1915-01-19 Regular CC MinutesI1E0UL:,17Z ULETILTG OF THL COT:TOLL OF THS CITY OF ALAMED, TUESDAY 7V=IYG, JZ.U.i:,RY 19TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Eayor Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, IfacRae, Eorgenstern, Eorris and. Stewart 6). were zioted .present. QUO:MD.1 present. Councilmen HamMond, l'robst and Roth arrived later and were noted present. The Zinutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Claims against the General and amounting to V5078.51; against the l'olice Lund amountinp; t o .69; against the Pire :Aind amounting to 0_292.11; against the Street Snd auountin g to .;2322,59 and again,,t the Street (1]merency) amounting to ',::2100 having been cmproved and audited_ by She proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: L=2.L WD. Califoria Oil S 3urner Co, Cesta, L. Fowler, Ruth Yrench 'aectric Co. 'Hance, L. T1. Kamena, William J. Kollmann, M. La 1:lant, Jr., ]Lubbock, Oswald Earchant c;alculatin .achine Co. j.unicial Electric Liht :11ant Soy, H, Purity :iprinp:s ter Co. Ryan, liatt Schneider, Henry TV 11 IT TT TT IT Time e' TV TV Ye,wan ',rbe TT TV If TT 2Llanieds Suleani rP.s '13urton Co., J. IT- Koerbor, A. 11, Pacific Sel. 5 :el. Co. Sj1L 5, V,J, ',Yestern Union Co. 2L1ar,leda stesm Laundry Ss Vuicanizin 2,sird, 5. V. .7-ISCher, C. 5. Furey, P. Gutts. Percha s Rub) er Co. It Oil Removal of garbage Services Repairs Services in Clerk's ” TV TV Directory Launch hive 1:ental of 2. 0. Box Calculatin machine lihting leat for Sound SuTplies Sup-i)lies TT IT I TV IT .ildvertising V;arrants Cards Total - FUSD, nuto repirs 2.epairs Pule 7eleMones 1.eals °loch rental office TV 48.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 22.00 14.00 4.00 15.00 .75 2586.22 .60 1.00 1,00 6.45 7.50 4.05 1.60 12.20 4.00 75.14 8.50 7.U0 -073.01 .70 6.75 5.60 4014 20.50 /1.00 Total - - 40.39 Linen service llorseshoein 611 5 Valve SuPplies Supplies TT IrZustrial Homo for The n.dult thud Supplies Jor:-en.son, P. oorber, ]:Eazzini, L. Zaci.;:ic Gas 5 'aectric Co. Pacific Osl n :el. Co. Park Garae IT Tr ST IT Peo.--)les 5ter Co. Modes-jalAeson L Co. Eich-erson, ThlicIrcl nil (In. Horseshoein Feed rnd fuel Su :lies Gas 1?3Ione toll 5ratus repairs TV TV TV TV OiD an su-op lies 'Th.ter Yeed Suljes 15.00 0.20 5.00 0.25 .25 10.00 8.00 10.00 5.00 46.00 3.30 27.00 - .50 241.99 550.00 100.62 27.90 307.03 79.80 2.00 -IL: lc; JIssociated Oil Co. Bacon Co., .,Z_ward R. 3urton, Co., J. H. Cha-on, Clark Dahl, James Eire '''oundry Co. Freeman, J. I. Goldstone, J. L. HammonCI, C. Jo Jorenson, r. Park Peoples .'60a7 Co. Powell 3ros. Cnstruction 77 1T 77 Rhod'os-Jamieson 0 Co. .3chne11 er, Henry ;Itackler, J. J. Ti IT 77 Jtone Co., 1], A.L. VosburP;h, L. o. It IT ft TT 17 IT Bolte, H. 3orromeo, L. Coffin, J. F. Donovan, D, Fouts, Creo. Haselrer, Heeb, Louis Hildebrand, 0, C. Lufkin, Hatthew, 0. c(7,rth, John 1,cli-anus, P. J. 1_(eye-, H. .f!,. Llitchell, H. _.- ;oran, V:. F. o-n, L. Ormsby, H. H. Parker, Principiano, Felice Rimassa, H. C. ;Aron-pers., J. 1'. Vaccarezza,Y. T:alhup, F. C. 000 Road 011 _Road machine Reoairs ASsisting 0it 0nineer Oewer oie :1.ssistin7 City 001111001' Castinss Assistin City IL oaeer Gsoline Blachsmithing Re-pairs Rock 2creenins Laterial 3n11 es Blachsmithing Roch Hardware Total STRELT Furp. jimergency. Labor It It 11 IT TT 71 17 ff It TT IT 11 IT It IT TT 11 IT TT Total 260.48 900.00 0.50 45.00 39.74 27.50 102.00 62.50 2.99 131.20 5.75 128.88 35.36 55.25 160.00 473.00 7.10 11.55 2.30 63.75 10.48 14.61 10.63 326 .59 10.00 7.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.50 10.00 4.00 9.00 0.5Q 10.00 10,00 9.50 10.00 -0213.00 9ullocL moved that Lilo clz,Jms as read be )aid, seconded by Prebt, 0iic carried Ly the =i2 11. ow:Lng vote:- Lyes:Cancilmen -9aftlett, Bullock, FTmamond, hoo0ae, :or;ens'6ern, Horris, irobst and ;-)tewart, (8). ITOOS:ITOAC. AbsenL:Councilmail koth, (1). Eayor Otis asked if there were anything before the Council relative to additional auto;"o6i1e and patrolmen for the Police De- partment, The Clerk thereupon read a. communication from A. Latham President of the Police and Fire Commission, recoendin: that the Council set aside a sufficient sum of noney to eilploy three addi- tional patrolmen and to -purchase two low priced automobiles. After some discussion on the matter ill'. Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: REE;OLUTIOY .LUTHORIZIUG THE PURCHAE OF 01:*0 FORD idTTOLOBIL,S. '.[HE60EA8, it appears to this Council that it is necessary for the preservation of the .public peace and safety th!:A two autopiobiles be fur- nished the Police Department of this City for 3 7 January 19th, 1915. Commissioners be, and it is hereby authoriz- ed, empowered, and directed to enter into a contract for tie -mrchase of two Ford auto- mobiles for the use of the Folice-Del)artment of the City of _Ilmedo; provided, however that the cost of each of said automobiles shall not exceed the sum of 710.00 Dollars; and be it further R2±:3CLVED, That this Council does hereby (le- clare that the contract herein authorized is necessary as an emerency measure for the immediate preservation o f t he )11.blic oeace and safety, and that this Resolution shall accordingly be effective immediately. MX. L:orenstern seconded the moti,n to .,'Oopt the Lesolution and it was T)asE',6d and aThted by the fol-owing vote:- 27/es:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, Jacile, Loren stern, Iorris, Jf-oobst, Rot' and Aewart, (9) . .7Toes:17one. Lbsent:lione. V The mctter of putting more men on the police force was referr- ed to the adjourned re3-ular meetinE: of the Council to be held Friday evenin, January 22n C, 1915. T]ie followinP: were received and ordered filed:- The contract with the Edward R. 1$o con Company for the pur- chase of a Haynes Universal Road I achine. e affidavit of publication of esolution of Inte,Ltion chan7ini; the grade of Fark. 6treet and 'Jiarrison 1.venue. The semi-answ:1 reort of the Fire De)artment. As the C.)uncil had ado)ted the ::es,-,lation authorizing the pur- ckase of two Ford automoi1es for the Police Department, ir. iiorris moved that all bids submitted December 1st, 1914 be rejected and the certified checks be returned to the owners, seconded by Ir. :orr:enstern ana carried by the following Tote:-, Aye :Councilmen Brrtlett, $ullock, MacRae, More,istern, :orris, Zrobst, Loth and )tewart, () ). l'oes:rone. 2lbsent:None. / Additienal money being reonired for the -9urchase of the two Ford automobiles allowed, hr. 3ullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoL)tion: REaMUTIIT, IIPPROPRIATIZG :::.020.00 17.0a 2U17,CH 'O= AUOTITOBITZ]S. P=OLVED, by the Council of the City of Lla,meda, that there be transferred, as requested by the Police o.nd Fire Commission, from the General Fund, (Continent) to tho Police Fund, (a sub- division of the ;-eneral Fund) the sum of ,Ae;ht hundred and, twenty and 00/100 (820) Dollars, to be added to the :3-ix allndred (600) Dollars, buds-et allowance, for the -)urchase of two, (2) Ford automobiles. The _udiLor is hereby authorized to make said tr,mAsfor u)on his books. ir. horris seconded the _lotion to adopt the 20solution and it was oassed and adodted by the folloin,,; vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, 1:acBe, 1orgenstorn, 'Terris, Probst Roth and .2,te-:vart, (9) . IToes:TTone. 2Lbsent:rone. The following communications were received: Prom the 3oard of :lectricity, re(!uestinr; ormission to make Janury 19th, 1915. vote: C ic:1cn artlett, Bullock, Hammond , Eorgen- stern, Lorris, Zrobst, Roth ana 3-bewart, (9). 7oes:None. beit Zone. 10 From Charlo Adams to Layor Otis, z)resenting his resigna- tion membr of the Board of ,]lecricity. The same was accom- anied by a co:.y of a letter from Layer Utio to 1:r. Adas acce!Aing the si;;nation. 1.1r. Ilorgenstern moved that the resignation be accepted and the comunications be filecl, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- .yes :Councilmen 3artiett Bullock, Hammond, .cJac-2a , jorgenstern, Lorris, l'robst, Path and a Stewart, (9). Hoes:Uone. Absent:None. 11 From the Harbor Ldvisory ;:ioard, making recomaendations c„s to the expenditure of the 200,000 pro-9osed to be raised by bond issue and tha the election for the raising of the same be held one or two ciays before or after the regular rnunicioal election in Referred to the 2.0journed regular meeting of the .Council :ri(7ay evening, JanuLLry 22nd, 1915. 12 From J. C. Ecnorson of the iuthorn Pacific Company to clonate 8 ,000 towards the expense of widening Encinal 13 oTforing :.venue. Ordered filed. Mr. :jacRae offered the Resoluticn of Inte-i;ticni for the widening of :,ncinal Avenue, but owing to a. slight de et was laid over to the adjournd regular meeting of the Council iiclay evenin, Janu2ry 22nd, 1915. From the Secretary of the Board of .J1ucation requesting . that the school department be allowed nine free teleohones of the thirty-five to be ,p:otten under the provisions of the pro,)osea new telehone francise. Referred to the Fublic Buildings and Grounds Committee LIT. Bartlett aoved that when the Council adjourn. that it adjourn to meet in regular session 1.riday eve :inF3, January 22nd, 1915 at 7 :50 o'clock, seconded by ]:_r. Lacae and carried by the following vote:- Zyes:Councilmen Bartlett 73ulloek, Fmmond, :.::erenstern, orris, Frobst, Roth and 9tewart iloes:TTone. Lbsent:None. Further com,.lunications: From City :ttorney li)orman recomending the return of the certified check to owell Bros. Construction Company as the pro- ceedings for the imprat of Eadison Street were void because, of the lack of the establishment of a ,grade on said street. Ordered filed. L:orgenstorn moved that the certifed chock be returned, seconded by r. 1.1a Rae liC carried by the following vote:- .yes:Couneilmen Brtlett 3ullock, Ha::Imond, Lac::ae, rr;onstern, P- 'st, lIoth ani ;-',,towart, (9). "Toes:Yone. Absent: Yone Jury 19th, i915 urginF-; the passage of the C:rdinance r.ranting them their frr,nchise. 011 - Hammond seconded oi nstern and carried the ado-otion of the ordinance was laid over for two weeks so •'Ghat in the lLeant ime the Board of Laectricity can communicote further with the Tele)hone Company on the matter of placing oles on Bro,r norm Island. 17 From George Y. Brown requetinp: a F:ratuitous license to do electrical repairing and to take orders for a;opliances, Tams, irons, etc., endorsed by Chief of Police John Conrad. LLr DcT3.t,e moved that the license be granted, seconded by Mr. 2or1st and carried by the following vote:- i,-es:Councilmen Bartlett, 1-al1och, Hammond, EacR(100 Liorgernstern, Probot Roth and Stewart, () ). Zoes:Yone. Is1sent:1Tone. From S. ,,. Shafer, offerin to sell to the city a steel flag oole to replace the one in front of the City Hall. Referred to the Pulliic T),-aildins and ,,rouncl. Committee. 19 ll'rom the illameda Improvement Club inviting the Council to ottena their annual smoker and banquet to be held Thursday evenin„onruoa7 21st, 1015. Lr. ;I:omond moved that the in vitation be accepted and the Oterk acknowledge the same, seconded by 1.1r. Bartlett and carried. 20 V From the Special Pound Committee recomillenCiin that the Y:ound be .21aced at the rer of the City ,1:111. Probot moved that the Ouic e ci . there, socohc3ed IT hr. 1:orgenstern an0 lot by th e allowing 7ote: .:,yes:Councilmen orp,:eilstern and 2-fobst, (3). :17,aes:Cualcilrnon 'artiett, Ha,mniond, lforris, IlLoth z=lad Stewart, (3). iLbsent:Zone. Ur. Bullock moved that the Cormittee be discharged, seconded by Or. T.orgenstema carried. Lorgenstrn nv± tht the hyor avToint a new Committee for the -ouroose of finding a )1ace to locate the I'ound, seconded Thy and carried. 1 V The Peoples V:ter Cornpny presented plans for the improve- ent of the house ofhich they desired moved across Fernside Boulevard. Referred to the Street Committee. 1,:ooris moved that the mrchase of the auto :fire enine ec, be taken out of the hands of the Police and Fire Comuission und left to the Police, Tire a.LV1 Thter Committee of the Council. After some discussion this was withdrawn and the matter, imon Llotion of Lr. horenstorn, seconded by hr. Haranlon and carried, was laid over to -,he next reular meeting of the Council. 2r0bt moved, seconded by Er. Bartlett and carried that the City lAtorney take up the matter of the killing of stray dogs on t]o streets and ascertain what the legal power of the .oundman is 2/i / 1,n!. Hammond called attention to the improvin of the east- Januery 19th, 1915. necessary Resolution of Intention for the improvement of Briggs Avenue by assessing the abutting owners, and that the City :ttorney take such steps as he deems necessary to quiet the title of the easterly end of Central e_venue, so that the necessary impl'ovement can be made. a2robet called attention to the deired irnprovement of the City all and suge ted that the tower be cut down and that the 1ui1(ieLiu be given a cement exterior. 1.r. Bullock moved, seconded iiy obet and carried, the,t the public Buildings and Ground Committee be ,iven further time to ascertain the cost of the desired jenprovement. :fce.yor Otis called attentien to the insanitary condition of the wash basin ill the 1,:a'T r's office and suggested that some improve- ment be made, ljr, ec):cenetern moved, seconded by La'. Bartlett and carried that he be Fiven power to make the necessary tn- provement. 27 J obi; called attention to the advisability of paying the men who are working on the streets under the emergency )-)T0- vision as coon as eossible and sue. sted that eloney be aceerepriat- ed so that the City Clerk could -eay them as they complete their work. After some discussion it wes cecjejted that under the char 28 Pq '61 1'0ViSi0I12 this cou=ld not be one Mr. 12robet 'moved that the Clerk communicate with the Southern ecicilic Com-eany to ascertain if 1?acific J'Ivenue on the south side c uld be teade a regahr stop in: uead of a flag stop, seconded by 73ullock and carried. 2robet called attentien to the need of improving Sie:th Street, between Eacific ZLvenue and Lincoln evenue and moved seconded by iir0 J3?rtiett and cerried, that the matter be referr- ed to the Street Committee to reeort back to the Council. Mr. i'robst also called attention to the need of a cement sidewalk along 2ernside Boulevard in Lincoln 2ar"k rend moved that the City engineer and Street Sw)erintendent lay the sidev.ralk, econded by Mr., lorgenstern end carried hy the following vote:- Aye :Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hamend, jacRae, ]:orenste-in, Lorris, irobst oth and Stewact, (9). IToes:1,Tone. Abeeet:17one. Hr. „orgensi;ern called eALentien Lo the need of completing the electroLiers at the ends of Liberty .t,ven.e and Gerfield _Avenue a11 aovod , seconded by 7r. Bartlett and carried that the metter be referred to the Street Committee. Mr. 1-],cRe introduced the following Resolution end moved its adoetion: E38clu7lor ORDERIYG THZ, PLSOLVED, that whereas the Council of the City of Zaameda did on the let day of December, 1914, pass its Resblutien of In- January 19th, 1915. Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published as reouired b:7 law, as appears from the affiaavit of ]:rank Brown now on file in the office of the City clerk of said city; and whereas, notices of the oassae of said. -Reso- lution of Intention o. 19, ITew '3eries heaaed "LTotice'of Da-tore-cement" were duly and legally posted alon the line of said contemplated work r,nC improvement and in front of 1).11 the proerty liable to be assessed therefor, in form and manner as required by law, imediately after the oassage of said -2,esolution of Intention, as ap-pears from the affidavit of V. U. Frodden, street suoerintendent of sai(7 city, who, upon the con-coletion of the posting of said notices, forthwith filed said affidavit in the office of the city clerk, making oath that he com- oleted the filin of said notices en the 5t1 clay of December, 1914; and whereas, more than fifteen days has expired eince the day of the second publication of saiC Iesolution of In- tention Ko. 19 Zew Series, and the com-pletion of the oostin of said "1iotice of Ilnprovement" therefore be it :=OLVD, that the .:mblic interest ond convenience recplire the viorh herein described, and the Council of the City of 2,1ameda hereby orders the f ilow work to be done in said city, to- Thnt an Jose Ivenue, fro;r the center line of Jiih Stret to no center line of Bost :!-Areet be imProved as follows: That a six inch, vitrified, iron- tone sewer, with 4 inch Y branches and 4 inch house con- nections, be constructed alon the center line of an Jose fenue, in a ri,T:ht line from the existing manhole in the crossing of High Street with on Jose avenue to the existing manhole in the crssing of i?ost strc!et with San Jose avenue, -21aat' the entire width of said &an Jose 2,venue from the easterly line of Hih street, to the west:rly line Post street, be _TC.6.0(1 to the official grade; that concrete curbing, ei,.7ht inches by fourteen inches in cross-section dimension,be constructed a1onc7 the curb lines of said street, between said last named lisiits; tint concrete gutters , of the "flat" ,attern, throe (3) feet in width and six (6) inches in thickness, be constructed alono he roadway side of f:x1.6 contiuons to said curbing ; that the reuioiiaina ortion of the roadway, between said limits, be macadamized with c layer of broken trap rock, eisdat inches 111 thickness; b-y• oiling the macada of a.i6 roadway. of saiC work shall be done in accordance with the fan ni6 oi±iontion heetofore adEcyted for 1oina soi 6 ,116 now on file in the office of the City Dlerh. Yhe Cit-,v Clerk is hereby nrected to ost a notice of said work, tootner with the !)inn; and aoeci- clications therefor, censmicuously for five days on or near the council chamber ( oor, in- vitin sealed rro.,)osals or bids for do ing the work oi ere6 11e is also directed to -,)ublish notice iviLi 10 such ,roRosals, and reforrin to the s'orcifictions :;osted. or on file, in the :::voninr: i0es ::tr ::_-J2112, dailj nes-,-)a-oer ,:11:1):1jhod and circulated in said 01t7 heretiy (sirnated for i11 purose• artlett seconded the motion to ol the 1:osolution and it WC:S tho vote:- ,A.:,,,e:Counoile;ali i:ey:Nmtern, (9) Zoos:]:,`one. Moze be ±11: fuythc,r asine 00 to traset 1C ConAcil nO to :ec± 1.11 ::.0 j011Yn(I)(1 egniarrov Fridy evenin, j:riluary 22nd, 191;5, 7!0) Or100I