1914-12-15 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR 1:EETIN0 Or T0 COUITOIL OP TH1] CITY OF - TuEspzy D.0C1.11M,E 15TH, 1914. The meeting convened with Layer Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, Uammond, MacRae, liorpsenstern, Morris and Roth, (6) were note a present. quorum present. Councilmen Bullock arrived later -and was noted -present. Councilmen Probst and Stewart were noted absent. The IA.-Autos of the previous mecting were approved as read. Councilman 1::orgenstern asked to be e::cused ana left the Chamber. Claims against the General 'Fund mounting to 0205. 2; against e Iolice 'Fund amounting to 425.70; against the Fire -fund amount- ing to 1179.06; against the Street Fund amounting to 1486.58; and against the Health ::?mad amounting to A0.50 having been ap2roved and audited by the pro-der officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL PUND. Alameda Steam Laundry A Bosshard, R. IL. CaTifornia Oil 3urner Co. Uectric 3lue Print Co. P. La Plant, A. Jr., Lubbock, Marguerite Noy, H. Poorman, Jr., Samuel Shepard Co. , The 2rank Soules, C. Times Star Co. Varcoe , 77m. E. 7ilhens, J. H. Gott, A. O. Latham, A. 7,unici!)al Slectric Light nant Pacific Tel, Tel. Co. Schneider, Henry 3oule, C. Times tar Co. 217.ameda Steam Laundry :_ss 3air0 , J. V. Bowers Rubber Vjorks Coustici', A. :Tirey, F. P. Gutta Percha (!'4 Raber J.*;?:. Co. TV Tr IV TV 11 TV TV IT TT TV If Hickman, G. A. R. Koerber, A. H. 1.:racke Brumje Lewis Grocery Co. T,omax, R. R. hlectric Light plan, Osen & Hunter Auto Co. Pacific Gw & Electric Co. Pacific 7i'e-1. 3 Tel Co. Zark Garae Peojes Mter Co. Rhodes-Jamieson 3 Co. Rickerson, A1. 7:isso, G. Oooy, L. C. Steinmetz, Bruna Strom Electrical Co. Towel Service Registration of autos Oil Blue Printing Gas Stove Boat hire Services :,eat for Found iioney advanced Subscri,-)tion Sweeping Compound Printing Services in Auditor's office 15.00 Merchandise 1.00 8.00 30.12 12.00 23.80 4.75 30.00 60.00 .85 3.50 3.00 3.50 10.00 Total - POLICE -FUND. Patrol Driver's Star Continent -J';und. Suplies Telephones Stationery and postae Qt Auto sulies Printing Total - FIRE FUND. Towel 'er.-7ice Horseshoeing :Are hose Apparatus repairs House'repairs Fire Hose Su-Tplies TV Horseshooing Fuel TV Horseshoeing House repairs AnParatus rer)airs Gas Phone tolls :eparatus repairs Water Feed Suoplies Hauling Horseshoeing Salary Sun-olies 20r.52 6.00 250.00 4.50 4.05 -ps 22.65 8.75 29.75 325.70 15.80 5.00 227.50 4.65 10.00 . 245.00 10.50 4.00 235 11.50 3.00 14.98 12.10 10.50 .25 12.05 26.50 .20 23.85 306.43 138.10 12.25 2.50 6.50 1.8.00 12.40 nn December 15th, 1914. Adams, John Lmorosa, V. Britt, Chap;lian, Sons, IT. Dahl, James Doyle, B. Eston, -1.. G. Frcieman, J. L. Garrante, Louis 7. Goldstone, J. Helmstein, J. H. Jz7Taieson, J. S. I:ellogp: Express Co. Lietz Co., The A. L. Owens, L. H. iacific Tel. Tel. 00, Parh Garage '.]:ennock, Peoples ':;ate r Co. Rhodes-Jamieson Co. IT IT IT Sanday, W. Standard Corrugated Pi-oe Co. Sullivan, John Times Star Co. forden, W. H. cz.,..renter, T. Iellog resz. Co. Konigshofer, L. L. Park Garac7e Purity Springs ':later Co. Secretary Board of Health Time Star 00. STREET FUITD. Labor TT Teaming Assistin City Ln7ineer Sewer pipe Assisting City E ineer Labor Teainr7 Assistinc; .ty En7ineer Labor Blacksmithing Gasoline Hardware Teamin,7 Drayage 5111/1)lies Teaming Hardware Rental and tolls Su 1Plies Teaming ester ,faterial IT Labor Culverts and castin':s Labor Printin7 Books SufLlies Total - ii.IT}I UHD. R. R. and horse hire Drayage 1.:erchandise Gasoline Supplies AdVertising Total ?,Amon( moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded b Bartlett a-nd carried by the following vote:- Lyes:Councilmen Bartl 3ulloc, Hammond, MacRae, Morris and Roth, (6), iloes:Hone. Absent: Councilmen .orTcenstern, Probst and Stewart, (3). The .rollowin were received and ordered filed:- The Auditor's Balance Sheet for the month ending ]Tovember 30, 1914. The Apportionment of Taxes, 1914-1915. • Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month aS October, 1914. Poundmaster's report for the month of :ovelper, 1914. • The Affidavit of Publication of Resolution of Intention 1To. 19, ?Jew Series. • The Affidavit of Postin of :7.0tices of Improvement under Resolution of Intention 17.o. 19, ITew Series. The iffidavit of Publication of JTotice to Dealers in Road ilachinery wos Presented and ordered filed. In response to said. notice -the Clerh Fr 7.00 50.00 66,00 64.63 150.15 236.35 20.00 382.60 16.25 6.50 7.50 10.00 27.00 44.00 45.00 18.10 30.25 7.50 45.40 62.50 16.25 35.45 20.00 1.85 63.25 1.00 13.00 33.00 23,50 n 148c.) '' 58 • 20.60 .50 3.90 3.00 3.00 3.50 6.00 40.50 v Mr. stated that he was in receipt of bro 'olds. Upon motion seconded by 12.±. 3artlett and duly carried the Clerk was o--)en an read the bids. follows:- Thereupon the Cl rk opened and of L.:r. Hamillend instructed read the bids as -Zrom the Graves-S-pear Road ,.achinory Company, offering a conlyination scarifier, planer and roll at :,650.00 December 15th, 1914. Univrsal 72.oad :Lachine for )OO,OO, certified check a: 40.00. On motion of Hammond, seconded by r. 3rt1ett uid duly carried, the bids were referred to the Street Committee vrid to the Strcet Sruperintex166- ent to report back to the Council. The Tollowin2: ca:Imunications were received- 2 rom if- C. Sessions and Company on behalf of the Oakland ':;ater Zront Com-)any, i?rotesting against the withdrawal of the offer of the City of 2aameda to lease to them certain tide lands and asking for a better understanding of the matter. Referred to the Harbor Advisory Board., and the Clerk was instructed to notify C. Sessions and Company of this action. Prom the Board_ of Electricity statinp: that, they had made arranT!ements with T:7ylor on Com?any to sell e lectricity for power purposes at the rate of two cents )er kilowatt hour and asking that the Council confirm this action. Referred to the City Attorney to draw up the necessary Resolution as ,-)er the recomenaation of the Board of Electricity. Jrom the:BOardof :aectricity statinc: th,9.t they hod cleci'led not to bore the well in the rear of the City hall lot. Ordered filed. IProm Hutchinson Company requestin ermission to grade, curb, Futter and macadamize H-111 Street between the southerly lino of the United States Tidal Canal and a point three hundred and twenty-five and sixty-five hundredths feet south of the southerly line of Fernside Boulevard, e:,:cepting the crossinE4 of PernSide Boulevard with Hiz:h Street. The same was accomniea by a copy of the contract entered into with the property owners abuttins on this street. 1,1r. Hammond 1:Loved that the nermission be granted, seconded b: 1,r. Bartlett and carried by the f'ollowinF; vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Bartlett, Eullock, Hammond, ljac.2a ]orris and Roth, (6). Noes:7one. Absent :Councilmen or2:enstern, Erobst and. Stewart, (5). Otis stated thf:t he hod been in co.Amunica.tion with Supervisor Kelley on the uatter of constructing a concrete bulkhead at the south end of the 1Ii7h Street bridge :_',-11c1 that the matter huta been broi.Olt before the OC:rd of Su-)ervisors. City 1.,nr:ineer 'utton stated that the measurements for doin7; the work. hu.,a been made. ]from Ers. h. J. iasser requesting a gratuitous license for clairvoyance and card reading. s the Chief of did not race :mend the license the soiie was aeniea. 6 From J. Bynre, City Hall Jonitor, requesting permission to take his annual vacation Begiinng ilonday, December 21st and ending Eonday, January 14th, 1915. 1r, ':artlatt moved that the request be :32:'llteet, seconded by :Ir. Roth sand duly carried. 9 From Street Superintendent, V. 1. Froaden, recommending thiat iii nn1111P11 -nnF-;R ';0F1,111tion of Tflteutiun to improve Santa Clara 499 December 15th, 1014. 10 11 at the elD7e:Ise of proper-T owners frontin,-; the street. Lr. Hamond moved that the City j_neer and the City ,cttorney draw U) the qlans and secifications and the -2esolution of Intention for the same, seconded by Bartlett and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, LacRae, 1-orris,and Roth, (6). 7oes:Yone. Absent:Councilmen Lor-,enstern, robst and Stewart, (6). From 1.r. J. L. Lyon of Sacramento, offering to keep the City advised on legislation affecting the city eL,din,; before the next session of the Le7isla1ure. Referred to the City .,Atorney. From the Auditor and_ Assessor, asking to be allowed a sum not to exceed 050,0O 4-'or the Iarchase of a letter fi1in cabinet and the instllation of a card system for the assessin of automobiles. idr. moved th,lt the reuest be granted seconded by ITr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- 1,yec.:Councilmen 13a.rtlett Bullock Jirm-lonC, ::acRa9, ]orris and Roth, (6). .7o0,,:i7one. Zosent:Councilmen 1:or-.:enstern, Probst and Stewart, From J. L. Cohen urgin2; the Council to have the ;iouthern 2aciTic Company enclose the :,,outh side of the Alameda Mole. Referred to the Public Utilities Committee. 1„ FroLl the Finance Co imittee statin ';:hat they had examined the bonds of various ity officials as required by the Charter. Ordered filed. From James 'Sutton, City --j.neer, requesting thct Council to urchroe a :.Pxchant CalculatjnF: a hine. Referred to the -1"inace ComLlittee. lb y- From Wynn "Ieredith urging the Council to take sol:,e action esta]31 sh a Pound. Referred to the Pound Committee, 16 From the City Clork statin,; that he had coL,municated with the Canty authorities and foul that the Park :Dtreet, Fruitvale .Avenue and 111,-h Street hrides are to be re,-mired. Ordered filed. 17 1/ l'rom the :3outhern 2acific Compony statin tl-wt Lincoln l'ark St-Aion will be suitably enclosed and that negotiations are being made to construct a station at Fifth and Lincoln _Ivenue; that coffins in the future will be carried in bagga-7ecn,rs and that the matter of openino; :.ates at both ends of single car trains will be looked into. Orderad filed. V The Clerk also s,ated thL't he had received copies of 71eed ordinance which had been referred to Hayor Otis and City Attorney Foorman. 10 The Clerk called attention to the fact that the =;rantin of a sixty day extension to l'red Bank's contract on street sins pave him only -until Dece,iber 23rd, 1014 to complete his work and that ouch time was scarcely sufficient. L:r. Bartlett moved that he be granted a thi-fty day extension to Jf2,nlirD:71 2'jrd, 1915,snconded by nylr') 21 December 15 None. Lbsent:Councilmen Morenster. 12robst and Stewart, (3). The Von Ah stable matter ooie before the Council. Sanitary Inspector, C illot stated that Ir, Von Ah had com.aied with the conC.itions requeste5 ,. of him, whereu.:)on ir. Hammond moved, seconded by Vr. Roth and duly carried, that all action on the condemnation of the stabies be dism issed. v A Bill for Ordinance entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. New Series, requiring the names of bottler's of milk to appear upon the cover OT cap thereof and providing a penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof" came up for 7?assage. City Attorney, Poorman called attention to the fact that Section 6 had been added since the introduction of the Orainance. r. Bartlett moved that the amendment be adopted, seconded by HamL:iond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, :2acRae. ii0iJ2iS and Roth, (6). Noe :7one. Ahoent:CoancilTden Horgenstern, Probst and Stewart, • On account oftbe length of time required to make the necessary chanp;es by ihe dealers to conform 'with the Ordingnce, the ougestion was made that Section 7 be amended so as to place the Ordinance in effect sixty days from and after its passage. Hammond moved that Section 7 be so amended, seconded by Lx. Bartlett and carried by the following vote:- Lyes : Oonnc iloien :Bartlett 3ullock, Hammond, l'iacRae, iorris and Roth, (6). Noes :None. Absent: Councilmen liorsenstern, Probst and Stewart, (3) . IlEr, Bartlett moved that the bill as amended by adopted, seconded Hammond and carried 1)7 the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Haanond, TOacRae, L.:orris and Roth, (6). Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Lorgenstern, }robot and Stewart, (3). 22 The matter of the purchase of the .'Loi'ter School lot came before the Council. 1,1r. Roth on behalf of the '2inance Committee reported that in the :iPinance Committee's e,-.tiooation N.500.00 was an excessive orice and added that the Committee felt that 4000.00 was sufficient. _dainond pointed out that in his judgment the o<h500 .00 as stateC in the city's option was a fair ,:)rice.' Messrs. G. H 0ard and B. C. Brown also spoke on the subject. .2!. Bartlett moved, seconded by • Halwiond and carried that the ]inance Committee communicate with the owners to ascertain if the lot could be purchased at a cheaper figure than that mention in the option and rerort back at the next meetinF;. C) Hammond called attention to the bad condition of the Bay Farm Isl:nd Road and stated that it w necessary to make some repairs,especia116 to :Alkenny Otroet, an0novecl, seconaea by Er. Bartlett and duly carried that the City Enineer and Street Super- intendent report back to the Council as to the cost of ma:Li-air; the necess repairs. 24 / lir. k Robinson a-, eared before tie Council on the matter Doce:aber 15th, 19 /1. l'oorman stated tht in his opinion the Ordinance reunirin the consat of lronerty owners was not unconstiutional o- :nantained by Er. :Ittorney, inasmuch as there was soffie diff.erence betw een it and the one in •01.:1:tnd declared so. Hr. Dpbinson was therefor advised .;11't it would be necessar7 for him to -c-t the consent of be L;ajority of the .proey owners alon the street if he wished to move the house. More bein,2; no further business to transact the Council joarned to meet in adjourned reular meeting, Tuesday December 22nd, 1914 at 7:30 o'clock. Resectfully submitted, City 01 erk.