1914-11-04 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR 1JEETING OF THE COUYCIL 0 THE CITY OF ALLEDA, WEDUESDAY E:\WING, UOVEj:DTR 4TH, 1914. The meeting convened with layor Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, :dacRae, liorgenstern, Eorris, and Probst, were noted present. Councilmen Counoilmen Buliock, Hammond, Roth and ewart, (4) were noted absent. he ]:jnuteo of the regular meeting of October 20th were approved as read. The li;inutes of the special meeting of October 26th were approved as read. Claims against the General Fund amounting to ,;366.73; against the Police Fund amounting to ;;10.10; against the Blectric Light Fund amounting to .4065.60; against the treet Fund, Labor, amounting to :898.6 against the Street Fund, Laterial, amounting to :106.83; against the Library Fund amourttiag to ;:,942.85; against the Health Fund amounting to ::)140.48; against the Focreation Yund a:dounting to )914.38; against Local Improvement Alnd Th. 785 amounting to ,,6332.54; aF;ainst Local Improvement Fund j'o. 784, amount- ing to ::5224.68 and arminst Local Improvement Fund JYo. 786 having been approv- ed and audited by the -rooer officials were read by the Clerk as Tollows:- TaL FUI1D. 2,1ameda Jteam Laundry _Lssn. Towel Service 8.00 Aubert, id. .iervices as janitor 66,00 Coustier Son 2.00 Croll, '/alter L. Services 12,00 i_artin, D. C. TT 18.00 Otis, 'rank Layoris allowance 50.00 'acific Gas Electric Co. Cas .63 reoples ',later Co. 'Cater 15.42 Rundberg, Um. Fainting 20.00 Russell, Eleanor i!otary Pees 1.00 Uchileider, Henry Sup!Ilies 3.65 Times )3tar Co. 'rinting and advertising 59.78 1r TT IT IT 45.00 United tates idelity & Guar. Co. Premium on bond 12.50 Varcoe, V:m, Services 51.00 ,V:ilkins, J. H. Supplies 1.75 tal ------------- 366.73 POLICE FU:1-D. Conrad, John Incidental expenses EL.a)TRIC LIGHT F=1), Borie, Louis J, Surrolies Board of Electricity Incidentals Burroughs Adding ,achine Co. Repairs and ribbon Bussenius, _',. G. Drugs 10.10 2.99 11.70 3.50 2 .70 ;,--; -L) November 4th, 1914. Dow Pump (S; Diesel ing1ne Co. Supplies 'ir' 6.20 _aectrio 4pliance Co. If 33.32 General aectrie Co. TT 113.72 TT IT TT TT 172.00 H,nnley, J. 6. Insurance 23.12 Holabird-Reynolds Co. Supplies 104.27 IT TT TV TT 171.58 TT IT IT TT 40.92 TY TT TT IT 38.36 TT IT TT It 151.50 TT I? Lamps 77.66 IT TT Supplie 208.69 IT TT Hunt, Mrk & Co. 1, 29.50 Justinian Caire Co. TT 11.58 Kelloggs Express Co. Drayage 4.43 Knight, J. J. Use of L'ainteris Falls 3.50 Koerber, A.. H. W. Rental 30.00 Langlois, E. Repairs 8.50 Earshall-Uewell Supply Co. Soft Steel 6.18 It IT It TT Supplies 11.08 Pacific States Electric Co. It 5.91 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 15.55 Paynes Bolt Works Bolts 8.97 Peoples Water Co. Water 2.00 Perata, N. Window Washing 1.50 Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Lumber 6.04 TT 1.35 11 9.03 TT 28.56 Powell Bros. Construction Co. Supplies 54.85 Rhodes-Jamieson 8; Co. TT 5.85 Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Copper Wire 94.28 Schneider, Henry Stationery and supplies 0.70 Soules, E. C. Supplies 38.42 TT IT TT IT 18.78 Gasoline, etc. 36.10 IT IT IT Fuel Oil 1922.53 es Star Co. Printing 69.90 Gr hite 39.20 Supplies 9.86 :I otinghouse E. 5; 1,i. Co. TV 8.20 TT TT TT IT TT TT 19.71 IT TT TT II " TT 519.22 IT TT TT TV TT TT 53.10 TV TV IT It Tr TT 9.75 II TT TT IT IT TT TT TT TV IT TT TT TT TT 71 Standard Oil Co. U. S. Graphite Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Total - (4:s 4065.60 4A-110r0Sa, V. Britt. W. STREET FUND. LABOR. Labor Teaming November 4th, 1914. Chapman, E. N. Assisting City Engineer Easton, F. G. Teaming Jamison, J, S. Martin, A. L. Pennock, M. Serralung.71 L. Anderson, F. F. Associated Oil Co. TT If IT TT TT TT Labor Total STREET FUND. LlATERIAL Painting Auto 59.40 104.00 7.00 121,00 143.00 151.25 143.00 170,00 898.65 50.00 Fuel Oil 24,42 Road Oil 283.41 Baird, J, W. Repairs 3.00 Burton. Co., J. H, .50 TT If 2.00 Gravel 222.64 Sewer pipe 4.20 If Tt 26.54 Hardware 13.05 Blacksmithing 31.50 Supplies 40.91 ST 22.15 Hammond, C. J. Rock 51.50 Helmstein, J. H. Hardware 2.05 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rental 2.48 If IT IT TT TY 2.81 Park Garage Repairs 11.10 Supplies and repairs 93.90 IT TT TV TV 13.45 Pennock, M. Fuel 33.00 Peoples Water Co. Water 41.38 IT 41.53 Plummer & Son, Geo, E. Lumber .29 TV TV TT TT TT 1? 9.65 17 TT IT If IT TV 9,70 Powell Bros. Construction Co. Cement 19.80 Rock, gravel and cement 37.35 Schneider, Henry Supplies 7.25 TV TT 5.10 Soules, Ed. C. TV 33.13 TV TT TT TV 5.88 TT TT Tf Cal, Bldg. Mate]i_al Company Clark & Sons, N. TT IT IT TV Fischer, F Gay, A. T. Goldstone, John Tf TT TT IT TT 11 Tf If 77 November 4th, 1914. Vosburgh, L. W. Hardware 14.50 18.62 2.50 56.85 TT TT IT TT W. E. Blacksmith Shop Blacksmithing Wood Lumber Co., E. K. Lumber Total - LIBRARY FUND. Alameda Free Li1rary Expenses A. L. A. Publishing Board Book Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Towel Service Bacon, Mrs. M. C. Books 11 W. C. TT Book Club of California TT Champlain Society Dues Collier & Son, P. F. Subscription Emporium Books Poster & Futernick Binders and 3inding Gaylord Bros. Supplies Globe Consolidated Supply Co. TT Knight, L. L. Book and nostage Larsen, C. Subscription McRockey, Mrs. Racine Book Municipal Electric Light ;?lant Lamp National Short Ballot Association Book and express Newbegin, John J. Books North, Maud L. Substitute Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas Peoples Water Co. Water Schneider, Henry Stationery and newspapers Scientific American Encyclopedias Sing Lending chairs Times Star Cotpany Printing Volberg, C. C. Rent Wheeler 2ublishing Co. Books White House Total 306.83 25.16 3.60 1.00 25.00 4.50 20.00 40.00 14.00 52.69 109.84 5.60 9.00 4.28 3.60 2.00 1.50 5.35 405.35 2.50 .09 2.51 25,05 70.00 6.25 13.00 25.00 26.55 39.43 942.85 HEALTH FUND. Alhambra Water Co. Water 2.40 Carpenter I. R. R. Fare 20.60 Cutter Laboratory . Vaccine .90 DeLaVal Dairy Supply Co. Supplies 6.38 Eaton Laboratory Examination of water 5.00 Kellogg Express Co. Drayage .50 Konigshofer, L. L. Towels 3.25 cific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rental 1.65 Park Garage Supplies 18.05 Secretary Bo-,rd of Health Office expense 1.00 Times Star Ce, November 4th, 1914, Printing 7.75 Total ----------140.48 RECREATION FUND. Alameda Hardware Co. Supplies 53.95 36.75 6.25 10.50 2.60 1.00 Labor material 23.90 480.00 8.00 2.00 6.25 Howlett, Grace 25.00 Martin, L. L. 17.00 Municipal Electric Light Plant 1.50 Nealy, Constance 50.00 Pacific Gas Electric Co. Gas .09 .09 Pacific Tel Rental 2.25 TT TT Burton Co., J. H. TT TT 77 TT Bussenius, L. G. Donnelly, W. 0arsn Dorward ?limp Co. Driver John Furey, F. P. Hammond, C. 3, 7/ IT 77 IT TT IT IT TT Tennis Court pavement Labor an mlterial Hauling Supplies Salary Hauling Lamps Salary TT TT TT IT ur IT . . Co. Peoples Water Co. Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Powell Bros. Construction Co. ST Tt TT TT IT TT Tr TT IT IT It II TT TT Water 14.13 Lumber 4.42 Supplies 12.00 77.50 Teaming 22.00 Supplies 12.00 29.10 12.00 2.50 1.60 Total - 914.38 IT Serralunga, L. Hauling rubbish Steffen, H. Labor and material Strom Electrical Co. Supp].ies Rebates Rebates Rebates L0C2,,L ILEf2R TEMIT5. PTJITD, NO. 783, LOCLL Erd7ROVE=TT FUND NO, 784 LOCLL INTROVE=T FUND N0.786. - -0 o 6332.F 5224.68 6358.45 Mr. Bartlett moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Er, i:,acRae and carried by the following vote:- es:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, iorgenstern, ;Torris and Probst, ). Noes;Tone. Absent:Councilmen Bullock, Hammon0, Roth and Stewart, (4). The following were received: - Affidavit of the posting of Resolution of Award No, 17, New series. Order- filed. Afl'idavit of ')-ablinatioll of TheiRolntior of rl.warcl To 17 Ti ftira'OiPP r.) 6 r. 6 November 4th, 1014. The apportionment of Taxes for 1914-1915. Ordered filed. The report of the Municipal Electric Lirht :Plant for the month of September, 1914. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: // Fro v. F. Schulte,re igning as member of the Board of Health, accompanied by a letter from the Board of Health stating that that Body had accented his resignation, Jr, Morgenstern moved that the resignation be accerted, seconded by Lr. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morgen stern, Morris, and Probst, (5). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Roth and Stewart, (4). 2 From the Board of Electricity regarding the adjustment of electric rates in the City of Alameda. Referred to the ?ublic Utilities Committee. From the Board of Health in the for, of a Resolution in which it was stated that the Livery Stable situated on the north side of Encinal Avenue, between Oak and Park Streets, known as the Alameda Stales at 2307 Encinal Avenue, is in an insanitary condition. Accompanying the same was an Affidavit of Notice o Review by the Council of the decision of the Board of Health; an Affidavit of personal service of the complaint made upon the owner of the stable, Thadeus Von Ah, and an affidavit of the posting of a copy of the complaint on the building mentioned therein. Mayor Otis asked if there was any one present representing Mr. Von Ah, whereupon Er. Von Ah, himself, spoke and protested against the proposed condemnation of the building. Councilman MacRae suggested that a" Com- mittee be appointed to look into the matter. It was referred to the Health Committee for investigation and to report back at the next meeting of the Council. As no one was present to present the Board of Health's ..sde of the case, the Clerk was instructed to notify the Board of Health to have the necessary relpresentatives present in the future whenever a matter of this nature was taken up by the Council. 4 V Mr. Hutchinson,of the Hutchinson Company, was Present and Mr. Otis called upon him. He stated that the Cohens had agreed to enter into a contract with his firm for the improvement of High Street and Lincoln Avenue and that the contracts would be ready by Friday, November 6th. Further communications: From the City Engineer, statin that he had appointed J. L. Freeman, R. N. Ch an and J. Dahl to assist him on the city resurvey. Er. Bartlett moved that the appointments be confirmed, seconded by Jr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Uorgenstern, [orris and Probst, (5). Noes:None. Absent: Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Roth and Stewart, (4). From the City Engineer, giving the estimate of the approximate 'cost of filling in by dredger the hole in Bay Island Avenue. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. // From the City Planning Commission requesting permission to join the Sbate City Planning League and the national Conference on City 21 - irur. "Re-revved tn the next Com,Attee of the Thole meeting. Novemb er 4th, 1914. the City Council that necessary proceedings be taken to open and widen and straighten certain streets and avenues in the City of Alameda. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. Mayor Otis stated that the members of the Perkins Memorial Mission had requested the use of the Council Chamber for the rehearsal of a play that they were to give and asked for the hall on the nights of Saturday, November 7th and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, November llth, 12th and 13th respectively. Mr. Bartlett moved that the request be granted, second- ed by Mr. MacRae and carried. 10 / Hr. Bartlett called attention to the Coroner's inquest on the accident in Encinal Avenue and urged that some action be taken towards widening the Avenue. He moved that the Street Committee bring in a recannendation and report as to the best method of carrying out the work at the next Committee of the Whole meeting, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried. Further communications: 11 From the City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council establish an Industrial Zone and giving the boundaries of the same. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. 12 From John E. Walkup, Rosa Fulton, et al, residing in the 400 block on Santa Clara Avenue, protesting against the proposed placing of a one- room house owned by W. P. Robinson in that block. Accompanying the same was a petition signed by those persons who had given their consent to the removal in which they asked that their names be withdrawn. Mr. John E. Walkup appeared for the protestants and urgecl that the Council withdraw its permission, }Jr. Bartlett moved that the application for the house be denied, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried, and he moved further that the matter be withdrawn from the Street Committee, seconded by Mr. Morgen- stern and carried. 13 From the West End Building ssociation requesting the improvement of San Jose Avenue, between High Street and Post Street. Referred to the Street Superintendent and to the Street Committee. 14 From C. Green of Los Angeles calling the Col -s attention to an article in a Los Angeles paper on Constitutional amendment No. 19. Ordered filed. 15 From the Police and Fire Commission presenting specifications to be used for advertising for an automobile for the use of the Police Depart ment and for a combination Chemical Engine and Hose wagon for the Fire Department. Mr. Probst moved that the specifications be adopted and that the Clerk advertise for bids, seconded by Pr. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris and Probst, Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Bu11ock,Hammond, Roth and Stewart, (4). 16 y/ From Juan Pagani, requesting a gratuitous license to peddle peanuts, candy, etc. The same having been endorsed and recommended by the Chief of Police, Ir. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded 47: November 4th, 1914. Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Roth anc1. Stewart, (4). 17 v/ From the Aeolian Yacht Club requesting permission to use the a end of Iront Street for marine ways. Mr. Lorgenstern moved that the re- ouest be granted, subject to the pleasure of the City Council, seconded by Pr. Eorris and carried by the following vote:- 4es:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morgenstern, 1,.orris, and Probt, (5). Hoes:None. Absent:Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Roth and Stewart, (4). i3 From the City Clerk stating that he had received a etition requesting the Council to hold an eloction for a Board of Freeholders and asking to be authorized to employ the necessary help to verify the sir:natures thereon. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Clerk be allowed to emeloy help at a cost not to exceed ,50.00, seconded 'oy Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, EacRae, i_orgenstern, Morris and ?robot, (5). Noes:llone. Absent:Councilmen Buliock, F.ammond, Roth and Stewart, (4). 19 Er, Bartlett presented the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company ap-nlication for a telephone franchise. It was cwderod Tiled and upon motion of Tr. Bartlett, seconded b- :Tr. Probst and carried was ordered to be taken uo at the next Committee of the ',thole meetilc, and the Clerk was instructed to notify the Com,any of thi action. 20 V/ Mr. :.orgenstern moved that the Council meet as a Committee of the Thole on 1:enday evening, Tovember 16th, 1914, seconded by Mr. orris and carried, and that the Clerk notify the members of the Council to that effect. 21 Er. Morris moved that ..alter $, :icLean be appointed a member of the loard of Health, vice,W.F. 5ehulte,resi7ned, seconded by LIT. Bartlett and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, LiacRae, Lorgenstern, Lorris and ''robst, . Toes :Hone. Absent:Councilmen Eullock, Hammond, Roth 2ayor Otis requested that the warning against Constituional Amendment 7o. 19 as sent out by him at the suggestion of the City Counci1,be filed, as part of the records. It was so ordered. nd Stewart , )• Bartlet introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Tew Series, Calling and Providing for a special election in and for the City of l'aameda, County of Alameda, State of California, to be held in said City on Saturday, the 12th day of December, A. D. 1914, for the ouroose of electing a Board of Fifteen Freeholders, whose duties it shall be to prepare and propose a new charter for said City of Alameda, pursuant to the provisions of, and in the manner provided by the ConstitUtion of the State of California; establishing the election precincts and designating the polling places therein for such election, and the names of election officers for each such pre- cinct, and appointing such election officers, and proclaiming such election and providing for giving notice thereof", which was laid over under a provision of the Clo,rter. Prnl-is± -ii Rd attention to the need of a garage in the rear Hovember 4th, 1914. of the City Hall and urged that some action be taken towards its construction. Er. Bartlett moved that the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee submit plans and specifications for the same as soon as possible, 'seconded by Er. Morgenstern and carried. City Engineer Sutton addressed the Council and asked for more space for his office. Referred to the ?ublic Bufldings and Grounds Committee. 26 t" Mr. Probst called the Councils attention to the fact that the slickens from the dredging done by the Oakland Dredger is again appearing on the shou h shore of Alameda. He moved that the Clerk communicate with the Oakland officials and urge them to abate the nuisance, seconded by Er. Bartlett and carried. 27 Mr. Morgenstern introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, That from and after the adoption and approval of this Resolution, the monthly salary of the Stenographer of the City Attorney be, and the same hereby is, fixed at the sum of Seventy-five and 00/100 Dollars. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayec':Councilmen Bartlett, 1JacRae, Eorgentern, Eorris and Probst (5). Noes:None. Absent:Council men Bullock, Hammond, Roth and Stewart, (4). 28 Mr. Morgenstern introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, That from and after the adoption and approval of this Reso- lution, the monthly salary of the Deputy Assessor be, and the same hereby is, fixed at the sum of Ninety- five and 00/100 (95.00) Dollars. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed. and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, acRae, norgenstern, Morris and 2robst, (5). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Bullock Hammond, Roth and Stewart, (4). Mr. Probst introduced the following Re solution and moved its adoption:- RJ2SOLVED, That from and after the adoption and approval of this Reso- lution, the monthly salaries of the gardeners and park mechanic of the Recreation Department be, and the same hereby are, fixed at the sum of Seventy- Five Dollars (75.00) each. Mr. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and. it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris and Probst, (5). Noes:None. Absent: Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Roth and Stewart, (4), There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet Tuesday evening, November 17th, 1914, at 7:30 p. m. Respectfully submitted, r