1914-08-04 Regular CC MinutesI hUC eT TTC D:1.1=,oIL CC C LTL CO ..16V1..t? 41'H, • ccoaveileE Ylth Layor -2he O:nowT.11. The ..oi.uo.ter_t of the v;cic reaj -1,nticoCluce the the carmen of the CJt:" of .....larcleCa that theI-e To t',a]'iofe-f.-2ea the .:.loct-,do LInt Z.",-!L.k7,, to Lund, the ;.:;1.1ill,of 2Toe rZhoua:o,d, honre6 tweut-th:cee, v 77/100 Y7) aaro To iro an cn equal to t"..lo Tao 1.j.c.c., vonToo oo1iaa juo.r) .7)0t, 1014. CT ho Arlaitor anO the r2reaui.Yrox: Co hereTu athco2izel to ;11c, s a C none uon the Cr 7ceer.;t1.7(,) hoolcs, 2artlott cecC. the to 'Tho hI lyLl.art ari("1 CT oThotJ!. hy 2,y0,2:,00-flacalleu :Tf1e CT, .7o:criL, )1' het, hoth :otewart, 0 0-0 0 o.,--.2.o'aot the o.cal to :1'..)(:;05:5; tooihat the .207.j.o,c o-a.ltiao: to thc. Tiectnic To! aC)',1.-A i:aS To .t7coot TucO the hlhlray rCuCT. w!oc.,.-.7,-Lt.. to thn Tf.calth C oounCCrot o 17 nO out ont the 0070CT ion UC ..,,Hol-colt:coo to LCTO4 hTvinc: teen otu'.7itea 'by the ,...00ea: officiuTLe wore real Tf the Clerk no OCT 1..,...L ZjII. Ioffl.e7..., ,:iol.h oe2-71.0.e ,-,i,'IA:,, ,11. 'IF' _Do Connie cc in hoc. ofice ;-„7,-7).00 1: ...).).: net for Lou-d, -J.c) ,L:t-k-,, 0Y!,2.7G., 1-.:yore ollowacoe F0.00 faci''Ic C..7.af, ',-.T1,:l O'aeotri,o Cc, One .54 ...Hcoclecooter Cc Toter 1(:..16 ..:acio.H.c 'Zol. .O Col. CO4 :aental cLa,:.', toflo ,-, ,r ,,,,...„_, 2(2...:1(:,,j'Hoi, ::::.on-ry L.....:o),ies Ten '.:aor'o office 7.7b _)e1 co-. .17 tal-lal 6.30 .';o. tnio'i; 100 4.70 ILY IT IY !t• 1T oao(7., Cohn r.7.1oaLre. ChLCLCTIO ad.Ou'2 .21;Y.:1). oyt II 241„20 17 11 IT 11 If [,201ore 114 '1;01' '6400 „ 50 ,CO „ 00 r12 iT Ivo-r ,orol-Ti,:; 1111 o oro-o:ly 5o. 0:-Ij3 Llec"7L 7;0, IT I If ,)-7) Ev: IT 11 if 11 ./ /1 if IT 1 12/1404 2L0c Tl, 2 Tel, CD.), If 11 iT II if IT IT TT if 2cho01:, ,Tortry IT TI TI 07re 521,0 1n46:7! IT I If if oil TrA',',o1:1:41e 100isc*,Ii, If 2tro loo r IP IT !) 17 IT IT 17 II 'I ST Y1 If II IT if '.1 11 II 11 IT 5,10y-T, TT IT IT 7I 11, r 0 4 63.00 5C1 ,53 10,20 223,50 223 r,c, 223,50 4;i , 5T-C.C,LL •U.Liri 4Z,(7,0 Sr!t ea! r.L‘. L•ifi 104- CO J L111 CYCi j 50 01.1 ' „ 00 tor t „ ; 001:: „CO acTToltroa, 170 „ 00 ..F,12„5.1;2:1,1=LT r o -r.5; „27 J' Ic7 :Direct or i5,00 F.) COO 1 o „ Coc5.1. 5,3 , 'ot co' 5.; 1Cat ceed 5,1.-11 1,:j 01.7 r1'( C „ );(L 55)1 ell. e c. occre.conere fare,,. oi :H.t i.nt o'L; 1.50 „ t roc t; t'or: (12 r 1.1_5 „ (71.2 So. :I or: cci:c.,5 tik:-.)5'cico pore 1.00 :33.10 25e-17)5e:co 5occ, Cloo.c„ cter 1)0 Total - ZLIIID. n.1.; 5, 1117 C; it 52,40 La'cor orc1 latc 'hire 51c5... Coo Co Ot .■'') 2, :T.0 C C' 4 5 (.7.: 0 5. piv C.) (55 rac.:e Tecretery ,k3.0c5(7. of eccilth Cancf ice exo.c; Ire e 25 5,50 otier,cr155,a0. 7 23-toacilacy 5oo el' „ ,15; 2.„."T 1'1; .tr',71..,11 t.0 1.46 11 T °tell 1.12 ,..‘..P.2,)L! 11.7;f: z, , loccre .51-occ!or 05 o al:; or 4. nn ,t. t 0 it "7,75 Uoe of ho:!,:ee 1.00 Too.1 t1L:ot the oli oLo ooW, ",o:y• rLe:1,:crieC. t7coo fo:12o:;t:o:.t vote:- 211:121o,fh, 2,eth , / 7,h000:_ooe„ Trhe ;:totoo.ot,t of :oco: IC10 IC01101: c:;14 7otL,F: orJoiTeC:. Tho ohoot foo.: th,o oh:of:711..7 M17 ,o,lot, CCC Cl t000rt of ttle Tffi„oct:,!,:Tic LC ,„ot :Tel' thi.o 0000,olo!..TiotelaTh),-„Lit fey' the, fio.00..1 Tcocoivo, 'Tho oot,t=t1o,too,, wey:o c.o.—T.4)10 tioe e,T.tto-T' of tho o1:0000e(1 011,o,00)co L. the rh-o.qflo 1Too„ to 7)o T,:=11e7, t7To -tot 11 ihe, to to o,T,T,-tty hlo-TD7„ 0tico 0001 o IC :1 C) f Coo,-,olttoo to oo:o,foo: 'ol,trh, h)oitco to.tC-C) tho ootot oIC no obi; no ....1)t.o.:T7:o, fooZot), O::ofecto a 011 .a:t to oe -e„Tett th,o T,rhitt Too,7 oo. tooLT'oroTT oTS,' thT,o), Lt1tto,f,„ 7oo-ooTet tho Toy:JLT.a -o Tier: ter- olootio-T to -,,,t,iToo tr'oo oiocoot'..r.roro -- 1» ,oJ,„ 'Toietlott thot t7,1 'c,b0 .T.,eoot ')he to :211.. tho olootlop.„ f,'.ot).,olo111,,,oti Toth cooteto,r-i I 1 thoi,o rCC) CI; oo-HrT oloot,o,, .ttt 'o, 100101 i(32 011C)CICCCC. C--l01'0-C- , , TeoToL.T. Lto) tho,t ,Tfo.1 Oo t -1e.00t oo-th LIT trhoe ooveeoa T)ttolo of C 'TJTo hi e,. to o„ttaoLa to To ',rho eo'„It T'vtotlo.„ Le Toeceootoo,t. tho 0100001111001 of the, Tozo)0 -1,1 tfl1tfcc.E: to 1,co o,ocor! -.7o, the L000 000t H 011011 oofoee J0000te, Tho ,x:ttoe: Itc„otE::7!, to tho to ..eti000t T t 1 h,00 oholo rif 1'3 t7“-2,:eo e000 Thefht =o.:!-:eed,e,:to,a to coarif:. he ttpe, t?e,s C:120 oo=1.o,TJ, thet th.o h*.j,o,•oeo :1;oe.elittee leive'etie;e,te the iIi ef heo:Oe, „ ee,-OLe Cceehlel) leeeeotl t he eh, • cooe,,,,clo,ioxa of a t) eohhoot hce:c ooherty oe 7e,Cloon efreete tho ttoet (-•;oecil the,t tho ,eo ?he -.1-efoo to the .:',:ttot o-e:,och!.:Jete000t e•oi(7. tD Vie Otfooe otteeltl,ou tio lack of tra-os'oorte.tiou Ta.,eili- tori to no Te7:teohoo oh the eot ';'hore i e,:teeoa, (2e2ared ii ceelexfth: ;tts, of ne hoeh.: of :Olectreiy thot the ,p1:1 oil oTace lo. the .)-Jot the eu.e! of 2::,O)500 CO7C:ra: of eYitch aootel.e, eteG ileirenYod te hioahce Ce:eidttee,. C ' Ci'leolotaeoli, -.2eq7,1oetihc--•: I)ey-ede-.3e-,Tou to teeo hie eehcol.1,1 teo e to 'peel-. .'„*„..-o•ooet 3t-11 ootio,a hotoaotor-o, hy :es,:o'oet tE tV302 to :,,e,1):1 oo Llocolu 70fljij1: The CJ.o:,.'h loet.-2etokfl to DJ: Iiv'or tiet no hocoete.,ey fcefoDif of te LHie.:ecfeceaeeht :::e400etiAh the (,)evoeotli, to take etel2o to hL,vo th,o Oor.tho:fo :i2aceiono to for il,ore 0:21)2 reee=yhi.e, eftelewell. '2ho viae 3,:ootJ000..,eJ: to co:J'eehicate the :_ye,theam o.V6h vicoo t'oeo, to o:covij7e 1,1oe FoTIrvice. v Dc; ccx ttua-o,eer :ceef,Teetloe ee.eotoitollo 7Jeeno to te:o•c - a.or: -hahe, Lee, t7hat ierelite, seco,vfloci heee::oeo, r,e=iej the foilo ho,oecelote.,ev,o , c tit TeoL tho t'Itelec feof t7ae of t7e.o et.i7eotfo ,L'2o'het elovo,7, tht DDe :'ore-,:t Ho(!ohaol 'ej 3ol1oeh co ,t o,aod hy t7le yote:- ee!, 2oth cool ko 19 :Oe:coe, Uonoll9coco.: o(fo'et of the 2.eohoi, of :Thaitt,, th,ot the he,3 owoMir.00.e,:; tho eTV hhoo-J.7 ,:eeoepty on le:h ::tteet o,t.„,Oo e, o.ececoeol:',y were theioeto e,ttae7eo, Jece,e7. teo,t e•ctl,oeo U 'oho io:,nt oT h:ealn Lecond- e,'T Moo:' on toLL t:hc,ret.roe rcnnoe'tot, th:et if ,:e..1,vono 'none ooe roe. 1014. , nentl,h'o eeiolell; :new erleveh te nte,te the Laee. lo t7ne of e'ere ,f,vee an ei:;:oeitlroolty to o0t no eh..7 ',:ecelern1 aiee,riee ef the ,e-leece, , roll ac1,7 the actiee ef the "..-h)nr1j. ef Hee,,ith j- "ne 01:r „leroden:l.; Toe:',2„,e0; .-h0ent'; 11lohtrout u, Zer t700 121.0 tfile.,t L ..,eoor:1,,nect,,,, „„„ Olhnrte:e rettrio.:11 n000rer.,e -er the Oen:0,01:1: to .eet e toeaf :of oreta,:.:her oii Zt TO I y :LItece,.7.01 h. 3,111 vo, hiefieihe: hellTh fo„ „,reee..:tAoh, iLJtL hro-.1 11,riteretIlAh.v 'ffeenzeof, 1,,:tuceehrfnlnie tle r71 fer nee: n fer the 1,-l;helletleh cvf J:!:eIhot,e0,"..thfech teo over ,DSLI erE" t7::e feci,..011-onh re'echet nttoetAeh te the e0e7 co,n.:11ti.en n 7L.eo no .1)T0(37: .7eheta tlnrn -vehle0 nov.-012. thet tho 1,110:er: cou:tynoleot -,Y71:i t:0 er,,;arJ of eell tlete ettantion to: the c.too[0,,, er, eret juhC) VreoholThr:Y .0,lootleh -eo hcle t-re Jnye. :th11f();:(11 '00 :1 eThet-.1,.oh ete7 tle,t tho ht7e)rney Ornt: n:!,2 the rece:hM,7, :1,:rt-i,eLt. 1r. o eeJ,e1.1 the hetle:a tho ler ovoio teo.tti heht tho,-; hree hrit.ot'o 11.00,t1a)n. oecval,e7. , hecce.0ort loet felloelaH tete:- neee:Oenooileleh oeeitlotL, then o.-)e,t00. by the eote:- „oreo;jectnell,ee eley,e,, 7 -neer .ce..-eelrere-..... 0Iio0, t 1.00.0s; 11laea, 111e1., tort, hheeet:11:1ohe, :tr, en ...Joh, h,:.,ehr: eh. 0O/ of n Thteire e-eter re:1.Tc: the 0,1 :cre,:jth he:17 0nt,.7 that h. iii:- f e.oth' ...rehrhin ereehlTh :1.te o.vh, thrt hr 7(no0:.11.th ccenenetea the ci.0 ef:oerioor,t, .r4 :rah:ten:1 threralleert Lloe0 tl:ot the Lieet*eio Llectooioe he oeieeroreq to heo.--0 n r1 1 the 1111 enli ercvlje(, the..-, they ..ony fer the unt L :en Z.h.:ls, he0,0270(7 7ry eeh»i; Tnr1e0t, hnohhh, er or:1„e; t, -rot:o e,,rhetere: oettfien to ti0 the n7 that -trhe h,t,orltotjleot of c:f...00A2 eocen:,or-y *10:: the veto: 1 1,11.1.111. .•71 CI];, 101d, Ihelemlosioo haq ejoo.en a MoAsion lo -,7hich the Coixoance-ni,ia ant he fee,e.i, to .2oiut in fi.re hy5soc,nts. ":iho sli-jestion was that no oity .otovi7e its own hy5lrants in the nnifroteoterT rorton on notion 0 fon, narnitenf;, oecon,f,,e "fty for,sonsterh on.,1 t15_s nzs sefer2e6 to IC he inblie C;cAL,Ilttee . booSae etnte that the L:',teot Co,tnittoo was in -reoeiot of fora hils 'flos the oofestrnotion of the iinerty aa5, —venue bnilehoa,,ls soh': that the of Caor]-.. anfl 'freeieie'r: was Co l0000t I1Co irice of tho ne!,bt7 avenne 7r1117thooq was :2:16'5423 anCI of Ci Ii»iI ntenhe halhhoeZ, be)oe4es, fo sovcol thet C of 7,nre, cans*: ±ooCle-zio.k. he noeento5, ocoo,f!c(1 by f.artiott oho- oeltei,:o the folloii7o renos:Uen,noilseen :''onetTett, 5n,liooer, fefiffnoTI, fao.5,oe, oish n:etc,r000, „,:nneeis;, ins-foot, Iboth ots7 () Z000:'Se,,ne, heth o LeIcC;louCi on Co no idattet of the 7anitof's oeTar,:7 ?eel. eto nC that cC T: rn1 t:he enn: 5one io th,e) ,op-,foolsy if none autiofactoy to 7.,:fit,yr hi:ne, :he lo,ttor wan intl ver nnta the nont toethoc; at inholooh tleue a :sun reoott -non ho orne, onont.,ian: cCnc cCnc ecnI the floinne he : nlchh oo al7 noval it e h„suCelf:5, thot oll freeesfinos Coc' n„oolnten of tention hni,nhor 13, hoe teries wh,,.ere.h,cf woe Insf!ortnhon 01 1771'071-');..10aJC. of, a el] o . '7 oeo in eie :'oeoen,theni, he osoe hernhy oro, nhsh,loneel ani vneate6. ocie 722 tc.c on elect; a. 5 ho it Zneetnof t'oc, (2,1t oji tiinleCa be Le heeoh,y Is, (Ureote5i to sfi.thOfol Tsolf t-,hanfoJliesion to tho eioa CoIJ.c'l on e-f tho •also Clney the sse0 en5: door eto- viicoa for ih Sre,eli'ioions 5 u7* 1.cespootrely, of /,;,, of tho 5,00el Iffsoe ee-c'6 Let of 10°1, ase 'oeHr,:hiyeLlon thneolo, 7ef,oe2eotinie of shetho ouy I. evea besse 7)ros:ht aser eftor oosease of, tne f;'.vonfient,:000 foreie, to IL Section S of ssl I net nnel no:eoUefera nceoC. 'ecr thto ,5,00nej1,. nereonterei t:362;C,If:16(1 t0 it MY';' the foilowinL: lo•n•Li•, •shlooh„ *simoo, iscef,:ao, S,:,noTesnbo]o, bonnie, 1folot'6 :Loth anCi. fAssseort, neosone, hoio hortofenotorn os,11C, ottontor to the ricer In iovci.octtit ,Yfl 30-Cal'i,2 at finooln , T,L;cr,7 t"0,t not ie e.xceco_ f„5012,.00 'be 'THnot„onHft, to fit the CfAl)P.11:t, secnooE T coso-i oerrio hy the -felicielno: vote.; — re,,eo;tiosaneal5lotc,, beinott, fin.iTook, efonilon5, fosonnorof 1.:',1","0"oY eiewsoft, • „„ocre:1:o.no. 'fhero botno ao Therthes. lie.,eoes,n to t,-„ennsaot the Ce:nrnoa ce'L,I,ohYslea I.e. its ne-ot ros:Ler ueetluo- tine, iSeseny frsnot at ''/:30