1914-08-18 Regular CC Minutes0210.:1' 7.7o...c1.1, 1c,w,,, :co e. 02 fie o07:' o-o , '77'7,100; (i T.- 7. C.:0;7; „ yC '10 l'ote of '70.0 weo.:v (los h-c 0';:o°004- owed „ o o_yL 1000flo:ve the i 1 oe ot a oo-00;',0woei. 7C'';',, of .LAJI(o-Jloo o ' c t ,c,e're 00 70„63:0i 1",V oo r e :et 1r: .Ooe000.00 00)00.0,..00 Of '',700.0 ao 0:r o:oe i*Oo cf." ±10,-0"01-J, o,o,ve 1I. o ee tiot o will Min 0ioi. ,o ow ol000t t:!le 00-enaool 1Ar,°:' , 1; ,e050,coi-: ewo)-00,000.0 to Pe) ,°; .,,e,o40,01,-0;',0,:, nen,i0n-'„ e 1...11Yzo-.047 20.00. oncio'ilot . :30 o001-10 ;',:tr";-.':;-'1;' „o.N) 20.o ,Coco f000l 0,2 0 ow .7r 0„12 c,00 ..00000:oor, ao,o0010'011- 70000 :) 071' 60'7 i t :Oy t7,10 -.1.cooq :71:2,..;:'2:7;7, oc:o a ,c,,,o'o 15o0oei. o„ o 7-000:0 0!oe7J ille 0:0 „ ..oe '000, 00 a o o67ci o icijot 7i, T T Laoifie 701, Ye1. 00, 1 • 01,'„,:o Fejcy, r:'0,1, 00. 07„,,COCILLL Li07.01). f,..°02viee T.:0 5c) :71100 n -c ;;;:, , -L7 5 , 0 005515t 1000 1Y,5z1 7o11.1,t5i-cy, ",„ 7.5,5 556:1 1)5425 7A,` 2.50 5.-5.to Cc, ..7...221.-n0 (723 :2; 1Cet'fi0 IS 3J2:30, .„ 00 C.211 '2,2222n 000 lo „ e 5.7 City i,h66,ileci. .1.3u 0 3 3120 at. .3.,(.; L 77 4 oco, 00000. 002„ Tift07Cij.. t'21 ,37112713'3' ;'13 6.6:car.,,tt 5.1(7 u555:rioC ;0ouio J: :1yr 02 1.615m)C , 6) , Zoc5, fo1,1 , 1CJ21.6 23]2, i127.112(7e1 20.-'j:hea.':1 _00k3;±1,(.3 300032L100!3 LIne2, C 1 .ues , 50 o 12.00 00 60„12 LAM rj :2,11.'2 C00o ±CIO';'O ()if. "); , C. o CI y0i, o 15T)r cC 0IOOO 5:1,7 0100 00» C 0000000 1$, OW 000 r;00c» r„Lo,:5c5...-1 555,11 cry., L,51, 'Le d 0 oboi-,...15, c, ,:tc:,)„ 7 t 00 a J * a c , ion 0-6. c2.2i1s„-*: C:cee 72 oiee: 123,T*C'01' o .eez t 7JAh 1 V T t„e cert-i-or..1a1oo eo-T t oh te oo o,„T; or' -rt:e"Tr 1), swortTly f e „fee e t 2 a tf o e „ ,.;)•r." c„,-1 Lc.„. 1 C- H..11 rt. for o. oite 1!„. e o for -;;;eo:;.e fir. e a-T2 he , refer-reC +hC. folic e c.o.., 7 lf e foo.ehlHeieo o„.LeT', t7oe k „ „ a r 1 7 . 7 . „ -I,: :.„"„. 0„7 "1-,1„.; o ce..” 1tiya..„.1; 1e„ t o o ho o :eve. .71 „or, t ate et AC it vie e o,or e 77-1T a151e to 2„...c. oac OY 71:VE1 it :eeoh1f.0%11„ Zroe. r r e..11.1e .1.73 ef oe to o ell 1:1_ ),;° of of t oe. oe o f o o .ey Ji,,T („) 71: "C' e, -00 Y.”: CC o co:1 „„.‘o ;.„ one y: c , • .. C. „:„.11; ; „T. "1.11) 7 (3 to 1The.oll to tow1f I oaelele oe of tT„,o ooa „22. „ loa of ar C. .o eto7 oeoolf o ey aT, 1.„ oea tore ;..1.111111T„. -1-11 ;71, H. c; kite -;;;;;Too- „f;',1" h ae.o1f; -.710 „oCA ; 10 over folli11 o r a ,r 000 oe or tho 12„:„ t e the ir 1. 7. ithej cep. . ItT1..)C1147,„.12,, t1o.o t oflOte (,.a of to.e y of Ti a. he THEe, The 1h ].(..„o..( .T-Jy olo-1 or e t o 2r eeeer e oloie„ eloc(11. o ooc f tioe :or f offo,fo.fo to TO e to 112 TT e tiotr ofeo, eut Of f' Teo1.. a Lac:root 1.00a t°11, coTt of Ttioo o 1 Lo 'CC off eet to 1.1o.o r f:[.101 alft i toet ff o ouia.ee1„ a e„ 1 r rf oo ..e IC; C'1 ,;"ot ocro1:11.0ji-1fer! „ C,) feet he.et o ootCC. 1loo of ho.co„.1,' et,, o 000- o oo of a 1.1.e „7 lroe—t;o.o.e ooer eft te. "f—eree.e.ae e AC' LLI CH'- I” ho eeot e„e 'i-loTo of ".„ io feet oo th e otify f,ao.e.ole tTlio CL) o lo of 2„.. h„„.1:1 t 2 00 t, ef-Toet t o ,..e.-T7Lole to ee eoe- .e troo CCC'- eo1Tet rie-o e„e.a6 r To011 f o ar ( 4 ) feo I cetel'ly nere :coo- entire ...1;1:J of oCe; f olji o t tr o et IA- tl wee t Tif-he of °eel Tfto et to a 11-2Te fifer er1til; - CC ot,:i:ct. T.e7c. Je.ro.17„..ef. ar.T. oef ei2;T„.1„., —Tech oT7r ee .1..;"!;:o ( „OG) foet „.„ t eef.1a,y. tTa. CC e — fl off, o 1 CC off 1. o el 2e- a IT, e o.72 -1.Le o o oe of c oro.:Je e o e, HI e 7."A ifyo T o fee ee inelooe e o al „Y.,e- rb TI...;haee of eT.TaT etee o t ae 'coo.) „:1; IC 1,),y t 11 o eo-heo-roiet1...oe of 000er e e ie:1„ t oa .1fre o.,ae to ;raj o o : a oT. lie, if 2; the r etic„-Tle — oH col:* of H. Tae:. - T. 7. '67e. a CCf YCA lor„ oecchaef. *he *o njo?)* *ha :OLwool..1rLio it '20,2: eaeoe(:,„ o-o1 no1 rto0 hu *he oote:- oar, ha ,m1 cr, L o o h:ot :+c.J , ao, Ic T itewo,1!* ('1), iheoe.o *Tloh fef the 71.1,-q):eavoe-olt of ho,air,oll 'Otreet nni the trtroicnooa the feria\ og cJoveJ 1.to t'he oinuo ofac. ooccifiea- tioho foa.' the olloging -,ta'r-o to he ,:lone ete-: i:occiceo,,:to-o* to 'he lInCe. in o.nl'f,", to wit:, ro'c lo,v,o5h'egocont fe('!ioa ,3*:reat a a Tieno of Lopilf, oi-o..'oet to wit'r, end inIo- t:eht hcchc-nre thisr%,egn.le (22,0) foot teo*aciw oeite:r Tiole of iO":olt :::icre.o*, 'by the oorotraptl et) of ai-::j ( (,:eeer„ teith O,:-bra,ne:ros )11.ee oannef,,*ic:-,o, along the center of a(liar ;.'..;*rent, jon. :teig'ot 'Inc the e:dett:1 n(t,,.-ohi,,r7e in *he arce- inr,.; Lann,,.1 ::)treet wit7o 2tree* *0 LC ta aanotrr.otoci ot reit:* Two hoh,:roa noyi th inrt (2C) fee* t ca a 1)-L, r,-.‘.:!tg the entire t,t,7th, oZ • ha,o0n. :A:coot, f:ro the eeotetl,,,o lIne 0 f" t',:et to o Ttno ';*e2col*72,_ • i`lotont Lpuhred. on,7 ( 20'D teet.;:,a.71:ty ore:Crain, to tho offici! 1 otoaCi h 7 *he, o or of coof2,reic alan *he toorh linco of too' the reioTieirillo, -oat:ogre, yitie n Toyef of -H".“:0''"C: t11ilf"JF khe t]-ai'lnecer onhDi*toL o•*'' 2faite *'C. :tre hote,e fe-r the -,gfia.re aoniO onecitootiou 'egol.ho on2-.7. eeeo:'(::oq the niotion to 7a, '2tooTrt: on TonT it tnT, Ic,o the aillont vote: oe7,, (1) li000laUich H. th,t i, ;:ho tttention or t7,c, ,T,7 *he of nh-HoClo, to att-,on *-ne fceleheinot aoln: to he tone titfrovetent to 'Jo 1t.e, in H.,,o, to itht 2t]reet fro -Lne a ea tel.. tac Horh ntlreot to o Th'ne oornllal onr iHa,ont ri-to L ) "Zo 0i; onii lle;o et" of,- a ', :2, :70 1" -LA , L2011-tve with 4-inch 'C- U' hca.no con- erlo, ho nicoet the ocn*ol a of no,:h'heon oton* r- ht J:in11:1 'cioo holhole tho oitent7oto otn" elnrego'c with tio:goon ot t ,o,„*ari (i Tact ec,i,7 o.nf.":o7..e *6 7),.' k.O; 7-ne 0IU0.. htiet, with eoe*-tron toe,o • coonra a eri, 0000t 'In° tLn., ''.ihnta for .'ono'':„. ,7entoi tec fj) oT *he Ith, • hineKC't,„ 2: -jf."a,07, :, on t'lgle ta thn nrt'ioa er!7 tha Ott of or,,o7 rieirTh 7ont in .etah7i a a IC (7_ t O.-1*: te tol; - 11.0 foot to o oeoLi :ffooffoL7,11, oo...- f(orfootel,' floof f10 o'off1, 1f:Joe ooffU. '„foo,)ot 7::;C'HO6i1 ..o.Hf000'He of. to:3 'fiff., *1..foo () foot :so:o of.: (ff.) f....o.fooe ff. trficf000, :.0 ou-offoofof:J.J1 f:Ito o 1.o., of ofor .fuf"Lol, ...o.of,ff to, Lf.:. ffoy, 1,of,foof 11o.ff.e, of.oLlOoffoil fioro 7ofo'fo1 o fool1f. -11 of *oil fofTh fy-11 -ou :ofo ouo'ff-Loo.00 o'ou ooff oei rOi:ouj;o1 off tho of of t•Ou C,fLolof. oftfOL. c. O.foloty OofoOy f:e'=:ffuof:Loa fol" root 000f,..,00e :no ,00f.reoi, ;:.;000l"iof:e.1.Thf,t to ';j3 of oll 1.1 t1ou ffou".: olo:ofj: :Colo o ilf:f000foo Joif. of .1ofufft oaf ouofT: f: oil :o.ou zo.fooffoa of of. ou 1ofjElff-loo of ffoo f„fofo, of Oh.ffLo...o,fifo, C'.uul'oJolo.o. Ho °-.Lo.00to:o7of'ff.:,:: of l:.11" 000Jef, sf„..f.ff LC if ofoo liz.:e113000, .1:*)t, (1)4 ofu-..ffoutuaof, fouoolufoi! flo-ou,1 cf.r of • ..*L:Cry, ouff flooce:f.:; afo, rof off of. he:Ho.12 fn • uulooflfe, of 101L 00 ,2,7x.tO tlo 10t N.,,,,t.;:,-170d 7-2y 000tof 1-.*.uo of oofjof. lot ;„. 1, of T nJt foet of -20::::Thy in o.fi7 of f.afffif :.u.,;.7.joaeo,trf. if tifu f000'-.H -oocor.W ffoo:11 1an foOe, _vc.fe, o'o of*leL 0000 of foo U of 2,oefo..',1 1100 001! CL- :Ofijoueoc!,. ':;f) f7Ju 00010 of • 1:ofaee Jofveyo'f, 001 • o, T. oi.ca;:ton ofor 0-111€ of recoYd fJ.; (:He uffie of i(fc,c, :ocol'aef of Jo:;,-' a,.: of ,ohloh 'eajf: CL ffef10, TO OC!!LO 010110-00 t7o.o 0„7, 0100 L000000ILCO 0C1. if ae. 17:0,2ECa 1of.fuo.oteofyi, foffio, for Zoeff:C;o-cLooil- fIoio:f, (1 01) 000 $oc:-iit 10th, 1914, tne,t tj!oe nocyor of tho ,,,.Loity of cliteocCoo, Co an Co nere7i,y Co .virthoried, oon(i Jl'ooctea, toi orvt on beho.lf of the oiiit no.clo to re.ecnte ovtor :).Pt,'„, a ,za.-Itt,':rn c.;:,ntraot 'cith 1,olch Cieice, :\i:cO --f,ortnoro nneior the firho otyle of 1.2,1 trit'i. E.:r!yt'j. 017 'oil', of !oolJ. leoro.to- fore on th2 zith of „von:not, D, 1t14, a(icete:a 'Oy tto C.o.rnell of the, C CLi of -1,,vi,,oja, .io, eeoeofioa ,otion to o:iio:ot te S2,,000inoti!.on co.nf. it 7oy the follootie.o. voto:- -you:Cioemci,ltien .tor.eeectern, h000:,C.one, :Collin irohot, .t,1,1"1, for Orivonce :Th„ iasteu2ized ,Oet inonrce, E.00lo Jlotritnt:Inpn thereof; eo,rnin tko. ntoocoari ef inton, for i'oeetelerition Thc,,00tn.o; a fer the 7i01 otion of oo„Fi "1:2,) for filtlal -,Joc,eeoe:c o„o.i no!o no,o.J -.); tire Clorh. HomIllonf, iloved not the CooJiooeoe oe ft 1O„; itr„ oorrieJ. ft the 1011.a..11 Uoen,oniaen 17„21:1.011,71, Lerz,entero, 2ot1 i cry:i Tfoeo:'Zone. n'oloent:on.noiLaon itroh of, (1 t*:311 11.0 6. o: 1 66; ...c,noosc• the OvhilonJ co,i6e-ofrolAt Cooany onJ inooted that; t7ie eiottor e reforroj to tho i LJoo oft o i,oreonetorn o eft efctete,l, tnn.t it vo...n.1J. oeivjeoto,i)ito for the City to hevo on 0:ctnotie o,onnoctien 'ob-eiccio in a oi.treet locfore tt,c etreot, ie loo:ocove(q, rovtor Tocce roferrel Co th,o, Cft .c.ttoriley to ,11.avi 7).:e the -,1(Doe'Ll-y f.12, Cvitlott novecl the,t Oettoroo:y - oo-):: not to oLn- coe.T. O-2,(CO.C..) for Cft1c L'.coonattn,i. to oeoiet 'ejv[ the 7wo ono -half "core ooeoci eoft ey Coe, Oroc;moni ae.;] oieC by the vote: - .o,,,n.„.Goevcoofacoon :3irtiett, hae.nce C.cor-,enteteo.ni, nhoont:,,,;otinoiLon iroClot, (1 ,JovoJ ,ft It he t7lo eene of .rno tiant nor:olon nvenv.e "oo iLvichicor he otroot to icearl ,Ji.reet the ,,J..tcrt-Lio, owoers; tLot fify eoats frent Toot Her yeool:. 1:e for the c:!.OwI000 of n.o.in..7f , ICc oft; or- Cci oivon to ioon.:1 ,jtroA; tnqt v-fi, ton)-cor- outtero Jive thoir ofei:-.ent to ino of t7ott no oTeeet 1:111.JAtj'-2 310e0 t,2 no vo.ton:nnt.t Ifte. rite CeiCos; intinnooe coi inivcyaotelt CO loot: -,T62 122.0 lego.1 ':to 1V- vetio ,:no foo,:emde Vr. etenart oc,etio ig the foiienLne .17,oth ocJ Otono,i' rconot, (1). f,a2tiott veeve,::7„ ;io1 the .eieioticce of iionCiuo nt.oescpe Uti /f* -Zoo„ i,orooL 1 L.LL oOS-' L'Oo oo 00%11 ;7c!off:C! L77:, EL To:„' coo-„,.7.,i ILLoo (