1914-06-26 Regular CC MinutesADJOI=ED RECULZR LEET= OF THE COUXCIL 02 TEE CITY 012 21.LAD.:1, HaDAY EVEZIrG, f:GTH, 1914. The meetin cenveneC. Lc,yor rk Otis -ovesiins'. Tie roll ,.7c,s c-1,1 e0 an(7, Counci7men Hanolo6L, horris, and (G) wel:e note. preent, ,001-!)11 Cormcilmen Dache, h.orb:estern, ioL Uert (4) azrived laer ardi we:r:e notea .oree-nt. The Cleric ..)-.1:esell.toJ the followill ),T,).,:211cations and bons nineteen liqllor liceDsec in the City of 1med:- LT:o3:OiL 1429 j?alck 8freet. 11e-r1; 2on 3 h. cor. anj „Loincoin ecimall Z.venue, J, j.3ormsscol, 1525 2k Croll "Oebet Cent-fal i,vonue. r..eore behert, 1_601 ':,obrAer ,-Jtreot. h.orton T Hus:hos, 1300 .2ar Johnton, lb C D t J, Yureet. :ohen(lofr 152Y -2aYk .1Sosterins: Caulbe, a46 Sat Cirara Lvonue, Doyncy IT riier 1445 Da.,v Stsceet. C 6 J1 D. S:aher 141 iti k t-reet. cT,eoro Ot7,en, ':.;*reet. ]7..icholas 1.i_enecT;:el% I'arh 'Street. (Tha, Ha a Lan.e Sooe-bec, iL.snta iTLory hve, 4 e6t.ster St, Theresa ooralers, 1226 :Lincoln reue. a ',orchert, 1203 Lincoln L-vauvie, h Sbles, 1:6,13 2ark street. rit Braemer, 1545 2arh Street. 410 o, ootitios co to i;iioe 329 names against the -rantill,cf of a liczo_ol license to E. A. Boreert to conCluct a ea1oco: ot 1.203 1..incolD j000;luo weye wc.e:71e-Ated. The petitions we,-;:e or6e.7,,...er.1 filed on clio''Gion of Lr. 2ro4st, seconed by Hi 1tlett. 1,Sr. 'Stewart, as Chirnlv,u of the Licesse gprilmittee recohlen;q..ed and silove(1 that ail licenses' be grated with the eseeotion. of D.r. ..:orcbert's, socon:7e4 by in. Lacao. Theroe n)ii iiiu teaunt amcb:Z,ed tthe ,;lotion to the effect tat all hjoic 0 he t.,-ivzovori exceY)* that DT Or. Rorcbort's. on roll ca:).1 the am.onadmo-.at was lost by the sajes:Cournsjimon tIchno, Steomrt, oe2:Counellilleyt harc.r,oyafi. attn ohot, (4), CcuelLuno Tiolenstem, (1). It vote on tha nos-allot:I as folio.72:- es Cobncllr,:ion Liacs e, 1.7orris 7,(oth and :',1.e--.sart, (4), Foes.i.Co-u.noilnlen bartiott, aY:tmond ant Hr oh to (4), .A.lent:Councilman Lo-ro»stean, Cl) 27c:u7JJ, Oti at this 1 inc bron befo):e the Council the J :a, 23t, D. L lo1rh, eore J i11u U. J cyers, mld Rev. Hears. Lr. 12:vobst moved tht e f.):,:eintIllents be coffiea seconded 1)y kr, o:col carried by thG followlitp: vote:- ..1yes:Coi=cilmen Ct, .73-ailoek, te-wavt, • Hoes:..one. !lbent:,jouncilioan tri , (1). Lv, T;artlott brou.,,2:ht 'Jo the potter of t3..e re-orayliatior of the Ohbor of Coi,Imerce e:1,:3 o.oke6 that thst boCly be :iven riiosiou to use the; c.loo,lloil JJn e r on 2nkl, hr, 5o,,cnett ,o,eved that tho he .n..(2,.k!-,o(1, Eecoff,ed by 2robst TO J cs:rTied. hoth presetcJi an arce,lie:et between Lr. th,e ,fkl.t-y of Llo.le(7, for street .,;:lheno. donflonci. moveft [;ht the mo.tto.r lo.y over until the next mootink, ocoouJoJ by :7:f. 5,artle1,t The a: rt .rea.5, a conluoicotio from Chief of 2,)lieo, -7ohn recr(,1-hr, thc: ovor-flo of ic,f1A at the moreh ca,.10,7 by the reCtoyiri.c: John by the Ojiiv of hoth U10VeT thst a11 UcerlHos be vote on se-,-yo.toly, oecoae,f, by L,r, carrio6 by the foi1outtn ve' s..:/es:Connoilmen 76sxtle-t, Lk=is, hrTt ho'b] OUJ SiewTt, (3), horrennett..oni, ( nerk ihee ,rtC t -1t1) reuon oPe2o:eh ,,oaion of te Zibe:utseJ Park oreet o o. J I . o d ii Lvelnue; iThoree Gtzou, eh ,:.,treet; 1500 Park 4ireot. L. Lkeeeeen Aroct; iJ nies, 1818 Park ,troot; dnJ4 or 1448 :.,V,,,reet; Goo, h., 8 e.o Janta Clara Lvenige 23troot- tahor 3ros., 1413 ham O.)treet; J broil, Contr;:.1.1 hvenno anC hoter oAroot; KotorilT and C;amee, 643 ,k2ear 'venue ., hochunnb. aan7, horn, 1527 2!),:c1,- htroot .h.Tn.allor, 1545 rent Ct: et; Thhh...ten, hro., 1 11.- reJA; hioneohor, 1a'')!5 hark 2treet; krs, Theresa 1226 Jeleloe.71J, Lvohno, dooms hebert, 1301 Lobster :',ireet, tecknoom jea:oe„ 1917 Paciie on5, C bomnuum, 1325 Pork '6treet, 88 eore on motion al1C, sac cub at varieuf,,, .exante(i by the 1 lloloce vote:- Lyeo:oichloili,-,oh 1,artiott, -Z.mmorld • horIE, Probst, hoth mic7. oe;,3:Hone, Zosellt, 1..;7e5:2,viter-h, Che oefikl.oh.tion of H. L. v7ao on mot,le-e. of kr_r„ "rh 'no-4 14°4-4-"(44)°,1-ca -r4LX-47"r-4-9-4.4 oeoeoed by horria ;IDOD.11Y)011 a-, umuu nub offored a ,:llotiinte motion that Lie license hi het ,e;nito6, ,7,e,eo",e1 by kr„ bertlett ae.5 by the folloTih,3 vote:- hyo:Laebao, k.orni6, .1;(.)....rt, (4). 70o:Con:o.ciler (4). 2J)erit:UTIncilw.n, torn, (1). 1 Jr Juilc) 23t1.1 , 1(:,14. followo:- ,T7oeD:OoTaillmeA "Zoth Thor() cuo:rum th :1,ect1yoc! ille Cnuilcn ly