etc. -A6. file with the Chief of 2olice weekly state-
the records of removals mode by them, aame 1.13 for fini
::11713. 'one read by the L'robst moved that the Ordinaoe
be (.10.Dt,:)a, eac ancloa by .:Jr. horn is and carried by the followin ,:ote:-
:,voc:Conncilmon Lartlett. Bu'lock. 11)vo'ot
,TM10, 16th, 191a.
hot :311d. ''2;teWart, (L) 1700:170ile. TJ);ent:Ceuncilman hammenci, (1).
-// r, 2rebt called. attention aiain to the fact that the water on
the E,outh eh 010 vae in a mu!i(7,y condition. on 1 requ-stod that Oakland be
03mpelled to eton 'ino: until ..'.tisfactory wall or k,,Tke were nut in
tn l'etaih the 1Jr. Bartlett -red that the Chi:[ of etop oil
until nre'per wall wLs conatrnctia and that he neti-,iy the OL-hland
'.17,:thorkties of the cane. ccciii ci hy ito T'rehst and duly carried.
V Ir_LTt also brouht UT tho mfitter of a freeholao'sc.sT election
a2:1 moved th:',,t the City httorey and Clerh predare the noce-:.'y ors
for the ocali-,1 of the name, seconded by 1,:r. Bullock, LT. 'ite'lf7rt
amenkio0, thirt the matter ley over until the next Committee of -'cThe Fhoi
,e,conded by rnr. -Roth and cannel by the vote:-
h'ye:Councilmen hachna b.loraenetonni, :10=12, Roth an::: ,terra-iet, (C).
iTeeo:Conncillae "Bcrtiett, Builon1- 2,_beht:Oounoilman
2.;,yor Ft La titi be had celeeted three ma,boro of tot City
itinomli 0o,mision ap::1 when the l'ourth L,electinn ionic made he woold
anuounce the sme to tbe Council.
Oil 5treet imnnorelmr,:htL3 then took niece n number of
tbo hn;:ichce t:.,lhed on no nub : et ho oct i_on, however, waz
tcen by- the (.ennoil .
h'reht coiled .).ttentioh to neeri of on the north
of Taylor 2_,venue, eaot of .':ebtor &treet, and on the fi,,euth
1 do of Taylor .Lvenue, wet; of itTi;,:hth ctreet 11.;-1 moved that. the -,:;Lreet
7hVGh the ow's.lors to have the _
secenr'ed by hr. nOl .OT tern hy the f
Cuonclien Baxtiott, But hace, Morentern, IT' oat, 'T;oth
arni 6tevh',rt, (i). II ,-jeo:-Zfene. 21.1n:t:Co-uncilm!ia jjauliend, (1).
There bein no fri'rther buk'inez a to trcnsact, the Council a'ajou:cned
te meet titnior, June 2Gth, 1914 at 7:',50 10, n4
City Clo:ck..