1915-01-22 Regular CC MinutesADJOUREED REGUL212 =TING OF THE COUNCIL 01' THE CITY OF ri-,=DA, FR).DAY EVENING, JILTU!',RY 22HD, 1915. The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bullock, IiMMODd, MacRae, Morgenstern and aewart 5) were noted prescnt. ',7),-uorum present. Councilmen Bartlet Morris,Probst and Roth arrived later and were noted present. As there were certain matters that the Council desired to discuss in Committee, upon motion of TI,r. I.,A)rgenstern, seconded by Fr. Hammond and carried a recess was taken at the call of the chair. On reconvening Llayor Otis announced that all nine member Council were present. Claims against the Street Fund (Emergencey) having been approved and audited by the )roper officials o:f:i.cia1s iere read by the Clerk as follows:- STEE:FT FUND. Emerency. i_ndrada, O. Bird, Geo. Bolte, H. P. Berromoo, L. Drottan, J. Crespi, A. Concannor, J. icrederick Goers, Lynn Learns, C. J. Fartinez, Liller, T. R. Lack, '::. Jerry, Joe. Lerry, A. Principiano, Traveso, F. J. Labor IT TT It TT IT If If IT IF IT T/ IT It TV IT TV IF IT Total - 6.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 10.50 - - 0_55.50 Mr. :Lorgenstern moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded b: 'Jr. Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, -EacRae, Lorgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:Hone. v7 Police Comissioners Latham, Hynes and Bevan appeared before the Council and urged the appointment of three additional policemen. After some discussion Lr. Lorgenstern moved that the IS'olice Commission be allowed three additional patrolmen for a period of three months at a salary of Ninety Dollars per month, to begin on the day of appointment seconded by :b-2. Bullock and carried 'by the following vote:- Ayes: Counedlmen Bartlett, 3ullock, Hmilmond, c11ae, orgenstern and lrobst, 6). Hoes:Couneilmen Morris, Roth and tewart, . Absent:None . communication from the City 21annin Commission stating that the cost of beautifyinEaia Clare Avenue would be ::,3,010.00 was received. The communication was ordered filed, and no ction taken. 'Bartlett moved thrrt the report the Harbor Advisory 7)oard recommending the expenditure of 200,000 proposed to be raised by bond January 22na, 1915. be adopted, and that the City Attorney draw up the necessary papers callin for a bond election and that the date of said election be fixed on 'ednesday, April 14th, 1915, seconded 1 Iler. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, .;j.orris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes :None. Absent:None. Ma-Rae introduced the following Resolution, which was read the Clerk, and moved its adoption: RE6oLu2iou ci IN=TIO:.T OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ,L,e:E71 A, 110. 20, 7;1-12 SETd6. '0,E3OL7D, that it is the intention of the council of the city of Alameda to oracr the following work to be done and improvement made, to wit:- That J,]ncinal ...venue in the City of ,*lameda, State of California, be opened, extended and widened to a uniform width of eihty i'eet from its ()resent intersection with the westerly line of 1:ound Street in said City, (as ,:euch intersection is shown and delineated on a certain map entitled, "Map of the Town of Alameda and Adjacent Lands" surveyed by H. A. Higley in 1854, and filed in the Office of the County 2,ecorder of --lameda County September 12, 1867, in Book of Laps 5, page 16), westerly to a line parallel with and distant one hundred and forty foot and two inches, right-angle measure- ment, westerly from the westerly line of Boardway in said City and crossing said Enci.nal _venue (as said Avenue is shown and, delineated on that cer- tain ma-e entitled, "Chester Tract, Ale.meda", fil- ed in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on Earch 20th, 1860, in Book of Hans, 6, page 20) , from a eoint in the northerly line of said Avenue to a point inthe southerly line there- of. The land necessary and convenient to be taken for the purpose of doing said work and making said improvement, are described, as follows, to wit: A strip of land eighty feet in width and extending from the westerly line of Eound Street in the City of Alameda, State of California, to a line parallel with, and distant one hundred and forty feet and two inches westerly from, the westerly line of Broadway in said City, - which said parallel line crosses said Lncinal Avenue (as stUd avenue is shown and delineated on that certain map entitled, "Chester Tract, Alameda", filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on March 20, 1860, in Book of Maps 6, i'age 20), from a point in the northerly line of said Avenue to a point in the southerly line thereof,- the center line of said strip being described as follows, to wit:- Beginning at a point on the westerly line of said 1.Iound Street, said point being on the center line of Bncinal Avenue in said City, (as said Street and Avenue are shown and delineated on a certain Hap entitled, "nap of the Town of Alameda and Adjacent Land" surveyed by H. A. 'Higley, in 1854, and filed in the Office of the County Re- corder of Alameda County September 12, 1867, in Book of Maps 5, page 16); thence westerly along the center line of said :ncinal Avenue .eroduced westerly, to the easterly line of Versailles Avenue in said City; thence in a right line to, a point on the westerly line of Versailles Avenue, said point being on the center line between the railroad tracks of the South Pacific Coast Rail- way Company, as the sane are now laid down; thence westerly along said center line between said tracks to a point thereon distant one hundred and forty feet and two inches, right-angle measurement westerly from the westerly line of Broadway, - Excepting therefrom all lands now held by said City, or the people jf said State, as open ways. And said council does hereby determine and de- January 22nd, 1915. hereinafter described, and which said district is hereby declared to be the district affected and benefited by said work and irmorovement, and that therefore the entire damages, costs and expenses of said work and imnrovament shall be and are hereby made chargeable against and shall be assess- able upon said county of Alameda, state of Cali- fornia; and the exterior boundaries of said dis- irict of lands affected ana beneflted by said work and improvement are particularly specified and described as follows, to wit:- Commencing at the point of intersection of the southerly line of the United States Tidal Canal with a line drawn pnrallel with, and distant one hundred feet westerly from the westerly line of Park Street in said City; running thence southerly along said parallel line to a eoint distant nine hundred and seventy-six and 56/100 feet, right - angle measurement, southerly from the southerly line of Clinton _Lvenue; thence in a general east- erly and northerly direction by the following courses and distances, to wit: South thirty- four degrees forty-five minutes East, ninety- five and 37/100 feet; thence South twenty-three degrees thirty minutes East, five hundred thirty- four and 60/100 feet; thence South twenty-seven degrees East, three hundred forty-three and 20/100 feet; thence South thirty-six degrees forty-five minutes East, two hundred and ninety and 40/100 feet; thence South seventy-one degrees forty- five minutes East, one hundred eighty-four and eo/loo feet; thence South forty-seven degrees ast, three hundred and three and 60/100 feet; thence Jouth sixty-eight degrees East, one hundred and fifty- eight and 40/100 feet; thence South twenty-six degrees Enst, three hundred and sixteen and 80/100 feet; thence Sonth thirty-seven degrees thirty minntes East, two hundred and fifty-seven and 40/100 feet; thence 'Zorth sixty-seven degrees thirty pinutes East, two hundred and thrity-seven and 60/100 feet; thence South eighty-two degrees East, two, hundred and ninety-seven feet; thence South sixty-seven degrees forty-five minutes East: three hundred and ten and 20/100 feet; thence South sixty-one degrees forty-five minutes East, two hundred and seventeen and 80/100 feet; thence South eighty-eight degrees fifteen m:Lnutes East, one hundred and eighteen and 80/100 feet; thence South eixty-two degrees East, sixty-six feet; thence South eighty-seven degrees thirty minutes East, one hundred and thirty-eight and 60/100 feet; thence South fifty-seven degrees East, oao hundred and eighty and 80/100 feet; thence outh forty-five degrees thirty minutes East, two hundred and thirty-one feet; thence South thirty-seven degrees East, one hundred and.. ninety-eight feet; thence South thirty degrees thirty minutes East, three hundred and ten and 20/100 feet; thence South forty-nine degrees East, two hundred and seventeen and 80/100 feet; thence North forty-one degrees East, fifty and 82/100 feet; thence llorth six degrees forty-five minutes 'Clest, seventy-nine and 20/100 feet; thence North thirty-four degrees thirty minutes East, one hundred and ninety-nine and 32/100 feet; thence Yorth twenty-three degrees East , two hnndred and seventy- seven. and 20/100 feet; thence Uorth sixty-five de- grees thirty minutes East, five hundred and eigh-y and 80/100 feet; thence :Torth fifty-four degrees East, four hiuldred and twenty-nine feet; thence Yorth forty-six degrees Jast, four hundred and forty-eight and 00/100 feet; thence North fifty-eight degrees thirty minutes East, three hundred an eighty- two end. 80/100 feet; thence North fifty-two degrees thirty minutes east, ono hundred and thirty-two feet; thence North forty-two degrees thirty minutes East, four hnndred ana forty-two and 20/100 feet; thence North fifty-four degrees thirty minutes East, one hundred and forty-five anC 20/100 feet; thence North thirty-six degrees thirty minutes ]]ast, our hundred and nine and 20/100 feet; thence North forty-four degrees East, five hundred and twenty- eight feet; thence TTorth thirt7-si7 de-7,-ees last TOU2 hundred and eighty-eight and 40/100 feet; and thence South cihty degrees Enst, fifteen feet to an intersection with the said southerly line of the United '3tates Tidal Canal; thence along said last mentioned line to the 'ecint of coEmencement; saving, January 22nd, 1915. boundaries of the old district of lands hereinbefore s-oecified on1 described. 2111 of the herein proposed wor17 and improvement shall be done and made in eursuance of 011 act of the lep;is- lature of the 3tate of California entitled, "Ln lect to provide for layin out, openin, extendin, widening, straighteninp: or closin7 11-0, :in whole or in part, any street, swuare,Iane, alley, court or rlace within municipalities, and to eonaemn and acquire any and all land '11.:1 property necessary Or convenient for that eur-oose", aoproved :iarch 6, 1809, and the severa_ acts amendatory thereof or sup-olemental thereto. "The :c.:-enine: Times-Ltar and :_lemeda D ily -rgus" is hereby desinated as the daily newspaper -oublished and ci:cculated in said city of .Llameda in which the '.3treet 3uoerinteudent's notice of the passae of this resolution shall be pu-elished. 0tew11rt seconded the motion to ado-et the Tesolation an it was -eassed and adoeted by the lollowing vote:- .yes:Counc,ilmen Bartlett, Bulloek, Hammona, ljacRe, ]jorenstern, 'Lorris, Probet, Roth and Uoes:17one. ilbsent:rone. 5 1/ The recommendation of .the City Icinnin Commission establish- in Boulevard and Trovi1i-43 for an assessment district to carry out the project came before the Council. Captain Jefferson pser of the _Llaska Pach:ers .,'ssooiation, addressed the Council and ured that the oririnal poeition be adopted as the one recommend- ed by the City Planning CWIITIE materially affected the value oT a portion of the comPany's Chas. H. Ham spoke similarly. O 1, ':301le favored a large assessment district. Ter. C. ,;essions of the Oahlend ':Yaterfront Company and Dr. 1'. eO Vowinckel urr;ed that the 3oulevard go no further west than 7iebster 3treet. 1fter some further discussion in which members of the Council and others participated, Mr. Loi7e11stern moved , seconded by LIr Hammond and carried, that the matter be referred back to the City 01111 n Commission for consideration and that they invite all persons affected by the openili of the Boulevard to their no ::t meeting on Thursday evenin, January 20th, aid report back to the Council. v/ LEr, Thrgenstern brousht up the matter of the purchase of the lorter School lot and urged that same Be d:)n.e. Hr. Roth moved that t:le lot be bouP;ht at the price asked in the option, seconded by ler. Bullock. .Lfter some discussion LEr. Roth offered to with- draw his motion, but L:r. Bullock would not oo nsent thereto, Mayor Otis stated that in his (minion the lot was not worth more than 3500. iJr, liorenstern offered as a substitute to the original motion that the matter la7 ofer for two weeks and that the Finence CoTImittee see the owner and offer a compromise price of . ,0001 and if this were not favorable to start condemnation -proceedings secon,led by 1:r. Hammond and carried. V lEr. ilorris reported that the Eolice and Fire Commission and the Police, 21'e and V!ater Committee of the Council had agreed to purchase the Jeffery car at a price of o4,5QOOO and moved that the car be purchased anl that the certified checks of unsuccess- ful bidders be returned. seconded by Lir. 1aciLae. Hr. Hammond January 22n, 1915. neyt regiWir mectin of the Council seconded by T=r. krobst an d crried by the Tollowinc vote:-,iLyes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hmond, LacRae/ :orenstern, Probst :Ind Roth, (7). Noes: Councilmenllorris n,nd ,Aewart, (2 ) , 2lbseut:Zone. lir. Roth offiered a tentative plcn for the city ,-±a(re u- , which he sublaitted for the consideration of the Council. Bartlett moved, seconded by r. Hammon(' and carried that the City 1_,TicAneer draw 111-1 the necessary )lads and specifictions in accordance with the plane submitted by l[r. Roth. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in r(T:ular sefIsion, Tuesday evening, YebruJiry 2nd, 1915, at 7:30 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, 0? City Clerk of Llameda,