1915-01-05 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COU7CIT, OF THE CITY OF IIILLLEDA, TUESDAY EVENIYG, J_LT:=Y 5T11, 1915. The tin convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, 3ullock, Hammond, MacRe, 1:orgenstern and Roth, (6) were noted -resent. 2Luorum i)resent. Absent:Councilmen Morris, Probst and Stewart, ). During the reading of the iiinutes ir. Roth left the Council Chamber. The :::inutes of the re,7t-Lar meeting of December 15th, 1914 were approved as read. The Hinutes of the adjourned regular meeting of Decemier 221 1014. were anprovecl as read. Clatfas against the General Tund amountin3 to ,=3110.39; aainst the Tfolice 2mil1 amounting to 14.90; es;ainst the Electric 1 igLt rund amount- ing tQ :A,225.76; against the Library Fund aldounting to 7448.84; against the Street Fund amounting ti 885.03; against the Health Fund amount in to 02. 7L and ap:ainst the Recreation Fund amounting to :197.41 having been approved and audited by the proper official as follows:- flamoda Liectrical Company Ala:Ae6a tea Launary Lssn. Aubert, Brewer, H. 6. DudP:con, hazel B. Gee Son, R • S. 1) 1±01) El- tric Liht Plant TV TV TV TV Otis , pram: Jacific as Lloctric Co. acific Tel, Tel, Co. TV TT IT TT TT Peoples 71f.ter Co. Purity 2rings Water Co. Short, J. Times Star Co. IT If IT TT TV IT Tscuich, J. Underwood Typewriter Co. Vosbur,:h, L. Conrad, John Alameda Vulcanizin Board of :i_ectricity Central Zla:Aeda Garage Clark, Torbert D. Crane Co. TV TT GETZ:AL 1U TD. were read by the Clerk Re-oirs Towel Service Service as Janitor Repairs Money advanced. Block ,Joohs Public -Jighting Eayor's Lllowance Gas Tole)hone tolls TV TV '7ater ';:ater, City Clerh's Office P-Iumbin,7 Books for iuditor Z..dvertising Book Keys for Janitor 611)1)lies TT Total - POLICE PUND. Incidentals and auto re-eairs =cTaic LIGHT IUD. Crooke?' Co. , H. Dow Euriy i Diesel Engine Co. TV IF Tr Tr ft TV 1lectric fcroDliance Co. Fischer, C. J. Geeral iaectric Company Goodyear Rubber Co. Holabil-d-Reynolds Co. TV IT IT If TV IT TT TT IT Hunt, -,,,Ar17. Co. TT TT 71 If Electricl Eap-plios Incidentals Spring for r:,uto Insurance uDp1ies TV Labor and sup)lies Steel If Lerchandise TV Reairs 611) )lies TV TV It and Payment on Contract Labor and material 3.50 8.00 36.00 4.50 3.55 20.00 2564.15 2.50 50.00 6.12 2.37 2.16 7.35 1.00 9.00 315.00 36.54 33.50 .50 2.50 2.15 - 39 r110 • 14.90 85.29 64.97 5.00 11,00 1.21 35.27 3.15 1.45 2.40 47.89 1.25 101.77 5.50 44.01 145.31 74.47 143.39 571.00 45.77 0 506 January Sth, 1915. Lee, Cuyler ITapagnos, C. 2. 'Eacific States Electric Co. Pacific Tel. 2 Tel, Co. IT IT ft IT It :Park Garage Paynes Bolt V,,orks rr TV TV Peoples Water Co. perata, 2. Plumer 2 Son, Geo. E. 73ros, Construction Co. Rhodes-Jmieson 2 Co. Sanders, 2. S. SiahneiCier, eflry Shell COI-any of California 6tanda-od Oil Co. TV 71 TT Times Star Co. ft TT IT Vosburgh, L. " 'leaver, Chester -2. Do. stin:,:house E. C,J 'L. Co. It TT IT TT TV TV 11 If If TV Thither, Coburn Co. Zollerbach Paper Co. Alameda Pro° Library AlL:,Lieda .team Laundry R. P. Jost-2.r 2 Futernick Co. Tellog 1:a-press Co. ]:oerly.r, L. Y. Librar:i ':ureau DinicirJal 7ewbegi11, John J. IR)rth, aut L. 2oo:11es ':jrIter Co. Seiler 2 Co., Creo. . onlos, C. Volberg, C. C. Theeler mThlishing Go. Adams, John 21:lerosa, V. Autofi Co. I'xitt y Chapman. 2. Dahl, James Doyle, Den ILaston, 2. G. Foundry Co. Ficher, C. Follrath, G. Freeman, J. L. J,.7..rnison,j. S. Pacific Tel. 2 Tel. Co. Pennock, :Pennock, M. Peters, Lewis F1niei C: Son, Geo. 0. TV " " TV IT TV TV TT Sanday, Schneider, Henry Serralanga, L. Sutton, J. 1. Times Star Co. Carpenter, T. Justinian Gaire co. Kellop;gs '::::rpress CO. Langlois, 0. L. Pacific Tel. 2 Tel, Co. TT TV TT TT It ::otor Tires anylies TV Phones TT Su)-,)lies Bolts Supplies water ViAshing windows Lumber Cement _ork Coal Time and 1.;ateria1 Stabi,nery and_ Oil Fuel Oii and Gaso line Gasoline Advertising Lrinting lerchal_dlse Su-lies fur _uto Su;lies IT IT Oil Paoor Total - Petty 1)enses Towel :Arvice Labor and. material Binders Duel Ex)ressa,3e Supplies Books Substitute Books Supplies Rent Books Total - - STROOT FUIID Labor Repairs Team ing Assisting City lingineer Assistinp; City Enineer Labor Teaming Castings Hardware Labor Assistinp,; City -1-Igineer Teamin;:; Rental Teami-rr Fuel Labor Lumber TV Labor 611-lies Street 6weey)inF Incidentals Books and Printing Total HE:1TH '01J1TD. R. R. Fare Laboratory 'su-lies Drayage Repairs 2ental and tolls TV TT -y o 2.50 20.24 17.55 18.04 .50 44.99 19.64 2.00 1,50 60.54 7.50 1.50 50.00 7.65 18.62 1920.74 11.55 22.65 38.00 ].2.12 12.08 228.50 8.80 70.40 26.84 1.65 76 24.59 1.00 5.00 7.00 3.95 76.70 4.03 16.50 187.55 5.00 2.52 21.00 3.50 25.00 67.50 448.84 0 26.25 5.10 5.50 50.00 45.00 26.85 26.25 22.00 145.35 2.85 28.75 62.50 66.00 2.55 71.50 1(1.75 10.00 12.00 1.40 15.18 8.75 24.50 170.00 1.00 15.00 885.03 21.40 5.45 .50 2.00 1.33 r.7 5 Fork Garage Secretary Bord of Health Times 3 t c Co. Vosbul-gh, L. Alameda Hardware Co. TT IT Fuller ic'4 Co., Hackett, Prank H. Hammond, C. J. IT IT IT Pacific Gas Electric Co. IT IT IT 11 IT Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peciaes T:later Co. Probst, L. S. 11-waimer Son, Geo. E. Ryan, L. $a Ayt Tscbich, J. Office :2,pense Printing 3u 1ie RY:CRLLTI07 FUITD. Supplies TV Paint Plumbing Use of Team Teaming Gas Rental Water Carpenter Work Lumber Jtii1etic goods Keys Mr. Lorgenstern moved that the bills as read -ThrtleLt and carried by the following vote:- Jannry 5th, 1915. Tota Total - '77 be paid, seconded by Mr. 14.55 1.50 30.75 4.10 82.74 45.15 11.40 5.00 45.00 12.00 3.00 1.62 2.52 2.25 10.03 26.25 26.39 6.75 2.55 .50 197.41 Lye :Councilmen 73artlett Bullock, Hammond, LacRe and ( ). ioes:Hono. Absent:Coal,cilmen !=orris, irobst, ::oth and -Jtewart, (4). Tlie following were received:and ordered filed:- The Poundmaster's Report fur the Alonth of December 1914, Tlie Auditor's 3 lance Sheet for the -Ionth of December, 1914. The l'unicipal -lectric Lii=;hL Plant Report for the month of :ovember, 1014. Ihe certificates of registration of the Rer;a_ Touring Car and Buick. Truck owned 1)y the 6treet De-,2artment and the lAtz Roadster, owned by the Board of Lealth. The :mnitor rcceipt for the sum of :A00.00, being the amount of the bid for the telephone franchise of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. The sttement of the 'Payer, Auditor and the City Clerk that the money in the Treasurer's office had been counted on December 16th, 1914. The following communications were received:— Request from the Feo:ples Water Company for permission to move 0 house fronting on High Street to the east side of ooraside Boulevard. The same was accomanied by the consent of -orcY(Ert7 owners o both sides of the street, also by a bond of 200.00. Referred to the reA Committee to reort back at the next meeting of the Council. From Geo. Brow, requesting a gratuitous license to do electrical repairing and take orders for electrical appliances. As the request lacked the non-endorsement of the lief of Police it was referred to the License Committee, Prop, James L. Bush, requeAing a gratuitous license to operate a shoot- in lery at 1524 Park Street, 1:r. Hammond moved that the recuest be granted, with the condition that it be revocable at any time at the )1easure of the Council seconded by Wr, Bartlett and carriea b: the for.owing vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, Mac::,Re, and _orgenstern, (5) . Hoes None, Absent: Councilmen Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (4). 7 Mr. J. I. 1ston, on behalf of 2. Robinson, a)peared before the 7Te_sc,o-1,,c! a'an January 5th, 1915. moved tht the application be rejected, seconded by Lr. Bartlett and carried by the followin7 vote:- Aye :Councilmen Bartlett, :,Eu'lock, Hammond. and :cRae, (4) . Excused from voting: Councilman orgenstern., (1). roes:15one. Absent:Councilmen ::Torr: (4). ]Tayor Otis declared the motion -o-c'c' c. Farther communications: Probst, 2oth and ;I:itewart From H. H. 1:.eyers, Secretary of the City Planning Commission -oresenting a recomendation establishing Atlantic Boulevard and fix- ing the boundaries o the district to be assessed for that work. Captain looser of the Llaska Packers iossociation addressed the Council and -urged that the work be done as quickly as ossible, 2s some chanes in the boulevard had been made since the orisinal olan was adopted, Councilman Bartlett moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Thole and in the meantime the City Enfj_neer draw up the necessary a)e , maps, etc. showing the .changes made, seconded by ILL, . Hammond and carried. The Clerk was instructed to notify all property owners who will be affected by the opening of Atlantic Boulevard to be present at the next Com_roittee of the Mole meetin; which was fi_ed on the evening of Friday, January 22nd, 1015. Councilman Roth arrived and was noted present. From H. H. eyers, Secretary of the City Planning Commission, 1 u- 0-Till7 the cost of the beautifying of Santa Clara Avenue. Referred to the next Committee of the lihole meeting. 10 Prorn the Board of aectricity recommending that the money necessary to extend the electric service to Bay Farm Island be pro- vided by the City Council in the next tax levy. Ordered fred for future consideration. 11 From the Lmerican-LaPrance Fire Enine Company givinp; a resume of the -number of machines sold to various cities. Ordered filed. 12 From the Cha,Aber of Omnerce, contaLainP- Resolutions recomoendino: the cnan7e of the harbor lines. Ordered filed. / From John O'Brien reouesting a oosition as gardener. Order- ed -riled. 14. 15 From City Attorney Eoorman, giving an opinion on the legal Dhases of the closing of Harrison Avenue. Committee on the closing of Harrison .:1Tonle. '-rred to the Soccial From the City al.f/I,orney, 2;iving an opinion on the exoenditure of the proposed 200,000 harbor improvement. .ilferred to the Harbor Advisory 2oard. 16 'Prom City Attorney oorolon, giVin ia opinion on the con- Etitutionality of the Code OTOViFAOA for movinc,; a house. 01-6,red filed. lY The ,iler_: called attention to the fact th' t the Prioting January 5t1, 1915. 2c11edule be adopted and the Clerk advertise for bids, seconded by 11r. ::or astern and c2rried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, l'acR.Le, ].,orenstern and Roth, (6). 17o asent:Couneilraen ::,erris, Probst and 3tewart (3). 8 Hammond also moved that the Clerk advertise for :[o7- the cit [vertising for the 'rear 1915-1916, seconded by 3-ulloc-A'c and carried 7.)y. the folowin vote:- :,yes:CouncilT:,en 'Dartlett, i"acRae, (:),:enstern and R (6). Y,oes:7Jone. :bsent:Councilmen Llorris, robot and 3tewart (3). Lr. 7,art1ett moved that the matter of the fixing of water rates be referred to the l'inance Committee, seconded by 7.r. Hammond an carried. HIlmond introduced the followin; Resolution and moved its adootion: was RI::OLT.F.2107 CUT=.T R.LTRS. RICYVED, that the rate for electric current ffup.plies fro;.J Hlectric Light Iaant of the City o lameda for installa- tions of not less thn five -iindred horse- -oower, consuming not less than twenty-five hundred kilowatt hours of current per month, be, and the same is hereby fixed and establish- ed at the sum of 111?) cents y)er kilowatt hour irovided, however, thJt such rate shall be a:.)plicable only where all of the following conditions concur, that ±3 to say:- got less than ninety irrer cent of all current to which this rote shall be ai)plicaile shall be used udirn the hours of dyli;:ht. (2) 2111 trnsformers neceEsary shall be furnish- ed, installed and maintained at the expense tci rish of the consumer. (3) Current shall 110 delivered and measured b meter on the .yrimry side of the transformer. (4,) All service connections n.all be nude at the expense of the consumer: And provided further that each consumer to whom electric current shall have been supi,lied under the foreoing conitions and subject to the rate horeb-: established, shall iz:y a minimum monthly charr:e for such service of fifty dollars in all cases i11 which the total electric current suipplied to him during such month shall not equal in amount tenty-five hundr(:d kilowatt hours. .fl)artlett seconded the motion to adoi)t the ]Thsolution and it passed and ado red by the followinp; vote:- hyes :Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, ::orgenstern and Roth (6). Zoes:Zone. Zbsent: Councilmen I.:I-orris, Probst and 1'3'6e-wart, (3). Mr. -MacRe introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- R930 LT9 1011 CT IHT=ION. REOIVED, that it is t'le intention of the Council of the City of Almeda to change and modify and re-establish the official curb grades on Park 3treet in said City from the northerly line of Blanding .:_venue to the southerly line of the United :Aates 2idal Canal, and also to chanp:e and modify and re-establish the official curb grades 011 Harrison Avenue from the easterly line of Park 509 January 5th, 1915. 01'T FLF: SmREET. 5.70 feet (being present grade) at the inter- section of Eark Street and the northerly line of Blanding .Lvenue. 5.53 feet (being raised .16 feet) in said. Eark Street 150 feet northerly fom the northerly line of BD.nding Avenue. 7 feet (being raised 2 feet) at the intersection of said l',?-rk Street with the southerly line of Harrison ',venue if the sn,le were extended across 1)-127k Street. 9.05 feet (beinr,' raised 4.05 feet) at the inter- section of said Park Street with the northerly line of Harrison ;_venue, if the same were extended across 2ark Street. OIT HLF.RIS01: 2.01=UE. 8 foot (being raised 3 feet) at the intersection of the northerly curb line of Harrison Avenue with the easterly line of Park Street. 7 feet (being raised 2 feet) at the intersection of the southerly curb line of :-Tarrison Lvenue with the easterly line of EL'r]: Street. 4.50 feet (being present ',rade) at a line crossing Harrison venue and parallel with said easterly line of rark Street and distont therefrom 261.88 easterly. Gracie shall be straight between consecutive ele- vations on the respective curb lines. All of the herein oro-,-)osed cane and modificotion and re-establishment of pnrade shall be done in pursuance of an act o the legislature of the state of California entitled, "Aln Act to orovide for changing or modifying the grade of nulDlic streets, lanes, alleys, courts or other )1aces within muni- cipalities", a9Droved 2n)ril 21, 1909, and the act amendatory thereof, or suplemental thereto a-oroved loril 10, 1911. "The 'Evening Times-Star and idameda Daily ::,rgas" is hereby designated as the daily newspaper publish- ed and circulated in said City in which this resolution of intention and the street superintendent's notice of the passaE.e thereof shall be published. The clerk of the Council of the City of j‘lameda is here- by directed to pulish'this resolution by two insor- tions in said newspaper au C1 to most the same conspicuous- ly for two days on or near the chamber door of the said council. ----N The City :Atorney stated that a few words had been inLICAvortently omitted and cuested that they be incorporated. ;:r. 73,rtlett moved that the amendment be ado,)ted, seconded by and carried by the follo;:ing vote:- _Iyes:Councilmen 'Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, -F;ensteril and Roth, (6). Hoes Tone. nbsent:Councilmen Probst and Stewart, (3) ::acR'_,e then moved thet the Resolution as amended be ado-oted, seconded by irr. Bartlet and carried by the following vote:- .yes: Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, iJacHae, :orgenstern and Roth, (6). Yoes:ITene. Absent:Councilmen liorris, irobst and Stewart 21 he Bill for Ordinance p:rantin-,;. the Pacific Telehone and Telegraph 00)any a frL.nchise came uo for nassa7e. Mr. Hammond moved thnt the Hill be laid over for two vieeks and that the Telephone Company be notified to confer with the .2ectric Lip;ht Commission on the ratter of nlacin:-: Soles for electric hie s BL-,7 Ycrm January 5 ti c the Clerk buy a Earchant,CalculPting HachLne for the use of the officials of the City, at a cost of ::520.00, seconded by :r. Bartlett and carried by the followin vote:- .Lyes:Ceuncilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond MacRae, ijorgenstern and Roth, (6). Probst and Stewart (3). 23 11r. Hammond spoke on the matter of the ,)reearatien of plans for the improvement of Viebster Sureet and Iark Street and moved that tee rock removed from the present surface of these streets be reserved by the City and that the City Attorney insert this fact in the specifi-. 70es:None. Absent:Councilmen Morris, 26 t cations SOO (:_aded ] 3T lir. .::scRae and carried. efr. 1,facRae called attention to the fact that the government was desirous of having electroliers placed around the i3ost Office. He stated the cost of the same would be about 300.00. After some discussion 1:r. Hameond eloved that the mtter be referred to the Board of aectricity to reeort back to the Council, seconded be' Mr. Bartlett and carried. Mr. L[orgenstern s-ooke on the matter of the unemployment in the city and sa3eested. that provision be made by the Council to afford temporary relief. He moved that the Street Superintendent be emower- ed to upend a sum not to exceed '1500.00 to aeploy those who shall have reistered with the City Clerk, the rate to be twenty-five cents ':or hour not exceeding eiht hours per day and that those emeloyed to be resiaents of Alameda only, seconded by 1:r. Bullock and carried by the following vote:-. .yes:Councilnen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, 1:0,cRe eLore!;enste•n and Roth, (6). Noes:Hone. Absent:CounciImen Morris, Probst and Stewart, (3). Mr. Lorgenstern also moved that the sum of ja.150.00 be allowed City Clerk for the indexing of the death and birth certificates of the Health Department, the rate of eayment to be the some as above seconded by J. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hanlinond, MacRae I.:oronstern and Roth, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Morris, 2robst and Stewart (3). Jr, ::..acRae on behalf of the 1treet Conunittee recomeended that the bid of the Eaward R. Bacon Company offering a Haynes Road Machine to the city for 9OQ.00 be acce.eted and that the contract be drawn for the same, seconded by .Jr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, LacRae, rgenstern and Roth, (6). Noes :Hone, Abeent:Couacilmen Yorris, Probst and Stewart, 28 Bullock calLod attention to the need of repairs en the exterior of the City Hall and moved, seconded by Jr. : Hammond and carried that the Chairman of the 2uhlic i_uildings and Grounds Comelittee prepare inane and secifications for said work end report back to the Council at its next meeting.